Beispiel #1
int exportDatabase( const char * filename, struct database_t * databaseList, int * databaseListTotal, struct userAttr_t * userAttr ){
    int subscript;
    char longStr[100000];
    char message[500];
    xmlNodePtr node;
    xmlNodePtr content;
    xmlNodePtr sonNode;
    xmlNodePtr grandsonNode;

    // create the doc and root node
    xmlDocPtr doc = xmlNewDoc( BAD_CAST "1.0" );
    xmlNodePtr root_node = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "databaseList" );

    xitoa( longStr, *databaseListTotal);
    xmlNewProp( root_node, BAD_CAST "databaseListTotal", BAD_CAST longStr );

    if ( userAttr->userStatus == NULL )
        xmlNewProp( root_node, BAD_CAST "userStatus", BAD_CAST "disable" );
    else xmlNewProp( root_node, BAD_CAST "userStatus", BAD_CAST userAttr->userStatus );

    if ( userAttr->mobileNumber != NULL )
        xmlNewProp( root_node, BAD_CAST "userStatus", BAD_CAST userAttr->mobileNumber );

    // set the root node
    xmlDocSetRootElement( doc, root_node );

    // if ( *xmlItemListAlarmTotal > *xmlItemListTotal ) *xmlItemListAlarmTotal = *xmlItemListTotal;

    for (subscript=1; subscript <= *databaseListTotal; subscript++){
        node = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "item" );
        xmlAddChild( root_node, node );

        // xitoa( longStr, subscript );
        // xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "subscript", BAD_CAST longStr );

        sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "url" );
        content = xmlNewCDataBlock( NULL, BAD_CAST databaseList[subscript].url, strlen(databaseList[subscript].url) );
        xmlAddChild( sonNode, content );
        xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );

        sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "urlstatus" );
        content = xmlNewCDataBlock( NULL, BAD_CAST databaseList[subscript].urlstatus, strlen(databaseList[subscript].urlstatus) );
        xmlAddChild( sonNode, content );
        xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );

        sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "filenamePrefix" );
        content = xmlNewCDataBlock( NULL, BAD_CAST databaseList[subscript].filenamePrefix, strlen(databaseList[subscript].filenamePrefix) );
        xmlAddChild( sonNode, content );
        xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );

    int nRel = xmlSaveFormatFileEnc( filename, doc, "UTF-8", 1);
    /*if (nRel != -1)
        printf(" created, %d bytes.\n", nRel);*/


    if (nRel != -1) return 1;
    else return 0;
httpHeaderPutInt(HttpHeader * hdr, http_hdr_type id, int number)
    assert(Headers[id].type == ftInt);	/* must be of an appropriate type */
    assert(number >= 0);
    httpHeaderAddEntry(hdr, httpHeaderEntryCreate(id, NULL, xitoa(number)));
Beispiel #3
std::string CoolingFan::getPartInformation() const
    char speed[5];
    xitoa(m_fanSpeed, speed, 10);

    std::string partInformation("Cooling Fan: " + m_name + ", Speed: " + speed + " RPM");

    return partInformation;
Beispiel #4
std::string HardDiscDrive::getPartInformation() const
    std::string partInformation = this->HardDrive::getPartInformation();

    char spinSpeed[5];
    xitoa(m_spinSpeed, spinSpeed, 10);

    partInformation += ", " + std::string(spinSpeed) + " RPM";

    return partInformation;
Beispiel #5
int exportXmlItemFileForAlarm( const char * filename, struct xmlItemAlarm_t * xmlItemAlarmList, int * xmlItemListAlarmTotal ) {
    int subscript;
    char longStr[100000];
    char message[500];
    xmlNodePtr node;
    xmlNodePtr content;
    xmlNodePtr sonNode;
    xmlNodePtr grandsonNode;

    // create the doc and root node
    xmlDocPtr doc = xmlNewDoc( BAD_CAST "1.0" );
    xmlNodePtr root_node = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "xmlItemListAlarm" );

    xitoa( longStr, *xmlItemListAlarmTotal);
    xmlNewProp( root_node, BAD_CAST "xmlItemListAlarmTotal", BAD_CAST longStr );

    // set the root node
    xmlDocSetRootElement( doc, root_node );

    // if ( *xmlItemListAlarmTotal > *xmlItemListTotal ) *xmlItemListAlarmTotal = *xmlItemListTotal;

    for (subscript=1; subscript <= *xmlItemListAlarmTotal; subscript++) {
        node = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "item" );
        xmlAddChild( root_node, node );

        // xitoa( longStr, subscript );
        // xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "subscript", BAD_CAST longStr );

        sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "message" );
        // content = xmlNewCDataBlock( NULL, BAD_CAST longStr, strlen(longStr) );
        // printf( "%s",longStr );
        content = xmlNewCDataBlock( NULL, BAD_CAST xmlItemAlarmList[subscript].message, strlen(xmlItemAlarmList[subscript].message) );
        xmlAddChild( sonNode, content );
        xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );

    int nRel = xmlSaveFormatFileEnc( filename, doc, "UTF-8", 1);
    /*if (nRel != -1)
        printf(" created, %d bytes.\n", nRel);*/


    if (nRel != -1) return 1;
    else return 0;
Beispiel #6
 * Given a pid, return the read end of a pipe returning the output from the
 * trace program (strace or dtruss).
trace_open(pid_t pid)
	int pipefd[2], pipe_r, pipe_w;
	int trace_pid;
	char *cpid;

	cpid = xitoa((int)pid);

	if (pipe(pipefd) == -1)
		err(1, "trace_open:pipe()");

	pipe_r = pipefd[0];
	pipe_w = pipefd[1];

	trace_pid = fork();
	if (trace_pid == -1) {
		err(1, "trace_open:fork()");
	} else if (trace_pid == 0) {
		if (dup2(pipe_w, STDERR_FILENO) == -1)
			err(1, "trace_open:dup2(pipe_w, stderr)");

		if (close(pipe_r) == -1)
			err(1, "trace_open:close(pipe_r)");

		if (use_dtruss) {
		} else {

	if (close(pipe_w) == -1)
		err(1, "trace_open:close(pipe_w)");

	return pipe_r;
Beispiel #7
int exportXmlItemFile( const char * filename, struct xmlItem_t * xmlItemList, int * xmlItemListTotal ){
    int subscript;
    int attrSubscript;
    char longStr[100000];
    xmlNodePtr node;
    xmlNodePtr content;
    xmlNodePtr sonNode;
    xmlNodePtr grandsonNode;

    // create the doc and root node
    xmlDocPtr doc = xmlNewDoc( BAD_CAST "1.0" );
    xmlNodePtr root_node = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "xmlItemList" );

    xitoa( longStr, *xmlItemListTotal );
    xmlNewProp( root_node, BAD_CAST "xmlItemListTotal", BAD_CAST longStr );

    // set the root node
    xmlDocSetRootElement( doc, root_node );

    if ( *xmlItemListTotal > MAX_ITEMLIST_SAVE ) *xmlItemListTotal = MAX_ITEMLIST_SAVE;

    for (subscript=1; subscript <= *xmlItemListTotal; subscript++){
        node = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "item" );
        xmlAddChild( root_node, node );

        // xitoa( longStr, subscript );
        // xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "subscript", BAD_CAST longStr );

        if ( xmlItemList[subscript].text[FRSS_ITEM_TITLE] != NULL ){
            sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "title" );
            content = xmlNewCDataBlock( NULL, BAD_CAST xmlItemList[subscript].text[FRSS_ITEM_TITLE], strlen(xmlItemList[subscript].text[FRSS_ITEM_TITLE]) );
            xmlAddChild( sonNode, content );
            xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );
        if ( xmlItemList[subscript].text[FRSS_ITEM_TIME] != NULL ){
            sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "time" );
            content = xmlNewCDataBlock( NULL, BAD_CAST xmlItemList[subscript].text[FRSS_ITEM_TIME], strlen(xmlItemList[subscript].text[FRSS_ITEM_TIME]) );
            xmlAddChild( sonNode, content );
            xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );
        if ( xmlItemList[subscript].text[FRSS_ITEM_CONTENT] != NULL ){
            sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "content" );
            content = xmlNewCDataBlock( NULL, BAD_CAST xmlItemList[subscript].text[FRSS_ITEM_CONTENT], strlen(xmlItemList[subscript].text[FRSS_ITEM_CONTENT]) );
            xmlAddChild( sonNode, content );
            xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );
        if ( xmlItemList[subscript].richText[FRSS_ITEM_CONTENT] != NULL ){
            sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "content:encoded" );
            content = xmlNewCDataBlock( NULL, BAD_CAST xmlItemList[subscript].richText[FRSS_ITEM_CONTENT], strlen(xmlItemList[subscript].richText[FRSS_ITEM_CONTENT]) );
            xmlAddChild( sonNode, content );
            xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );
        if ( xmlItemList[subscript].text[FRSS_ITEM_GUID] != NULL ){
            sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "guid" );
            content = xmlNewCDataBlock( NULL, BAD_CAST xmlItemList[subscript].text[FRSS_ITEM_GUID], strlen(xmlItemList[subscript].text[FRSS_ITEM_GUID]) );
            xmlAddChild( sonNode, content );
            xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );

    int nRel = xmlSaveFormatFileEnc( filename, doc, "UTF-8", 1);
    /*if (nRel != -1)
        printf(" created, %d bytes.\n", nRel);*/


    if (nRel != -1) return 1;
    else return 0;
Beispiel #8
int exportRuleFile( const char * filename, struct xmlDesc_t * xmlDesc ){
    int subscript;
    int subscriptCount;
    int attrSubscript;
    char longStr[100000];
    char * str;
    xmlNodePtr node;
    xmlNodePtr content;
    xmlNodePtr sonNode;
    xmlNodePtr grandsonNode;

    int strType;
    char title;
    char attrTitle[100];
    char attrValue[100];
    int attrTotal;
    int parent;
    int tail;

    // create the doc and root node
    xmlDocPtr doc = xmlNewDoc( BAD_CAST "1.0" );
    xmlNodePtr root_node = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "xmlItemDesc" );

    xmlNewProp( root_node, BAD_CAST "flag", BAD_CAST "standard");

    // set the root node
    xmlDocSetRootElement( doc, root_node );


    for (subscriptCount=1; subscriptCount <= 4; subscriptCount++){
        if (subscriptCount == 1) subscript = XML_ITEM_REGION;
        else if (subscriptCount == 2 ) subscript = XML_ITEM_TITLE;
        else if (subscriptCount == 3 ) subscript = XML_ITEM_TIME;
        else if (subscriptCount == 4 ) subscript = XML_ITEM_CONTENT;

        if ( xmlDesc[subscript].title == NULL && xmlDesc[subscript].attrTotal <= 0 ) continue;

        if ( subscript == XML_ITEM_REGION ) node = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "region" );
        else if ( subscript == XML_ITEM_TITLE) node = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "title" );
        else if ( subscript == XML_ITEM_TIME ) node = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "time" );
        else if ( subscript == XML_ITEM_CONTENT ) node = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "content" );
        xmlAddChild( root_node, node );

        // xitoa( longStr, subscript );
        // xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "subscript", BAD_CAST longStr );

        // xitoa( longStr, itemList[subscript].type );
        // sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "type" );
        // content = xmlNewText( BAD_CAST longStr );
        // xmlAddChild( sonNode, content );
        // xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );

        if ( xmlDesc[subscript].title != NULL ){
            sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "title" );
            // strcpy( longStr, itemList[subscript].title );
            // pushCDATA( longStr );
            content = xmlNewCDataBlock( NULL, BAD_CAST xmlDesc[subscript].title, strlen(xmlDesc[subscript].title) );
            // content = xmlNewText( BAD_CAST itemList[subscript].attrValue[attrSubscript]);

            //         str= (char *)xmlNodeGetContent( content);
            // printf("%d:%d[%s]%s\n",subscript, strlen(xmlDesc[subscript].title), xmlDesc[subscript].title,str);
            xmlAddChild( sonNode, content );
            xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );

        if ( xmlDesc[subscript].attrTotal > 0){
            sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "attr" );
            xitoa( longStr, xmlDesc[subscript].attrTotal );
            xmlNewProp( sonNode, BAD_CAST "attrTotal", BAD_CAST longStr);
            xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );

            for ( attrSubscript=0; attrSubscript < xmlDesc[subscript].attrTotal; attrSubscript++){
                xitoa( longStr, attrSubscript );
                grandsonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "attrTitle");
                xmlNewProp( grandsonNode, BAD_CAST "attrSubscript", BAD_CAST longStr );
                content = xmlNewText( BAD_CAST xmlDesc[subscript].attrTitle[attrSubscript]);
                xmlAddChild( grandsonNode, content );
                xmlAddChild( sonNode, grandsonNode );

                grandsonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "attrValue");
                xmlNewProp( grandsonNode, BAD_CAST "attrSubscript", BAD_CAST longStr );
                content = xmlNewText( BAD_CAST xmlDesc[subscript].attrValue[attrSubscript]);
                xmlAddChild( grandsonNode, content );
                xmlAddChild( sonNode, grandsonNode );

    int nRel = xmlSaveFormatFileEnc( filename, doc, "UTF-8", 1);
    /*if (nRel != -1)
        printf(" created, %d bytes.\n", nRel);*/


    if (nRel != -1) return 1;
    else return 0;
Beispiel #9
int exportXmlDom( const char * filename, struct itemnode_t * itemList, int * itemListTotal){
    int subscript;
    int attrSubscript;
    char longStr[100000];
    xmlNodePtr node;
    xmlNodePtr content;
    xmlNodePtr sonNode;
    xmlNodePtr grandsonNode;

    int strType;
    char title;
    char attrTitle[100];
    char attrValue[100];
    int attrTotal;
    int parent;
    int tail;

    // create the doc and root node
    xmlDocPtr doc = xmlNewDoc( BAD_CAST "1.0" );
    xmlNodePtr root_node = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "xmlDomList" );

    xitoa( longStr, *itemListTotal);
    xmlNewProp( root_node, BAD_CAST "itemListTotal", BAD_CAST longStr );

    // set the root node
    xmlDocSetRootElement( doc, root_node );


    for (subscript=1; subscript <= *itemListTotal; subscript++){
        node = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "item" );
        xmlAddChild( root_node, node );

        xitoa( longStr, subscript );
        xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "subscript", BAD_CAST longStr );

        xitoa( longStr, itemList[subscript].type );
        sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "type" );
        content = xmlNewText( BAD_CAST longStr );
        xmlAddChild( sonNode, content );
        xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );

        sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "title" );
        // strcpy( longStr, itemList[subscript].title );
        // pushCDATA( longStr );
        content = xmlNewCDataBlock( NULL, BAD_CAST itemList[subscript].title, strlen(itemList[subscript].title) );
        xmlAddChild( sonNode, content );
        xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );

        sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "attr" );
        xitoa( longStr, itemList[subscript].attrTotal );
        xmlNewProp( sonNode, BAD_CAST "attrTotal", BAD_CAST longStr);
        xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );

        for ( attrSubscript=0; attrSubscript < itemList[subscript].attrTotal; attrSubscript++){
            xitoa( longStr, attrSubscript );

            grandsonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "attrTitle");
            xmlNewProp( grandsonNode, BAD_CAST "attrSubscript", BAD_CAST longStr );
            content = xmlNewText( BAD_CAST itemList[subscript].attrTitle[attrSubscript]);
            xmlAddChild( grandsonNode, content );
            xmlAddChild( sonNode, grandsonNode );

            grandsonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "attrValue");
            xmlNewProp( grandsonNode, BAD_CAST "attrSubscript", BAD_CAST longStr );
            content = xmlNewText( BAD_CAST itemList[subscript].attrValue[attrSubscript]);
            xmlAddChild( grandsonNode, content );
            xmlAddChild( sonNode, grandsonNode );

        xitoa( longStr, itemList[subscript].parent );
        sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "parent" );
        content = xmlNewText( BAD_CAST longStr );
        xmlAddChild( sonNode, content );
        xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );

        xitoa( longStr, itemList[subscript].tail );
        sonNode = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST "tail" );
        content = xmlNewText( BAD_CAST longStr );
        xmlAddChild( sonNode, content );
        xmlAddChild( node, sonNode );

    int nRel = xmlSaveFormatFileEnc( filename, doc, "UTF-8", 1);
    /*if (nRel != -1)
        printf(" created, %d bytes.\n", nRel);*/


    if (nRel != -1) return 1;
    else return 0;