wxDataViewItem vvStampsModel::AddItem(
	const wxString& sName,
	unsigned int    uCount,
	bool            bChecked
	// check if this item already exists
	stlDataItemMap::iterator it = this->mcDataItems.find(sName);
	if (it != this->mcDataItems.end())
		return wxDataViewItem();

	// add the item
	DataItem cItem;
	cItem.sName    = sName;
	cItem.uCount   = uCount;
	cItem.bChecked = bChecked;
	it = this->mcDataItems.insert(it, stlDataItemMap::value_type(sName, cItem));
	// create a wxDataViewItem from it
	wxDataViewItem cViewItem = this->ConvertDataItem(it);

	// notify anyone that cares about the new item
	this->ItemAdded(wxDataViewItem(), cViewItem);

	// return the new item
	return cViewItem;
Beispiel #2
unsigned int MyMusicTreeModel::GetChildren( const wxDataViewItem &parent,
                                            wxDataViewItemArray &array ) const
    MyMusicTreeModelNode *node = (MyMusicTreeModelNode*) parent.GetID();
    if (!node)
        array.Add( wxDataViewItem( (void*) m_root ) );
        return 1;

    if (node == m_classical)
        MyMusicTreeModel *model = (MyMusicTreeModel*)(const MyMusicTreeModel*) this;
        model->m_classicalMusicIsKnownToControl = true;

    if (node->GetChildCount() == 0)
        return 0;

    unsigned int count = node->GetChildren().GetCount();
    for (unsigned int pos = 0; pos < count; pos++)
        MyMusicTreeModelNode *child = node->GetChildren().Item( pos );
        array.Add( wxDataViewItem( (void*) child ) );

    return count;
Beispiel #3
wxDataViewItem FunctionsModel::GetParent(const wxDataViewItem& item) const
    FunctionsModel_Item* node = reinterpret_cast<FunctionsModel_Item*>(item.m_pItem);
    if ( node ) {
        return wxDataViewItem(node->GetParent());
    return wxDataViewItem(NULL);
wxDataViewItem CScoptViewResultsModel::GetParent(const wxDataViewItem& item) const
    CScoptViewResultsModel_Item* node = reinterpret_cast<CScoptViewResultsModel_Item*>(item.m_pItem);
    if ( node ) {
        return wxDataViewItem(node->GetParent());
    return wxDataViewItem(NULL);
Beispiel #5
wxDataViewItem StaleFilesModel::GetParent(const wxDataViewItem& item) const
    StaleFilesModel_Item* node = reinterpret_cast<StaleFilesModel_Item*>(item.m_pItem);
    if ( node ) {
        return wxDataViewItem(node->GetParent());
    return wxDataViewItem(NULL);
void MemCheckOutputView::ShowPageView(size_t page)
    // CL_DEBUG1(PLUGIN_PREFIX("MemCheckOutputView::ShowPage()"));

    if(page < 1)
        m_currentPage = 1;
    else if(page > m_pageMax)
        m_currentPage = m_pageMax;
        m_currentPage = page;

    if(m_currentPage == 0)
        pageValidator.TransferToWindow(); // it sets m_textCtrlPageNumber

    m_currentPageIsEmptyView = true;
    m_currentItem = wxDataViewItem(0);
    m_onValueChangedLocked = false;
    m_markedErrorsCount = 0;

    if(m_totalErrorsView == 0) return;

    ErrorList& errorList = m_plugin->GetProcessor()->GetErrors();
    long iStart = (long)(m_currentPage - 1) * m_plugin->GetSettings()->GetResultPageSize();
    long iStop =
        (long)std::min(m_totalErrorsView - 1, m_currentPage * m_plugin->GetSettings()->GetResultPageSize() - 1);
    // CL_DEBUG1(PLUGIN_PREFIX("start - stop = %lu - %lu", iStart, iStop));
    m_currentPageIsEmptyView = (iStop - iStart) < 0;

    // this should never happen if m_totalErrorsView > 0, but...
    if(m_currentPageIsEmptyView) return;

    wxWindowDisabler disableAll;
    wxBusyInfo wait(wxT(BUSY_MESSAGE));

    unsigned int flags = 0;
    if(m_plugin->GetSettings()->GetOmitNonWorkspace()) flags |= MC_IT_OMIT_NONWORKSPACE;
    if(m_plugin->GetSettings()->GetOmitDuplications()) flags |= MC_IT_OMIT_DUPLICATIONS;
    if(m_plugin->GetSettings()->GetOmitSuppressed()) flags |= MC_IT_OMIT_SUPPRESSED;
    size_t i = 0;
    MemCheckIterTools::ErrorListIterator it = MemCheckIterTools::Factory(errorList, m_workspacePath, flags);
    for(; i < iStart && it != errorList.end(); ++i, ++it)
        ; // skipping item before start
    // CL_DEBUG1(PLUGIN_PREFIX("items skiped"));
    for(; i <= iStop; ++i, ++it) {
        if(it == errorList.end()) {
            CL_WARNING(PLUGIN_PREFIX("Some items skiped. Total errors count mismatches the iterator."));
        AddTree(wxDataViewItem(0), *it); // CL_DEBUG1(PLUGIN_PREFIX("adding %lu", i));
        if(!(i % WAIT_UPDATE_PER_ITEMS)) m_mgr->GetTheApp()->Yield();
wxDataViewItem GNC::GUI::AcquisitionTableModel::GetParent( const wxDataViewItem &item ) const
        if (!item.IsOk()) {
                return wxDataViewItem(0);
        //if it's a study...
        AcquisitionNode* pNode = (AcquisitionNode*)(item.GetID());
        return wxDataViewItem( (void*) pNode->GetParent() );
Beispiel #8
wxDataViewItem TreeListModel::GetParent(const wxDataViewItem& item) const
    if ( IsEmpty() ) {
        return wxDataViewItem(NULL);
    TreeListModel_Item* node = reinterpret_cast<TreeListModel_Item*>(item.m_pItem);
    if ( node ) {
        return wxDataViewItem(node->GetParent());
    return wxDataViewItem(NULL);
wxDataViewItem LLDBBreakpointModel::GetParent(const wxDataViewItem& item) const
    if ( IsEmpty() ) {
        return wxDataViewItem(NULL);
    LLDBBreakpointModel_Item* node = reinterpret_cast<LLDBBreakpointModel_Item*>(item.m_pItem);
    if ( node ) {
        return wxDataViewItem(node->GetParent());
    return wxDataViewItem(NULL);
wxDataViewItem MemCheckDVCErrorsModel::GetParent(const wxDataViewItem& item) const
    if ( IsEmpty() ) {
        return wxDataViewItem(NULL);
    MemCheckDVCErrorsModel_Item* node = reinterpret_cast<MemCheckDVCErrorsModel_Item*>(item.m_pItem);
    if ( node ) {
        return wxDataViewItem(node->GetParent());
    return wxDataViewItem(NULL);
Beispiel #11
	virtual wxDataViewItem GetParent(const wxDataViewItem &item) const
		// the invisible root node has no parent
		if (!item.IsOk())
			return wxDataViewItem(0);

		ReplayProvider* provider = (ReplayProvider*)item.GetID();

		if (provider == m_root)
			return wxDataViewItem(0);

		return wxDataViewItem((void*)provider->GetParent());
void GNC::GUI::AcquisitionTableModel::ClearResults()

        wxDataViewItemArray toDeleteList;
        for (TMapIndex::iterator it = studyMap.begin(); it !=  studyMap.end(); ++it) {
        //then delete studies Nodes...
        ItemsDeleted(wxDataViewItem(0), toDeleteList);

        //delete all and reload again...
Beispiel #13
wxDataViewItem MyMusicTreeModel::GetParent( const wxDataViewItem &item ) const
    // the invisible root node has no parent
    if (!item.IsOk())
        return wxDataViewItem(0);

    MyMusicTreeModelNode *node = (MyMusicTreeModelNode*) item.GetID();

    // "MyMusic" also has no parent
    if (node == m_root)
        return wxDataViewItem(0);

    return wxDataViewItem( (void*) node->GetParent() );
void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::DataViewModel::Refresh()
    m_Widget->AssociateModel( this );
    std::queue<wxDataViewItem> todo;
    todo.push( wxDataViewItem() );

    while( !todo.empty() )
        wxDataViewItem current = todo.front();
        wxDataViewItemArray items;

        GetChildren( current, items );
        ItemsAdded( current, items );

        for( wxDataViewItemArray::const_iterator i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i )
            if( IsContainer( *i ) )
                todo.push( *i );


Beispiel #15
/* ActionSpecialTreeView::ActionSpecialTreeView
 * ActionSpecialTreeView class constructor
ActionSpecialTreeView::ActionSpecialTreeView(wxWindow* parent) : wxDataViewTreeCtrl(parent, -1)
	parent_dialog = NULL;

	// Create root item
	root = wxDataViewItem(0);

	// Add 'None'
	item_none = AppendItem(root, "0: None");

	// Populate tree
	vector<as_t> specials = theGameConfiguration->allActionSpecials();
	std::sort(specials.begin(), specials.end());
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < specials.size(); a++)
		           S_FMT("%d: %s", specials[a].number, specials[a].special->getName()), -1);

	// Bind events
	Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_START_EDITING, &ActionSpecialTreeView::onItemEdit, this);
	Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_ACTIVATED, &ActionSpecialTreeView::onItemActivated, this);

	SetMinSize(wxSize(-1, 200));
wxDataViewItem vvStampsModel::GetParent(
	const wxDataViewItem& WXUNUSED(cItem)
	) const
	// every item's parent is the invisible root
	return wxDataViewItem(NULL);
Beispiel #17
	SpecialPresetTreeView(wxWindow* parent) :
		wxDataViewTreeCtrl{ parent, -1 },
		root_{ wxDataViewItem(nullptr) },
		parent_dialog_{ nullptr }
		// Computing the minimum width of the tree is slightly complicated, since
		// wx doesn't expose it to us directly
		wxClientDC dc(this);
		wxSize textsize;

		// Populate tree
		addPresets(Game::customSpecialPresets(), textsize, dc);				// User custom presets
		addPresets(Game::configuration().specialPresets(), textsize, dc);	// From game configuration

		// Bind events
		Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_START_EDITING, [&](wxDataViewEvent& e) { e.Veto(); });
		Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_ACTIVATED, [&](wxDataViewEvent& e)
			if (GetChildCount(e.GetItem()) > 0)
				// Expand if group node
			else if (parent_dialog_)

		// 64 is an arbitrary fudge factor -- should be at least the width of a
		// scrollbar plus the expand icons plus any extra padding
		int min_width = textsize.GetWidth() + GetIndent() + UI::scalePx(64);
		wxWindowBase::SetMinSize(wxSize(min_width, UI::scalePx(200)));
AddFunctionsImpDlg::AddFunctionsImpDlg(wxWindow* parent, const TagEntryPtrVector_t &tags, const wxString &targetFile)
    : AddFunctionsImplBaseDlg(parent)
    unsigned int colCount = m_dataviewModel->GetColCount();
    m_dataviewModel = new MyAddFunctionsModel();
    m_dataviewModel->SetColCount( colCount );
    m_dataview->AssociateModel( m_dataviewModel.get() );

    m_tags.insert(m_tags.end(), tags.begin(), tags.end());
    for(size_t i=0; i<m_tags.size(); ++i) {

        wxVector<wxVariant> cols;
        cols.push_back( m_tags.at(i)->GetDisplayName() );

        // keep the implementation as the client data
        wxString body;
        TagEntryPtr tag = m_tags.at(i);
        tag->SetSignature( TagsManagerST::Get()->NormalizeFunctionSig( tag->GetSignature(), Normalize_Func_Name ) );
        body << TagsManagerST::Get()->FormatFunction(tag, FunctionFormat_Impl);
        body << wxT("\n");
        m_dataviewModel->AppendItem( wxDataViewItem(0), cols, new wxStringClientData(body) );
    m_filePicker->SetPath( targetFile );
    WindowAttrManager::Load(this, "AddFunctionsImpDlg", NULL);
unsigned int vvStampsControl::GetItemData(
	stlItemDataList* pItems,
	vvNullable<bool> nbChecked
	) const
	if (this->mpDataModel == NULL)
		return 0u;

	// run through all the items in the control
	unsigned int uCount = 0u;
	wxDataViewItemArray cChildren;
	this->mpDataModel->GetChildren(wxDataViewItem(), cChildren);
	for (wxDataViewItemArray::iterator it = cChildren.begin(); it != cChildren.end(); ++it)
		// get the item's data
		ItemData cData;
		this->GetItemData(*it, cData);

		// check if the item matches our criteria
		if (nbChecked.IsNull() || nbChecked.GetValue() == cData.bChecked)
			if (pItems != NULL)

	return uCount;
void MemCheckOutputView::OnMarkedErrorsToClip(wxCommandEvent& event)
    wxDataViewEvent* menuEvent = dynamic_cast<wxDataViewEvent*>(event.GetEventUserData());
    if(!menuEvent) return;

    wxString text;
    wxVariant variant;
    wxDataViewItemArray items;
    m_dataViewCtrlErrorsModel->GetChildren(wxDataViewItem(0), items);
    int supColumn = GetColumnByName(_("Suppress"));
    if(supColumn == wxNOT_FOUND) {
    MemCheckErrorReferrer* errorRef;
    for(wxDataViewItemArray::iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) {
        m_dataViewCtrlErrorsModel->GetValue(variant, *it, supColumn);
        if(variant.GetBool()) {
            errorRef = dynamic_cast<MemCheckErrorReferrer*>(m_dataViewCtrlErrorsModel->GetClientObject(*it));

    if(wxTheClipboard->Open()) {
        wxTheClipboard->SetData(new wxTextDataObject(text));
wxDataViewItem GraphTreeModel::findParentIter(const scene::INodePtr& node) const
	// Find the parent's GraphTreeNode
	const GraphTreeNodePtr& nodePtr = findParentNode(node);

	// Return an empty iterator if not found
	return (nodePtr != NULL) ? nodePtr->getIter() : wxDataViewItem();
    virtual unsigned int    GetChildren( wxDataViewItemArray& aItems ) const
        /// @todo C++11
        for( std::list<Pin*>::const_iterator i = m_Members.begin(); i != m_Members.end(); ++i )
            aItems.push_back( wxDataViewItem( *i ) );

        return aItems.size();
Beispiel #23
    wxDataViewItem ToDVI(Node* node) const
        // Our root item must be represented as NULL at wxDVC level to map to
        // its own invisible root.
        if ( !node->GetParent() )
            return wxDataViewItem();

        return ToNonRootDVI(node);
Beispiel #24
wxDataViewItem TreeListModel::InsertItem(const wxDataViewItem& insertBeforeMe, const wxVector<wxVariant>& data, wxClientData *clientData)
    wxDataViewItem ch = DoInsertItem(insertBeforeMe, data, false, clientData);
    if ( ch.IsOk() ) {
        TreeListModel_Item* node = reinterpret_cast<TreeListModel_Item*>(ch.GetID());
        ItemAdded(wxDataViewItem(node->GetParent()), ch);
    return ch;
void MemCheckOutputView::OnUnmarkAllErrors(wxCommandEvent& event)
    wxDataViewItemArray items;
    m_dataViewCtrlErrorsModel->GetChildren(wxDataViewItem(0), items);

    for(wxDataViewItemArray::iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) {
        MarkTree(*it, false);
unsigned int DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::DataViewModel::GetChildren( const wxDataViewItem& aItem,
        wxDataViewItemArray& aItems ) const
    if( !aItem.IsOk() )
        for( std::map<wxString, Group>::iterator i = m_Groups.begin(); i != m_Groups.end(); ++i )
            if( i->second.GetCount() > 1 )
                aItems.push_back( wxDataViewItem( &i->second ) );

        for( std::list<Pin>::iterator i = m_Pins.begin(); i != m_Pins.end(); ++i )
            if( !i->GetParent().IsOk() )
                aItems.push_back( wxDataViewItem( &*i ) );

        return aItems.size();
        return reinterpret_cast<Item const*>( aItem.GetID() )->GetChildren( aItems );
Beispiel #27
void wxDataViewCtrl::FinishCustomItemEditing()
  if (GetCustomRendererItem().IsOk())
    SetCustomRendererPtr (NULL);
void CScoptViewResultsModel::Clear()
    wxVector<CScoptViewResultsModel_Item*> roots = m_data;
    wxVector<CScoptViewResultsModel_Item*>::iterator iter = roots.begin();
    for(; iter != roots.end(); ++iter) {
        DeleteItem( wxDataViewItem(*iter) );
void MemCheckOutputView::OnExpandAll(wxCommandEvent& event)
    // CL_DEBUG1(PLUGIN_PREFIX("MemCheckOutputView::OnExpandAll()"));

    // not implemented in wxDVC :(
    // m_dataViewCtrlErrors->ExpandAll();
Beispiel #30
void StaleFilesModel::Clear()
    wxVector<StaleFilesModel_Item*> roots = m_data;
    wxVector<StaleFilesModel_Item*>::iterator iter = roots.begin();
    for(; iter != roots.end(); ++iter) {
        DeleteItem( wxDataViewItem(*iter) );