Beispiel #1
xfwmPixmapCreate (ScreenInfo * screen_info, xfwmPixmap * pm,
                  gint width, gint height)
    TRACE ("entering xfwmPixmapCreate, width=%i, height=%i", width, height);
    g_return_if_fail (screen_info != NULL);

    if ((width < 1) || (height < 1))
        xfwmPixmapInit (screen_info, pm);
        pm->screen_info = screen_info;
        pm->pixmap = XCreatePixmap (myScreenGetXDisplay (screen_info),
                                    width, height, screen_info->depth);
        pm->mask = XCreatePixmap (myScreenGetXDisplay (screen_info),
                                  pm->pixmap, width, height, 1);
        pm->width = width;
        pm->height = height;
        pm->pict_format = XRenderFindVisualFormat (myScreenGetXDisplay (screen_info),
        pm->pict = None;
Beispiel #2
xfwmPixmapLoad (ScreenInfo * screen_info, xfwmPixmap * pm, const gchar * dir, const gchar * file, xfwmColorSymbol * cs)
    gchar *filename;
    gchar *filexpm;
    GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;

    TRACE ("entering xfwmPixmapLoad");

    g_return_val_if_fail (pm != NULL, FALSE);
    g_return_val_if_fail (dir != NULL, FALSE);
    g_return_val_if_fail (file != NULL, FALSE);

    xfwmPixmapInit (screen_info, pm);
     * Always try to load the XPM first, using our own routine
     * that supports XPM color symbol susbstitution (used to
     * apply the gtk+ colors to the pixmaps).
    filexpm = g_strdup_printf ("%s.%s", file, "xpm");
    filename = g_build_filename (dir, filexpm, NULL);
    g_free (filexpm);
    pixbuf = xpm_image_load (filename, cs);
    g_free (filename);

    /* Compose with other image formats, if any available. */
    pixbuf = xfwmPixmapCompose (pixbuf, dir, file);
    if (!pixbuf)
         * Cannot find a suitable image format for some part,
         * it's not critical though as most themes are missing
         * buttons
        return FALSE;
    xfwmPixmapCreate (screen_info, pm,
                      gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf),
                      gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf));
    xfwmPixmapDrawFromGdkPixbuf (pm, pixbuf);

    xfwmPixmapRefreshPict (pm);
    g_object_unref (pixbuf);

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #3
ScreenInfo *
myScreenInit (DisplayInfo *display_info, GdkScreen *gscr, unsigned long event_mask, gboolean replace_wm)
    gchar selection[32];
    ScreenInfo *screen_info;
    GdkWindow *event_win;
    PangoLayout *layout;
    long desktop_visible;
    int i, j;

    g_return_val_if_fail (display_info, NULL);
    g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_SCREEN (gscr), NULL);
    TRACE ("entering myScreenInit");

    screen_info = g_new0 (ScreenInfo, 1);
    screen_info->params = g_new0 (XfwmParams, 1);

    screen_info->display_info = display_info;
    screen_info->gscr = gscr;
    desktop_visible = 0;
    layout = NULL;

    /* Create a GTK window so that we are just like any other GTK application */
    screen_info->gtk_win = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_POPUP);
    gtk_window_set_screen (GTK_WINDOW (screen_info->gtk_win), gscr);
    gtk_window_resize (GTK_WINDOW (screen_info->gtk_win), 5, 5);
    gtk_window_move (GTK_WINDOW (screen_info->gtk_win), -1000, -1000);
    gtk_widget_set_name (screen_info->gtk_win, "xfwm");
    gtk_widget_show_now (screen_info->gtk_win);

     * The first time the first Gtk application on a display uses pango,
     * pango grabs the XServer while it creates the font cache window.
     * Therefore, force the cache window to be created now instead of
     * trying to do it while we have another grab and deadlocking the server.
    layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout (screen_info->gtk_win, "-");
    pango_layout_get_pixel_extents (layout, NULL, NULL);
    g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (layout));

    screen_info->xscreen = gdk_x11_screen_get_xscreen (gscr);
    screen_info->xroot = (Window) GDK_DRAWABLE_XID(gdk_screen_get_root_window (gscr));
    screen_info->screen = gdk_screen_get_number (gscr);
    screen_info->cmap = GDK_COLORMAP_XCOLORMAP(gdk_screen_get_rgb_colormap (gscr));
    screen_info->depth = DefaultDepth (display_info->dpy, screen_info->screen);
    screen_info->visual = DefaultVisual (display_info->dpy, screen_info->screen);
    screen_info->shape_win = (Window) None;
    myScreenComputeSize (screen_info);

    screen_info->xfwm4_win = GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW (screen_info->gtk_win->window);
    if (!myScreenSetWMAtom (screen_info, replace_wm))
        gtk_widget_destroy (screen_info->gtk_win);
        g_free (screen_info);
        return NULL;

    event_win = eventFilterAddWin (gscr, event_mask);
    if (!event_win)
        gtk_widget_destroy (screen_info->gtk_win);
        g_free (screen_info);
        return NULL;
    gdk_window_set_user_data (event_win, screen_info->gtk_win);

    screen_info->current_ws = 0;
    screen_info->previous_ws = 0;
    screen_info->current_ws = 0;
    screen_info->previous_ws = 0;

    screen_info->margins[STRUTS_TOP] = screen_info->gnome_margins[STRUTS_TOP] = 0;
    screen_info->margins[STRUTS_LEFT] = screen_info->gnome_margins[STRUTS_LEFT] = 0;
    screen_info->margins[STRUTS_RIGHT] = screen_info->gnome_margins[STRUTS_RIGHT] = 0;
    screen_info->margins[STRUTS_BOTTOM] = screen_info->gnome_margins[STRUTS_BOTTOM] = 0;

    screen_info->workspace_count = 0;
    screen_info->workspace_names = NULL;
    screen_info->workspace_names_items = 0;

    screen_info->windows_stack = NULL;
    screen_info->last_raise = NULL;
    screen_info->windows = NULL;
    screen_info->clients = NULL;
    screen_info->client_count = 0;
    screen_info->client_serial = 0L;
    screen_info->button_handler_id = 0L;

    screen_info->key_grabs = 0;
    screen_info->pointer_grabs = 0;

    getHint (display_info, screen_info->xroot, NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP, &desktop_visible);
    screen_info->show_desktop = (desktop_visible != 0);

    /* Create the side windows to detect edge movement */

    xfwmWindowTemp (screen_info,
                    NULL, 0,
                    0, 0,
                    1, screen_info->height,

    xfwmWindowTemp (screen_info,
                    NULL, 0,
                    screen_info->width - 1, 0,
                    1, screen_info->height,

    xfwmWindowTemp (screen_info,
                    NULL, 0,
                    0, 0,
                    screen_info->width, 1,

    xfwmWindowTemp (screen_info,
                    NULL, 0,
                    0, screen_info->height - 1,
                    screen_info->width, 1,

    g_snprintf (selection, sizeof (selection), "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S%d", screen_info->screen);
    screen_info->net_system_tray_selection = XInternAtom (display_info->dpy, selection, FALSE);
    screen_info->systray = getSystrayWindow (display_info, screen_info->net_system_tray_selection);

    screen_info->font_height = 0;
    screen_info->box_gc = None;
    screen_info->black_gc = NULL;
    screen_info->white_gc = NULL;
    screen_info->title_colors[ACTIVE].gc = NULL;
    screen_info->title_colors[ACTIVE].allocated = FALSE;
    screen_info->title_colors[INACTIVE].gc = NULL;
    screen_info->title_colors[INACTIVE].allocated = FALSE;
    screen_info->title_shadow_colors[ACTIVE].gc = NULL;
    screen_info->title_shadow_colors[ACTIVE].allocated = FALSE;
    screen_info->title_shadow_colors[INACTIVE].gc = NULL;
    screen_info->title_shadow_colors[INACTIVE].allocated = FALSE;

    for (i = 0; i < SIDE_COUNT; i++)
        xfwmPixmapInit (screen_info, &screen_info->sides[i][ACTIVE]);
        xfwmPixmapInit (screen_info, &screen_info->sides[i][INACTIVE]);
    for (i = 0; i < CORNER_COUNT; i++)
        xfwmPixmapInit (screen_info, &screen_info->corners[i][ACTIVE]);
        xfwmPixmapInit (screen_info, &screen_info->corners[i][INACTIVE]);
    for (i = 0; i < BUTTON_COUNT; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < STATE_COUNT; j++)
            xfwmPixmapInit (screen_info, &screen_info->buttons[i][j]);
    for (i = 0; i < TITLE_COUNT; i++)
        xfwmPixmapInit (screen_info, &screen_info->title[i][ACTIVE]);
        xfwmPixmapInit (screen_info, &screen_info->title[i][INACTIVE]);
        xfwmPixmapInit (screen_info, &screen_info->top[i][ACTIVE]);
        xfwmPixmapInit (screen_info, &screen_info->top[i][INACTIVE]);

    screen_info->monitors_index = NULL;
    myScreenInvalidateMonitorCache (screen_info);
    myScreenRebuildMonitorIndex (screen_info);

    return (screen_info);