Beispiel #1
	boost::filesystem::path GetModulePath(HMODULE module_handle)
		wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH];
		DWORD path_len = ::GetModuleFileNameW(module_handle, buffer, _countof(buffer));
		if (path_len == 0)
			throw windows_exception("::GetModuleFileNameW failed.");

		if (path_len < _countof(buffer))
			return std::move(boost::filesystem::path(buffer, buffer + path_len));

		for (size_t buf_len = 0x200; buf_len <= 0x10000; buf_len <<= 1)
			std::dynarray<wchar_t> buf(path_len);
			path_len = ::GetModuleFileNameW(module_handle,, buf.size());		
			if (path_len == 0)
				throw windows_exception("::GetModuleFileNameW failed.");

			if (path_len < _countof(buffer))
				return std::move(boost::filesystem::path(buf.begin(), buf.end()));

		throw windows_exception("::GetModuleFileNameW failed.");
Beispiel #2
	void memory_mapped_file::open(void* file, uint64_t offset, size_t request_size)
		DWORD   size_high;
		DWORD   size_low = ::GetFileSize(file, &size_high);
		DWORD   error_code = ::GetLastError();

		if (INVALID_FILE_SIZE == size_low && ERROR_SUCCESS != error_code)
			throw windows_exception("failed to determine file size", error_code);

		uint64_t file_size = (static_cast<uint64_t>(size_high) << 32) | size_low;
		uint64_t map_size = offset + request_size;;

		if (map_size < offset)
			throw windows_exception("requested region exceeds the available address space", ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);

		if (offset > file_size)
			if (0 == request_size)
				throw windows_exception("region out of range", ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
		else if (0 == request_size)
#ifdef _WIN64
			request_size = file_size - offset;
			uint64_t request_size2 = file_size - offset;
			if (request_size2 > static_cast<uint64_t>(0xFFFFFFFF))
				throw windows_exception("region size too large", ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
			request_size = static_cast<size_t>(request_size2);
			map_size = offset + request_size;

		if (0 == request_size)
			memory_ = nullptr;
			cb_ = 0;

		file_mapping_handle map_(file, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, map_size, NULL);

		memory_ = map_.create_view(FILE_MAP_READ, offset, request_size);
		cb_ = request_size;
Beispiel #3
	void memory_mapped_file::open(const wchar_t* file_name, uint64_t offset, size_t request_size)

		uint64_t file_size    =   file_.get_size();
		uint64_t map_size     =   offset + request_size;

		if (map_size < offset)
			throw windows_exception("requested region exceeds the available address space", ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);

		if (offset > file_size)
			if(0 == request_size)
				throw windows_exception("region out of range", ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
		else if(0 == request_size)
#ifdef _WIN64
			request_size = file_size - offset;
			uint64_t request_size2 = file_size - offset;
			if (request_size2 > static_cast<uint64_t>(0xFFFFFFFF))
				throw windows_exception("region size too large", ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
			request_size =   static_cast<size_t>(request_size2);
			map_size     =   offset + request_size;

		if (0 == request_size)
			memory_    =   nullptr;
			cb_        =   0;
			return ;

		file_mapping_handle map_(file_, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, map_size, NULL);

		memory_    =   map_.create_view(FILE_MAP_READ, offset, request_size);
		cb_        =   request_size;
Beispiel #4
	file_handle::file_handle(LPCWSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, HANDLE hTemplateFile)
		: _Mybase(::CreateFileW(lpFileName, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, lpSecurityAttributes, dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes, hTemplateFile))
		if (!_Mybase::operator bool())
			throw windows_exception(L"failed to open file");
Beispiel #5
	// see the
	std::wstring env_variable::get()
		std::array<wchar_t, 32767> buffer;
		buffer[0] = L'\0';

		DWORD retval = ::GetEnvironmentVariableW(name_.c_str(),, buffer.size());
		if (retval == 0 || retval > buffer.size())
			throw windows_exception("GetEnvironmentVariable failed.");

		return std::move(std::wstring(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()));
Beispiel #6
	boost::filesystem::path GetSystemPath() 
		wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH];
		DWORD path_len = ::GetSystemDirectoryW(buffer, _countof(buffer));
		if (path_len == 0)
			throw windows_exception("::GetSystemDirectoryW failed.");

		if (path_len <= _countof(buffer))
			return std::move(boost::filesystem::path(buffer, buffer + path_len));

		std::dynarray<wchar_t> buf(path_len);
		path_len = ::GetWindowsDirectoryW(, buf.size());
		if (path_len == 0 || path_len > _countof(buffer))
			throw windows_exception("::GetSystemDirectoryW failed.");
		return std::move(boost::filesystem::path(buf.begin(), buf.end()));
Beispiel #7
	uint64_t file_handle::get_size()
		DWORD   size_high;
		DWORD   size_low   =   ::GetFileSize(_Mybase::get(), &size_high);
		DWORD   error_code =   ::GetLastError();

		if (INVALID_FILE_SIZE == size_low && ERROR_SUCCESS != error_code)
			throw windows_exception(L"failed to determine file size", error_code);

		return (static_cast<uint64_t>(size_high) << 32) | size_low;
Beispiel #8
	void convert_aux(const char* from, const char* from_end, wchar_t* to, wchar_t* to_end, std::wstring& target, const codecvt_type& cvt, conv_method how)
		std::mbstate_t state  = std::mbstate_t();
		const char* from_next;
		wchar_t* to_next;
		if (, from, from_end, from_next, to, to_end, to_next) == std::codecvt_base::ok)
			target.append(to, to_next);
			return ;
		if (how.type() == conv_method::stop)
			throw windows_exception("character conversion failed");

		from_next = from;
		while (from_next != from_end)
			wchar_t to_buf[4];
			int len = cvt.length(state, from_next, from_end, 1);
			if (len <= 0)

			const char* from_mid;
			if (, from_next, from_next + len, from_mid, to_buf, to_buf + _countof(to_buf), to_next) == std::codecvt_base::ok)
				assert(from_next + len == from_mid);
				target.append(to_buf, to_next);
				from_next += len;
				if (how.type() == conv_method::replace)
					from_next += 1;
					from_next += len;
Beispiel #9
	boost::filesystem::path GetTempPath() 
		boost::optional<std::wstring> result;
		result = win::env_variable(L"TMP").get_nothrow();
		if (result && !result->empty())
			return std::move(boost::filesystem::path(result.get()));

		result = win::env_variable(L"TEMP").get_nothrow();
		if (result && !result->empty())
			return std::move(boost::filesystem::path(result.get()));

		wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH + 1];
		DWORD path_len = ::GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH, buffer);
		if (path_len >= MAX_PATH || path_len <= 0)
			throw windows_exception("::GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH, buffer) failed.");

		return std::move(boost::filesystem::path(buffer));
Beispiel #10
inline ws_uint64_t load_text_file_impl(S1 const& fileName, S2 &contents)
    typedef string_traits<S1>                               string_traits_t;

    STLSOFT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(string_traits_t));     // Fires if S1 does not have a traits specialisation defined

    typedef string_traits<S2>                               string_traits2_t;

    STLSOFT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(string_traits2_t));    // Fires if S2 does not have a traits specialisation defined

    typedef ss_typename_type_k string_traits_t::char_type   C;

    STLSOFT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(C));                   // Fires if the traits is not correctly defined

    typedef ss_typename_type_k string_traits2_t::char_type  char_2_type;

    STLSOFT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(char_2_type));         // Fires if the traits is not correctly defined

    typedef filesystem_traits<C>                            filesys_traits_t;

    STLSOFT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(filesys_traits_t));    // Fires if no corresponding filesystem_traits defined

    scoped_handle<HANDLE>   h(  filesys_traits_t::create_file(  stlsoft_ns_qual(c_str_ptr)(fileName)
                                                            ,   GENERIC_READ
                                                            ,   FILE_SHARE_READ
                                                            ,   NULL
                                                            ,   OPEN_EXISTING
                                                            ,   0
                                                            ,   NULL)
                            ,   (void (STLSOFT_CDECL *)(HANDLE))&filesys_traits_t::close_handle // This cast required by VC++ 5
                            ,   INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);

    if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == h.get())
        STLSOFT_THROW_X(windows_exception("File does not exist", ::GetLastError()));

    ws_uint64_t             size    =   filesys_traits_t::get_file_size(h.get());

    if( 0 != size &&
        static_cast<ws_uint64_t>(~0) != size)
        if(size > 0xFFFFFFFF)
            STLSOFT_THROW_X(winstl_ns_qual_std(out_of_range)("Cannot read in files larger than 4GB"));
// TODO: Catch the out-of-memory exception and translate to a std::out_of_range()

            typedef ::stlsoft::auto_buffer_old< char_2_type
                                            ,   processheap_allocator<char_2_type>
                                            ,   1024
                                            >                   buffer_t;

            buffer_t    buffer(static_cast<ss_typename_type_k buffer_t::size_type>(size));
            DWORD       dw;

            if(!::ReadFile(h.get(), &buffer[0], buffer.size(), &dw, NULL))
                STLSOFT_THROW_X(windows_exception("Read operation failed", ::GetLastError()));
                contents.assign(&buffer[0], dw);

                return size;

    return 0;