int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { // problem parameters unsigned NTRAIN = 4096; unsigned dim = 16; unsigned NTEST = 3*NTRAIN; size_t i,j,k; // training and test patterns float *train_patterns = (float*)malloc(NTRAIN*dim*sizeof(float)); float *test_patterns = (float*)malloc(NTEST*dim*sizeof(float)); // result unsigned dist_matrix_size = NTRAIN*NTEST; float *dist_matrix_cpu = (float*)malloc(dist_matrix_size*sizeof(float)); float *dist_matrix = (float*)malloc(dist_matrix_size*sizeof(float)); zeroMatrix(dist_matrix_cpu, dist_matrix_size); zeroMatrix(dist_matrix, dist_matrix_size); // initialize with some values ... for (i=0;i<NTRAIN;i++){ for (k=0;k<dim;k++){ train_patterns[i*dim + k] = (float)sin(i); } } for (i=0;i<NTEST;i++){ for (k=0;k<dim;k++){ test_patterns[i*dim + k] = (float)cos(i); } } Stopwatch timer; timer.start(); float d,tmp; for (i=0;i<NTEST;i++) { // compute distances to all training patterns for (j=0;j<NTRAIN;j++) { d = 0.0; // for each feature for (k=0;k<dim;k++) { tmp = test_patterns[i*dim+k]-train_patterns[j*dim+k]; d += tmp*tmp; } dist_matrix_cpu[j*NTEST + i] = d; } } cout << "$Sequential_time " << timer.stop() << endl; OCLKNearestTask ocl_task; ocl_task.RunOCLKNearestForKernel( NTEST, NTRAIN, dim, dist_matrix, NTEST, NTRAIN, "gpu", test_patterns, dim, NTEST, train_patterns, dim, NTRAIN); return 0; }
void gaussianEstimator_Pred ( Matrix *xEst, Matrix *CEst, Matrix *U, Matrix *Cw, Matrix (*afun)(Matrix m, float t), float *dt, Matrix *m_opt) { float D = elem(sizeOfMatrix(*m_opt),0,1)+1; //printf("%f\n", D); float w_opt = 1/D; //printf("%f\n", w_opt); float Nx = elem(sizeOfMatrix(*xEst),0,0); //printf("%f\n", Nx); float d = Nx*(D-1) + 1; //printf("%f\n", d); float w = 1/d; //printf("%f\n", w); /* Eigenvectors, Eigenvalues */ int dimC = elem ( sizeOfMatrix(*CEst), 0, 0 ); Matrix Vec = zeroMatrix(dimC, dimC); Matrix Val = zeroMatrix(dimC, dimC); eig ( CEst, &Vec, &Val ); /* m1 = vec*sqrtf(val) */ int i; for ( i = 0; i < dimC; ++i ) setElem(Val, i, i, sqrtf(fabs(elem(Val, i,i)))); Matrix m1 = mulMatrix(Vec, Val); freeMatrix(Vec); freeMatrix(Val); /* rotate & scale samples: m = m1*S */ Matrix m = scaledSamplePoints(m1, *m_opt); /* x = x*ones(1,d) */ Matrix x = fillMatrix(*xEst, d); /* shift samples: m = m + x */ m = addMatrix(m, x); //printMatrix(m); /* afun */ /* Prediction: mean xPredDiracs = feval(afun,m, [], [], t); xPred = w*sum(xPredDiracs, 2);*/ Matrix xPredDiracs = (*afun) (m, *dt); //printMatrix(xPredDiracs); Matrix xPredDiracsSum = sumMatrix(xPredDiracs, 2); //printMatrix(xPredDiracsSum); Matrix xPred = mulScalarMatrix(w, xPredDiracsSum); //printMatrix(xPred); //mxDiracs = xPredDiracs-repmat(xPred, 1, d); //CPred = w_opt*mxDiracs*mxDiracs'; Matrix mxDiracs = subMatrix(xPredDiracs, fillMatrix(xPred, d)); //printMatrix(mxDiracs); Matrix CPred = mulScalarMatrix(w_opt, mulMatrix(mxDiracs, transposeMatrix(mxDiracs))); //printMatrix(CPred); //RETURN *xEst = xPred; //printMatrix(*xEst); *CEst = CPred; //printMatrix(*CEst); freeMatrix(m); freeMatrix(xPredDiracs); freeMatrix(xPredDiracsSum); }
Matrix scaledSamplePoints(Matrix m, Matrix m_opt) { int w = m_opt->width; int h = m->height; Matrix res = zeroMatrix(h, h*w + 1); Lines r1 = m->lines; Lines r2 = m_opt->lines; Lines r3 = res->lines; int i, j, k, l; for (i=0; i<h; i++) { l = 0; j = 1; while (j<h*w) { for (k=0; k<w; k++) { r3[i][j] = r1[i][l] * r2[0][k]; j++; } l++; } } return res; }
int blockMatrixMultiply(double* a, double* b, double* out, int n, int m){ const int s = n/m; const int r = n - s*m; const int matrix_size = n*n; const int block_size = m*m; const int string_size = m*n; const int small_block_size = r*m; const int smallest_block_size = r*r; int i, j, k; int res = zeroMatrix(out, matrix_size); if (res!=0){ printf("zeroMatrix failed!\n\t--blockmatrixmultiply\n"); } double* const temp_block = new double[block_size]; if (r>0){ for (i=0; i<s; i++){ for (j=0; j<s; j++){ for (k=0; k<s; k++){ res = simpleMatrixMultiply(a+i*string_size+k*block_size, b+k*string_size+j*block_size, temp_block, m, m, m); res = addToMatrix(out+i*string_size+j*block_size, temp_block, block_size); } res = simpleMatrixMultiply(a+i*string_size+s*block_size, b+s*string_size+j*small_block_size, temp_block, m, r, m); res = addToMatrix(out+i*string_size+j*block_size, temp_block, block_size); } for (k=0; k<s; k++){ res = simpleMatrixMultiply(a+i*string_size+k*block_size, b+k*string_size+s*block_size, temp_block, m, m, r); res = addToMatrix(out+i*string_size+s*block_size, temp_block, small_block_size); } res = simpleMatrixMultiply(a+i*string_size+s*block_size, b+s*string_size+s*small_block_size, temp_block, m, r, r); res = addToMatrix(out+i*string_size+s*block_size, temp_block, small_block_size); } for (j=0; j<s; j++){ for (k=0; k<s; k++){ res = simpleMatrixMultiply(a+s*string_size+k*small_block_size, b+k*string_size+j*block_size, temp_block, r, m, m); res = addToMatrix(out+s*string_size+j*small_block_size, temp_block, small_block_size); } res = simpleMatrixMultiply(a+s*string_size+s*small_block_size, b+s*string_size+j*small_block_size, temp_block, r, r, m); res = addToMatrix(out+s*string_size+j*small_block_size, temp_block, small_block_size); } for (k=0; k<s; k++){ res = simpleMatrixMultiply(a+s*string_size+k*small_block_size, b+k*string_size+s*block_size, temp_block, r, m, r); res = addToMatrix(out+s*string_size+s*small_block_size, temp_block, smallest_block_size); } res = simpleMatrixMultiply(a+s*string_size+s*small_block_size, b+s*string_size+s*small_block_size, temp_block, r, r, r); res = addToMatrix(out+s*string_size+s*small_block_size, temp_block, smallest_block_size); } else{ for (i=0; i<s; i++){ for (j=0; j<s; j++){ for (k=0; k<s; k++){ res = simpleMatrixMultiply(a+i*string_size+k*block_size, b+k*string_size+j*block_size, temp_block, m, m, m); res = addToMatrix(out+i*string_size+j*block_size, temp_block, block_size); } } } } delete[] temp_block; return 0; }
int main(void) { int i, j, m, n, **matrix; while (scanf("%d %d", &m, &n) != EOF) { // 动态申请二维数组内存空间 matrix = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *) * m); for (i = 0; i < m; i ++) matrix[i] = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * n); // 接收矩阵元素 for (i = 0; i < m; i ++) for (j = 0; j < n; j ++) scanf("%d", &matrix[i][j]); printMatrix(matrix, m, n); zeroMatrix(matrix, m, n); printMatrix(matrix, m, n); // 手动释放 for (i = 0; i < m; i ++) free(matrix[i]); } return 0; }
Matrix scale(double x, double y, double z) { Matrix ret = zeroMatrix(); ret.x[0][0] = x; ret.x[1][1] = y; ret.x[2][2] = z; ret.x[3][3] = 1.0; return ret; }
void simulateJumps::init() { //init the vector of waiting times. _waitingTimeParams.clear(); _waitingTimeParams.resize(_alphabetSize); int i, j; for (i = 0; i < _alphabetSize; ++i) { _waitingTimeParams[i] = -_sp.dPij_dt(i, i, 0.0); } //init _jumpProbs. //_jumpProbs[i][j] = Q[i][j] / -Q[i][i] _jumpProbs.clear(); _jumpProbs.resize(_alphabetSize); for (i = 0; i < _alphabetSize; ++i) { MDOUBLE sum = 0.0; _jumpProbs[i].resize(_alphabetSize); for (j = 0; j < _alphabetSize; ++j) { if (i == j) _jumpProbs[i][j] = 0.0; else { _jumpProbs[i][j] = _sp.dPij_dt(i, j, 0.0) / _waitingTimeParams[i]; } sum += _jumpProbs[i][j]; } if (! DEQUAL(sum, 1.0)){ string err = "error in simulateJumps::init(): sum probabilities is not 1 and equal to "; err+=double2string(sum); errorMsg::reportError(err); } } //init _orderNodesVec: a vector in which the branch lengths are ordered in ascending order _tree.getAllNodes(_orderNodesVec, _tree.getRoot()); sort(_orderNodesVec.begin(), _orderNodesVec.end(), simulateJumpsAbstract::compareDist); _nodes2JumpsExp.clear(); _nodes2JumpsProb.clear(); VVdouble zeroMatrix(getCombinedAlphabetSize()); for (i = 0; i < getCombinedAlphabetSize(); ++i) zeroMatrix[i].resize(getCombinedAlphabetSize(), 0.0); Vdouble zeroVector(getCombinedAlphabetSize(),0.0); for (i = 0; i < _orderNodesVec.size(); ++i) { string nodeName = _orderNodesVec[i]->name(); _nodes2JumpsExp[nodeName] = zeroMatrix; _nodes2JumpsProb[nodeName] = zeroMatrix; for (j=0; j<getCombinedAlphabetSize();++j) _totalTerminals[nodeName]=zeroVector; } }
inline Matrix scale(precision x, precision y, precision z){ Matrix ret = zeroMatrix(); ret.x[3][0] = x; ret.x[3][1] = y; ret.x[3][2] = z; ret.x[3][3] = 1.0f; return ret; }
void Cage::paint() { int &width = getWidth(0); int &height = getHeight(0); int maxX = width/cellSize+1; int maxY = height/cellSize+1; if (maxX >= MATRIX_SIZE || maxY >= MATRIX_SIZE) return; //size(width, height); background(backColor); applyWave(); Areas &areas = getAreas(0); for (unsigned int i=0; i<areas.size(); i++) { Area &area =; if ([0] > 0 &&[1] > 0 &&[0] < width &&[1] < height) { int x1 = ([0]-(area.width/2 ))/cellSize - influence; int y1 = ([1]-(area.height/2))/cellSize - influence; int x2 = ([0]+(area.width/2 ))/cellSize + influence; int y2 = ([1]+(area.height/2))/cellSize + influence; zeroMatrix(x1, y1, x2, y2); } } m[0][0] = 1; m[maxX-1][0] = 1; color(boxColor); for (int i=0; i<maxX; i++) for (int j=0; j<maxY; j++) { if ( i > 0 && m[i-1][j] == 1 && chance(prob/500.0) ) { m[i][j] = 1; } if ( j > 0 && m[i][j-1] == 1 && chance(prob/500.0) ) { m[i][j] = 1; } if ( i < maxX-1 && m[i+1][j] == 1 && chance(prob/500.0) ) { m[i][j] = 1; } if ( j < maxY-1 && m[i][j+1] == 1 && chance(prob/500.0) ) { m[i][j] = 1; } if ( m[i][j] == 1) { image(box, i*cellSize+random(boxDeviation)-boxDeviation/2, j*cellSize+random(boxDeviation)-boxDeviation/2, boxSize, boxSize); } } }
RigidBody::RigidBody(const char *name) : massInv(0), x(0,0,0), q(), P(0,0,0), L(0,0,0), v(0,0,0), omega(0,0,0), force(0,0,0), torque(0,0,0) { zeroMatrix(Ibody); zeroMatrix(Ibodyinv); zeroMatrix(Iinv); zeroMatrix(R); setName(name); shapeId = hlGenShapes(1); }
/* Create a tmat that scales things by x in the x direction, y in the y direction, * z in the z direction */ tmat scale(float x, float y, float z) { tmat mat = zeroMatrix(); mat.m[0][0] = x; mat.m[1][1] = y; mat.m[2][2] = z; mat.m[3][3] = 1.0f; return mat; }
PERF_TEST_P(Size_MatType, Mat_Zeros, testing::Combine(testing::Values(TYPICAL_MAT_SIZES), testing::Values(TYPICAL_MAT_TYPES, CV_32FC3)) ) { Size size = get<0>(GetParam()); int type = get<1>(GetParam()); Mat zeroMatrix(size.height, size.width, type); declare.out(zeroMatrix); int runs = (size.width <= 640) ? 15 : 5; TEST_CYCLE_MULTIRUN(runs) { zeroMatrix = Mat::zeros(size, type); } SANITY_CHECK(zeroMatrix, 1); }
bool CMatrix::isZeroMatrix( ) const { return( *this == zeroMatrix() ); }
void CMatrix::setZeroMatrix( ) { *this = zeroMatrix(); }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int rank_grid, rank_row, rank_col; int coordinates[2]; int node_total_size; int node_dim_size; int elem_dim_size; int subelem_dim_size; int * scatter_sendcount; int * scatter_displacement; int gridinit_num_dims = 2; int gridinit_dims[2] = {0,0}; int gridinit_periods[2] = {0,0}; int gridinit_reorder = 1; MPI_Comm mpi_comm_grid, mpi_comm_row, mpi_comm_col; MPI_Datatype mpi_type_submatrix, mpi_type_submatrix_vector; MPI_Request fox_send_request, fox_recv_request; int fox_sendto, fox_recfrom, fox_sendtag, fox_rectag; int fox_broadcaster; double *mat_a, *mat_b, *mat_c; double *A_mine, *B_old, *B_new, *C_mine, *A_bcast; double *mat_verify; int i, j, k; int verify = 0; int verbose = 0; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &node_total_size); double starttime, endtime; starttime = MPI_Wtime(); // Set up cartesian coordinate grid MPI_Dims_create(node_total_size, gridinit_num_dims, gridinit_dims); MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, gridinit_num_dims, gridinit_dims, gridinit_periods, gridinit_reorder, &mpi_comm_grid); // ** Get the grid coordinates of this process. MPI_Comm_rank(mpi_comm_grid, &rank_grid); MPI_Cart_coords(mpi_comm_grid, rank_grid, gridinit_num_dims, coordinates); // ** Set up column communicators. MPI_Comm_split(mpi_comm_grid, coordinates[1], coordinates[0], &mpi_comm_col); MPI_Comm_rank(mpi_comm_col, &rank_col); // ** Set up row communicators MPI_Comm_split(mpi_comm_grid, coordinates[0], coordinates[1], &mpi_comm_row); MPI_Comm_rank(mpi_comm_row, &rank_row); // Get the number of processors per dimension in grid. MPI_Comm_size(mpi_comm_row, &node_dim_size); // ******************************************** // ** CHECK SANITY OF AND SET UP ENVIRONMENT ** // ******************************************** // Check that number of parameters is sane. if(argc < 2) { if(rank_grid == 0) printf("Usage: foxmatrix N\n N = randomize NxN matrices.\n"); MPI_Finalize(); return -1; } // Get the number of elements per dimension in matrices from arguments. elem_dim_size = atoi(argv[1]); // Check that number of processors is sane. if(sqrt(node_total_size) != (double) ((int) sqrt(node_total_size))) { if(rank_grid == 0) printf("Not a square number of processors.\n"); MPI_Finalize(); return -1; } // Check that it is possible to split matrix over the processors. if(elem_dim_size % node_dim_size != 0) { if(rank_grid == 0) printf("Cannot split elements evenly over processors.\n"); MPI_Finalize(); return -1; } // Calculate the size (in one dimension) of the submatrices. subelem_dim_size = elem_dim_size / node_dim_size; // Check if the user has given the verify/verbose commands. if(argc == 3 && strcmp(argv[2], "verify") == 0) verify = 1; else if(argc == 3 && strcmp(argv[2], "verbose") == 0) verbose = 1; else if(argc == 4 && strcmp(argv[2], "verbose") == 0 && strcmp(argv[3], "verify") == 0) { verbose = 1; verify = 1; } else if(argc == 4 && strcmp(argv[2], "verify") == 0 && strcmp(argv[3], "verbose") == 0) { verbose = 1; verify = 1; } // Create datatype used for transmitting submatrices. // Idea of using vector+struct taken from MPI_Type_vector(subelem_dim_size, subelem_dim_size, elem_dim_size, MPI_DOUBLE, &mpi_type_submatrix_vector); int sm_blocklength[2] = {1, 1}; MPI_Aint sm_displacement[2] = {0, subelem_dim_size * sizeof(double)}; MPI_Datatype sm_types[2] = {mpi_type_submatrix_vector, MPI_UB}; MPI_Type_struct(2, sm_blocklength, sm_displacement, sm_types, &mpi_type_submatrix); MPI_Type_commit(&mpi_type_submatrix); // ** CREATE MATRICES AND SET UP SCATTERV/GATHERV VARIABLES ** if(rank_grid == 0) { // Create matrices on rank 0. mat_a = (double *) malloc(elem_dim_size * elem_dim_size * sizeof(double)); mat_b = (double *) malloc(elem_dim_size * elem_dim_size * sizeof(double)); mat_c = (double *) malloc(elem_dim_size * elem_dim_size * sizeof(double)); // Randomize matrix contents. randomMatrixInit(); randomMatrix(mat_a, elem_dim_size); randomMatrix(mat_b, elem_dim_size); // Allocate memory for storing scattering information. scatter_sendcount = (int *) malloc(node_total_size * sizeof(int)); scatter_displacement = (int *) malloc(node_total_size * sizeof(int)); // Set up scatter/gather arguments. int sit; for(sit = 0; sit < node_total_size; sit++) { scatter_sendcount[sit] = 1; if(sit == 0) scatter_displacement[sit] = 0; else { scatter_displacement[sit] = scatter_displacement[sit - 1] + 1; if(sit % node_dim_size == 0) // At end of line, go to start of next submatrix. scatter_displacement[sit] += node_dim_size * (subelem_dim_size - 1); } } } A_mine = (double *) malloc(subelem_dim_size*subelem_dim_size*sizeof(double)); A_bcast = (double *) malloc(subelem_dim_size*subelem_dim_size*sizeof(double)); B_old = (double *) malloc(subelem_dim_size*subelem_dim_size*sizeof(double)); B_new = (double *) malloc(subelem_dim_size*subelem_dim_size*sizeof(double)); C_mine = (double *) malloc(subelem_dim_size*subelem_dim_size*sizeof(double)); zeroMatrix(C_mine, subelem_dim_size); // ** DISTRIBUTE THE SUBMATRICES TO THE GRID NODES ** MPI_Scatterv(mat_a, scatter_sendcount, scatter_displacement, mpi_type_submatrix, A_mine, subelem_dim_size * subelem_dim_size, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, mpi_comm_grid); MPI_Scatterv(mat_b, scatter_sendcount, scatter_displacement, mpi_type_submatrix, B_new, subelem_dim_size * subelem_dim_size, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, mpi_comm_grid); // ** PERFORM FOX'S ALGORITHM FOR MATRIX MULTIPLICATION ** for(k = 0; k < node_dim_size; k++) { // **** BROADCAST A **** // // Decide who broadcasts this iteration. fox_broadcaster = (k + rank_col) % node_dim_size; // Copy matrix to the broadcast variable of the node that shall broadcast. if(rank_row == fox_broadcaster) copyMatrix(A_bcast, A_mine, subelem_dim_size); // Perform the broadcasting of the A matrix. MPI_Bcast(A_bcast, subelem_dim_size * subelem_dim_size, MPI_DOUBLE, fox_broadcaster, mpi_comm_row); // **** CREATE COPY OF B **** // // Wait for everyone to get their new B. If k = 0 everyone has it scattered. if(k != 0) MPI_Wait(&fox_recv_request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // Make a copy of B so we can overwrite the old one. copyMatrix(B_old, B_new, subelem_dim_size); // **** SHIFT B **** // // Find which node to send to, and which to recieve from (B matrix). fox_recfrom = ((rank_col + 1) % node_dim_size); fox_sendto = ((rank_col - 1) % node_dim_size); if(fox_sendto < 0) fox_sendto = node_dim_size - 1; fox_sendtag = 1000 + fox_sendto; fox_rectag = 1000 + rank_col; // Send the B matrix. MPI_Isend(B_old, subelem_dim_size * subelem_dim_size, MPI_DOUBLE, fox_sendto, fox_sendtag, mpi_comm_col, &fox_send_request); // Receive the B matrix. MPI_Irecv(B_new, subelem_dim_size * subelem_dim_size, MPI_DOUBLE, fox_recfrom, fox_rectag, mpi_comm_col, &fox_recv_request); // Perform matrix multiplication on the local submatrix. naiveMatrixMult(A_bcast, B_old, C_mine, subelem_dim_size); } // ** GATHER DATA ** MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); // Collect C from submatrices. MPI_Gatherv(C_mine, subelem_dim_size * subelem_dim_size, MPI_DOUBLE, mat_c, scatter_sendcount, scatter_displacement, mpi_type_submatrix, 0, mpi_comm_grid); // ** PRESENT DATA ** if(verbose && !rank_grid) { printf("** Will print matrix C from 0:\n"); printMatrix(mat_c, elem_dim_size); } // ** VERIFICATION OF CORRECTNESS ** if(verify && !rank_grid) { // Allocate memory for verification matrix. mat_verify = (double *) malloc(elem_dim_size * elem_dim_size * sizeof(double)); // Initialize verification matrix to zeroes. zeroMatrix(mat_verify, elem_dim_size); // Do the naive multiplication. naiveMatrixMult(mat_a, mat_b, mat_verify, elem_dim_size); // Print the correct matrix. if(verbose) { printf("** Print correct matrix from 0:\n"); printMatrix(mat_verify, elem_dim_size); } // Check equality between matrices. if(matrixEqual(mat_c, mat_verify, elem_dim_size)) printf("\n Ok!\n\n"); else printf("\n FAIL!\n\n"); // Free the memory used by the verification matrix. free(mat_verify); } // ** FINALIZE MPI ** MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(rank_grid==0) { endtime = MPI_Wtime(); printf("%f\n", endtime - starttime); } MPI_Finalize(); // ** CLEANUP ** if(A_mine) free(A_mine); if(A_bcast) free(A_bcast); if(B_old) free(B_old); if(B_new) free(B_new); if(C_mine) free(C_mine); // Local rank 0 cleanup. if(rank_grid == 0) { free(mat_a); free(mat_b); free(mat_c); } return 0; }
void gaussianEstimator_Est (Matrix *xEst, Matrix *CEst, Matrix *y, Matrix *Cv, Matrix (*hfun)(Matrix m), Matrix *m_opt) { //printMatrix(*xEst); //printMatrix(*CEst);system("PAUSE"); Matrix tmp = sizeOfMatrix(*m_opt); float D = elem(tmp,0,1)+1; //printf("%f\n", D); freeMatrix(tmp); float w_opt = 1/D; //printf("%f\n", w_opt); tmp = sizeOfMatrix(*xEst); float Nx = elem(tmp,0,0); // printf("%f\n", Nx); freeMatrix(tmp); float d = Nx*(D-1) + 1; //printf("%f\n", d); float w = 1/d; // printf("%f\n", w);system("PAUSE"); // Eigenvectors, Eigenvalues tmp = sizeOfMatrix(*CEst); int dimC = elem ( tmp, 0, 0 ); freeMatrix(tmp); Matrix Vec = zeroMatrix(dimC, dimC); Matrix Val = zeroMatrix(dimC, dimC); eig ( CEst, &Vec, &Val ); //printMatrix(Vec);printMatrix(Val);system("PAUSE"); // m1 = vec*sqrtf(val) int i; for ( i = 0; i < dimC; ++i ) setElem(Val, i, i, sqrtf(fabs(elem(Val, i,i)))); Matrix m1 = mulMatrix(Vec, Val); //printMatrix(m1); system("PAUSE"); freeMatrix(Vec); freeMatrix(Val); //* rotate & scale samples: m = m1*S Matrix m = scaledSamplePoints(m1, *m_opt); // printMatrix(m); system("PAUSE"); Matrix mxDiracs = mulScalarMatrix(1, m); //* x = x*ones(1,d) Matrix x = fillMatrix(*xEst, d); // shift samples: m = m + x tmp = addMatrix(m, x); appMatrix(m, 0, m->height-1, 0, m->width-1, tmp, 0, tmp->height-1, 0, tmp->width-1 ) ; //printMatrix(m); freeMatrix(tmp); //% Predicted Measurements //* hfun // yPredDiracs = feval(hfun, m, [], [], t); // yPred = w*sum(yPredDiracs, 2); Matrix yPredDiracs = (*hfun) (m); //printMatrix(yPredDiracs ); Matrix yPredDiracsSum = sumMatrix(yPredDiracs, 2); Matrix yPred = mulScalarMatrix(w, yPredDiracsSum); // myDiracs = yPredDiracs-repmat(yPred, 1, d); tmp = fillMatrix(yPred, d); Matrix myDiracs = subMatrix(yPredDiracs, tmp); freeMatrix(tmp); //* CPred = w_opt*mxDiracs*mxDiracs'; // Matrix CPred = mulScalarMatrix( w_opt, mulMatrix(mxDiracs, transposeMatrix(mxDiracs)) ); // Matrix CPred = *CEst; // Cxy = w_opt*mxDiracs*myDiracs'; Matrix tmp1 = transposeMatrix(myDiracs); Matrix tmp2 = mulMatrix(mxDiracs, tmp1); Matrix Cxy = mulScalarMatrix( w_opt, tmp2); freeMatrix(tmp1); freeMatrix(tmp2); // Cy = w_opt*myDiracs*myDiracs'+Cv; tmp1 = transposeMatrix(myDiracs); tmp2 = mulMatrix(myDiracs, tmp1); Matrix tmp3 = mulScalarMatrix( w_opt, tmp2); Matrix Cy = addMatrix( tmp3 , *Cv ); freeMatrix(tmp1); freeMatrix(tmp2); freeMatrix(tmp3); // K = Cxy / Cy; tmp = invertCovMatrix(Cy); Matrix K = mulMatrix( Cxy, tmp); freeMatrix(tmp); // I = y - yPred; Matrix I = subMatrix( *y, yPred ); // xEst = xPred + K*I; tmp = mulMatrix( K, I ); Matrix tmp23 = addMatrix( *xEst, tmp); appMatrix(*xEst,0,5,0,0, tmp23,0,5,0,0); freeMatrix(tmp); // CEst = CPred - K*Cy*K'; tmp1 = mulMatrix(K, Cy); tmp2 = transposeMatrix(K); tmp3 = mulMatrix( tmp1, tmp2); Matrix tmp24 = subMatrix(*CEst, tmp3); appMatrix(*CEst,0,5,0,5, tmp24,0,5,0,5); freeMatrix(tmp1); freeMatrix(tmp2); freeMatrix(tmp3); freeMatrix(tmp24); freeMatrix(m1); freeMatrix(m); freeMatrix(mxDiracs); freeMatrix(x); freeMatrix(yPredDiracs); freeMatrix(yPredDiracsSum);// freeMatrix(yPred);// freeMatrix(myDiracs); freeMatrix(Cxy); freeMatrix(Cy); freeMatrix(K);// freeMatrix(I);// freeMatrix(tmp23); }
void gaussianEstimator_Pred_decomp ( Matrix *xEst, Matrix *CEst, Matrix *U, Matrix *Cw, float *dt, Matrix *m_opt) { float r; Matrix sizeMopt; Matrix xn = zeroMatrix(3,1); Matrix Cn = zeroMatrix(3,3); Matrix xl = zeroMatrix(9,1); Matrix Cl = zeroMatrix(9,9); Matrix Cnl = zeroMatrix(3,9); Matrix Cnl_T; Matrix Cn_i; Matrix CLN; Matrix sizeCn; Matrix Vec; Matrix Val; Matrix m1; Matrix m; Matrix x; Matrix A; Matrix Hi = zeroMatrix(12,9); Matrix Cy = zeroMatrix(12, 12); Matrix muy = zeroMatrix(12, 1); Matrix zeros33 = zeroMatrix(3,3); Matrix eye33 = unitMatrix(3,3); Matrix Mat; Matrix H; Matrix gi = zeroMatrix(12,1); Matrix Rot_vec = zeroMatrix(3,1); Matrix mui; Matrix muiy; Matrix Ciy; Matrix tmp; Matrix tmp1; Matrix tmp2; Matrix tmp3; Matrix tmp4; Matrix tmp5; Matrix tmp6; Matrix tmp7; Matrix tmp8; Matrix tmpHi; sizeMopt = sizeOfMatrix(*m_opt); //printf("%f\n",*dt); float D = elem(sizeMopt,0,1)+1; //printf("%f\n", D); freeMatrix(sizeMopt); float w_opt = 1/D; //printf("%f\n", w_opt); float Nx = 3; float d = Nx*(D-1) + 1; //printf("%f\n", d); float w = 1/d; //printf("%f\n", w); //xn = xEst(4:6); % Rotation vector appMatrix(xn, 0, 2, 0, 0, *xEst, 3, 5, 0, 0); //printMatrix(xn);system("PAUSE"); //Cn = CEst(4:6,4:6); appMatrix(Cn, 0, 2, 0, 2, *CEst, 3, 5, 3, 5); //printMatrix(Cn);system("PAUSE"); //xl = [xEst(1:3) ; xEst(7:12)]; % Translation, angular velocity, linear velocity appMatrix(xl, 0, 2, 0, 0, *xEst, 0, 2, 0, 0); appMatrix(xl, 3, 8, 0, 0, *xEst, 6, 11, 0, 0); //printMatrix(xl);system("PAUSE"); //Cl = [CEst(1:3,1:3) CEst(1:3,7:12); // CEst(7:12,1:3) CEst(7:12,7:12)] ; appMatrix(Cl, 0, 2, 0, 2, *CEst, 0, 2, 0, 2); appMatrix(Cl, 0, 2, 3, 8, *CEst, 0, 2, 6, 11); appMatrix(Cl, 3, 8, 0, 2, *CEst, 6, 11, 0, 2); appMatrix(Cl, 3, 8, 3, 8, *CEst, 6, 11, 6, 11); //printMatrix(Cl);system("PAUSE"); //Cnl = [CEst(4:6,1:3) CEst(4:6,7:12)]; appMatrix(Cnl, 0, 2, 0, 2, *CEst, 3, 5, 0, 2); appMatrix(Cnl, 0, 2, 3, 8, *CEst, 3, 5, 6, 11); //printMatrix(Cnl);system("PAUSE"); //CLN = Cl - Cnl'*inv(Cn)*Cnl; Cnl_T = transposeMatrix(Cnl); // printMatrix(Cn);system("PAUSE"); Cn_i = invertCovMatrix(Cn); //printMatrix(Cn_i);system("PAUSE"); tmp = mulMatrix( Cnl_T, Cn_i); tmp7 = mulMatrix(tmp, Cnl); CLN = subMatrix ( Cl, tmp7); //printMatrix(CLN);system("PAUSE"); freeMatrix(tmp); freeMatrix(tmp7); // Eigenvectors, Eigenvalues sizeCn = sizeOfMatrix(Cn); int dimC = elem ( sizeCn, 0, 0 ); freeMatrix(sizeCn); Vec = zeroMatrix(dimC, dimC); Val = zeroMatrix(dimC, dimC); eig ( &Cn, &Vec, &Val ); //printMatrix(Cn);printMatrix(Vec);printMatrix(Val);system("PAUSE"); // m1 = vec*sqrtf(val) int i; for ( i = 0; i < dimC; ++i ) setElem(Val, i, i, sqrtf(fabs(elem(Val, i,i)))); m1 = mulMatrix(Vec, Val); //printMatrix(m1);system("PAUSE"); // rotate & scale samples: m = m1*S m = scaledSamplePoints(m1, *m_opt); //printMatrix(m);system("PAUSE"); // x = x*ones(1,d) x = fillMatrix(xn, d); // shift samples: m = m + x tmp = addMatrix(m, x); appMatrix(m, 0, m->height-1, 0, m->width-1, tmp, 0, tmp->height-1, 0, tmp->width-1 ); //printMatrix(m);system("PAUSE"); freeMatrix(tmp); //A = [[eye(3,3),t*eye(3,3)];[zeros(3,3),eye(3,3)]]; A = unitMatrix(6,6); setElem(A, 0, 3, *dt); setElem(A, 1, 4, *dt); setElem(A, 2, 5, *dt); //printMatrix(A);system("PAUSE"); for (i=0; i<d; i++) { //gi = [zeros(3,1); m(:,i); zeros(6,1)]; setElem(gi, 3, 0, elem(m, 0, i)); setElem(gi, 4, 0, elem(m, 1, i)); setElem(gi, 5, 0, elem(m, 2, i)); //printMatrix(gi);system("PAUSE"); //Rot_vec = m(:,i); setElem(Rot_vec, 0, 0, elem(m, 0, i)); setElem(Rot_vec, 1, 0, elem(m, 1, i)); setElem(Rot_vec, 2, 0, elem(m, 2, i)); //printMatrix(Rot_vec);system("PAUSE"); //r = norm(Rot_vec); r = sqrtf( powf((elem(Rot_vec,0,0)),2) + powf((elem(Rot_vec,1,0)),2) + powf((elem(Rot_vec,2,0)),2) ); //printf("%f\n",r); H = zeroMatrix(3,3); if (fmod(r, 2*pi) == 0) { Mat = unitMatrix(3,3); } else { // build skew symmetric Matrix setElem(H, 0, 1, -elem(Rot_vec,2,0)); setElem(H, 0, 2, elem(Rot_vec,1,0)); setElem(H, 1, 0, elem(Rot_vec,2,0)); setElem(H, 1, 2, -elem(Rot_vec,0,0)); setElem(H, 2, 0, -elem(Rot_vec,1,0)); setElem(H, 2, 1, elem(Rot_vec,0,0)); //printMatrix(H);system("PAUSE"); // Bortz equation // Mat = eye(3,3) + 0.5*H + (1- r*sin(r)/( 2*(1-cos(r))))/r^2*H*H; // already declared Mat = unitMatrix(3,3); tmp1 = mulScalarMatrix(0.5, H); tmp4 = addMatrix( eye33 , tmp1 ); tmp2 = mulMatrix(H, H); tmp3 = mulScalarMatrix( (1-(r*sin(r)/(2*(1-cos(r)))))/powf(r,2), tmp2); Mat = addMatrix( tmp4, tmp3); //printMatrix(Mat);system("PAUSE"); freeMatrix(tmp1); freeMatrix(tmp2); freeMatrix(tmp3); freeMatrix(tmp4); } //Hi = [[A(1:3,1:3) zeros(3,3) A(1:3,4:6)]; // [zeros(3,3), t*Mat, zeros(3,3)]; // [zeros(3,3), eye(3,3), zeros(3,3)]; // [A(4:6,1:3),zeros(3,3), A(4:6,4:6)]]; appMatrix( Hi, 0, 2, 0, 2, A, 0, 2, 0, 2 ); appMatrix( Hi, 0, 2, 3, 5, zeros33, 0, 2, 0, 2 ); appMatrix( Hi, 0, 2, 6, 8, A, 0, 2, 3, 5 ); appMatrix( Hi, 3, 5, 0, 2, zeros33, 0, 2, 0, 2 ); tmpHi = mulScalarMatrix(*dt, Mat); appMatrix( Hi, 3, 5, 3, 5, tmpHi, 0, 2, 0, 2 ); freeMatrix(tmpHi); appMatrix( Hi, 3, 5, 6, 8, zeros33, 0, 2, 0, 2 ); appMatrix( Hi, 6, 8, 0, 2, zeros33, 0, 2, 0, 2 ); appMatrix( Hi, 6, 8, 3, 5, eye33, 0, 2, 0, 2 ); appMatrix( Hi, 6, 8, 6, 8, zeros33, 0, 2, 0, 2 ); appMatrix( Hi, 9, 11, 0, 2, A, 3, 5, 0, 2 ); appMatrix( Hi, 9, 11, 3, 5, zeros33, 0, 2, 0, 2 ); appMatrix( Hi, 9, 11, 6, 8, A, 3, 5, 3, 5 ); //printMatrix(Hi);system("PAUSE"); // mui = xl + Cnl'*inv(Cn)*(m(:,i)-xn); //m(:,i) -> Rot_vec tmp = mulMatrix(Cnl_T, Cn_i ); tmp1 = subMatrix(Rot_vec, xn); tmp2 = mulMatrix(tmp, tmp1); mui = addMatrix(xl, tmp2); freeMatrix(tmp); freeMatrix(tmp1); freeMatrix(tmp2); //printMatrix(mui);system("PAUSE"); // muiy = gi + Hi * mui; tmp = mulMatrix(Hi, mui); muiy = addMatrix( gi, tmp); //printMatrix(muiy);system("PAUSE"); freeMatrix(tmp); // Ciy = Hi *CLN *Hi'; tmp1 = mulMatrix(Hi, CLN); tmp2 = transposeMatrix(Hi); Ciy = mulMatrix( tmp1, tmp2); //printMatrix(Ciy);system("PAUSE"); freeMatrix(tmp1); freeMatrix(tmp2); // Cy = Cy + (w*Ciy + w_opt*muiy*muiy'); tmp3 = mulScalarMatrix(w, Ciy); tmp1 = transposeMatrix(muiy); tmp2 = mulMatrix(muiy, tmp1); tmp4 = mulScalarMatrix( w_opt, tmp2 ); tmp5 = addMatrix( tmp3, tmp4 ); tmp6 = addMatrix( Cy, tmp5); appMatrix(Cy,0,Cy->height-1,0,Cy->width-1,tmp6, 0,tmp6->height-1,0,tmp6->width-1); //printMatrix(Cy);system("PAUSE"); freeMatrix(tmp1); freeMatrix(tmp2); freeMatrix(tmp3); freeMatrix(tmp4); freeMatrix(tmp5); freeMatrix(tmp6); // muy = muy + w*muiy; tmp = mulScalarMatrix( w, muiy ); tmp2 = addMatrix( muy, tmp ); appMatrix(muy,0,muy->height-1,0,muy->width-1, tmp2, 0, tmp2->height-1, 0, tmp2->width-1); //printMatrix(muy);system("PAUSE"); freeMatrix(tmp); freeMatrix(tmp2); freeMatrix(H); freeMatrix(Mat); freeMatrix(mui);// freeMatrix(muiy);// freeMatrix(Ciy); } appMatrix(*xEst, 0, 11, 0, 0, muy, 0, 11, 0, 0 ); //printMatrix(muy);system("PAUSE"); //CEst = Cy - muy*muy' * w_opt/w + Cw; tmp1 = transposeMatrix(muy); tmp2 = mulMatrix(muy, tmp1); tmp5 = mulScalarMatrix( w_opt/w, tmp2 ); tmp6 = subMatrix(Cy, tmp5); tmp8 = addMatrix( tmp6, *Cw); //printMatrix(*CEst);system("PAUSE"); appMatrix(*CEst,0,11,0,11, tmp8, 0,11,0,11 ); //printMatrix(tmp8);system("PAUSE"); freeMatrix(tmp1); freeMatrix(tmp2); freeMatrix(tmp5); freeMatrix(tmp6); freeMatrix(tmp8); freeMatrix(muy);// freeMatrix(zeros33);// freeMatrix(Vec); freeMatrix(Val); freeMatrix(Cy); freeMatrix(xn); freeMatrix(Cn); freeMatrix(xl); freeMatrix(Cl);// freeMatrix(Cnl); freeMatrix(Cnl_T); freeMatrix(Cn_i); freeMatrix(CLN);// freeMatrix(m1); freeMatrix(m);// freeMatrix(x); freeMatrix(A); freeMatrix(eye33); freeMatrix(Hi); freeMatrix(gi); freeMatrix(Rot_vec); } /* End gaussianPred_decomp */
void Cage::applyWave() { bool isCenter = false; float cx = 0; float cy = 0; Areas &areas = getAreas(0); if (areas.size()>0) { cx =[0]; cy =[1]; isCenter = true; } for (unsigned int i=0; i<areas.size(); i++) { Area &area =; cx = (cx +[0])/2.0; cy = (cy +[1])/2.0; } if (isCenter) { if (isCenterPrev) { if (isWaveDebug) { color(1,0,0); lineWidth(10); line(cxPrev, cyPrev, cx, cy); } if (isWave) { Wave wave; wave.x = cx; wave.y = cy; wave.angle = angle(cxPrev, cyPrev, cx, cy); wave.lenght = distance(cxPrev, cyPrev, cx, cy)*waveForce; waves.append(wave); } } isCenterPrev = true; } else { isCenterPrev = false; } cxPrev = cx; cyPrev = cy; QList<Wave>::iterator i= waves.begin(); while (i != waves.end()) { Wave &wave = *i; if (wave.lenght > 0) { wave.lenght -= waveSpeed; wave.x += waveSpeed*cos(wave.angle); wave.y += waveSpeed*sin(wave.angle); if (isWave) { int x1 = (wave.x - waveWidth/2.0)/cellSize; int y1 = (wave.y - waveWidth/2.0)/cellSize; int x2 = (wave.x + waveWidth/2.0)/cellSize; int y2 = (wave.y + waveWidth/2.0)/cellSize; zeroMatrix(x1, y1, x2, y2); } i++; } else { i = waves.erase(i); } } }