Beispiel #1
void CrdFmncOrg::ContInf::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "ContInfFmncOrg";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Ci";
	else itemtag = "ContitemInfFmncOrg";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "numFSge", numFSge);
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "MrlAppHlp", MrlAppHlp);
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "MtxCrdOrg", MtxCrdOrg);
void QryFmncTolRlv1NStep::StatShr::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "StatShrQryFmncTolRlv1NStep";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Si";
	else itemtag = "StatitemShrQryFmncTolRlv1NStep";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "ntot", ntot);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "jnumFirstload", jnumFirstload);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "nload", nload);
Beispiel #3
void CrdFmncOrg::DpchEngData::writeXML(
			const uint ixFmncVLocale
			, pthread_mutex_t* mScr
			, map<ubigint,string>& scr
			, map<string,ubigint>& descr
			, xmlTextWriter* wr
		) {
	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST "DpchEngFmncOrgData");
	xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(wr, BAD_CAST "xmlns", BAD_CAST "");
		if (has(JREF)) writeString(wr, "scrJref", Scr::scramble(mScr, scr, descr, jref));
		if (has(CONTINF)) continf.writeXML(wr);
		if (has(FEEDFSGE)) feedFSge.writeXML(wr);
		if (has(STATAPP)) StatApp::writeXML(wr);
		if (has(STATSHR)) statshr.writeXML(mScr, scr, descr, wr);
		if (has(TAG)) Tag::writeXML(ixFmncVLocale, wr);
void PnlPlnrCtpKEnvKey::StgIac::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "StgIacPlnrCtpKEnvKey";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Si";
	else itemtag = "StgitemIacPlnrCtpKEnvKey";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoSrfWidth", TcoSrfWidth);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoTitWidth", TcoTitWidth);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoCmtWidth", TcoCmtWidth);
void PnlFmncTolMNFabuser::StgIac::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "StgIacFmncTolMNFabuser";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Si";
	else itemtag = "StgitemIacFmncTolMNFabuser";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoMrefWidth", TcoMrefWidth);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoTrnWidth", TcoTrnWidth);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoLvlWidth", TcoLvlWidth);
Beispiel #6
char *gen_lote_evento_xml(LOTE_EVENTO *lote, EVP_PKEY *key, X509 *cert){
	int rc;
	xmlTextWriterPtr writer;
	xmlDocPtr doc;
	xmlBufferPtr buf = xmlBufferCreate();

	writer = xmlNewTextWriterDoc(&doc, 0);
	if (writer == NULL)
		return NULL;
	xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "UTF-8", NULL);
	rc = xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, BAD_CAST "envEvento");
	if (rc < 0)
		return NULL;
	rc = xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST "xmlns",
			BAD_CAST "");
	if (rc < 0)
		return NULL;
	rc = xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST "versao",
			BAD_CAST "1.00");
	if (rc < 0)
		return NULL;
	rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, BAD_CAST "idLote",
			"%d", lote->id);
	if (rc < 0)
		return NULL;

	int i;
	LOTE_EVENTO_ITEM *it = lote->eventos;
	for (i = 0; i < lote->qtd; i++){
		char *xml;
		xml = generate_evento_xml(it->evento, key, cert);
		rc = xmlTextWriterWriteRaw(writer, BAD_CAST xml);
		if (rc < 0)
			return NULL;
		rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer);
		if (rc < 0)
			return NULL;

		it = it->next;

	xmlNodeDump(buf, NULL, xmlDocGetRootElement(doc), 0, 0);
	return (char*)buf->content;

void QryPlnrDtpKParKey::StgIac::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "StgIacQryPlnrDtpKParKey";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Si";
	else itemtag = "StgitemIacQryPlnrDtpKParKey";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "jnum", jnum);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "jnumFirstload", jnumFirstload);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "nload", nload);
Beispiel #8
void FmncQSmpMNRun::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool jnumattr
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "FmncQSmpMNRun";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
	if (jnumattr) xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(wr, BAD_CAST "jnum", BAD_CAST to_string(jnum).c_str());
	if (shorttags) {
		writeString(wr, "mref", stubMref);
	} else {
		writeString(wr, "stubMref", stubMref);
void PnlFmncRunDetail::StatShr::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "StatShrFmncRunDetail";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Si";
	else itemtag = "StatitemShrFmncRunDetail";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeBoolAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "ButSaveAvail", ButSaveAvail);
		writeBoolAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "ButSaveActive", ButSaveActive);
		writeBoolAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "ButPrjViewAvail", ButPrjViewAvail);
		writeBoolAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "ButJEditAvail", ButJEditAvail);
Beispiel #10
void PnlPlnrFilRec::StatApp::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
			, const bool initdoneDetail
			, const bool initdoneMNCalc
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "StatAppPlnrFilRec";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Si";
	else itemtag = "StatitemAppPlnrFilRec";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeBoolAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "initdoneDetail", initdoneDetail);
		writeBoolAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "initdoneMNCalc", initdoneMNCalc);
Beispiel #11
void PnlPlnrNavLayout::ContIac::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "ContIacPlnrNavLayout";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Ci";
	else itemtag = "ContitemIacPlnrNavLayout";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "numFLstTpo", numFLstTpo);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "numFLstArr", numFLstArr);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "numFLstAri", numFLstAri);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "numFLstRtc", numFLstRtc);
void PnlPlnrCtpKCalcvar::StatShr::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "StatShrPlnrCtpKCalcvar";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Si";
	else itemtag = "StatitemShrPlnrCtpKCalcvar";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeBoolAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "ButUpActive", ButUpActive);
		writeBoolAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "ButDownActive", ButDownActive);
		writeBoolAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "ButDuplicateActive", ButDuplicateActive);
		writeBoolAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "ButDeleteActive", ButDeleteActive);
void PnlFmncSmpDetail::ContIac::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "ContIacFmncSmpDetail";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Ci";
	else itemtag = "ContitemIacFmncSmpDetail";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxfMat", TxfMat);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "numFPupJ", numFPupJ);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "numFPupSte", numFPupSte);
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxfCmt", TxfCmt);
Beispiel #14
void PnlPlnrRtcList::ContInf::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "ContInfPlnrRtcList";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Ci";
	else itemtag = "ContitemInfPlnrRtcList";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxtFor", TxtFor);
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxtPre", TxtPre);
		writeBoolAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "ButFilterOn", ButFilterOn);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "numFCsiQst", numFCsiQst);
Beispiel #15
void DlgFmncSmpNew::ContIac::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "ContIacDlgFmncSmpNew";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Ci";
	else itemtag = "ContitemIacDlgFmncSmpNew";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "numFDetPupSup", numFDetPupSup);
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "DetTxfSrf", DetTxfSrf);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "numFDetPupArt", numFDetPupArt);
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "DetTxfMat", DetTxfMat);
Beispiel #16
static void writeDNASequence(DNASequence* seq) {
	if (!seq)
	xmlTextWriterStartElement(WRITER, xmlCharStrdup(NSPREFIX_SBOL ":" NODENAME_DNASEQUENCE));
	xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(WRITER, xmlCharStrdup(NSPREFIX_RDF ":" NODENAME_ABOUT), xmlCharStrdup(getDNASequenceURI(seq)));

	// nucleotides
	if (!alreadyProcessed((void *)seq)) {
		char* nt = getDNASequenceNucleotides(seq);
		if (nt) {
		 	xmlTextWriterWriteElement(WRITER, xmlCharStrdup(NSPREFIX_SBOL ":" NODENAME_NUCLEOTIDES), xmlCharStrdup(nt));
			markProcessed((void *)seq);
Beispiel #17
void PnlPlnrCtpDetail::ContIac::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "ContIacPlnrCtpDetail";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Ci";
	else itemtag = "ContitemIacPlnrCtpDetail";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxfTit", TxfTit);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "numFPupDim", numFPupDim);
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxfSta", TxfSta);
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxfCmt", TxfCmt);
Beispiel #18
// Starts a new node on the tree
bool CXMLTreeNode::EndElement()

  if (m_pWriter)
    /* Close the element named HEADER. */
    int rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(m_pWriter);
    assert(rc >= 0);

    if (rc < 0)
      return false;
    return false;

  return true;
Beispiel #19
void PnlPlnrLyrRec::Tag::writeXML(
			const uint ixPlnrVLocale
			, xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "TagPlnrLyrRec";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Ti";
	else itemtag = "TagitemPlnrLyrRec";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		if (ixPlnrVLocale == VecPlnrVLocale::ENUS) {
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "Cpt", "Layer");
void PnlFmncSepAPar::StgIac::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "StgIacFmncSepAPar";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Si";
	else itemtag = "StgitemIacFmncSepAPar";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoSpaWidth", TcoSpaWidth);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoReuWidth", TcoReuWidth);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoValWidth", TcoValWidth);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoCmtWidth", TcoCmtWidth);
Beispiel #21
int createDatabase(){
	time_t now;
	struct tm * timeinfo;
	int rc;
	xmlTextWriterPtr writer;

	writer = xmlNewTextWriterFilename(db_uri, 0);
	if(writer == NULL){
		printf("Error creating the xml writer\n");
		return 1;

	rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, ENCODING, NULL);
	if(rc < 0){
		printf("Error starting the document\n");
		return 1;

	rc = xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, BAD_CAST "remendo_db");
	if(rc < 0){
		printf("Error creating the root element in the XML file\n");
		return 1;

	now = time(0);
	timeinfo = localtime (&now);
	xmlChar string_date [80];
	rc = xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST "creation", string_date);
	if(rc < 0){
		printf("Error creating attribute of root element\n");
		return 1;

	rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer);
	if(rc < 0){
		printf("Error ending the XML file\n");
		return 1;

	return 0;
void PnlPlnrStkHeadbar::Tag::writeXML(
			const uint ixPlnrVLocale
			, xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "TagPlnrStkHeadbar";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Ti";
	else itemtag = "TagitemPlnrStkHeadbar";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		if (ixPlnrVLocale == VecPlnrVLocale::ENUS) {
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "MenApp", "Planar");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "MenCrd", "Stack");
void PnlPlnrNavGlobal::DpchEngData::writeXML(
			const uint ixPlnrVLocale
			, pthread_mutex_t* mScr
			, map<ubigint,string>& scr
			, map<string,ubigint>& descr
			, xmlTextWriter* wr
		) {
	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST "DpchEngPlnrNavGlobalData");
	xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(wr, BAD_CAST "xmlns", BAD_CAST "");
		if (has(JREF)) writeString(wr, "scrJref", Scr::scramble(mScr, scr, descr, jref));
		if (has(CONTIAC)) contiac.writeXML(wr);
		if (has(FEEDFLSTCTP)) feedFLstCtp.writeXML(wr);
		if (has(FEEDFLSTDTP)) feedFLstDtp.writeXML(wr);
		if (has(FEEDFLSTMAT)) feedFLstMat.writeXML(wr);
		if (has(STATAPP)) StatApp::writeXML(wr);
		if (has(STATSHR)) statshr.writeXML(wr);
		if (has(TAG)) Tag::writeXML(ixPlnrVLocale, wr);
Beispiel #24
void CrdPlnrDtp::Tag::writeXML(
			const uint ixPlnrVLocale
			, xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "TagPlnrDtp";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Ti";
	else itemtag = "TagitemPlnrDtp";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		if (ixPlnrVLocale == VecPlnrVLocale::ENUS) {
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "MitAppAbt", StrMod::cap(VecPlnrVTag::getTitle(VecPlnrVTag::ABOUT, ixPlnrVLocale)) + " ...");
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "MrlAppHlp", StrMod::cap(VecPlnrVTag::getTitle(VecPlnrVTag::HELP, ixPlnrVLocale)) + " ...");
void PnlFmncArtList::StgIac::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "StgIacFmncArtList";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Si";
	else itemtag = "StgitemIacFmncArtList";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoSrfWidth", TcoSrfWidth);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoTitWidth", TcoTitWidth);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoOrgWidth", TcoOrgWidth);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoTolWidth", TcoTolWidth);
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoTypWidth", TcoTypWidth);
void PnlFmncBilAPos::Tag::writeXML(
			const uint ixFmncVLocale
			, xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "TagFmncBilAPos";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Ti";
	else itemtag = "TagitemFmncBilAPos";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		if (ixFmncVLocale == VecFmncVLocale::ENUS) {
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "Cpt", "Positions");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoFus", "Fab user");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoTol", "Tool");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoQty", "Quantity");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoArt", "Article");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoUpr", "Unit price");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoPrc", "Price");
		} else if (ixFmncVLocale == VecFmncVLocale::DECH) {
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "Cpt", "Posten");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoFus", "Reinraumnutzer");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoTol", "Ger\\u00e4t");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoQty", "Menge");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoArt", "Artikel");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoUpr", "St\\u00fcckpreis");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoPrc", "Preis");
		} else if (ixFmncVLocale == VecFmncVLocale::FRCH) {
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "Cpt", "Positions");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoFus", "Utilisateur salle blanche");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoTol", "\\u00e9quipement");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoQty", "Quantit\\u00e9");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoArt", "Article");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoUpr", "Prix unitaire");
			writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TcoPrc", "Prix");
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "Trs", StrMod::cap(VecFmncVTag::getTitle(VecFmncVTag::GOTO, ixFmncVLocale)) + " ...");
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxtShowing1", VecFmncVTag::getTitle(VecFmncVTag::SHOWSHORT, ixFmncVLocale));
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxtShowing2", VecFmncVTag::getTitle(VecFmncVTag::EMPSHORT, ixFmncVLocale));
void FmncQOrgSvcMNTool::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool jnumattr
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "FmncQOrgSvcMNTool";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
	if (jnumattr) xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(wr, BAD_CAST "jnum", BAD_CAST to_string(jnum).c_str());
	if (shorttags) {
		writeString(wr, "mref", stubMref);
		writeString(wr, "tprs", stubsTrefFmncMPerson);
	} else {
		writeString(wr, "stubMref", stubMref);
		writeString(wr, "stubsTrefFmncMPerson", stubsTrefFmncMPerson);
void PnlFmncStpDetail::ContInf::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "ContInfFmncStpDetail";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Ci";
	else itemtag = "ContitemInfFmncStpDetail";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxtAct", TxtAct);
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxtRlu", TxtRlu);
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxtStp", TxtStp);
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxtFcf", TxtFcf);
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxtPrs", TxtPrs);
Beispiel #29
Writes the attribute, their values and the status.


@param aOneSetExeAtt - Reference to the attributes, their value and status
void XmlWriter::WriteExeAttribute(ExeAttribute& aOneSetExeAtt)
	xmlTextWriterStartElement(iXmlTextWriter, BAD_CAST aOneSetExeAtt.iAttName.c_str());
 	if (!(strcmp(KDepName.c_str(),aOneSetExeAtt.iAttName.c_str())) 
		|| !(strcmp(KXMLDbgFlag.c_str(),aOneSetExeAtt.iAttName.c_str())))
		xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(iXmlTextWriter, BAD_CAST KDepAtt1.c_str(),
								BAD_CAST aOneSetExeAtt.iAttValue.c_str());
		xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(iXmlTextWriter, BAD_CAST KAtt2.c_str(),
	xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(iXmlTextWriter, BAD_CAST KAtt1.c_str(),
								BAD_CAST aOneSetExeAtt.iAttStatus.c_str());
Beispiel #30
void PnlPlnrSruDetail::ContIac::writeXML(
			xmlTextWriter* wr
			, string difftag
			, bool shorttags
		) {
	if (difftag.length() == 0) difftag = "ContIacPlnrSruDetail";

	string itemtag;
	if (shorttags) itemtag = "Ci";
	else itemtag = "ContitemIacPlnrSruDetail";

	xmlTextWriterStartElement(wr, BAD_CAST difftag.c_str());
		writeUintAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "numFPupHkt", numFPupHkt);
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxfX0", TxfX0);
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxfX1", TxfX1);
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxfY0", TxfY0);
		writeStringAttr(wr, itemtag, "sref", "TxfY1", TxfY1);