Beispiel #1
wiced_result_t process_received_udp_packet()
    wiced_packet_t*           packet;
    char*                     rx_data;
    static uint16_t           rx_data_length;
    uint16_t                  available_data_length;
    static wiced_ip_address_t udp_src_ip_addr;
    static uint16_t           udp_src_port;

    wiced_result_t result = wiced_udp_receive( &udp_socket, &packet, RX_WAIT_TIMEOUT );
    if ( ( result == WICED_ERROR ) || ( result == WICED_TIMEOUT ) ) {
        return result;
    wiced_udp_packet_get_info( packet, &udp_src_ip_addr, &udp_src_port );
    wiced_packet_get_data( packet, 0, (uint8_t**) &rx_data, &rx_data_length, &available_data_length );
	uint32_t data_len = MIN(rx_data_length, BUFFER_SIZE-(48));
	write_ws2812(0, data_len, rx_data);
//    WPRINT_APP_INFO ( ("UDP Rx: \"%.2x\" from IP %u.%u.%u.%u:%d\n", *rx_data,
//                                                                  (unsigned char) ( ( GET_IPV4_ADDRESS(udp_src_ip_addr) >> 24 ) & 0xff ),
//                                                                  (unsigned char) ( ( GET_IPV4_ADDRESS(udp_src_ip_addr) >> 16 ) & 0xff ),
//                                                                  (unsigned char) ( ( GET_IPV4_ADDRESS(udp_src_ip_addr) >>  8 ) & 0xff ),
//                                                                  (unsigned char) ( ( GET_IPV4_ADDRESS(udp_src_ip_addr) >>  0 ) & 0xff ),
//                                                                  udp_src_port ) );
    wiced_packet_delete( packet );

    return WICED_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #2
sock_result_t socket_receivefrom(sock_handle_t sd, void* buffer, socklen_t bufLen, uint32_t flags, sockaddr_t* addr, socklen_t* addrsize)
    socket_t* socket = from_handle(sd);
    volatile wiced_result_t result = WICED_INVALID_SOCKET;
    uint16_t read_len = 0;
    if (is_open(socket) && is_udp(socket)) {
        std::lock_guard<socket_t> lk(*socket);
        wiced_packet_t* packet = NULL;
        // UDP receive timeout changed to 0 sec so as not to block
        if ((result=wiced_udp_receive(udp(socket), &packet, WICED_NO_WAIT))==WICED_SUCCESS) {
            wiced_ip_address_t wiced_ip_addr;
            uint16_t port;
            if ((result=wiced_udp_packet_get_info(packet, &wiced_ip_addr, &port))==WICED_SUCCESS) {
                uint32_t ipv4 = GET_IPV4_ADDRESS(wiced_ip_addr);
                addr->sa_data[0] = (port>>8) & 0xFF;
                addr->sa_data[1] = port & 0xFF;
                addr->sa_data[2] = (ipv4 >> 24) & 0xFF;
                addr->sa_data[3] = (ipv4 >> 16) & 0xFF;
                addr->sa_data[4] = (ipv4 >> 8) & 0xFF;
                addr->sa_data[5] = ipv4 & 0xFF;
                result=read_packet(packet, (uint8_t*)buffer, bufLen, &read_len);
 * Function:    wilddog_receive
 * Description: wilddog receive function, it use the interface in wiced platform.
 * Input:        socketId: The socket id.
 *                  addr:  The pointer of Wilddog_Address_T
 *                  buf: The pointer of the send buffer
 *                  bufLen: The length of the send buffer.
 *                  timeout: The max timeout in recv process.
 * Output:      N/A
 * Return:      If success, return the number of bytes received; else return -1.
int wilddog_receive
    int socketId, 
    Wilddog_Address_T* addr_in, 
    void* buf, 
    s32 bufLen, 
    s32 timeout
    wiced_udp_socket_t* socket = (wiced_udp_socket_t*) socketId;

    wiced_packet_t* receive = NULL;
    u16 totalLeft = 0;
    u16 total = 0;
    uint16_t pos = 0;
    uint8_t* rxData;
    uint16_t fragLeft = 0;
    wiced_ip_address_t recieve_ip_addr;
    uint16_t receive_port;
    wiced_result_t result;
    result = wiced_udp_receive( socket, &receive, timeout );
    if ( result == WICED_SUCCESS )
        if(NULL == receive)
            wilddog_debug_level(WD_DEBUG_ERROR, "receive is NULL!");
            return -1;
        wiced_udp_packet_get_info( receive, &recieve_ip_addr, &receive_port );

        if ( !recieve_ip_addr.ip.v4 == MAKE_IPV4_ADDRESS(addr_in->ip[0], \
            addr_in->ip[1], addr_in->ip[2], addr_in->ip[3]) )
            wilddog_debug_level(WD_DEBUG_ERROR, "addr error!\n" );
            wiced_packet_delete( receive );
            return -1;
            if ( wiced_packet_get_data( receive, 0, (uint8_t**) &rxData, \
                &fragLeft, &totalLeft ) != WICED_SUCCESS )
                wilddog_debug_level(WD_DEBUG_ERROR, \
                    "get data from packet error \r\n" );
                wiced_packet_delete( receive );
                return -1;
                if ( pos + fragLeft > bufLen )
                    /* too large, drop*/
                    wiced_packet_delete( receive );
                    wilddog_debug_level(WD_DEBUG_ERROR, \
                        "too large receive end , get %d bytes\n", pos );
                    return 0;
                if ( total == 0 )
                    /*only get first data, next fragment's total is wrong*/
                    total = totalLeft;

                memcpy( (uint8_t *) ( buf + pos ), rxData, fragLeft );
                pos += fragLeft;

                fragLeft = 0;
            if ( pos == total )
                wilddog_debug_level(WD_DEBUG_LOG, "received %d data!", pos);
                wiced_packet_delete( receive );
                return pos;
            else if ( pos < total )
                /*get next fragment*/
                wilddog_debug_level(WD_DEBUG_LOG, "more than one packet!");
                if ( WICED_SUCCESS != _packet_get_next_fragment( receive, \
                    &receive ) )
                    wilddog_debug_level(WD_DEBUG_ERROR, \
                        "get next fragment err! %d lost!", total);
	                    wiced_packet_delete( receive );
                    return -1;
                if ( NULL == receive )
                    wilddog_debug_level(WD_DEBUG_ERROR, \
                        "get next fragment err! %d lost!", total);
                    return -1;

                wiced_packet_delete( receive );
                return -1;
        } while ( pos < total );
        wilddog_debug_level(WD_DEBUG_LOG, "result = %d",result);
        wiced_packet_delete( receive );*/
    return 0;
 *  Implements a very simple DHCP server.
 *  Server will always offer next available address to a DISCOVER command
 *  Server will NAK any REQUEST command which is not requesting the next available address
 *  Server will ACK any REQUEST command which is for the next available address, and then increment the next available address
 * @param my_addr : local IP address for binding of server port.
static void dhcp_thread( uint32_t thread_input )
    wiced_packet_t*      received_packet;
    wiced_packet_t*      transmit_packet;
    wiced_ip_address_t   local_ip_address;
    wiced_ip_address_t   netmask;
    uint32_t             next_available_ip_addr;
    uint32_t             ip_mask;
    uint32_t             subnet;
    uint32_t             netmask_htobe;
    char*                option_ptr;
    wiced_dhcp_server_t* server                       = (wiced_dhcp_server_t*)thread_input;
    uint8_t              subnet_mask_option_buff[]    = { 1, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    uint8_t              server_ip_addr_option_buff[] = { 54, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    uint32_t*            server_ip_addr_ptr           = (uint32_t*)&server_ip_addr_option_buff[2];
    uint8_t              wpad_option_buff[ 2 + sizeof(WPAD_SAMPLE_URL)-1 ] = { 252, sizeof(WPAD_SAMPLE_URL)-1 };

    /* Save local IP address to be sent in DHCP packets */
    wiced_ip_get_ipv4_address(server->interface, &local_ip_address);
    *server_ip_addr_ptr = htobe32( GET_IPV4_ADDRESS( local_ip_address ) );

    /* Save the current netmask to be sent in DHCP packets as the 'subnet mask option' */
    wiced_ip_get_netmask(server->interface, &netmask);
    netmask_htobe = htobe32( GET_IPV4_ADDRESS(netmask) );
    memcpy(&subnet_mask_option_buff[2], &netmask_htobe, 4);

    /* Calculate the first available IP address which will be served - based on the netmask and the local IP */
    ip_mask = ~( GET_IPV4_ADDRESS( netmask ) );
    subnet = GET_IPV4_ADDRESS( local_ip_address ) & GET_IPV4_ADDRESS( netmask );
    next_available_ip_addr = subnet | ( ( GET_IPV4_ADDRESS( local_ip_address ) + 1 ) & ip_mask );

    /* Prepare the Web proxy auto discovery URL */
    memcpy(&wpad_option_buff[2], WPAD_SAMPLE_URL, sizeof(WPAD_SAMPLE_URL)-1);
    ipv4_to_string( (char*)&wpad_option_buff[2 + 7], *server_ip_addr_ptr);

    /* Initialise the server quit flag */
    server->quit = WICED_FALSE;

    /* Loop endlessly */
    while ( server->quit == WICED_FALSE )
        uint16_t       data_length;
        uint16_t       available_data_length;
        dhcp_header_t* request_header;

        /* Sleep until data is received from socket. */
        if ( wiced_udp_receive( &server->socket, &received_packet, WICED_WAIT_FOREVER ) != WICED_SUCCESS )

        /* Get a pointer to the data in the packet */
        wiced_packet_get_data( received_packet, 0, (uint8_t**) &request_header, &data_length, &available_data_length );

        /* Check DHCP command */
        switch ( request_header->options[2] )
            case DHCPDISCOVER:
                dhcp_header_t*     reply_header;
                uint16_t           available_space;
                wiced_mac_t        client_mac_address;
                wiced_ip_address_t client_ip_address;
                uint32_t           temp;

                /* Create reply packet */
                if ( wiced_packet_create_udp( &server->socket, sizeof(dhcp_header_t), &transmit_packet, (uint8_t**) &reply_header, &available_space ) != WICED_SUCCESS )
                    /* Cannot reply - release incoming packet */
                    wiced_packet_delete( received_packet );

                /* Copy in the DHCP header content from the received discover packet into the reply packet */
                memcpy( reply_header, request_header, sizeof(dhcp_header_t) - sizeof(reply_header->options) );

                /* Finished with the received discover packet - release it */
                wiced_packet_delete( received_packet );

                /* Now construct the OFFER response */
                reply_header->opcode = BOOTP_OP_REPLY;

                /* Clear the DHCP options list */
                memset( &reply_header->options, 0, sizeof( reply_header->options ) );

                /* Record client MAC address */
                memcpy( &client_mac_address, request_header->client_hardware_addr, sizeof( client_mac_address ) );

                /* Check whether device is already cached */
                if ( get_client_ip_address_from_cache( &client_mac_address, &client_ip_address ) != WICED_SUCCESS )
                    /* Address not found in cache. Use next available IP address */
                    client_ip_address.version = WICED_IPV4;
                    client_ip_address.ip.v4   = next_available_ip_addr;

                /* Create the IP address for the Offer */
                temp = htonl(client_ip_address.ip.v4);
                memcpy( reply_header->your_ip_addr, &temp, sizeof( temp ) );

                /* Copy the magic DHCP number */
                memcpy( reply_header->magic, dhcp_magic_cookie, 4 );

                /* Add options */
                option_ptr     = (char *) &reply_header->options;
                option_ptr     = MEMCAT( option_ptr, dhcp_offer_option_buff, 3 );                                   /* DHCP message type            */
                option_ptr     = MEMCAT( option_ptr, server_ip_addr_option_buff, 6 );                               /* Server identifier            */
                option_ptr     = MEMCAT( option_ptr, lease_time_option_buff, 6 );                                   /* Lease Time                   */
                option_ptr     = MEMCAT( option_ptr, subnet_mask_option_buff, 6 );                                  /* Subnet Mask                  */
                option_ptr     = (char*)MEMCAT( option_ptr, wpad_option_buff, sizeof(wpad_option_buff) );           /* Web proxy auto discovery URL */
                /* Copy the local IP into the Router & DNS server Options */
                memcpy( option_ptr, server_ip_addr_option_buff, 6 );                                                /* Router (gateway)             */
                option_ptr[0]  = 3;                                                                                 /* Router id                    */
                option_ptr    += 6;
                memcpy( option_ptr, server_ip_addr_option_buff, 6 );                                                /* DNS server                   */
                option_ptr[0]  = 6;                                                                                 /* DNS server id                */
                option_ptr    += 6;
                option_ptr     = MEMCAT( option_ptr, mtu_option_buff, 4 );                                          /* Interface MTU                */
                option_ptr[0]  = (char) 0xff;                                                                       /* end options                  */

                /* Send OFFER reply packet */
                wiced_packet_set_data_end( transmit_packet, (uint8_t*) option_ptr );
                if ( wiced_udp_send( &server->socket, WICED_IP_BROADCAST, IPPORT_DHCPC, transmit_packet ) != WICED_SUCCESS )
                    wiced_packet_delete( transmit_packet );

            case DHCPREQUEST:
                /* REQUEST command - send back ACK or NAK */
                uint32_t           temp;
                uint32_t*          server_id_req;
                dhcp_header_t*     reply_header;
                uint16_t           available_space;
                wiced_mac_t        client_mac_address;
                wiced_ip_address_t given_ip_address;
                wiced_ip_address_t requested_ip_address;
                wiced_bool_t       next_avail_ip_address_used = WICED_FALSE;

                /* Check that the REQUEST is for this server */
                server_id_req = (uint32_t*) find_option( request_header, 54 );
                if ( ( server_id_req != NULL ) && ( GET_IPV4_ADDRESS( local_ip_address ) != htobe32(*server_id_req) ) )
                    break; /* Server ID does not match local IP address */

                /* Create reply packet */
                if ( wiced_packet_create_udp( &server->socket, sizeof(dhcp_header_t), &transmit_packet, (uint8_t**) &reply_header, &available_space ) != WICED_SUCCESS )
                    /* Cannot reply - release incoming packet */
                    wiced_packet_delete( received_packet );

                /* Copy in the DHCP header content from the received request packet into the reply packet */
                memcpy( reply_header, request_header, sizeof(dhcp_header_t) - sizeof(reply_header->options) );

                /* Record client MAC address */
                memcpy( &client_mac_address, request_header->client_hardware_addr, sizeof( client_mac_address ) );

                /* Locate the requested address in the options and keep requested address */
                requested_ip_address.version = WICED_IPV4;
                requested_ip_address.ip.v4   = ntohl(*(uint32_t*)find_option( request_header, 50 ));

                /* Delete received packet. We don't need it anymore */
                wiced_packet_delete( received_packet );

                reply_header->opcode = BOOTP_OP_REPLY;

                /* Blank options list */
                memset( &reply_header->options, 0, sizeof( reply_header->options ) );

                /* Copy DHCP magic number into packet */
                memcpy( reply_header->magic, dhcp_magic_cookie, 4 );

                option_ptr = (char *) &reply_header->options;

                /* Check if device is cache. If it is, give the previous IP address. Otherwise give the next available IP address */
                if ( get_client_ip_address_from_cache( &client_mac_address, &given_ip_address ) != WICED_SUCCESS )
                    /* Address not found in cache. Use next available IP address */
                    next_avail_ip_address_used = WICED_TRUE;
                    given_ip_address.version   = WICED_IPV4;
                    given_ip_address.ip.v4     = next_available_ip_addr;

                /* Check if the requested IP address matches one we have assigned */
                if ( memcmp( &requested_ip_address.ip.v4, &given_ip_address.ip.v4, sizeof( requested_ip_address.ip.v4 ) ) != 0 )
                    /* Request is not for the assigned IP - force client to take next available IP by sending NAK */
                    /* Add appropriate options */
                    option_ptr = (char*)MEMCAT( option_ptr, dhcp_nak_option_buff, 3 );             /* DHCP message type */
                    option_ptr = (char*)MEMCAT( option_ptr, server_ip_addr_option_buff, 6 );       /* Server identifier */
                    memset( reply_header->your_ip_addr, 0, sizeof( reply_header->your_ip_addr ) ); /* Clear IP addr     */
                    /* Request is for next available IP */
                    /* Add appropriate options */
                    option_ptr     = (char*)MEMCAT( option_ptr, dhcp_ack_option_buff, 3 );                              /* DHCP message type            */
                    option_ptr     = (char*)MEMCAT( option_ptr, server_ip_addr_option_buff, 6 );                        /* Server identifier            */
                    option_ptr     = (char*)MEMCAT( option_ptr, lease_time_option_buff, 6 );                            /* Lease Time                   */
                    option_ptr     = (char*)MEMCAT( option_ptr, subnet_mask_option_buff, 6 );                           /* Subnet Mask                  */
                    option_ptr     = (char*)MEMCAT( option_ptr, wpad_option_buff, sizeof(wpad_option_buff) );           /* Web proxy auto discovery URL */
                    /* Copy the local IP into the Router & DNS server Options */
                    memcpy( option_ptr, server_ip_addr_option_buff, 6 );                                                /* Router (gateway)             */
                    option_ptr[0]  = 3;                                                                                 /* Router id                    */
                    option_ptr    += 6;
                    memcpy( option_ptr, server_ip_addr_option_buff, 6 );                                                /* DNS server                   */
                    option_ptr[0]  = 6;                                                                                 /* DNS server id                */
                    option_ptr    += 6;
                    option_ptr     = (char*)MEMCAT( option_ptr, mtu_option_buff, 4 );                                   /* Interface MTU                */

                    /* Create the IP address for the Offer */
                    temp = htonl(given_ip_address.ip.v4);
                    memcpy( reply_header->your_ip_addr, &temp, sizeof( temp ) );

                    /* Increment next available IP address only if not found in cache */
                    if ( next_avail_ip_address_used == WICED_TRUE )
                            next_available_ip_addr = subnet | ( ( next_available_ip_addr + 1 ) & ip_mask );
                        } while ( next_available_ip_addr == GET_IPV4_ADDRESS(local_ip_address) );

                    /* Cache client */
                    add_client_to_cache( &client_mac_address, &given_ip_address );


                option_ptr[0] = (char) 0xff; /* end options */

                /* Send reply packet */
                wiced_packet_set_data_end( transmit_packet, (uint8_t*) option_ptr );
                if ( wiced_udp_send( &server->socket, WICED_IP_BROADCAST, IPPORT_DHCPC, transmit_packet ) != WICED_SUCCESS )
                    wiced_packet_delete( transmit_packet );


                /* Unknown packet type - release received packet */
                wiced_packet_delete( received_packet );

    /* Server loop has exited due to quit flag */

    /* Delete DHCP socket */
    wiced_udp_delete_socket( &server->socket );