Beispiel #1
void XmlWriter::write( const Account *acc, const QString &filename )
    Q_ASSERT( acc );

    if( filename.isEmpty() ) {
        qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << ':' << __LINE__ << " - Filename is empty.";

        throw StorageFileException(
            QT_TR_NOOP( "The file given could not be written; check whether "
                        "it exists or is writeable for the current user." ) );

    QFile file( filename );
    if( ! QFile::WriteOnly ) ) {
        qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << ':' << __LINE__
                 << " - File" << filename << "could not be opened.";

        throw StorageFileException(
            QT_TR_NOOP( "The file given could not be written; check whether "
                        "it exists or is writeable for the current user." ) );

    delete d;
    d = new XmlWriter::Private;

    QByteArray byteArray;
    QBuffer buffer( &byteArray ); QIODevice::WriteOnly );

    QXmlStreamWriter stream( &buffer );
    stream.setAutoFormatting( true );
    stream.setAutoFormattingIndent( 4 );
    stream.writeStartDocument( "1.0" );

    stream.writeStartElement( "knipptasch" );
    stream.writeAttribute( "version", "1.2" );
    stream.writeAttribute( "href", "" );

    writeAccount( stream, acc );

    stream.writeEndElement(); // knipptasch


    //TODO write to a temporary file first or make a backup or...
    qint64 size = file.write( byteArray );
    if( size <= 0 || size != byteArray.size() ) {
        qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << ':' << __LINE__
                 << " - File" << filename << "could not be written ("
                 << size << "out of" << byteArray.size() << ").";

        throw StorageFileException(
            QT_TR_NOOP( "The file given could not be written; check whether "
                        "it exists or is writeable for the current user." ) );

Beispiel #2
void MyMoneyStorageXML::writeAccounts(QDomElement& accounts)
  QList<MyMoneyAccount> list;
  QList<MyMoneyAccount>::ConstIterator it;
  accounts.setAttribute("count", list.count() + 5);

  writeAccount(accounts, m_storage->asset());
  writeAccount(accounts, m_storage->liability());
  writeAccount(accounts, m_storage->expense());
  writeAccount(accounts, m_storage->income());
  writeAccount(accounts, m_storage->equity());

  signalProgress(0, list.count(), i18n("Saving accounts..."));
  int i = 0;
  for (it = list.constBegin(); it != list.constEnd(); ++it) {
    writeAccount(accounts, *it);
    signalProgress(++i, 0);