/** * \brief like xbt_dict_get_elm(), but returning NULL when not found */ XBT_INLINE xbt_dictelm_t xbt_dict_get_elm_or_null(xbt_dict_t dict, const char *key) { unsigned int hash_code = xbt_str_hash(key); xbt_dictelm_t current; xbt_assert(dict); current = dict->table[hash_code & dict->table_size]; while (current != NULL && (hash_code != current->hash_code || strcmp(key, current->key))) current = current->next; return current; }
/** * \brief Retrieve data from the dict (null-terminated key) * * \param dict the dealer of data * \param key the key to find data * \return the data that we are looking for * * Search the given \a key. Throws not_found_error when not found. * Check xbt_dict_get_or_null() for a version returning NULL without exception when * not found. */ XBT_INLINE void *xbt_dict_get(xbt_dict_t dict, const char *key) { unsigned int hash_code = xbt_str_hash(key); xbt_dictelm_t current; xbt_assert(dict); current = dict->table[hash_code & dict->table_size]; while (current != NULL && (hash_code != current->hash_code || strcmp(key, current->key))) current = current->next; if (current == NULL) THROWF(not_found_error, 0, "key %s not found", key); return current->content; }