Beispiel #1
 * @brief Opens the console.
void cli_open (void)
   unsigned int wid;

   /* Lazy loading. */
   if (cli_state == NULL)
      if (cli_init())

   /* Must not be already open. */
   if (window_exists( "Lua Console" ))

   /* Create the window. */
   wid = window_create( "Lua Console", -1, -1, cli_width, cli_height );

   /* Window settings. */
   window_setAccept( wid, cli_input );
   window_setCancel( wid, window_close );
   window_handleKeys( wid, cli_keyhandler );

   /* Input box. */
   window_addInput( wid, 20, 20,
         cli_width-60-BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "inpInput", LINE_LENGTH, 1 );

   /* Buttons. */
   window_addButton( wid, -20, 20, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnClose", "Close", window_close );

   /* Custom console widget. */
   window_addCust( wid, 20, -40,
         cli_width-40, cli_height-80-BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "cstConsole", 0, cli_render, NULL );
Beispiel #2
 * @brief Opens the console.
void cli_open (void)
   unsigned int wid;

   /* Lazy loading. */
   if (cli_state == NULL)
      if (cli_init())

   /* Make sure main menu isn't open. */
   if (menu_isOpen(MENU_MAIN))

   /* Must not be already open. */
   if (window_exists( "Lua Console" ))

   /* Put a friendly message at first. */
   if (cli_firstOpen) {
      char buf[256];
      cli_addMessage( "" );
      cli_addMessage( "\egWelcome to the Lua console!" );
      nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "\eg "APPNAME" v%s", naev_version(0) );
      cli_addMessage( buf );
      cli_addMessage( "" );
      cli_firstOpen = 0;

   /* Create the window. */
   wid = window_create( "Lua Console", -1, -1, CLI_WIDTH, CLI_HEIGHT );

   /* Window settings. */
   window_setAccept( wid, cli_input );
   window_setCancel( wid, window_close );
   window_handleKeys( wid, cli_keyhandler );

   /* Input box. */
   window_addInput( wid, 20, 20,
         "inpInput", LINE_LENGTH, 1, cli_font );

   /* Buttons. */
   window_addButton( wid, -20, 20, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnClose", "Close", window_close );

   /* Custom console widget. */
   window_addCust( wid, 20, -40,
         "cstConsole", 0, cli_render, NULL, NULL );

   /* Cache current height in case the window is resized. */
   cli_height = CLI_HEIGHT;
Beispiel #3
 * @brief Opens the map window.
void map_open (void)
   unsigned int wid;
   StarSystem *cur;
   int w, h, x, y, rw;

   /* Not under manual control. */
   if (pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_MANUAL_CONTROL ))

   /* Destroy window if exists. */
   wid = window_get(MAP_WDWNAME);
   if (wid > 0) {
      window_destroy( wid );

   /* set position to focus on current system */
   map_xpos = cur_system->pos.x;
   map_ypos = cur_system->pos.y;

   /* mark systems as needed */

   /* Attempt to select current map if none is selected */
   if (map_selected == -1)

   /* get the selected system. */
   cur = system_getIndex( map_selected );

   /* Set up window size. */
   w = MAX(600, SCREEN_W - 100);
   h = MAX(540, SCREEN_H - 100);

   /* create the window. */
   wid = window_create( MAP_WDWNAME, -1, -1, w, h );
   window_setCancel( wid, window_close );
   window_handleKeys( wid, map_keyHandler );

    * $System
    * Faction:
    *   $Faction (or Multiple)
    * Status:
    *   $Status
    * Planets:
    *   $Planet1, $Planet2, ...
    * Services:
    *   $Services
    * ...
    * [Autonav]
    * [ Find ]
    * [ Close ]

   x  = -70; /* Right column X offset. */
   y  = -20;
   rw = ABS(x) + 60; /* Right column indented width maximum. */

   /* System Name */
   window_addText( wid, -90 + 80, y, 160, 20, 1, "txtSysname",
         &gl_defFont, &cDConsole, cur->name );
   y -= 10;

   /* Faction image */
   window_addImage( wid, -90 + 32, y - 32, 0, 0, "imgFaction", NULL, 0 );
   y -= 64 + 10;

   /* Faction */
   window_addText( wid, x, y, 90, 20, 0, "txtSFaction",
         &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, "Faction:" );
   window_addText( wid, x + 50, y-gl_smallFont.h-5, rw, 100, 0, "txtFaction",
         &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );
   y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15;

   /* Standing */
   window_addText( wid, x, y, 90, 20, 0, "txtSStanding",
         &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, "Standing:" );
   window_addText( wid, x + 50, y-gl_smallFont.h-5, rw, 100, 0, "txtStanding",
         &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );
   y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15;

   /* Presence. */
   window_addText( wid, x, y, 90, 20, 0, "txtSPresence",
         &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, "Presence:" );
   window_addText( wid, x + 50, y-gl_smallFont.h-5, rw, 100, 0, "txtPresence",
         &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );
   y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15;

   /* Planets */
   window_addText( wid, x, y, 90, 20, 0, "txtSPlanets",
         &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, "Planets:" );
   window_addText( wid, x + 50, y-gl_smallFont.h-5, rw, 150, 0, "txtPlanets",
         &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );
   y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15;

   /* Services */
   window_addText( wid, x, y, 90, 20, 0, "txtSServices",
         &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, "Services:" );
   window_addText( wid, x + 50, y-gl_smallFont.h-5, rw, 100, 0, "txtServices",
         &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );
   y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15;

   /* Close button */
   window_addButton( wid, -20, 20, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
            "btnClose", "Close", window_close );
   /* Find button */
   window_addButton( wid, -20 - (BUTTON_WIDTH+20), 20, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
            "btnFind", "Find", map_inputFind );
   /* Autonav button */
   window_addButton( wid, -20 - 2*(BUTTON_WIDTH+20), 20, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
            "btnAutonav", "Autonav", player_autonavStartWindow );

    * Bottom stuff
    * [+] [-]  Nebula, Interference
   /* Zoom buttons */
   window_addButton( wid, 40, 20, 30, 30, "btnZoomIn", "+", map_buttonZoom );
   window_addButton( wid, 80, 20, 30, 30, "btnZoomOut", "-", map_buttonZoom );
   /* Situation text */
   window_addText( wid, 140, 10, w - 80 - 30 - 30, 30, 0,
         "txtSystemStatus", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );

    * The map itself.
   map_show( wid, 20, -40, w-200, h-100, 1. ); /* Reset zoom. */

   map_update( wid );

    * Disable Autonav button if player lacks fuel.
   if ((player.p->fuel < HYPERSPACE_FUEL) || pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_NOJUMP))
      window_disableButton( wid, "btnAutonav" );
Beispiel #4
 * @brief Opens the system editor interface.
void uniedit_open( unsigned int wid_unused, char *unused )
   (void) wid_unused;
   (void) unused;
   unsigned int wid;

   /* Pause. */

   /* Needed to generate faction disk. */
   map_setZoom( 1. );

   /* Must have no diffs applied. */

   /* Reset some variables. */
   uniedit_mode   = UNIEDIT_DEFAULT;
   uniedit_drag   = 0;
   uniedit_dragSys = 0;
   uniedit_tsys   = NULL;
   uniedit_tadd   = 0;
   uniedit_zoom   = 1.;
   uniedit_xpos   = 0.;
   uniedit_ypos   = 0.;

   /* Create the window. */
   wid = window_create( "Universe Editor", -1, -1, -1, -1 );
   window_handleKeys( wid, uniedit_keys );
   uniedit_wid = wid;

   /* Close button. */
   window_addButton( wid, -20, 20, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnClose", "Close", uniedit_close );

   /* Jump toggle. */
   window_addButton( wid, -20, 20+(BUTTON_HEIGHT+20)*3, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnJump", "Jump", uniedit_btnJump );

   /* Rename system. */
   window_addButton( wid, -20, 20+(BUTTON_HEIGHT+20)*4, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnRename", "Rename", uniedit_btnRename );

   /* Edit system. */
   window_addButton( wid, -20, 20+(BUTTON_HEIGHT+20)*5, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnEdit", "Edit", uniedit_btnEdit );

   /* New system. */
   window_addButton( wid, -20, 20+(BUTTON_HEIGHT+20)*6, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnNew", "New Sys", uniedit_btnNew );

   /* Open a system. */
   window_addButton( wid, -20, 20+(BUTTON_HEIGHT+20)*7, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnOpen", "Open", uniedit_btnOpen );

   /* Zoom buttons */
   window_addButton( wid, 40, 20, 30, 30, "btnZoomIn", "+", uniedit_buttonZoom );
   window_addButton( wid, 80, 20, 30, 30, "btnZoomOut", "-", uniedit_buttonZoom );

   /* Presence. */
   window_addText( wid, -20, -140, 90, 20, 0, "txtSPresence",
         &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, "Presence:" );
   window_addText( wid, -20, -140-gl_smallFont.h-5, 80, 100, 0, "txtPresence",
         &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, "N/A" );

   /* Selected text. */
   window_addText( wid, 140, 10, SCREEN_W - 80 - 30 - 30 - BUTTON_WIDTH - 20, 30, 0,
         "txtSelected", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );

   /* Actual viewport. */
   window_addCust( wid, 20, -40, SCREEN_W - 150, SCREEN_H - 100,
         "cstSysEdit", 1, uniedit_render, uniedit_mouse, NULL );
   window_custSetOverlay( wid, "cstSysEdit", uniedit_renderOverlay );

   /* Deselect everything. */