Beispiel #1
EWXWEXPORT(void,ELJApp_MilliSleep)(int _mscs)
#if (wxVERSION_NUMBER < 2600)
bool progress_dialog::execute_command_redirected_to_listbox( const wxString& command_string )
    process_data_type   pdata;
    piped_process       *process;

    process = new piped_process( this, &pdata );
    // FALSE argument tells to make it execute async instead of sync (meaning dont wait for 
    // the program to be done before continuing).
    // Store the pid (process id) that is returned from it so, can be killed with the stop 
    // button if user wants to abort.
    m_most_recent_pid = wxExecute( command_string, FALSE, process );

#ifdef __WXMSW__    
    // MSW can have long unsigned as process ids. We ifdef just to avoid a compiler
    // warning on GCC that we have mismatched unsigned and long unsigned.
    wxLogDebug( "Started execution. m_most_recent_pid=%lu", m_most_recent_pid );
    wxLogDebug( "Started execution. m_most_recent_pid=%u", m_most_recent_pid );

    // Show a warning box if couldn't execute it. Also set our m_is_process_running 
    // accordingly, ready for our examination in kill_most_recent_process()
    if ( m_most_recent_pid == 0 ) {
        m_is_process_running = FALSE;
        wxLogError( "Error: cannot execute: " + command_string );
        return FALSE;
    } else {
        m_is_process_running = TRUE;

    while ( pdata.is_running ) {
        wxLogDebug( "Entered pdata.is_running loop. About to call process->has_input" );
        // Sleeps for plkrPROGRESS_DIALOG_DETAILS_REFRESH_DELAY milliseconds, 
        // then yields
        // Yield to update the display
    //! \todo SOURCE PUT THIS BACK INSTEAD OF RETURN TRUE. Why was it turned off?
    //return pdata.exit_code == 0;
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #3
wxThreadError wxThread::Delete(ExitCode *pRc)
    ExitCode rc = 0;

    // Delete() is always safe to call, so consider all possible states

    // we might need to resume the thread, but we might also not need to cancel
    // it if it doesn't run yet
    bool shouldResume = false,
         shouldCancel = true,
         isRunning = false;

    // check if the thread already started to run
        wxCriticalSectionLocker         lock((wxCriticalSection &)m_critsect);

        if ( m_internal->GetState() == STATE_NEW )
            // WinThreadStart() will see it and terminate immediately, no need
            // to cancel the thread - but we still need to resume it to let it
            // run

            Resume();   // it knows about STATE_EXITED special case

            shouldCancel = false;
            isRunning = true;

            // shouldResume is correctly set to false here
            shouldResume = IsPaused();

    // resume the thread if it is paused
    if ( shouldResume )

    TID hThread = m_internal->GetHandle();

    if ( isRunning || IsRunning())
        if (IsMain())
            // set flag for wxIsWaitingForThread()
            gs_bWaitingForThread = true;

        // ask the thread to terminate
        if ( shouldCancel )
            wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(m_critsect);


#if 0
        // we can't just wait for the thread to terminate because it might be
        // calling some GUI functions and so it will never terminate before we
        // process the Windows messages that result from these functions
        DWORD result = 0;       // suppress warnings from broken compilers
            if ( IsMain() )
                // give the thread we're waiting for chance to do the GUI call
                // it might be in
                if ( (gs_nWaitingForGui > 0) && wxGuiOwnedByMainThread() )

            result = ::DosWaitThread(&hThread, DCWW_NOWAIT);
            // FIXME: We ought to have a message processing loop here!!

            switch ( result )
                case ERROR_INTERRUPT:
                case ERROR_THREAD_NOT_TERMINATED:
                case ERROR_INVALID_THREADID:
                case NO_ERROR:
                    // thread we're waiting for just terminated
                    // or even does not exist any more.
                    result = NO_ERROR;
                    wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("unexpected result of DosWaitThread"));
            if ( IsMain() )
                // event processing - needed if we are the main thread
                // to give other threads a chance to do remaining GUI
                // processing and terminate cleanly.
                if (wxTheApp->Pending())
                  if ( !wxTheApp->DoMessage() )
                      // WM_QUIT received: kill the thread

                      return wxTHREAD_KILLED;
        } while ( result != NO_ERROR );
#else // !wxUSE_GUI
        // simply wait for the thread to terminate
        // OTOH, even console apps create windows (in wxExecute, for WinSock
        // &c), so may be use MsgWaitForMultipleObject() too here?
        if ( ::DosWaitThread(&hThread, DCWW_WAIT) != NO_ERROR )
            wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("unexpected result of DosWaitThread"));
#endif // wxUSE_GUI/!wxUSE_GUI

        if ( IsMain() )
            gs_bWaitingForThread = false;

#if 0
    // although the thread might be already in the EXITED state it might not
    // have terminated yet and so we are not sure that it has actually
    // terminated if the "if" above hadn't been taken
        if ( !::GetExitCodeThread(hThread, (LPDWORD)&rc) )

            rc = (ExitCode)-1;
    } while ( (DWORD)rc == STILL_ACTIVE );

    if ( IsDetached() )
        // if the thread exits normally, this is done in WinThreadStart, but in
        // this case it would have been too early because
        // MsgWaitForMultipleObject() would fail if the thread handle was
        // closed while we were waiting on it, so we must do it here
        delete this;

    if ( pRc )
        *pRc = rc;

    return rc == (ExitCode)-1 ? wxTHREAD_MISC_ERROR : wxTHREAD_NO_ERROR;