Beispiel #1
    spi = mraa_spi_init(5);
    mraa_spi_frequency(spi, DW1000_SPI_CLOCK_SPEED);

    cs = mraa_gpio_init(DW_CS);
    mraa_gpio_dir(cs, MRAA_GPIO_OUT);
    mraa_gpio_write(cs, 0x1);

    resetAll();                         // we do a soft reset of the DW1000 everytime the driver starts

    //Those values are for the 110kbps mode (5, 16MHz, 1024 Symbols) and are quite complete
    writeRegister16(DW1000_AGC_CTRL, 0x04, 0x8870);             //AGC_TUNE1 for 16MHz PRF
    writeRegister32(DW1000_AGC_CTRL, 0x0C, 0x2502A907);         //AGC_TUNE2 (Universal)
    writeRegister16(DW1000_AGC_CTRL, 0x12, 0x0055);             //AGC_TUNE3 (Universal)

    writeRegister16(DW1000_DRX_CONF, 0x02, 0x000A);             //DRX_TUNE0b for 110kbps
    writeRegister16(DW1000_DRX_CONF, 0x04, 0x0087);             //DRX_TUNE1a for 16MHz PRF
    writeRegister16(DW1000_DRX_CONF, 0x06, 0x0064);             //DRX_TUNE1b for 110kbps & > 1024 symbols
    writeRegister32(DW1000_DRX_CONF, 0x08, 0x351A009A);         //PAC size for 1024 symbols preamble & 16MHz PRF
    //writeRegister32(DW1000_DRX_CONF, 0x08, 0x371A011D);               //PAC size for 2048 symbols preamble

    writeRegister8 (DW1000_LDE_CTRL, 0x0806, 0xD);              //LDE_CFG1
    writeRegister16(DW1000_LDE_CTRL, 0x1806, 0x1607);           //LDE_CFG2 for 16MHz PRF

    writeRegister32(DW1000_TX_POWER, 0, 0x28282828);            //Power for channel 5

    writeRegister8(DW1000_RF_CONF, 0x0B, 0xD8);                 //RF_RXCTRLH for channel 5
    writeRegister32(DW1000_RF_CONF, 0x0C, 0x001E3FE0);          //RF_TXCTRL for channel 5

    writeRegister8 (DW1000_TX_CAL, 0x0B, 0xC0);                 //TC_PGDELAY for channel 5

    writeRegister32 (DW1000_FS_CTRL, 0x07, 0x0800041D);         //FS_PLLCFG for channel 5
    writeRegister8 (DW1000_FS_CTRL, 0x0B, 0xA6);                //FS_PLLTUNE for channel 5

    loadLDE();                          // important everytime DW1000 initialises/awakes otherwise the LDE algorithm must be turned off or there's receiving malfunction see User Manual LDELOAD on p22 & p158

    // 110kbps CAUTION: a lot of other registers have to be set for an optimized operation on 110kbps
    writeRegister16(DW1000_TX_FCTRL, 1, 0x0800 | 0x0100 | 0x0080); // use 1024 symbols preamble (0x0800) (previously 2048 - 0x2800), 16MHz pulse repetition frequency (0x0100), 110kbps bit rate (0x0080) see p.69 of DW1000 User Manual
    writeRegister8(DW1000_SYS_CFG, 2, 0x44);    // enable special receiving option for 110kbps (disable smartTxPower)!! (0x44) see p.64 of DW1000 User Manual [DO NOT enable 1024 byte frames (0x03) becuase it generates disturbance of ranging don't know why...]

    writeRegister16(DW1000_TX_ANTD, 0, 16384); // set TX and RX Antenna delay to neutral because we calibrate afterwards
    writeRegister16(DW1000_LDE_CTRL, 0x1804, 16384); // = 2^14 a quarter of the range of the 16-Bit register which corresponds to zero calibration in a round trip (TX1+RX2+TX2+RX1)

    writeRegister8(DW1000_SYS_CFG, 3, 0x20);    // enable auto reenabling receiver after error
// Sets the LCD address window (and address counter, on 932X).
// Relevant to rect/screen fills and H/V lines.  Input coordinates are
// assumed pre-sorted (e.g. x2 >= x1).
void Adafruit_TFTLCD::setAddrWindow(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
  if(driver == ID_932X) {

    // Values passed are in current (possibly rotated) coordinate
    // system.  932X requires hardware-native coords regardless of
    // MADCTL, so rotate inputs as needed.  The address counter is
    // set to the top-left corner -- although fill operations can be
    // done in any direction, the current screen rotation is applied
    // because some users find it disconcerting when a fill does not
    // occur top-to-bottom.
    int x, y, t;
    switch(rotation) {
      x  = x1;
      y  = y1;
     case 1:
      t  = y1;
      y1 = x1;
      x1 = TFTWIDTH  - 1 - y2;
      y2 = x2;
      x2 = TFTWIDTH  - 1 - t;
      x  = x2;
      y  = y1;
     case 2:
      t  = x1;
      x1 = TFTWIDTH  - 1 - x2;
      x2 = TFTWIDTH  - 1 - t;
      t  = y1;
      y1 = TFTHEIGHT - 1 - y2;
      y2 = TFTHEIGHT - 1 - t;
      x  = x2;
      y  = y2;
     case 3:
      t  = x1;
      x1 = y1;
      y1 = TFTHEIGHT - 1 - x2;
      x2 = y2;
      y2 = TFTHEIGHT - 1 - t;
      x  = x1;
      y  = y2;
    writeRegister16(0x0050, x1); // Set address window
    writeRegister16(0x0051, x2);
    writeRegister16(0x0052, y1);
    writeRegister16(0x0053, y2);
    writeRegister16(0x0020, x ); // Set address counter to top left
    writeRegister16(0x0021, y );

  } else if(driver == ID_7575) {

    writeRegisterPair(HX8347G_COLADDRSTART_HI, HX8347G_COLADDRSTART_LO, x1);
    writeRegisterPair(HX8347G_ROWADDRSTART_HI, HX8347G_ROWADDRSTART_LO, y1);
    writeRegisterPair(HX8347G_COLADDREND_HI  , HX8347G_COLADDREND_LO  , x2);
    writeRegisterPair(HX8347G_ROWADDREND_HI  , HX8347G_ROWADDREND_LO  , y2);

  } else if (driver == ID_9341) {
    uint32_t t;

    t = x1;
    t <<= 16;
    t |= x2;
    writeRegister32(ILI9341_COLADDRSET, t);
    t = y1;
    t <<= 16;
    t |= y2;
    writeRegister32(ILI9341_PAGEADDRSET, t);
