Beispiel #1
wiced_result_t uuid_create( uuid_t* uuid )
    uint8_t temp[ 16 ];
    uint8_t a;
    char* iter = uuid->data;

    wwd_wifi_get_random( temp, 16 );

    temp[ 6 ] = 0x40 | ( temp[ 6 ] & 0xf );
    temp[ 8 ] = 0x80 | ( temp[ 8 ] & 0x3f );

    for ( a = 0; a < 16; ++a )
        *iter++ = nibble_to_hexchar( temp[ a ] >> 4 );
        *iter++ = nibble_to_hexchar( temp[ a ] & 0x0F );

        switch ( a )
            case 3:
            case 5:
            case 7:
            case 9:
                *iter = '-';

    return WICED_SUCCESS;
static wiced_result_t wiced_generate_client_websocket_key( uint8_t* websocket_key_base64_ptr)
    uint32_t       i;
    wiced_result_t result;
    uint32_t       websocket_key_length_base64;
    uint8_t        client_websocket_key[ WEBSOCKET_KEY_LENGTH ];

    memset( client_websocket_key, 0x0, WEBSOCKET_KEY_LENGTH );

    /*make room for null character*/
    websocket_key_length_base64 = CLIENT_WEBSOCKET_BASE64_KEY_LENGTH - 1;

    result = wwd_wifi_get_random( client_websocket_key, WEBSOCKET_KEY_LENGTH );
    if ( result != WICED_SUCCESS )
        return result;

    /*Now we base64 encode the 16 byte key, as required by the RFC6455 specification*/
    if ( base64_encode( websocket_key_base64_ptr, websocket_key_length_base64, client_websocket_key, WEBSOCKET_KEY_LENGTH ) )
        return WICED_ERROR;

    websocket_key_base64_ptr[ CLIENT_WEBSOCKET_BASE64_KEY_LENGTH - 1 ] = '\0';
    return WICED_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #3
wiced_result_t wiced_generic_start_tls_with_ciphers( wiced_tls_simple_context_t* tls_context, void* referee, wiced_tls_endpoint_type_t type, wiced_tls_certificate_verification_t verification, const cipher_suite_t* cipher_list[], tls_transport_protocol_t transport_protocol )
    microrng_state              rngstate;
    int                         prev_state;
    uint64_t                    start_time;
    tls_result_t                result;

    /* Initialize the session data */
    if ( transport_protocol != TLS_EAP_TRANSPORT )
        memset( &tls_context->session, 0, sizeof(wiced_tls_session_t) );
    memset( &tls_context->context, 0, sizeof(wiced_tls_context_t) );

    /* Prepare session and entropy */
    tls_context->session.age = MAX_TLS_SESSION_AGE;
    wwd_wifi_get_random( &rngstate.entropy, 4 );

    /* Initialize session context */ /* TODO: Ideally this should be done once for a socket */
    if ( ssl_init( &tls_context->context ) != 0 )
        wiced_assert("Error initialising SSL", 0!=0 );
        return WICED_TLS_INIT_FAIL;

    tls_context->context.transport_protocol = transport_protocol;

    microrng_init( &rngstate );

    ssl_set_endpoint( &tls_context->context, type );
    ssl_set_rng     ( &tls_context->context, microrng_rand, &rngstate );
    tls_context->context.receive_context = referee;
    tls_context->context.send_context    = referee;
    tls_context->context.get_session     = tls_get_session;
    tls_context->context.set_session     = tls_set_session;
    tls_context->context.ciphers         = cipher_list;
    ssl_set_session ( &tls_context->context, SESSION_CAN_BE_RESUMED, 1000000, &tls_context->session );

    /* Assert if user has not created correct TLS context for the TLS endpoint type */
    wiced_assert("TLS servers must have an advanced TLS context", !((type == WICED_TLS_AS_SERVER) && (tls_context->context_type != WICED_TLS_ADVANCED_CONTEXT)));

    if ( root_ca_certificates != NULL )
        ssl_set_ca_chain( &tls_context->context, root_ca_certificates, tls_context->context.peer_cn );
        ssl_set_authmode( &tls_context->context, verification );
        ssl_set_authmode( &tls_context->context, SSL_VERIFY_NONE );

    if ( tls_context->context_type == WICED_TLS_ADVANCED_CONTEXT )
        wiced_tls_advanced_context_t* advanced_context = (wiced_tls_advanced_context_t*)tls_context;
        ssl_set_own_cert( &advanced_context->context, &advanced_context->certificate, &advanced_context->key );

        ssl_set_dh_param( &tls_context->context, diffie_hellman_prime_P, sizeof( diffie_hellman_prime_P ), diffie_hellman_prime_G, sizeof( diffie_hellman_prime_G ) );

    prev_state = 0;
    start_time = tls_host_get_time_ms();
        uint64_t curr_time;
        if (type == WICED_TLS_AS_SERVER)
            result = ssl_handshake_server_async( &tls_context->context );
            if ( result != TLS_SUCCESS )
                WPRINT_SECURITY_INFO(( "Error with TLS server handshake\n" ));
                goto exit_with_inited_context;
            result = ssl_handshake_client_async( &tls_context->context );
            if ( result != TLS_SUCCESS )
                WPRINT_SECURITY_INFO(( "Error with TLS client handshake %u\n", (unsigned int)result ));
                goto exit_with_inited_context;

        /* break out if stuck */
        curr_time = tls_host_get_time_ms();
        if ( curr_time - start_time > MAX_HANDSHAKE_WAIT )
            WPRINT_SECURITY_INFO(( "Timeout in SSL handshake\n" ));
            result = TLS_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT;
            goto exit_with_inited_context;

        /* if no state change then wait on client */
        if ( prev_state == tls_context->context.state )
            host_rtos_delay_milliseconds( 10 );
        else /* otherwise process next state with no delay */
            prev_state = tls_context->context.state;
    } while ( tls_context->context.state != SSL_HANDSHAKE_OVER );

    return WICED_SUCCESS;

    ssl_close_notify( &tls_context->context );
    return (wiced_result_t) result;