Beispiel #1
EIO_Status CConnTest::GetFWConnections(string* reason)
    SConnNetInfo* net_info = ConnNetInfo_Create(0, m_DebugPrintout);
    if (net_info) {
        const char* user_header;
        net_info->req_method = eReqMethod_Post;
        if (net_info->firewall) {
            user_header = "NCBI-RELAY: FALSE";
            m_Firewall = true;
        } else
            user_header = "NCBI-RELAY: TRUE";
        if (net_info->stateless)
            m_Stateless = true;
        ConnNetInfo_OverrideUserHeader(net_info, user_header);
        ConnNetInfo_SetupStandardArgs(net_info, 0/*w/o service*/);

    string temp(m_Firewall ? "FIREWALL" : "RELAY (legacy)");
    temp += " connection mode has been detected for stateful services\n";
    if (m_Firewall) {
        temp += "This mode requires your firewall to be configured in such a"
            " way that it allows outbound connections to the port range ["
            "] (inclusive) at the two fixed NCBI addresses, "
            NCBI_FWD_BEMD " and " NCBI_FWD_STVA ".\n"
            "To set that up correctly, please have your network administrator"
            " read the following (if they have not already done so):"
            " " NCBI_FWDOC_URL "\n";
    } else {
        temp += "This is an obsolescent mode that requires keeping a wide port"
            " range [4444..4544] (inclusive) open to let through connections"
            " to the entire NCBI site ( -- this"
            " mode was designed for unrestricted networks when firewall port"
            " blocking had not been an issue\n";
    if (m_Firewall) {
        switch (net_info->firewall) {
        case eFWMode_Adaptive:
            temp += "Also, there are usually a few additional ports such as "
                " at " NCBI_FWD_BEMD ", which can be used if connections to"
                " the ports in the range described above, have failed\n";
        case eFWMode_Firewall:
            temp += "Furthermore, your configuration explicitly forbids to use"
                " any fallback firewall ports that may exist to improve"
                " reliability of connection experience\n";
        case eFWMode_Fallback:
            temp += "There are usually a few backup connection ports such as "
                " at " NCBI_FWD_BEMD ", which can be used as a failover if"
                " connections to the port range above fail.  However, your "
                " configuration explicitly requests that only those fallback"
                " firewall ports (if any exist) are to be used for"
                " connections:  this also implies that no conventional ports"
                " from the default range will be used\n";
            temp += "Internal program error, please report!\n";
    } else {
        temp += "This mode may not be reliable if your site has a restraining"
            " firewall imposing a fine-grained control over which hosts and"
            " ports the outbound connections are allowed to use\n";
    if (m_HttpProxy) {
        temp += "Connections to the aforementioned ports will be made via an"
            " HTTP proxy at '";
        temp += net_info->http_proxy_host;
        temp += ':';
        temp += NStr::UIntToString(net_info->http_proxy_port);
        temp += "'";
        if (net_info->http_proxy_leak) {	 
            temp += ".  If that is unsuccessful, a link bypassing the proxy"
                " will then be attempted";
    temp += '\n';

    PreCheck(eFirewallConnPoints, 0/*main*/, temp);

    PreCheck(eFirewallConnPoints, 1/*sub*/,
             "Obtaining current NCBI " +
             string(m_Firewall ? "firewall settings" : "service entries"));

    EIO_Status status = x_GetFirewallConfiguration(net_info);

    if (status == eIO_Interrupt)
        temp = kCanceled;
    else if (status == eIO_Success) {
        if (!m_Fwd.empty()
            ||  (!m_FwdFB.empty()
                 &&  m_Firewall  &&  net_info->firewall == eFWMode_Fallback)) {
            temp = "OK: ";
            if (!m_Fwd.empty()) {
                stable_sort(m_Fwd.begin(),   m_Fwd.end());
                temp += NStr::UInt8ToString(m_Fwd.size());
            size_t down = 0;
            if (!m_FwdFB.empty()) {
                stable_sort(m_FwdFB.begin(), m_FwdFB.end());
                if (!m_Fwd.empty())
                    temp += " + ";
                temp += NStr::UInt8ToString(m_FwdFB.size());
                ITERATE(vector<CConnTest::CFWConnPoint>, cp, m_FwdFB) {
                    if (cp->status != eIO_Success)
                if (down)
                    temp += " - " + NStr::UInt8ToString(down);
            temp +=
                m_Fwd.size() + m_FwdFB.size() - down == 1 ? " port" : " ports";
        } else {
Beispiel #2
EIO_Status CConnTest::GetFWConnections(string* reason)
    SConnNetInfo* net_info = ConnNetInfo_Create(0);
    if (net_info) {
        const char* user_header;
        net_info->req_method = eReqMethod_Post;
        if (net_info->firewall) {
            user_header = "NCBI-RELAY: FALSE";
            m_Firewall = true;
        } else
            user_header = "NCBI-RELAY: TRUE";
        if (net_info->stateless)
            m_Stateless = true;
        ConnNetInfo_OverrideUserHeader(net_info, user_header);
        ConnNetInfo_SetupStandardArgs(net_info, 0/*w/o service*/);

    string temp(m_Firewall ? "FIREWALL" : "RELAY (legacy)");
    temp += " connection mode has been detected for stateful services\n";
    if (m_Firewall) {
        temp += "This mode requires your firewall to be configured in such a"
            " way that it allows outbound connections to the port range ["
            "] (inclusive) at the two fixed NCBI hosts,"
            " and\n"
            "To set that up correctly, please have your network administrator"
            " read the following (if they have not already done so):"
            " " NCBI_FW_URL "\n";
    } else {
        temp += "This is an obsolescent mode that requires keeping a wide port"
            " range [4444..4544] (inclusive) open to let through connections"
            " to any NCBI host ( -- this mode was"
            " designed for unrestricted networks when firewall port blocking"
            " was not an issue\n";
    if (m_Firewall) {
        switch (net_info->firewall) {
        case eFWMode_Adaptive:
            temp += "There are also fallback connection ports such as 22 and"
                " 443 at  They will be used if connections to"
                " the ports in the range described above have failed\n";
        case eFWMode_Firewall:
            temp += "Also, your configuration explicitly forbids to use any"
                " fallback firewall ports that may exist to improve network"
                " connectivity\n";
        case eFWMode_Fallback:
            temp += "However, your configuration explicitly requests that only"
                " fallback firewall ports (if any exist) are to be used for"
                " connections: this also implies that no conventional ports"
                " from the range above will be used\n";
            temp += "Internal program error, please report!\n";
    } else {
        temp += "This mode may not be reliable if your site has a restrictive"
            " firewall imposing fine-grained control over which hosts and"
            " ports the outbound connections are allowed to use\n";
    if (m_HttpProxy) {
        temp += "Connections to the aforementioned ports will be made via an"
            " HTTP proxy at '";
        temp += net_info->http_proxy_host;
        temp += ':';
        temp += NStr::UIntToString(net_info->http_proxy_port);
        temp += "'";
        if (net_info  &&  net_info->http_proxy_leak) {
            temp += ".  If that is unsuccessful, a link bypassing the proxy"
                " will then be attempted";
        if (m_Firewall  &&  *net_info->proxy_host)
            temp += ". In addition, your";
    if (m_Firewall  &&  *net_info->proxy_host) {
        if (!m_HttpProxy)
            temp += "Your";
        temp += " configuration specifies that instead of connecting directly"
            " to NCBI addresses, a forwarding non-transparent proxy host '";
        temp += net_info->proxy_host;
        temp += "' should be used for all links";
        if (m_HttpProxy)
            temp += " (including those originating from the HTTP proxy)";
    temp += '\n';

    PreCheck(eFirewallConnPoints, 0/*main*/, temp);

    PreCheck(eFirewallConnPoints, 1/*sub*/,
             "Obtaining current NCBI " +
             string(m_Firewall ? "firewall settings" : "service entries"));

    EIO_Status status = x_GetFirewallConfiguration(net_info);

    if (status == eIO_Interrupt)
        temp = kCanceled;
    else if (status == eIO_Success) {
        if (!m_Fwd.empty()
            ||  (!m_FwdFB.empty()
                 &&  m_Firewall  &&  net_info->firewall == eFWMode_Fallback)) {
            temp = "OK: ";
            if (!m_Fwd.empty()) {
                stable_sort(m_Fwd.begin(),   m_Fwd.end());
                temp += NStr::UInt8ToString(m_Fwd.size());
            if (!m_FwdFB.empty()) {
                stable_sort(m_FwdFB.begin(), m_FwdFB.end());
                if (!m_Fwd.empty())
                    temp += " + ";
                temp += NStr::UInt8ToString(m_FwdFB.size());
            temp += m_Fwd.size() + m_FwdFB.size() == 1 ? " port" : " ports";
        } else {
            status = eIO_Unknown;
            temp = "No connection ports found, please contact " + HELP_EMAIL;
    } else if (status == eIO_Timeout) {
        temp = x_TimeoutMsg();
        if (m_Timeout > kTimeout)
            temp += "You may want to contact " + HELP_EMAIL;
    } else
        temp = "Please contact " + HELP_EMAIL;

    PostCheck(eFirewallConnPoints, 1/*sub*/, status, temp);


    if (status == eIO_Success) {
        PreCheck(eFirewallConnPoints, 2/*sub*/,
                 "Verifying configuration for consistency");

        bool firewall = true;
        // Check primary ports only
        ITERATE(vector<CConnTest::CFWConnPoint>, cp, m_Fwd) {
            if (cp->port < CONN_FWD_PORT_MIN  ||  CONN_FWD_PORT_MAX < cp->port)
                firewall = false;
            if (cp->status != eIO_Success) {
                status = cp->status;
                temp  = CSocketAPI::HostPortToString(cp->host, cp->port);
                temp += " is not operational, please contact " + HELP_EMAIL;
        if (status == eIO_Success) {
            if (!m_Firewall  &&  !m_FwdFB.empty()) {
                status = eIO_Unknown;
                temp = "Fallback ports found in non-firewall mode, please"
                    " contact " + HELP_EMAIL;
            } else if (m_Firewall != firewall) {
                status = eIO_Unknown;
                temp  = "Firewall ";
                temp += firewall ? "wrongly" : "not";
                temp += " acknowledged, please contact " + HELP_EMAIL;
            } else

        PostCheck(eFirewallConnPoints, 2/*sub*/, status, temp);