Beispiel #1
FRAGMENT(JSString, simple) {
  AutoSuppressHazardsForTest noanalysis;

  JS::Rooted<JSString*> empty(cx, JS_NewStringCopyN(cx, nullptr, 0));
  JS::Rooted<JSString*> x(cx, JS_NewStringCopyN(cx, "x", 1));
  JS::Rooted<JSString*> z(cx, JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, "z"));

  // I expect this will be a non-inlined string.
  JS::Rooted<JSString*> stars(cx,

  // This may well be an inlined string.
  JS::Rooted<JSString*> xz(cx, JS_ConcatStrings(cx, x, z));

  // This will probably be a rope.
  JS::Rooted<JSString*> doubleStars(cx, JS_ConcatStrings(cx, stars, stars));

  // Ensure we're not confused by typedefs for pointer types.
  JSString* xRaw = x;


FRAGMENT(JSString, simple) {
  js::Rooted<JSString *> empty(cx, JS_NewStringCopyN(cx, NULL, 0));
  js::Rooted<JSString *> x(cx, JS_NewStringCopyN(cx, "x", 1));
  js::Rooted<JSString *> z(cx, JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, "z"));

  // I expect this will be a non-inlined string.
  js::Rooted<JSString *> stars(cx, JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx,

  // This may well be an inlined string.
  js::Rooted<JSString *> xz(cx, JS_ConcatStrings(cx, x, z));

  // This will probably be a rope.
  js::Rooted<JSString *> doubleStars(cx, JS_ConcatStrings(cx, stars, stars));


  (void) empty;
  (void) x;
  (void) z;
  (void) stars;
  (void) xz;
  (void) doubleStars;
void fun()
    int i,f,g;
Beispiel #4
	double Face::getArea()
		wcl::Vector p1 = v1->position;
		wcl::Vector p2 = v2->position;
		wcl::Vector p3 = v3->position;

		wcl::Vector xy(p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1], p2[2] - p1[2]);
		wcl::Vector xz(p3[0] - p1[0], p3[1] - p1[1], p3[2] - p1[2]);

		double a = fabs((p1 - p2).normal());
		double c = fabs((p1 - p3).normal());
		double b = xy.angle(xz);

		return (a * c * sin(b)) / 2.0;
void PlayerCameraOgre::onRightButtonPressed()
	if (!mRightButtonPressedLastFrame)
		mMousePosLastFrame = mMouse->getPosition();

	mp::Vector2i diff = mMouse->getPosition() - mMousePosLastFrame;
	const mp::Vector3f &playerPos = mPlayer->model()->getPosition();
	Ogre::Vector3 pivotPoint(playerPos.getX(), playerPos.getY() + mPivotHeight, playerPos.getZ());
	float yaw = (float)diff.getX() * CAMERA_SPEED;
	float pitch = (float)-diff.getY() * CAMERA_SPEED;

	Ogre::Quaternion yawQuat;
	yawQuat.FromAngleAxis(Ogre::Radian(yaw), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y);
	Ogre::Matrix3 yawMat;

	Ogre::Vector3 pivotToPos = Ogre::Vector3(mRealPosition.getX(), mRealPosition.getY(), mRealPosition.getZ()) - pivotPoint;
	Ogre::Matrix4 pos(1, 0, 0, pivotToPos.x,
		0, 1, 0, pivotToPos.y,
		0, 0, 1, pivotToPos.z,
		0, 0, 0, 1);

	Ogre::Vector3 xz(pivotToPos.x, 0, pivotToPos.z);
	Ogre::Vector3 norm(-xz.z, 0, xz.x);
	Ogre::Quaternion pitchQuat;
	pitchQuat.FromAngleAxis(Ogre::Radian(pitch), norm);
	Ogre::Matrix3 pitchMat;

	Ogre::Matrix4 toPivot(1, 0, 0, pivotPoint.x,
		0, 1, 0, pivotPoint.y,
		0, 0, 1, pivotPoint.z,
		0, 0, 0, 1);

	Ogre::Matrix4 newPosMat = pos * pitchMat * yawMat * toPivot;
	newPosMat = newPosMat.inverse();
	Ogre::Vector3 newPos = newPosMat.getTrans();
	mRealPosition.set(-newPos.x, -newPos.y, -newPos.z);
	lookAt(pivotPoint.x, pivotPoint.y, pivotPoint.z);


	mMousePosLastFrame = mMouse->getPosition();
	mRightButtonPressedLastFrame = true;
void ExtendedKalman::correct(const Matrix& Z) {
	Matrix K = P;
	Matrix H(7,7);
	getH(H, X);
		K.dotSelf(H, true);
		K.dotSelf(H);// H=H.T
		Matrix R(7,7);
		K += R;

	K.dotSelf(H, true).dotSelf(P, true); // H.T

	// K = (P * H.T * (H * P * H.T)^-1)

		Matrix xz(X);
		xz.dotSelf(H.transpose(), true);// H = H.T.T (transpose back)
		xz -= Z;
		xz *= -1;
		xz.dotSelf(K, true);
		X += xz;
		// X = X + K * (Z - H * X)
	K.dotSelf(H); // H
	K -= Matrix::identity(getN());
	K *= -1;
	P.dotSelf(K, true);
	// P = (I - K * H) * P

void MelSpectrogram_drawTriangularFilterFunctions (MelSpectrogram me, Graphics g, bool xIsHertz, int fromFilter, int toFilter, double zmin, double zmax, bool yscale_dB, double ymin, double ymax, int garnish) {
	double xmin = zmin, xmax = zmax;
	if (zmin >= zmax) {
		zmin = my ymin; zmax = my ymax; // mel
		xmin = xIsHertz ? my v_frequencyToHertz (zmin) : zmin;
		xmax = xIsHertz ? my v_frequencyToHertz (zmax) : zmax;
	if (xIsHertz) {
		zmin = my v_hertzToFrequency (xmin); zmax = my v_hertzToFrequency (xmax);

	if (ymin >= ymax) {
		ymin = yscale_dB ? -60 : 0;
		ymax = yscale_dB ? 0 : 1;
	fromFilter = fromFilter <= 0 ? 1 : fromFilter;
	toFilter = toFilter <= 0 || toFilter > my ny ? my ny : toFilter;
	if (fromFilter > toFilter) {
		fromFilter = 1; toFilter = my ny;
	long n = xIsHertz ? 1000 : 500;
	autoNUMvector<double> xz (1, n), xhz (1,n), y (1, n);

	Graphics_setInner (g);
	Graphics_setWindow (g, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
	double dz = (zmax - zmin) / (n - 1);
	for (long iz = 1; iz <= n; iz++) {
		double f = zmin + (iz - 1) * dz;
		xz[iz] = f;
		xhz[iz] = my v_frequencyToHertz (f); // just in case we need the linear scale
	for (long ifilter = fromFilter; ifilter <= toFilter; ifilter++) {
		double zc = Matrix_rowToY (me, ifilter), zl = zc - my dy, zh = zc + my dy;
		double xo1, yo1, xo2, yo2;
		if (yscale_dB) {
			for (long iz = 1; iz <= n; iz++) {
				double z = xz[iz];
				double amp = NUMtriangularfilter_amplitude (zl, zc, zh, z);
				y[iz] = yscale_dB ? (amp > 0 ? 20 * log10 (amp) : ymin - 10) : amp;
			double x1 = xIsHertz ? xhz[1] : xz[1], y1 = y[1];
			if (NUMdefined (y1)) {
				for (long iz = 1; iz <= n; iz++) {
					double x2 = xIsHertz ? xhz[iz] : xz[iz], y2 = y[iz];
					if (NUMdefined (y2)) {
						if (NUMclipLineWithinRectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, &xo1, &yo1, &xo2, &yo2)) {
							Graphics_line (g, xo1, yo1, xo2, yo2);
					x1 = x2; y1 = y2;
		} else {
			double x1 = xIsHertz ? my v_frequencyToHertz (zl) : zl;
			double x2 = xIsHertz ? my v_frequencyToHertz (zc) : zc;
			if (NUMclipLineWithinRectangle (x1, 0, x2, 1, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, &xo1, &yo1, &xo2, &yo2)) {
				Graphics_line (g, xo1, yo1, xo2, yo2);
			double x3 = xIsHertz ? my v_frequencyToHertz (zh) : zh;
			if (NUMclipLineWithinRectangle (x2, 1, x3, 0, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, &xo1, &yo1, &xo2, &yo2)) {
				Graphics_line (g, xo1, yo1, xo2, yo2);

	Graphics_unsetInner (g);

	if (garnish) {
		Graphics_drawInnerBox (g);
		Graphics_marksBottom (g, 2, 1, 1, 0);
		Graphics_marksLeftEvery (g, 1, yscale_dB ? 10 : 0.5, 1, 1, 0);
		Graphics_textLeft (g, 1, yscale_dB ? U"Amplitude (dB)" : U"Amplitude");
		Graphics_textBottom (g, 1, Melder_cat (U"Frequency (", ( xIsHertz ? U"Hz" : my v_getFrequencyUnit () ), U")"));
void BarkSpectrogram_drawSekeyHansonFilterFunctions (BarkSpectrogram me, Graphics g, bool xIsHertz, int fromFilter, int toFilter, double zmin, double zmax, bool yscale_dB, double ymin, double ymax, int garnish) {
	double xmin = zmin, xmax = zmax;
	if (zmin >= zmax) {
		zmin = my ymin; zmax = my ymax;
		xmin = xIsHertz ? my v_frequencyToHertz (zmin) : zmin;
		xmax = xIsHertz ? my v_frequencyToHertz (zmax) : zmax;
	if (xIsHertz) {
		zmin = my v_hertzToFrequency (xmin); zmax = my v_hertzToFrequency (xmax);
	if (ymin >= ymax) {
		ymin = yscale_dB ? -60 : 0;
		ymax = yscale_dB ? 0 : 1;
	fromFilter = fromFilter <= 0 ? 1 : fromFilter;
	toFilter = toFilter <= 0 || toFilter > my ny ? my ny : toFilter;
	if (fromFilter > toFilter) {
		fromFilter = 1; toFilter = my ny;
	long n = xIsHertz ? 1000 : 500;
	autoNUMvector<double> xz (1, n), xhz (1,n), y (1, n);

	Graphics_setInner (g);
	Graphics_setWindow (g, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);

	double dz = (zmax - zmin) / (n - 1);
	for (long iz = 1; iz <= n; iz++) {
		double f = zmin + (iz - 1) * dz;
		xz[iz] = f;
		xhz[iz] = my v_frequencyToHertz (f); // just in case we need the linear scale
	for (long ifilter = fromFilter; ifilter <= toFilter; ifilter++) {
		double zMid = Matrix_rowToY (me, ifilter);
		for (long iz = 1; iz <= n; iz++) {
			double z = xz[iz] - (zMid - 0.215);
			double amp = 7 - 7.5 * z - 17.5 * sqrt (0.196 + z * z);
			y[iz] = yscale_dB ? amp : pow (10, amp / 10);
		// the drawing
		double x1 = xIsHertz ? xhz[1] : xz[1], y1 = y[1];
		for (long iz = 2; iz <= n; iz++) {
			double x2 = xIsHertz ? xhz[iz] : xz[iz], y2 = y[iz];
			if (NUMdefined (x1) && NUMdefined (x2)) {
				double xo1, yo1, xo2, yo2;
				if (NUMclipLineWithinRectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, &xo1, &yo1, &xo2, &yo2)) {
					Graphics_line (g, xo1, yo1, xo2, yo2);
			x1 = x2; y1 = y2;
	Graphics_unsetInner (g);

	if (garnish) {
		double distance = yscale_dB ? 10 : 0.5;
		Graphics_drawInnerBox (g);
		Graphics_marksBottom (g, 2, 1, 1, 0);
		Graphics_marksLeftEvery (g, 1, distance, 1, 1, 0);
		Graphics_textLeft (g, 1, yscale_dB ? U"Amplitude (dB)" : U"Amplitude");
		Graphics_textBottom (g, 1, Melder_cat (U"Frequency (", xIsHertz ? U"Hz" : my v_getFrequencyUnit (), U")"));
Beispiel #9
 Cir Frame::icxz() const { return Ro::round( bound(), xz() ); }     ///< xz circle (imaginary, direct)
Beispiel #10
 Cir Frame::cxz() const { return Ro::round( ibound(), xz() ); }     ///< xz circle (real, direct)