Beispiel #1
 * Write the outflow data file with WQ variables.                             *
void write_outflow(int of_idx, int jday, AED_REAL vol)
    char ts[64];
    int i, lvl;
    AED_REAL DrawHeight;
    extern int csv_outlet_allinone, csv_outfl_nvars;
    extern int ofl_wq_idx[];
    static AED_REAL vol_tot, state_of_v[MaxCSVOutVars];

    //# work out which level the outflow is at now.
    if (Outflows[of_idx].FloatOff) {
        DrawHeight = Lake[surfLayer].Height - Outflows[of_idx].OLev;
        //# Let it sit on the bottom if the lake has drained
        if (DrawHeight < 0.) DrawHeight = 0.;
    } else
        DrawHeight = Outflows[of_idx].OLev; //# Fixed height offtake

    for (lvl = botmLayer; lvl <= surfLayer; lvl++)
        if (Lake[lvl].Height >= DrawHeight) break;

    if ( csv_outlet_allinone ) {
        if ( of_idx == 0 ) // initialize
            vol_tot = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < csv_outfl_nvars; i++) {
            state_of_v[i] *= vol_tot;
            state_of_v[i] += (vol * _WQ_Vars(ofl_wq_idx[i], lvl));
        vol_tot += vol;
        for (i = 0; i < csv_outfl_nvars; i++)
            state_of_v[i] /= vol_tot;

        if ( of_idx != MaxOut ) return;
        of_idx = 0;
    } else if (wq_calc) {
        for (i = 0; i < csv_outfl_nvars; i++)
            state_of_v[i] = _WQ_Vars(ofl_wq_idx[i], lvl);

    write_time_string(ts, jday, 0);

    write_csv_outfl(of_idx, "time",       0.0,                     ts,   FALSE);
    write_csv_outfl(of_idx, "flow",       vol,                     NULL, FALSE);

    write_csv_outfl(of_idx, "Temp",       Lake[lvl].Temp,          NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_outfl(of_idx, "Salt",       Lake[lvl].Salinity,      NULL, FALSE);

    if (wq_calc) {   //# must do each of the WQ vars
        // # the first 3 vars are flow, temp and salt
        for (i = 3; i < csv_outfl_nvars; i++)
            write_csv_outfl_idx(of_idx, i,    state_of_v[i],       NULL, FALSE);

    //# force a newline
    write_csv_outfl(of_idx, "",           0.0,                     NULL, TRUE);
Beispiel #2
 * Write the various output files and/or plots.                               *
void write_output(int jday, int iclock, int nsave, int stepnum)
    int i, n, lvl[MaxPointCSV];
    char ts[20];

    if ( csv_point_nlevs > 0 ) {
        for (i = 0; i < MaxPointCSV; i++) lvl[i] = -1;

        //# Output at end of time step so add noSecs to time string
        write_time_string(ts, jday, iclock + noSecs);
        for (i = 0; i < csv_point_nlevs; i++) {
            write_csv_point(i, "time", 0.0, ts, FALSE);

            //# find which level csv_at is in
            if (csv_point_frombot[i]) { //Measure as height from bottom layer
                for (n = 0; n < NumLayers; n++) {
                    if ( Lake[n].Height >= csv_point_at[i] ) {
                        lvl[i] = n;
            } else { //Measure as depth from surface
                for (n = NumLayers-1; n >= botmLayer; n--) {
                    if ( (Lake[surfLayer].Height - Lake[n].Height) >= csv_point_at[i] ) {
                        lvl[i] = n + 1;
                    //If reached bottom layer
                    if (lvl[i] == -1) lvl[i] = botmLayer;

            write_csv_point(i, "temp", Lake[lvl[i]].Temp,     NULL, FALSE);
            write_csv_point(i, "salt", Lake[lvl[i]].Salinity, NULL, FALSE);

#ifdef PLOTS
    if ( do_plots ) do_internal_plots(plot_id);

    write_glm_ncdf(ncid, NumLayers, MaxLayers, stepnum, timestep);

    //# outputs WQ vars to NetCDF
    if (wq_calc)
        wq_write_glm(ncid, NumLayers, MaxLayers, lvl, csv_point_nlevs);

    if (csv_point_nlevs > 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < csv_point_nlevs; i++)
            write_csv_point(i, "", 0.0, NULL, TRUE);
Beispiel #3
 * Write the various output files and/or plots.                               *
void write_diags(int jday, AED_REAL LakeNum)
    char ts[20];
    extern AED_REAL Hs, L, T;

    if ( csv_lake_file < 0 ) return;

    //# Output at end of day
    write_time_string(ts, jday, SecsPerDay);

    write_csv_lake("time",            0.0,                       ts,   FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Volume",          sum_lake_layervol(),       NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Vol Snow",        SurfData.HeightSnow * Lake[surfLayer].LayerArea * SurfData.RhoSnow/1000.0,     NULL, FALSE);
    //Magic numbers for ice density are from glm_surface.c
    write_csv_lake("Vol Black Ice",   SurfData.HeightBlackIce * Lake[surfLayer].LayerArea * 917.0/1000.0, NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Vol White Ice",   SurfData.HeightWhiteIce * Lake[surfLayer].LayerArea * 890.0/1000.0, NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Tot Inflow Vol",  SurfData.dailyInflow,      NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Tot Outflow Vol", SurfData.dailyOutflow,     NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Overflow Vol",    SurfData.dailyOverflow,    NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Evaporation",     SurfData.dailyEvap,        NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Rain",            SurfData.dailyRain,        NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Snowfall",        SurfData.dailySnow,        NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Lake Level",      Lake[surfLayer].Height,    NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Surface Area",    Lake[surfLayer].LayerArea, NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Black Ice",       SurfData.HeightBlackIce,   NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Snow Height",     SurfData.HeightSnow,       NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Snow Density",    SurfData.RhoSnow,          NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("White Ice",       SurfData.HeightWhiteIce,   NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Albedo",          SurfData.albedo,           NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Max Temp",        max_temp(Lake, NumLayers), NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Min Temp",        min_temp(Lake, NumLayers), NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Surface Temp",    Lake[surfLayer].Temp,      NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Daily Qsw",       SurfData.dailyQsw,         NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Daily Qe",        SurfData.dailyQe,          NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Daily Qh",        SurfData.dailyQh,          NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Daily Qlw",       SurfData.dailyQlw,         NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Light",           Lake[surfLayer].Light,     NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Benthic Light",   Benthic_Light_pcArea,      NULL, FALSE);

    write_csv_lake("H_s",             Hs,                        NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("L",               L,                         NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("T",               T,                         NULL, FALSE);

    write_csv_lake("LakeNumber",      LakeNum,                   NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("Max dT/dz",    max_dtdz_at(Lake, NumLayers), NULL, FALSE);
    write_csv_lake("coef_wind_drag", coef_wind_drag,             NULL, TRUE);
Beispiel #4
 * Initialise output streams                                                  *
void init_output(int jstart, const char *out_dir, const char *out_fn,
                   int oMaxLayers, AED_REAL Longitude, AED_REAL Latitude)
    char ts[20];
    char path[1024];
    struct stat sb;

    if ( out_dir != NULL && stat(out_dir, &sb) ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Directory \"%s\" does not exist - attempting to create it\n", out_dir);
        if ( mkdir(out_dir, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "mkdir failed\n");
    } else {
        if ( ! S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Name given in out_dir (%s) is not a directory\n", out_dir);

    MaxLayers = oMaxLayers;
    snprintf(path, 1024, "%s/", out_dir, out_fn);
    ncid = init_glm_ncdf(path, "glm run", Latitude, Longitude, MaxLayers, ts);


    //# Initialize WQ output (creates NetCDF variables)
    if (wq_calc) wq_init_glm_output(&ncid, &x_dim, &y_dim, &z_dim, &time_dim);

#ifdef PLOTS
    if ( do_plots ) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) plot_id[i] = -1;
Beispiel #5
void status_print_statistics (stat_format_t *stats,
			      buffer_stats_t *audio_statistics,
			      data_source_stats_t *transport_statistics,
			      decoder_stats_t *decoder_statistics)
  pthread_cleanup_push(unlock_output_lock, NULL);

  /* Updating statistics is not critical.  If another thread is
     already doing output, we skip it. */
  if (pthread_mutex_trylock(&output_lock) == 0) {
    if (decoder_statistics != NULL) {
      /* Current playback time */
      /* Remaining playback time */
			decoder_statistics->total_time - 
      /* Total playback time */

      /* Instantaneous bitrate */
      stats[4].arg.doublearg = decoder_statistics->instant_bitrate / 1000.0f;

      /* Instantaneous bitrate */
      stats[5].arg.doublearg = decoder_statistics->avg_bitrate / 1000.0f;

    if (transport_statistics != NULL && 
	transport_statistics->input_buffer_used) {
      /* Input buffer fill % */
      stats[6].arg.doublearg = transport_statistics->input_buffer.fill;

      /* Input buffer state */

    if (audio_statistics != NULL) {
      /* Output buffer fill % */
      stats[8].arg.doublearg = audio_statistics->fill;
      /* Output buffer state */
      write_buffer_state_string(stats[9].arg.stringarg, audio_statistics);
    last_line_len = print_statistics_line(stats);


Beispiel #6
stat_format_t *stat_format_create ()
  stat_format_t *stats;
  stat_format_t *cur;

  stats = calloc(NUM_STATS + 1, sizeof(stat_format_t));  /* One extra for end flag */
  if (stats == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, _("Memory allocation error in stats_init()\n"));

  cur = stats + 0; /* currently playing file / stream */
  cur->verbosity = 3; 
  cur->enabled = 0;
  cur->formatstr = _("File: %s"); 
  cur->type = stat_stringarg;
  cur = stats + 1; /* current playback time (preformatted) */
  cur->verbosity = 1;
  cur->enabled = 1;
  cur->formatstr = _("Time: %s"); 
  cur->type = stat_stringarg;
  cur->arg.stringarg = calloc(TIME_STR_SIZE, sizeof(char));

  if (cur->arg.stringarg == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, _("Memory allocation error in stats_init()\n"));
  write_time_string(cur->arg.stringarg, 0.0);

  cur = stats + 2; /* remaining playback time (preformatted) */
  cur->verbosity = 1;
  cur->enabled = 1;
  cur->formatstr = "[%s]";
  cur->type = stat_stringarg;
  cur->arg.stringarg = calloc(TIME_STR_SIZE, sizeof(char));

  if (cur->arg.stringarg == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, _("Memory allocation error in stats_init()\n"));
  write_time_string(cur->arg.stringarg, 0.0);

  cur = stats + 3; /* total playback time (preformatted) */
  cur->verbosity = 1;
  cur->enabled = 1;
  cur->formatstr = _("of %s");
  cur->type = stat_stringarg;
  cur->arg.stringarg = calloc(TIME_STR_SIZE, sizeof(char));

  if (cur->arg.stringarg == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, _("Memory allocation error in stats_init()\n"));
  write_time_string(cur->arg.stringarg, 0.0);

  cur = stats + 4; /* instantaneous bitrate */
  cur->verbosity = 2;
  cur->enabled = 1;
  cur->formatstr = " (%5.1f kbps)";
  cur->type = stat_doublearg;

  cur = stats + 5; /* average bitrate (not yet implemented) */
  cur->verbosity = 2;
  cur->enabled = 0;
  cur->formatstr = _("Avg bitrate: %5.1f");
  cur->type = stat_doublearg;

  cur = stats + 6; /* input buffer fill % */
  cur->verbosity = 2;
  cur->enabled = 0;
  cur->formatstr = _(" Input Buffer %5.1f%%");
  cur->type = stat_doublearg;

  cur = stats + 7; /* input buffer status */
  cur->verbosity = 2;
  cur->enabled = 0;
  cur->formatstr = "%s";
  cur->type = stat_stringarg;
  cur->arg.stringarg = calloc(STATE_STR_SIZE, sizeof(char));

  if (cur->arg.stringarg == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, _("Memory allocation error in stats_init()\n"));

  cur = stats + 8; /* output buffer fill % */
  cur->verbosity = 2;
  cur->enabled = 0;
  cur->formatstr = _(" Output Buffer %5.1f%%"); 
  cur->type = stat_doublearg;

  cur = stats + 9; /* output buffer status */
  cur->verbosity = 1;
  cur->enabled = 0;
  cur->formatstr = "%s";
  cur->type = stat_stringarg;
  cur->arg.stringarg = calloc(STATE_STR_SIZE, sizeof(char));

  if (cur->arg.stringarg == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, _("Memory allocation error in stats_init()\n"));

  cur = stats + 10; /* End flag */
  cur->formatstr = NULL;

  return stats;
int write_log_data(obj_t *log, const void *src, int len)
/*  Writes a potentially modified version of the buffer (src) of length (len)
 *    into the logfile obj (log); the original (src) buffer is not modified.
 *  This routine is intended for writing data that was read from a console,
 *    not informational messages.
 *  If sanitized logs are enabled, data is stripped to 7-bit ASCII and
 *    control/binary characters are displayed as two-character printable
 *    sequences.
 *  If newline timestamping is enabled, the current timestamp is appended
 *    after each newline.
 *  Returns the number of bytes written into the logfile obj's buffer.
    const int minbuf = 25;              /* cr/lf + timestamp + meta/char */
    unsigned char buf[MAX_BUF_SIZE - 1];
    const unsigned char *p;
    unsigned char *q;
    const unsigned char * const qLast = buf + sizeof(buf);
    int n = 0;

    assert(sizeof(buf) >= minbuf);

    /*  If no additional processing is needed, listen to Biff Tannen:
     *    "make like a tree and get outta here".
    if (!log->aux.logfile.gotProcessing) {
        return(write_obj_data(log, src, len, 0));
    DPRINTF((15, "Processing %d bytes for [%s] log \"%s\".\n",
        len, log->aux.logfile.console->name, log->name));

    for (p=src, q=buf; len>0; p++, len--) {
         *  A newline state machine is used to properly sanitize CR/LF line
         *    terminations.  This is responsible for coalescing multiple CRs,
         *    swapping LF/CR to CR/LF, transcribing CR/NUL to CR/LF,
         *    prepending a CR to a lonely LF, and appending a LF to a
         *    lonely CR to prevent characters from being overwritten.
        if (*p == '\r') {
            if (log->aux.logfile.lineState == CONMAN_LOG_LINE_DATA) {
                log->aux.logfile.lineState = CONMAN_LOG_LINE_CR;
            else if (log->aux.logfile.lineState == CONMAN_LOG_LINE_INIT) {
                if (log->aux.logfile.opts.enableTimestamp)
                    q += write_time_string(0, (char *) q, qLast - q);
                log->aux.logfile.lineState = CONMAN_LOG_LINE_CR;
            else {
                ; /* ignore */
        else if (*p == '\n') {
            if (  (log->aux.logfile.lineState == CONMAN_LOG_LINE_INIT)
               || (log->aux.logfile.lineState == CONMAN_LOG_LINE_LF) ) {
                if (log->aux.logfile.opts.enableTimestamp)
                    q += write_time_string(0, (char *) q, qLast - q);
            *q++ = '\r';
            *q++ = '\n';
            log->aux.logfile.lineState = CONMAN_LOG_LINE_LF;
        else if (  (*p == '\0')
                && (  (log->aux.logfile.lineState == CONMAN_LOG_LINE_CR)
                   || (log->aux.logfile.lineState == CONMAN_LOG_LINE_LF) ) ) {
            ; /* ignore */
        else {
            if (log->aux.logfile.lineState == CONMAN_LOG_LINE_CR) {
                *q++ = '\r';
                *q++ = '\n';
            if (log->aux.logfile.lineState != CONMAN_LOG_LINE_DATA) {
                if (log->aux.logfile.opts.enableTimestamp)
                    q += write_time_string(0, (char *) q, qLast - q);
            log->aux.logfile.lineState = CONMAN_LOG_LINE_DATA;

            if (log->aux.logfile.opts.enableSanitize) {

                int c = *p & 0x7F;      /* strip data to 7-bit ASCII */

                if (c < 0x20) {         /* ASCII ctrl-chars */
                    *q++ = (*p & 0x80) ? '~' : '^';
                    *q++ = c + '@';
                else if (c == 0x7F) {   /* ASCII DEL char */
                    *q++ = (*p & 0x80) ? '~' : '^';
                    *q++ = '?';
                else {
                    if (*p & 0x80)
                        *q++ = '`';
                    *q++ = c;
            else {
                *q++ = *p;
        /*  Flush internal buffer before it overruns.
        if ((qLast - q) < minbuf) {
            assert((q >= buf) && (q <= qLast));
            n += write_obj_data(log, buf, q - buf, 0);
            q = buf;
    assert((q >= buf) && (q <= qLast));
    n += write_obj_data(log, buf, q - buf, 0);