Beispiel #1
C_OUTLINE::operator< (           //winding number
const C_OUTLINE & other          //other outline
) const
  inT16 count = 0;               //winding count
  ICOORD pos;                    //position of point
  inT32 stepindex;               //index to cstep

  if (!box.overlap (
    return FALSE;                //can't be contained
  if (stepcount == 0)

  pos = start;
  for (stepindex = 0; stepindex < stepcount
    && (count = other.winding_number (pos)) == INTERSECTING; stepindex++)
    pos += step (stepindex);     //try all points
  if (count == INTERSECTING) {
                                 //all intersected
    pos = other.start;
    for (stepindex = 0; stepindex < other.stepcount
      && (count = winding_number (pos)) == INTERSECTING; stepindex++)
                                 //try other way round
      pos += other.step (stepindex);
    return count == INTERSECTING || count == 0;
  return count != 0;
OUTLINE::operator< (             //winding number
OUTLINE & other                  //other outline
) {
  inT16 count;                   //winding count
  POLYPT_IT it = &outline;       //iterator

  if (!box.overlap (
    return FALSE;                //can't be contained

  do {
    count = other.winding_number (FCOORD ( ()->pos));
    //get winding number
    if (count != INTERSECTING)
      return count != 0;
    it.forward ();
  while (!it.at_first ());

                                 //switch lists
  it.set_to_list (&other.outline);
  do {
                                 //try other way round
    count = winding_number (FCOORD ( ()->pos));
    if (count != INTERSECTING)
      return count == 0;
    it.forward ();
  while (!it.at_first ());
  return TRUE;
Beispiel #3
static int is_inside_polygon( Point P, Point *polygon, long n) {
	int cleanup_needed=0;
	int wn;
	Point *copy=malloc((n+1)*sizeof(Point));

	/* as we are searching for inclusion, close the polygon...*/
	if ( (copy[0].lat == copy[n-1].lat) && (copy[0].lon == copy[n-1].lon) ) {
	} else {
		copy[n].lat= copy[0].lat;
		copy[n].lon= copy[0].lon;
	if ( ( != 0.0) || (P.lon != 0.0) ) {
		copy= shift_polygon(P,copy,n);
	wn= winding_number(copy,n);
	if (wn == 0) {
		return 0;
	} else {
		return 1;
BOOL8 POLY_BLOCK::overlap(  // do polys overlap
                          POLY_BLOCK *other) {
  inT16 count;                   //winding count
  ICOORDELT_IT it = &vertices;   //iterator
  ICOORD vertex;

  if (!box.overlap (*(other->bounding_box ())))
    return FALSE;                //can't be any overlap

  /* see if a vertex of this is inside other */

  do {
    vertex = * ();
                                 //get winding number
    count = other->winding_number (vertex);
    if (count != INTERSECTING)
      if (count != 0)
        return (TRUE);
    it.forward ();
  while (!it.at_first ());

  /* see if a vertex of other is inside this */

                                 //switch lists
  it.set_to_list (other->points ());
  do {
    vertex = * ();
                                 //try other way round
    count = winding_number (vertex);
    if (count != INTERSECTING)
      if (count != 0)
        return (TRUE);
    it.forward ();
  while (!it.at_first ());
  return FALSE;
BOOL8 POLY_BLOCK::contains(  //other outline
                           POLY_BLOCK *other) {
  inT16 count;                   //winding count
  ICOORDELT_IT it = &vertices;   //iterator
  ICOORD vertex;

  if (!box.overlap (*(other->bounding_box ())))
    return FALSE;                //can't be contained

  /* check that no vertex of this is inside other */

  do {
    vertex = * ();
                                 //get winding number
    count = other->winding_number (vertex);
    if (count != INTERSECTING)
      if (count != 0)
        return (FALSE);
    it.forward ();
  while (!it.at_first ());

  /* check that all vertices of other are inside this */

                                 //switch lists
  it.set_to_list (other->points ());
  do {
    vertex = * ();
                                 //try other way round
    count = winding_number (vertex);
    if (count != INTERSECTING)
      if (count == 0)
        return (FALSE);
    it.forward ();
  while (!it.at_first ());
  return TRUE;