Beispiel #1
void loop ()
  int mod = ++thing >> 8;
  writeRow(0, thing & 1, thing & 2, thing & 4, thing & 8);
  writeRow(1, thing & 16, thing & 32, thing & 64, thing & 128);
  writeRow(2, mod & 1, mod & 2, mod & 4, mod & 8);
  writeRow(4, mod & 16, mod & 32, mod & 64, mod & 128);
Beispiel #2
void iconTitleInit (void) {
	// initialize video mode

	// initialize VRAM banks

	// initialize bg2 as a rotation background and bg3 as a bmp background
	bg2 = bgInit(2, BgType_Rotation, BgSize_R_512x512,   3, 0);
	bg3 = bgInit(3, BgType_Bmp16,    BgSize_B16_256x256, 1, 0);

	// initialize rotate, scale, and scroll
	bgSetRotateScale(bg3, 0, 1<<8, 1<<8);
	bgSetScroll(bg3, 0, 0);
	bgSetRotateScale(bg2, 0, 8*(1<<8)/6, 1<<8);
	bgSetScroll(bg2, -TITLE_POS_X, -TITLE_POS_Y);

	// clear bg2's map: 512x512 pixels is 64x64 tiles is 4KB
	dmaFillHalfWords(0, bgGetMapPtr(bg2), 4096);
	// load compressed font into bg2's tile data
	decompress(font6x8Tiles, bgGetGfxPtr(bg2), LZ77Vram);

	// load compressed bitmap into bg3
	decompress(hbmenu_bannerBitmap, bgGetGfxPtr(bg3), LZ77Vram);

	// load font palette
	dmaCopy(font6x8Pal, BG_PALETTE, font6x8PalLen);

	// apply the bg changes

	// initialize OAM
	oamInit(&oamMain, SpriteMapping_1D_128, false);
	sprite = oamAllocateGfx(&oamMain, SpriteSize_32x32, SpriteColorFormat_16Color);
	dmaFillHalfWords(0, sprite, sizeof(banner.icon));
	oamSet(&oamMain, 0, ICON_POS_X, ICON_POS_Y, 0, 0,
	       SpriteSize_32x32, SpriteColorFormat_16Color, sprite,
	       -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

	// oam can only be updated during vblank

	// everything's ready :)
	writeRow (0,"...initializing...");
	writeRow (1,"===>>> HBMenu+ <<<===");
	writeRow (2,"(this text should disappear...");
	writeRow (3,"...otherwise, trouble!)");
void PrettyCompactBlockOutputStream::write(const Block & block)
    UInt64 max_rows = format_settings.pretty.max_rows;

    if (total_rows >= max_rows)
        total_rows += block.rows();

    size_t rows = block.rows();

    WidthsPerColumn widths;
    Widths max_widths;
    Widths name_widths;
    calculateWidths(block, widths, max_widths, name_widths, format_settings);

    writeHeader(block, max_widths, name_widths);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < rows && total_rows + i < max_rows; ++i)
        writeRow(i, block, widths, max_widths);


    total_rows += rows;
Beispiel #4
SEXP hitandrun_simplexSample(SEXP _n, SEXP _sort, SEXP _niter) {
	int const n = asInteger(_n);
	int const sort = asLogical(_sort);
	int const niter = asInteger(_niter);

	// allocate output matrix
	SEXP _result = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, niter, n));
	Matrix result = { REAL(_result), niter, n };

	// state variables
	double x[n + 1];

	GetRNGstate(); // enable use of RNGs

	for (int i = 0; i < niter; ++i) {
		x[0] = 0.0; x[n] = 1.0;
		for (int j = 1; j < n; ++j) {
			x[j] = unif_rand();
		qsort(x + 1, n - 1, sizeof(double), hitandrun_doubleAsc);
		for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
			x[j] = x[j + 1] - x[j];
		if (sort) {
			qsort(x, n, sizeof(double), hitandrun_doubleDesc);
		writeRow(&result, i, x);


	return _result;
void FormDlgRuleSnippet::slotBtnSave()
    if (validateData())
Beispiel #6
SEXP hitandrun_har(SEXP _x0, SEXP _constr, SEXP _rhs, SEXP _niter, SEXP _thin) {
    // get problem dimensions
    int const niter = asInteger(_niter);
    int const thin = asInteger(_thin);
    int const n = length(_x0);
    int const m = length(_rhs);
    int const inc1 = 1; // needed for BLAS

    // convert input vectors / matrices
    _x0 = PROTECT(coerceVector(_x0, REALSXP));
    _constr = PROTECT(coerceVector(_constr, REALSXP));
    _rhs = PROTECT(coerceVector(_rhs, REALSXP));
    double *x0 = REAL(_x0);
    double *rhs = REAL(_rhs);
    Matrix constr = { REAL(_constr), m, n };

    // check the starting point
    if (!hitandrun_hit(&constr, rhs, x0, 0.0)) {
        error("The starting point must be inside the region");

    // allocate output matrix
    SEXP _result = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, niter / thin, n));
    Matrix result = { REAL(_result), niter / thin, n };

    // state variables
    double x[n];
    memcpy(x, x0, n * sizeof(double));
    double d[n];
    double l[2];

    GetRNGstate(); // enable use of RNGs

    for (int i = 0; i < niter; ++i) {
        hitandrun_randDir(d, n); // generate random direction d
        hitandrun_bound(&constr, rhs, x, d, l); // calculate bounds l
        if (!R_FINITE(l[0]) || !R_FINITE(l[1])) {
            error("Bounding function gave NA bounds [%f, %f]", l[0], l[1]);
        if (l[0] == l[1]) { // FIXME: is this an error?
            error("Bounding function gave empty interval");
        double v = l[0] + unif_rand() * (l[1] - l[0]);
        F77_CALL(daxpy)(&n, &v, d, &inc1, x, &inc1); // x := vd + x

        if ((i + 1) % thin == 0) { // write result
            writeRow(&result, i / thin, x);

    PutRNGstate(); // propagate RNG state back to R (or somewhere)

    return _result;
Beispiel #7
SEXP hitandrun_bbReject(SEXP _lb, SEXP _ub, SEXP _constr, SEXP _rhs, SEXP _niter) {
    // get problem dimensions
    int const niter = asInteger(_niter);
    int const n = length(_lb);
    int const m = length(_rhs);

    // convert input vectors / matrices
    _lb = PROTECT(coerceVector(_lb, REALSXP));
    _ub = PROTECT(coerceVector(_ub, REALSXP));
    _constr = PROTECT(coerceVector(_constr, REALSXP));
    _rhs = PROTECT(coerceVector(_rhs, REALSXP));
    double *lb = REAL(_lb);
    double *ub = REAL(_ub);
    Matrix constr = { REAL(_constr), m, n };
    double *rhs = REAL(_rhs);

    // allocate output matrix
    SEXP _result = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, niter, n));
    Matrix result = { REAL(_result), niter, n };
    double reject = 0.0;

    // internal state variables
    double d[n]; // pre-calculated differences
    for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
        d[j] = ub[j] - lb[j];
    double x[n];

    GetRNGstate(); // enable use of RNGs

    for (int i = 0; i < niter; ++i) {
        int wasHit = 0;
        int miss = 0;
        while (!wasHit) {
            for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
                x[j] = lb[j] + d[j] * unif_rand();
            if (hitandrun_hit(&constr, rhs, x, 0.0)) {
                wasHit = 1;
                writeRow(&result, i, x);
            } else {
        reject += (double)miss / niter;


    // return samples and rejection rate as a list
    SEXP ans = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0, _result);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1, ScalarReal(reject));

    return ans;
    const QList<QString>& keys = mergedTable.keys();

    foreach(const QString& key, keys){
        QList<QString> toWrite;
void TableFormat::writeWholeTable(
  std::ostream& out,
  const std::string& header,
  const Array<std::string>& columnNames,
  const Array<TableColumn>& columns
  ) const

  /* compute the total width */
  int pgWidth = 0;
  for (Array<TableColumn>::size_type i=0; i<columnNames.size(); i++)
    int cw = defaultColumnWidth();
    if (columnWidths_.size() != 0) cw = columnWidths_[i];
    pgWidth += cw;
  setPageWidth(std::max(pageWidth_, pgWidth));
  /* write the header */
  out << thickline() << std::endl;
  out << std::endl;
  int numBlanks = (pageWidth_ - header.length())/2;
  out << blanks(numBlanks) << header << std::endl;
  out << std::endl;

  /* write the column titles */
  for (Array<std::string>::size_type i=0; i<columnNames.size(); i++)
    int cw = defaultColumnWidth();
    if (columnWidths_.size() != 0) cw = columnWidths_[i];

    out << std::left << std::setw(cw) << columnNames[i];
  out << std::endl;

  /* ensure that all columns have the same number of rows */
  int numRows = columns[0].numRows();
  for (Array<TableColumn>::size_type i=1; i<columns.size(); i++)
    TEUCHOS_ASSERT_EQUALITY(columns[i].numRows(), numRows);
  /* write the table data */
  for (int i=0; i<numRows; i++)
    if (i % lineInterval_ == 0)
      out << std::left << thinline() << std::endl;   
    writeRow(out, i, columns);
  /* write the footer */
  out << thickline() << std::endl;

void TableFormat::writeRow(
  std::ostream& out,
  int rowIndex,
  const Array<TableColumn>& columns
  ) const
  Array<RCP<TableEntry> > entries(columns.size());
  for (Array<TableColumn>::size_type i=0; i<columns.size(); i++)
    entries[i] = columns[i].entry(rowIndex);
  writeRow(out, entries);
void PrettyCompactMonoBlockOutputStream::writeSuffix()
	if (blocks.empty())

	Widths_t max_widths;
	Widths_t name_widths;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i)
		calculateWidths(blocks[i], max_widths, name_widths);

	writeHeader(blocks.front(), max_widths, name_widths);

	size_t row_count = 0;

	for (size_t block_id = 0; block_id < blocks.size() && row_count < max_rows; ++block_id)
		const Block & block = blocks[block_id];
		size_t rows = block.rows();

		for (size_t i = 0; i < rows && row_count < max_rows; ++i)
			writeRow(i, block, max_widths, name_widths);


	if (total_rows >= max_rows)
		writeCString("  Showed first ", ostr);
		writeIntText(max_rows, ostr);
		writeCString(".\n", ostr);

	total_rows = 0;

	if (totals)
		writeCString("\nTotals:\n", ostr);

	if (extremes)
		writeCString("\nExtremes:\n", ostr);
 * Execution path for NormalisedPolygon Rebinning
 * @param inputWS : Workspace to be rebinned
 * @param vertexes : TableWorkspace for debugging purposes
 * @param dumpVertexes : determines whether vertexes will be written to for
 * debugging purposes or not
 * @param outputDimensions : used for the column headings for Dump Vertexes
MatrixWorkspace_sptr ReflectometryTransform::executeNormPoly(
    MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS,
    boost::shared_ptr<Mantid::DataObjects::TableWorkspace> &vertexes,
    bool dumpVertexes, std::string outputDimensions) const {
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr temp = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(
      "RebinnedOutput", m_d1NumBins, m_d0NumBins, m_d0NumBins);
  RebinnedOutput_sptr outWS = boost::static_pointer_cast<RebinnedOutput>(temp);

  const double widthD0 = (m_d0Max - m_d0Min) / double(m_d0NumBins);
  const double widthD1 = (m_d1Max - m_d1Min) / double(m_d1NumBins);

  std::vector<double> xBinsVec;
  std::vector<double> zBinsVec;
  VectorHelper::createAxisFromRebinParams({m_d1Min, widthD1, m_d1Max},
  VectorHelper::createAxisFromRebinParams({m_d0Min, widthD0, m_d0Max},

  // Put the correct bin boundaries into the workspace
  auto verticalAxis = new BinEdgeAxis(zBinsVec);
  outWS->replaceAxis(1, verticalAxis);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < zBinsVec.size() - 1; ++i)
    outWS->setX(i, xBinsVec);

  verticalAxis->title() = m_d1Label;

  // Prepare the required theta values
  DetectorAngularCache cache = initAngularCaches(inputWS.get());
  m_theta = cache.thetas;
  m_thetaWidths = cache.thetaWidths;

  const size_t nHistos = inputWS->getNumberHistograms();
  const size_t nBins = inputWS->blocksize();

  // Holds the spectrum-detector mapping
  std::vector<specnum_t> specNumberMapping;
  std::vector<detid_t> detIDMapping;
  // Create a table for the output if we want to debug vertex positioning
  addColumnHeadings(vertexes, outputDimensions);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nHistos; ++i) {
    IDetector_const_sptr detector = inputWS->getDetector(i);
    if (!detector || detector->isMasked() || detector->isMonitor()) {

    // Compute polygon points
    const double theta = m_theta[i];
    const double thetaWidth = m_thetaWidths[i];
    const double thetaHalfWidth = 0.5 * thetaWidth;
    const double thetaLower = theta - thetaHalfWidth;
    const double thetaUpper = theta + thetaHalfWidth;

    const MantidVec &X = inputWS->readX(i);
    const MantidVec &Y = inputWS->readY(i);
    const MantidVec &E = inputWS->readE(i);
    for (size_t j = 0; j < nBins; ++j) {
      const double lamLower = X[j];
      const double lamUpper = X[j + 1];
      const double signal = Y[j];
      const double error = E[j];

      auto inputQ =
          m_calculator->createQuad(lamUpper, lamLower, thetaUpper, thetaLower);
      FractionalRebinning::rebinToFractionalOutput(inputQ, inputWS, i, j, outWS,
      // Find which qy bin this point lies in
      const auto qIndex =
          std::upper_bound(zBinsVec.begin(), zBinsVec.end(), inputQ[0].Y()) -
      if (qIndex != 0 && qIndex < static_cast<int>(zBinsVec.size())) {
        // Add this spectra-detector pair to the mapping
            outWS->getSpectrum(qIndex - 1).getSpectrumNo());
      // Debugging
      if (dumpVertexes) {
        writeRow(vertexes, inputQ[0], i, j, signal, error);
        writeRow(vertexes, inputQ[1], i, j, signal, error);
        writeRow(vertexes, inputQ[2], i, j, signal, error);
        writeRow(vertexes, inputQ[3], i, j, signal, error);
  FractionalRebinning::normaliseOutput(outWS, inputWS);
  // Set the output spectrum-detector mapping
  SpectrumDetectorMapping outputDetectorMap(specNumberMapping, detIDMapping);
  outWS->getAxis(0)->title() = m_d0Label;

  return outWS;
static Image*
readGif ( GifFileType *gf )
  Image*          firstImg = 0;
  Image*	  img = 0;
  int             i, extCode, width, height, row, cmapSize;
  int             trans = -1, nFrames = 0, delay = 0;
  GifRecordType   rec;
  GifByteType     *ext;
  ColorMapObject  *cmap;
  GifColorType    *clrs;
  GifPixelType    *rowBuf = (GifPixelType*) AWT_MALLOC( gf->SWidth * sizeof( GifPixelType) );

  do {
	CHECK( DGifGetRecordType( gf, &rec));

	switch ( rec ) {
	  CHECK( DGifGetImageDesc( gf));

	  width    = gf->Image.Width;
	  height   = gf->Image.Height;

      cmap     = (gf->Image.ColorMap) ? gf->Image.ColorMap : gf->SColorMap;
	  clrs     = cmap->Colors;
      cmapSize = cmap->ColorCount;

	   * create our image objects and keep track of frames 
	  if ( !firstImg ) {     /* this is the first (maybe only) frame */
		firstImg = img = createImage( width, height);
	  else {                 /* this is a subsequent gif-movie frame, link it in */
		img->next = createImage( width, height);
		img = img->next;

	   * The trans index might have been cached by a preceeding extension record. Now
	   * that we have the Image object, it's time to store it in img and to create the
	   * mask
	  if ( trans != -1 ) {
		img->trans = trans;
		createXMaskImage( X, img);
		trans = -1;

	   * Some browsers seem to assume minimal values, and some animations
	   * seem to rely on this. But there's no safe guess, so we
	   * skip it completely
	  if ( delay == 0 )
		delay = 1000;
	  else if ( delay < 100 )
		delay = 100;

	  img->latency = delay;
	  img->left = gf->Image.Left;
	  img->top = gf->Image.Top;
	  img->frame = nFrames;

	  createXImage( X, img);

	   * start reading in the image data
	  if ( gf->Image.Interlace ) {
		/* Need to perform 4 passes on the images: */
		for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
		  for (row = iOffset[i]; row < height; row += iJumps[i]) {
			memset( rowBuf, gf->SBackGroundColor, width);
			CHECK( DGifGetLine( gf, rowBuf, width));

			writeRow( img, rowBuf, clrs, row);
	  else {
		for ( row = 0; row < height; row++) {
		  memset( rowBuf, gf->SBackGroundColor, width);
		  CHECK( DGifGetLine(gf, rowBuf, width));

		  writeRow( img, rowBuf, clrs, row);

	  CHECK( DGifGetExtension( gf, &extCode, &ext));

	  if ( extCode == 0xf9 ) {   /* graphics extension */
		 * extension record with transparency spec are preceeding description records
		 * (which create new Images), so just cache the transp index, here
		if ( ext[1] & 1 ) {      /* transparent index following */
		  trans = ext[4];
		delay = ((ext[3] << 8) | ext[2]) * 10; /* delay in 1/100 secs */
	  else if ( extCode == 0xff ) {  /* application extension block */

	  while ( ext != NULL ) {
		CHECK( DGifGetExtensionNext( gf, &ext));


	default:                /* Should be traps by DGifGetRecordType. */
  } while ( rec != TERMINATE_RECORD_TYPE );

  if ( firstImg && (img != firstImg) ){
	img->next = firstImg;   /* link it together (as a ring) */

  return firstImg;
Beispiel #14
void iconTitleUpdate (int isdir, const char* name) {
	writeRow (0,name);
	writeRow (1,"");
	writeRow (2,"");
	writeRow (3,"");

	if (isdir) {
		// text
		writeRow (2,"[directory]");
		// icon
	} else if(strlen(name) >= 5 && strcasecmp(name + strlen(name) - 5, ".argv") == 0) {
		// look through the argv file for the corresponding nds file
		FILE    *fp;
		char    *line = NULL, *p = NULL;
		size_t  size = 0;
		ssize_t rc;

		// open the argv file
		fp = fopen(name,"rb");
		if(fp == NULL) {
			writeRow(2, "(can't open file!)");
			fclose(fp); return;

		// read each line
		while((rc = __getline(&line, &size, fp)) > 0) {
			// remove comments
			if((p = strchr(line, '#')) != NULL)
				*p = 0;

			// skip leading whitespace
			for(p = line; *p && isspace((int)*p); ++p)


		// done with the file at this point

		if(p && *p) {
			// we found an argument
			struct stat st;

			// truncate everything after first argument
			strtok(p, "\n\r\t ");

			if(strlen(p) < 4 || strcasecmp(p + strlen(p) - 4, ".nds") != 0) {
				// this is not an nds file!
				writeRow(2, "(invalid argv file!)");
			} else {
				// let's see if this is a file or directory
				rc = stat(p, &st);
				if(rc != 0) {
					// stat failed
					writeRow(2, "(can't find argument!)");
				} else if(S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
					// this is a directory!
					writeRow(2, "(invalid argv file!)");
				} else {
					iconTitleUpdate(false, p);
		} else {
			writeRow(2, "(no argument!)");
		// clean up the allocated line
	} else {
		// this is an nds file!
		FILE *fp;
		unsigned int Icon_title_offset;
		int ret;

		// open file for reading info
		fp=fopen (name,"rb");
		if (fp==NULL) {
			// text
			writeRow (2,"(can't open file!)");
			// icon
			fclose (fp); return;

		ret=fseek (fp, offsetof(tNDSHeader, bannerOffset), SEEK_SET);
		if (ret==0)
			ret=fread (&Icon_title_offset, sizeof(int), 1, fp); // read if seek succeed
			ret=0;  // if seek fails set to !=1

		if (ret!=1) {
			// text
			writeRow (2,"(can't read file!)");
			// icon
			fclose (fp); return;

		if (Icon_title_offset==0) {
			// text
			writeRow (2,"(no title/icon)");
			// icon
			fclose (fp); return;

		ret=fseek (fp,Icon_title_offset,SEEK_SET);
		if (ret==0)
			ret=fread (&banner, sizeof(banner), 1, fp); // read if seek succeed
			ret=0;  // if seek fails set to !=1

		if (ret!=1) {
			// text
			writeRow (2,"(can't read icon/title!)");
			// icon
			fclose (fp); return;

		// close file!
		fclose (fp);

		// turn unicode into ascii (kind of)
		// and convert 0x0A into 0x00
		int i;
		char *p = (char*)banner.titles[0];
		for (i = 0; i < sizeof(banner.titles[0]); i = i+2) {
			if ((p[i] == 0x0A) || (p[i] == 0xFF))
				p[i/2] = 0;
				p[i/2] = p[i];

		// text
		for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
			writeRow (i+1, p);
			p += strlen(p)+1;

		// icon
		dmaCopy(banner.icon,    sprite,         sizeof(banner.icon));
		dmaCopy(banner.palette, SPRITE_PALETTE, sizeof(banner.palette));