static void
finish_setup (CEPageSecurity *page)
        NMConnection *connection = CE_PAGE (page)->connection;
        NMSettingWireless *sw;
        NMSettingWirelessSecurity *sws;
        gboolean is_adhoc = FALSE;
        GtkListStore *sec_model;
        GtkTreeIter iter;
        const gchar *mode;
        const gchar *security;
        guint32 dev_caps = 0;
        NMUtilsSecurityType default_type = NMU_SEC_NONE;
        int active = -1;
        int item = 0;
        GtkComboBox *combo;
        GtkCellRenderer *renderer;

        sw = nm_connection_get_setting_wireless (connection);
        g_assert (sw);

        page->group = gtk_size_group_new (GTK_SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL);

        page->security_heading = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (CE_PAGE (page)->builder, "heading_sec"));
        page->security_combo = combo = GTK_COMBO_BOX (gtk_builder_get_object (CE_PAGE (page)->builder, "combo_sec"));

        dev_caps =   NM_WIFI_DEVICE_CAP_CIPHER_WEP40
                   | NM_WIFI_DEVICE_CAP_CIPHER_WEP104
                   | NM_WIFI_DEVICE_CAP_CIPHER_TKIP
                   | NM_WIFI_DEVICE_CAP_CIPHER_CCMP
                   | NM_WIFI_DEVICE_CAP_WPA
                   | NM_WIFI_DEVICE_CAP_RSN;

        mode = nm_setting_wireless_get_mode (sw);
        if (mode && !strcmp (mode, "adhoc"))
                is_adhoc = TRUE;
        page->adhoc = is_adhoc;

        sws = nm_connection_get_setting_wireless_security (connection);
        security = nm_setting_wireless_get_security (sw);
        if (!security || strcmp (security, NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_SETTING_NAME) != 0)
                sws = NULL;
        if (sws)
                default_type = get_default_type_for_security (sws);

        sec_model = gtk_list_store_new (3, G_TYPE_STRING, wireless_security_get_g_type (), G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);

        if (nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_NONE, dev_caps, FALSE, is_adhoc, 0, 0, 0)) {
                gtk_list_store_insert_with_values (sec_model, &iter, -1,
                                                   S_NAME_COLUMN, C_("Wi-Fi/Ethernet security", "None"),
                                                   S_ADHOC_VALID_COLUMN, TRUE,
                if (default_type == NMU_SEC_NONE)
                        active = item;

        if (nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_STATIC_WEP, dev_caps, FALSE, is_adhoc, 0, 0, 0)) {
                WirelessSecurityWEPKey *ws_wep;
                NMWepKeyType wep_type = NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_KEY;

                if (default_type == NMU_SEC_STATIC_WEP) {
                        sws = nm_connection_get_setting_wireless_security (connection);
                        if (sws)
                                wep_type = nm_setting_wireless_security_get_wep_key_type (sws);
                        if (wep_type == NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
                                wep_type = NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_KEY;

                ws_wep = ws_wep_key_new (connection, NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_KEY, FALSE, FALSE);
                if (ws_wep) {
                        add_security_item (page, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_wep), sec_model,
                                           &iter, _("WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)"),
                        if ((active < 0) && (default_type == NMU_SEC_STATIC_WEP) && (wep_type == NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_KEY))
                                active = item;

                ws_wep = ws_wep_key_new (connection, NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_PASSPHRASE, FALSE, FALSE);
                if (ws_wep) {
                        add_security_item (page, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_wep), sec_model,
                                           &iter, _("WEP 128-bit Passphrase"), TRUE);
                        if ((active < 0) && (default_type == NMU_SEC_STATIC_WEP) && (wep_type == NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_PASSPHRASE))
                                active = item;

        if (nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_LEAP, dev_caps, FALSE, is_adhoc, 0, 0, 0)) {
                WirelessSecurityLEAP *ws_leap;

                ws_leap = ws_leap_new (connection, FALSE);
                if (ws_leap) {
                        add_security_item (page, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_leap), sec_model,
                                           &iter, _("LEAP"), FALSE);
                        if ((active < 0) && (default_type == NMU_SEC_LEAP))
                                active = item;

        if (nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_DYNAMIC_WEP, dev_caps, FALSE, is_adhoc, 0, 0, 0)) {
                WirelessSecurityDynamicWEP *ws_dynamic_wep;

                ws_dynamic_wep = ws_dynamic_wep_new (connection, TRUE, FALSE);
                if (ws_dynamic_wep) {
                        add_security_item (page, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_dynamic_wep), sec_model,
                                           &iter, _("Dynamic WEP (802.1x)"), FALSE);
                        if ((active < 0) && (default_type == NMU_SEC_DYNAMIC_WEP))
                                active = item;

        if (nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_WPA_PSK, dev_caps, FALSE, is_adhoc, 0, 0, 0) ||
            nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_WPA2_PSK, dev_caps, FALSE, is_adhoc, 0, 0, 0)) {
                WirelessSecurityWPAPSK *ws_wpa_psk;

                ws_wpa_psk = ws_wpa_psk_new (connection, FALSE);
                if (ws_wpa_psk) {
                        add_security_item (page, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_wpa_psk), sec_model,
                                           &iter, _("WPA & WPA2 Personal"), FALSE);
                        if ((active < 0) && ((default_type == NMU_SEC_WPA_PSK) || (default_type == NMU_SEC_WPA2_PSK)))
                                active = item;

        if (nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_WPA_ENTERPRISE, dev_caps, FALSE, is_adhoc, 0, 0, 0) ||
            nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_WPA2_ENTERPRISE, dev_caps, FALSE, is_adhoc, 0, 0, 0)) {
                WirelessSecurityWPAEAP *ws_wpa_eap;

                ws_wpa_eap = ws_wpa_eap_new (connection, TRUE, FALSE);
                if (ws_wpa_eap) {
                        add_security_item (page, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_wpa_eap), sec_model,
                                           &iter, _("WPA & WPA2 Enterprise"), FALSE);
                        if ((active < 0) && ((default_type == NMU_SEC_WPA_ENTERPRISE) || (default_type == NMU_SEC_WPA2_ENTERPRISE)))
                                active = item;

        gtk_combo_box_set_model (combo, GTK_TREE_MODEL (sec_model));
        gtk_cell_layout_clear (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo));

        renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
        gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), renderer, TRUE);
        gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), renderer, "text", S_NAME_COLUMN, NULL);
        gtk_cell_layout_set_cell_data_func (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), renderer, set_sensitive, &page->adhoc, NULL);

        gtk_combo_box_set_active (combo, active < 0 ? 0 : (guint32) active);
        g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (sec_model));

        page->security_combo = combo;

        security_combo_changed (combo, page);
        g_signal_connect (combo, "changed",
                          G_CALLBACK (security_combo_changed), page);
static void
finish_setup (CEPageWirelessSecurity *self, gpointer unused, GError *error, gpointer user_data)
	CEPage *parent = CE_PAGE (self);
	NMSettingWireless *s_wireless;
	NMSettingWirelessSecurity *s_wireless_sec;
	NMConnection *connection = parent->connection;
	gboolean is_adhoc = FALSE;
	GtkListStore *sec_model;
	GtkTreeIter iter;
	const char *mode;
	const char *security;
	guint32 dev_caps = 0;
	NMUtilsSecurityType default_type = NMU_SEC_NONE;
	int active = -1;
	int item = 0;
	const char *glade_file = GLADEDIR "/";
	GtkComboBox *combo;

	if (error)

	s_wireless = NM_SETTING_WIRELESS (nm_connection_get_setting (connection, NM_TYPE_SETTING_WIRELESS));
	g_assert (s_wireless);

	combo = GTK_COMBO_BOX (glade_xml_get_widget (parent->xml, "wireless_security_combo"));

	           | NM_WIFI_DEVICE_CAP_WPA
	           | NM_WIFI_DEVICE_CAP_RSN;

	mode = nm_setting_wireless_get_mode (s_wireless);
	if (mode && !strcmp (mode, "adhoc"))
		is_adhoc = TRUE;

	s_wireless_sec = NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY (nm_connection_get_setting (connection, 

	security = nm_setting_wireless_get_security (s_wireless);
	if (!security || strcmp (security, NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_SETTING_NAME))
		s_wireless_sec = NULL;
	if (s_wireless_sec)
		default_type = get_default_type_for_security (s_wireless_sec);

	sec_model = gtk_list_store_new (2, G_TYPE_STRING, wireless_security_get_g_type ());

	if (nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_NONE, dev_caps, FALSE, is_adhoc, 0, 0, 0)) {
		gtk_list_store_append (sec_model, &iter);
		gtk_list_store_set (sec_model, &iter,
		                    S_NAME_COLUMN, _("None"),
		if (default_type == NMU_SEC_NONE)
			active = item;

	if (nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_STATIC_WEP, dev_caps, FALSE, is_adhoc, 0, 0, 0)) {
		WirelessSecurityWEPKey *ws_wep;
		NMWepKeyType wep_type = NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_KEY;

		if (default_type == NMU_SEC_STATIC_WEP) {
			NMSettingWirelessSecurity *s_wsec;

			s_wsec = (NMSettingWirelessSecurity *) nm_connection_get_setting (connection, NM_TYPE_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY);
			if (s_wsec)
				wep_type = nm_setting_wireless_security_get_wep_key_type (s_wsec);
			if (wep_type == NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
				wep_type = NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_KEY;

		ws_wep = ws_wep_key_new (glade_file, connection, NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_KEY, FALSE, FALSE);
		if (ws_wep) {
			add_security_item (self, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_wep), sec_model,
			                   &iter, _("WEP 40/128-bit Key"));
			if ((active < 0) && (default_type == NMU_SEC_STATIC_WEP) && (wep_type == NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_KEY))
				active = item;

		ws_wep = ws_wep_key_new (glade_file, connection, NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_PASSPHRASE, FALSE, FALSE);
		if (ws_wep) {
			add_security_item (self, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_wep), sec_model,
			                   &iter, _("WEP 128-bit Passphrase"));
			if ((active < 0) && (default_type == NMU_SEC_STATIC_WEP) && (wep_type == NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_PASSPHRASE))
				active = item;

	if (nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_LEAP, dev_caps, FALSE, is_adhoc, 0, 0, 0)) {
		WirelessSecurityLEAP *ws_leap;

		ws_leap = ws_leap_new (glade_file, connection);
		if (ws_leap) {
			add_security_item (self, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_leap), sec_model,
			                   &iter, _("LEAP"));
			if ((active < 0) && (default_type == NMU_SEC_LEAP))
				active = item;

	if (nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_DYNAMIC_WEP, dev_caps, FALSE, is_adhoc, 0, 0, 0)) {
		WirelessSecurityDynamicWEP *ws_dynamic_wep;

		ws_dynamic_wep = ws_dynamic_wep_new (glade_file, connection);
		if (ws_dynamic_wep) {
			add_security_item (self, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_dynamic_wep), sec_model,
			                   &iter, _("Dynamic WEP (802.1x)"));
			if ((active < 0) && (default_type == NMU_SEC_DYNAMIC_WEP))
				active = item;

	if (   nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_WPA_PSK, dev_caps, FALSE, is_adhoc, 0, 0, 0)
	    || nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_WPA2_PSK, dev_caps, FALSE, is_adhoc, 0, 0, 0)) {
		WirelessSecurityWPAPSK *ws_wpa_psk;

		ws_wpa_psk = ws_wpa_psk_new (glade_file, connection);
		if (ws_wpa_psk) {
			add_security_item (self, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_wpa_psk), sec_model,
			                   &iter, _("WPA & WPA2 Personal"));
			if ((active < 0) && ((default_type == NMU_SEC_WPA_PSK) || (default_type == NMU_SEC_WPA2_PSK)))
				active = item;

	if (   nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_WPA_ENTERPRISE, dev_caps, FALSE, is_adhoc, 0, 0, 0)
	    || nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_WPA2_ENTERPRISE, dev_caps, FALSE, is_adhoc, 0, 0, 0)) {
		WirelessSecurityWPAEAP *ws_wpa_eap;

		ws_wpa_eap = ws_wpa_eap_new (glade_file, connection);
		if (ws_wpa_eap) {
			add_security_item (self, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_wpa_eap), sec_model,
			                   &iter, _("WPA & WPA2 Enterprise"));
			if ((active < 0) && ((default_type == NMU_SEC_WPA_ENTERPRISE) || (default_type == NMU_SEC_WPA2_ENTERPRISE)))
				active = item;

	gtk_combo_box_set_model (combo, GTK_TREE_MODEL (sec_model));
	gtk_combo_box_set_active (combo, active < 0 ? 0 : (guint32) active);
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (sec_model));

	self->security_combo = combo;

	wireless_security_combo_changed (combo, self);
	g_signal_connect (combo, "changed",
	                  G_CALLBACK (wireless_security_combo_changed),
static gboolean
security_combo_init (NMAWirelessDialog *self)
    NMAWirelessDialogPrivate *priv;
    GtkListStore *sec_model;
    GtkTreeIter iter;
    guint32 ap_flags = 0;
    guint32 ap_wpa = 0;
    guint32 ap_rsn = 0;
    guint32 dev_caps;
    NMSettingWirelessSecurity *wsec = NULL;
    NMUtilsSecurityType default_type = NMU_SEC_NONE;
    NMWepKeyType wep_type = NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_KEY;
    int active = -1;
    int item = 0;
    NMSettingWireless *s_wireless = NULL;
    gboolean is_adhoc;

    g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, FALSE);

    g_return_val_if_fail (priv->device != NULL, FALSE);
    g_return_val_if_fail (priv->sec_combo != NULL, FALSE);

    is_adhoc = priv->adhoc_create;

    /* The security options displayed are filtered based on device
     * capabilities, and if provided, additionally by access point capabilities.
     * If a connection is given, that connection's options should be selected
     * by default.
    dev_caps = nm_device_wifi_get_capabilities (NM_DEVICE_WIFI (priv->device));
    if (priv->ap != NULL) {
        ap_flags = nm_access_point_get_flags (priv->ap);
        ap_wpa = nm_access_point_get_wpa_flags (priv->ap);
        ap_rsn = nm_access_point_get_rsn_flags (priv->ap);

    if (priv->connection) {
        const char *mode;
        const char *security;

        s_wireless = NM_SETTING_WIRELESS (nm_connection_get_setting (priv->connection, NM_TYPE_SETTING_WIRELESS));

        mode = nm_setting_wireless_get_mode (s_wireless);
        if (mode && !strcmp (mode, "adhoc"))
            is_adhoc = TRUE;

        wsec = NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY (nm_connection_get_setting (priv->connection, 

        security = nm_setting_wireless_get_security (s_wireless);
        if (!security || strcmp (security, NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_SETTING_NAME))
            wsec = NULL;
        if (wsec) {
            default_type = get_default_type_for_security (wsec, !!priv->ap, ap_flags, dev_caps);
            if (default_type == NMU_SEC_STATIC_WEP)
                wep_type = nm_setting_wireless_security_get_wep_key_type (wsec);
            if (wep_type == NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
                wep_type = NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_KEY;
    } else if (is_adhoc) {
        default_type = NMU_SEC_STATIC_WEP;
        wep_type = NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_PASSPHRASE;

    sec_model = gtk_list_store_new (2, G_TYPE_STRING, wireless_security_get_g_type ());

    if (nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_NONE, dev_caps, !!priv->ap, is_adhoc, ap_flags, ap_wpa, ap_rsn)) {
        gtk_list_store_append (sec_model, &iter);
        gtk_list_store_set (sec_model, &iter,
                            S_NAME_COLUMN, _("None"),
        if (default_type == NMU_SEC_NONE)
            active = item;

    /* Don't show Static WEP if both the AP and the device are capable of WPA,
     * even though technically it's possible to have this configuration.
    if (   nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_STATIC_WEP, dev_caps, !!priv->ap, is_adhoc, ap_flags, ap_wpa, ap_rsn)
           && ((!ap_wpa && !ap_rsn) || !(dev_caps & (NM_WIFI_DEVICE_CAP_WPA | NM_WIFI_DEVICE_CAP_RSN)))) {
        WirelessSecurityWEPKey *ws_wep;

        ws_wep = ws_wep_key_new (priv->connection, NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_KEY, priv->adhoc_create);
        if (ws_wep) {
            add_security_item (self, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_wep), sec_model,
                               &iter, _("WEP 40/128-bit Key"));
            if ((active < 0) && (default_type == NMU_SEC_STATIC_WEP) && (wep_type == NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_KEY))
                active = item;

        ws_wep = ws_wep_key_new (priv->connection, NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_PASSPHRASE, priv->adhoc_create);
        if (ws_wep) {
            add_security_item (self, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_wep), sec_model,
                               &iter, _("WEP 128-bit Passphrase"));
            if ((active < 0) && (default_type == NMU_SEC_STATIC_WEP) && (wep_type == NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_PASSPHRASE))
                active = item;

    /* Don't show LEAP if both the AP and the device are capable of WPA,
     * even though technically it's possible to have this configuration.
    if (   nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_LEAP, dev_caps, !!priv->ap, is_adhoc, ap_flags, ap_wpa, ap_rsn)
           && ((!ap_wpa && !ap_rsn) || !(dev_caps & (NM_WIFI_DEVICE_CAP_WPA | NM_WIFI_DEVICE_CAP_RSN)))) {
        WirelessSecurityLEAP *ws_leap;

        ws_leap = ws_leap_new (priv->connection);
        if (ws_leap) {
            add_security_item (self, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_leap), sec_model,
                               &iter, _("LEAP"));
            if ((active < 0) && (default_type == NMU_SEC_LEAP))
                active = item;

    if (nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_DYNAMIC_WEP, dev_caps, !!priv->ap, is_adhoc, ap_flags, ap_wpa, ap_rsn)) {
        WirelessSecurityDynamicWEP *ws_dynamic_wep;

        ws_dynamic_wep = ws_dynamic_wep_new (priv->connection);
        if (ws_dynamic_wep) {
            add_security_item (self, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_dynamic_wep), sec_model,
                               &iter, _("Dynamic WEP (802.1x)"));
            if ((active < 0) && (default_type == NMU_SEC_DYNAMIC_WEP))
                active = item;

    if (   nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_WPA_PSK, dev_caps, !!priv->ap, is_adhoc, ap_flags, ap_wpa, ap_rsn)
           || nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_WPA2_PSK, dev_caps, !!priv->ap, is_adhoc, ap_flags, ap_wpa, ap_rsn)) {
        WirelessSecurityWPAPSK *ws_wpa_psk;

        ws_wpa_psk = ws_wpa_psk_new (priv->connection);
        if (ws_wpa_psk) {
            add_security_item (self, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_wpa_psk), sec_model,
                               &iter, _("WPA & WPA2 Personal"));
            if ((active < 0) && ((default_type == NMU_SEC_WPA_PSK) || (default_type == NMU_SEC_WPA2_PSK)))
                active = item;

    if (   nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_WPA_ENTERPRISE, dev_caps, !!priv->ap, is_adhoc, ap_flags, ap_wpa, ap_rsn)
           || nm_utils_security_valid (NMU_SEC_WPA2_ENTERPRISE, dev_caps, !!priv->ap, is_adhoc, ap_flags, ap_wpa, ap_rsn)) {
        WirelessSecurityWPAEAP *ws_wpa_eap;

        ws_wpa_eap = ws_wpa_eap_new (priv->connection);
        if (ws_wpa_eap) {
            add_security_item (self, WIRELESS_SECURITY (ws_wpa_eap), sec_model,
                               &iter, _("WPA & WPA2 Enterprise"));
            if ((active < 0) && ((default_type == NMU_SEC_WPA_ENTERPRISE) || (default_type == NMU_SEC_WPA2_ENTERPRISE)))
                active = item;

    gtk_combo_box_set_model (GTK_COMBO_BOX (priv->sec_combo), GTK_TREE_MODEL (sec_model));
    gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (priv->sec_combo), active < 0 ? 0 : (guint32) active);
    g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (sec_model));
    return TRUE;