Beispiel #1
win32_audio_out_callback (HWAVEOUT hwave, UINT msg, DWORD data, DWORD param1, DWORD param2)
{	Win32_Audio_Data	*audio_data ;

	if (! data)
		return 1 ;

	** I consider this technique of passing a pointer via an integer as 
	** fundamentally broken but thats the way microsoft has defined the 
	** interface.
	audio_data = (Win32_Audio_Data*) data ;
	if (msg == MM_WOM_DONE)
		win32_play_data (audio_data) ;
  return 0 ;
} /* win32_audio_out_callback */
Beispiel #2
static void
win32_play (int argc, char *argv [])
{	Win32_Audio_Data	audio_data ;

	int	k, error ;

	audio_data.sndfile = NULL ;
	audio_data.hwave = 0 ;

	for (k = 1 ; k < argc ; k++)
	{	printf ("Playing %s\n", argv [k]) ;

		if (! (audio_data.sndfile = sf_open (argv [k], SFM_READ, &(audio_data.sfinfo))))
		{	puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
			continue ;
			} ;

		audio_data.remaining = audio_data.sfinfo.frames * audio_data.sfinfo.channels ;
		audio_data.current = 0 ;

		InitializeCriticalSection (&audio_data.mutex) ;
		audio_data.Event = CreateEvent (0, FALSE, FALSE, 0) ;

		wf.nChannels = audio_data.sfinfo.channels ;
		wf.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM ;
		wf.cbSize = 0 ;
		wf.wBitsPerSample = 16 ;

		wf.nSamplesPerSec = audio_data.sfinfo.samplerate ;

		wf.nBlockAlign = audio_data.sfinfo.channels * sizeof (short) ;

		wf.nAvgBytesPerSec = wf.nBlockAlign * wf.nSamplesPerSec ;

		error = waveOutOpen (&(audio_data.hwave), WAVE_MAPPER, &wf, (DWORD_PTR) win32_audio_out_callback,
							(DWORD_PTR) &audio_data, CALLBACK_FUNCTION) ;
		if (error)
		{	puts ("waveOutOpen failed.") ;
			audio_data.hwave = 0 ;
			continue ;
			} ;

		audio_data.whdr [0].lpData = (char*) audio_data.buffer ;
		audio_data.whdr [1].lpData = ((char*) audio_data.buffer) + sizeof (audio_data.buffer) / 2 ;

		audio_data.whdr [0].dwBufferLength = sizeof (audio_data.buffer) / 2 ;
		audio_data.whdr [1].dwBufferLength = sizeof (audio_data.buffer) / 2 ;

		audio_data.whdr [0].dwFlags = 0 ;
		audio_data.whdr [1].dwFlags = 0 ;

		/* length of each audio buffer in samples */
		audio_data.bufferlen = sizeof (audio_data.buffer) / 2 / sizeof (short) ;

		/* Prepare the WAVEHDRs */
		if ((error = waveOutPrepareHeader (audio_data.hwave, &(audio_data.whdr [0]), sizeof (WAVEHDR))))
		{	printf ("waveOutPrepareHeader [0] failed : %08X\n", error) ;
			waveOutClose (audio_data.hwave) ;
			continue ;
			} ;

		if ((error = waveOutPrepareHeader (audio_data.hwave, &(audio_data.whdr [1]), sizeof (WAVEHDR))))
		{	printf ("waveOutPrepareHeader [1] failed : %08X\n", error) ;
			waveOutUnprepareHeader (audio_data.hwave, &(audio_data.whdr [0]), sizeof (WAVEHDR)) ;
			waveOutClose (audio_data.hwave) ;
			continue ;
			} ;

		/* Fill up both buffers with audio data */
		audio_data.BuffersInUse = 0 ;
		win32_play_data (&audio_data) ;
		win32_play_data (&audio_data) ;

		/* loop until both buffers are released */
		while (audio_data.BuffersInUse > 0)
			/* wait for buffer to be released */
			WaitForSingleObject (audio_data.Event, INFINITE) ;

			/* refill the buffer if there is more data to play */
			win32_play_data (&audio_data) ;
			} ;

		waveOutUnprepareHeader (audio_data.hwave, &(audio_data.whdr [0]), sizeof (WAVEHDR)) ;
		waveOutUnprepareHeader (audio_data.hwave, &(audio_data.whdr [1]), sizeof (WAVEHDR)) ;

		waveOutClose (audio_data.hwave) ;
		audio_data.hwave = 0 ;

		DeleteCriticalSection (&audio_data.mutex) ;

		sf_close (audio_data.sndfile) ;
		} ;

} /* win32_play */
Beispiel #3
static void
win32_play (int argc, char *argv [])
{	Win32_Audio_Data	audio_data ;
	int	k, error ;

	audio_data.sndfile = NULL ;
	audio_data.hwave = 0 ;

	for (k = 1 ; k < argc ; k++)
	{	printf ("Playing %s\n", argv [k]) ;

		if (! (audio_data.sndfile = sf_open (argv [k], SFM_READ, &(audio_data.sfinfo))))
		{	puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
			continue ;
			} ;
		audio_data.remaining = audio_data.sfinfo.frames ;
		audio_data.current = 0 ;
		audio_data.Event = CreateEvent (0, FALSE, FALSE, 0) ;
		wf.nChannels = audio_data.sfinfo.channels ;
		wf.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM ;
		wf.cbSize = 0 ;
		wf.wBitsPerSample = 16 ;

		wf.nSamplesPerSec = audio_data.sfinfo.samplerate ;
		wf.nBlockAlign = audio_data.sfinfo.channels * sizeof (short) ;
		wf.nAvgBytesPerSec = wf.nBlockAlign * wf.nSamplesPerSec ;

		error = waveOutOpen (&(audio_data.hwave), WAVE_MAPPER, &wf, (DWORD) win32_audio_out_callback, 
							(DWORD) &audio_data, CALLBACK_FUNCTION) ;
		if (error)
		{	puts ("waveOutOpen failed.") ;
			audio_data.hwave = 0 ;
			continue ;
			} ;

		waveOutPause (audio_data.hwave) ;

		audio_data.whdr [0].lpData = (char*) audio_data.buffer ;
		audio_data.whdr [1].lpData = ((char*) audio_data.buffer) + sizeof (audio_data.buffer) / 2 ;
		audio_data.whdr [0].dwBufferLength = sizeof (audio_data.buffer) / 2 ;
		audio_data.whdr [1].dwBufferLength = sizeof (audio_data.buffer) / 2 ;
		audio_data.bufferlen = sizeof (audio_data.buffer) / 2 / sizeof (short) ; 		

		/* Prepare the WAVEHDRs */
		if ((error = waveOutPrepareHeader (audio_data.hwave, &(audio_data.whdr [0]), sizeof (WAVEHDR))))
		{	printf("waveOutPrepareHeader [0] failed : %08X\n", error) ;
			waveOutClose (audio_data.hwave) ;
			continue ;
			} ;

		if ((error = waveOutPrepareHeader (audio_data.hwave, &(audio_data.whdr [1]), sizeof (WAVEHDR))))
		{	printf("waveOutPrepareHeader [1] failed : %08X\n", error) ;
			waveOutUnprepareHeader (audio_data.hwave, &(audio_data.whdr [0]), sizeof(WAVEHDR)) ;
			waveOutClose (audio_data.hwave) ;
			continue ;
			} ;

		waveOutRestart (audio_data.hwave) ;

		/* Need to call this twice to queue up enough audio. */
		win32_play_data (&audio_data) ;
		win32_play_data (&audio_data) ;

		/* Wait for playback to finish. My callback notifies me when all wave data has been played */
		WaitForSingleObject (audio_data.Event, INFINITE);

		waveOutPause (audio_data.hwave) ;
		waveOutReset (audio_data.hwave);

		waveOutUnprepareHeader (audio_data.hwave, &(audio_data.whdr [0]), sizeof(WAVEHDR)) ;
		waveOutUnprepareHeader (audio_data.hwave, &(audio_data.whdr [1]), sizeof(WAVEHDR)) ;

		waveOutClose (audio_data.hwave) ;  
		audio_data.hwave = 0 ;

		sf_close (audio_data.sndfile) ;
		} ;

} /* win32_play */