Beispiel #1
int main()
    int T;
    scanf("%d", &T);
    assert(1 <= T && T <= MAXT);

    for (int cas = 1; cas <= T; ++cas) {
        printf("Testing case %d ..\n", cas);
        scanf("%lf", &t);

        assert(0.0 + EPS < t && t < MAXVAL - EPS);

        bool Sgn = yp(t) > 0.0;

        for (double x = t - DELTA, X = t + DELTA; x < X; x += DELTAINC) {
            double deriv = yp(x);
            bool sgn = deriv > 0.0;

            assert(! eps_equal(deriv, 0.0));
            assert(sgn == Sgn);


    return 0;
Beispiel #2
    osg::Vec3Array* vAry = dynamic_cast<osg::Vec3Array*>( getVertexArray() );

    osg::Vec3Array* nAry = dynamic_cast<osg::Vec3Array*>( getNormalArray() );
    setNormalBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

    osg::Vec4Array* cAry = dynamic_cast<osg::Vec4Array*>( getColorArray() );
    setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

    osg::Vec3 xp( 1, 0, 0);   osg::Vec4 red(1,0,0,1);
    osg::Vec3 xn(-1, 0, 0);   osg::Vec4 cyan(0,1,1,1);
    osg::Vec3 yp( 0, 1, 0);   osg::Vec4 green(0,1,0,1);
    osg::Vec3 yn( 0,-1, 0);   osg::Vec4 magenta(1,0,1,1);
    osg::Vec3 zp( 0, 0, 1);   osg::Vec4 blue(0,0,1,1);
    osg::Vec3 zn( 0, 0,-1);   osg::Vec4 yellow(1,1,0,1);

    vAry->push_back(zp); nAry->push_back(zp); cAry->push_back(blue);
    vAry->push_back(yp); nAry->push_back(yp); cAry->push_back(green);
    vAry->push_back(xn); nAry->push_back(xn); cAry->push_back(cyan);
    vAry->push_back(zn); nAry->push_back(zn); cAry->push_back(yellow);
    vAry->push_back(yn); nAry->push_back(yn); cAry->push_back(magenta);
    vAry->push_back(xp); nAry->push_back(xp); cAry->push_back(red);
    vAry->push_back(zp); nAry->push_back(zp); cAry->push_back(blue);
    vAry->push_back(yp); nAry->push_back(yp); cAry->push_back(green);

    addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, vAry->size() ) );
Beispiel #3
          data__ operator()(xit__ x, yit__ yb, yit__ ye) const
            xit__ xp(x);
            yit__ y(yb), yp(yb);
            data__ rtnval(0);

            for (++x, ++y; y!=ye; ++x, ++xp, ++y, ++yp)

            return rtnval;
Beispiel #4
void game_tick( GameThreadSockets & gsockets, GameState & gs, SharedRenderState & srs, unsigned int now ) {
  Ogre::Quaternion o;
  uint8_t b;
  zstr_send( gsockets.zmq_input_req, "mouse_state" );
  char * mouse_state = zstr_recv( gsockets.zmq_input_req );
  parse_mouse_state( mouse_state, o, b );
  free( mouse_state );

  uint8_t w, a, s, d, spc, alt;
  zstr_send( gsockets.zmq_input_req, "kb_state" );
  char * kb_state = zstr_recv( gsockets.zmq_input_req );
  parse_kb_state( kb_state, w, a, s, d, spc, alt );
  free( kb_state );

  // yaw 0 looks towards -Z
  float yaw = o.getYaw().valueRadians();
  Ogre::Vector3 xp( cosf( yaw ), 0.0, -sinf( yaw ) );
  Ogre::Vector3 yp( -sinf( yaw ), 0.0, -cosf( yaw ) );

  float speed = 10.0f;
  if ( w ) {
    srs.position += speed * yp;
  if ( s ) {
    srs.position -= speed * yp;
  if ( a ) {
    srs.position -= speed * xp;
  if ( d ) {
    srs.position += speed * xp;
  if ( spc ) {
    srs.position[1] += speed;
  if ( alt ) {
    srs.position[1] -= speed;
Beispiel #5
    setOverallColor( osg::Vec4(0,1,0,1) );

    osg::Vec3 a0(  1,  1,  1 );
    osg::Vec3 a1(  1,  1, -1 );
    osg::Vec3 a2(  1, -1,  1 );
    osg::Vec3 a3(  1, -1, -1 );
    osg::Vec3 a4( -1,  1,  1 );
    osg::Vec3 a5( -1,  1, -1 );
    osg::Vec3 a6( -1, -1,  1 );
    osg::Vec3 a7( -1, -1, -1 );

    osg::Vec3 xp(  2,  0,  0 );
    osg::Vec3 xn( -2,  0,  0 );
    osg::Vec3 yp(  0,  2,  0 );
    osg::Vec3 yn(  0, -2,  0 );
    osg::Vec3 zp(  0,  0,  2 );
    osg::Vec3 zn(  0,  0, -2 );

    addTristrip( yp, a0, a1, xp );
    addTristrip( xp, a2, a3, yn );
    addTristrip( yn, a6, a7, xn );
    addTristrip( xn, a4, a5, yp );

    addTristrip( zp, a0, a4, yp );
    addTristrip( yp, a1, a5, zn );
    addTristrip( zn, a3, a7, yn );
    addTristrip( yn, a2, a6, zp );

    addTristrip( xp, a0, a2, zp );
    addTristrip( zp, a4, a6, xn );
    addTristrip( xn, a5, a7, zn );
    addTristrip( zn, a1, a3, xp );

    osgToy::FacetingVisitor::facet( *this );
Beispiel #6
  RealVectorValue xp, yp, zp;
  xp = _current_elem->point(1) - _current_elem->point(0);
  switch (_material_type)
    case 1:
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        yp(i) = 0.0;
      if (std::fabs(xp(0)) > 0.0 && std::fabs(xp(1)) + std::fabs(xp(2)) < DBL_MIN)
        yp(2) = 1.0;
      else if (std::fabs(xp(1)) > 0.0 && std::fabs(xp(0)) + std::fabs(xp(2)) < DBL_MIN)
        yp(0) = 1.0;
      else if (std::fabs(xp(2)) > 0.0 && std::fabs(xp(0)) + std::fabs(xp(1)) < DBL_MIN)
        yp(1) = 1.0;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
          if (std::fabs(xp(i)) > 0.0)
            yp(i) = -xp(i);
    case 2:
      yp = _current_elem->point(2) - _current_elem->point(1);
    case 3:
  zp = xp.cross(yp);
  yp = zp.cross(xp);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    (_rotation_matrix)(i, 0) = xp(i) / xp.norm();
    (_rotation_matrix)(i, 1) = yp(i) / yp.norm();
    (_rotation_matrix)(i, 2) = zp(i) / zp.norm();
vpHomogeneousMatrix DoorHandleDetectionNode::createTFPlane(const vpColVector coeffs, const double x, const double y, const double z)
  vpColVector xp(3);
  vpColVector yp(3);
  vpColVector normal(3);
  vpRotationMatrix dRp;
  vpTranslationVector P0;
  vpHomogeneousMatrix dMp;
  geometry_msgs::Pose dMp_msg;
  tf::Transform transform;
  static tf::TransformBroadcaster br;

  //Create a normal to the plan from the coefficients
  normal[0] = -coeffs[0];
  normal[1] = -coeffs[1];
  normal[2] = -coeffs[2];


  //Create a xp vector that is following the equation of the plane
  xp[0] = - (coeffs[1]*y + coeffs[2]*(z+0.05) + coeffs[3]) / (coeffs[0]) - x;
  xp[1] = 0;
  xp[2] = 0.05;
  //Create a yp vector with the normal and xp
  yp = vpColVector::cross(normal,xp);

  //Create the Rotation Matrix
  dRp[0][0] = xp[0];
  dRp[1][0] = xp[1];
  dRp[2][0] = xp[2];
  dRp[0][1] = yp[0];
  dRp[1][1] = yp[1];
  dRp[2][1] = yp[2];
  dRp[0][2] = normal[0];
  dRp[1][2] = normal[1];
  dRp[2][2] = normal[2];

  transform.setOrigin( tf::Vector3(x, y, z) );

  //Calculate the z0 for the translation vector
  double z0 = -(coeffs[0]*x + coeffs[1]*y + coeffs[3])/(coeffs[2]);

  //Create the translation Vector
  P0 = vpTranslationVector(x, y, z0);

  //Create the homogeneous Matrix
  dMp = vpHomogeneousMatrix(P0, dRp);

  //Publish the tf of the plane
  dMp_msg = visp_bridge::toGeometryMsgsPose(dMp);
  tf::Quaternion q;
  br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time::now(), m_parent_depth_tf, "tf_plane"));

  return dMp;
		   Calculate interpolation coefficients for Monotone splines
	Matrix<double> setupSplineMonotoneSpline(const Vector<double>& x,
																const Vector<double>& y) {

		// these are the interpolation coefficients
		// y(x, x_i-1<x<x_i) = _ai (x - x_i)^3 + _bi (x - x_i)^2
		//							+ _ci (x - x_i) + _di
		const unsigned int n = x.size();
		Matrix<double> interp_coeffs(4, n - 1);

	  // initialize x-grid step sizes and slopes.
	  Vector<double> h(n - 1);
	  Vector<double> s(n - 1);
	  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
		   h(i) = x(i + 1) - x(i);
		   s(i) = (y(i + 1) - y(i)) / h(i);

	  if (n > 2) {

		   Vector<double> p(n);
		   p(0) = 0.0;
		   p(n - 1) = 0.0;
		   for (unsigned int i = 1; i < n - 1; ++i)
		       p(i) = (s(i - 1) * h(i) + s(i) * h(i - 1)) / (h(i - 1) + h(i));

		   Vector<double> yp(n);

		   for (unsigned int i = 1; i < n - 1; ++i) {

		       double s1 = abs(s(i - 1));
		       double s2 = abs(s(i));

		       if (s(i - 1) * s(i) <= 0.0) {
		           yp(i) = 0.0;
		       } else if ((abs(p(i)) > 2.0 * s1) ||
		               (abs(p(i)) > 2.0 * s2)) {
		           double a = (s1 > 0.0) - (s1 < 0.0); //sign function.
		           yp(i) = 2.0 * a * min(s1, s2);
		       } else {
		           yp(i) = p(i);


		   // second derivative at extreme points equal
			// to zero boundary condition.
		   yp(0) = 1.5 * s(0) - 0.5 * yp(1);
		   yp(n - 1) = 1.5 * s(n - 2) - 0.5 * yp(n - 3);

		   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
		       interp_coeffs(3, i) = (yp(i) + yp(i + 1) - 2.0 * s(i))
											/ (h(i) * h(i));
		       interp_coeffs(2, i) = (3.0 * s(i) - 2.0 * yp(i) - yp(i + 1))
											/ h(i);
		       interp_coeffs(1, i) = yp(i);
		       interp_coeffs(0, i) = y(i);

	  } else {

		   // in this case, with second derivative at extreme points equal to zero,
		   // the solution will be just the linear interpolation.

		   interp_coeffs(3, 0) = 0.0;
		   interp_coeffs(3, 1) = 0.0;
		   interp_coeffs(2, 0) = 0.0;
		   interp_coeffs(2, 1) = 0.0;
		   interp_coeffs(1, 0) = s(0);
		   interp_coeffs(1, 1) = s(1);
		   interp_coeffs(0, 0) = y(0);
		   interp_coeffs(0, 1) = y(1);


	  return interp_coeffs;

void RungeKuttaFehlberg::Integrate 
        (void (*Model)(double t, const Vector &y, Vector &yp),
         Vector &y, 
         double &t, double &tout, 
         double relerr, double abserr,
         int &iflag, int maxnfe)
    // Get machine epsilon
    const double eps = DBL_EPSILON,
                 u26 = 26*eps;
    // remin is the minimum acceptable value of relerr. Attempts
    // to obtain higher accuracy with this subroutine are usually
    // very expensive and often unsuccessful.

    const double remin = 1e-12;

    // The expense is controlled by restricting the number
    // of function evaluations to be approximately maxnfe.
    // The default value of maxnfe = 3000 corresponds to about 500 steps.

    int mflag = abs(iflag);

    // input check parameters

    if (y.Elements() < 1 || relerr < 0.0 || abserr < 0.0 ||  mflag == 0  
        || mflag > InvalidParameters 
        || ((t == tout) && (kflag != SmallRelErrorBound))) {
        iflag = InvalidParameters;

    double dt,rer,scale,hmin,eeoet,ee,et,esttol,s,ae,tol = 0;
    int output, hfaild, k;

    // references for convenience

    Vector &yp = Work[0],
           &f1 = Work[1],
           &ss = Work[norder+1];

    int lo = y.Lo(), hi = y.Hi();
    int gflag = 0;
    if (iflag == SmallRelErrorBound
        || (mflag == NormalStep && (init == 0 || kflag == NormalStep))) {
        gflag = Start;
        goto next;

    if (iflag == TooManyIterations 
        || (kflag == TooManyIterations && mflag == NormalStep)) {
        nfe = 0;
        if (mflag != NormalStep) gflag = Start;
        goto next;
    if ((kflag == SmallAbsErrorBound && abserr == 0.0)
        || (kflag == MinimumStepReached && relerr < savre && abserr < savae)) {
        iflag = UnsolvableProblem;

    if (gflag) {
        iflag = jflag;
        if (kflag == SmallRelErrorBound) mflag = abs(iflag);

    jflag = iflag;
    kflag = 0;
    savre = relerr;
    savae = abserr;
    // Restrict relative error tolerance to be at least as large as
    // 2*eps+remin to avoid limiting precision difficulties arising
    // from impossible accuracy requests

    rer = 2 * eps + remin;

    // Relative error tolerance is too small

    if (relerr < rer) {
        relerr = rer;
        iflag = kflag = SmallRelErrorBound;
    gflag = 0;
    dt = tout - t;

    if (mflag == Start) {

        // Initialization
        // Set initialization completion indicator, init
        // Set indicator for too many output points,kop
        // Evaluate initial derivatives
        // Set counter for function evaluations,nfe
        // Estimate starting stepsize

        init = 0;
        kop = 0;
        gflag = Start;
        Model(t,y,yp);  // call function
        nfe = 1;
        if (t == tout) {
            iflag = NormalStep;

    if (init == 0 || gflag) {
        init = 1;
        h = fabs(dt);
        double ypk;
        for (int k = lo; k <= hi; k++) {
            tol = relerr * fabs(y(k)) + abserr;
            if (tol > 0.0) {
                ypk = fabs(yp(k));
                if (ypk * pow(h,order) > tol)
                    h = pow(tol/ypk,iorder);

        if (tol <= 0.0) h = 0.0;
        ypk = MpMax(fabs(dt),fabs(t));
        h = MpMax(h, u26 * ypk);
        jflag = CopySign((int)NormalStep,iflag);

    // Set stepsize for integration in the direction from t to tout

    h = CopySign(h,dt);

    // Test to see if this routine is being severely impacted by too many
    // output points

    if (fabs(h) >= 2*fabs(dt)) kop++;

    if (kop == 100) {
        kop = 0;
        iflag = TooManyCalls;

    if (fabs(dt) <= u26 * fabs(t)) {

        // If too close to output point,extrapolate and return

        for (int k = lo; k <= hi; k++)
            y(k) += dt * yp(k);

        t = tout;
        iflag = NormalStep;

    // Initialize output point indicator

    output = false;

    // To avoid premature underflow in the error tolerance function,
    // scale the error tolerances

    scale = 2.0 / relerr;
    ae = scale * abserr; 

    // Step by step integration - as an endless loop over steps

    for (;;) { 

        hfaild = 0;

        // Set smallest allowable stepsize

        hmin = u26 * fabs(t);

        // Adjust stepsize if necessary to hit the output point.
        // Look ahead two steps to avoid drastic changes in the stepsize and
        // thus lessen the impact of output points on the code.

        dt = tout - t;
        if (fabs(dt) < 2 * fabs(h)) {
            if (fabs(dt) <= fabs(h)) {

                // The next successful step will complete the 
                // integration to the output point

                output = true;
                h = dt;
            } else
                h = 0.5 * dt;

        // Core integrator for taking a single step
        // The tolerances have been scaled to avoid premature underflow in
        // computing the error tolerance function et.
        // To avoid problems with zero crossings, relative error is measured
        // using the average of the magnitudes of the solution at the
        // beginning and end of a step.
        // The error estimate formula has been grouped to control loss of
        // significance.
        // To distinguish the various arguments, h is not permitted
        // to become smaller than 26 units of roundoff in t.
        // Practical limits on the change in the stepsize are enforced to
        // smooth the stepsize selection process and to avoid excessive
        // chattering on problems having discontinuities.
        // To prevent unnecessary failures, the code uses 9/10 the stepsize
        // it estimates will succeed.
        // After a step failure, the stepsize is not allowed to increase for
        // the next attempted step. This makes the code more efficient on
        // problems having discontinuities and more effective in general
        // since local extrapolation is being used and extra caution seems
        // warranted.
        // Test number of derivative function evaluations.
        // If okay,try to advance the integration from t to t+h
        if (nfe > maxnfe) {

            // Too much work

            iflag = kflag = TooManyIterations;

        // Advance an approximate solution over one step of length h

        for (int i = lo; i <= hi; i++) f1(i) = ss(i);
        nfe += norder;

        // Compute and test allowable tolerances versus local error estimates
        // and remove scaling of tolerances. note that relative error is
        // measured with respect to the average of the magnitudes of the
        // solution at the beginning and end of the step.
        eeoet = 0.0;
        for (k = lo; k <= hi; k++) {

            et = fabs(y(k)) + fabs(f1(k)) + ae;

            // Inappropriate error tolerance

            if (et <= 0.0) {
                iflag = SmallAbsErrorBound;
            ee = fabs( ErrorTerm(k) );
            eeoet = MpMax(eeoet,ee/et);
        esttol = fabs(h) * eeoet * scale;
        if (esttol > 1.0) {

            // Unsuccessful step
            // Reduce the stepsize , try again
            // The decrease is limited to a factor of 1/10

            hfaild = true;
            output = false;
            s = 0.1;
            if (esttol < crit) s = 0.9 / pow(esttol,iorder);
            h *= s;
            if (fabs(h) > hmin) goto step; // loop

            // Requested error unattainable at smallest allowable stepsize

            iflag = kflag = MinimumStepReached;

        // Successful step
        // Store solution at t+h and evaluate derivatives there

        t += h;
        for (k = lo; k <= hi; k++) y(k) = f1(k);


        // Choose next stepsize
        // The increase is limited to a factor of 5
        // if step failure has just occurred, next
        // stepsize is not allowed to increase
        s = 5.0;
        if (esttol > criti) s = 0.9 / pow(esttol,iorder);
        if (hfaild) s = MpMin(1.0,s);
        h = CopySign(MpMax(hmin,s*fabs(h)),h);
        // End of core integrator

        if (output) {
            t = tout;
            iflag = NormalStep;

        if (iflag <= 0) {

             // one-step mode

            iflag = SingleStep;
    } // for (;;)
Beispiel #10
int Sphere::Triangulate(float3 *outPos, float3 *outNormal, float2 *outUV, int numVertices, bool ccwIsFrontFacing) const
	assume(numVertices >= 24 && "At minimum, sphere triangulation will contain at least 8 triangles, which is 24 vertices, but fewer were specified!");
	assume(numVertices % 3 == 0 && "Warning:: The size of output should be divisible by 3 (each triangle takes up 3 vertices!)");

	if (!outPos)
		return 0;
	assume(this->r > 0.f);

	if (numVertices < 24)
		return 0;

	std::vector<Triangle> temp;
	Array<Triangle> temp;
	// Start subdividing from a diamond shape.
	float3 xp(r,0,0);
	float3 xn(-r,0,0);
	float3 yp(0,r,0);
	float3 yn(0,-r,0);
	float3 zp(0,0,r);
	float3 zn(0,0,-r);

	if (ccwIsFrontFacing)

	int oldEnd = 0;
	while(((int)temp.size()-oldEnd+3)*3 <= numVertices)
		Triangle cur = temp[oldEnd];
		float3 a = ((cur.a + cur.b) * 0.5f).ScaledToLength(this->r);
		float3 b = ((cur.a + cur.c) * 0.5f).ScaledToLength(this->r);
		float3 c = ((cur.b + cur.c) * 0.5f).ScaledToLength(this->r);

		temp.push_back(Triangle(cur.a, a, b));
		temp.push_back(Triangle(cur.b, c, a));
		temp.push_back(Triangle(cur.c, b, c));
		temp.push_back(Triangle(a, c, b));

	// Check that we really did tessellate as many new triangles as possible.
	assert(((int)temp.size()-oldEnd)*3 <= numVertices && ((int)temp.size()-oldEnd)*3 + 9 > numVertices);

	for(size_t i = oldEnd, j = 0; i < temp.size(); ++i, ++j)
		outPos[3*j] = this->pos + temp[i].a;
		outPos[3*j+1] = this->pos + temp[i].b;
		outPos[3*j+2] = this->pos + temp[i].c;

	if (outNormal)
		for(size_t i = oldEnd, j = 0; i < temp.size(); ++i, ++j)
			outNormal[3*j] = temp[i].a.Normalized();
			outNormal[3*j+1] = temp[i].b.Normalized();
			outNormal[3*j+2] = temp[i].c.Normalized();

	if (outUV)
		for(size_t i = oldEnd, j = 0; i < temp.size(); ++i, ++j)
			outUV[3*j] = float2(atan2(temp[i].a.y, temp[i].a.x) / (2.f * 3.141592654f) + 0.5f, (temp[i].a.z + r) / (2.f * r));
			outUV[3*j+1] = float2(atan2(temp[i].b.y, temp[i].b.x) / (2.f * 3.141592654f) + 0.5f, (temp[i].b.z + r) / (2.f * r));
			outUV[3*j+2] = float2(atan2(temp[i].c.y, temp[i].c.x) / (2.f * 3.141592654f) + 0.5f, (temp[i].c.z + r) / (2.f * r));

	return ((int)temp.size() - oldEnd) * 3;
Beispiel #11
void MG_poseReader::draw( M3dView & view, const MDagPath & path, 
							 M3dView::DisplayStyle dispStyle,
							 M3dView::DisplayStatus status )
	MPlug sizeP (thisMObject(),size);
	double sizeV;

	MPlug poseMatrixP (thisMObject(),poseMatrix);
	MObject poseMatrixData;
	MFnMatrixData matrixFn(poseMatrixData);
	MMatrix poseMatrixV =matrixFn.matrix();

	MPlug readerMatrixP (thisMObject(),readerMatrix);
	MObject readerMatrixData;

	MMatrix readerMatrixV =matrixFn.matrix();

	MMatrix poseMatrixFix =poseMatrixV*readerMatrixV.inverse();

	MPlug aimAxisP  (thisMObject(),aimAxis);
	int aimAxisV;
	MVector aimBall;

	MPlug readerOnOffP(thisMObject(),readerOnOff);
	MPlug axisOnOffP(thisMObject(),axisOnOff);
	MPlug poseOnOffP(thisMObject(),poseOnOff);

	double readerOnOffV;
	double axisOnOffV;
	double poseOnOffV;


	MPlug xPositiveP  (thisMObject(),xPositive);
	MPlug xNegativeP  (thisMObject(),xNegative);

	double xPositiveV;
	double xNegativeV;


	double xColor = xPositiveV;
	if (xPositiveV==0)


	MPlug yPositiveP  (thisMObject(),yPositive);
	MPlug yNegativeP  (thisMObject(),yNegative);

	double yPositiveV;
	double yNegativeV;


	double yColor = yPositiveV;
	if (yPositiveV==0)


	MPlug zPositiveP  (thisMObject(),zPositive);
	MPlug zNegativeP  (thisMObject(),zNegative);

	double zPositiveV;
	double zNegativeV;


	double zColor = zPositiveV;
	if (zPositiveV==0)


		if (aimAxisV==0)
		else if (aimAxisV==1)

	// Initialize opengl and draw
	glPushAttrib( GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS );
	if(status == M3dView::kLead)

	MVector baseV(0,0,0);
	MVector xp(1*sizeV,0,0);
	MVector xm(-1*sizeV,0,0);
	MVector yp(0,1*sizeV,0);
	MVector ym(0,-1*sizeV,0);
	MVector zp(0,0,1*sizeV);
	MVector zm(0,0,-1*sizeV);

	double * red;
	red = new double[4];

	double * green;
	green = new double[4];

	double * blue;
	blue = new double[4];

	double * yellow;
	yellow = new double[4];

	if (readerOnOffV==1)
	if  (axisOnOffV==1)
	if (poseOnOffV==1)

	double* color = blendColor(xColor,yColor,zColor,1);



Beispiel #12
MaterialTensorAux::getTensorQuantity(const SymmTensor & tensor,
                                     const MTA_ENUM quantity,
                                     const MooseEnum & quantity_moose_enum,
                                     const int index,
                                     const Point * curr_point,
                                     const Point * p1,
                                     const Point * p2)
  Real value(0);
  if (quantity == MTA_COMPONENT)
    value = tensor.component(index);
  else if ( quantity == MTA_VONMISES )
    value = std::sqrt(0.5*(
                           std::pow(tensor.xx() - tensor.yy(), 2) +
                           std::pow(tensor.yy() - tensor.zz(), 2) +
                           std::pow(tensor.zz() - tensor.xx(), 2) + 6 * (
                           std::pow(tensor.xy(), 2) +
                           std::pow(tensor.yz(), 2) +
                           std::pow(tensor.zx(), 2))));
  else if ( quantity == MTA_PLASTICSTRAINMAG )
    value = std::sqrt(2.0/3.0 * tensor.doubleContraction(tensor));
  else if ( quantity == MTA_HYDROSTATIC )
    value = tensor.trace()/3.0;
  else if ( quantity == MTA_HOOP )
    // This is the location of the stress.  A vector from the cylindrical axis to this point will define the x' axis.
    Point p0( *curr_point );

    // The vector p1 + t*(p2-p1) defines the cylindrical axis.  The point along this
    // axis closest to p0 is found by the following for t:
    const Point p2p1( *p2 - *p1 );
    const Point p2p0( *p2 - p0 );
    const Point p1p0( *p1 - p0 );
    const Real t( -(p1p0*p2p1)/p2p1.size_sq() );
    // The nearest point on the cylindrical axis to p0 is p.
    const Point p( *p1 + t * p2p1 );
    Point xp( p0 - p );
    xp /= xp.size();
    Point yp( p2p1/p2p1.size() );
    Point zp( xp.cross( yp ));
    // The following works but does more than we need
//    // Rotation matrix R
//    ColumnMajorMatrix R(3,3);
//    // Fill with direction cosines
//    R(0,0) = xp(0);
//    R(1,0) = xp(1);
//    R(2,0) = xp(2);
//    R(0,1) = yp(0);
//    R(1,1) = yp(1);
//    R(2,1) = yp(2);
//    R(0,2) = zp(0);
//    R(1,2) = zp(1);
//    R(2,2) = zp(2);
//    // Rotate
//    ColumnMajorMatrix tensor( _tensor[_qp].columnMajorMatrix() );
//    ColumnMajorMatrix tensorp( R.transpose() * ( tensor * R ));
//    // Hoop stress is the zz stress
//    value = tensorp(2,2);
    // Instead, tensorp(2,2) = R^T(2,:)*tensor*R(:,2)
    const Real zp0( zp(0) );
    const Real zp1( zp(1) );
    const Real zp2( zp(2) );
    value = (zp0*tensor(0,0)+zp1*tensor(1,0)+zp2*tensor(2,0))*zp0 +
            (zp0*tensor(0,1)+zp1*tensor(1,1)+zp2*tensor(2,1))*zp1 +
  else if ( quantity == MTA_RADIAL )
    // This is the location of the stress.  A vector from the cylindrical axis to this point will define the x' axis
    // which is the radial direction in which we want the stress.
    Point p0( *curr_point );

    // The vector p1 + t*(p2-p1) defines the cylindrical axis.  The point along this
    // axis closest to p0 is found by the following for t:
    const Point p2p1( *p2 - *p1 );
    const Point p2p0( *p2 - p0 );
    const Point p1p0( *p1 - p0 );
    const Real t( -(p1p0*p2p1)/p2p1.size_sq() );
    // The nearest point on the cylindrical axis to p0 is p.
    const Point p( *p1 + t * p2p1 );
    Point xp( p0 - p );
    xp /= xp.size();
    const Real xp0( xp(0) );
    const Real xp1( xp(1) );
    const Real xp2( xp(2) );
    value = (xp0*tensor(0,0)+xp1*tensor(1,0)+xp2*tensor(2,0))*xp0 +
            (xp0*tensor(0,1)+xp1*tensor(1,1)+xp2*tensor(2,1))*xp1 +
  else if ( quantity == MTA_AXIAL )
    // The vector p2p1=(p2-p1) defines the axis, which is the direction in which we want the stress.
    Point p2p1( *p2 - *p1 );
    p2p1 /= p2p1.size();

    const Real axis0( p2p1(0) );
    const Real axis1( p2p1(1) );
    const Real axis2( p2p1(2) );
    value = (axis0*tensor(0,0)+axis1*tensor(1,0)+axis2*tensor(2,0))*axis0 +
            (axis0*tensor(0,1)+axis1*tensor(1,1)+axis2*tensor(2,1))*axis1 +
  else if ( quantity == MTA_MAXPRINCIPAL )
    value = principalValue( tensor, 0 );
  else if ( quantity == MTA_MEDPRINCIPAL )
    value = principalValue( tensor, 1 );
  else if ( quantity == MTA_MINPRINCIPAL )
    value = principalValue( tensor, 2 );
  else if ( quantity == MTA_FIRSTINVARIANT )
    value = tensor.trace();
  else if ( quantity == MTA_SECONDINVARIANT )
    value =
      tensor.xx()*tensor.yy() +
      tensor.yy()*tensor.zz() +
      tensor.zz()*tensor.xx() -
      tensor.xy()*tensor.xy() -
      tensor.yz()*tensor.yz() -
  else if ( quantity == MTA_THIRDINVARIANT )
    value =
      tensor.xx()*tensor.yy()*tensor.zz() -
      tensor.xx()*tensor.yz()*tensor.yz() +
      tensor.xy()*tensor.zx()*tensor.yz() -
      tensor.xy()*tensor.xy()*tensor.zz() +
      tensor.zx()*tensor.xy()*tensor.yz() -
  else if ( quantity == MTA_TRIAXIALITY )
    Real hydrostatic = tensor.trace()/3.0;
    Real von_mises = std::sqrt(0.5*(
                                 std::pow(tensor.xx() - tensor.yy(), 2) +
                                 std::pow(tensor.yy() - tensor.zz(), 2) +
                                 std::pow(tensor.zz() - tensor.xx(), 2) + 6 * (
                                   std::pow(tensor.xy(), 2) +
                                   std::pow(tensor.yz(), 2) +
                                   std::pow(tensor.zx(), 2))));

    value = std::abs(hydrostatic / von_mises);
  else if ( quantity == MTA_VOLUMETRICSTRAIN )
    value =
      tensor.trace() +
      tensor.xx()*tensor.yy() +
      tensor.yy()*tensor.zz() +
      tensor.zz()*tensor.xx() +
    mooseError("Unknown quantity in MaterialTensorAux: " + quantity_moose_enum.operator std::string());
  return value;
cg(cldenseVectorPrivate *pX,
   const clsparseCsrMatrixPrivate* pA,
   const cldenseVectorPrivate *pB,
   PTYPE& M,
   clSParseSolverControl solverControl,
   clsparseControl control)

    assert( pA->num_cols == pB->num_values );
    assert( pA->num_rows == pX->num_values );
    if( ( pA->num_cols != pB->num_values ) || ( pA->num_rows != pX->num_values ) )
        return clsparseInvalidSystemSize;

    //opaque input parameters with clsparse::array type;
    clsparse::vector<T> x(control, pX->values, pX->num_values);
    clsparse::vector<T> b(control, pB->values, pB->num_values);

    cl_int status;

    T scalarOne = 1;
    T scalarZero = 0;

    //clsparse::vector<T> norm_b(control, 1, 0, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, true);
    clsparse::scalar<T> norm_b(control, 0, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, false);

    //norm of rhs of equation
    status = Norm1<T>(norm_b, b, control);
    CLSPARSE_V(status, "Norm B Failed");

    //norm_b is calculated once
    T h_norm_b = norm_b[0];

#ifndef NDEBUG
    std::cout << "norm_b " << h_norm_b << std::endl;

    if (h_norm_b == 0) //special case b is zero so solution is x = 0
        solverControl->nIters = 0;
        solverControl->absoluteTolerance = 0.0;
        solverControl->relativeTolerance = 0.0;
        //we can either fill the x with zeros or cpy b to x;
        x = b;
        return clsparseSuccess;

    //continuing "normal" execution of cg algorithm
    const auto N = pA->num_cols;

    //helper containers, all need to be zeroed
    clsparse::vector<T> y(control, N, 0, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, true);
    clsparse::vector<T> z(control, N, 0, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, true);
    clsparse::vector<T> r(control, N, 0, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, true);
    clsparse::vector<T> p(control, N, 0, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, true);

    clsparse::scalar<T> one(control,  1, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, true);
    clsparse::scalar<T> zero(control, 0, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, true);

    // y = A*x
    status = csrmv<T>(one, pA, x, zero, y, control);
    CLSPARSE_V(status, "csrmv Failed");

    //r = b - y
    status = r.sub(b, y, control);
    //status = elementwise_transform<T, EW_MINUS>(r, b, y, control);
    CLSPARSE_V(status, "b - y Failed");

    clsparse::scalar<T> norm_r(control, 0, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, false);
    status = Norm1<T>(norm_r, r, control);
    CLSPARSE_V(status, "norm r Failed");

    //T residuum = 0;
    clsparse::scalar<T> residuum(control, 0, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, false);

    //residuum = norm_r[0] / h_norm_b;
    residuum.div(norm_r, norm_b, control);

    solverControl->initialResidual = residuum[0];
#ifndef NDEBUG
        std::cout << "initial residuum = "
                  << solverControl->initialResidual << std::endl;
    if (solverControl->finished(solverControl->initialResidual))
        solverControl->nIters = 0;
        return clsparseSuccess;
    //apply preconditioner z = M*r
    M(r, z, control);

    //copy inital z to p
    p = z;

    //rz = <r, z>, here actually should be conjugate(r)) but we do not support complex type.
    clsparse::scalar<T> rz(control, 0, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, false);
    status = dot<T>(rz, r, z, control);
    CLSPARSE_V(status, "<r, z> Failed");

    int iteration = 0;

    bool converged = false;

    clsparse::scalar<T> alpha (control, 0, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, false);
    clsparse::scalar<T> beta  (control, 0, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, false);

    //yp buffer for inner product of y and p vectors;
    clsparse::scalar<T> yp(control, 0, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, false);

    clsparse::scalar<T> rz_old(control, 0, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, false);

        solverControl->nIters = iteration;

        //y = A*p
        status = csrmv<T>(one, pA, p, zero, y, control);
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "csrmv Failed");

        status = dot<T>(yp, y, p, control);
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "<y,p> Failed");

        // alpha = <r,z> / <y,p>
        //alpha[0] = rz[0] / yp[0];
        alpha.div(rz, yp, control);

#ifndef NDEBUG
            std::cout << "alpha = " << alpha[0] << std::endl;

        //x = x + alpha*p
        status = axpy<T>(x, alpha, p, x, control);
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "x = x + alpha * p Failed");

        //r = r - alpha * y;
        status = axpy<T, EW_MINUS>(r, alpha, y, r, control);
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "r = r - alpha * y Failed");

        //apply preconditioner z = M*r
        M(r, z, control);

        //store old value of rz
        //improve that by move or swap
        rz_old = rz;

        //rz = <r,z>
        status = dot<T>(rz, r, z, control);
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "<r,z> Failed");

        // beta = <r^(i), r^(i)>/<r^(i-1),r^(i-1)> // i: iteration index;
        // beta is ratio of dot product in current iteration compared
        //beta[0] = rz[0] / rz_old[0];
        beta.div(rz, rz_old, control);
#ifndef NDEBUG
            std::cout << "beta = " << beta[0] << std::endl;

        //p = z + beta*p;
        status = axpby<T>(p, one, z, beta, p, control );
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "p = z + beta*p Failed");

        //calculate norm of r
        status = Norm1<T>(norm_r, r, control);
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "norm r Failed");

        //residuum = norm_r[0] / h_norm_b;
        status = residuum.div(norm_r, norm_b, control);
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "residuum");

        converged = solverControl->finished(residuum[0]);

    return clsparseSuccess;