void DistributedBlockOutputStream::write(const Block & block)
    if (storage.getShardingKeyExpr() && (cluster->getShardsInfo().size() > 1))
        return writeSplit(block);

void DistributedBlockOutputStream::writeSplit(const Block & block)
    const auto num_cols = block.columns();
    /// cache column pointers for later reuse
    std::vector<const IColumn *> columns(num_cols);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < columns.size(); ++i)
        columns[i] = block.safeGetByPosition(i).column.get();

    auto selector = createSelector(block);

    /// Split block to num_shard smaller block, using 'selector'.

    const size_t num_shards = cluster->getShardsInfo().size();
    Blocks splitted_blocks(num_shards);

    for (size_t shard_idx = 0; shard_idx < num_shards; ++shard_idx)
        splitted_blocks[shard_idx] = block.cloneEmpty();

    size_t columns_in_block = block.columns();
    for (size_t col_idx_in_block = 0; col_idx_in_block < columns_in_block; ++col_idx_in_block)
        Columns splitted_columns = block.getByPosition(col_idx_in_block).column->scatter(num_shards, selector);
        for (size_t shard_idx = 0; shard_idx < num_shards; ++shard_idx)
            splitted_blocks[shard_idx].getByPosition(col_idx_in_block).column = std::move(splitted_columns[shard_idx]);

    for (size_t shard_idx = 0; shard_idx < num_shards; ++shard_idx)
        if (splitted_blocks[shard_idx].rows())
            writeImpl(splitted_blocks[shard_idx], shard_idx);
Beispiel #3
int File::putc(char c) {
  char buf[1];
  buf[0] = c;
  int ret = writeImpl(buf, 1);
  m_position += ret;
  return ret;
kj::Promise<void> TlsPskAdaptor::write(const void* data, size_t dataSize) {
    if (!channel)
        return KJ_EXCEPTION(DISCONNECTED, "Adaptor cannot be used without a channel. Call setChannel first");

    if (handshakeCompletedFulfiller->isWaiting()) {
        // Defer passing this data to the TLS layer until after the handshake completes
        auto buffer = kj::heapArray<const kj::byte>(static_cast<const kj::byte*>(data), dataSize);
        return handshakeCompleted.addBranch().then([this, buffer = kj::mv(buffer)]() mutable -> kj::Promise<void> {
            return writeImpl(buffer);
    } else {
        // Go ahead and send it now, skip making a copy :D
        return writeImpl(kj::ArrayPtr<const kj::byte>(static_cast<const kj::byte*>(data), dataSize));

int SerialChannelImpl::writeImpl(const char* pBuffer, std::size_t length)
	if (0 == length) return 0;

	std::string str;
	str.assign(pBuffer, length);
	return writeImpl(str);
Beispiel #6
		void TcpSession::writeNolock(const char* data_ptr,int len)
			if (!isOk())


Beispiel #7
		void TcpSession::writeLock(const char* data_ptr,int len)
			if (!isOk())


			boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(_writeMutex);
Beispiel #8
int64 File::write(CStrRef data, int64 length /* = 0 */) {
  if (seekable()) {
    m_readpos = m_writepos = 0; // invalidating read buffer
    seek(m_position, SEEK_SET);
  if (length <= 0 || length > data.size()) {
    length = data.size();
  if (length) {
    int64 written = writeImpl(data.data(), length);
    m_position += written;
    return written;
  return 0;
Beispiel #9
std::size_t SerialPort::write(const char* data, std::size_t size)
	if (!isOpenImpl()) throw Poco::IllegalStateException("Port is not open");

	if (_logger.debug())
		_logger.dump(format("Sending %z byte(s)", size), data, size, Poco::Message::PRIO_DEBUG);
	int n = writeImpl(data, size);
	if (n < 0)
		throw Poco::IOException("serial port write error");
	else if (n < size)
		throw Poco::IOException(format("short write on serial port: %d of %z bytes", n, size));
		return static_cast<std::size_t>(n);
/** If the data is not sorted, but we pre-calculated the permutation, after which they will be sorted.
    * This method is used to save RAM, since you do not need to keep two blocks at once - the source and the sorted.
void MergedBlockOutputStream::writeWithPermutation(const Block & block, const IColumn::Permutation * permutation)
    writeImpl(block, permutation);
/// If data is pre-sorted.
void MergedBlockOutputStream::write(const Block & block)
    writeImpl(block, nullptr);
int SerialChannelImpl::writeImpl(char c)
	return writeImpl(&c, 1);
Beispiel #13
void DynamicConfig::write(const Key &key, const Value &value)
  writeImpl(t_, key, value);