static XIO_HANDLE getIoTransportProvider(const char* fully_qualified_name, const MQTT_TRANSPORT_PROXY_OPTIONS* mqtt_transport_proxy_options) { XIO_HANDLE result; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_TRANSPORT_01_001: [ `getIoTransportProvider` shall obtain the TLS IO interface handle by calling `platform_get_default_tlsio`. ]*/ const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* io_interface_description = platform_get_default_tlsio(); (void)mqtt_transport_proxy_options; if (io_interface_description == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_TRANSPORT_07_013: [ If `platform_get_default_tlsio` returns NULL, `getIoTransportProvider` shall return NULL. ] */ LogError("Failure constructing the provider interface"); result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_TRANSPORT_01_002: [ The TLS IO parameters shall be a `TLSIO_CONFIG` structure filled as below: ]*/ TLSIO_CONFIG tls_io_config; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_TRANSPORT_01_003: [ - `hostname` shall be set to `fully_qualified_name`. ]*/ tls_io_config.hostname = fully_qualified_name; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_TRANSPORT_01_004: [ - `port` shall be set to 8883. ]*/ tls_io_config.port = 8883; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_TRANSPORT_01_005: [ - `underlying_io_interface` shall be set to NULL. ]*/ tls_io_config.underlying_io_interface = NULL; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_TRANSPORT_01_006: [ - `underlying_io_parameters` shall be set to NULL. ]*/ tls_io_config.underlying_io_parameters = NULL; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_TRANSPORT_07_012: [ `getIoTransportProvider` shall return the `XIO_HANDLE` returned by `xio_create`. ] */ result = xio_create(io_interface_description, &tls_io_config); } return result; }
void socketlistener_dowork(SOCKET_LISTENER_HANDLE socket_listener) { if (socket_listener != NULL) { SOCKET_LISTENER_INSTANCE* socket_listener_instance = (SOCKET_LISTENER_INSTANCE*)socket_listener; SOCKET accepted_socket = accept(socket_listener_instance->socket, NULL, NULL); if (accepted_socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { if (socket_listener_instance->on_socket_accepted != NULL) { SOCKETIO_CONFIG socketio_config = { NULL, socket_listener_instance->port, &accepted_socket }; XIO_HANDLE io = xio_create(socketio_get_interface_description(), &socketio_config, NULL); if (io == NULL) { (void)closesocket(accepted_socket); } else { socket_listener_instance->on_socket_accepted(socket_listener_instance->callback_context, io); } } else { (void)closesocket(accepted_socket); } } } }
static void on_socket_accepted(void* context, XIO_HANDLE io) { HEADERDETECTIO_CONFIG header_detect_io_config; (void)context; header_detect_io_config.underlying_io = io; XIO_HANDLE header_detect_io = xio_create(headerdetectio_get_interface_description(), &header_detect_io_config); connection = connection_create(header_detect_io, NULL, "1", on_new_session_endpoint, NULL); connection_listen(connection); }
void mqtt_client_sample_run() { if (platform_init() != 0) { PrintLogFunction(LOG_LINE, "platform_init failed"); } else { MQTT_CLIENT_HANDLE mqttHandle = mqtt_client_init(OnRecvCallback, OnOperationComplete, NULL, PrintLogFunction); if (mqttHandle == NULL) { PrintLogFunction(LOG_LINE, "mqtt_client_init failed"); } else { MQTT_CLIENT_OPTIONS options = { 0 }; options.clientId = "azureiotclient"; options.willMessage = NULL; options.username = NULL; options.password = NULL; options.keepAliveInterval = 10; options.useCleanSession = true; options.qualityOfServiceValue = DELIVER_AT_MOST_ONCE; SOCKETIO_CONFIG config = {"", PORT_NUM_UNENCRYPTED, NULL}; XIO_HANDLE xio = xio_create(socketio_get_interface_description(), &config, PrintLogFunction); if (xio == NULL) { PrintLogFunction(LOG_LINE, "xio_create failed"); } else { if (mqtt_client_connect(mqttHandle, xio, &options) != 0) { PrintLogFunction(LOG_LINE, "mqtt_client_connect failed"); } else { do { mqtt_client_dowork(mqttHandle); } while (g_continue); } xio_close(xio, OnCloseComplete, NULL); } mqtt_client_deinit(mqttHandle); } platform_deinit(); } #ifdef _CRT_DBG_MAP_ALLOC _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif }
static void on_socket_accepted(void* context, const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* interface_description, void* io_parameters) { HEADERDETECTIO_CONFIG header_detect_io_config; TLS_SERVER_IO_CONFIG tls_server_io_config; XIO_HANDLE underlying_io; XIO_HANDLE header_detect_io; (void)context; tls_server_io_config.certificate = cert_buffer; tls_server_io_config.certificate_size = cert_size; tls_server_io_config.underlying_io_interface = interface_description; tls_server_io_config.underlying_io_parameters = io_parameters; underlying_io = xio_create(tls_server_io_get_interface_description(), &tls_server_io_config); header_detect_io_config.underlying_io = underlying_io; header_detect_io = xio_create(headerdetectio_get_interface_description(), &header_detect_io_config); connection = connection_create(header_detect_io, NULL, "1", on_new_session_endpoint, NULL); connection_listen(connection); }
static XIO_HANDLE mqtt_transport_io(const char* fqdn, const HTTP_PROXY_OPTIONS* proxy_info) { XIO_HANDLE result; HTTP_PROXY_IO_CONFIG proxy_config; TLSIO_CONFIG tls_io_config; memset(&tls_io_config, 0, sizeof(TLSIO_CONFIG)); tls_io_config.hostname = fqdn; tls_io_config.port = MQTT_PORT_NUM; if (proxy_info != NULL) { /* Codes_PROV_TRANSPORT_MQTT_CLIENT_07_012: [ If proxy_info is not NULL, amqp_transport_io shall construct a HTTP_PROXY_IO_CONFIG object and assign it to TLSIO_CONFIG underlying_io_parameters ] */ proxy_config.hostname = tls_io_config.hostname; proxy_config.port = MQTT_PORT_NUM; proxy_config.proxy_hostname = proxy_info->host_address; proxy_config.proxy_port = proxy_info->port; proxy_config.username = proxy_info->username; proxy_config.password = proxy_info->password; tls_io_config.underlying_io_interface = http_proxy_io_get_interface_description(); tls_io_config.underlying_io_parameters = &proxy_config; } const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* tlsio_interface = platform_get_default_tlsio(); if (tlsio_interface == NULL) { /* Codes_PROV_TRANSPORT_MQTT_CLIENT_07_013: [ If any failure is encountered amqp_transport_io shall return NULL ]*/ LogError("platform_get_default_tlsio return NULL IO Interface"); result = NULL; } else { result = xio_create(tlsio_interface, &tls_io_config); if (result == NULL) { /* Codes_PROV_TRANSPORT_MQTT_CLIENT_07_013: [ If any failure is encountered amqp_transport_io shall return NULL ]*/ LogError("failed calling xio_create on underlying io"); result = NULL; } else { #ifdef USE_OPENSSL // requires tls 1.2 int tls_version = 12; xio_setoption(result, OPTION_TLS_VERSION, &tls_version); #endif } } /* Codes_PROV_TRANSPORT_MQTT_CLIENT_07_014: [ On success mqtt_transport_io shall return allocated XIO_HANDLE. ] */ return result; }
static int create_sasl_components(AMQP_CONNECTION_INSTANCE* instance) { int result; SASL_MECHANISM_HANDLE sasl_mechanism; XIO_HANDLE sasl_io; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORT_AMQP_CONNECTION_09_012: [`instance->sasl_mechanism` shall be created using saslmechanism_create()] if ((sasl_mechanism = saslmechanism_create(saslmssbcbs_get_interface(), NULL)) == NULL) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORT_AMQP_CONNECTION_09_013: [If saslmechanism_create() fails, amqp_connection_create() shall fail and return NULL] LogError("Failed creating the SASL mechanism (saslmechanism_create failed)"); result = __FAILURE__; } else { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORT_AMQP_CONNECTION_09_014: [A SASLCLIENTIO_CONFIG shall be set with `instance->underlying_io_transport` and `instance->sasl_mechanism`] SASLCLIENTIO_CONFIG sasl_client_config; sasl_client_config.sasl_mechanism = sasl_mechanism; sasl_client_config.underlying_io = instance->underlying_io_transport; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORT_AMQP_CONNECTION_09_015: [`instance->sasl_io` shall be created using xio_create() passing saslclientio_get_interface_description() and the SASLCLIENTIO_CONFIG instance] if ((sasl_io = xio_create(saslclientio_get_interface_description(), &sasl_client_config)) == NULL) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORT_AMQP_CONNECTION_09_016: [If xio_create() fails, amqp_connection_create() shall fail and return NULL] LogError("Failed creating the SASL I/O (xio_create failed)"); saslmechanism_destroy(sasl_mechanism); result = __FAILURE__; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORT_AMQP_CONNECTION_09_017: [The sasl_io "logtrace" option shall be set using xio_setoption(), passing `instance->is_trace_on`] else if (xio_setoption(sasl_io, SASL_IO_OPTION_LOG_TRACE, (const void*)&instance->is_trace_on) != RESULT_OK) { LogError("Failed setting the SASL I/O logging trace option (xio_setoption failed)"); xio_destroy(sasl_io); saslmechanism_destroy(sasl_mechanism); result = __FAILURE__; } else { instance->sasl_mechanism = sasl_mechanism; instance->sasl_io = sasl_io; result = RESULT_OK; } } return result; }
const void* io_transport_provider(const char* fqdn, int port) { const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* io_interface_description; #ifdef _WIN32 TLSIO_CONFIG tls_io_config = { fqdn, port }; io_interface_description = tlsio_schannel_get_interface_description(); #else #ifdef MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP TLSIO_CONFIG tls_io_config = { fqdn, port }; io_interface_description = tlsio_wolfssl_get_interface_description(); #else TLSIO_CONFIG tls_io_config = { fqdn, port }; io_interface_description = tlsio_openssl_get_interface_description(); #endif #endif return (void*)xio_create(io_interface_description, &tls_io_config, NULL); }
static XIO_HANDLE getWebSocketsIOTransport(const char* fully_qualified_name) { XIO_HANDLE result; const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* io_interface_description = wsio_get_interface_description(); if (io_interface_description == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_07_013: [ If platform_get_default_tlsio returns NULL getIoTransportProvider shall return NULL. ] */ LogError("Failure constructing the provider interface"); result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_07_012: [ getIoTransportProvider shall return the XIO_HANDLE returns by xio_create. ] */ WSIO_CONFIG ws_io_config; = fully_qualified_name; ws_io_config.port = 443; ws_io_config.protocol_name = "MQTT"; ws_io_config.relative_path = "/$iothub/websocket"; ws_io_config.use_ssl = true; result = xio_create(io_interface_description, &ws_io_config); } return result; }
CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tlsio_schannel_create(void* io_create_parameters, LOGGER_LOG logger_log) { TLSIO_CONFIG* tls_io_config = io_create_parameters; TLS_IO_INSTANCE* result; if (tls_io_config == NULL) { result = NULL; } else { result = malloc(sizeof(TLS_IO_INSTANCE)); if (result != NULL) { SOCKETIO_CONFIG socketio_config; socketio_config.hostname = tls_io_config->hostname; socketio_config.port = tls_io_config->port; socketio_config.accepted_socket = NULL; result->on_bytes_received = NULL; result->on_io_open_complete = NULL; result->on_io_close_complete = NULL; result->on_io_error = NULL; result->logger_log = logger_log; result->on_io_open_complete_context = NULL; result->on_io_close_complete_context = NULL; result->on_bytes_received_context = NULL; result->on_io_error_context = NULL; result->credential_handle_allocated = false; result->host_name = (SEC_CHAR*)malloc(sizeof(SEC_CHAR) * (1 + strlen(tls_io_config->hostname))); if (result->host_name == NULL) { free(result); result = NULL; } else { (void)strcpy(result->host_name, tls_io_config->hostname); const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* socket_io_interface = socketio_get_interface_description(); if (socket_io_interface == NULL) { free(result->host_name); free(result); result = NULL; } else { result->socket_io = xio_create(socket_io_interface, &socketio_config, logger_log); if (result->socket_io == NULL) { free(result->host_name); free(result); result = NULL; } else { result->received_bytes = NULL; result->received_byte_count = 0; result->buffer_size = 0; result->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_NOT_OPEN; } } } } } return result; }
static XIO_HANDLE getWebSocketsIOTransport(const char* fully_qualified_name, const MQTT_TRANSPORT_PROXY_OPTIONS* mqtt_transport_proxy_options) { XIO_HANDLE result; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_001: [ `getIoTransportProvider` shall obtain the WebSocket IO interface handle by calling `wsio_get_interface_description`. ]*/ const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* io_interface_description = wsio_get_interface_description(); TLSIO_CONFIG tls_io_config; HTTP_PROXY_IO_CONFIG http_proxy_io_config; if (io_interface_description == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_07_013: [ If `wsio_get_interface_description` returns NULL `getIoTransportProvider` shall return NULL. ] */ LogError("Failure constructing the provider interface"); result = NULL; } else { WSIO_CONFIG ws_io_config; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_003: [ - `hostname` shall be set to `fully_qualified_name`. ]*/ ws_io_config.hostname = fully_qualified_name; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_004: [ - `port` shall be set to 443. ]*/ ws_io_config.port = 443; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_005: [ - `protocol` shall be set to `MQTT`. ]*/ ws_io_config.protocol = "MQTT"; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_006: [ - `resource_name` shall be set to `/$iothub/websocket`. ]*/ ws_io_config.resource_name = "/$iothub/websocket"; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_007: [ - `underlying_io_interface` shall be set to the TLS IO interface description. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_009: [ `getIoTransportProvider` shall obtain the TLS IO interface handle by calling `platform_get_default_tlsio`. ]*/ ws_io_config.underlying_io_interface = platform_get_default_tlsio(); /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_029: [ If `platform_get_default_tlsio` returns NULL, NULL shall be set in the WebSocket IO parameters structure for the interface description and parameters. ]*/ if (ws_io_config.underlying_io_interface == NULL) { ws_io_config.underlying_io_parameters = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_008: [ - `underlying_io_parameters` shall be set to the TLS IO arguments. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_010: [ The TLS IO parameters shall be a TLSIO_CONFIG structure filled as below: ]*/ ws_io_config.underlying_io_parameters = &tls_io_config; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_011: [ - `hostname` shall be set to `fully_qualified_name`. ]*/ tls_io_config.hostname = fully_qualified_name; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_012: [ - `port` shall be set to 443. ]*/ tls_io_config.port = 443; if (mqtt_transport_proxy_options != NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_015: [ - If `mqtt_transport_proxy_options` is not NULL, `underlying_io_interface` shall be set to the HTTP proxy IO interface description. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_022: [ `getIoTransportProvider` shall obtain the HTTP proxy IO interface handle by calling `http_proxy_io_get_interface_description`. ]*/ tls_io_config.underlying_io_interface = http_proxy_io_get_interface_description(); /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_028: [ If `http_proxy_io_get_interface_description` returns NULL, NULL shall be set in the TLS IO parameters structure for the interface description and parameters. ]*/ if (tls_io_config.underlying_io_interface == NULL) { tls_io_config.underlying_io_parameters = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_016: [ - If `mqtt_transport_proxy_options` is not NULL `underlying_io_parameters` shall be set to the HTTP proxy IO arguments. ]*/ tls_io_config.underlying_io_parameters = &http_proxy_io_config; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_023: [ The HTTP proxy IO arguments shall be an `HTTP_PROXY_IO_CONFIG` structure, filled as below: ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_026: [ - `proxy_hostname`, `proxy_port`, `username` and `password` shall be copied from the `mqtt_transport_proxy_options` argument. ]*/ http_proxy_io_config.proxy_hostname = mqtt_transport_proxy_options->host_address; http_proxy_io_config.proxy_port = mqtt_transport_proxy_options->port; http_proxy_io_config.username = mqtt_transport_proxy_options->username; http_proxy_io_config.password = mqtt_transport_proxy_options->password; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_024: [ - `hostname` shall be set to `fully_qualified_name`. ]*/ http_proxy_io_config.hostname = fully_qualified_name; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_025: [ - `port` shall be set to 443. ]*/ http_proxy_io_config.port = 443; } } else { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_013: [ - If `mqtt_transport_proxy_options` is NULL, `underlying_io_interface` shall be set to NULL ]*/ tls_io_config.underlying_io_interface = NULL; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_014: [ - If `mqtt_transport_proxy_options` is NULL `underlying_io_parameters` shall be set to NULL. ]*/ tls_io_config.underlying_io_parameters = NULL; } } /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_07_012: [ `getIoTransportProvider` shall return the `XIO_HANDLE` returned by `xio_create`. ] */ /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_MQTT_WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT_01_002: [ `getIoTransportProvider` shall call `xio_create` while passing the WebSocket IO interface description to it and the WebSocket configuration as a WSIO_CONFIG structure, filled as below ]*/ result = xio_create(io_interface_description, &ws_io_config); } return result; }
CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tlsio_wolfssl_create(void* io_create_parameters) { TLSIO_CONFIG* tls_io_config = io_create_parameters; TLS_IO_INSTANCE* result; if (tls_io_config == NULL) { result = NULL; } else { result = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)malloc(sizeof(TLS_IO_INSTANCE)); if (result != NULL) { memset(result, 0, sizeof(TLS_IO_INSTANCE)); mallocAndStrcpy_s(&result->hostname, tls_io_config->hostname); result->port = tls_io_config->port; result->socket_io_read_bytes = 0; result->socket_io_read_byte_count = 0; result->socket_io = NULL; result->ssl = NULL; result->ssl_context = NULL; result->certificate = NULL; result->on_bytes_received = NULL; result->on_bytes_received_context = NULL; result->on_io_open_complete = NULL; result->on_io_open_complete_context = NULL; result->on_io_close_complete = NULL; result->on_io_close_complete_context = NULL; result->on_io_error = NULL; result->on_io_error_context = NULL; result->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_NOT_OPEN; result->ssl_context = wolfSSL_CTX_new(wolfTLSv1_client_method()); if (result->ssl_context == NULL) { free(result); result = NULL; } else { const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* socket_io_interface = socketio_get_interface_description(); if (socket_io_interface == NULL) { wolfSSL_CTX_free(result->ssl_context); free(result); result = NULL; } else { SOCKETIO_CONFIG socketio_config; socketio_config.hostname = result->hostname; socketio_config.port = result->port; socketio_config.accepted_socket = NULL; result->socket_io = xio_create(socket_io_interface, &socketio_config); if (result->socket_io == NULL) { LogError("Failure connecting to underlying socket_io"); wolfSSL_CTX_free(result->ssl_context); free(result); result = NULL; } } } } } return result; }
static PROV_TRANSPORT_IO_INFO* amqp_transport_ws_io(const char* fqdn, SASL_MECHANISM_HANDLE* sasl_mechanism, const HTTP_PROXY_OPTIONS* proxy_info) { PROV_TRANSPORT_IO_INFO* result; HTTP_PROXY_IO_CONFIG proxy_config; TLSIO_CONFIG tls_io_config; WSIO_CONFIG ws_io_config; const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* ws_io_interface; const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* tlsio_interface; if ((ws_io_interface = wsio_get_interface_description()) == NULL) { /* Codes_PROV_TRANSPORT_AMQP_WS_CLIENT_07_013: [ If any failure is encountered amqp_transport_ws_io shall return NULL ] */ LogError("wsio_get_interface_description return NULL IO Interface"); result = NULL; } else if ((tlsio_interface = platform_get_default_tlsio()) == NULL) { /* Codes_PROV_TRANSPORT_AMQP_WS_CLIENT_07_013: [ If any failure is encountered amqp_transport_ws_io shall return NULL ] */ LogError("platform_get_default_tlsio return NULL IO Interface"); result = NULL; } else { memset(&tls_io_config, 0, sizeof(TLSIO_CONFIG)); ws_io_config.hostname = fqdn; ws_io_config.port = PROV_AMQP_WS_PORT_NUM; ws_io_config.protocol = PROV_AMQP_WS_PROTOCOL_NAME; ws_io_config.resource_name = PROV_AMQP_WS_RELATIVE_PATH; ws_io_config.underlying_io_interface = tlsio_interface; ws_io_config.underlying_io_parameters = &tls_io_config; tls_io_config.hostname = fqdn; tls_io_config.port = PROV_AMQP_WS_PORT_NUM; if (proxy_info != NULL) { /* Codes_PROV_TRANSPORT_AMQP_WS_CLIENT_07_012: [ If proxy_info is not NULL, amqp_transport_ws_io shall construct a HTTP_PROXY_IO_CONFIG object and assign it to TLSIO_CONFIG underlying_io_parameters ] */ proxy_config.hostname = tls_io_config.hostname; proxy_config.port = proxy_info->port; proxy_config.proxy_hostname = proxy_info->host_address; proxy_config.proxy_port = proxy_info->port; proxy_config.username = proxy_info->username; proxy_config.password = proxy_info->password; tls_io_config.underlying_io_interface = http_proxy_io_get_interface_description(); tls_io_config.underlying_io_parameters = &proxy_config; } /* Codes_PROV_TRANSPORT_AMQP_WS_CLIENT_07_014: [ On success amqp_transport_ws_io shall return an allocated PROV_TRANSPORT_IO_INFO structure. ] */ if ((result = (PROV_TRANSPORT_IO_INFO*)malloc(sizeof(PROV_TRANSPORT_IO_INFO))) == NULL) { /* Codes_PROV_TRANSPORT_AMQP_WS_CLIENT_07_013: [ If any failure is encountered amqp_transport_ws_io shall return NULL ] */ LogError("failure allocating prov_transport info"); result = NULL; } else { memset(result, 0, sizeof(PROV_TRANSPORT_IO_INFO)); /* Codes_PROV_TRANSPORT_AMQP_WS_CLIENT_07_015: [ amqp_transport_ws_io shall allocate a PROV_TRANSPORT_IO_INFO transfer_handle by calling xio_create with the ws_io_interface. ] */ result->transport_handle = xio_create(ws_io_interface, &ws_io_config); if (result->transport_handle == NULL) { /* Codes_PROV_TRANSPORT_AMQP_WS_CLIENT_07_013: [ If any failure is encountered amqp_transport_ws_io shall return NULL ] */ LogError("failed calling xio_create on underlying io"); free(result); result = NULL; } else { if (sasl_mechanism != NULL) { const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* saslio_interface; SASLCLIENTIO_CONFIG sasl_io_config; sasl_io_config.underlying_io = result->transport_handle; sasl_io_config.sasl_mechanism = *sasl_mechanism; saslio_interface = saslclientio_get_interface_description(); if (saslio_interface == NULL) { /* Codes_PROV_TRANSPORT_AMQP_WS_CLIENT_07_013: [ If any failure is encountered amqp_transport_ws_io shall return NULL ] */ LogError("failed calling xio_create on underlying io"); xio_destroy(result->transport_handle); free(result); result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_PROV_TRANSPORT_AMQP_WS_CLIENT_07_016: [ amqp_transport_ws_io shall allocate a PROV_TRANSPORT_IO_INFO sasl_handle by calling xio_create with the saslio_interface. ] */ result->sasl_handle = xio_create(saslio_interface, &sasl_io_config); if (result->sasl_handle == NULL) { /* Codes_PROV_TRANSPORT_AMQP_WS_CLIENT_07_013: [ If any failure is encountered amqp_transport_ws_io shall return NULL ] */ LogError("failed calling xio_create on sasl client interface"); xio_destroy(result->transport_handle); free(result); result = NULL; } } } } } } return result; }
static XIO_HANDLE getWebSocketsIOTransport(const char* fqdn, const AMQP_TRANSPORT_PROXY_OPTIONS* amqp_transport_proxy_options) { WSIO_CONFIG ws_io_config; TLSIO_CONFIG tls_io_config; HTTP_PROXY_IO_CONFIG http_proxy_io_config; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_001: [ `getIoTransportProvider` shall obtain the WebSocket IO interface handle by calling `wsio_get_interface_description`. ]*/ const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* io_interface_description = wsio_get_interface_description(); XIO_HANDLE result; if (io_interface_description == NULL) { LogError("Failure constructing the provider interface"); /* Codes_SRS_IoTHubTransportAMQP_WS_09_003: [If `io_interface_description` is NULL getWebSocketsIOTransport shall return NULL.] */ result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_003: [ - `hostname` shall be set to `fqdn`. ]*/ ws_io_config.hostname = fqdn; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_004: [ - `port` shall be set to 443. ]*/ ws_io_config.port = DEFAULT_WS_PORT; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_005: [ - `protocol` shall be set to `AMQPWSB10`. ]*/ ws_io_config.protocol = DEFAULT_WS_PROTOCOL_NAME; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_006: [ - `resource_name` shall be set to `/$iothub/websocket`. ]*/ ws_io_config.resource_name = DEFAULT_WS_RELATIVE_PATH; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_007: [ - `underlying_io_interface` shall be set to the TLS IO interface description. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_009: [ `getIoTransportProvider` shall obtain the TLS IO interface handle by calling `platform_get_default_tlsio`. ]*/ ws_io_config.underlying_io_interface = platform_get_default_tlsio(); /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_029: [ If `platform_get_default_tlsio` returns NULL, NULL shall be set in the WebSocket IO parameters structure for the interface description and parameters. ]*/ if (ws_io_config.underlying_io_interface == NULL) { ws_io_config.underlying_io_parameters = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_008: [ - `underlying_io_parameters` shall be set to the TLS IO arguments. ]*/ ws_io_config.underlying_io_parameters = &tls_io_config; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_010: [ The TLS IO parameters shall be a `TLSIO_CONFIG` structure filled as below: ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_011: [ - `hostname` shall be set to `fqdn`. ]*/ tls_io_config.hostname = fqdn; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_012: [ - `port` shall be set to 443. ]*/ tls_io_config.port = DEFAULT_WS_PORT; if (amqp_transport_proxy_options != NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_015: [ - If `amqp_transport_proxy_options` is not NULL, `underlying_io_interface` shall be set to the HTTP proxy IO interface description. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_022: [ `getIoTransportProvider` shall obtain the HTTP proxy IO interface handle by calling `http_proxy_io_get_interface_description`. ]*/ tls_io_config.underlying_io_interface = http_proxy_io_get_interface_description(); /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_028: [ If `http_proxy_io_get_interface_description` returns NULL, NULL shall be set in the TLS IO parameters structure for the interface description and parameters. ]*/ if (tls_io_config.underlying_io_interface == NULL) { tls_io_config.underlying_io_parameters = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_016: [ - If `amqp_transport_proxy_options` is not NULL `underlying_io_parameters` shall be set to the HTTP proxy IO arguments. ]*/ tls_io_config.underlying_io_parameters = &http_proxy_io_config; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_023: [ The HTTP proxy IO arguments shall be an `HTTP_PROXY_IO_CONFIG` structure, filled as below: ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_026: [ - `proxy_hostname`, `proxy_port`, `username` and `password` shall be copied from the `mqtt_transport_proxy_options` argument. ]*/ http_proxy_io_config.proxy_hostname = amqp_transport_proxy_options->host_address; http_proxy_io_config.proxy_port = amqp_transport_proxy_options->port; http_proxy_io_config.username = amqp_transport_proxy_options->username; http_proxy_io_config.password = amqp_transport_proxy_options->password; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_024: [ - `hostname` shall be set to `fully_qualified_name`. ]*/ http_proxy_io_config.hostname = fqdn; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_025: [ - `port` shall be set to 443. ]*/ http_proxy_io_config.port = DEFAULT_WS_PORT; } } else { /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_013: [ - If `amqp_transport_proxy_options` is NULL, `underlying_io_interface` shall be set to NULL. ]*/ tls_io_config.underlying_io_interface = NULL; /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_014: [ - If `amqp_transport_proxy_options` is NULL `underlying_io_parameters` shall be set to NULL. ]*/ tls_io_config.underlying_io_parameters = NULL; } } /* Codes_SRS_IoTHubTransportAMQP_WS_09_004: [getWebSocketsIOTransport shall return the XIO_HANDLE created using xio_create().] */ /* Codes_SRS_IOTHUBTRANSPORTAMQP_WS_01_002: [ `getIoTransportProvider` shall call `xio_create` while passing the WebSocket IO interface description to it and the WebSocket configuration as a WSIO_CONFIG structure, filled as below: ]*/ result = xio_create(io_interface_description, &ws_io_config); } return result; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int result; (void)argc; (void)argv; if (platform_init() != 0) { result = -1; } else { XIO_HANDLE sasl_io; CONNECTION_HANDLE connection; SESSION_HANDLE session; LINK_HANDLE link; MESSAGE_SENDER_HANDLE message_sender; MESSAGE_HANDLE message; size_t last_memory_used = 0; /* create SASL PLAIN handler */ SASL_MECHANISM_HANDLE sasl_mechanism_handle = saslmechanism_create(saslmssbcbs_get_interface(), NULL); XIO_HANDLE tls_io; STRING_HANDLE sas_key_name; STRING_HANDLE sas_key_value; STRING_HANDLE resource_uri; STRING_HANDLE encoded_resource_uri; STRING_HANDLE sas_token; BUFFER_HANDLE buffer; TLSIO_CONFIG tls_io_config = { EH_HOST, 5671 }; const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* tlsio_interface; SASLCLIENTIO_CONFIG sasl_io_config; time_t currentTime; size_t expiry_time; CBS_HANDLE cbs; AMQP_VALUE source; AMQP_VALUE target; unsigned char hello[] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' }; BINARY_DATA binary_data; gballoc_init(); /* create the TLS IO */ tlsio_interface = platform_get_default_tlsio(); tls_io = xio_create(tlsio_interface, &tls_io_config); /* create the SASL client IO using the TLS IO */ sasl_io_config.underlying_io = tls_io; sasl_io_config.sasl_mechanism = sasl_mechanism_handle; sasl_io = xio_create(saslclientio_get_interface_description(), &sasl_io_config); /* create the connection, session and link */ connection = connection_create(sasl_io, EH_HOST, "some", NULL, NULL); session = session_create(connection, NULL, NULL); session_set_incoming_window(session, 2147483647); session_set_outgoing_window(session, 65536); /* Construct a SAS token */ sas_key_name = STRING_construct(EH_KEY_NAME); /* unfortunately SASToken wants an encoded key - this should be fixed at a later time */ buffer = BUFFER_create((unsigned char*)EH_KEY, strlen(EH_KEY)); sas_key_value = Base64_Encoder(buffer); BUFFER_delete(buffer); resource_uri = STRING_construct("sb://" EH_HOST "/" EH_NAME "/publishers/" EH_PUBLISHER); encoded_resource_uri = URL_EncodeString(STRING_c_str(resource_uri)); /* Make a token that expires in one hour */ currentTime = time(NULL); expiry_time = (size_t)(difftime(currentTime, 0) + 3600); sas_token = SASToken_Create(sas_key_value, encoded_resource_uri, sas_key_name, expiry_time); cbs = cbs_create(session); if (cbs_open_async(cbs, on_cbs_open_complete, cbs, on_cbs_error, cbs) == 0) { (void)cbs_put_token_async(cbs, "", "sb://" EH_HOST "/" EH_NAME "/publishers/" EH_PUBLISHER, STRING_c_str(sas_token), on_cbs_put_token_complete, cbs); while (!auth) { size_t current_memory_used; size_t maximum_memory_used; connection_dowork(connection); current_memory_used = gballoc_getCurrentMemoryUsed(); maximum_memory_used = gballoc_getMaximumMemoryUsed(); if (current_memory_used != last_memory_used) { (void)printf("Current memory usage:%lu (max:%lu)\r\n", (unsigned long)current_memory_used, (unsigned long)maximum_memory_used); last_memory_used = current_memory_used; } } } STRING_delete(sas_token); STRING_delete(sas_key_name); STRING_delete(sas_key_value); STRING_delete(resource_uri); STRING_delete(encoded_resource_uri); source = messaging_create_source("ingress"); target = messaging_create_target("amqps://" EH_HOST "/" EH_NAME); link = link_create(session, "sender-link", role_sender, source, target); link_set_snd_settle_mode(link, sender_settle_mode_settled); (void)link_set_max_message_size(link, 65536); amqpvalue_destroy(source); amqpvalue_destroy(target); message = message_create(); binary_data.bytes = hello; binary_data.length = sizeof(hello); message_add_body_amqp_data(message, binary_data); /* create a message sender */ message_sender = messagesender_create(link, NULL, NULL); if (messagesender_open(message_sender) == 0) { uint32_t i; bool keep_running = true; tickcounter_ms_t start_time; TICK_COUNTER_HANDLE tick_counter = tickcounter_create(); if (tickcounter_get_current_ms(tick_counter, &start_time) != 0) { (void)printf("Error getting start time\r\n"); } else { for (i = 0; i < msg_count; i++) { (void)messagesender_send(message_sender, message, on_message_send_complete, message); } message_destroy(message); while (keep_running) { size_t current_memory_used; size_t maximum_memory_used; connection_dowork(connection); current_memory_used = gballoc_getCurrentMemoryUsed(); maximum_memory_used = gballoc_getMaximumMemoryUsed(); if (current_memory_used != last_memory_used) { (void)printf("Current memory usage:%lu (max:%lu)\r\n", (unsigned long)current_memory_used, (unsigned long)maximum_memory_used); last_memory_used = current_memory_used; } if (sent_messages == msg_count) { break; } } { tickcounter_ms_t end_time; if (tickcounter_get_current_ms(tick_counter, &end_time) != 0) { (void)printf("Error getting end time\r\n"); } else { (void)printf("Send %u messages in %lu ms: %.02f msgs/sec\r\n", (unsigned int)msg_count, (unsigned long)(end_time - start_time), (float)msg_count / ((float)(end_time - start_time) / 1000)); } } } } messagesender_destroy(message_sender); link_destroy(link); session_destroy(session); connection_destroy(connection); xio_destroy(sasl_io); xio_destroy(tls_io); saslmechanism_destroy(sasl_mechanism_handle); platform_deinit(); (void)printf("Max memory usage:%lu\r\n", (unsigned long)gballoc_getCurrentMemoryUsed()); (void)printf("Current memory usage:%lu\r\n", (unsigned long)gballoc_getMaximumMemoryUsed()); gballoc_deinit(); result = 0; } return result; }
const XIO_HANDLE getIoTransportProvider(const char* fqdn, int port) { TLSIO_CONFIG tls_io_config = { fqdn, port }; const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* io_interface_description = platform_get_default_tlsio(); return (void*)xio_create(io_interface_description, &tls_io_config, NULL/*defaultPrintLogFunction*/); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int result; XIO_HANDLE sasl_io = NULL; CONNECTION_HANDLE connection = NULL; SESSION_HANDLE session = NULL; LINK_HANDLE link = NULL; MESSAGE_RECEIVER_HANDLE message_receiver = NULL; amqpalloc_set_memory_tracing_enabled(true); if (platform_init() != 0) { result = -1; } else { size_t last_memory_used = 0; /* create SASL plain handler */ SASL_PLAIN_CONFIG sasl_plain_config = { EH_KEY_NAME, EH_KEY, NULL }; SASL_MECHANISM_HANDLE sasl_mechanism_handle = saslmechanism_create(saslplain_get_interface(), &sasl_plain_config); XIO_HANDLE tls_io; /* create the TLS IO */ TLSIO_CONFIG tls_io_config = { EH_HOST, 5671 }; const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* tlsio_interface = platform_get_default_tlsio(); tls_io = xio_create(tlsio_interface, &tls_io_config, NULL); /* create the SASL client IO using the TLS IO */ SASLCLIENTIO_CONFIG sasl_io_config = { tls_io, sasl_mechanism_handle }; sasl_io = xio_create(saslclientio_get_interface_description(), &sasl_io_config, NULL); /* create the connection, session and link */ connection = connection_create(sasl_io, EH_HOST, "whatever", NULL, NULL); session = session_create(connection, NULL, NULL); /* set incoming window to 100 for the session */ session_set_incoming_window(session, 100); AMQP_VALUE source = messaging_create_source("amqps://" EH_HOST "/ingress/ConsumerGroups/$Default/Partitions/0"); AMQP_VALUE target = messaging_create_target("ingress-rx"); link = link_create(session, "receiver-link", role_receiver, source, target); link_set_rcv_settle_mode(link, receiver_settle_mode_first); amqpvalue_destroy(source); amqpvalue_destroy(target); /* create a message receiver */ message_receiver = messagereceiver_create(link, NULL, NULL); if ((message_receiver == NULL) || (messagereceiver_open(message_receiver, on_message_received, message_receiver) != 0)) { result = -1; } else { while (true) { size_t current_memory_used; size_t maximum_memory_used; connection_dowork(connection); current_memory_used = amqpalloc_get_current_memory_used(); maximum_memory_used = amqpalloc_get_maximum_memory_used(); if (current_memory_used != last_memory_used) { printf("Current memory usage:%lu (max:%lu)\r\n", (unsigned long)current_memory_used, (unsigned long)maximum_memory_used); last_memory_used = current_memory_used; } } result = 0; } messagereceiver_destroy(message_receiver); link_destroy(link); session_destroy(session); connection_destroy(connection); platform_deinit(); printf("Max memory usage:%lu\r\n", (unsigned long)amqpalloc_get_maximum_memory_used()); printf("Current memory usage:%lu\r\n", (unsigned long)amqpalloc_get_current_memory_used()); #ifdef _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif } return result; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int result; (void)argc, argv; amqpalloc_set_memory_tracing_enabled(true); if (platform_init() != 0) { result = -1; } else { CONNECTION_HANDLE connection; SESSION_HANDLE session; LINK_HANDLE link; MESSAGE_SENDER_HANDLE message_sender; MESSAGE_HANDLE message; size_t last_memory_used = 0; /* create socket IO */ XIO_HANDLE socket_io; SOCKETIO_CONFIG socketio_config = { "localhost", 5672, NULL }; socket_io = xio_create(socketio_get_interface_description(), &socketio_config); /* create the connection, session and link */ connection = connection_create(socket_io, "localhost", "some", NULL, NULL); session = session_create(connection, NULL, NULL); session_set_incoming_window(session, 2147483647); session_set_outgoing_window(session, 65536); AMQP_VALUE source = messaging_create_source("ingress"); AMQP_VALUE target = messaging_create_target("localhost/ingress"); link = link_create(session, "sender-link", role_sender, source, target); link_set_snd_settle_mode(link, sender_settle_mode_settled); (void)link_set_max_message_size(link, 65536); amqpvalue_destroy(source); amqpvalue_destroy(target); message = message_create(); unsigned char hello[] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' }; BINARY_DATA binary_data; binary_data.bytes = hello; binary_data.length = sizeof(hello); message_add_body_amqp_data(message, binary_data); /* create a message sender */ message_sender = messagesender_create(link, NULL, NULL); if (messagesender_open(message_sender) == 0) { uint32_t i; #if _WIN32 unsigned long startTime = (unsigned long)GetTickCount64(); #endif for (i = 0; i < msg_count; i++) { (void)messagesender_send(message_sender, message, on_message_send_complete, message); } message_destroy(message); while (true) { size_t current_memory_used; size_t maximum_memory_used; connection_dowork(connection); current_memory_used = amqpalloc_get_current_memory_used(); maximum_memory_used = amqpalloc_get_maximum_memory_used(); if (current_memory_used != last_memory_used) { (void)printf("Current memory usage:%lu (max:%lu)\r\n", (unsigned long)current_memory_used, (unsigned long)maximum_memory_used); last_memory_used = current_memory_used; } if (sent_messages == msg_count) { break; } } #if _WIN32 unsigned long endTime = (unsigned long)GetTickCount64(); (void)printf("Send %zu messages in %lu ms: %.02f msgs/sec\r\n", msg_count, (endTime - startTime), (float)msg_count / ((float)(endTime - startTime) / 1000)); #endif } messagesender_destroy(message_sender); link_destroy(link); session_destroy(session); connection_destroy(connection); xio_destroy(socket_io); platform_deinit(); (void)printf("Max memory usage:%lu\r\n", (unsigned long)amqpalloc_get_maximum_memory_used()); (void)printf("Current memory usage:%lu\r\n", (unsigned long)amqpalloc_get_current_memory_used()); result = 0; } #ifdef _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif return result; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int result; (void)argc, argv; amqpalloc_set_memory_tracing_enabled(true); if (platform_init() != 0) { result = -1; } else { XIO_HANDLE sasl_io; CONNECTION_HANDLE connection; SESSION_HANDLE session; LINK_HANDLE link; MESSAGE_SENDER_HANDLE message_sender; MESSAGE_HANDLE message; size_t last_memory_used = 0; /* create SASL PLAIN handler */ SASL_PLAIN_CONFIG sasl_plain_config = { EH_KEY_NAME, EH_KEY, NULL }; SASL_MECHANISM_HANDLE sasl_mechanism_handle = saslmechanism_create(saslplain_get_interface(), &sasl_plain_config); XIO_HANDLE tls_io; /* create the TLS IO */ TLSIO_CONFIG tls_io_config = { EH_HOST, 5671 }; const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* tlsio_interface = platform_get_default_tlsio(); tls_io = xio_create(tlsio_interface, &tls_io_config); /* create the SASL client IO using the TLS IO */ SASLCLIENTIO_CONFIG sasl_io_config; sasl_io_config.underlying_io = tls_io; sasl_io_config.sasl_mechanism = sasl_mechanism_handle; sasl_io = xio_create(saslclientio_get_interface_description(), &sasl_io_config); /* create the connection, session and link */ connection = connection_create(sasl_io, EH_HOST, "some", NULL, NULL); session = session_create(connection, NULL, NULL); session_set_incoming_window(session, 2147483647); session_set_outgoing_window(session, 65536); AMQP_VALUE source = messaging_create_source("ingress"); AMQP_VALUE target = messaging_create_target("amqps://" EH_HOST "/" EH_NAME); link = link_create(session, "sender-link", role_sender, source, target); link_set_snd_settle_mode(link, sender_settle_mode_unsettled); (void)link_set_max_message_size(link, 65536); amqpvalue_destroy(source); amqpvalue_destroy(target); message = message_create(); unsigned char hello[] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' }; BINARY_DATA binary_data; binary_data.bytes = hello; binary_data.length = sizeof(hello); message_add_body_amqp_data(message, binary_data); /* create a message sender */ message_sender = messagesender_create(link, NULL, NULL); if (messagesender_open(message_sender) == 0) { uint32_t i; #if _WIN32 unsigned long startTime = (unsigned long)GetTickCount64(); #endif for (i = 0; i < msg_count; i++) { (void)messagesender_send(message_sender, message, on_message_send_complete, message); } message_destroy(message); while (true) { size_t current_memory_used; size_t maximum_memory_used; connection_dowork(connection); current_memory_used = amqpalloc_get_current_memory_used(); maximum_memory_used = amqpalloc_get_maximum_memory_used(); if (current_memory_used != last_memory_used) { (void)printf("Current memory usage:%lu (max:%lu)\r\n", (unsigned long)current_memory_used, (unsigned long)maximum_memory_used); last_memory_used = current_memory_used; } if (sent_messages == msg_count) { break; } } #if _WIN32 unsigned long endTime = (unsigned long)GetTickCount64(); (void)printf("Send %zu messages in %lu ms: %.02f msgs/sec\r\n", msg_count, (endTime - startTime), (float)msg_count / ((float)(endTime - startTime) / 1000)); #endif } messagesender_destroy(message_sender); link_destroy(link); session_destroy(session); connection_destroy(connection); xio_destroy(sasl_io); xio_destroy(tls_io); saslmechanism_destroy(sasl_mechanism_handle); platform_deinit(); (void)printf("Max memory usage:%lu\r\n", (unsigned long)amqpalloc_get_maximum_memory_used()); (void)printf("Current memory usage:%lu\r\n", (unsigned long)amqpalloc_get_current_memory_used()); result = 0; } #ifdef _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif return result; }
CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tls_server_io_schannel_create(void* io_create_parameters) { TLS_SERVER_IO_CONFIG* tls_server_io_config = (TLS_SERVER_IO_CONFIG*)io_create_parameters; TLS_IO_INSTANCE* result; if (tls_server_io_config == NULL) { LogError("invalid argument detected: void* io_create_parameters = %p", tls_server_io_config); result = NULL; } else { result = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)malloc(sizeof(TLS_IO_INSTANCE)); if (result == NULL) { LogError("malloc failed"); } else { HCERTSTORE cert_store_handle; const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* underlying_io_interface; void* io_interface_parameters; result->on_bytes_received = NULL; result->on_io_open_complete = NULL; result->on_io_close_complete = NULL; result->on_io_error = NULL; result->on_io_open_complete_context = NULL; result->on_io_close_complete_context = NULL; result->on_bytes_received_context = NULL; result->on_io_error_context = NULL; result->credential_handle_allocated = false; result->x509_schannel_handle = NULL; result->needed_bytes = 0; /* A cert store called "My" has to be available for use ... This is because this is only used in a test now ... */ cert_store_handle = CertOpenStore(CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM, X509_ASN_ENCODING, 0, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"MY"); if (cert_store_handle == NULL) { result->cert_context = NULL; LogError("Error opening store for server."); } else { result->cert_context = CertFindCertificateInStore(cert_store_handle, X509_ASN_ENCODING, 0, CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_STR_A, "localhost", // use appropriate subject name NULL ); if (!CertCloseStore(cert_store_handle, 0)) { LogError("Error closing store."); } } underlying_io_interface = tls_server_io_config->underlying_io_interface; io_interface_parameters = tls_server_io_config->underlying_io_parameters; if (underlying_io_interface == NULL) { LogError("socketio_get_interface_description failed"); free(result->host_name); free(result); result = NULL; } else { result->socket_io = xio_create(underlying_io_interface, io_interface_parameters); if (result->socket_io == NULL) { LogError("xio_create failed"); free(result->host_name); free(result); result = NULL; } else { result->pending_io_list = singlylinkedlist_create(); if (result->pending_io_list == NULL) { LogError("Failed creating pending IO list."); xio_destroy(result->socket_io); free(result->host_name); free(result); result = NULL; } else { result->received_bytes = NULL; result->received_byte_count = 0; result->buffer_size = 0; result->tlsio_state = TLS_SERVER_IO_STATE_NOT_OPEN; result->x509certificate = NULL; result->x509privatekey = NULL; result->x509_schannel_handle = NULL; } } } } } return result; }