int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct zbc_device_info info; struct zbc_device *dev = NULL; unsigned long long elapsed; unsigned long long bcount = 0; unsigned long long brate; int zidx; int fd = -1, i; ssize_t ret = 1; size_t iosize; void *iobuf = NULL; ssize_t sector_count; unsigned long long ionum = 0, iocount = 0; struct zbc_zone *zones = NULL; struct zbc_zone *iozone = NULL; unsigned int nr_zones; char *path, *file = NULL; long long sector_ofst = 0; long long sector_max = 0; int flags = O_RDONLY; /* Check command line */ if (argc < 4) { usage: printf("Usage: %s [options] <dev> <zone no> <I/O size (B)>\n" " Read a zone up to the current write pointer\n" " or the number of I/O specified is executed\n" "Options:\n" " -v : Verbose mode\n" " -dio : Use direct I/Os\n" " -nio <num> : Limit the number of I/Os to <num>\n" " -f <file> : Write the content of the zone to <file>\n" " If <file> is \"-\", the zone content is\n" " written to the standard output\n" " -ofst : sector offset from the start sector of\n" " the zone (default 0 or write pointer)\n", argv[0]); return 1; } /* Parse options */ for (i = 1; i < (argc - 1); i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) { zbc_set_log_level("debug"); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-dio") == 0) { flags |= O_DIRECT; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nio") == 0) { if (i >= (argc - 1)) goto usage; i++; ionum = atoi(argv[i]); if (ionum <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of I/Os\n"); return 1; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-f") == 0) { if (i >= (argc - 1)) goto usage; i++; file = argv[i]; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ofst") == 0) { if (i >= (argc - 1)) goto usage; i++; sector_ofst = atoll(argv[i]); if (sector_ofst < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid sector offset\n"); return 1; } } else if (argv[i][0] == '-') { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option \"%s\"\n", argv[i]); goto usage; } else { break; } } if (i != (argc - 3)) goto usage; /* Get parameters */ path = argv[i]; zidx = atoi(argv[i + 1]); if (zidx < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid zone number %s\n", argv[i + 1]); return 1; } iosize = atol(argv[i + 2]); if (!iosize) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid I/O size %s\n", argv[i + 2]); return 1; } /* Setup signal handler */ signal(SIGQUIT, zbc_read_zone_sigcatcher); signal(SIGINT, zbc_read_zone_sigcatcher); signal(SIGTERM, zbc_read_zone_sigcatcher); /* Open device */ ret = zbc_open(path, flags, &dev); if (ret != 0) { if (ret == -ENODEV) fprintf(stderr, "Open %s failed (not a zoned block device)\n", path); else fprintf(stderr, "Open %s failed (%s)\n", path, strerror(-ret)); return 1; } zbc_get_device_info(dev, &info); printf("Device %s:\n", path); zbc_print_device_info(&info, stdout); /* Get zone list */ ret = zbc_list_zones(dev, 0, ZBC_RO_ALL, &zones, &nr_zones); if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "zbc_list_zones failed\n"); ret = 1; goto out; } /* Get target zone */ if ((unsigned int)zidx >= nr_zones) { fprintf(stderr, "Target zone not found\n"); ret = 1; goto out; } iozone = &zones[zidx]; if (zbc_zone_conventional(iozone)) printf("Target zone: Conventional zone %d / %d, " "sector %llu, %llu sectors\n", zidx, nr_zones, zbc_zone_start(iozone), zbc_zone_length(iozone)); else printf("Target zone: Zone %d / %d, type 0x%x (%s), " "cond 0x%x (%s), rwp %d, non_seq %d, " "sector %llu, %llu sectors, wp %llu\n", zidx, nr_zones, zbc_zone_type(iozone), zbc_zone_type_str(zbc_zone_type(iozone)), zbc_zone_condition(iozone), zbc_zone_condition_str(zbc_zone_condition(iozone)), zbc_zone_rwp_recommended(iozone), zbc_zone_non_seq(iozone), zbc_zone_start(iozone), zbc_zone_length(iozone), zbc_zone_wp(iozone)); /* Check I/O alignment and get an I/O buffer */ if (iosize % info.zbd_lblock_size) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid I/O size %zu (must be a multiple of %u B)\n", iosize, (unsigned int) info.zbd_lblock_size); ret = 1; goto out; } ret = posix_memalign((void **) &iobuf, sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE), iosize); if ( ret != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "No memory for I/O buffer (%zu B)\n", iosize); ret = 1; goto out; } /* Open the file to write, if any */ if (file) { if (strcmp(file, "-") == 0) { fd = fileno(stdout); printf("Writting target zone %d to standard output, " "%zu B I/Os\n", zidx, iosize); } else { fd = open(file, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_LARGEFILE | O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Open file \"%s\" failed %d (%s)\n", file, errno, strerror(errno)); ret = 1; goto out; } printf("Writting target zone %d to file \"%s\", " "%zu B I/Os\n", zidx, file, iosize); } } else if (!ionum) { printf("Reading target zone %d, %zu B I/Os\n", zidx, iosize); } else { printf("Reading target zone %d, %llu I/Os of %zu B\n", zidx, ionum, iosize); } if (zbc_zone_sequential_req(iozone) && !zbc_zone_full(iozone)) sector_max = zbc_zone_wp(iozone) - zbc_zone_start(iozone); else sector_max = zbc_zone_length(iozone); elapsed = zbc_read_zone_usec(); while (!zbc_read_zone_abort && sector_ofst < sector_max) { /* Read zone */ sector_count = iosize >> 9; if (sector_ofst + sector_count > sector_max) sector_count = sector_max - sector_ofst; ret = zbc_pread(dev, iobuf, sector_count, zbc_zone_start(iozone) + sector_ofst); if (ret <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "zbc_pread failed %zd (%s)\n", -ret, strerror(-ret)); ret = 1; break; } sector_count = ret; if (file) { /* Write zone data to output file */ ret = write(fd, iobuf, sector_count << 9); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Write file \"%s\" failed %d (%s)\n", file, errno, strerror(errno)); ret = 1; break; } } sector_ofst += sector_count; bcount += sector_count << 9; iocount++; ret = 0; if (ionum > 0 && iocount >= ionum) break; } elapsed = zbc_read_zone_usec() - elapsed; if (elapsed) { printf("Read %llu B (%llu I/Os) in %llu.%03llu sec\n", bcount, iocount, elapsed / 1000000, (elapsed % 1000000) / 1000); printf(" IOPS %llu\n", iocount * 1000000 / elapsed); brate = bcount * 1000000 / elapsed; printf(" BW %llu.%03llu MB/s\n", brate / 1000000, (brate % 1000000) / 1000); } else { printf("Read %llu B (%llu I/Os)\n", bcount, iocount); } out: if ( file && (fd > 0) ) { if (fd != fileno(stdout)) close(fd); if (ret != 0) unlink(file); } if (iobuf) free(iobuf); if (zones) free(zones); zbc_close(dev); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct zbc_device_info info; struct zbc_device *dev = NULL; unsigned long long elapsed; unsigned long long bcount = 0; unsigned long long brate; int zidx; int fd = -1, i, ret = 1; size_t iosize; void *iobuf = NULL; uint32_t lba_count; unsigned long long ionum = 0, iocount = 0; struct zbc_zone *zones = NULL; struct zbc_zone *iozone = NULL; unsigned int nr_zones; char *path, *file = NULL; long long lba_ofst = 0; long long lba_max = 0; int flags = O_RDONLY; /* Check command line */ if ( argc < 4 ) { usage: printf("Usage: %s [options] <dev> <zone no> <I/O size (B)>\n" " Read a zone up to the current write pointer\n" " or the number of I/O specified is executed\n" "Options:\n" " -v : Verbose mode\n" " -dio : Use direct I/Os for accessing the device\n" " -nio <num> : Limit the number of I/O executed to <num>\n" " -f <file> : Write the content of the zone to <file>\n" " If <file> is \"-\", the zone content is\n" " written to the standard output\n" " -lba : lba offset from the starting lba of the zone <zone no>.\n", argv[0]); return( 1 ); } /* Parse options */ for(i = 1; i < (argc - 1); i++) { if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0 ) { zbc_set_log_level("debug"); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-dio") == 0 ) { flags |= O_DIRECT; } else if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-nio") == 0 ) { if ( i >= (argc - 1) ) { goto usage; } i++; ionum = atoi(argv[i]); if ( ionum <= 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of I/Os\n"); return( 1 ); } } else if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-f") == 0 ) { if ( i >= (argc - 1) ) { goto usage; } i++; file = argv[i]; } else if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-lba") == 0 ) { if ( i >= (argc - 1) ) { goto usage; } i++; lba_ofst = atoll(argv[i]); if ( lba_ofst < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "LBA offset has to be greater or equal to 0.\n"); return( 1 ); } } else if ( argv[i][0] == '-' ) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option \"%s\"\n", argv[i]); goto usage; } else { break; } } if ( i != (argc - 3) ) { goto usage; } /* Get parameters */ path = argv[i]; zidx = atoi(argv[i + 1]); if ( zidx < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid zone number %s\n", argv[i + 1]); ret = 1; goto out; } iosize = atol(argv[i + 2]); if ( ! iosize ) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid I/O size %s\n", argv[i + 2]); ret = 1; goto out; } /* Setup signal handler */ signal(SIGQUIT, zbc_read_zone_sigcatcher); signal(SIGINT, zbc_read_zone_sigcatcher); signal(SIGTERM, zbc_read_zone_sigcatcher); /* Open device */ ret = zbc_open(path, flags, &dev); if ( ret != 0 ) { return( 1 ); } ret = zbc_get_device_info(dev, &info); if ( ret < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "zbc_get_device_info failed\n"); goto out; } /* Get zone list */ ret = zbc_list_zones(dev, 0, ZBC_RO_ALL, &zones, &nr_zones); if ( ret != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "zbc_list_zones failed\n"); ret = 1; goto out; } /* Get target zone */ if ( (unsigned int)zidx >= nr_zones ) { fprintf(stderr, "Target zone not found\n"); ret = 1; goto out; } iozone = &zones[zidx]; printf("Device %s: %s\n", path, info.zbd_vendor_id); printf(" %s interface, %s disk model\n", zbc_disk_type_str(info.zbd_type), zbc_disk_model_str(info.zbd_model)); printf(" %llu logical blocks of %u B\n", (unsigned long long) info.zbd_logical_blocks, (unsigned int) info.zbd_logical_block_size); printf(" %llu physical blocks of %u B\n", (unsigned long long) info.zbd_physical_blocks, (unsigned int) info.zbd_physical_block_size); printf(" %.03F GB capacity\n", (double) (info.zbd_physical_blocks * info.zbd_physical_block_size) / 1000000000); printf("Target zone: Zone %d / %d, type 0x%x (%s), cond 0x%x (%s), need_reset %d, " "non_seq %d, LBA %llu, %llu sectors, wp %llu\n", zidx, nr_zones, zbc_zone_type(iozone), zbc_zone_type_str(zbc_zone_type(iozone)), zbc_zone_condition(iozone), zbc_zone_condition_str(zbc_zone_condition(iozone)), zbc_zone_need_reset(iozone), zbc_zone_non_seq(iozone), zbc_zone_start_lba(iozone), zbc_zone_length(iozone), zbc_zone_wp_lba(iozone)); /* Check alignment and get an I/O buffer */ if ( iosize % info.zbd_logical_block_size ) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid I/O size %zu (must be aligned on %u)\n", iosize, (unsigned int) info.zbd_logical_block_size); ret = 1; goto out; } ret = posix_memalign((void **) &iobuf, sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE), iosize); if ( ret != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "No memory for I/O buffer (%zu B)\n", iosize); ret = 1; goto out; } /* Open the file to write, if any */ if ( file ) { if ( strcmp(file, "-") == 0 ) { fd = fileno(stdout); printf("Writting target zone %d to standard output, %zu B I/Os\n", zidx, iosize); } else { fd = open(file, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_LARGEFILE | O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP); if ( fd < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Open file \"%s\" failed %d (%s)\n", file, errno, strerror(errno)); ret = 1; goto out; } printf("Writting target zone %d to file \"%s\", %zu B I/Os\n", zidx, file, iosize); } } else if ( ! ionum ) { printf("Reading target zone %d, %zu B I/Os\n", zidx, iosize); } else { printf("Reading target zone %d, %llu I/Os of %zu B\n", zidx, ionum, iosize); } if ( zbc_zone_sequential_req(iozone) && (! zbc_zone_full(iozone)) ) { lba_max = zbc_zone_wp_lba(iozone) - zbc_zone_start_lba(iozone); } else { lba_max = zbc_zone_length(iozone); } lba_count = iosize / info.zbd_logical_block_size; elapsed = zbc_read_zone_usec(); while( (! zbc_read_zone_abort) && (lba_ofst < lba_max) ) { /* Read zone */ if ( (lba_ofst + lba_count) > lba_max ) { lba_count = lba_max - lba_ofst; } ret = zbc_pread(dev, iozone, iobuf, lba_count, lba_ofst); if ( ret <= 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "zbc_pread failed %d (%s)\n", -ret, strerror(-ret)); ret = 1; break; } lba_count = ret; if ( file ) { /* Write file */ ret = write(fd, iobuf, lba_count * info.zbd_logical_block_size); if ( ret < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Write file \"%s\" failed %d (%s)\n", file, errno, strerror(errno)); ret = 1; break; } } lba_ofst += lba_count; bcount += lba_count * info.zbd_logical_block_size; iocount++; ret = 0; /* If a number of IO was given as input then * lba_max = iozone + lba_ofst + ionum */ if ( (ionum > 0) && (iocount >= ionum) ) { break; } } elapsed = zbc_read_zone_usec() - elapsed; if ( elapsed ) { printf("Read %llu B (%llu I/Os) in %llu.%03llu sec\n", bcount, iocount, elapsed / 1000000, (elapsed % 1000000) / 1000); printf(" IOPS %llu\n", iocount * 1000000 / elapsed); brate = bcount * 1000000 / elapsed; printf(" BW %llu.%03llu MB/s\n", brate / 1000000, (brate % 1000000) / 1000); } else { printf("Read %llu B (%llu I/Os)\n", bcount, iocount); } out: if ( file && (fd > 0) ) { if ( fd != fileno(stdout) ) { close(fd); } if ( ret != 0 ) { unlink(file); } } if ( iobuf ) { free(iobuf); } if ( zones ) { free(zones); } zbc_close(dev); return( ret ); }