Beispiel #1
bool wxWebUpdateActionOpen::Run() const
	wxFileName f(m_strFile);
	wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionOpen::Run - opening the file [")
				+ m_strFile + wxT("]"));

	if (!f.FileExists()) {

		wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionOpen::Run - the file \"") + m_strFile +
				wxT("\" does not exist !"));
		return FALSE;
	// a little exception for Web pages: wxWidgets has the better function
	// wxLaunchDefaultBrowser which has a bteer error-checking and more
	// fallbacks, so use it if possible
    if (f.GetExt().StartsWith(wxT("htm")) && m_nExecFlag == wxEXEC_ASYNC)
    	return wxLaunchDefaultBrowser(m_strFile);

    // get the mime type 
    wxFileType *ft;
	if (m_strMime.IsEmpty())
		if (f.GetExt().IsEmpty())
			return FALSE;		// how do we get the MIME type without extension ?
		    ft = wxTheMimeTypesManager->GetFileTypeFromExtension(f.GetExt());
 		ft =  wxTheMimeTypesManager->GetFileTypeFromMimeType(m_strMime);
    if (!ft) {
        wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionOpen::Run - No default application can open the file [") + m_strFile + wxT("]"));
        return false;

    wxString mt;

	// get the open command
    wxString cmd;
    bool ok = ft->GetOpenCommand(&cmd, wxFileType::MessageParameters(m_strFile));
    delete ft;

    if (!ok) {
	    wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionOpen::Run - Cannot get the OPEN command for [") + m_strFile + wxT("]"));
    	return FALSE;
    if (wxExecute (cmd, m_nExecFlag) == -1) {
        wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionOpen::Run - Failed to launch application for [") + m_strFile + wxT("]"));
        return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Beispiel #2
unsigned long wxGetSizeOfURI(const wxString &uri)
    wxLogDebug(wxT("wxGetSizeOfURI - getting size of [") + uri + wxT("]"));
    wxInputStream *is = wxGetInputStreamFromURI(uri);
    if (is == NULL) {
        wxLogDebug(wxT("wxGetSizeOfURI - aborting; invalid URL !"));
        return 0;

    if (!is->IsOk()) {
        wxLogDebug(wxT("wxGetSizeOfURI - aborting; invalid URL !"));
        delete is;          // be sure to avoid leaks
        return 0;

    // intercept the 302 HTTP "return code"
#if 0
    wxProtocol &p = u.GetProtocol();
    wxHTTP *http = wxDynamicCast(&p, wxHTTP);
    if (http != NULL && http->GetResponse() == 302) {
        wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxGetSizeOfURI - can't get the size of the resource located at [") +
            uri + wxT("] because the request has been redirected... update your URL"));
        return 0;

    unsigned long sz = (unsigned long)is->GetSize();
    delete is;

    // see wxHTTP::GetInputStream docs
    if (sz == 0xffffffff)
        sz = 0;
    return sz;
Beispiel #3
bool wxWebUpdateActionMkdir::Run() const
	wxArrayString orig, output;
	wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionMkdir::Run - going to make the folder [")
				+ m_strTarget + wxT("]"));
	// wxFileName wants a path separator at the end of directory names
	wxString dir(m_strTarget);
	if (dir.Last() != wxFileName::GetPathSeparator())
		dir += wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();
	wxFileName f(dir);
	if (f.DirExists()) {
		wxLogAdvMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionMkdir::Run - the folder \"") + m_strTarget +
			wxT("\" already exist... proceeding anyway"));
		return TRUE;
	// create it !
	if (f.Mkdir(0777, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL))
		wxLogDebug(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionMkdir::Run - created the [") + 
		f.GetPath() + wxT("] folder"));
		wxLogDebug(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionMkdir::Run - could not create the [") + 
		f.GetPath() + wxT("] folder.. proceeding anyway"));
	return TRUE;
Beispiel #4
bool wxWebUpdateActionMkfile::Run() const
	wxArrayString orig, output;
	wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionMkfile::Run - going to make the file [")
				+ m_strTarget + wxT("]"));

	// do we have to create a folder ?
	wxFileName f(m_strTarget);
	if (f.FileExists()) {
		if (m_bOverwrite)
			wxLogAdvMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionMkfile::Run - the file \"") + m_strTarget +
			wxT("\" already exist... proceeding anyway (overwrite=1)"));
			return TRUE;		// exit
	// create it !
	wxFileOutputStream out(f.GetFullPath());
	// do the encoding conversion
	wxCSConv converter(m_strEncoding);
	wxCharBuffer buf = m_strContent.mb_str(converter);
	const char *data = (const char*) buf;
	size_t bytes = strlen(data)*sizeof(char);
	// write
	if (out.Write(data, bytes).LastWrite() != bytes) {
		wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionMkfile::Run - could not create the [") + 
			f.GetFullPath() + wxT("] file."));
		return FALSE;
	wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionMkfile::Run - created the [") + 
		f.GetFullPath() + wxT("] file with content [") + 
		m_strContent + wxT("]..."));
	return TRUE;
bool wxWebUpdateActionRun::Run() const
	// be sure that the file to run exists
	wxFileName f(m_strFile);
	if (!f.FileExists()) {

		wxLogUsrMsg(_("wxWebUpdateActionRun::Run - the file [%s] does not exist; proceeding anyway (maybe it's in PATH)"), m_strFile.c_str());

		// proceed: the executable could be in the system path...

	int retcode = wxExecute(m_strFile + wxS(" ") + m_strArgs,
 							m_nExecFlag | wxEXEC_NODISABLE);

	// FIXME: how do we know if this retcode means success or not ?
	//        (some programs could not respect the 0=success UNIX standard...)
	if (retcode != 0)
		wxLogAdvMsg(wxS("wxWebUpdateActionRun::Run - got a non-null return code for ")
					wxS("the last command; proceeding anyway..."));
	return TRUE;
Beispiel #6
bool wxWebUpdateActionCopy::Run() const
	wxArrayString orig, output;
	wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionCopy::Run - going to copy the file(s)/folder(s) [")
				+ m_strFrom + wxT("] in [")	+ m_strTo + wxT("]"));

	// wxFileName wants a path separator at the end of directory names
	wxString dir(m_strTo);
	if (dir.Last() != wxFileName::GetPathSeparator())
		dir += wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();

	// be sure that the destination directory exists
	wxFileName f(dir);
	if (!f.DirExists() && !m_bCreate) {

		wxLogAdvMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionCopy::Run - the folder \"") + m_strTo +
				wxT("\" does not exist and create=0 !"));
		return FALSE;
	// do we need to create the destination folder ?
	if (!f.DirExists()) {
			wxT("The create=0 case should have been already catched"));

		if (f.Mkdir(0777, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL))
			wxLogAdvMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionCopy::Run - created the [") + 
							f.GetPath() + wxT("] folder"));
			wxLogAdvMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionCopy::Run - could not create the [") + 
							f.GetPath() + wxT("] folder.. proceeding anyway"));

	// do the copy
	// FIXME: how to handle the "m_bMove" flag ??
	if (!wxCopyFile(m_strFrom, m_strTo, m_bOverwrite))
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
Beispiel #7
void *wxDownloadThread::Entry()
    // we'll use wxPostEvent to post this event since this is the
    // only thread-safe way to post events !
    wxCommandEvent updatevent(wxEVT_COMMAND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE);

    // begin our loop
    while (!TestDestroy()) {

        if (m_nStatus == wxDTS_WAITING) {
            //wxLogDebug(wxT("wxDownloadThread::Entry - sleeping 1sec"));
            m_bReady = TRUE;

        // reset our variables
        m_nFinalSize = 0;
        m_nCurrentSize = 0;

        // we are starting the download of a file; update our datetime field
        m_dtStart = wxDateTime::UNow();

        wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxDownloadThread::Entry - downloading ") + m_strURI);

        // ensure we can build a wxURL from the given URI
        wxInputStream *in = wxGetInputStreamFromURI(m_strURI);

        // check INPUT
        if (in == NULL) {
            // something is wrong with the input URL...
            wxDT_ABORT_DOWNLOAD(wxT("Cannot open the INPUT stream; ")
                wxT("url is [") + m_strURI + wxT("]"));
        if (!in->IsOk()) {
            delete in;
            wxDT_ABORT_DOWNLOAD(wxT("Cannot init the INPUT stream"));

        // now work on streams; wx docs says that using wxURL::GetInputStream
        // is deprecated but this is the only way to set advanced info like
        // proxy, user & password...
        wxFileOutputStream out(m_strOutput);
        if (!out.IsOk()) {
            delete in;
            wxDT_ABORT_DOWNLOAD(wxT("Cannot open/init the OUPUT stream [")
                                + m_strOutput + wxT("]"));
        m_nFinalSize = in->GetSize();

        // see wxHTTP docs
        if (m_nFinalSize == 0xffffffff)
            m_nFinalSize = 0;

        // write the downloaded stuff in the output file
        // without using the
        //      out.Write(*in);
        // command; that would be easier but would not allow
        // the program to stop this thread while downloading
        // the file since the TestDestroy() function would not
        // be called in that way...
        char buf[wxDT_BUF_TEMP_SIZE];
        while (!TestDestroy() && m_nStatus == wxDTS_DOWNLOADING) {
            size_t bytes_read = in->Read(buf, WXSIZEOF(buf)).LastRead();
            if ( !bytes_read )

            if ( out.Write(buf, bytes_read).LastWrite() != bytes_read )

            // update our downloaded bytes var
            m_nCurrentSize = out.GetSize();

#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
            // do not send too many log messages; send a log message
            // each 20 cycles (i.e. each 20*wxDT_BUF_TEMP_SIZE byte downloaded)
            if ((m_nCurrentSize % (wxDT_BUF_TEMP_SIZE*20)) == 0)
                wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxDownloadThread::Entry - downloaded %lu bytes"),

        // we don't need the INPUT stream anymore...
        delete in;

        // if m_nFinalSize is set to zero, then we cannot trust it;
        // we must consider the size of the remote file as unavailable
        // since the wxHTTP protocol does not allow us to get it...
        if (!out.IsOk() || out.GetSize() == 0 ||
            (out.GetSize() != m_nFinalSize && m_nFinalSize != 0))
            wxDT_ABORT_DOWNLOAD(wxT("Output FILE stream size is wrong"));

        wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxDownloadThread::Entry - completed download of %lu bytes"),

        // do we have to compute MD5 ?
#if wxUSE_MD5
        m_nStatus = wxDTS_COMPUTINGMD5;

        // get the md5 checksum for the just downloaded file
        m_strComputedMD5 = wxMD5::GetFileMD5(m_strOutput);

        // we have successfully download the file
        m_bSuccess = TRUE;

            // go in wait mode
            wxMutexLocker locker(m_mStatus);
            m_nStatus = wxDTS_WAITING;

        wxPostEvent(m_pHandler, updatevent);

        // we reset our variables here because there is a delay between the
        // wxDownloadThread::BeginNewDownload() calls and the execution of the
        // first statements of this thread...
        m_nCurrentSize = 0;
        m_nFinalSize = 0;

    return (void*)FALSE;
Beispiel #8
bool wxWebUpdateActionExtract::Run() const
	wxArrayString orig, output;
	wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionExtract::Run - going to extract the file [")
				+ m_strFile + wxT("] of type [") + m_strType + wxT("] in [")
				+ m_strWhere + wxT("]"));

	// wxFileName wants a path separator at the end of directory names
	wxString dir(m_strWhere);
	if (dir.Last() != wxFileName::GetPathSeparator())
		dir += wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();

	// be sure that the destination directory exists
	wxFileName f(dir), f2(m_strFile);
	if (!f.DirExists() || !f2.FileExists()) {

		wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionExtract::Run - the folder \"") + m_strWhere +
				wxT("\" or the file \"") + m_strFile + wxT("\" does not exist !"));
		return FALSE;
	// parse the namemap
	wxArrayString compressed, extracted;
	int count = wxWebUpdateInstaller::Get()->ParsePairValueList(m_strNameMap, compressed, extracted);

	// do the substitutions also on the compressed filenames
	for (int i=0; i < count; i++)
		compressed[i] = wxWebUpdateInstaller::Get()->DoSubstitution(compressed[i]);

	// create the archive factory
	wxArchiveClassFactory *factory = NULL;
	if (m_strType == wxT("zip"))
		factory = new wxZipClassFactory;	

	// extract the package 
	wxArchiveEntryPtr entry;
	wxFFileInputStream input(m_strFile);
	wxArchiveInputStream *in = factory->NewStream(input);
	delete factory;

    while (entry.reset(in->GetNextEntry()), entry.get() != NULL)
        // access meta-data
        wxString name = entry->GetName();
        // is this file/dir registered in the name map ?
        int idx = compressed.Index(name);
        if (idx != wxNOT_FOUND)
        	name = extracted[idx];
        wxString output = dir + name;

		// can be different from "dir" if "name" includes a relative path...
		wxString outputdir = wxFileName(output).GetPath();

		// intercept directories...
		if (!wxDirExists(outputdir)) {

			if (wxFileName(outputdir).Mkdir(0777, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL))
				wxLogAdvMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionExtract::Run - created the [") + 
							outputdir + wxT("] folder"));
				wxLogAdvMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionExtract::Run - could not create the [") + 
							outputdir + wxT("] folder.. proceeding anyway"));
			continue;		// this entry contains no data

		// this is a file...
		wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionExtract::Run - extracting [") + name +
			wxT("] as [") + output + wxT("]..."));

        // now just dump this entry to a new uncompressed file...
		wxFileOutputStream out(output);
		if (!out.IsOk() || !out.Write(*in)) {

			wxLogUsrMsg(wxT("wxWebUpdateActionExtract::Run - couldn't decompress ") + name);
			delete in;
			return FALSE;

	delete in;
	return TRUE;