Beispiel #1
static enum install_res install_from_default_dir(void)
    const char *data_dir, *package_dir;
    char *dir_buf = NULL;
    int len;
    enum install_res ret;

    if((data_dir = wine_get_data_dir())) {
        package_dir = data_dir;
    }else if((data_dir = wine_get_build_dir())) {
        len = strlen(data_dir);
        dir_buf = heap_alloc(len + sizeof("/../"));
        memcpy(dir_buf, data_dir, len);
        strcpy(dir_buf+len, "/../");
        package_dir = dir_buf;
    }else {
        return INSTALL_NEXT;

    ret = install_from_unix_file(package_dir, addon->subdir_name, addon->file_name);

    if (ret == INSTALL_NEXT)
        ret = install_from_unix_file(INSTALL_DATADIR "/wine/", addon->subdir_name, addon->file_name);
    if (ret == INSTALL_NEXT && strcmp(INSTALL_DATADIR, "/usr/share"))
        ret = install_from_unix_file("/usr/share/wine/", addon->subdir_name, addon->file_name);
    return ret;
Beispiel #2
/* try to load a pre-compiled fake dll */
static void *load_fake_dll( const WCHAR *name, SIZE_T *size )
    const char *build_dir = wine_get_build_dir();
    const char *path;
    char *file, *ptr;
    void *data = NULL;
    unsigned int i, pos, len, namelen, maxlen = 0;
    WCHAR *p;
    int res = 0;

    if ((p = strrchrW( name, '\\' ))) name = p + 1;

    i = 0;
    len = strlenW( name );
    if (build_dir) maxlen = strlen(build_dir) + sizeof("/programs/") + len;
    while ((path = wine_dll_enum_load_path( i++ ))) maxlen = max( maxlen, strlen(path) );
    maxlen += sizeof("/fakedlls") + len + sizeof(".fake");

    if (!(file = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, maxlen ))) return NULL;

    pos = maxlen - len - sizeof(".fake");
    if (!dll_name_WtoA( file + pos, name, len )) goto done;
    file[--pos] = '/';

    if (build_dir)
        strcpy( file + pos + len + 1, ".fake" );

        /* try as a dll */
        ptr = file + pos;
        namelen = len + 1;
        if (namelen > 4 && !memcmp( ptr + namelen - 4, ".dll", 4 )) namelen -= 4;
        ptr = prepend( ptr, ptr, namelen );
        ptr = prepend( ptr, "/dlls", sizeof("/dlls") - 1 );
        ptr = prepend( ptr, build_dir, strlen(build_dir) );
        if ((res = read_file( ptr, &data, size ))) goto done;

        /* now as a program */
        ptr = file + pos;
        namelen = len + 1;
        if (namelen > 4 && !memcmp( ptr + namelen - 4, ".exe", 4 )) namelen -= 4;
        ptr = prepend( ptr, ptr, namelen );
        ptr = prepend( ptr, "/programs", sizeof("/programs") - 1 );
        ptr = prepend( ptr, build_dir, strlen(build_dir) );
        if ((res = read_file( ptr, &data, size ))) goto done;

    file[pos + len + 1] = 0;
    for (i = 0; (path = wine_dll_enum_load_path( i )); i++)
        ptr = prepend( file + pos, "/fakedlls", sizeof("/fakedlls") - 1 );
        ptr = prepend( ptr, path, strlen(path) );
        if ((res = read_file( ptr, &data, size ))) break;

    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, file );
    if (res == 1) return data;
    return NULL;
Beispiel #3
static BOOL install_from_default_dir(void)
    const char *data_dir, *subdir;
    char *file_name;
    int len, len2;
    BOOL ret;

    if((data_dir = wine_get_data_dir()))
        subdir = "/gecko/";
    else if((data_dir = wine_get_build_dir()))
        subdir = "/../gecko/";
        return FALSE;

    len = strlen(data_dir);
    len2 = strlen(subdir);

    file_name = heap_alloc(len+len2+sizeof(GECKO_FILE_NAME));
    memcpy(file_name, data_dir, len);
    memcpy(file_name+len, subdir, len2);
    memcpy(file_name+len+len2, GECKO_FILE_NAME, sizeof(GECKO_FILE_NAME));

    ret = install_from_unix_file(file_name);


    if (!ret)
        ret = install_from_unix_file(INSTALL_DATADIR "/wine/gecko/" GECKO_FILE_NAME);
    if (!ret && strcmp(INSTALL_DATADIR, "/usr/share"))
        ret = install_from_unix_file("/usr/share/wine/gecko/" GECKO_FILE_NAME);
    return ret;
Beispiel #4
/* build the dll load path from the WINEDLLPATH variable */
static void build_dll_path(void)
    int len, count = 0;
    char *p, *path = getenv( "WINEDLLPATH" );
    const char *dlldir = get_dlldir( &default_dlldir );

    if (path)
        /* count how many path elements we need */
        path = strdup(path);
        p = path;
        while (*p)
            while (*p == ':') p++;
            if (!*p) break;
            while (*p && *p != ':') p++;

    dll_paths = malloc( (count+2) * sizeof(*dll_paths) );
    nb_dll_paths = 0;

    if (dlldir)
        dll_path_maxlen = strlen(dlldir);
        dll_paths[nb_dll_paths++] = dlldir;
    else if ((build_dir = wine_get_build_dir()))
        dll_path_maxlen = strlen(build_dir) + sizeof("/programs");

    if (count)
        p = path;
        while (*p)
            while (*p == ':') *p++ = 0;
            if (!*p) break;
            dll_paths[nb_dll_paths] = p;
            while (*p && *p != ':') p++;
            if (p - dll_paths[nb_dll_paths] > dll_path_maxlen)
                dll_path_maxlen = p - dll_paths[nb_dll_paths];

    /* append default dll dir (if not empty) to path */
    if ((len = strlen(default_dlldir)) > 0)
        if (len > dll_path_maxlen) dll_path_maxlen = len;
        dll_paths[nb_dll_paths++] = default_dlldir;
Beispiel #5
static BOOL get_mono_path(LPWSTR path)
    static const WCHAR subdir_mono[] = {'\\','m','o','n','o',0};
    static const WCHAR sibling_mono[] = {'\\','.','.','\\','m','o','n','o',0};
    WCHAR base_path[MAX_PATH];
    const char *unix_data_dir;
    WCHAR *dos_data_dir;
    BOOL build_tree = FALSE;
    static WCHAR* (CDECL *wine_get_dos_file_name)(const char*);

    /* First try c:\windows\mono */
    GetWindowsDirectoryW(base_path, MAX_PATH);
    strcatW(base_path, subdir_mono);

    if (get_mono_path_from_folder(base_path, path))
        return TRUE;

    /* Next: /usr/share/wine/mono */
    unix_data_dir = wine_get_data_dir();

    if (!unix_data_dir)
        unix_data_dir = wine_get_build_dir();
        build_tree = TRUE;

    if (unix_data_dir)
        if (!wine_get_dos_file_name)
            wine_get_dos_file_name = (void*)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("kernel32"), "wine_get_dos_file_name");

        if (wine_get_dos_file_name)
            dos_data_dir = wine_get_dos_file_name(unix_data_dir);

            if (dos_data_dir)
                strcpyW(base_path, dos_data_dir);
                strcatW(base_path, build_tree ? sibling_mono : subdir_mono);

                HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dos_data_dir);

                if (get_mono_path_from_folder(base_path, path))
                    return TRUE;

    /* Last: the registry */
    return get_mono_path_from_registry(path);
Beispiel #6
/* retrieve the (unix) path to the wine.inf file */
static char *get_wine_inf_path(void)
    const char *build_dir, *data_dir;
    char *name = NULL;

    if ((data_dir = wine_get_data_dir()))
        if (!(name = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(data_dir) + sizeof("/wine.inf") )))
            return NULL;
        strcpy( name, data_dir );
        strcat( name, "/wine.inf" );
    else if ((build_dir = wine_get_build_dir()))
        if (!(name = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(build_dir) + sizeof("/tools/wine.inf") )))
            return NULL;
        strcpy( name, build_dir );
        strcat( name, "/tools/wine.inf" );
    return name;
Beispiel #7
/* create fake dlls in dirname for all the files we can find */
static BOOL create_wildcard_dlls( const WCHAR *dirname )
    const char *build_dir = wine_get_build_dir();
    const char *path;
    unsigned int i, maxlen = 0;
    char *file;
    WCHAR *dest;

    if (build_dir) maxlen = strlen(build_dir) + sizeof("/programs/");
    for (i = 0; (path = wine_dll_enum_load_path(i)); i++) maxlen = max( maxlen, strlen(path) );
    maxlen += 2 * max_dll_name_len + 2 + sizeof(".dll.fake");
    if (!(file = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, maxlen ))) return FALSE;

    if (!(dest = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (strlenW(dirname) + max_dll_name_len) * sizeof(WCHAR) )))
        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, file );
        return FALSE;
    strcpyW( dest, dirname );
    dest[strlenW(dest) - 1] = 0;  /* remove wildcard */

    if (build_dir)
        strcpy( file, build_dir );
        strcat( file, "/dlls" );
        install_lib_dir( dest, file, ".dll" );
        strcpy( file, build_dir );
        strcat( file, "/programs" );
        install_lib_dir( dest, file, ".exe" );
    for (i = 0; (path = wine_dll_enum_load_path( i )); i++)
        strcpy( file, path );
        strcat( file, "/fakedlls" );
        install_lib_dir( dest, file, NULL );
    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, file );
    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, dest );
    return TRUE;
/* load the list of available libraries */
static void load_library_list( HWND dialog )
    unsigned int i = 0;
    const char *path, *build_dir = wine_get_build_dir();
    char item1[256], item2[256];
    HCURSOR old_cursor = SetCursor( LoadCursorW(0, (LPWSTR)IDC_WAIT) );

    if (build_dir)
        char *dir = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(build_dir) + sizeof("/dlls") );
        strcpy( dir, build_dir );
        strcat( dir, "/dlls" );
        load_library_list_from_dir( dialog, dir, TRUE );
        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, dir );

    while ((path = wine_dll_enum_load_path( i++ )))
        load_library_list_from_dir( dialog, path, FALSE );

    /* get rid of duplicate entries */

    SendDlgItemMessageA( dialog, IDC_DLLCOMBO, CB_GETLBTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)item1 );
    i = 1;
    while (SendDlgItemMessageA( dialog, IDC_DLLCOMBO, CB_GETLBTEXT, i, (LPARAM)item2 ) >= 0)
        if (!strcmp( item1, item2 ))
            SendDlgItemMessageA( dialog, IDC_DLLCOMBO, CB_DELETESTRING, i, 0 );
            strcpy( item1, item2 );
    SetCursor( old_cursor );