Beispiel #1
int unitfix(int ctrl, struct wcsprm *wcs)

  int  i, k, status = FIXERR_NO_CHANGE;
  char orig_unit[80], msg[WCSERR_MSG_LENGTH];
  const char *function = "unitfix";
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (wcs == 0x0) return FIXERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(wcs->err);

  strcpy(msg, "Changed units: ");
  for (i = 0; i < wcs->naxis; i++) {
    strncpy(orig_unit, wcs->cunit[i], 80);
    if (wcsutrne(ctrl, wcs->cunit[i], &(wcs->err)) == 0) {
      k = strlen(msg);
      sprintf(msg+k, "'%s' -> '%s', ", orig_unit, wcs->cunit[i]);
      status = FIXERR_UNITS_ALIAS;

  if (status == FIXERR_UNITS_ALIAS) {
    k = strlen(msg) - 2;
    msg[k] = '\0';
    wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(FIXERR_UNITS_ALIAS), msg);

    status = FIXERR_SUCCESS;

  return status;
Beispiel #2
int lindist(int sequence, struct linprm *lin, struct disprm *dis, int ndpmax)

  static const char *function = "lindist";

  int status;
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (lin == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(lin->err);

  if (sequence == 1) {
    if (lin->m_dispre) {

    lin->dispre   = dis;
    lin->m_flag   = LINSET;
    lin->m_dispre = dis;

  } else if (sequence == 2) {
    if (lin->m_disseq) {

    lin->disseq   = dis;
    lin->m_flag   = LINSET;
    lin->m_disseq = dis;

  } else {
    return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(LINERR_DISTORT_INIT),
      "Invalid sequence (%d)", sequence);

  if (dis) {
    if ((status = disinit(1, lin->naxis, dis, ndpmax))) {
      return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));

  return 0;
Beispiel #3
int tabcpy(int alloc, const struct tabprm *tabsrc, struct tabprm *tabdst)

    static const char *function = "tabcpy";

    int k, m, M, n, N, status;
    double *dstp, *srcp;
    struct wcserr **err;

    if (tabsrc == 0x0) return TABERR_NULL_POINTER;
    if (tabdst == 0x0) return TABERR_NULL_POINTER;
    err = &(tabdst->err);

    M = tabsrc->M;
    if (M <= 0) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(TABERR_BAD_PARAMS),
                          "M must be positive, got %d", M);

    if ((status = tabini(alloc, M, tabsrc->K, tabdst))) {
        return status;

    N = M;
    for (m = 0; m < M; m++) {
        tabdst->map[m]   = tabsrc->map[m];
        tabdst->crval[m] = tabsrc->crval[m];
        N *= tabsrc->K[m];

    for (m = 0; m < M; m++) {
        if ((srcp = tabsrc->index[m])) {
            dstp = tabdst->index[m];
            for (k = 0; k < tabsrc->K[m]; k++) {
                *(dstp++) = *(srcp++);

    srcp = tabsrc->coord;
    dstp = tabdst->coord;
    for (n = 0; n < N; n++) {
        *(dstp++) = *(srcp++);

    return 0;
Beispiel #4
int unitfix(int ctrl, struct wcsprm *wcs)

  int  i, k, result, status = FIXERR_NO_CHANGE;
  char orig_unit[80], msg[WCSERR_MSG_LENGTH], msgtmp[WCSERR_MSG_LENGTH];
  const char *function = "unitfix";
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (wcs == 0x0) return FIXERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(wcs->err);

  strncpy(msg, "Changed units: ", WCSERR_MSG_LENGTH);

  for (i = 0; i < wcs->naxis; i++) {
    strncpy(orig_unit, wcs->cunit[i], 80);
    result = wcsutrne(ctrl, wcs->cunit[i], &(wcs->err));
    if (result == 0 || result == 12) {
      k = strlen(msg);
      if (k < WCSERR_MSG_LENGTH-1) {
        wcsutil_null_fill(80, orig_unit);
        sprintf(msgtmp, "'%s' -> '%s', ", orig_unit, wcs->cunit[i]);
        strncpy(msg+k, msgtmp, WCSERR_MSG_LENGTH-1-k);
        status = FIXERR_UNITS_ALIAS;

  if (status == FIXERR_UNITS_ALIAS) {
    /* Chop off the trailing ", ". */
    k = strlen(msg) - 2;
    msg[k] = '\0';
    wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(FIXERR_UNITS_ALIAS), msg);

    status = 0;

  return status;
Beispiel #5
int linset(struct linprm *lin)

  static const char *function = "linset";

  int i, j, naxis, status;
  double *pc, *piximg;
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (lin == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(lin->err);

  naxis = lin->naxis;

  /* Check for a unit matrix. */
  lin->unity = 1;
  pc = lin->pc;
  for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
      if (j == i) {
        if (*(pc++) != 1.0) {
          lin->unity = 0;
      } else {
        if (*(pc++) != 0.0) {
          lin->unity = 0;

  if (lin->unity) {
    if (lin->flag == LINSET) {
      /* Free memory that may have been allocated previously. */
      if (lin->piximg) free(lin->piximg);
      if (lin->imgpix) free(lin->imgpix);

    lin->piximg  = 0x0;
    lin->imgpix  = 0x0;
    lin->i_naxis = 0;

    /* Check cdelt. */
    for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
      if (lin->cdelt[i] == 0.0) {
        return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_SINGULAR_MTX));

  } else {
    if (lin->flag != LINSET || lin->i_naxis < naxis) {
      if (lin->flag == LINSET) {
        /* Free memory that may have been allocated previously. */
        if (lin->piximg) free(lin->piximg);
        if (lin->imgpix) free(lin->imgpix);

      /* Allocate memory for internal arrays. */
      if ((lin->piximg = calloc(naxis*naxis, sizeof(double))) == 0x0) {
        return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

      if ((lin->imgpix = calloc(naxis*naxis, sizeof(double))) == 0x0) {
        return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

      lin->i_naxis = naxis;

    /* Compute the pixel-to-image transformation matrix. */
    pc     = lin->pc;
    piximg = lin->piximg;
    for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
        if (lin->disseq == 0x0) {
          /* No sequent distortions, incorporate cdelt into piximg. */
          *(piximg++) = lin->cdelt[i] * (*(pc++));
        } else {
          *(piximg++) = *(pc++);

    /* Compute the image-to-pixel transformation matrix. */
    if ((status = matinv(naxis, lin->piximg, lin->imgpix))) {
      return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(status));

  /* Set up the distortion functions. */
  lin->affine = 1;
  if (lin->dispre) {
    if ((status = disset(lin->dispre))) {
      return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));

    lin->affine = 0;

  if (lin->disseq) {
    if ((status = disset(lin->disseq))) {
      return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));

    lin->affine = 0;

  lin->simple = lin->unity && lin->affine;

  /* Create work arrays. */
  if (lin->tmpcrd) free(lin->tmpcrd);
  if ((lin->tmpcrd = calloc(naxis, sizeof(double))) == 0x0) {
    return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

  lin->flag = LINSET;

  return 0;
Beispiel #6
int tabx2s(
    struct tabprm *tab,
    int ncoord,
    int nelem,
    const double x[],
    double world[],
    int stat[])

    static const char *function = "tabx2s";

    int i, iv, k, *Km, m, M, n, nv, offset, p1, status;
    double *coord, *Psi, psi_m, upsilon, wgt;
    register int *statp;
    register const double *xp;
    register double *wp;
    struct wcserr **err;

    if (tab == 0x0) return TABERR_NULL_POINTER;
    err = &(tab->err);

    /* Initialize if required. */
    if (tab->flag != TABSET) {
        if ((status = tabset(tab))) return status;

    /* This is used a lot. */
    M = tab->M;

    status = 0;
    xp = x;
    wp = world;
    statp = stat;
    for (n = 0; n < ncoord; n++) {
        /* Determine the indexes. */
        Km = tab->K;
        for (m = 0; m < M; m++, Km++) {
            /* N.B. psi_m and Upsilon_m are 1-relative FITS indexes. */
            i = tab->map[m];
            psi_m = *(xp+i) + tab->crval[m];

            Psi = tab->index[m];
            if (Psi == 0x0) {
                /* Default indexing is simple. */
                upsilon = psi_m;

            } else {
                /* To ease confusion, decrement Psi so that we can use 1-relative
                   C array indexing to match the 1-relative FITS indexing. */

                if (*Km == 1) {
                    /* Index vector is degenerate. */
                    if (Psi[1]-0.5 <= psi_m && psi_m <= Psi[1]+0.5) {
                        upsilon = psi_m;
                    } else {
                        *statp = 1;
                        status = wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_BAD_X));
                        goto next;

                } else {
                    /* Interpolate in the indexing vector. */
                    if (tab->sense[m] == 1) {
                        /* Monotonic increasing index values. */
                        if (psi_m < Psi[1]) {
                            if (Psi[1] - 0.5*(Psi[2]-Psi[1]) <= psi_m) {
                                /* Allow minor extrapolation. */
                                k = 1;

                            } else {
                                /* Index is out of range. */
                                *statp = 1;
                                status = wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_BAD_X));
                                goto next;

                        } else if (Psi[*Km] < psi_m) {
                            if (psi_m <= Psi[*Km] + 0.5*(Psi[*Km]-Psi[*Km-1])) {
                                /* Allow minor extrapolation. */
                                k = *Km - 1;

                            } else {
                                /* Index is out of range. */
                                *statp = 1;
                                status = wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_BAD_X));
                                goto next;

                        } else {
                            for (k = 1; k < *Km; k++) {
                                if (psi_m < Psi[k]) {
                                if (Psi[k] == psi_m && psi_m < Psi[k+1]) {
                                if (Psi[k] < psi_m && psi_m <= Psi[k+1]) {

                    } else {
                        /* Monotonic decreasing index values. */
                        if (psi_m > Psi[1]) {
                            if (Psi[1] + 0.5*(Psi[1]-Psi[2]) >= psi_m) {
                                /* Allow minor extrapolation. */
                                k = 1;

                            } else {
                                /* Index is out of range. */
                                *statp = 1;
                                status = wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_BAD_X));
                                goto next;

                        } else if (psi_m < Psi[*Km]) {
                            if (Psi[*Km] - 0.5*(Psi[*Km-1]-Psi[*Km]) <= psi_m) {
                                /* Allow minor extrapolation. */
                                k = *Km - 1;

                            } else {
                                /* Index is out of range. */
                                *statp = 1;
                                status = wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_BAD_X));
                                goto next;

                        } else {
                            for (k = 1; k < *Km; k++) {
                                if (psi_m > Psi[k]) {
                                if (Psi[k] == psi_m && psi_m > Psi[k+1]) {
                                if (Psi[k] > psi_m && psi_m >= Psi[k+1]) {

                    upsilon = k + (psi_m - Psi[k]) / (Psi[k+1] - Psi[k]);

            if (upsilon < 0.5 || upsilon > *Km + 0.5) {
                /* Index out of range. */
                *statp = 1;
                status = wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_BAD_X));
                goto next;

            /* Fiducial array indices and fractional offset.
               p1 is 1-relative while tab::p0 is 0-relative. */
            p1 = (int)floor(upsilon);
            tab->p0[m] = p1 - 1;
            tab->delta[m] = upsilon - p1;

            if (p1 == 0) {
                tab->p0[m] += 1;
                tab->delta[m] -= 1.0;
            } else if (p1 == *Km && *Km > 1) {
                tab->p0[m] -= 1;
                tab->delta[m] += 1.0;

        /* Now interpolate in the coordinate array; the M-dimensional linear  */
        /* interpolation algorithm is described in Sect. 3.4 of WCS Paper IV. */
        for (m = 0; m < M; m++) {
            i = tab->map[m];
            *(wp+i) = 0.0;

        /* Loop over the 2^M vertices surrounding P. */
        nv = 1 << M;
        for (iv = 0; iv < nv; iv++) {
            /* Locate vertex in the coordinate array and compute its weight. */
            offset = 0;
            wgt = 1.0;
            for (m = M-1; m >= 0; m--) {
                offset *= tab->K[m];
                offset += tab->p0[m];
                if (iv & (1 << m)) {
                    if (tab->K[m] > 1) offset++;
                    wgt *= tab->delta[m];
                } else {
                    wgt *= 1.0 - tab->delta[m];

            if (wgt == 0.0) continue;

            /* Add the contribution from this vertex to each element. */
            coord = tab->coord + offset*M;
            for (m = 0; m < M; m++) {
                i = tab->map[m];
                *(wp+i) += *(coord++) * wgt;

            if (wgt == 1.0) break;

        *statp = 0;

        xp += nelem;
        wp += nelem;

    return status;
Beispiel #7
int lincpy(int alloc, const struct linprm *linsrc, struct linprm *lindst)

  static const char *function = "lincpy";

  int i, j, naxis, status;
  const double *srcp;
  double *dstp;
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (linsrc == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;
  if (lindst == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(lindst->err);

  naxis = linsrc->naxis;
  if (naxis < 1) {
    return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(LINERR_MEMORY),
      "naxis must be positive (got %d)", naxis);

  if ((status = linini(alloc, naxis, lindst))) {
    return status;

  srcp = linsrc->crpix;
  dstp = lindst->crpix;
  for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
    *(dstp++) = *(srcp++);

  srcp = linsrc->pc;
  dstp = lindst->pc;
  for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
      *(dstp++) = *(srcp++);

  srcp = linsrc->cdelt;
  dstp = lindst->cdelt;
  for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
    *(dstp++) = *(srcp++);

  if (linsrc->dispre) {
    if (!lindst->dispre) {
      if ((lindst->dispre = calloc(1, sizeof(struct disprm))) == 0x0) {
        return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

      lindst->m_dispre = lindst->dispre;

    if ((status = discpy(alloc, linsrc->dispre, lindst->dispre))) {
      status = wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));
      goto cleanup;

  if (linsrc->disseq) {
    if (!lindst->disseq) {
      if ((lindst->disseq = calloc(1, sizeof(struct disprm))) == 0x0) {
        return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

      lindst->m_disseq = lindst->disseq;

    if ((status = discpy(alloc, linsrc->disseq, lindst->disseq))) {
      status = wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));
      goto cleanup;

  if (status && (lindst->m_dispre || lindst->m_disseq)) {
    if (lindst->dispre) free(lindst->dispre);
    if (lindst->disseq) free(lindst->disseq);
    lindst->dispre = 0x0;
    lindst->disseq = 0x0;

  return status;
Beispiel #8
int spcfix(struct wcsprm *wcs)

  static const char *function = "spcfix";

  char ctype[9], specsys[9];
  int  i, status;
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (wcs == 0x0) return FIXERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(wcs->err);

  for (i = 0; i < wcs->naxis; i++) {
    /* Translate an AIPS-convention spectral type if present. */
    status = spcaips(wcs->ctype[i], wcs->velref, ctype, specsys);
    if (status == 0) {
      /* An AIPS type was found but it may match what we already have. */
      status = FIXERR_NO_CHANGE;

      /* Was specsys translated? */
      if (wcs->specsys[0] == '\0' && *specsys) {
        strncpy(wcs->specsys, specsys, 9);
          "Changed SPECSYS to '%s'", specsys);
        status = FIXERR_SUCCESS;

      /* Was ctype translated?  Have to null-fill for comparing them. */
      wcsutil_null_fill(9, wcs->ctype[i]);
      if (strncmp(wcs->ctype[i], ctype, 9)) {
        /* ctype was translated... */
        if (status == FIXERR_SUCCESS) {
          /* ...and specsys was also. */
            "Changed CTYPE%d from '%s' to '%s', and SPECSYS to '%s'",
            i+1, wcs->ctype[i], ctype, wcs->specsys);
        } else {
            "Changed CTYPE%d from '%s' to '%s'", i+1, wcs->ctype[i], ctype);
          status = FIXERR_SUCCESS;

        strncpy(wcs->ctype[i], ctype, 9);

      /* Tidy up. */
      if (status == FIXERR_SUCCESS) {
        wcsutil_null_fill(72, wcs->ctype[i]);
        wcsutil_null_fill(72, wcs->specsys);

      /* No need to check for others, wcsset() will fail if so. */
      return status;

    } else if (status == SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS) {
      /* An AIPS spectral type was found but with invalid velref. */
      return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(FIXERR_BAD_PARAM),
        "Invalid parameter value: velref = %d", wcs->velref);

Beispiel #9
int cylfix(const int naxis[], struct wcsprm *wcs)

  static const char *function = "cylfix";

  unsigned short icnr, indx[NMAX], ncnr;
  int    j, k, stat[4], status;
  double img[4][NMAX], lat, lng, phi[4], phi0, phimax, phimin, pix[4][NMAX],
         *pixj, theta[4], theta0, world[4][NMAX], x, y;
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (naxis == 0x0) return FIXERR_NO_CHANGE;
  if (wcs == 0x0) return FIXERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(wcs->err);

  /* Initialize if required. */
  if (wcs->flag != WCSSET) {
    if ((status = wcsset(wcs))) return status;

  /* Check that we have a cylindrical projection. */
  if (wcs->cel.prj.category != CYLINDRICAL) return FIXERR_NO_CHANGE;
  if (wcs->naxis < 2) return FIXERR_NO_CHANGE;

  /* Compute the native longitude in each corner of the image. */
  ncnr = 1 << wcs->naxis;

  for (k = 0; k < NMAX; k++) {
    indx[k] = 1 << k;

  phimin =  1.0e99;
  phimax = -1.0e99;
  for (icnr = 0; icnr < ncnr;) {
    /* Do four corners at a time. */
    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++, icnr++) {
      pixj = pix[j];

      for (k = 0; k < wcs->naxis; k++) {
        if (icnr & indx[k]) {
          *(pixj++) = naxis[k] + 0.5;
        } else {
          *(pixj++) = 0.5;

    if (!(status = wcsp2s(wcs, 4, NMAX, pix[0], img[0], phi, theta, world[0],
                          stat))) {
      for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
        if (phi[j] < phimin) phimin = phi[j];
        if (phi[j] > phimax) phimax = phi[j];

  if (phimin > phimax) return status;

  /* Any changes needed? */
  if (phimin >= -180.0 && phimax <= 180.0) return FIXERR_NO_CHANGE;

  /* Compute the new reference pixel coordinates. */
  phi0 = (phimin + phimax) / 2.0;
  theta0 = 0.0;

  if ((status = prjs2x(&(wcs->cel.prj), 1, 1, 1, 1, &phi0, &theta0, &x, &y,
                       stat))) {
    if (status == PRJERR_BAD_PARAM) {
      return wcserr_set(WCSFIX_ERRMSG(FIXERR_BAD_PARAM));
    return wcserr_set(WCSFIX_ERRMSG(FIXERR_NO_REF_PIX_COORD));

  for (k = 0; k < wcs->naxis; k++) {
    img[0][k] = 0.0;
  img[0][wcs->lng] = x;
  img[0][wcs->lat] = y;

  if ((status = linx2p(&(wcs->lin), 1, 0, img[0], pix[0]))) {
    return wcserr_set(WCSFIX_ERRMSG(status));

  /* Compute celestial coordinates at the new reference pixel. */
  if ((status = wcsp2s(wcs, 1, 0, pix[0], img[0], phi, theta, world[0],
                       stat))) {
    if (wcs->err->status == WCSERR_BAD_PIX) {
      wcs->err->status = FIXERR_NO_REF_PIX_COORD;
    return wcs->err->status;

  /* Compute native coordinates of the celestial pole. */
  lng =  0.0;
  lat = 90.0;
  (void)sphs2x(wcs->cel.euler, 1, 1, 1, 1, &lng, &lat, phi, theta);

  wcs->crpix[wcs->lng] = pix[0][wcs->lng];
  wcs->crpix[wcs->lat] = pix[0][wcs->lat];
  wcs->crval[wcs->lng] = world[0][wcs->lng];
  wcs->crval[wcs->lat] = world[0][wcs->lat];
  wcs->lonpole = phi[0] - phi0;

  return wcsset(wcs);
Beispiel #10
int linx2p(
  struct linprm *lin,
  int ncoord,
  int nelem,
  const double imgcrd[],
  double pixcrd[])

  static const char *function = "linx2p";

  int i, j, k, n, ndbl, nelemn, status;
  register const double *img;
  register double *imgpix, *pix, *tmp;
  struct wcserr **err;

  /* Initialize. */
  if (lin == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(lin->err);

  if (lin->flag != LINSET) {
    if ((status = linset(lin))) return status;

  n = lin->naxis;

  /* Convert intermediate world coordinates to pixel coordinates. */
  img = imgcrd;
  pix = pixcrd;

  if (lin->simple) {
    /* Handle the simplest and most common case with maximum efficiency. */
    nelemn = nelem - n;
    for (k = 0; k < ncoord; k++) {
      for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        *(pix++) = (*(img++) / lin->cdelt[j]) + lin->crpix[j];

      img += nelemn;
      pix += nelemn;

  } else if (lin->affine) {
    /* No distortions. */
    nelemn = nelem - n;
    for (k = 0; k < ncoord; k++) {
      /* cdelt will have been incorporated into imgpix. */
      imgpix = lin->imgpix;

      for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        *pix = 0.0;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          *pix += *imgpix * img[i];

        *(pix++) += lin->crpix[j];

      img += nelem;
      pix += nelemn;

  } else {
    /* Distortions are present. */
    ndbl = n * sizeof(double);
    tmp  = lin->tmpcrd;

    for (k = 0; k < ncoord; k++) {
      if (lin->disseq) {
        /* With sequent distortions, cdelt is not incorporated into imgpix. */
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          tmp[i] = img[i] / lin->cdelt[i];

        if ((status = disx2p(lin->disseq, tmp, pix))) {
          return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));

        memcpy(tmp, pix, ndbl);

      } else if (lin->unity) {
        /* ...nor if the matrix is unity. */
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          tmp[i] = img[i] / lin->cdelt[i];

      } else {
        /* cdelt will have been incorporated into imgpix. */
        memcpy(tmp, img, ndbl);

      if (lin->unity) {
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
          pix[j] = tmp[j] + lin->crpix[j];

      } else {
        imgpix = lin->imgpix;
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
          pix[j] = lin->crpix[j];
          for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            pix[j] += *(imgpix++) * tmp[i];

      if (lin->dispre) {
        memcpy(tmp, pix, ndbl);

        if ((status = disx2p(lin->dispre, tmp, pix))) {
          return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));

      img += nelem;
      pix += nelem;

  return 0;
Beispiel #11
int datfix(struct wcsprm *wcs)

  static const char *function = "datfix";

  char orig_dateobs[72];
  char ctmp[72], ctmp2[72];
  char *dateobs;
  int  day, dd, hour = 0, jd, minute = 0, month, msec, n4, year;
  double mjdobs, sec = 0.0, t;
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (wcs == 0x0) return FIXERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(wcs->err);

  dateobs = wcs->dateobs;
  strncpy(orig_dateobs, dateobs, 72);
  if (dateobs[0] == '\0') {
    if (undefined(wcs->mjdobs)) {
     /* No date information was provided. */
      return FIXERR_NO_CHANGE;

    } else {
      /* Calendar date from MJD. */
      jd = 2400001 + (int)wcs->mjdobs;

      n4 =  4*(jd + ((2*((4*jd - 17918)/146097)*3)/4 + 1)/2 - 37);
      dd = 10*(((n4-237)%1461)/4) + 5;

      year  = n4/1461 - 4712;
      month = (2 + dd/306)%12 + 1;
      day   = (dd%306)/10 + 1;
      sprintf(dateobs, "%.4d-%.2d-%.2d", year, month, day);

      /* Write time part only if non-zero. */
      if ((t = wcs->mjdobs - (int)wcs->mjdobs) > 0.0) {
        t *= 24.0;
        hour = (int)t;
        t = 60.0 * (t - hour);
        minute = (int)t;
        sec    = 60.0 * (t - minute);

        /* Round to 1ms. */
        dd = 60000*(60*hour + minute) + (int)(1000*(sec+0.0005));
        hour = dd / 3600000;
        dd -= 3600000 * hour;
        minute = dd / 60000;
        msec = dd - 60000 * minute;
        sprintf(dateobs+10, "T%.2d:%.2d:%.2d", hour, minute, msec/1000);

        /* Write fractions of a second only if non-zero. */
        if (msec%1000) {
          sprintf(dateobs+19, ".%.3d", msec%1000);

  } else {
    if (strlen(dateobs) < 8) {
      /* Can't be a valid date. */
      return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(FIXERR_BAD_PARAM),
        "Invalid parameter value: date string too short '%s'", dateobs);

    /* Identify the date format. */
    if (dateobs[4] == '-' && dateobs[7] == '-') {
      /* Standard year-2000 form: CCYY-MM-DD[Thh:mm:ss[.sss...]] */
      if (sscanf(dateobs, "%4d-%2d-%2d", &year, &month, &day) < 3) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(FIXERR_BAD_PARAM),
          "Invalid parameter value: invalid date '%s'", dateobs);

      if (dateobs[10] == 'T') {
        if (parse_date(dateobs+11, &hour, &minute, &sec)) {
          return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(FIXERR_BAD_PARAM),
            "Invalid parameter value: invalid time '%s'", dateobs+11);
      } else if (dateobs[10] == ' ') {
        hour = 0;
        minute = 0;
        sec = 0.0;
        if (parse_date(dateobs+11, &hour, &minute, &sec)) {
          write_date(dateobs+10, hour, minute, sec);
        } else {
          dateobs[10] = 'T';

    } else if (dateobs[4] == '/' && dateobs[7] == '/') {
      /* Also allow CCYY/MM/DD[Thh:mm:ss[.sss...]] */
      if (sscanf(dateobs, "%4d/%2d/%2d", &year, &month, &day) < 3) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(FIXERR_BAD_PARAM),
          "Invalid parameter value: invalid date '%s'", dateobs);

      if (dateobs[10] == 'T') {
        if (parse_date(dateobs+11, &hour, &minute, &sec)) {
          return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(FIXERR_BAD_PARAM),
            "Invalid parameter value: invalid time '%s'", dateobs+11);
      } else if (dateobs[10] == ' ') {
        hour = 0;
        minute = 0;
        sec = 0.0;
        if (parse_date(dateobs+11, &hour, &minute, &sec)) {
          write_date(dateobs+10, hour, minute, sec);
        } else {
          dateobs[10] = 'T';

      /* Looks ok, fix it up. */
      dateobs[4]  = '-';
      dateobs[7]  = '-';

    } else {
      if (dateobs[2] == '/' && dateobs[5] == '/') {
        /* Old format date: DD/MM/YY, also allowing DD/MM/CCYY. */
        if (sscanf(dateobs, "%2d/%2d/%4d", &day, &month, &year) < 3) {
          return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(FIXERR_BAD_PARAM),
            "Invalid parameter value: invalid date '%s'", dateobs);

      } else if (dateobs[2] == '-' && dateobs[5] == '-') {
        /* Also recognize DD-MM-YY and DD-MM-CCYY */
        if (sscanf(dateobs, "%2d-%2d-%4d", &day, &month, &year) < 3) {
          return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(FIXERR_BAD_PARAM),
            "Invalid parameter value: invalid date '%s'", dateobs);

      } else {
        /* Not a valid date format. */
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(FIXERR_BAD_PARAM),
          "Invalid parameter value: invalid date '%s'", dateobs);

      if (year < 100) year += 1900;

      /* Doesn't have a time. */
      sprintf(dateobs, "%.4d-%.2d-%.2d", year, month, day);

    /* Compute MJD. */
    mjdobs = (double)((1461*(year - (12-month)/10 + 4712))/4
             + (306*((month+9)%12) + 5)/10
             - (3*((year - (12-month)/10 + 4900)/100))/4
             + day - 2399904)
             + (hour + (minute + sec/60.0)/60.0)/24.0;

    if (undefined(wcs->mjdobs)) {
      wcs->mjdobs = mjdobs;
    } else {
      /* Check for consistency. */
      if (fabs(mjdobs - wcs->mjdobs) > 0.5) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(FIXERR_BAD_PARAM),
          "Invalid parameter value: inconsistent date '%s'", dateobs);

  if (strncmp(orig_dateobs, dateobs, 72)) {
      "Changed '%s' to '%s'", orig_dateobs, dateobs);

    return FIXERR_SUCCESS;

Beispiel #12
int spcx2s(
  struct spcprm *spc,
  int nx,
  int sx,
  int sspec,
  const double x[],
  double spec[],
  int stat[])

  static const char *function = "spcx2s";

  int statP2S, status = 0, statX2P;
  double beta;
  register int ix;
  register int *statp;
  register const double *xp;
  register double *specp;
  struct wcserr **err;

  /* Initialize. */
  if (spc == 0x0) return SPCERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(spc->err);

  if (spc->flag == 0) {
    if ((status = spcset(spc))) return status;

  /* Convert intermediate world coordinate x to X. */
  xp = x;
  specp = spec;
  statp = stat;
  for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++, xp += sx, specp += sspec) {
    *specp = spc->w[1] + (*xp)*spc->w[2];
    *(statp++) = 0;

  /* If X is the grism parameter then convert it to wavelength. */
  if (spc->isGrism) {
    specp = spec;
    for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++, specp += sspec) {
      beta = atand(*specp) + spc->w[3];
      *specp = (sind(beta) + spc->w[4]) * spc->w[5];

  /* Apply the non-linear step of the algorithm chain to convert the    */
  /* X-type spectral variable to P-type intermediate spectral variable. */
  if (spc->spxX2P) {
    if ((statX2P = spc->spxX2P(spc->w[0], nx, sspec, sspec, spec, spec,
                               stat))) {
      if (statX2P == SPXERR_BAD_INSPEC_COORD) {
        status = SPCERR_BAD_X;
      } else if (statX2P == SPXERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
          "Invalid spectral parameters: Frequency or wavelength is 0");
      } else {
        return wcserr_set(SPC_ERRMSG(spc_spxerr[statX2P]));

  /* Apply the linear step of the algorithm chain to convert P-type  */
  /* intermediate spectral variable to the required S-type variable. */
  if (spc->spxP2S) {
    if ((statP2S = spc->spxP2S(spc->w[0], nx, sspec, sspec, spec, spec,
                               stat))) {
      if (statP2S == SPXERR_BAD_INSPEC_COORD) {
        status = SPCERR_BAD_X;
      } else if (statP2S == SPXERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
          "Invalid spectral parameters: Frequency or wavelength is 0");
      } else {
        return wcserr_set(SPC_ERRMSG(spc_spxerr[statP2S]));

  if (status) {
  return status;
Beispiel #13
int spcs2x(
  struct spcprm *spc,
  int nspec,
  int sspec,
  int sx,
  const double spec[],
  double x[],
  int stat[])

  static const char *function = "spcs2x";

  int statP2X, status = 0, statS2P;
  double beta, s;
  register int ispec;
  register int *statp;
  register const double *specp;
  register double *xp;
  struct wcserr **err;

  /* Initialize. */
  if (spc == 0x0) return SPCERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(spc->err);

  if (spc->flag == 0) {
    if ((status = spcset(spc))) return status;

  /* Apply the linear step of the algorithm chain to convert the S-type */
  /* spectral variable to P-type intermediate spectral variable.        */
  if (spc->spxS2P) {
    if ((statS2P = spc->spxS2P(spc->w[0], nspec, sspec, sx, spec, x, stat))) {
      if (statS2P == SPXERR_BAD_INSPEC_COORD) {
        status = SPCERR_BAD_SPEC;
      } else if (statS2P == SPXERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
          "Invalid spectral parameters: Frequency or wavelength is 0");
      } else {
        return wcserr_set(SPC_ERRMSG(spc_spxerr[statS2P]));

  } else {
    /* Just a copy. */
    xp = x;
    specp = spec;
    statp = stat;
    for (ispec = 0; ispec < nspec; ispec++, specp += sspec, xp += sx) {
      *xp = *specp;
      *(statp++) = 0;

  /* Apply the non-linear step of the algorithm chain to convert P-type */
  /* intermediate spectral variable to X-type spectral variable. */
  if (spc->spxP2X) {
    if ((statP2X = spc->spxP2X(spc->w[0], nspec, sx, sx, x, x, stat))) {
      if (statP2X == SPCERR_BAD_SPEC) {
        status = SPCERR_BAD_SPEC;
      } else if (statP2X == SPXERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
          "Invalid spectral parameters: Frequency or wavelength is 0");
      } else {
        return wcserr_set(SPC_ERRMSG(spc_spxerr[statP2X]));

  if (spc->isGrism) {
    /* Convert X-type spectral variable (wavelength) to grism parameter. */
    xp = x;
    statp = stat;
    for (ispec = 0; ispec < nspec; ispec++, xp += sx, statp++) {
      if (*statp) continue;

      s = *xp/spc->w[5] - spc->w[4];
      if (fabs(s) <= 1.0) {
        beta = asind(s);
        *xp = tand(beta - spc->w[3]);
      } else {
        *statp = 1;

  /* Convert X-type spectral variable to intermediate world coordinate x. */
  xp = x;
  statp = stat;
  for (ispec = 0; ispec < nspec; ispec++, xp += sx) {
    if (*(statp++)) continue;

    *xp -= spc->w[1];
    *xp /= spc->w[2];

  if (status) {
  return status;
Beispiel #14
int spctrne(
  const char ctypeS1[9],
  double crvalS1,
  double cdeltS1,
  double restfrq,
  double restwav,
  char   ctypeS2[9],
  double *crvalS2,
  double *cdeltS2,
  struct wcserr **err)

  static const char *function = "spctrne";

  char *cp, ptype1, ptype2, stype1[5], stype2[5], xtype1, xtype2;
  int  restreq, status;
  double crvalX, dS2dX, dXdS1;

  if (restfrq == 0.0 && restwav == 0.0) {
    /* If translating between two velocity-characteristic types, or between
       two wave-characteristic types, then we may need to set a dummy rest
       frequency or wavelength to perform the calculations. */
    strncpy(stype1, ctypeS1, 4);
    strncpy(stype2, ctypeS2, 4);
    stype1[4] = stype2[4] = '\0';
    if ((strstr("VRAD VOPT ZOPT VELO BETA", stype1) != 0x0) ==
        (strstr("VRAD VOPT ZOPT VELO BETA", stype2) != 0x0)) {
      restwav = 1.0;

  if ((status = spcspxe(ctypeS1, crvalS1, restfrq, restwav, &ptype1, &xtype1,
                        &restreq, &crvalX, &dXdS1, err))) {
    return status;

  /* Pad with blanks. */
  ctypeS2[8] = '\0';
  for (cp = ctypeS2; *cp; cp++);
  while (cp < ctypeS2+8) *(cp++) = ' ';

  if (strncmp(ctypeS2+5, "???", 3) == 0) {
    /* Set the algorithm code if required. */
    if (xtype1 == 'w') {
      strcpy(ctypeS2+5, "GRI");
    } else if (xtype1 == 'a') {
      strcpy(ctypeS2+5, "GRA");
    } else {
      ctypeS2[5] = xtype1;
      ctypeS2[6] = '2';

  if ((status = spcxpse(ctypeS2, crvalX, restfrq, restwav, &ptype2, &xtype2,
                        &restreq, crvalS2, &dS2dX, err))) {
    return status;

  /* Are the X-types compatible? */
  if (xtype2 != xtype1) {
    return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
      "Incompatible X-types '%c' and '%c'", xtype1, xtype2);

  if (ctypeS2[7] == '?') {
    if (ptype2 == xtype2) {
      strcpy(ctypeS2+4, "    ");
    } else {
      ctypeS2[7] = ptype2;

  *cdeltS2 = dS2dX * dXdS1 * cdeltS1;

  return 0;
Beispiel #15
int spcset(struct spcprm *spc)

  static const char *function = "spcset";

  char   ctype[9], ptype, xtype;
  int    restreq, status;
  double alpha, beta_r, crvalX, dn_r, dXdS, epsilon, G, m, lambda_r, n_r,
         t, restfrq, restwav, theta;
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (spc == 0x0) return SPCERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(spc->err);

  if (undefined(spc->crval)) {
    return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
      "Spectral crval is undefined");

  memset((spc->type)+4, 0, 4);
  spc->code[3] = '\0';
  wcsutil_blank_fill(4, spc->type);
  wcsutil_blank_fill(3, spc->code);
  spc->w[0] = 0.0;

  /* Analyse the spectral axis type. */
  memset(ctype, 0, 9);
  strncpy(ctype, spc->type, 4);
  if (*(spc->code) != ' ') {
    sprintf(ctype+4, "-%s", spc->code);
  restfrq = spc->restfrq;
  restwav = spc->restwav;
  if ((status = spcspxe(ctype, spc->crval, restfrq, restwav, &ptype, &xtype,
                        &restreq, &crvalX, &dXdS, &(spc->err)))) {
    return status;

  /* Satisfy rest frequency/wavelength requirements. */
  if (restreq) {
    if (restreq == 3 && restfrq == 0.0 && restwav == 0.0) {
      /* VRAD-V2F, VOPT-V2W, and ZOPT-V2W require the rest frequency or */
      /* wavelength for the S-P and P-X transformations but not for S-X */
      /* so supply a phoney value. */
      restwav = 1.0;

    if (restfrq == 0.0) {
      restfrq = C/restwav;
    } else {
      restwav = C/restfrq;

    if (ptype == 'F') {
      spc->w[0] = restfrq;
    } else if (ptype != 'V') {
      spc->w[0] = restwav;
    } else {
      if (xtype == 'F') {
        spc->w[0] = restfrq;
      } else {
        spc->w[0] = restwav;

  spc->w[1] = crvalX;
  spc->w[2] = dXdS;

  /* Set pointers-to-functions for the linear part of the transformation. */
  if (ptype == 'F') {
    if (strcmp(spc->type, "FREQ") == 0) {
      /* Frequency. */
      spc->flag = FREQ;
      spc->spxP2S = 0x0;
      spc->spxS2P = 0x0;

    } else if (strcmp(spc->type, "AFRQ") == 0) {
      /* Angular frequency. */
      spc->flag = AFRQ;
      spc->spxP2S = freqafrq;
      spc->spxS2P = afrqfreq;

    } else if (strcmp(spc->type, "ENER") == 0) {
      /* Photon energy. */
      spc->flag = ENER;
      spc->spxP2S = freqener;
      spc->spxS2P = enerfreq;

    } else if (strcmp(spc->type, "WAVN") == 0) {
      /* Wave number. */
      spc->flag = WAVN;
      spc->spxP2S = freqwavn;
      spc->spxS2P = wavnfreq;

    } else if (strcmp(spc->type, "VRAD") == 0) {
      /* Radio velocity. */
      spc->flag = VRAD;
      spc->spxP2S = freqvrad;
      spc->spxS2P = vradfreq;

  } else if (ptype == 'W') {
    if (strcmp(spc->type, "WAVE") == 0) {
      /* Vacuum wavelengths. */
      spc->flag = WAVE;
      spc->spxP2S = 0x0;
      spc->spxS2P = 0x0;

    } else if (strcmp(spc->type, "VOPT") == 0) {
      /* Optical velocity. */
      spc->flag = VOPT;
      spc->spxP2S = wavevopt;
      spc->spxS2P = voptwave;

    } else if (strcmp(spc->type, "ZOPT") == 0) {
      /* Redshift. */
      spc->flag = ZOPT;
      spc->spxP2S = wavezopt;
      spc->spxS2P = zoptwave;

  } else if (ptype == 'A') {
    if (strcmp(spc->type, "AWAV") == 0) {
      /* Air wavelengths. */
      spc->flag = AWAV;
      spc->spxP2S = 0x0;
      spc->spxS2P = 0x0;

  } else if (ptype == 'V') {
    if (strcmp(spc->type, "VELO") == 0) {
      /* Relativistic velocity. */
      spc->flag = VELO;
      spc->spxP2S = 0x0;
      spc->spxS2P = 0x0;

    } else if (strcmp(spc->type, "BETA") == 0) {
      /* Velocity ratio (v/c). */
      spc->flag = BETA;
      spc->spxP2S = velobeta;
      spc->spxS2P = betavelo;

  /* Set pointers-to-functions for the non-linear part of the spectral */
  /* transformation.                                                   */
  spc->isGrism = 0;
  if (xtype == 'F') {
    /* Axis is linear in frequency. */
    if (ptype == 'F') {
      spc->spxX2P = 0x0;
      spc->spxP2X = 0x0;

    } else if (ptype == 'W') {
      spc->spxX2P = freqwave;
      spc->spxP2X = wavefreq;

    } else if (ptype == 'A') {
      spc->spxX2P = freqawav;
      spc->spxP2X = awavfreq;

    } else if (ptype == 'V') {
      spc->spxX2P = freqvelo;
      spc->spxP2X = velofreq;

    spc->flag += F2S;

  } else if (xtype == 'W' || xtype == 'w') {
    /* Axis is linear in vacuum wavelengths. */
    if (ptype == 'F') {
      spc->spxX2P = wavefreq;
      spc->spxP2X = freqwave;

    } else if (ptype == 'W') {
      spc->spxX2P = 0x0;
      spc->spxP2X = 0x0;

    } else if (ptype == 'A') {
      spc->spxX2P = waveawav;
      spc->spxP2X = awavwave;

    } else if (ptype == 'V') {
      spc->spxX2P = wavevelo;
      spc->spxP2X = velowave;

    if (xtype == 'W') {
      spc->flag += W2S;
    } else {
      /* Grism in vacuum. */
      spc->isGrism = 1;
      spc->flag += GRI;

  } else if (xtype == 'A' || xtype == 'a') {
    /* Axis is linear in air wavelengths. */
    if (ptype == 'F') {
      spc->spxX2P = awavfreq;
      spc->spxP2X = freqawav;

    } else if (ptype == 'W') {
      spc->spxX2P = awavwave;
      spc->spxP2X = waveawav;

    } else if (ptype == 'A') {
      spc->spxX2P = 0x0;
      spc->spxP2X = 0x0;

    } else if (ptype == 'V') {
      spc->spxX2P = awavvelo;
      spc->spxP2X = veloawav;

    if (xtype == 'A') {
      spc->flag += A2S;
    } else {
      /* Grism in air. */
      spc->isGrism = 2;
      spc->flag += GRA;

  } else if (xtype == 'V') {
    /* Axis is linear in relativistic velocity. */
    if (ptype == 'F') {
      spc->spxX2P = velofreq;
      spc->spxP2X = freqvelo;

    } else if (ptype == 'W') {
      spc->spxX2P = velowave;
      spc->spxP2X = wavevelo;

    } else if (ptype == 'A') {
      spc->spxX2P = veloawav;
      spc->spxP2X = awavvelo;

    } else if (ptype == 'V') {
      spc->spxX2P = 0x0;
      spc->spxP2X = 0x0;

    spc->flag += V2S;

  /* Check for grism axes. */
  if (spc->isGrism) {
    /* Axis is linear in "grism parameter"; work in wavelength. */
    lambda_r = crvalX;

    /* Set defaults. */
    if (undefined(spc->pv[0])) spc->pv[0] = 0.0;
    if (undefined(spc->pv[1])) spc->pv[1] = 0.0;
    if (undefined(spc->pv[2])) spc->pv[2] = 0.0;
    if (undefined(spc->pv[3])) spc->pv[3] = 1.0;
    if (undefined(spc->pv[4])) spc->pv[4] = 0.0;
    if (undefined(spc->pv[5])) spc->pv[5] = 0.0;
    if (undefined(spc->pv[6])) spc->pv[6] = 0.0;

    /* Compute intermediaries. */
    G       = spc->pv[0];
    m       = spc->pv[1];
    alpha   = spc->pv[2];
    n_r     = spc->pv[3];
    dn_r    = spc->pv[4];
    epsilon = spc->pv[5];
    theta   = spc->pv[6];

    t = G*m/cosd(epsilon);
    beta_r = asind(t*lambda_r - n_r*sind(alpha));

    t -= dn_r*sind(alpha);

    spc->w[1] = -tand(theta);
    spc->w[2] *= t / (cosd(beta_r)*cosd(theta)*cosd(theta));
    spc->w[3] = beta_r + theta;
    spc->w[4] = (n_r - dn_r*lambda_r)*sind(alpha);
    spc->w[5] = 1.0 / t;

  return 0;
Beispiel #16
    sip_t* sip,
    const unsigned int a_order, const double* a,
    const unsigned int b_order, const double* b,
    const unsigned int ap_order, const double* ap,
    const unsigned int bp_order, const double* bp,
    const double* crpix /* [2] */) {

  unsigned int       a_size       = 0;
  unsigned int       b_size       = 0;
  unsigned int       ap_size      = 0;
  unsigned int       bp_size      = 0;
  unsigned int       scratch_size = 0;
  int                status       = 0;
  struct wcserr**    err          = NULL;
  static const char *function     = "sip_init";

  assert(sip != NULL);
  err = &(sip->err);

  /* We we have one of A/B or AP/BP, we must have both. */
  if ((a == NULL) ^ (b == NULL)) {
    return wcserr_set(
      "Both A and B SIP transform must be defined");

  if ((ap == NULL) ^ (bp == NULL)) {
    return wcserr_set(
      "Both AP and BP SIP transform must be defined");

  if (a != NULL) {
    sip->a_order = a_order;
    a_size = (a_order + 1) * (a_order + 1) * sizeof(double);
    sip->a = malloc(a_size);
    if (sip->a == NULL) {
      status = wcserr_set(
        SIP_ERRMSG(WCSERR_MEMORY), "Memory allocation failed");
      goto exit;
    memcpy(sip->a, a, a_size);
    if (a_order > scratch_size) {
      scratch_size = a_order;

    sip->b_order = b_order;
    b_size = (b_order + 1) * (b_order + 1) * sizeof(double);
    sip->b = malloc(b_size);
    if (sip->b == NULL) {
      status = wcserr_set(
        SIP_ERRMSG(WCSERR_MEMORY), "Memory allocation failed");
      goto exit;
    memcpy(sip->b, b, b_size);
    if (b_order > scratch_size) {
      scratch_size = b_order;

  if (ap != NULL) {
    sip->ap_order = ap_order;
    ap_size = (ap_order + 1) * (ap_order + 1) * sizeof(double);
    sip->ap = malloc(ap_size);
    if (sip->ap == NULL) {
      status = wcserr_set(
        SIP_ERRMSG(WCSERR_MEMORY), "Memory allocation failed");
      goto exit;
    memcpy(sip->ap, ap, ap_size);
    if (ap_order > scratch_size) {
      scratch_size = ap_order;

    sip->bp_order = bp_order;
    bp_size = (bp_order + 1) * (bp_order + 1) * sizeof(double);
    sip->bp = malloc(bp_size);
    if (sip->bp == NULL) {
      status = wcserr_set(
        SIP_ERRMSG(WCSERR_MEMORY), "Memory allocation failed");
      goto exit;
    memcpy(sip->bp, bp, bp_size);
    if (bp_order > scratch_size) {
      scratch_size = bp_order;

  scratch_size = (scratch_size + 1) * sizeof(double);
  sip->scratch = malloc(scratch_size);
  if (sip->scratch == NULL) {
    status = wcserr_set(
                        SIP_ERRMSG(WCSERR_MEMORY), "Memory allocation failed");
    goto exit;

  sip->crpix[0] = crpix[0];
  sip->crpix[1] = crpix[1];


  return status;
Beispiel #17
    pipeline_t* pipeline,
    const unsigned int ncoord,
    const unsigned int nelem,
    const double* const pixcrd /* [ncoord][nelem] */,
    double* world /* [ncoord][nelem] */) {

  static const char* function = "pipeline_all_pixel2world";

  const double*   wcs_input  = NULL;
  double*         wcs_output = NULL;
  int             has_det2im;
  int             has_sip;
  int             has_p4;
  int             has_wcs;
  int             status     = 1;
  struct wcserr **err;

  /* Temporary buffer for performing WCS calculations */
  unsigned char*     buffer = NULL;
  unsigned char*     mem = NULL;
  /*@null@*/ double* tmp;
  /*@null@*/ double* imgcrd;
  /*@null@*/ double* phi;
  /*@null@*/ double* theta;
  /*@null@*/ int*    stat;

  if (pipeline == NULL || pixcrd == NULL || world == NULL) {

  err = &(pipeline->err);

  has_det2im = pipeline->det2im[0] != NULL || pipeline->det2im[1] != NULL;
  has_sip    = pipeline->sip != NULL;
  has_p4     = pipeline->cpdis[0] != NULL || pipeline->cpdis[1] != NULL;
  has_wcs    = pipeline->wcs != NULL;

  if (has_det2im || has_sip || has_p4) {
    if (nelem != 2) {
      status = wcserr_set(
        "Data must be 2-dimensional when Paper IV lookup table or SIP transform is present.");
      goto exit;

  if (has_wcs) {
    buffer = mem = malloc(
        ncoord * nelem * sizeof(double) + /* imgcrd */
        ncoord * sizeof(double) +         /* phi */
        ncoord * sizeof(double) +         /* theta */
        ncoord * nelem * sizeof(double) + /* tmp */
        ncoord * nelem * sizeof(int)      /* stat */

    if (buffer == NULL) {
      status = wcserr_set(
        PIP_ERRMSG(WCSERR_MEMORY), "Memory allocation failed");
      goto exit;

    imgcrd = (double *)mem;
    mem += ncoord * nelem * sizeof(double);

    phi = (double *)mem;
    mem += ncoord * sizeof(double);

    theta = (double *)mem;
    mem += ncoord * sizeof(double);

    tmp = (double *)mem;
    mem += ncoord * nelem * sizeof(double);

    stat = (int *)mem;
    /* mem += ncoord * nelem * sizeof(int); */

    if (has_det2im || has_sip || has_p4) {
      status = pipeline_pix2foc(pipeline, ncoord, nelem, pixcrd, tmp);
      if (status != 0) {
        goto exit;

      wcs_input = tmp;
      wcs_output = world;
    } else {
      wcs_input = pixcrd;
      wcs_output = world;

    if ((status = wcsp2s(pipeline->wcs, (int)ncoord, (int)nelem, wcs_input, imgcrd,
                         phi, theta, wcs_output, stat))) {
      wcserr_copy(pipeline->wcs->err, pipeline->err);

    if (status == 8) {
      set_invalid_to_nan((int)ncoord, (int)nelem, wcs_output, stat);
  } else {
    if (has_det2im || has_sip || has_p4) {
      status = pipeline_pix2foc(pipeline, ncoord, nelem, pixcrd, world);


  return status;
Beispiel #18
int pipeline_pix2foc(
    pipeline_t* pipeline,
    const unsigned int ncoord,
    const unsigned int nelem,
    const double* const pixcrd /* [ncoord][nelem] */,
    double* foc /* [ncoord][nelem] */) {

  static const char* function = "pipeline_pix2foc";

  int              has_det2im;
  int              has_sip;
  int              has_p4;
  const double *   input  = NULL;
  double *         tmp    = NULL;
  int              status = 1;
  struct wcserr  **err;

  assert(nelem == 2);
  assert(pixcrd != foc);

  if (pipeline == NULL || pixcrd == NULL || foc == NULL) {

  err = &(pipeline->err);

  has_det2im = pipeline->det2im[0] != NULL || pipeline->det2im[1] != NULL;
  has_sip    = pipeline->sip != NULL;
  has_p4     = pipeline->cpdis[0] != NULL || pipeline->cpdis[1] != NULL;

  if (has_det2im) {
    if (has_sip || has_p4) {
      tmp = malloc(ncoord * nelem * sizeof(double));
      if (tmp == NULL) {
        status = wcserr_set(
          PIP_ERRMSG(WCSERR_MEMORY), "Memory allocation failed");
        goto exit;

      memcpy(tmp, pixcrd, sizeof(double) * ncoord * nelem);

      status = p4_pix2deltas(2, (void*)pipeline->det2im, ncoord, pixcrd, tmp);
      if (status) {
        wcserr_set(PIP_ERRMSG(WCSERR_NULL_POINTER), "NULL pointer passed");
        goto exit;

      input = tmp;
      memcpy(foc, input, sizeof(double) * ncoord * nelem);
    } else {
      memcpy(foc, pixcrd, sizeof(double) * ncoord * nelem);

      status = p4_pix2deltas(2, (void*)pipeline->det2im, ncoord, pixcrd, foc);
      if (status) {
        wcserr_set(PIP_ERRMSG(WCSERR_NULL_POINTER), "NULL pointer passed");
        goto exit;
  } else {
    /* Copy pixcrd to foc as a starting point.  The "deltas" functions
       below will undistort from there */
    memcpy(foc, pixcrd, sizeof(double) * ncoord * nelem);
    input = pixcrd;

  if (has_sip) {
    status = sip_pix2deltas(pipeline->sip, 2, ncoord, input, foc);
    if (status) {
      wcserr_copy(pipeline->sip->err, pipeline->err);
      goto exit;

  if (has_p4) {
    status = p4_pix2deltas(2, (void*)pipeline->cpdis, ncoord, input, foc);
    if (status) {
      wcserr_set(PIP_ERRMSG(WCSERR_NULL_POINTER), "NULL pointer passed");
      goto exit;

  status = 0;


  return status;
Beispiel #19
int linini(int alloc, int naxis, struct linprm *lin)

  static const char *function = "linini";

  int i, j;
  double *pc;
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (lin == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;

  /* Initialize error message handling. */
  err = &(lin->err);
  if (lin->flag != -1) {
    if (lin->err) free(lin->err);
  lin->err = 0x0;

  /* Initialize memory management. */
  if (lin->flag == -1 || lin->m_flag != LINSET) {
    if (lin->flag == -1) {
      lin->dispre = 0x0;
      lin->disseq = 0x0;
      lin->tmpcrd = 0x0;

    lin->m_flag   = 0;
    lin->m_naxis  = 0;
    lin->m_crpix  = 0x0;
    lin->m_pc     = 0x0;
    lin->m_cdelt  = 0x0;
    lin->m_dispre = 0x0;
    lin->m_disseq = 0x0;

  if (naxis < 0) {
    return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(LINERR_MEMORY),
      "naxis must not be negative (got %d)", naxis);

  /* Allocate memory for arrays if required. */
  if (alloc ||
      lin->crpix  == 0x0 ||
      lin->pc     == 0x0 ||
      lin->cdelt  == 0x0) {

    /* Was sufficient allocated previously? */
    if (lin->m_flag == LINSET && lin->m_naxis < naxis) {
      /* No, free it. */

    if (alloc || lin->crpix == 0x0) {
      if (lin->m_crpix) {
        /* In case the caller fiddled with it. */
        lin->crpix = lin->m_crpix;

      } else {
        if ((lin->crpix = calloc(naxis, sizeof(double))) == 0x0) {
          return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

        lin->m_flag  = LINSET;
        lin->m_naxis = naxis;
        lin->m_crpix = lin->crpix;

    if (alloc || lin->pc == 0x0) {
      if (lin->m_pc) {
        /* In case the caller fiddled with it. */
        lin->pc = lin->m_pc;

      } else {
        if ((lin->pc = calloc(naxis*naxis, sizeof(double))) == 0x0) {
          return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

        lin->m_flag  = LINSET;
        lin->m_naxis = naxis;
        lin->m_pc    = lin->pc;

    if (alloc || lin->cdelt == 0x0) {
      if (lin->m_cdelt) {
        /* In case the caller fiddled with it. */
        lin->cdelt = lin->m_cdelt;

      } else {
        if ((lin->cdelt = calloc(naxis, sizeof(double))) == 0x0) {
          return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

        lin->m_flag  = LINSET;
        lin->m_naxis = naxis;
        lin->m_cdelt = lin->cdelt;

  /* Reinitialize disprm structs if we are managing them. */
  if (lin->m_dispre) {
    disini(1, naxis, lin->dispre);

  if (lin->m_disseq) {
    disini(1, naxis, lin->disseq);

  /* Free memory allocated by linset(). */
  if (lin->flag == LINSET) {
    if (lin->piximg) free(lin->piximg);
    if (lin->imgpix) free(lin->imgpix);
    if (lin->tmpcrd) free(lin->tmpcrd);

  lin->piximg  = 0x0;
  lin->imgpix  = 0x0;
  lin->i_naxis = 0;
  lin->unity   = 0;
  lin->affine  = 0;
  lin->simple  = 0;
  lin->tmpcrd  = 0x0;

  lin->flag  = 0;
  lin->naxis = naxis;

  /* CRPIXja defaults to 0.0. */
  for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
    lin->crpix[j] = 0.0;

  /* PCi_ja defaults to the unit matrix. */
  pc = lin->pc;
  for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
      if (j == i) {
        *pc = 1.0;
      } else {
        *pc = 0.0;

  /* CDELTia defaults to 1.0. */
  for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
    lin->cdelt[i] = 1.0;

  return 0;
Beispiel #20
int spctype(
  const char ctypei[9],
  char stype[],
  char scode[],
  char sname[],
  char units[],
  char *ptype,
  char *xtype,
  int  *restreq,
  struct wcserr **err)

  static const char *function = "spctype";

  char ctype[9], ptype_t, sname_t[32], units_t[8], xtype_t;
  int  restreq_t = 0;

  if (err) *err = 0x0;

  /* Copy with blank padding. */
  sprintf(ctype, "%-8.8s", ctypei);
  ctype[8] = '\0';

  /* Validate the S-type spectral variable. */
  if (strncmp(ctype, "FREQ", 4) == 0) {
    strcpy(sname_t, "Frequency");
    strcpy(units_t, "Hz");
    ptype_t = 'F';
  } else if (strncmp(ctype, "AFRQ", 4) == 0) {
    strcpy(sname_t, "Angular frequency");
    strcpy(units_t, "rad/s");
    ptype_t = 'F';
  } else if (strncmp(ctype, "ENER", 4) == 0) {
    strcpy(sname_t, "Photon energy");
    strcpy(units_t, "J");
    ptype_t = 'F';
  } else if (strncmp(ctype, "WAVN", 4) == 0) {
    strcpy(sname_t, "Wavenumber");
    strcpy(units_t, "/m");
    ptype_t = 'F';
  } else if (strncmp(ctype, "VRAD", 4) == 0) {
    strcpy(sname_t, "Radio velocity");
    strcpy(units_t, "m/s");
    ptype_t = 'F';
    restreq_t = 1;
  } else if (strncmp(ctype, "WAVE", 4) == 0) {
    strcpy(sname_t, "Vacuum wavelength");
    strcpy(units_t, "m");
    ptype_t = 'W';
  } else if (strncmp(ctype, "VOPT", 4) == 0) {
    strcpy(sname_t, "Optical velocity");
    strcpy(units_t, "m/s");
    ptype_t = 'W';
    restreq_t = 1;
  } else if (strncmp(ctype, "ZOPT", 4) == 0) {
    strcpy(sname_t, "Redshift");
    strcpy(units_t, "");
    ptype_t = 'W';
    restreq_t = 1;
  } else if (strncmp(ctype, "AWAV", 4) == 0) {
    strcpy(sname_t, "Air wavelength");
    strcpy(units_t, "m");
    ptype_t = 'A';
  } else if (strncmp(ctype, "VELO", 4) == 0) {
    strcpy(sname_t, "Relativistic velocity");
    strcpy(units_t, "m/s");
    ptype_t = 'V';
  } else if (strncmp(ctype, "BETA", 4) == 0) {
    strcpy(sname_t, "Velocity ratio (v/c)");
    strcpy(units_t, "");
    ptype_t = 'V';
  } else {
    return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
      "Unknown spectral type '%s'", ctype);

  /* Determine X-type and validate the spectral algorithm code. */
  if ((xtype_t = ctype[5]) == ' ') {
    /* The algorithm code must be completely blank. */
    if (strcmp(ctype+4, "    ") != 0) {
      return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
        "Invalid spectral algorithm '%s'", ctype+4);

    xtype_t = ptype_t;

  } else if (ctype[4] != '-') {
    return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
      "Invalid spectral type '%s'", ctype);

  } else if (strcmp(ctype+5, "LOG") == 0 || strcmp(ctype+5, "TAB") == 0) {
    /* Logarithmic or tabular axis, not linear in any spectral type. */

  } else if (xtype_t == 'G') {
    /* Validate the algorithm code. */
    if (ctype[6] != 'R') {
      return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
        "Invalid spectral algorithm '%s'", xtype_t);

    /* Grism coordinates... */
    if (ctype[7] == 'I') {
      /* vacuum. */
      xtype_t = 'w';
    } else if (ctype[7] == 'A') {
      /* air. */
      xtype_t = 'a';
    } else {
      return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
        "Invalid spectral algorithm '%s'", xtype_t);

  } else if (ctype[6] != '2') {
    /* Algorithm code has invalid syntax. */
    return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
      "Invalid spectral algorithm syntax '%s'", xtype_t);
  } else if (ctype[7] != ptype_t && ctype[7] != '?') {
    /* The P-, and S-type variables are inconsistent. */
    return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
      "In spectral type '%s', P- and S-type variables are inconsistent",

  } else if (ctype[7] == ctype[5]) {
    /* Degenerate algorithm code. */
    sprintf(ctype+4, "    ");

  /* Rest freq/wavelength required for transformation between P and X? */
  if (strchr("FWAwa", (int)xtype_t)) {
    if (ptype_t == 'V') {
      restreq_t += 2;
  } else if (xtype_t == 'V') {
    if (strchr("FWAwa", (int)ptype_t)) {
      restreq_t += 2;
  } else if (strchr("LT", (int)xtype_t) == 0) {
    /* Invalid X-type variable code. */
    return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
      "In spectral type '%s', invalid X-type variable code", ctype);

  /* Copy results. */
  if (stype) {
    strncpy(stype, ctype, 4);
    stype[4] = '\0';
  if (scode) strcpy(scode, ctype+5);
  if (sname) strcpy(sname, sname_t);
  if (units) strcpy(units, units_t);
  if (ptype) *ptype = ptype_t;
  if (xtype) *xtype = xtype_t;
  if (restreq) *restreq = restreq_t;

  return 0;
Beispiel #21
int linp2x(
  struct linprm *lin,
  int ncoord,
  int nelem,
  const double pixcrd[],
  double imgcrd[])

  static const char *function = "linp2x";

  int i, j, k, n, ndbl, nelemn, status;
  double temp;
  register const double *pix;
  register double *img, *piximg, *tmp;
  struct wcserr **err;

  /* Initialize. */
  if (lin == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(lin->err);

  if (lin->flag != LINSET) {
    if ((status = linset(lin))) return status;

  n = lin->naxis;

  /* Convert pixel coordinates to intermediate world coordinates. */
  pix = pixcrd;
  img = imgcrd;

  if (lin->simple) {
    /* Handle the simplest and most common case with maximum efficiency. */
    nelemn = nelem - n;
    for (k = 0; k < ncoord; k++) {
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        *(img++) = lin->cdelt[i] * (*(pix++) - lin->crpix[i]);

      pix += nelemn;
      img += nelemn;

  } else if (lin->affine) {
    /* No distortions. */
    ndbl   = n * sizeof(double);
    nelemn = nelem - n;
    for (k = 0; k < ncoord; k++) {
      memset(img, 0, ndbl);

      for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        /* cdelt will have been incorporated into piximg. */
        piximg = lin->piximg + j;

        /* Column-wise multiplication allows this to be cached. */
        temp = *(pix++) - lin->crpix[j];
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++, piximg += n) {
          img[i] += *piximg * temp;

      pix += nelemn;
      img += nelem;

  } else {
    /* Distortions are present. */
    ndbl = n * sizeof(double);
    tmp  = lin->tmpcrd;

    for (k = 0; k < ncoord; k++) {
      if (lin->dispre) {
        if ((status = disp2x(lin->dispre, pix, tmp))) {
          return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));
      } else {
        memcpy(tmp, pix, ndbl);

      if (lin->unity) {
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          img[i] = tmp[i] - lin->crpix[i];

      } else {
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
          tmp[j] -= lin->crpix[j];

        piximg = lin->piximg;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          img[i] = 0.0;
          for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            img[i] += *(piximg++) * tmp[j];

      if (lin->disseq) {
        if ((status = disp2x(lin->disseq, img, tmp))) {
          return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));

        /* With sequent distortions, cdelt is not incorporated into piximg. */
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          img[i] = lin->cdelt[i] * tmp[i];

      } else if (lin->unity) {
        /* ...nor if the matrix is unity. */
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          img[i] *= lin->cdelt[i];

      pix += nelem;
      img += nelem;

  return 0;
Beispiel #22
int spcspxe(
  const char ctypeS[9],
  double crvalS,
  double restfrq,
  double restwav,
  char *ptype,
  char *xtype,
  int *restreq,
  double *crvalX,
  double *dXdS,
  struct wcserr **err)

  static const char *function = "spcspxe";

  char scode[4], stype[5], type[8];
  int  status;
  double dPdS, dXdP;
  struct spxprm spx;

  /* Analyse the spectral axis code. */
  if ((status = spctype(ctypeS, stype, scode, 0x0, 0x0, ptype, xtype, restreq,
                        err))) {
    return status;

  if (strchr("LT", (int)(*xtype))) {
    /* Can't handle logarithmic or tabular coordinates. */
    return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
      "Can't handle logarithmic or tabular coordinates");

  /* Do we have rest frequency and/or wavelength as required? */
  if ((*restreq)%3 && restfrq == 0.0 && restwav == 0.0) {
    return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
      "Missing required rest frequency or wavelength");

  /* Compute all spectral parameters and their derivatives. */
  strcpy(type, stype);
  spx.err = (err ? *err : 0x0);
  if ((status = specx(type, crvalS, restfrq, restwav, &spx))) {
    status = spc_spxerr[status];
    if (err) {
      if ((*err = spx.err)) {
        (*err)->status = status;
    } else {
    return status;

  /* Transform S-P (linear) and P-X (non-linear). */
  dPdS = 0.0;
  dXdP = 0.0;
  if (*ptype == 'F') {
    if (strcmp(stype, "FREQ") == 0) {
      dPdS = 1.0;
    } else if (strcmp(stype, "AFRQ") == 0) {
      dPdS = spx.dfreqafrq;
    } else if (strcmp(stype, "ENER") == 0) {
      dPdS = spx.dfreqener;
    } else if (strcmp(stype, "WAVN") == 0) {
      dPdS = spx.dfreqwavn;
    } else if (strcmp(stype, "VRAD") == 0) {
      dPdS = spx.dfreqvrad;

    if (*xtype == 'F') {
      *crvalX = spx.freq;
      dXdP = 1.0;
    } else if (*xtype == 'W' || *xtype == 'w') {
      *crvalX = spx.wave;
      dXdP = spx.dwavefreq;
    } else if (*xtype == 'A' || *xtype == 'a') {
      *crvalX = spx.awav;
      dXdP = spx.dawavfreq;
    } else if (*xtype == 'V') {
      *crvalX = spx.velo;
      dXdP = spx.dvelofreq;

  } else if (*ptype == 'W' || *ptype == 'w') {
    if (strcmp(stype, "WAVE") == 0) {
      dPdS = 1.0;
    } else if (strcmp(stype, "VOPT") == 0) {
      dPdS = spx.dwavevopt;
    } else if (strcmp(stype, "ZOPT") == 0) {
      dPdS = spx.dwavezopt;

    if (*xtype == 'F') {
      *crvalX = spx.freq;
      dXdP = spx.dfreqwave;
    } else if (*xtype == 'W' || *xtype == 'w') {
      *crvalX = spx.wave;
      dXdP = 1.0;
    } else if (*xtype == 'A' || *xtype == 'a') {
      *crvalX = spx.awav;
      dXdP = spx.dawavwave;
    } else if (*xtype == 'V') {
      *crvalX = spx.velo;
      dXdP = spx.dvelowave;

  } else if (*ptype == 'A' || *ptype == 'a') {
    if (strcmp(stype, "AWAV") == 0) {
      dPdS = 1.0;

    if (*xtype == 'F') {
      *crvalX = spx.freq;
      dXdP = spx.dfreqawav;
    } else if (*xtype == 'W' || *xtype == 'w') {
      *crvalX = spx.wave;
      dXdP = spx.dwaveawav;
    } else if (*xtype == 'A' || *xtype == 'a') {
      *crvalX = spx.awav;
      dXdP = 1.0;
    } else if (*xtype == 'V') {
      *crvalX = spx.velo;
      dXdP = spx.dveloawav;

  } else if (*ptype == 'V') {
    if (strcmp(stype, "VELO") == 0) {
      dPdS = 1.0;
    } else if (strcmp(stype, "BETA") == 0) {
      dPdS = spx.dvelobeta;

    if (*xtype == 'F') {
      *crvalX = spx.freq;
      dXdP = spx.dfreqvelo;
    } else if (*xtype == 'W' || *xtype == 'w') {
      *crvalX = spx.wave;
      dXdP = spx.dwavevelo;
    } else if (*xtype == 'A' || *xtype == 'a') {
      *crvalX = spx.awav;
      dXdP = spx.dawavvelo;
    } else if (*xtype == 'V') {
      *crvalX = spx.velo;
      dXdP = 1.0;

  *dXdS = dXdP * dPdS;

  return 0;
Beispiel #23
int linwarp(
  struct linprm *lin,
  const double pixblc[],
  const double pixtrc[],
  const double pixsamp[],
  int    *nsamp,
  double maxdis[],
  double *maxtot,
  double avgdis[],
  double *avgtot,
  double rmsdis[],
  double *rmstot)

  static const char *function = "linwarp";

  int carry, i, j, naxis, ncoord, status = 0;
  double dpix, dpx2, dssq, *img, *pix0, *pix0p, *pix1, *pix1p, *pixend,
         *pixinc, pixspan, *ssqdis, ssqtot, *sumdis, sumtot, totdis;
  struct linprm affine;
  struct wcserr **err;

  /* Initialize. */
  if (lin == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(lin->err);

  naxis = lin->naxis;

  if (nsamp) *nsamp = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
    if (maxdis) maxdis[j] = 0.0;
    if (avgdis) avgdis[j] = 0.0;
    if (rmsdis) rmsdis[j] = 0.0;
  if (maxtot) *maxtot = 0.0;
  if (avgtot) *avgtot = 0.0;
  if (rmstot) *rmstot = 0.0;

  /* Quick return if no distortions. */
  if (lin->affine) return 0;

  /* It's easier if there are no sequent distortions! */
  if (lin->disseq == 0x0) {
    status = diswarp(lin->dispre, pixblc, pixtrc, pixsamp, nsamp,
                     maxdis, maxtot, avgdis, avgtot, rmsdis, rmstot);
    return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(lin_diserr[status]));

  /* Make a reference copy of lin without distortions. */
  affine.flag = -1;
  if ((status = (lincpy(1, lin, &affine) ||
                 lindis(1, &affine, 0x0) ||
                 lindis(2, &affine, 0x0) ||
                 linset(&affine)))) {
    return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(status));

  /* Work out increments on each axis. */
  pixinc = lin->tmpcrd;
  for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
    pixspan = pixtrc[j] - (pixblc ? pixblc[j] : 1.0);

    if (pixsamp == 0x0) {
      pixinc[j] = 1.0;
    } else if (pixsamp[j] == 0.0) {
      pixinc[j] = 1.0;
    } else if (pixsamp[j] > 0.0) {
      pixinc[j] = pixsamp[j];
    } else if (pixsamp[j] > -1.5) {
      pixinc[j] = 2.0*pixspan;
    } else {
      pixinc[j] = pixspan / ((int)(-pixsamp[j] - 0.5));

    if (j == 0) {
      /* Number of samples on axis 1. */
      ncoord = 1 + (int)((pixspan/pixinc[0]) + 0.5);

  /* Get memory for processing the image row by row. */
  if ((pix0 = calloc((3*ncoord+4)*naxis, sizeof(double))) == 0x0) {
    return wcserr_set(LIN_ERRMSG(LINERR_MEMORY));

  img    = pix0 + naxis*ncoord;
  pix1   = img  + naxis*ncoord;
  pixinc = pix1 + naxis*ncoord;
  pixend = pixinc + naxis;
  sumdis = pixend + naxis;
  ssqdis = sumdis + naxis;

  /* Copy tmpcrd since linp2x() will overwrite it. */
  memcpy(pixinc, lin->tmpcrd, naxis*sizeof(double));

  /* Set up the array of pixel coordinates. */
  for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
    pix0[j] = pixblc ? pixblc[j] : 1.0;
    pixend[j] = pixtrc[j] + 0.5*pixinc[j];

  pix0p = pix0 + naxis;
  for (i = 1; i < ncoord; i++) {
    *(pix0p++) = pix0[0] + i*pixinc[0];

    for (j = 1; j < naxis; j++) {
      *(pix0p++) = pix0[j];

  /* Initialize accumulators. */
  for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
    sumdis[j] = 0.0;
    ssqdis[j] = 0.0;
  sumtot = 0.0;
  ssqtot = 0.0;

  /* Loop over N dimensions. */
  carry = 0;
  while (carry == 0) {
    if ((status = linp2x(lin, ncoord, naxis, pix0, img))) {
      /* (Preserve the error message set by linp2x().) */
      goto cleanup;

    if ((status = linx2p(&affine, ncoord, naxis, img, pix1))) {
      /* (Preserve the error message set by linx2p().) */
      goto cleanup;

    /* Accumulate statistics. */
    pix0p = pix0;
    pix1p = pix1;
    for (i = 0; i < ncoord; i++) {

      dssq = 0.0;
      for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
        dpix = *(pix1p++) - *(pix0p++);
        dpx2 = dpix*dpix;

        sumdis[j] += dpix;
        ssqdis[j] += dpx2;

        if (maxdis && (dpix = fabs(dpix)) > maxdis[j]) maxdis[j] = dpix;

        dssq += dpx2;

      totdis = sqrt(dssq);
      sumtot += totdis;
      ssqtot += totdis*totdis;

      if (maxtot && *maxtot < totdis) *maxtot = totdis;

    /* Next array of pixel coordinates. */
    for (j = 1; j < naxis; j++) {
      pix0[j] += pixinc[j];
      if ((carry = (pix0[j] > pixend[j]))) {
        pix0[j] = pixblc ? pixblc[j] : 1.0;

      pix0p = pix0 + naxis + j;
      for (i = 1; i < ncoord; i++) {
        *pix0p = pix0[j];
        pix0p += naxis;

      if (carry == 0) break;

  /* Compute the means and RMSs. */
  for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
    ssqdis[j] /= *nsamp;
    sumdis[j] /= *nsamp;
    if (avgdis) avgdis[j] = sumdis[j];
    if (rmsdis) rmsdis[j] = sqrt(ssqdis[j] - sumdis[j]*sumdis[j]);

  ssqtot /= *nsamp;
  sumtot /= *nsamp;
  if (avgtot) *avgtot = sumtot;
  if (rmstot) *rmstot = sqrt(ssqtot - sumtot*sumtot);


  return status;
Beispiel #24
int tabmem(struct tabprm *tab)

    static const char *function = "tabmem";

    int m, M, N;
    struct wcserr **err;

    if (tab == 0x0) return TABERR_NULL_POINTER;
    err = &(tab->err);

    if (tab->M == 0 || tab->K == 0x0) {
        /* Should have been set by this time. */
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(TABERR_MEMORY),
                          "Null pointers in tabprm struct");

    N = M = tab->M;
    for (m = 0; m < M; m++) {
        if (tab->K[m] < 0) {
            return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(TABERR_BAD_PARAMS),
                              "Invalid tabular parameters: Each element of K must be "
                              "non-negative, got %d", M);

        N *= tab->K[m];

    if (tab->m_M == 0) {
        tab->m_M = M;
    } else if (tab->m_M < M) {
        /* Only possible if the user changed M. */
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(TABERR_MEMORY),
                          "tabprm struct inconsistent");

    if (tab->m_N == 0) {
        tab->m_N = N;
    } else if (tab->m_N < N) {
        /* Only possible if the user changed K[]. */
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(TABERR_MEMORY),
                          "tabprm struct inconsistent");

    if (tab->m_K == 0x0) {
        if ((tab->m_K = tab->K)) {
            tab->m_flag = TABSET;

    if (tab->m_map == 0x0) {
        if ((tab->m_map = tab->map)) {
            tab->m_flag = TABSET;

    if (tab->m_crval == 0x0) {
        if ((tab->m_crval = tab->crval)) {
            tab->m_flag = TABSET;

    if (tab->m_index == 0x0) {
        if ((tab->m_index = tab->index)) {
            tab->m_flag = TABSET;

    for (m = 0; m < tab->m_M; m++) {
        if (tab->m_indxs[m] == 0x0 || tab->m_indxs[m] == (double *)0x1) {
            if ((tab->m_indxs[m] = tab->index[m])) {
                tab->m_flag = TABSET;

    if (tab->m_coord == 0x0 || tab->m_coord == (double *)0x1) {
        if ((tab->m_coord = tab->coord)) {
            tab->m_flag = TABSET;

    tab->flag = 0;

    return 0;
Beispiel #25
int tabini(int alloc, int M, const int K[], struct tabprm *tab)

    static const char *function = "tabini";

    int k, m, N;
    double *dp;
    struct wcserr **err;

    if (tab == 0x0) return TABERR_NULL_POINTER;

    /* Initialize error message handling. */
    err = &(tab->err);
    if (tab->err && tab->flag != -1) {
    tab->err = 0x0;

    if (M <= 0) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(TABERR_BAD_PARAMS),
                          "M must be positive, got %d", M);

    /* Determine the total number of elements in the coordinate array. */
    if (K) {
        N = M;

        for (m = 0; m < M; m++) {
            if (K[m] < 0) {
                return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(TABERR_BAD_PARAMS),
                                  "Invalid tabular parameters: Each element of K must be "
                                  "non-negative, got %d", K[m]);

            N *= K[m];

    } else {
        /* Axis lengths as yet unknown. */
        N = 0;

    /* Initialize memory management. */
    if (tab->flag == -1 || tab->m_flag != TABSET) {
        tab->m_flag  = 0;
        tab->m_M     = 0;
        tab->m_N     = 0;
        tab->m_K     = 0x0;
        tab->m_map   = 0x0;
        tab->m_crval = 0x0;
        tab->m_index = 0x0;
        tab->m_indxs = 0x0;
        tab->m_coord = 0x0;

    } else {
        /* Clear any outstanding signals set by wcstab(). */
        for (m = 0; m < tab->m_M; m++) {
            if (tab->m_indxs[m] == (double *)0x1) tab->m_indxs[m] = 0x0;

        if (tab->m_coord == (double *)0x1) tab->m_coord = 0x0;

    if (tab->flag == -1) {
        tab->sense   = 0x0;
        tab->p0      = 0x0;
        tab->delta   = 0x0;
        tab->extrema = 0x0;
        tab->set_M   = 0;

    /* Allocate memory for arrays if required. */
    if (alloc ||
            tab->K == 0x0 ||
            tab->map == 0x0 ||
            tab->crval == 0x0 ||
            tab->index == 0x0 ||
            tab->coord == 0x0) {

        /* Was sufficient allocated previously? */
        if (tab->m_flag == TABSET && (tab->m_M < M || tab->m_N < N)) {
            /* No, free it. */

        if (alloc || tab->K == 0x0) {
            if (tab->m_K) {
                /* In case the caller fiddled with it. */
                tab->K = tab->m_K;

            } else {
                if (!(tab->K = calloc(M, sizeof(int)))) {
                    return wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_MEMORY));

                tab->m_flag = TABSET;
                tab->m_M = M;
                tab->m_K = tab->K;

        if (alloc || tab->map == 0x0) {
            if (tab->m_map) {
                /* In case the caller fiddled with it. */
                tab->map = tab->m_map;

            } else {
                if (!(tab->map = calloc(M, sizeof(int)))) {
                    return wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_MEMORY));

                tab->m_flag = TABSET;
                tab->m_M = M;
                tab->m_map = tab->map;

        if (alloc || tab->crval == 0x0) {
            if (tab->m_crval) {
                /* In case the caller fiddled with it. */
                tab->crval = tab->m_crval;

            } else {
                if (!(tab->crval = calloc(M, sizeof(double)))) {
                    return wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_MEMORY));

                tab->m_flag = TABSET;
                tab->m_M = M;
                tab->m_crval = tab->crval;

        if (alloc || tab->index == 0x0) {
            if (tab->m_index) {
                /* In case the caller fiddled with it. */
                tab->index = tab->m_index;

            } else {
                if (!(tab->index = calloc(M, sizeof(double *)))) {
                    return wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_MEMORY));

                tab->m_flag = TABSET;
                tab->m_M = M;
                tab->m_N = N;
                tab->m_index = tab->index;

                if (!(tab->m_indxs = calloc(M, sizeof(double *)))) {
                    return wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_MEMORY));

                /* Recall that calloc() initializes these pointers to zero. */
                if (K) {
                    for (m = 0; m < M; m++) {
                        if (K[m]) {
                            if (!(tab->index[m] = calloc(K[m], sizeof(double)))) {
                                return wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_MEMORY));

                            tab->m_indxs[m] = tab->index[m];

        if (alloc || tab->coord == 0x0) {
            if (tab->m_coord) {
                /* In case the caller fiddled with it. */
                tab->coord = tab->m_coord;

            } else if (N) {
                if (!(tab->coord = calloc(N, sizeof(double)))) {
                    return wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_MEMORY));

                tab->m_flag = TABSET;
                tab->m_M = M;
                tab->m_N = N;
                tab->m_coord = tab->coord;

    tab->flag = 0;
    tab->M = M;

    /* Set defaults. */
    for (m = 0; m < M; m++) {
        tab->map[m] = -1;
        tab->crval[m] = 0.0;

        if (K) {
            tab->K[m] = K[m];
            if ((dp = tab->index[m])) {
                for (k = 0; k < K[m]; k++) {
                    *(dp++) = k;
        } else {
            tab->K[m] = 0;

    /* Initialize the coordinate array. */
    for (dp = tab->coord; dp < tab->coord + N; dp++) {
        *dp = UNDEFINED;

    return 0;
Beispiel #26
int wcshdo(int relax, struct wcsprm *wcs, int *nkeyrec, char **header)

/* ::: CUBEFACE and STOKES handling? */

    static const char *function = "wcshdo";

    char alt, comment[72], keyvalue[72], keyword[16], obsg[8] = "OBSG?",
            obsgeo[8] = "OBSGEO-?", ptype, xtype, xyz[] = "XYZ";
    int  bintab, col0, *colax, colnum, i, j, k, naxis, pixlist, primage,
         status = 0;
    struct wcserr **err;

    *nkeyrec = 0;
    *header  = 0x0;

    if (wcs == 0x0) return WCSHDRERR_NULL_POINTER;
    err = &(wcs->err);

    if (wcs->flag != WCSSET) {
        if ((status = wcsset(wcs))) return status;

    if ((naxis = wcs->naxis) == 0) {
        return 0;

    /* These are mainly for convenience. */
    alt = wcs->alt[0];
    if (alt == ' ') alt = '\0';
    colnum = wcs->colnum;
    colax  = wcs->colax;

    primage = 0;
    bintab  = 0;
    pixlist = 0;
    if (colnum) {
        bintab  = 1;
        col0 = colnum;
    } else if (colax[0]) {
        pixlist = 1;
        col0 = colax[0];
    } else {
        primage = 1;

    /* WCS dimension. */
    if (!pixlist) {
        sprintf(keyvalue, "%20d", naxis);
        wcshdo_util(relax, "WCSAXES", "WCAX", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, alt, colnum, colax,
                    keyvalue, "Number of coordinate axes", nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Reference pixel coordinates. */
    for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) {
        wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", wcs->crpix[j]);
        wcshdo_util(relax, "CRPIX", "CRP", WCSHDO_CRPXna, "CRPX", 0, j+1, 0, alt,
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, "Pixel coordinate of reference point", nkeyrec,
                    header, &status);

    /* Linear transformation matrix. */
    k = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++, k++) {
            if (i == j) {
                if (wcs->pc[k] == 1.0) continue;
            } else {
                if (wcs->pc[k] == 0.0) continue;

            wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", wcs->pc[k]);
            wcshdo_util(relax, "PC", bintab ? "PC" : "P", WCSHDO_TPCn_ka,
                        bintab ? 0x0 : "PC", i+1, j+1, 0, alt, colnum, colax,
                        keyvalue, "Coordinate transformation matrix element",
                        nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Coordinate increment at reference point. */
    for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
        wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", wcs->cdelt[i]);
        comment[0] = '\0';
        if (wcs->cunit[i][0]) sprintf(comment, "[%s] ", wcs->cunit[i]);
        strcat(comment, "Coordinate increment at reference point");
        wcshdo_util(relax, "CDELT", "CDE", WCSHDO_CRPXna, "CDLT", i+1, 0, 0, alt,
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, comment, nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Units of coordinate increment and reference value. */
    for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
        if (wcs->cunit[i][0] == '\0') continue;

        sprintf(keyvalue, "'%s'", wcs->cunit[i]);
        wcshdo_util(relax, "CUNIT", "CUN", WCSHDO_CRPXna, "CUNI", i+1, 0, 0, alt,
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, "Units of coordinate increment and value",
                    nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Coordinate type. */
    for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
        if (wcs->ctype[i][0] == '\0') continue;

        sprintf(keyvalue, "'%s'", wcs->ctype[i]);
        strcpy(comment, "Coordinate type code");
        if (i == wcs->lng || i == wcs->lat) {
            if (strncmp(wcs->ctype[i], "RA--", 4) == 0) {
                strcpy(comment, "Right ascension, ");
            } else if (strncmp(wcs->ctype[i], "DEC-", 4) == 0) {
                strcpy(comment, "Declination, ");
            } else if (strncmp(wcs->ctype[i]+1, "LON", 3) == 0 ||
                       strncmp(wcs->ctype[i]+1, "LAT", 3) == 0) {
                switch (wcs->ctype[i][0]) {
                case 'G':
                    strcpy(comment, "galactic ");
                case 'E':
                    strcpy(comment, "ecliptic ");
                case 'H':
                    strcpy(comment, "helioecliptic ");
                case 'S':
                    strcpy(comment, "supergalactic ");

                if (i == wcs->lng) {
                    strcat(comment, "longitude, ");
                } else {
                    strcat(comment, "latitude, ");

                wcs->ctype[i][0] = toupper(wcs->ctype[i][0]);

            strcat(comment, wcs->;
            strcat(comment, " projection");

        } else if (i == wcs->spec) {
            spctyp(wcs->ctype[i], 0x0, 0x0, comment, 0x0, &ptype, &xtype, 0x0);
            if (ptype == xtype) {
                strcat(comment, " (linear)");
            } else {
                switch (xtype) {
                case 'F':
                    strcat(comment, " (linear in frequency)");
                case 'V':
                    strcat(comment, " (linear in velocity)");
                case 'W':
                    strcat(comment, " (linear in wavelength)");

        wcshdo_util(relax, "CTYPE", "CTY", WCSHDO_CRPXna, "CTYP", i+1, 0, 0, alt,
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, comment, nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Coordinate value at reference point. */
    for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
        wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", wcs->crval[i]);
        comment[0] = '\0';
        if (wcs->cunit[i][0]) sprintf(comment, "[%s] ", wcs->cunit[i]);
        strcat(comment, "Coordinate value at reference point");
        wcshdo_util(relax, "CRVAL", "CRV", WCSHDO_CRPXna, "CRVL", i+1, 0, 0, alt,
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, comment, nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Parameter values. */
    for (k = 0; k < wcs->npv; k++) {
        wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", (wcs->pv[k]).value);
        if ((wcs->pv[k]).i == (wcs->lng + 1)) {
            switch ((wcs->pv[k]).m) {
            case 1:
                strcpy(comment, "[deg] Native longitude of the reference point");
            case 2:
                strcpy(comment, "[deg] Native latitude  of the reference point");
            case 3:
                if (primage) {
                    sprintf(keyword, "LONPOLE%c", alt);
                } else if (bintab) {
                    sprintf(keyword, "LONP%d%c", colnum, alt);
                } else {
                    sprintf(keyword, "LONP%d%c", colax[(wcs->pv[k]).i - 1], alt);
                sprintf(comment, "[deg] alias for %s (has precedence)", keyword);
            case 4:
                if (primage) {
                    sprintf(keyword, "LATPOLE%c", alt);
                } else if (bintab) {
                    sprintf(keyword, "LATP%d%c", colnum, alt);
                } else {
                    sprintf(keyword, "LATP%d%c", colax[(wcs->pv[k]).i - 1], alt);
                sprintf(comment, "[deg] alias for %s (has precedence)", keyword);
        } else if ((wcs->pv[k]).i == (wcs->lat + 1)) {
            sprintf(comment, "%s projection parameter", wcs->cel.prj.code);
        } else {
            strcpy(comment, "Coordinate transformation parameter");

        wcshdo_util(relax, "PV", "V", WCSHDO_PVn_ma, "PV", wcs->pv[k].i, -1,
                    wcs->pv[k].m, alt, colnum, colax, keyvalue, comment,
                    nkeyrec, header, &status);

    for (k = 0; k < wcs->nps; k++) {
        sprintf(keyvalue, "'%s'", (wcs->ps[k]).value);

        wcshdo_util(relax, "PS", "S", WCSHDO_PVn_ma, "PS", wcs->ps[k].i, -1,
                    wcs->ps[k].m, alt, colnum, colax, keyvalue,
                    "Coordinate transformation parameter",
                    nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Celestial and spectral transformation parameters. */
    if (!undefined(wcs->lonpole)) {
        wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", wcs->lonpole);
        wcshdo_util(relax, "LONPOLE", "LONP", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, alt,
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, "[deg] Native longitude of celestial pole",
                    nkeyrec, header, &status);

    if (!undefined(wcs->latpole)) {
        wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", wcs->latpole);
        wcshdo_util(relax, "LATPOLE", "LATP", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, alt,
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, "[deg] Native latitude of celestial pole",
                    nkeyrec, header, &status);

    if (!undefined(wcs->restfrq)) {
        wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", wcs->restfrq);
        wcshdo_util(relax, "RESTFRQ", "RFRQ", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, alt,
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, "[Hz] Line rest frequency",
                    nkeyrec, header, &status);

    if (!undefined(wcs->restwav)) {
        wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", wcs->restwav);
        wcshdo_util(relax, "RESTWAV", "RWAV", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, alt,
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, "[Hz] Line rest wavelength",
                    nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Coordinate system title. */
    if (wcs->wcsname[0]) {
        sprintf(keyvalue, "'%s'", wcs->wcsname);
        if (bintab) {
            wcshdo_util(relax, "WCSNAME", "WCSN", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, alt,
                        colnum, colax, keyvalue, "Coordinate system title",
                        nkeyrec, header, &status);
        } else {
            /* TWCS was a mistake. */
            wcshdo_util(relax, "WCSNAME", "TWCS", WCSHDO_WCSNna, "WCSN", 0, 0, 0,
                        alt, colnum, colax, keyvalue, "Coordinate system title",
                        nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Coordinate axis title. */
    if (wcs->cname) {
        for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
            if (wcs->cname[i][0] == '\0') continue;

            sprintf(keyvalue, "'%s'", wcs->cname[i]);
            wcshdo_util(relax, "CNAME", "CNA", WCSHDO_CNAMna, "CNAM", i+1, 0, 0,
                        alt, colnum, colax, keyvalue, "Axis name for labelling purposes",
                        nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Random error in coordinate. */
    if (wcs->crder) {
        for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
            if (undefined(wcs->crder[i])) continue;

            wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", wcs->crder[i]);
            comment[0] = '\0';
            if (wcs->cunit[i][0]) sprintf(comment, "[%s] ", wcs->cunit[i]);
            strcat(comment, "Random error in coordinate");
            wcshdo_util(relax, "CRDER", "CRD", WCSHDO_CNAMna, "CRDE", i+1, 0, 0,
                        alt, colnum, colax, keyvalue, comment, nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Systematic error in coordinate. */
    if (wcs->csyer) {
        for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
            if (undefined(wcs->csyer[i])) continue;

            wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", wcs->csyer[i]);
            comment[0] = '\0';
            if (wcs->cunit[i][0]) sprintf(comment, "[%s] ", wcs->cunit[i]);
            strcat(comment, "Systematic error in coordinate");
            wcshdo_util(relax, "CSYER", "CSY", WCSHDO_CNAMna, "CSYE", i+1, 0, 0,
                        alt, colnum, colax, keyvalue, comment, nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Equatorial coordinate system type. */
    if (wcs->radesys[0]) {
        sprintf(keyvalue, "'%s'", wcs->radesys);
        wcshdo_util(relax, "RADESYS", "RADE", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, alt,
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, "Equatorial coordinate system",
                    nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Equinox of equatorial coordinate system. */
    if (!undefined(wcs->equinox)) {
        wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", wcs->equinox);
        wcshdo_util(relax, "EQUINOX", "EQUI", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, alt,
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, "[yr] Equinox of equatorial coordinates",
                    nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Reference frame of spectral coordinates. */
    if (wcs->specsys[0]) {
        sprintf(keyvalue, "'%s'", wcs->specsys);
        wcshdo_util(relax, "SPECSYS", "SPEC", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, alt,
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, "Reference frame of spectral coordinates",
                    nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Reference frame of spectral observation. */
    if (wcs->ssysobs[0]) {
        sprintf(keyvalue, "'%s'", wcs->ssysobs);
        wcshdo_util(relax, "SSYSOBS", "SOBS", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, alt,
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, "Reference frame of spectral observation",
                    nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Observer's velocity towards source. */
    if (!undefined(wcs->velosys)) {
        wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", wcs->velosys);
        wcshdo_util(relax, "VELOSYS", "VSYS", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, alt,
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, "[m/s] Velocity towards source",
                    nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Reference frame of source redshift. */
    if (wcs->ssyssrc[0]) {
        sprintf(keyvalue, "'%s'", wcs->ssyssrc);
        wcshdo_util(relax, "SSYSSRC", "SSRC", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, alt,
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, "Reference frame of source redshift",
                    nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Redshift of the source. */
    if (!undefined(wcs->zsource)) {
        wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", wcs->zsource);
        wcshdo_util(relax, "ZSOURCE", "ZSOU", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, alt,
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, "Redshift of the source",
                    nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* Observatory coordinates. */
    for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
        if (undefined(wcs->obsgeo[k])) continue;

        wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", wcs->obsgeo[k]);
        sprintf(comment, "[m] ITRF observatory %c-coordinate", xyz[k]);
        obsgeo[7] = xyz[k];
        obsg[4]   = xyz[k];
        wcshdo_util(relax, obsgeo, obsg, 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, ' ',
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, comment, nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* MJD of observation. */
    if (!undefined(wcs->mjdobs)) {
        wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", wcs->mjdobs);

        strcpy(comment, "[d] MJD of observation");
        if (wcs->dateobs[0]) {
            if (primage || (relax & 1) == 0) {
                sprintf(comment+22, " matching DATE-OBS");
            } else {
                sprintf(comment+22, " matching DOBS%d", col0);

        wcshdo_util(relax, "MJD-OBS", "MJDOB", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, ' ',
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, comment, nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* MJD mid-observation time. */
    if (!undefined(wcs->mjdavg)) {
        wcsutil_double2str(keyvalue, "%20.12G", wcs->mjdavg);

        strcpy(comment, "[d] MJD mid-observation");
        if (wcs->dateavg[0]) {
            if (primage) {
                sprintf(comment+23, " matching DATE-AVG");
            } else {
                sprintf(comment+23, " matching DAVG%d", col0);

        wcshdo_util(relax, "MJD-AVG", "MJDA", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, ' ',
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, comment, nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* ISO-8601 date corresponding to MJD-OBS. */
    if (wcs->dateobs[0]) {
        sprintf(keyvalue, "'%s'", wcs->dateobs);

        strcpy(comment, "ISO-8601 observation date");
        if (!undefined(wcs->mjdobs)) {
            if (primage) {
                sprintf(comment+25, " matching MJD-OBS");
            } else {
                sprintf(comment+25, " matching MJDOB%d", col0);

        if (relax & 1) {
            /* Allow DOBSn. */
            wcshdo_util(relax, "DATE-OBS", "DOBS", WCSHDO_DOBSn, 0x0, 0, 0, 0,
                        ' ', colnum, colax, keyvalue, comment, nkeyrec, header, &status);
        } else {
            /* Force DATE-OBS. */
            wcshdo_util(relax, "DATE-OBS", 0x0, 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, ' ', 0,
                        0x0, keyvalue, comment, nkeyrec, header, &status);

    /* ISO-8601 date corresponding to MJD-OBS. */
    if (wcs->dateavg[0]) {
        sprintf(keyvalue, "'%s'", wcs->dateavg);

        strcpy(comment, "ISO-8601 mid-observation date");
        if (!undefined(wcs->mjdavg)) {
            if (primage) {
                sprintf(comment+29, " matching MJD-AVG");
            } else {
                sprintf(comment+29, " matching MJDA%d", col0);

        wcshdo_util(relax, "DATE-AVG", "DAVG", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, ' ',
                    colnum, colax, keyvalue, comment, nkeyrec, header, &status);

    if (status == WCSHDRERR_MEMORY) {
    return status;
Beispiel #27
int celfix(struct wcsprm *wcs)

  static const char *function = "celfix";

  int k, status;
  struct celprm *wcscel = &(wcs->cel);
  struct prjprm *wcsprj = &(wcscel->prj);
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (wcs == 0x0) return FIXERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(wcs->err);

  /* Initialize if required. */
  if (wcs->flag != WCSSET) {
    if ((status = wcsset(wcs))) return status;

  /* Was an NCP or GLS projection code translated? */
  if (wcs->lat >= 0) {
    /* Check ctype. */
    if (strcmp(wcs->ctype[wcs->lat]+5, "NCP") == 0) {
      strcpy(wcs->ctype[wcs->lng]+5, "SIN");
      strcpy(wcs->ctype[wcs->lat]+5, "SIN");

      if (wcs->npvmax < wcs->npv + 2) {
        /* Allocate space for two more PVi_ja keyvalues. */
        if (wcs->m_flag == WCSSET && wcs->pv == wcs->m_pv) {
          if (!(wcs->pv = calloc(wcs->npv+2, sizeof(struct pvcard)))) {
            wcs->pv = wcs->m_pv;
            return wcserr_set(WCSFIX_ERRMSG(FIXERR_MEMORY));

          wcs->npvmax = wcs->npv + 2;
          wcs->m_flag = WCSSET;

          for (k = 0; k < wcs->npv; k++) {
            wcs->pv[k] = wcs->m_pv[k];

          if (wcs->m_pv) free(wcs->m_pv);
          wcs->m_pv = wcs->pv;

        } else {
          return wcserr_set(WCSFIX_ERRMSG(FIXERR_MEMORY));

      wcs->pv[wcs->npv].i = wcs->lat + 1;
      wcs->pv[wcs->npv].m = 1;
      wcs->pv[wcs->npv].value = wcsprj->pv[1];

      wcs->pv[wcs->npv].i = wcs->lat + 1;
      wcs->pv[wcs->npv].m = 2;
      wcs->pv[wcs->npv].value = wcsprj->pv[2];

      return FIXERR_SUCCESS;

    } else if (strcmp(wcs->ctype[wcs->lat]+5, "GLS") == 0) {
      strcpy(wcs->ctype[wcs->lng]+5, "SFL");
      strcpy(wcs->ctype[wcs->lat]+5, "SFL");

      if (wcs->crval[wcs->lng] != 0.0 || wcs->crval[wcs->lat] != 0.0) {
        /* In the AIPS convention, setting the reference longitude and
         * latitude for GLS does not create an oblique graticule.  A non-zero
         * reference longitude introduces an offset in longitude in the normal
         * way, whereas a non-zero reference latitude simply translates the
         * reference point (i.e. the map as a whole) to that latitude.  This
         * might be effected by adjusting CRPIXja but that is complicated by
         * the linear transformation and instead is accomplished here by
         * setting theta_0. */
        if (wcs->npvmax < wcs->npv + 2) {
          /* Allocate space for three more PVi_ja keyvalues. */
          if (wcs->m_flag == WCSSET && wcs->pv == wcs->m_pv) {
            if (!(wcs->pv = calloc(wcs->npv+3, sizeof(struct pvcard)))) {
              wcs->pv = wcs->m_pv;
              return wcserr_set(WCSFIX_ERRMSG(FIXERR_MEMORY));

            wcs->npvmax = wcs->npv + 3;
            wcs->m_flag = WCSSET;

            for (k = 0; k < wcs->npv; k++) {
              wcs->pv[k] = wcs->m_pv[k];

            if (wcs->m_pv) free(wcs->m_pv);
            wcs->m_pv = wcs->pv;

          } else {
            return wcserr_set(WCSFIX_ERRMSG(FIXERR_MEMORY));

        wcs->pv[wcs->npv].i = wcs->lng + 1;
        wcs->pv[wcs->npv].m = 0;
        wcs->pv[wcs->npv].value = 1.0;

        /* Note that the reference longitude is still zero. */
        wcs->pv[wcs->npv].i = wcs->lng + 1;
        wcs->pv[wcs->npv].m = 1;
        wcs->pv[wcs->npv].value = 0.0;

        wcs->pv[wcs->npv].i = wcs->lng + 1;
        wcs->pv[wcs->npv].m = 2;
        wcs->pv[wcs->npv].value = wcs->crval[wcs->lat];

      return FIXERR_SUCCESS;

Beispiel #28
int wcstab(struct wcsprm *wcs)

    static const char *function = "wcstab";

    char (*PSi_0a)[72] = 0x0, (*PSi_1a)[72] = 0x0, (*PSi_2a)[72] = 0x0;
    int  *PVi_1a = 0x0, *PVi_2a = 0x0, *PVi_3a = 0x0, *tabax, *tabidx = 0x0;
    int   getcrd, i, ip, itab, itabax, j, jtabax, m, naxis, ntabax, status;
    struct wtbarr *wtbp;
    struct tabprm *tabp;
    struct wcserr **err;

    if (wcs == 0x0) return WCSHDRERR_NULL_POINTER;
    err = &(wcs->err);

    /* Free memory previously allocated by wcstab(). */
    if (wcs->flag != -1 && wcs->m_flag == WCSSET) {
        if (wcs->wtb == wcs->m_wtb) wcs->wtb = 0x0;
        if (wcs->tab == wcs->m_tab) wcs->tab = 0x0;

        if (wcs->m_wtb) free(wcs->m_wtb);
        if (wcs->m_tab) {
            for (j = 0; j < wcs->ntab; j++) {
                tabfree(wcs->m_tab + j);


    wcs->ntab = 0;
    wcs->nwtb = 0;
    wcs->wtb  = 0x0;
    wcs->tab  = 0x0;

    /* Determine the number of -TAB axes. */
    naxis = wcs->naxis;
    if (!(tabax = calloc(naxis, sizeof(int)))) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSHDR_ERRMSG(WCSHDRERR_MEMORY));

    ntabax = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
        /* Null fill. */
        wcsutil_null_fill(72, wcs->ctype[i]);

        if (!strcmp(wcs->ctype[i]+4, "-TAB")) {
            tabax[i] = ntabax++;
        } else {
            tabax[i] = -1;

    if (ntabax == 0) {
        /* No lookup tables. */
        status = 0;
        goto cleanup;

    /* Collect information from the PSi_ma and PVi_ma keyvalues. */
    if (!((PSi_0a = calloc(ntabax, sizeof(char[72]))) &&
            (PVi_1a = calloc(ntabax, sizeof(int)))      &&
            (PVi_2a = calloc(ntabax, sizeof(int)))      &&
            (PSi_1a = calloc(ntabax, sizeof(char[72]))) &&
            (PSi_2a = calloc(ntabax, sizeof(char[72]))) &&
            (PVi_3a = calloc(ntabax, sizeof(int)))      &&
            (tabidx = calloc(ntabax, sizeof(int))))) {
        status = wcserr_set(WCSHDR_ERRMSG(WCSHDRERR_MEMORY));
        goto cleanup;

    for (itabax = 0; itabax < ntabax; itabax++) {
        /* Remember that calloc() zeroes allocated memory. */
        PVi_1a[itabax] = 1;
        PVi_2a[itabax] = 1;
        PVi_3a[itabax] = 1;

    for (ip = 0; ip < wcs->nps; ip++) {
        itabax = tabax[wcs->ps[ip].i - 1];
        if (itabax >= 0) {
            switch (wcs->ps[ip].m) {
            case 0:
                /* EXTNAME. */
                strcpy(PSi_0a[itabax], wcs->ps[ip].value);
                wcsutil_null_fill(72, PSi_0a[itabax]);
            case 1:
                /* TTYPEn for coordinate array. */
                strcpy(PSi_1a[itabax], wcs->ps[ip].value);
                wcsutil_null_fill(72, PSi_1a[itabax]);
            case 2:
                /* TTYPEn for index vector. */
                strcpy(PSi_2a[itabax], wcs->ps[ip].value);
                wcsutil_null_fill(72, PSi_2a[itabax]);

    for (ip = 0; ip < wcs->npv; ip++) {
        itabax = tabax[wcs->pv[ip].i - 1];
        if (itabax >= 0) {
            switch (wcs->pv[ip].m) {
            case 1:
                /* EXTVER. */
                PVi_1a[itabax] = (int)(wcs->pv[ip].value + 0.5);
            case 2:
                /* EXTLEVEL. */
                PVi_2a[itabax] = (int)(wcs->pv[ip].value + 0.5);
            case 3:
                /* Table axis number. */
                PVi_3a[itabax] = (int)(wcs->pv[ip].value + 0.5);

    /* Determine the number of independent tables. */
    for (itabax = 0; itabax < ntabax; itabax++) {
        /* These have no defaults. */
        if (!PSi_0a[itabax][0] || !PSi_1a[itabax][0]) {
            status = wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(WCSHDRERR_BAD_TABULAR_PARAMS),
                                "Invalid tabular parameters: PSi_0a and PSi_1a must be specified");
            goto cleanup;

        tabidx[itabax] = -1;
        for (jtabax = 0; jtabax < i; jtabax++) {
            /* EXTNAME, EXTVER, EXTLEVEL, and TTYPEn for the coordinate array */
            /* must match for each axis of a multi-dimensional lookup table.  */
            if (strcmp(PSi_0a[itabax], PSi_0a[jtabax]) == 0 &&
                    strcmp(PSi_1a[itabax], PSi_1a[jtabax]) == 0 &&
                    PVi_1a[itabax] == PVi_1a[jtabax] &&
                    PVi_2a[itabax] == PVi_2a[jtabax]) {
                tabidx[itabax] = tabidx[jtabax];

        if (jtabax == itabax) {
            tabidx[itabax] = wcs->ntab;

    if (!(wcs->tab = calloc(wcs->ntab, sizeof(struct tabprm)))) {
        status = wcserr_set(WCSHDR_ERRMSG(WCSHDRERR_MEMORY));
        goto cleanup;
    wcs->m_tab = wcs->tab;

    /* Table dimensionality; find the largest axis number. */
    for (itabax = 0; itabax < ntabax; itabax++) {
        tabp = wcs->tab + tabidx[itabax];

        /* PVi_3a records the 1-relative table axis number. */
        if (PVi_3a[itabax] > tabp->M) {
            tabp->M = PVi_3a[itabax];

    for (itab = 0; itab < wcs->ntab; itab++) {
        if ((status = tabini(1, wcs->tab[itab].M, 0, wcs->tab + itab))) {
            if (status == 3) status = 5;
            goto cleanup;

    /* Copy parameters into the tabprm structs. */
    for (i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
        if ((itabax = tabax[i]) < 0) {
            /* Not a -TAB axis. */

        /* PVi_3a records the 1-relative table axis number. */
        m = PVi_3a[itabax] - 1;

        tabp = wcs->tab + tabidx[itabax];
        tabp->map[m] = i;
        tabp->crval[m] = wcs->crval[i];

    /* Check for completeness. */
    for (itab = 0; itab < wcs->ntab; itab++) {
        for (m = 0; m < wcs->tab[itab].M; m++) {
            if (wcs->tab[itab].map[m] < 0) {
                status = wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(WCSHDRERR_BAD_TABULAR_PARAMS),
                                    "Invalid tabular parameters: the axis mapping is undefined");
                goto cleanup;

    /* Set up for reading the arrays; how many arrays are there? */
    for (itabax = 0; itabax < ntabax; itabax++) {
        /* Does this -TAB axis have a non-degenerate index array? */
        if (PSi_2a[itabax][0]) {

    /* Add one coordinate array for each table. */
    wcs->nwtb += wcs->ntab;

    /* Allocate memory for structs to be returned. */
    if (!(wcs->wtb = calloc(wcs->nwtb, sizeof(struct wtbarr)))) {
        wcs->nwtb = 0;

        status = wcserr_set(WCSHDR_ERRMSG(WCSHDRERR_MEMORY));
        goto cleanup;
    wcs->m_wtb = wcs->wtb;

    /* Set pointers for the index and coordinate arrays. */
    wtbp = wcs->wtb;
    for (itab = 0; itab < wcs->ntab; itab++) {
        getcrd = 1;
        for (itabax = 0; itabax < ntabax; itabax++) {
            if (tabidx[itabax] != itab) continue;

            if (getcrd) {
                /* Coordinate array. */
                wtbp->i = itabax + 1;
                wtbp->m = PVi_3a[itabax];
                wtbp->kind = 'c';

                strcpy(wtbp->extnam, PSi_0a[itabax]);
                wtbp->extver = PVi_1a[itabax];
                wtbp->extlev = PVi_2a[itabax];
                strcpy(wtbp->ttype, PSi_1a[itabax]);
                wtbp->row    = 1L;
                wtbp->ndim   = wcs->tab[itab].M + 1;
                wtbp->dimlen = wcs->tab[itab].K;
                wtbp->arrayp = &(wcs->tab[itab].coord);

                /* Signal for tabset() to take this memory. */
                wcs->tab[itab].m_coord = (double *)0x1;

                getcrd = 0;

            if (PSi_2a[itabax][0]) {
                /* Index array. */
                wtbp->i = itabax + 1;
                wtbp->m = PVi_3a[itabax];
                wtbp->kind = 'i';

                m = wtbp->m - 1;
                strcpy(wtbp->extnam, PSi_0a[itabax]);
                wtbp->extver = PVi_1a[itabax];
                wtbp->extlev = PVi_2a[itabax];
                strcpy(wtbp->ttype, PSi_2a[itabax]);
                wtbp->row    = 1L;
                wtbp->ndim   = 1;
                wtbp->dimlen = wcs->tab[itab].K + m;
                wtbp->arrayp = wcs->tab[itab].index + m;

                /* Signal for tabset() to take this memory. */
                wcs->tab[itab].m_indxs[m] = (double *)0x1;


    status = 0;

    if (tabax)  free(tabax);
    if (tabidx) free(tabidx);
    if (PSi_0a) free(PSi_0a);
    if (PVi_1a) free(PVi_1a);
    if (PVi_2a) free(PVi_2a);
    if (PSi_1a) free(PSi_1a);
    if (PSi_2a) free(PSi_2a);
    if (PVi_3a) free(PVi_3a);

    if (status) {
        if (wcs->tab) free(wcs->tab);
        if (wcs->wtb) free(wcs->wtb);

    return status;
Beispiel #29
int wcsunitse(
  const char have[],
  const char want[],
  double *scale,
  double *offset,
  double *power,
  struct wcserr **err)

  static const char *function = "wcsunitse";

  int    func1, func2, i, status;
  double scale1, scale2, units1[WCSUNITS_NTYPE], units2[WCSUNITS_NTYPE];

  if ((status = wcsulexe(have, &func1, &scale1, units1, err))) {
    return status;

  if ((status = wcsulexe(want, &func2, &scale2, units2, err))) {
    return status;

  /* Check conformance. */
  for (i = 0; i < WCSUNITS_NTYPE; i++) {
    if (units1[i] != units2[i]) {
      return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(UNITSERR_BAD_UNIT_SPEC),
        "Mismatched units type '%s': have '%s', want '%s'",
        wcsunits_types[i], have, want);

  *scale  = 0.0;
  *offset = 0.0;
  *power  = 1.0;

  switch (func1) {
  case 0:
    /* No function. */
    if (func2) {
      return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(UNITSERR_BAD_FUNCS),
        "Mismatched unit functions: have '%s' (%s), want '%s' (%s)",
        have, wcsunits_funcs[func1], want, wcsunits_funcs[func2]);

    *scale = scale1 / scale2;

  case 1:
    /* log(). */
    if (func2 == 1) {
      /* log(). */
      *scale  = 1.0;
      *offset = log10(scale1 / scale2);

    } else if (func2 == 2) {
      /* ln(). */
      *scale  = log(10.0);
      *offset = log(scale1 / scale2);

    } else {
      return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(UNITSERR_BAD_FUNCS),
        "Mismatched unit functions: have '%s' (%s), want '%s' (%s)",
        have, wcsunits_funcs[func1], want, wcsunits_funcs[func2]);


  case 2:
    /* ln(). */
    if (func2 == 1) {
      /* log(). */
      *scale  = 1.0 / log(10.0);
      *offset = log(scale1 / scale2);

    } else if (func2 == 2) {
      /* ln(). */
      *scale  = 1.0;
      *offset = log(scale1 / scale2);

    } else {
      return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(UNITSERR_BAD_FUNCS),
        "Mismatched unit functions: have '%s' (%s), want '%s' (%s)",
        have, wcsunits_funcs[func1], want, wcsunits_funcs[func2]);


  case 3:
    /* exp(). */
    if (func2 != 3) {
      return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(UNITSERR_BAD_FUNCS),
        "Mismatched unit functions: have '%s' (%s), want '%s' (%s)",
        have, wcsunits_funcs[func1], want, wcsunits_funcs[func2]);

    *scale = 1.0;
    *power = scale1 / scale2;

    /* Internal parser error. */
    return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(UNITSERR_PARSER_ERROR),
      "Internal units parser error");

  return 0;
Beispiel #30
int tabset(struct tabprm *tab)

    static const char *function = "tabset";

    int i, ic, k, *Km, m, M, ne;
    double *dcrd, *dmax, *dmin, dPsi, dval, *Psi;
    struct wcserr **err;

    if (tab == 0x0) return TABERR_NULL_POINTER;
    err = &(tab->err);

    /* Check the number of tabular coordinate axes. */
    if ((M = tab->M) < 1) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(TABERR_BAD_PARAMS),
                          "Invalid tabular parameters: M must be positive, got %d", M);

    /* Check the axis lengths. */
    if (!tab->K) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(TABERR_MEMORY),
                          "Null pointers in tabprm struct");

    tab->nc = 1;
    for (m = 0; m < M; m++) {
        if (tab->K[m] < 1) {
            return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(TABERR_BAD_PARAMS),
                              "Invalid tabular parameters: Each element of K must be positive, "
                              "got %d", tab->K[m]);

        /* Number of coordinate vectors in the coordinate array. */
        tab->nc *= tab->K[m];

    /* Check that the map vector is sensible. */
    if (!tab->map) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(TABERR_MEMORY),
                          "Null pointers in tabprm struct");

    for (m = 0; m < M; m++) {
        i = tab->map[m];
        if (i < 0) {
            return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(TABERR_BAD_PARAMS),
                              "Invalid tabular parameters: Each element of map must be "
                              "non-negative, got %d", i);

    /* Check memory allocation for the remaining vectors. */
    if (!tab->crval || !tab->index || !tab->coord) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(TABERR_MEMORY),
                          "Null pointers in tabprm struct");

    /* Take memory if signalled to by wcstab(). */
    for (m = 0; m < tab->m_M; m++) {
        if (tab->m_indxs[m] == (double *)0x1 &&
                (tab->m_indxs[m] = tab->index[m])) {
            tab->m_flag = TABSET;

    if (tab->m_coord == (double *)0x1 &&
            (tab->m_coord = tab->coord)) {
        tab->m_flag = TABSET;

    /* Allocate memory for work vectors. */
    if (tab->flag != TABSET || tab->set_M < M) {
        /* Free memory that may have been allocated previously. */
        if (tab->sense)   free(tab->sense);
        if (tab->p0)      free(tab->p0);
        if (tab->delta)   free(tab->delta);
        if (tab->extrema) free(tab->extrema);

        /* Allocate memory for internal arrays. */
        if (!(tab->sense = calloc(M, sizeof(int)))) {
            return wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_MEMORY));

        if (!(tab->p0 = calloc(M, sizeof(int)))) {
            return wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_MEMORY));

        if (!(tab->delta = calloc(M, sizeof(double)))) {
            return wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_MEMORY));

        ne = M * tab->nc * 2 / tab->K[0];
        if (!(tab->extrema = calloc(ne, sizeof(double)))) {
            return wcserr_set(TAB_ERRMSG(TABERR_MEMORY));

        tab->set_M = M;

    /* Check that the index vectors are monotonic. */
    Km = tab->K;
    for (m = 0; m < M; m++, Km++) {
        tab->sense[m] = 0;

        if (*Km > 1) {
            if ((Psi = tab->index[m]) == 0x0) {
                /* Default indexing. */
                tab->sense[m] = 1;

            } else {
                for (k = 0; k < *Km-1; k++) {
                    switch (tab->sense[m]) {
                    case 0:
                        if (Psi[k] < Psi[k+1]) {
                            /* Monotonic increasing. */
                            tab->sense[m] = 1;
                        } else if (Psi[k] > Psi[k+1]) {
                            /* Monotonic decreasing. */
                            tab->sense[m] = -1;

                    case 1:
                        if (Psi[k] > Psi[k+1]) {
                            /* Should be monotonic increasing. */
                            return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(TABERR_BAD_PARAMS),
                                              "Invalid tabular parameters: Index vectors are not "
                                              "monotonically increasing");

                    case -1:
                        if (Psi[k] < Psi[k+1]) {
                            /* Should be monotonic decreasing. */
                            return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(TABERR_BAD_PARAMS),
                                              "Invalid tabular parameters: Index vectors are not "
                                              "monotonically decreasing");

            if (tab->sense[m] == 0) {
                return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(TABERR_BAD_PARAMS),
                                  "Invalid tabular parameters: Index vectors are not monotonic");

    /* Find the extremal values of the coordinate elements in each row. */
    dcrd = tab->coord;
    dmin = tab->extrema;
    dmax = tab->extrema + M;
    for (ic = 0; ic < tab->nc; ic += tab->K[0]) {
        for (m = 0; m < M; m++, dcrd++) {
            if (tab->K[0] > 1) {
                /* Extrapolate a little before the start of the row. */
                Psi = tab->index[0];
                if (Psi == 0x0) {
                    dPsi = 1.0;
                } else {
                    dPsi = Psi[1] - Psi[0];

                dval = *dcrd;
                if (dPsi != 0.0) {
                    dval -= 0.5 * (*(dcrd+M) - *dcrd)/dPsi;

                *(dmax+m) = *(dmin+m) = dval;
            } else {
                *(dmax+m) = *(dmin+m) = *dcrd;

        dcrd -= M;
        for (i = 0; i < tab->K[0]; i++) {
            for (m = 0; m < M; m++, dcrd++) {
                if (*(dmax+m) < *dcrd) *(dmax+m) = *dcrd;
                if (*(dmin+m) > *dcrd) *(dmin+m) = *dcrd;

                if (tab->K[0] > 1 && i == tab->K[0]-1) {
                    /* Extrapolate a little beyond the end of the row. */
                    Psi = tab->index[0];
                    if (Psi == 0x0) {
                        dPsi = 1.0;
                    } else {
                        dPsi = Psi[i] - Psi[i-1];

                    dval = *dcrd;
                    if (dPsi != 0.0) {
                        dval += 0.5 * (*dcrd - *(dcrd-M))/dPsi;

                    if (*(dmax+m) < dval) *(dmax+m) = dval;
                    if (*(dmin+m) > dval) *(dmin+m) = dval;

        dmin += 2*M;
        dmax += 2*M;

    tab->flag = TABSET;

    return 0;