Beispiel #1
static gboolean webkit_link_clicked (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitWebFrame *frame, WebKitNetworkRequest *request,
                                                        WebKitWebNavigationAction *navigation_action,
                                                        WebKitWebPolicyDecision   *policy_decision,
                                                        Document_Webkit *doc)
  if (webkit_web_navigation_action_get_reason (navigation_action) != WEBKIT_WEB_NAVIGATION_REASON_LINK_CLICKED) return FALSE;
  webkit_web_view_load_request (web_view, request);
  return TRUE;
Beispiel #2
decidewindow(WebKitWebView *view, WebKitWebFrame *f, WebKitNetworkRequest *r, WebKitWebNavigationAction *n, WebKitWebPolicyDecision *p, Client *c) {
	Arg arg;
	if(webkit_web_navigation_action_get_reason(n) == WEBKIT_WEB_NAVIGATION_REASON_LINK_CLICKED) {
		arg.v = (void *)webkit_network_request_get_uri(r);
		newwindow(NULL, &arg);
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
Beispiel #3
static gboolean
on_navigation_policy_decision_requested (MuMsgBodyView *self, WebKitWebFrame *frame,
					 WebKitNetworkRequest *request,
					 WebKitWebNavigationAction *nav_action,
					 WebKitWebPolicyDecision *policy_decision,
					 gpointer data)
	const char* uri;
	WebKitWebNavigationReason reason;
	uri = webkit_network_request_get_uri (request);
	reason = webkit_web_navigation_action_get_reason (nav_action);
	/* if it wasn't a user click, don't the navigation */
		webkit_web_policy_decision_ignore (policy_decision);
		return TRUE;
	/* we handle links clicked ourselves, no need for navigation */
	webkit_web_policy_decision_ignore (policy_decision);
	/* if there are 'cmd:<action>" links in the body text of
	 * mu-internal messages (ie., notification from mu, not real
	 * e-mail messages), we emit the 'action requested'
	 * signal. this allows e.g triggering a database refresh from
	 * a <a href="cmd:refresh">Refresh</a> link
	if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (uri, "cmd:", 4) == 0)  {
		if (self->_priv->_view_mode == VIEW_MODE_NOTE) {
			g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT(self),
				       signals[ACTION_REQUESTED], 0,
				       uri + 4);
		return TRUE;
	/* don't try to play files on our local file system, this is not something
	 * external content should do.*/
	if (!mu_util_is_local_file(uri))
		mu_util_play (uri, FALSE, TRUE);
	return TRUE;
void WindowCheckKeyterms::navigation_policy_decision_requested (WebKitNetworkRequest *request, WebKitWebNavigationAction *navigation_action, WebKitWebPolicyDecision *policy_decision)
// Callback for clicking a link.
  // Store scrolling position for the now active url.
  GtkAdjustment * adjustment = gtk_scrolled_window_get_vadjustment (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow_terms));
  scrolling_position[active_url] = gtk_adjustment_get_value (adjustment);

  // Get the reason for this navigation policy request.
  WebKitWebNavigationReason reason = webkit_web_navigation_action_get_reason (navigation_action);
  // If a new page if loaded, allow the navigation, and exit.
    webkit_web_policy_decision_use (policy_decision);

  // Don't follow pseudo-links clicked on this page.
  webkit_web_policy_decision_ignore (policy_decision);
  // Load new page depending on the pseudo-link clicked.
  html_link_clicked (webkit_network_request_get_uri (request));
Beispiel #5
 * A link has been clicked
 * When a link has been clicked the link management is dispatched to Liferea
 * core in order to manage the different filetypes, remote URLs.
static gboolean
liferea_webkit_link_clicked (WebKitWebView *view,
			     WebKitWebFrame *frame,
			     WebKitNetworkRequest *request,
			     WebKitWebNavigationAction *navigation_action,
			     WebKitWebPolicyDecision *policy_decision)
	const gchar			*uri;
	WebKitWebNavigationReason	reason;
	gboolean			url_handled;

	g_return_val_if_fail (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW (view), FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (WEBKIT_IS_NETWORK_REQUEST (request), FALSE);

	reason = webkit_web_navigation_action_get_reason (navigation_action);

	/* iframes in items return WEBKIT_WEB_NAVIGATION_REASON_OTHER
	   and shouldn't be handled as clicks                          */
		return FALSE;

	uri = webkit_network_request_get_uri (request);

	if (webkit_web_navigation_action_get_button (navigation_action) == 2) { /* middle click */
		browser_tabs_add_new (uri, uri, FALSE);
		webkit_web_policy_decision_ignore (policy_decision);
		return TRUE;

	url_handled = liferea_htmlview_handle_URL (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (view), "htmlview"), uri);

	if (url_handled)
		webkit_web_policy_decision_ignore (policy_decision);

	return url_handled;
Beispiel #6
static gboolean
formhistory_navigation_decision_cb (WebKitWebView*             web_view,
                                    WebKitWebFrame*            web_frame,
                                    WebKitNetworkRequest*      request,
                                    WebKitWebNavigationAction* action,
                                    WebKitWebPolicyDecision*   decision,
                                    MidoriExtension*           extension)
    FormHistoryPriv* priv;
    JSContextRef js_context;
    gchar* value;

    /* The script returns form data in the form "field_name|,|value|,|field_type".
       We are handling only input fields with 'text' or 'password' type.
       The field separator is "|||" */
    const gchar* script = "function dumpForm (inputs) {"
                 "  var out = '';"
                 "  for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {"
                 "    if (inputs[i].getAttribute('autocomplete') == 'off' && "
                 "        inputs[i].type == 'text')"
                 "        continue;"
                 "    if (inputs[i].value && (inputs[i].type == 'text' || inputs[i].type == 'password')) {"
                 "        var ename = inputs[i].getAttribute('name');"
                 "        var eid = inputs[i].getAttribute('id');"
                 "        if (!eid && ename)"
                 "            eid=ename;"
                 "        out += eid+'|,|'+inputs[i].value +'|,|'+inputs[i].type +'|||';"
                 "    }"
                 "  }"
                 "  return out;"
                 "dumpForm (document.getElementsByTagName('input'))";

    if (webkit_web_navigation_action_get_reason (action) != WEBKIT_WEB_NAVIGATION_REASON_FORM_SUBMITTED)
        return FALSE;

    priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (extension), "priv");
    js_context = webkit_web_frame_get_global_context (web_frame);
    value = sokoke_js_script_eval (js_context, script, NULL);

    formhistory_suggestions_hide_cb (NULL, NULL, priv);
    if (value && *value)
        gchar** inputs = g_strsplit (value, "|||", 0);
        guint i = 0;
        while (inputs[i] != NULL)
            gchar** parts = g_strsplit (inputs[i], "|,|", 3);
            if (parts && parts[0] && parts[1] && parts[2])
                if (strcmp (parts[2], "password"))
                    formhistory_update_database (priv->db, NULL, parts[0], parts[1]);
                    #if 0
                    FormhistoryPasswordEntry* entry;
                    gchar* data = formhistory_get_login_data (priv->db, webkit_web_frame_get_uri (web_frame));
                    if (data)
                        g_free (data);
                    #if 0
                    entry = g_slice_new (FormhistoryPasswordEntry);
                    /* Domain and form data are freed from infopanel callback*/
                    entry->form_data = g_strdup (value);
                    entry->domain = domain;
                    entry->priv = priv;
                    g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (web_view), "FormHistoryPasswordEntry", entry);
            g_strfreev (parts);
        g_strfreev (inputs);
        g_free (value);
    return FALSE;