Beispiel #1
static int
medin_assembleref( xml *node, fields *info )
	int status = BIBL_OK;
	if ( node->down ) {
		if ( xml_tagexact( node, "PubmedArticle" ) )
			status = medin_pubmedarticle( node->down, info );
		else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "MedlineCitation" ) )
			status = medin_medlinecitation( node->down, info );
			status = medin_assembleref( node->down, info );
	if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;

	if ( node->next ) {
		status = medin_assembleref( node->next, info );
		if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;

	/* assume everything is a journal article */
	if ( fields_num( info ) ) {
		status = fields_add( info, "RESOURCE", "text", 0 );
		if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		status = fields_add( info, "ISSUANCE", "continuing", 1 );
		if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		status = fields_add( info, "GENRE", "periodical", 1 );
		if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		status = fields_add( info, "GENRE", "academic journal", 1 );
		if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		status = BIBL_OK;

	return status;
Beispiel #2
/* <AuthorList CompleteYN="Y">
 *    <Author>
 *        <LastName>Barondeau</LastName>
 *        <ForeName>David P</ForeName>
 *        ( or <FirstName>David P</FirstName> )
 *        <Initials>DP</Initials>
 *    </Author>
 *    <Author>
 *        <CollectiveName>Organization</CollectiveName>
 *    </Author>
 * </AuthorList>
static int
medin_author( xml *node, newstr *name )
	char *p;
	if ( xml_tagexact( node, "LastName" ) ) {
		if ( name->len ) {
			newstr_prepend( name, "|" );
			newstr_prepend( name, xml_data( node ) );
		else newstr_strcat( name, xml_data( node ) );
	} else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "ForeName" ) || 
	            xml_tagexact( node, "FirstName" ) ) {
		p = xml_data( node );
		while ( p && *p ) {
			if ( name->len ) newstr_addchar( name, '|' );
			while ( *p && *p==' ' ) p++;
			while ( *p && *p!=' ' ) newstr_addchar( name, *p++ );
	} else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "Initials" ) && !strchr( name->data, '|' )) {
		p = xml_data( node );
		while ( p && *p ) {
			if ( name->len ) newstr_addchar( name, '|' );
			if ( !is_ws(*p) ) newstr_addchar( name, *p++ );
	if ( node->next ) medin_author( node->next, name );
	return BIBL_OK;
Beispiel #3
static int
medin_pubmedarticle( xml *node, fields *info )
	int status = BIBL_OK;
	if ( node->down ) {
		if ( xml_tagexact( node, "MedlineCitation" ) )
			status = medin_medlinecitation( node->down, info );
		else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "PubmedData" ) )
			status = medin_pubmeddata( node->down, info );
		if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
	if ( node->next ) status = medin_pubmedarticle( node->next, info );
	return status;
Beispiel #4
static int
wordin_people( xml *node, fields *info, char *type )
	int ret = BIBL_OK;
	if ( xml_tagexact( node, "b:Author" ) && node->down ) {
		ret = wordin_people( node->down, info, type );
	} else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "b:NameList" ) && node->down ) {
		ret = wordin_people( node->down, info, type );
	} else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "b:Person" ) ) {
		if ( node->down ) ret = wordin_person( node->down, info, type );
		if ( ret!=BIBL_OK ) return ret;
		if ( node->next ) ret = wordin_people( node->next, info, type );
	return ret;
Beispiel #5
static int
medin_authorlist( xml *node, fields *info )
	int fstatus, status;
	newstr name;
	char *tag;
	newstr_init( &name );
	node = node->down;
	while ( node ) {
		if ( xml_tagexact( node, "Author" ) && node->down ) {
			status = medin_author( node->down, &name );
			tag = "AUTHOR";
			if ( !name.len ) {
				status = medin_corpauthor( node->down, &name );
				tag = "AUTHOR:CORP";
			if ( newstr_memerr( &name ) || status!=BIBL_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
			if ( name.len ) {
				fstatus = fields_add(info,tag,,0);
				if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
			newstr_empty( &name );
		node = node->next;
	newstr_free( &name );
	return BIBL_OK;
Beispiel #6
static int
medin_doconvert( xml *node, fields *info, xml_convert *c, int nc, int *found )
	int i, fstatus;
	char *d;
	*found = 0;
	if ( !xml_hasdata( node ) ) return BIBL_OK;
	d = xml_data( node );
	for ( i=0; i<nc && *found==0; ++i ) {
		if ( c[i].a==NULL ) {
			if ( xml_tagexact( node, c[i].in ) ) {
				*found = 1;
				fstatus = fields_add( info, c[i].out, d, c[i].level );
				if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		} else {
			if ( xml_tag_attrib( node, c[i].in, c[i].a, c[i].aval)){
				*found = 1;
				fstatus = fields_add( info, c[i].out, d, c[i].level );
				if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
	return BIBL_OK;
Beispiel #7
static int
xml_getencodingr( xml *node )
	newstr *s;
	int n = CHARSET_UNKNOWN, m;
	if ( xml_tagexact( node, "xml" ) ) {
		s = xml_getattrib( node, "encoding" );
		if ( s && s->data ) {
			if ( !strcasecmp( s->data, "UTF-8" ) ) 
			else n = get_charset( s->data );
			if ( n==CHARSET_UNKNOWN ) {
				fprintf( stderr, "Warning: did not recognize "
					"encoding '%s'\n", s->data );
        if ( node->down ) {
		m = xml_getencodingr( node->down );
		if ( m!=CHARSET_UNKNOWN ) n = m;
        if ( node->next ) {
		m = xml_getencodingr( node->next );
		if ( m!=CHARSET_UNKNOWN ) n = m;
	return n;
Beispiel #8
static int
medin_corpauthor( xml *node, newstr *name )
	if ( xml_tagexact( node, "CollectiveName" ) ) {
		newstr_strcpy( name, xml_data( node ) );
	} else if ( node->next ) medin_corpauthor( node->next, name );
	return BIBL_OK;
Beispiel #9
static int
medin_meshheadinglist( xml *node, fields *info )
	int status = BIBL_OK;
	if ( xml_tagexact( node, "MeshHeading" ) && node->down ) {
		status = medin_meshheading( node->down, info );
		if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
	if ( node->next ) status = medin_meshheadinglist( node->next, info );
	return status;
Beispiel #10
static int
wordin_assembleref( xml *node, fields *info )
	int ret = BIBL_OK;
	if ( xml_tagexact( node, "b:Source" ) ) {
		if ( node->down ) ret = wordin_reference( node->down, info );
	} else if ( node->tag->len==0 && node->down ) {
		ret = wordin_assembleref( node->down, info );
	return ret;
Beispiel #11
/* wordin_person_last()
 * From an xml list, extract the value from the first entry
 * of <b:Last>xxxx</b:Last> and copy into name
 * Additional <b:Last>yyyyy</b:Last> will be ignored.
 * Returns BIBL_ERR_MEMERR on memory error, BIBL_OK otherwise.
static int
wordin_person_last( xml *node, newstr *name )
	while ( node && !xml_tagexact( node, "b:Last" ) )
		node = node->next;
	if ( node && node->value->len ) {
		newstr_strcpy( name, node->value->data );
		if ( newstr_memerr( name ) ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
	return BIBL_OK;
Beispiel #12
static int
medin_medlinecitation( xml *node, fields *info )
	int fstatus, status = BIBL_OK;
	if ( xml_tagexact( node, "PMID" ) && node->value->data ) {
		fstatus = fields_add( info, "PMID", node->value->data, 0 );
		if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
	if ( node->down ) {
		if ( xml_tagexact( node, "Article" ) ) {
			status = medin_article( node->down, info );
		} else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "MedlineJournalInfo" ) ) {
			status = medin_journal2( node->down, info );
		} else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "MeshHeadingList" ) )
			status = medin_meshheadinglist( node->down, info );
		if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
	if ( node->next ) status = medin_medlinecitation( node->next, info );
	return status;
Beispiel #13
/* wordin_person_first()
 * From an xml list, extract the value of any
 * <b:First>xxxx</b:First> and append "|xxxx" to name.
 * Returns BIBL_ERR_MEMERR on memory error, BIBL_OK otherwise
static int
wordin_person_first( xml *node, newstr *name )
	for ( ; node; node=node->next ) {
		if ( !xml_tagexact( node, "b:First" ) ) continue;
		if ( node->value->len ) {
			if ( name->len ) newstr_addchar( name, '|' );
			newstr_strcat( name, node->value->data );
			if ( newstr_memerr( name ) ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
	return BIBL_OK;
Beispiel #14
/* <Journal>
 *    <ISSN>0027-8424</ISSN>
 *    <JournalIssue PrintYN="Y">
 *       <Volume>100</Volume>
 *       <Issue>21</Issue>
 *       <PubDate>
 *          <Year>2003</Year>
 *          <Month>Oct</Month>
 *          <Day>14</Day>
 *       </PubDate>
 *    </Journal Issue>
 * </Journal>
 * or....
 * <Journal>
 *    <ISSN IssnType="Print">0735-0414</ISSN>
 *    <JournalIssue CitedMedium="Print">
 *        <Volume>38</Volume>
 *        <Issue>1</Issue>
 *        <PubDate>
 *            <MedlineDate>2003 Jan-Feb</MedlineDate>
 *        </PubDate>
 *    </JournalIssue>
 *    <Title>Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire)  </Title>
 *    <ISOAbbreviation>Alcohol Alcohol.</ISOAbbreviation>
 * </Journal>
static int
medin_journal1( xml *node, fields *info )
	xml_convert c[] = {
		{ "Title",           NULL, NULL, "TITLE",      1 },
		{ "ISOAbbreviation", NULL, NULL, "SHORTTITLE", 1 },
		{ "ISSN",            NULL, NULL, "ISSN",       1 },
		{ "Volume",          NULL, NULL, "VOLUME",     1 },
		{ "Issue",           NULL, NULL, "ISSUE",      1 },
		{ "Year",            NULL, NULL, "PARTYEAR",   1 },
		{ "Month",           NULL, NULL, "PARTMONTH",  1 },
		{ "Day",             NULL, NULL, "PARTDAY",    1 },
	int nc = sizeof( c ) / sizeof( c[0] ), status, found;
	if ( xml_hasdata( node ) ) {
		status = medin_doconvert( node, info, c, nc, &found );
		if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
		if ( !found ) {
			if ( xml_tagexact( node, "MedlineDate" ) ) {
				status = medin_medlinedate( info, xml_data( node ), 1 );
				if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
			if ( xml_tagexact( node, "Language" ) ) {
				status = medin_language( node, info, 1 );
				if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
	if ( node->down ) {
		status = medin_journal1( node->down, info );
		if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
	if ( node->next ) {
		status = medin_journal1( node->next, info );
		if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
	return BIBL_OK;
Beispiel #15
/* <Pagination>
 *    <MedlinePgn>12111-6</MedlinePgn>
 * </Pagination>
static int
medin_pagination( xml *node, fields *info )
	int i, fstatus, status;
	newstr sp, ep;
	char *p, *pp;
	if ( xml_tagexact( node, "MedlinePgn" ) && node->value ) {
		newstrs_init( &sp, &ep, NULL );
		p = newstr_cpytodelim( &sp, xml_data( node ), "-", 1 );
		if ( newstr_memerr( &sp ) ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		if ( sp.len ) {
			fstatus = fields_add( info, "PAGESTART",, 1 );
			if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		p = newstr_cpytodelim( &ep, p, "", 0 );
		if ( newstr_memerr( &ep ) ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		if ( ep.len ) {
			if ( sp.len > ep.len ) {
				for ( i=sp.len-ep.len; i<sp.len; ++i )[i] =[i-sp.len+ep.len];
				pp =;
			} else  pp =;
			fstatus = fields_add( info, "PAGEEND", pp, 1 );
			if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		newstrs_free( &sp, &ep, NULL );
	if ( node->down ) {
		status = medin_pagination( node->down, info );
		if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
	if ( node->next ) {
		status = medin_pagination( node->next, info );
		if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
	return BIBL_OK;
Beispiel #16
static int
medin_article( xml *node, fields *info )
	int fstatus, status = BIBL_OK;
	if ( xml_tagexact( node, "Journal" ) )
		status = medin_journal1( node, info );
	else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "ArticleTitle" ) )
		status = medin_articletitle( node, info );
	else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "Pagination" ) && node->down )
		status = medin_pagination( node->down, info );
	else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "Abstract" ) && node->down )
		status = medin_abstract( node->down, info );
	else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "AuthorList" ) )
		status = medin_authorlist( node, info );
	else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "Language" ) )
		status = medin_language( node, info, 0 );
	else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "Affiliation" ) ) {
		fstatus = fields_add( info, "ADDRESS", xml_data( node ), 0 );
		if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
	if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
	if ( node->next ) status = medin_article( node->next, info );
	return BIBL_OK;
Beispiel #17
xml_tag_attrib( xml *node, char *s, char *attrib, char *value )
	if ( !xml_tagexact( node, s ) ) return 0;
	return xml_hasattrib( node, attrib, value );
Beispiel #18
static int
wordin_reference( xml *node, fields *info )
	int status, ret = BIBL_OK;
	if ( xml_hasdata( node ) ) {
		if ( xml_tagexact( node, "b:Tag" ) ) {
			status = fields_add( info, "REFNUM", xml_data( node ), 0 );
			if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) ret = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		} else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "b:SourceType" ) ) {
		} else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "b:City" ) ) {
			status = fields_add( info, "ADDRESS", xml_data( node ), 0 );
			if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) ret = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		} else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "b:Publisher" ) ) {
			status = fields_add( info, "PUBLISHER", xml_data( node ), 0 );
			if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) ret = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		} else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "b:Title" ) ) {
			status = fields_add( info, "TITLE", xml_data( node ), 0 );
			if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) ret = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		} else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "b:JournalName" ) ) {
			status = fields_add( info, "TITLE", xml_data( node ), 1 );
			if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) ret = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		} else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "b:Volume" ) ) {
			status = fields_add( info, "VOLUME", xml_data( node ), 1 );
			if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) ret = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		} else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "b:Comments" ) ) {
			status = fields_add( info, "NOTES", xml_data( node ), 0 );
			if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) ret = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		} else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "b:Pages" ) ) {
			ret = wordin_pages( node, info );
		} else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "b:Author" ) && node->down ) {
			ret = wordin_people( node->down, info, "AUTHOR" );
		} else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "b:Editor" ) && node->down ) {
			ret = wordin_people( node->down, info, "EDITOR" );
	if ( ret==BIBL_OK && node->next ) wordin_reference( node->next, info );
	return ret;
Beispiel #19
xml_tagwithdata( xml *node, char *tag )
	if ( !xml_hasdata( node ) ) return 0;
	return xml_tagexact( node, tag );