int getCharSize() { int w = 0, h = 0; writestr("\x1b]99;w3m-getcharsize:%d:%d\x07", COLS, LINES); fscanf(stdin, "%d %d", &w, &h); if (!(w > 0 && h > 0)) return FALSE; if (!set_pixel_per_char) pixel_per_char = (int)(1.0 * w / COLS + 0.5); if (!set_pixel_per_line) pixel_per_line = (int)(1.0 * h / LINES + 0.5); return TRUE; }
static void teardown(int signo) { signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); writestr(" "); readstr(); if (sdofpid > 0) { kill(sdofpid, SIGINT); sleep(2); kill(sdofpid, SIGKILL); } unlink(pidlockfile); memset(memimg, 0xa5, 512); exit(0); }
void TestFixture::assertEquals(const char *filename, unsigned int linenr, const std::string &expected, const std::string &actual, const std::string &msg) { if (expected != actual) { ++fails_counter; if (gcc_style_errors) { errmsg << filename << ':' << linenr << ": Assertion failed. " << "Expected: " << writestr(expected, true) << ". Actual: " << writestr(actual, true) << '.' << std::endl; } else { errmsg << "Assertion failed in " << filename << " at line " << linenr << std::endl << "Expected:" << std::endl << writestr(expected) << std::endl << "Actual:" << std::endl << writestr(actual) << std::endl << "_____" << std::endl; } if (!msg.empty()) { errmsg << msg << std::endl; } } }
static int startup() { int restart = 0, i; writestr(" "); for (;;) { while (sfd < 0) { printf("COMM RESTART\n"); restart = 1; setupsdof(); if (sfd < 0) sleep(5); // time to connect writestr("\007"); } i = readstr(); if (i < 0) continue; if (i == 0) break; } printf("RECONNECTED\n"); return restart; }
static long ask_for_number(int n1,int n2) { char s[50]; int n; if (n1!=n2) sprintf(s,"Enter a number from %d to %d: ",n1,n2); else sprintf(s,"Enter a number: "); for(;;) { writestr(s); n=read_number(); if (n1==n2 || ( n>=n1 && n<=n2)) return n; writeln(""); } }
void SetDelParSelDisk() { #ifdef _DEBUG ShowMessage("SetDelParSelDisk"); #endif if(g_delparinfo.nselpar >= -1) { // 2004.08.03 huapage modify begin while(g_pDelParPartWin->m_pitemactive->btItem != (g_delparinfo.nselpar+1)) // 2004.08.03 huapage modify end { winproc(g_pDelParPartWin, WM_KEY, DOWN); } g_pDelParPartWin->m_pitemactive->szitemtext[2] = 'X'; writestr(PAGE_DELPAR, 5+g_pDelParPartWin->m_nactiverow , 25, "X"); } }
void paabout (SLOT *sl, char *msg) { SLOT *sp; SLOT_LIST *slist; write_log_paabout (sl, msg); slist = channels[MAINLIST].members; while (slist) { sp = slist->slot; if (sp && (sp->acct.pa_notify || (sl->acct.chan == sp->acct.chan))) { select_stop (sp); select_wrap (sp); begin_color (sp, sl->acct.msgcolor); if (slots_f) { writestr (sp, "-- #"); writeint (sp, sl->nslot); } else { writestr (sp, "--"); } writech (sp, ' '); writestr (sp, msg); writestr (sp, " channel "); if (sl->acct.chan == sp->acct.chan || sl->flags.listed || sl->acct.chan == 1 || sp->acct.level > 2) writetwodig (sp, sl->acct.chan); else writestr (sp, "**"); writestr (sp, ": "); writestr (sp, sl->; writech (sp, '/'); writestr (sp, sl->acct.handle); reset_attr (sp); writech (sp, '\n'); clear_stop (sp); clear_wrap (sp); } slist = slist->next; } }
void IOdebug(const char *str, ... ) { int base, i, *p; char *s; va_list a; va_start(a,str); while( *str ) { if( *str == '%' ) { base = 10; switch( *(++str) ) { default: IOputc(*str); break; case 0: /* "...%" = no \n */ goto nonl; case 'c': /* char */ i = va_arg(a,int); IOputc(i); break; case 'x': base = 16; /* hex */ case 'd': /* decimal */ i = va_arg(a,int); writenum(i,base); break; case 's': /* string */ s = va_arg(a,char *); if( s == NULL ) s = "<NULL string>"; putstr: writestr(s); break; } str++; } else IOputc(*str++);
void proc_id (char *id) { SLOT *sp = NULL; char *offline_id = NULL; int err = 0; if (!id[0]) { setproc (sendpub, MAXMSG, 0); return; } if (slots_f && isdigit(id[0])) { sp = slotbynumber (id); if (!sp) { sprintf (msg_buf, "No such active slot: %s.\n", id); err = 1; } } else { sp = slotbyname (id); if (!sp) { if (cur_slot->flags.extid) { if (id[0] != '_' && db_pwd_exists (id) == DB_SUCCESS) { offline_id = id; } else { sprintf (msg_buf, "No such user: \"%s\".\n", id); err = 1; } } else { sprintf (msg_buf, "No such user online: \"%s\".\n", id); err = 1; } } } if (err) { writestr (cur_slot, msg_buf); setproc (sendpub, MAXMSG, 0); } else cur_slot->dispid (sp, offline_id); }
char* rexcall(int *fd, char *host, char *service) { char *na; char dir[MaxStr]; char err[ERRMAX]; char msg[MaxStr]; int n; na = netmkaddr(host, 0, service); procsetname("dialing %s", na); if((*fd = dial(na, 0, dir, 0)) < 0) return "can't dial"; /* negotiate authentication mechanism */ if(ealgs != nil) snprint(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s %s", am->name, ealgs); else snprint(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s", am->name); procsetname("writing %s", msg); writestr(*fd, msg, negstr, 0); procsetname("awaiting auth method"); n = readstr(*fd, err, sizeof err); if(n < 0) return negstr; if(*err){ werrstr(err); return negstr; } /* authenticate */ procsetname("%s: auth via %s", origargs, am->name); *fd = (*am->cf)(*fd); if(*fd < 0) return "can't authenticate"; return 0; }
void operact (SLOT *from, SLOT *to, char * msg) { SLOT *sp; SLOT_LIST *sl; sl = channels[MAINLIST].members; while(sl) { sp = sl->slot; if (sp && sp != from && sp->acct.level > 3) { select_stop (sp); select_wrap (sp); if (from) begin_color (sp, from->acct.msgcolor); writestr (sp, "** "); if (from) { writestr (sp, from->; writech (sp, '/'); writestr (sp, from->acct.handle); writech (sp, ' '); } writestr (sp, msg); if (to != NULL) { writech (sp, ' '); writestr (sp, to->; writech (sp, '/'); writestr (sp, to->acct.handle); } if (from) reset_attr (sp); writech (sp, '\n'); clear_stop (sp); clear_wrap (sp); } sl = sl->next; } }
int main( int argc, char **argv) { setlocale( LC_ALL, "" ); if( argc == 2 ) { static char term_buffer[2048]; char *termtype = getenv ("TERM"); char *tbuff = malloc( sizeof(char)*9999); char *res; tgetent( term_buffer, termtype ); res = tgetstr( argv[1], &tbuff ); if( res != 0 ) { while( *res != 0 ) { printf("%d ", *res ); res++; } printf( "\n" ); } else { printf("Undefined sequence\n"); } } else { char scratch[1024]; unsigned int c; struct termios modes, /* so we can change the modes */ savemodes; /* so we can reset the modes when we're done */ input_common_init(0); tcgetattr(0,&modes); /* get the current terminal modes */ savemodes = modes; /* save a copy so we can reset them */ modes.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; /* turn off canonical mode */ modes.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; /* turn off echo mode */ modes.c_cc[VMIN]=1; modes.c_cc[VTIME]=0; tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&modes); /* set the new modes */ while(1) { if( (c=input_common_readch(0)) == EOF ) break; if( (c > 31) && (c != 127) ) sprintf( scratch, "dec: %d hex: %x char: %c\n", c, c, c ); else sprintf( scratch, "dec: %d hex: %x\n", c, c ); writestr( scratch ); } /* reset the terminal to the saved mode */ tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&savemodes); input_common_destroy(); } return 0; }
void aufgabe28() { char str[255]; char *i,*j=str; int len; int knopp=0,ax=0,ay=0,az=0; int lastax=-1; int lastay=-1; int lastaz=-1; // Arbeitspalznummer +10 setUid(17); // Selbe fequenz wie unsere Nachbarn mit denen wir komunizieren wollen switchFreq(8); while(1) { if(do_output==1) { // Daten des Packets holen und vorbereiten sprintPacket(str); len=strlen(str); writestr(str); // Code welcher die Funtionalitaet folgender Zeile hat // sscanf(j,"%d\t%d\t%d\r\n",NULL,NULL,ax,ay,az,knopp); j=str; while(*j!='\t') j++; j++; while(*j!='\t') j++; i=++j; while(*j!='\t') j++; *j='\0'; ax=atoi(i); i=++j; while(*j!='\t') j++; *j='\0'; ay=atoi(i); i=++j; while(*j!='\t') j++; *j='\0'; az=atoi(i); i=++j; while(*j!='\r') j++; *j='\0'; knopp=atoi(i); // Je nach dem welcher Knopf gedrueckt wurde LEDs einschalten if(knopp==2){ LED_ON(GREEN); } if(knopp==1){ LED_OFF(GREEN); } // Entscheiden ob einer der Beschleunigungswerte mehr als // 20 % vom alten abweicht - wenn ja rote LED einschalten if(lastax!=-1){ if( abs(lastay-ay) >= lastay*0.2 || abs(lastax-ax) >= lastax*0.2 || abs(lastaz-az) >= lastaz*0.2 ){ LED_ON(RED); }else{ LED_OFF(RED); } } // alte Werte fuer den naechten Druchlauf setzen lastax=ax; lastay=ay; lastaz=az; // gelbe LED als Statusanzeige toggeln LED_TOGGLE(YELLOW); do_output=0; // ACK an den sender schicken sprintf(str,"FACK:%d",len); sendPacket(18,17,str,strlen(str)); } } }
void prnobj(Obj a, Obj stream, int how){ int typ = TYPEOFX(a); int (*printfnc)(Obj,Obj,int); char buf[8]; char *foo; Obj radix; int base; switch( typ ){ case TPVF_IMMED: if( INUMP( a )){ /* int */ radix = getvalue( sym_oradix); if(DEFINEDP(radix)&& INUMP(radix)) base = CINT(radix); else base = 10; if(how) base = 10; printnum(stream, CINT(a), base, 0,0); } else if( ICHARP( a )){ /* char */ foo = 0; if(how){ writestr(stream, "#\\"); foo = spec_repr( CCHAR(a), 0 ); } if(foo) writestr(stream, foo); else writechar(stream, CCHAR(a)); } else if( ICONSTP( a )){ /* const sym */ switch( a ){ case IC_NIL: writestr(stream, "()"); break; case IC_TRUE: writestr(stream, "#t"); break; case IC_FALSE: writestr(stream, "#f"); break; case IC_UNDEF: writestr(stream, "#<undefined>"); break; case IC_UNSPEC: writestr(stream, "#<unspecified>"); break; case IC_EOF: writestr(stream, "#<EOF>"); break; default: writestr(stream, "#<<send in bug report> IC_0x"); printnum(stream, a, 16,0,0); writestr(stream, "?>"); break; } } else if ( SYMBOLP( a )){ writestr(stream, symbolname(a) ); } else { writestr(stream, "#<<send in bug report> IMM_0x"); printnum(stream, a, 16,0,0); writestr(stream, "?>"); } break; #if 0 case TPV_SYMBOL: writestr(stream, CCHARS(a)); break; #endif case TPV_SYM_BOX: if(how) writestr(stream, symbolname( MAKSYM(CSYM_BOX(a)->id ))); else{ writestr(stream, "#<["); writestr(stream, symbolname( MAKSYM(CSYM_BOX(a)->id ))); writestr(stream, "]>"); } break; default: printfnc = jlisp_vtbl[ typ ].print; if( !printfnc || ! printfnc(a, stream, how) ){ writestr(stream, "#<_"); printnum(stream, typ, 10,0,0); writestr(stream, "_0x"); printnum(stream, a, 16, 0,0); writestr(stream, ">"); } break; } }
int prnmacr(Obj a, Obj stream, int how){ if( how) return prn_func_macr(a, stream, "macro"); else writestr(stream, "#<macro>"); return 1; }
void cpumain(int argc, char **argv) { char dat[MaxStr], buf[MaxStr], cmd[MaxStr], *err, *secstoreserver, *p, *s; int fd, ms, data; /* see if we should use a larger message size */ fd = open("/dev/draw", OREAD); if(fd > 0){ ms = iounit(fd); if(msgsize < ms+IOHDRSZ) msgsize = ms+IOHDRSZ; close(fd); } user = getenv("USER"); secstoreserver = nil; authserver = getenv("auth"); if(authserver == nil) authserver = ""; system = getenv("cpu"); if(system == nil) system = ""; ARGBEGIN{ case 'a': authserver = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'c': system = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'd': dbg++; break; case 'e': ealgs = EARGF(usage()); if(*ealgs == 0 || strcmp(ealgs, "clear") == 0) ealgs = nil; break; case 'C': cflag++; cmd[0] = '!'; cmd[1] = '\0'; while((p = ARGF()) != nil) { strcat(cmd, " "); strcat(cmd, p); } break; case 'k': keyspec = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'r': base = EARGF(usage()); break; case 's': secstoreserver = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'u': user = EARGF(usage()); break; default: usage(); }ARGEND; if(argc != 0) usage(); if(user == nil) user = readcons("user", nil, 0); if(mountfactotum() < 0){ if(secstoreserver == nil) secstoreserver = authserver; if(havesecstore(secstoreserver, user)){ s = secstorefetch(secstoreserver, user, nil); if(s){ if(strlen(s) >= sizeof secstorebuf) sysfatal("secstore data too big"); strcpy(secstorebuf, s); } } } if((err = rexcall(&data, system, srvname))) fatal(1, "%s: %s", err, system); /* Tell the remote side the command to execute and where our working directory is */ if(cflag) writestr(data, cmd, "command", 0); if(getcwd(dat, sizeof(dat)) == 0) writestr(data, "NO", "dir", 0); else writestr(data, dat, "dir", 0); /* * Wait for the other end to execute and start our file service * of /mnt/term */ if(readstr(data, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) fatal(1, "waiting for FS: %r"); if(strncmp("FS", buf, 2) != 0) { print("remote cpu: %s", buf); exits(buf); } if(readstr(data, buf, sizeof buf) < 0) fatal(1, "waiting for remote export: %r"); if(strcmp(buf, "/") != 0){ print("remote cpu: %s" , buf); exits(buf); } write(data, "OK", 2); /* Begin serving the gnot namespace */ exportfs(data, msgsize); fatal(1, "starting exportfs"); }
/* Invoked with stdin, stdout and stderr connected to the network connection */ void remoteside(void) { char user[MaxStr], home[MaxStr], buf[MaxStr], xdir[MaxStr], cmd[MaxStr]; int i, n, fd, badchdir, gotcmd; rfork(RFENVG); putenv("service", "cpu"); fd = 0; /* negotiate authentication mechanism */ n = readstr(fd, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); if(n < 0) fatal(1, "authenticating"); if(setamalg(cmd) < 0){ writestr(fd, "unsupported auth method", nil, 0); fatal(1, "bad auth method %s", cmd); } else writestr(fd, "", "", 1); fd = (*am->sf)(fd, user); if(fd < 0) fatal(1, "srvauth"); /* Set environment values for the user */ putenv("user", user); sprint(home, "/usr/%s", user); putenv("home", home); /* Now collect invoking cpu's current directory or possibly a command */ gotcmd = 0; if(readstr(fd, xdir, sizeof(xdir)) < 0) fatal(1, "dir/cmd"); if(xdir[0] == '!') { strcpy(cmd, &xdir[1]); gotcmd = 1; if(readstr(fd, xdir, sizeof(xdir)) < 0) fatal(1, "dir"); } /* Establish the new process at the current working directory of the * gnot */ badchdir = 0; if(strcmp(xdir, "NO") == 0) chdir(home); else if(chdir(xdir) < 0) { badchdir = 1; chdir(home); } /* Start the gnot serving its namespace */ writestr(fd, "FS", "FS", 0); writestr(fd, "/", "exportfs dir", 0); n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if(n != 2 || buf[0] != 'O' || buf[1] != 'K') exits("remote tree"); /* make sure buffers are big by doing fversion explicitly; pick a huge number; other side will trim */ strcpy(buf, VERSION9P); if(fversion(fd, 64*1024, buf, sizeof buf) < 0) exits("fversion failed"); if(mount(fd, -1, "/mnt/term", MCREATE|MREPL, "") < 0) exits("mount failed"); close(fd); /* the remote noteproc uses the mount so it must follow it */ rmtnoteproc(); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) close(i); if(open("/mnt/term/dev/cons", OREAD) != 0) exits("open stdin"); if(open("/mnt/term/dev/cons", OWRITE) != 1) exits("open stdout"); dup(1, 2); if(badchdir) print("cpu: failed to chdir to '%s'\n", xdir); if(gotcmd) execl("/bin/rc", "rc", "-lc", cmd, nil); else execl("/bin/rc", "rc", "-li", nil); fatal(1, "exec shell"); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char **argp, *p, showtotal; int returnval, f; noflags=1; for(argp=argv+1;*argp&&**argp=='-';argp++) for(p=*argp+1;*p;p++) switch(*p) { case 'c': cflag=1; noflags=0; break; case 'l': lflag=1; noflags=0; break; case 'w': wflag=1; noflags=0; break; default: usage(); return -1; } if(argp-argv==argc) { returnval=wc(0); putchar('\n'); return returnval; } if(argc-(argp-argv)>1) showtotal=1; else showtotal=0; totalc=0; totall=0; totalw=0; for(returnval=0;*argp;argp++) if((f=open(*argp,O_RDONLY))==-1) if(errno==ENOENT) { writestr(2,"wc: "); writestr(2,*argp); writestr(2,": not found\n"); returnval=1; } else { writestr(2,"wc: "); writestr(2,*argp); writestr(2,": can't open\n"); returnval=1; } else { if(wc(f)) returnval=1; writestr(1,*argp); writestr(1,"\n"); close(f); } if(showtotal) { if(lflag||noflags) printf("%u ",totall); if(wflag||noflags) printf("%u ",totalw); if(cflag||noflags) printf("%u ",totalc); fflush(stdout); /* You can never trust that sneaky bastard */ writestr(1,"total\n"); } return returnval; }
static void manualcheck(char skip) { static unsigned char encodedat[1510]="Put the copy protection here! "; unsigned char count=0; unsigned char lin,wor; unsigned int head,count2=0; unsigned char answer[14] = "",answeren[14]= "",temp[10] = ""; register int i; char str[25]; FILE *fp; count=(random(87)+91); if (skip) { gmmain(); return; } // Why chmodded? /* if (chmod("playgame.exe",S_IREAD|S_IWRITE)) { if (errno == ENOENT) errorbox("Please run this application in the GM directory"," (E)xit"); else errorbox("Cannot Run PLAYGAME.EXE"," (E)xit"); return; } */ if ((fp = fopen ("playgame.exe","r+b")) == NULL) { errorbox("This application must be run from","the GM directory! (E)xit"); return; } fseek(fp,PLAYBYTE,SEEK_SET); count = fgetc(fp); count-=90; if ( (count<1) || (count>88) ) count=(random(87)+1); fseek(fp,PLAYBYTE,SEEK_SET); count2=(random(87)+91); if (fputc(count2,fp) == EOF) { errorbox("Cannot Find PLAYGAME.EXE"," (E)xit"); fclose(fp); return; } fclose(fp); SetDate(); count2=0; while ( (encodedat[count2] != count) && (count2<970) ) { if (encodedat[count2] < 88) { /* eliminate possibility of head(int) bytes */ count2+=5; } else count2++; } if (count2>=970) { errorbox("Data Corrupted!","Reinstall from original disks."); return; } lin=encodedat[count2+1]-101; wor=encodedat[count2+2]-150; head=(*(unsigned int *) (&encodedat[count2+3]))/10; count2+=5; i=0; while(encodedat[count2+i]!=(count+1)) { answer[i] = (encodedat[count2+i]-11-(count%57))/2; i++; } answer[i]=0; sprintf((char far *)temp,"%d",head); i=0; while (temp[i] != 0) i++; temp[2*i-1]=0; while (i != 0) { i--; temp[2*i]=temp[i]; temp[2*i-1]='.'; } count2 = openmenu(14,3,50,10,(char far *)encodedat); for (i=0;i<3;i++) { writestr(15,3,count2+15," Please enter the following informantion."); writestr(15,4,count2+14," OR send in your registration card"); writestr(15,5,count2+14," to skip this hassle!"); writestr(15,7,count2+15,"Count every line with text, not including"); writestr(15,8,count2+15,"numbered headings. (\"Game-maker\" is one word)."); sprintf(str,"Section: %s",temp); writestr(15,10,count2+14,str); sprintf(str,"Line: %d",lin); writestr(15,11,count2+14,str); sprintf(str,"Word: %d",wor); writestr(15,12,count2+14,str); qwindow(24,15,15,"Word Found: ",(char far *)answeren); if (stricmp((char far *)answeren,(char far *)answer) != 0) { if (i<2) { errorbox("THAT IS INCORRECT","(R)etry"); answeren[0]=0; } else { closemenu(14,3,50,10,(char far *)encodedat); errorbox("THAT IS INCORRECT","(E)xit"); if ((fp = fopen ("playgame.exe","r+b")) == NULL) { errorbox("This application must be run from","the GM directory! (E)xit"); return; } fseek(fp,PLAYBYTE,SEEK_SET); count+=90; if (fputc(count,fp) == EOF) errorbox("Cannot Find PLAYGAME.EXE"," (E)xit"); fclose(fp); SetDate(); return; } } else i=3; } closemenu(14,3,50,10,(char far *)encodedat); gmmain(); }
char showdelparwin() { int nWidth; int i; char ch; char szResult = 'c'; char szdrv[40],szStrCheck[65]; char *str[] = {"[V]iew Partition","Delete [M]ethod" ,"[D]elete ","[C]ancel"}; static point ptvpar, ptoption,ptdelpardel,ptdelparcancel; _itemnode *pitemHD; char *szMethod[] = {"00 overwrite","FF overwrite", "random data","NSA method", "Old NSA method","DoD STD method", "NATO method","Gutmann method"}; _setvisualpage(PAGE_DELPAR); _setactivepage(PAGE_DELPAR); ptvpar.row = 23; ptvpar.col = 5; drawbox(1, 1, g_SysInfo.nmaxrows, g_SysInfo.nmaxcols); _settextposition(2, 4); _outtext("Select the partition to be deleted"); _settextposition(4, 5); _outtext("PhysicalDisk: Drive Type Size(MB) Active Pri/Log"); _settextposition(12, 4); // 2004.08.03 huapage modify begin // _outtext("Selected partition"); _outtext("Partition information:"); // 2004.08.03 huapage modify end //Add&Init Disk select window g_pDelParDiskWin = new cwindow(PAGE_DELPAR, 5, 4, 11, 20); for(i = 0; i < g_nDiskNum; i++) // no A: B: { sprintf(szdrv, DRIVEFORMAT, i + 1); g_pDelParDiskWin->additemNotSort(szdrv,i); } g_pDelParDiskWin->enabledscroll(); if(!g_delparinfo.nseldisk) g_delparinfo.nseldisk = g_pDelParDiskWin->m_pitemactive->btItem+DISKBASE; SetDelParDiskSel(g_delparinfo.nseldisk-DISKBASE); //Add&Init Partition select window g_pDelParPartWin = new cwindow(PAGE_DELPAR, 5, 22, 11, 78); writedriveletter(g_pDelParDiskWin, g_pDelParPartWin); //Add show selected partition information window g_pDelParSelWin = new cwindow(PAGE_DELPAR, 13, 4, 18, 78); //show delete method sprintf(szdrv,"Delete partition with %s",szMethod[g_nMethod]); _settextposition(19, 4); _outtext(szdrv); // Add function box nWidth = strlen(str[0]); _settextposition(ptvpar.row, ptvpar.col); _outtext(str[0]); drawbox(ptvpar.row - 1, ptvpar.col - 1, ptvpar.row + 1, ptvpar.col + nWidth); ptoption.row = ptvpar.row; ptoption.col = ptvpar.col + nWidth + 2; nWidth = strlen(str[1]); _settextposition(ptoption.row, ptoption.col); _outtext(str[1]); drawbox(ptoption.row - 1, ptoption.col - 1, ptoption.row + 1, ptoption.col + nWidth); nWidth = strlen(str[3]); ptdelparcancel.row = ptvpar.row; ptdelparcancel.col = g_SysInfo.nmaxcols - 2 - nWidth; _settextposition(ptdelparcancel.row, ptdelparcancel.col); _outtext(str[3]); drawbox(ptdelparcancel.row - 1, ptdelparcancel.col - 1, ptdelparcancel.row + 1, ptdelparcancel.col + nWidth); nWidth = strlen(str[2]); ptdelpardel.row = ptdelparcancel.row; ptdelpardel.col = ptdelparcancel.col - 2 -nWidth; _settextposition(ptdelpardel.row, ptdelpardel.col); _outtext(str[2]); drawbox(ptdelpardel.row - 1, ptdelpardel.col - 1, ptdelpardel.row + 1, ptdelpardel.col + nWidth); SetDelParSelDisk(); showtarparinfo(); winproc(g_pDelParPartWin, WM_INACTIVE); switch(g_delparinfo.nselect) { case 0: winproc(g_pDelParDiskWin, WM_ACTIVE); break; case 1: winproc(g_pDelParPartWin, WM_ACTIVE); break; case 2: selectstr(str[0], ptvpar.row, ptvpar.col, SELCOLOR); break; case 3: selectstr(str[1], ptoption.row, ptoption.col, SELCOLOR); break; case 4: selectstr(str[2], ptdelpardel.row, ptdelpardel.col, SELCOLOR); break; case 5: selectstr(str[3], ptdelparcancel.row, ptdelparcancel.col, SELCOLOR); break; } while(1) { ch = _getch(); switch(ch) { case 'm': case 'M': _clearscreen(_GCLEARSCREEN); DeleteDelParWin(); return 'm'; case 'v': case 'V': // if(g_delparinfo.nselpar == -1) if( SEL_PAR_INIT_VALUE == g_delparinfo.nselpar ) { ErrorMessageBox(NO_SELPAR); break; } _clearscreen(_GCLEARSCREEN); DeleteDelParWin(); return 'v'; case 'd': case 'D': // 2004.08.03 huapage modify begin // if(g_delparinfo.nselpar == -1) if( SEL_PAR_INIT_VALUE == g_delparinfo.nselpar) // 2004.08.03 huapage modify end { ErrorMessageBox(NO_SELPAR); break; } _clearscreen(_GCLEARSCREEN); DeleteDelParWin(); return 'd'; case 'C': case 'c': case ESC : _clearscreen(_GCLEARSCREEN); DeleteDelParWin(); return 'c'; case SPACE : if( 1 == g_delparinfo.nselect) // if the tab stop is in the proper window { pitemHD = g_pDelParPartWin->m_pitemhead; while(pitemHD!=NULL) { if(pitemHD->szitemtext[SELPOINT] == SELFLAG)//no selected { pitemHD->szitemtext[SELPOINT] = ' '; } pitemHD = pitemHD->pnext; } i=1; while(i<6) { g_pDelParPartWin->gettext(szStrCheck,i); szStrCheck[0]=0x20; if(szStrCheck[2]=='X') { writestr(PAGE_DELPAR, 5 + i, 23 + SELPOINT, " "); } i++; } if( g_delparinfo.nselpar != ( g_pDelParPartWin->m_pitemactive->btItem -1) ) { g_pDelParPartWin->m_pitemactive->szitemtext[SELPOINT] = SELFLAG; writestr(PAGE_DELPAR, 5 + g_pDelParPartWin->m_nactiverow, 23 + SELPOINT, SELFLAG_STRING); // 2004.08.02 huapage added begin // now we add select all, so nselpar should minus one g_delparinfo.nselpar = g_pDelParPartWin->m_pitemactive->btItem - 1; // 2004.08.02 huapage added end } else //already selected { // 2004.08.03 huapage comment begin // g_delparinfo.nselpar =-1; // 2004.08.03 huapage comment end g_delparinfo.nselpar = SEL_PAR_INIT_VALUE; } showtarparinfo(); } else { // do nothing if the focus is not // in the proper window and // user press space } break; case 0: switch(ch = _getch()) { case SHIFT_TAB: switch(g_delparinfo.nselect) { case 0: g_delparinfo.nselect = 5; selectstr(str[3], ptdelparcancel.row, ptdelparcancel.col, SELCOLOR); winproc(g_pDelParDiskWin, WM_INACTIVE); break; case 1: g_delparinfo.nselect = 0; winproc(g_pDelParDiskWin, WM_ACTIVE); winproc(g_pDelParPartWin, WM_INACTIVE); break; case 2: g_delparinfo.nselect = 1; selectstr(str[0], ptvpar.row, ptvpar.col, TEXTCOLOR); winproc(g_pDelParPartWin, WM_ACTIVE); //showtarparinfo(); break; case 3: g_delparinfo.nselect = 2; selectstr(str[0], ptvpar.row, ptvpar.col, SELCOLOR); selectstr(str[1], ptoption.row, ptoption.col, TEXTCOLOR); break; case 4: g_delparinfo.nselect = 3; selectstr(str[1], ptoption.row, ptoption.col, SELCOLOR); selectstr(str[2], ptdelpardel.row, ptdelpardel.col, TEXTCOLOR); break; case 5: g_delparinfo.nselect = 4; selectstr(str[2], ptdelpardel.row, ptdelpardel.col, SELCOLOR); selectstr(str[3], ptdelparcancel.row, ptdelparcancel.col, TEXTCOLOR); break; } break; case PAGEDOWN: case PAGEUP: case CTRL_END: case CTRL_HOME: case UP: case DOWN: if(g_delparinfo.nselect == 0) { g_pDelParDiskWin->m_pitemactive->szitemtext[1] = ' '; writestr(PAGE_DELPAR, 5+g_pDelParDiskWin->m_nactiverow , 6, " "); winproc(g_pDelParDiskWin, WM_KEY, ch); g_pDelParDiskWin->m_pitemactive->szitemtext[1] = '*'; writestr(PAGE_DELPAR, 5+g_pDelParDiskWin->m_nactiverow , 6, "*"); g_delparinfo.nseldisk = g_pDelParDiskWin->m_pitemactive->btItem+DISKBASE; writedriveletter(g_pDelParDiskWin, g_pDelParPartWin); // 2004.08.03 huapage modify begin // g_delparinfo.nselpar = -1; g_delparinfo.nselpar = SEL_PAR_INIT_VALUE; // 2004.08.03 huapage modify end showtarparinfo(); } if(g_delparinfo.nselect == 1) { winproc(g_pDelParPartWin, WM_KEY, ch); //showtarparinfo(); } break; } break; case TAB: switch(g_delparinfo.nselect) { case 0: g_delparinfo.nselect = 1; winproc(g_pDelParDiskWin, WM_INACTIVE); winproc(g_pDelParPartWin, WM_ACTIVE); //showtarparinfo(); break; case 1: g_delparinfo.nselect = 2; selectstr(str[0], ptvpar.row, ptvpar.col, SELCOLOR); winproc(g_pDelParPartWin, WM_INACTIVE); break; case 2: g_delparinfo.nselect = 3; selectstr(str[0], ptvpar.row, ptvpar.col, TEXTCOLOR); selectstr(str[1], ptoption.row, ptoption.col, SELCOLOR); break; case 3: g_delparinfo.nselect = 4; selectstr(str[1], ptoption.row, ptoption.col, TEXTCOLOR); selectstr(str[2], ptdelpardel.row, ptdelpardel.col, SELCOLOR); break; case 4: g_delparinfo.nselect = 5; selectstr(str[2], ptdelpardel.row, ptdelpardel.col, TEXTCOLOR); selectstr(str[3], ptdelparcancel.row, ptdelparcancel.col, SELCOLOR); break; case 5: g_delparinfo.nselect = 0; selectstr(str[3], ptdelparcancel.row, ptdelparcancel.col, TEXTCOLOR); winproc(g_pDelParDiskWin, WM_ACTIVE); break; } break; case CR: switch(g_delparinfo.nselect) { case 2: // if(g_delparinfo.nselpar == -1) if(SEL_PAR_INIT_VALUE == g_delparinfo.nselpar) { ErrorMessageBox(NO_SELPAR); break; } _clearscreen(_GCLEARSCREEN); DeleteDelParWin(); return 'v'; case 3: _clearscreen(_GCLEARSCREEN); DeleteDelParWin(); return 'm'; case 4: // 2004.08.03 huapage modify begin // if(g_delparinfo.nselpar == -1) if(SEL_PAR_INIT_VALUE == g_delparinfo.nselpar) // 2004.08.03 huapage modify end { ErrorMessageBox(NO_SELPAR); break; } _clearscreen(_GCLEARSCREEN); DeleteDelParWin(); return 'd'; case 5: _clearscreen(_GCLEARSCREEN); DeleteDelParWin(); return 'c'; } default:break; } } }
/***************************************************************************** * * NAME * * OVERVIEW * process_char processes a single character of input. * ****************************************************************************/ static void process_char (unsigned char c) { switch (cur_slot->tsmode) { case TS_NONE: ts_none (c); break; case TS_IAC: switch (c) { case IAC: ts_none (c); break; case WILL: cur_slot->tsmode = TS_WILL; break; case WONT: cur_slot->tsmode = TS_WONT; break; case DO: cur_slot->tsmode = TS_DO; break; case DONT: cur_slot->tsmode = TS_DONT; break; case EC: ts_none ('\b'); cur_slot->tsmode = TS_NONE; break; case EL: ts_none (24); cur_slot->tsmode = TS_NONE; break; case AO: qflush (&cur_slot->outq); qflush (&cur_slot->stopq); break; case AYT: writestr (cur_slot, "\n[Yes]\n"); default: cur_slot->tsmode = TS_NONE; break; } break; case TS_WILL: send_ts (DONT, (char)c); cur_slot->tsmode = TS_NONE; break; case TS_WONT: cur_slot->tsmode = TS_NONE; break; case TS_DO: if (c != TELOPT_SGA && c != TELOPT_ECHO) send_ts (WONT, (char)c); cur_slot->tsmode = TS_NONE; break; case TS_DONT: cur_slot->tsmode = TS_NONE; break; } }
//****************************************************** // evalstatus - evaluates the status returned from // acceptscreen library function //******************************************************* void evalstatus(unsigned int status, const int bVerbose) { unsigned char type; char dir; int mode, cols, page, attr, len=0; static char *goodmsg= "GOOD DATA "; static char *lenmsg= "LENGTH ERR "; static char *inputmsg= "INPUT TYPE ERR"; static char *barmsg= "BAR KEY "; static char *farmsg= "FAR KEY "; static char *darmsg= "DAR KEY "; static char *uarmsg= "UAR KEY "; static char *clrmsg= "CLR KEY "; static char *bskeymsg= "BS KEY "; static char *delmsg= "DELETE KEY "; static char *ltormsg= "L to R SCAN "; static char *rtolmsg= "R to L SCAN "; static char *unknown= "UNKNOWN RETVAL"; attr = NORMAL_VID; getvidmode(&mode, &cols, &page); setcurpos(page, 4, 2); switch (status) { case GOOD_DATA : if (bVerbose) writestr (page, goodmsg, len, attr); break; case LENGTH_ERR : if (bVerbose) writestr (page, lenmsg, len, attr); break; case INPUT_TYPE_ERR : if (bVerbose) writestr (page, inputmsg, len, attr); break; case WND : dir = getlabeltype(&type); if ( dir == L_TO_R) if (bVerbose) writestr(page, ltormsg, len, attr); else if (bVerbose) writestr(page, rtolmsg, len, attr); switch (type) { case PLESSEY: if (bVerbose) writestr(page, "Plessey", len, attr); break; case ALPHA_PLESS: if (bVerbose) writestr(page, "Alpha Plessey", len, attr); break; case ISBN_PLESS: if (bVerbose) writestr(page, "Isbn Plessey", len, attr); break; case PURE_PLESS: if (bVerbose) writestr(page, "Pure Plessey", len, attr); break; case SAIN_PLESS: if (bVerbose) writestr(page, "Sainesbury Plessey", len, attr); break; case UPC: if (bVerbose) writestr(page, "UPC", len, attr); break; case EAN: if (bVerbose) writestr(page, "Ean", len, attr); break; case UPC_EAN: if (bVerbose) writestr(page, "Upc Ean", len, attr); break; case CODABAR: if (bVerbose) writestr(page, "Codabar", len, attr); break; case CODE_3_9: if (bVerbose) writestr(page, "Code 3 of 9", len, attr); break; case CODE_2_5: if (bVerbose) writestr(page, "Code 2 of 5", len, attr); break; case DISCR_2_5: if (bVerbose) writestr(page, "Discr 2 of 5", len, attr); break; case INTERL_2_5: if (bVerbose) writestr(page, "Interl 2 of 5", len, attr); break; case INDUST_2_5: if (bVerbose) writestr(page, "Indust 2 of 5", len, attr); break; case CODE_11: if (bVerbose) writestr(page, "Code 11", len, attr); break; case CODE_128: if (bVerbose) writestr(page, "Code 128", len, attr); break; } break; case BAR : if (bVerbose) writestr (page, barmsg, len, attr); break; case FAR : if (bVerbose) writestr (page, farmsg, len, attr); break; case DAR : if (bVerbose) writestr (page, darmsg, len, attr); break; case UAR : if (bVerbose) writestr (page, uarmsg, len, attr); break; case CLR : if (bVerbose) writestr (page, clrmsg, len, attr); break; case BSKEY : if (bVerbose) writestr (page, bskeymsg, len, attr); break; case DEL : if (bVerbose) writestr (page, delmsg, len, attr); break; default : if (bVerbose) write(page, unknown, len, attr); break; } sysdelay(SECOND); }
void writemsg (SLOT *sp, char *msg, int typ) { char *s; char *t; select_stop (sp); select_wrap (sp); begin_color (sp, cur_slot->acct.msgcolor); /* Emphasize personal messages */ if (typ == 1) begin_attr (sp, 1); s = sp->acct.msgfmt; while (*s) { if (*s == '%') { switch (*++s) { case '\\': writech (sp, '\\'); break; case '_': writech (sp, '_'); break; case 'm': while (*msg) { if (*msg == cur_slot->acct.nlchar && sp->acct.newlines) writestr (sp, "\n "); else writech (sp, *msg); msg++; } break; default: if (shared_spec (sp, cur_slot, *s)) break; writech (sp, '%'); if (!*s) s--; else writech (sp, *s); } } else if (*s == '_') { t = (char *)index (++s, '_'); if (typ == 2) { if (t != NULL) *t = '\0'; writestr (sp, s); if (t != NULL) *t = '_'; } if (t == NULL) break; else s = t; } else if (*s == '\\') { t = (char *)index (++s, '\\'); if (typ == 1) { if (t != NULL) *t = '\0'; writestr (sp, s); if (t != NULL) *t = '\\'; } if (t == NULL) break; else s = t; } else writech (sp, *s); s++; } reset_attr (sp); writech (sp, '\n'); clear_stop (sp); clear_wrap (sp); }
int start_server(const char *url, const char *rtspport) { int mediafd = -1, listenfd, tempfd, maxfd; int videofd; struct addrinfo *info; struct sockaddr_storage remoteaddr; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof remoteaddr; fd_set readfds, masterfds; int nready, i; int videosize, videoleft; int recvd, sent; char urlhost[URLSIZE], urlpath[URLSIZE], tempstr[URLSIZE]; unsigned char msgbuf[BUFSIZE], sendbuf[BUFSIZE]; char *temp; RTSPMsg rtspmsg; Client streamclient; /* The current state of the protocol */ int mediastate = IDLE; int quit = 0; init_client(&streamclient); /* Open the a file where the video is to be stored */ if ((videofd = open("videotemp.mp4", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRWXU)) < 0) { fatal_error("Error opening the temporary videofile"); } /* Create the RTSP listening socket */ resolve_host(NULL, rtspport, SOCK_STREAM, AI_PASSIVE, &info); listenfd = server_socket(info); maxfd = listenfd; FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_ZERO(&masterfds); FD_SET(listenfd, &masterfds); while (!quit) { readfds = masterfds; if ((nready = Select(maxfd + 1, &readfds, NULL)) == -1) { write_log(logfd, "Select interrupted by a signal\n"); } for (i = 0; i <= maxfd; i++) { if (FD_ISSET(i, &readfds)) { nready--; /* New connection from a client */ if (i == listenfd) { if ((tempfd = accept(i, (struct sockaddr *)&remoteaddr, &addrlen)) == -1) { if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK && errno != ECONNABORTED && errno != EPROTO && errno != EINTR) { fatal_error("accept"); } } /* If we are already serving a client, close the new connection. Otherwise, continue. */ if (streamclient.state != NOCLIENT) close (tempfd); else { streamclient.rtspfd = tempfd; streamclient.state = CLICONNECTED; maxfd = max(2, streamclient.rtspfd, maxfd); FD_SET(streamclient.rtspfd, &masterfds); } } /* Data from the media source */ else if (i == mediafd) { switch (mediastate) { case GETSENT: /* Read ONLY the HTTP message from the socket and store the video size */ recvd = recv_all(i, msgbuf, BUFSIZE, MSG_PEEK); temp = strstr((char *)msgbuf, "\r\n\r\n"); recvd = recv_all(i, msgbuf, (int)(temp + 4 - (char *)msgbuf), 0); temp = strstr((char *)msgbuf, "Content-Length:"); sscanf(temp, "Content-Length: %d", &videosize); videoleft = videosize; mediastate = RECVTCP; break; case RECVTCP: if ((recvd = recv_all(i, msgbuf, BUFSIZE, 0)) == 0) { FD_CLR(i, &masterfds); close(i); printf("Socket closed\n"); } writestr(videofd, msgbuf, recvd); videoleft -= recvd; if (videoleft <= 0) mediastate = STREAM; break; /* TODO: Start streaming, currently just exits the program */ case STREAM: /* close(videofd); close(mediafd); close(listenfd); quit = 1; */ break; default: break; } } /* Data from a client ( i == streamclient.rtspfd) */ else { if ((recvd = recv_all(i, msgbuf, BUFSIZE, 0)) == 0) { FD_CLR(i, &masterfds); close(i); printf("Socket closed\n"); streamclient.state = NOCLIENT; } else { printf("%s", msgbuf); parse_rtsp(&rtspmsg, msgbuf); } switch (streamclient.state) { case CLICONNECTED: if (rtspmsg.type == OPTIONS) { sent = rtsp_options(&rtspmsg, sendbuf); send_all(i, sendbuf, sent); } else if (rtspmsg.type == DESCRIBE) { /* Start fetching the file from the server */ parse_url(url, urlhost, urlpath); resolve_host(urlhost, "80", SOCK_STREAM, 0, &info); mediafd = client_socket(info, 0); FD_SET(mediafd, &masterfds); maxfd = max(2, maxfd, mediafd); /* Send the GET message */ http_get(url, msgbuf); send_all(mediafd, msgbuf, strlen((char *)msgbuf)); mediastate = GETSENT; /* TODO: parse SDP from the media file rather than hardcoding it */ sent = rtsp_describe(&rtspmsg, sendbuf); send_all(i, sendbuf, sent); streamclient.state = SDPSENT; } break; case SDPSENT: if (rtspmsg.type == SETUP) { sent = rtsp_setup(&rtspmsg, sendbuf, 50508, 50509); send_all(i, sendbuf, sent); write_remote_ip(tempstr, streamclient.rtspfd); resolve_host(tempstr, rtspmsg.clirtpport, 0, SOCK_DGRAM, &info); streamclient.videofds[0] = client_socket(info, 50508); resolve_host(tempstr, rtspmsg.clirtcpport, 0, SOCK_DGRAM, &info); streamclient.videofds[1] = client_socket(info, 50509); streamclient.state = SETUPSENT; } break; case SETUPSENT: if (rtspmsg.type == PLAY) { } break; default: break; } } } if (nready <= 0) break; } } return 1; }
void usage(void) { writestr(2,"usage: wc [-clw] [FILE ...]\n"); }
void dump_userinfo (SLOT *sp) { ACCOUNT *acct; SLOT *sq; int i; acct = &sp->acct; dump_userinfoshort (acct, 1); writestr (cur_slot, "Account created from: "); writestr (cur_slot, acct->created_from); writestr (cur_slot, "\nMessage format: "); writestr (cur_slot, acct->msgfmt); writestr (cur_slot, "\nActive format: "); writestr (cur_slot, acct->activefmt); writestr (cur_slot, "\nNewline character: "); writech (cur_slot, acct->nlchar); writestr (cur_slot, "\nNewlines "); writestr (cur_slot, acct->newlines ? "on" : "off"); writestr (cur_slot, "\nBeeping "); writestr (cur_slot, acct->beeping ? "on" : "off"); #ifndef NOBROADCAST writestr (cur_slot, "\nBroadcast messages "); writestr (cur_slot, acct->nostat ? "off" : "on"); #endif writestr (cur_slot, "\nPA messages "); writestr (cur_slot, acct->pa_notify ? "off" : "on"); writestr (cur_slot, "\nANSI colors "); writestr (cur_slot, acct->usecolor ? "on" : "off"); writestr (cur_slot, "\nEmail status: "); writestr (cur_slot, acct->email_verified ? "verified" : "new"); writestr (cur_slot, "\nUser has squelched:"); for (i = 1; i <= slots_used; i++) { sq = slotbase[i]; if (sq && squelched (sp, sq)) { writestr (cur_slot, " "); writestr (cur_slot, sq->; } } writestr (cur_slot, "\nUser has reversed:"); for (i = 1; i <= slots_used; i++) { sq = slotbase[i]; if (sq && reversed (sp, sq)) { writestr (cur_slot, " "); writestr (cur_slot, sq->; } } writestr (cur_slot, "\nUser is being squelched by:"); for (i = 1; i <= slots_used; i++) { sq = slotbase[i]; if (sq && squelched (sq, sp)) { writestr (cur_slot, " "); writestr (cur_slot, sq->; } } writestr (cur_slot, "\nUser is being reversed by:"); for (i = 1; i <= slots_used; i++) { sq = slotbase[i]; if (sq && reversed (sq, sp)) { writestr (cur_slot, " "); writestr (cur_slot, sq->; } } writech (cur_slot, '\n'); }
static int completion_try_print( int cols, wchar_t *prefix, int is_quoted, std::vector<comp_t *> &lst ) { /* The calculated preferred width of each column */ int pref_width[PAGER_MAX_COLS]; /* The calculated minimum width of each column */ int min_width[PAGER_MAX_COLS]; /* If the list can be printed with this width, width will contain the width of each column */ int *width=pref_width; /* Set to one if the list should be printed at this width */ int print=0; long i, j; int rows = (int)((lst.size()-1)/cols+1); int pref_tot_width=0; int min_tot_width = 0; int res=PAGER_RETRY; /* Skip completions on tiny terminals */ if( termsize.ws_col < PAGER_MIN_WIDTH ) return PAGER_DONE; memset( pref_width, 0, sizeof(pref_width) ); memset( min_width, 0, sizeof(min_width) ); /* Calculate how wide the list would be */ for( j = 0; j < cols; j++ ) { for( i = 0; i<rows; i++ ) { int pref,min; comp_t *c; if( lst.size() <= j*rows + i ) continue; c =*rows + i ); pref = c->pref_width; min = c->min_width; if( j != cols-1 ) { pref += 2; min += 2; } min_width[j] = maxi( min_width[j], min ); pref_width[j] = maxi( pref_width[j], pref ); } min_tot_width += min_width[j]; pref_tot_width += pref_width[j]; } /* Force fit if one column */ if( cols == 1) { if( pref_tot_width > termsize.ws_col ) { pref_width[0] = termsize.ws_col; } width = pref_width; print=1; } else if( pref_tot_width <= termsize.ws_col ) { /* Terminal is wide enough. Print the list! */ width = pref_width; print=1; } else { long next_rows = (lst.size()-1)/(cols-1)+1; /* fwprintf( stderr, L"cols %d, min_tot %d, term %d, rows=%d, nextrows %d, termrows %d, diff %d\n", cols, min_tot_width, termsize.ws_col, rows, next_rows, termsize.ws_row, pref_tot_width-termsize.ws_col ); */ if( min_tot_width < termsize.ws_col && ( ( (rows < termsize.ws_row) && (next_rows >= termsize.ws_row ) ) || ( pref_tot_width-termsize.ws_col< 4 && cols < 3 ) ) ) { /* Terminal almost wide enough, or squeezing makes the whole list fit on-screen. This part of the code is really important. People hate having to scroll through the completion list. In cases where there are a huge number of completions, it can't be helped, but it is not uncommon for the completions to _almost_ fit on one screen. In those cases, it is almost always desirable to 'squeeze' the completions into a single page. If we are using N columns and can get everything to fit using squeezing, but everything would also fit using N-1 columns, don't try. */ int tot_width = min_tot_width; width = min_width; while( tot_width < termsize.ws_col ) { for( i=0; (i<cols) && ( tot_width < termsize.ws_col ); i++ ) { if( width[i] < pref_width[i] ) { width[i]++; tot_width++; } } } print=1; } } if( print ) { res=PAGER_DONE; if( rows < termsize.ws_row ) { /* List fits on screen. Print it and leave */ if( is_ca_mode ) { is_ca_mode = 0; writembs(exit_ca_mode); } completion_print( cols, width, 0, rows, prefix, is_quoted, lst); pager_flush(); } else { int npos, pos = 0; int do_loop = 1; /* Enter ca_mode, which means that the terminal content will be restored to the current state on exit. */ if( enter_ca_mode && exit_ca_mode ) { is_ca_mode=1; writembs(enter_ca_mode); } completion_print( cols, width, 0, termsize.ws_row-1, prefix, is_quoted, lst); /* List does not fit on screen. Print one screenfull and leave a scrollable interface */ while(do_loop) { set_color( rgb_color_t::black(), get_color(HIGHLIGHT_PAGER_PROGRESS) ); wcstring msg = format_string(_(L" %d to %d of %d"), pos, pos+termsize.ws_row-1, rows ); msg.append(L" \r" ); writestr(msg.c_str()); set_color( rgb_color_t::normal(), rgb_color_t::normal() ); pager_flush(); int c = readch(); switch( c ) { case LINE_UP: { if( pos > 0 ) { pos--; writembs(tparm( cursor_address, 0, 0)); writembs(scroll_reverse); completion_print( cols, width, pos, pos+1, prefix, is_quoted, lst ); writembs( tparm( cursor_address, termsize.ws_row-1, 0) ); writembs(clr_eol ); } break; } case LINE_DOWN: { if( pos <= (rows - termsize.ws_row ) ) { pos++; completion_print( cols, width, pos+termsize.ws_row-2, pos+termsize.ws_row-1, prefix, is_quoted, lst ); } break; } case PAGE_DOWN: { npos = mini( (int)(rows - termsize.ws_row+1), (int)(pos + termsize.ws_row-1) ); if( npos != pos ) { pos = npos; completion_print( cols, width, pos, pos+termsize.ws_row-1, prefix, is_quoted, lst ); } else { if( flash_screen ) writembs( flash_screen ); } break; } case PAGE_UP: { npos = maxi( 0, pos - termsize.ws_row+1 ); if( npos != pos ) { pos = npos; completion_print( cols, width, pos, pos+termsize.ws_row-1, prefix, is_quoted, lst ); } else { if( flash_screen ) writembs( flash_screen ); } break; } case R_NULL: { do_loop=0; res=PAGER_RESIZE; break; } default: { out_buff.push_back( c ); do_loop = 0; break; } } } writembs(clr_eol); } } return res; }
void main(int argc, char **argv) { char dat[MaxStr], buf[MaxStr], cmd[MaxStr], *p, *err; int ac, fd, ms, data; char *av[10]; quotefmtinstall(); origargs = procgetname(); /* see if we should use a larger message size */ fd = open("/dev/draw", OREAD); if(fd > 0){ ms = iounit(fd); if(msgsize < ms+IOHDRSZ) msgsize = ms+IOHDRSZ; close(fd); } user = getuser(); if(user == nil) fatal(1, "can't read user name"); ARGBEGIN{ case 'a': p = EARGF(usage()); if(setam(p) < 0) fatal(0, "unknown auth method %s", p); break; case 'e': ealgs = EARGF(usage()); if(*ealgs == 0 || strcmp(ealgs, "clear") == 0) ealgs = nil; break; case 'd': dbg++; break; case 'f': /* ignored but accepted for compatibility */ break; case 'R': /* From listen */ remoteside(); break; case 'h': system = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'c': cflag++; cmd[0] = '!'; cmd[1] = '\0'; while(p = ARGF()) { strcat(cmd, " "); strcat(cmd, p); } break; case 'k': keyspec = smprint("%s %s", keyspec, EARGF(usage())); break; case 'P': patternfile = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'u': user = EARGF(usage()); keyspec = smprint("%s user=%s", keyspec, user); break; default: usage(); }ARGEND; if(argc != 0) usage(); if(system == nil) { p = getenv("cpu"); if(p == 0) fatal(0, "set $cpu"); system = p; } if(err = rexcall(&data, system, srvname)) fatal(1, "%s: %s", err, system); procsetname("%s", origargs); /* Tell the remote side the command to execute and where our working directory is */ if(cflag) writestr(data, cmd, "command", 0); if(getwd(dat, sizeof(dat)) == 0) writestr(data, "NO", "dir", 0); else writestr(data, dat, "dir", 0); /* start up a process to pass along notes */ lclnoteproc(data); /* * Wait for the other end to execute and start our file service * of /mnt/term */ if(readstr(data, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) fatal(1, "waiting for FS: %r"); if(strncmp("FS", buf, 2) != 0) { print("remote cpu: %s", buf); exits(buf); } /* Begin serving the gnot namespace */ close(0); dup(data, 0); close(data); sprint(buf, "%d", msgsize); ac = 0; av[ac++] = exportfs; av[ac++] = "-m"; av[ac++] = buf; if(dbg) av[ac++] = "-d"; if(patternfile != nil){ av[ac++] = "-P"; av[ac++] = patternfile; } av[ac] = nil; exec(exportfs, av); fatal(1, "starting exportfs"); }
/// Convert a wide string to a multibyte string and append it to the buffer. static void s_write_str(data_buffer_t *b, const wchar_t *s) { scoped_buffer_t scoped_buffer(b); //!OCLINT(has side effects) writestr(s); }
/** Convert a wide string to a multibyte string and append it to the buffer. */ static void s_write_str( data_buffer_t *b, const wchar_t *s ) { scoped_buffer_t scoped_buffer(b); writestr( s ); }