Java_org_zeromq_czmq_Zsys__1_1setIoThreads (JNIEnv *env, jclass c, jlong io_threads)
    zsys_set_io_threads ((size_t) io_threads);
Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char * const *argv)
    int rc = 0;
    process_arguments(argc, argv);

    setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
    setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);

    if (!quiet)
        printf("[I] started %s\n"
               "[I] sub-port:    %d\n"
               "[I] push-port:   %d\n"
               "[I] io-threads:  %lu\n"
               "[I] rcv-hwm:  %d\n"
               "[I] snd-hwm:  %d\n"
               , argv[0], pull_port, pub_port, io_threads, rcv_hwm, snd_hwm);

    // load config
    config_file_exists = zsys_file_exists(config_file_name);
    if (config_file_exists) {
        config = zconfig_load((char*)config_file_name);

    // set global config

    // create socket to receive messages on
    zsock_t *receiver = zsock_new(ZMQ_SUB);
    assert_x(receiver != NULL, "sub socket creation failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    zsock_set_rcvhwm(receiver, rcv_hwm);

    // bind externally
    char* host = zlist_first(hosts);
    while (host) {
        if (!quiet)
            printf("[I] connecting to: %s\n", host);
        rc = zsock_connect(receiver, "%s", host);
        assert_x(rc == 0, "sub socket connect failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        host = zlist_next(hosts);
    tracker = device_tracker_new(hosts, receiver);

    // create socket for publishing
    zsock_t *publisher = zsock_new(ZMQ_PUSH);
    assert_x(publisher != NULL, "pub socket creation failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    zsock_set_sndhwm(publisher, snd_hwm);

    rc = zsock_bind(publisher, "tcp://%s:%d", "*", pub_port);
    assert_x(rc == pub_port, "pub socket bind failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    // create compressor sockets
    zsock_t *compressor_input = zsock_new(ZMQ_PUSH);
    assert_x(compressor_input != NULL, "compressor input socket creation failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    rc = zsock_bind(compressor_input, "inproc://compressor-input");
    assert_x(rc==0, "compressor input socket bind failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    zsock_t *compressor_output = zsock_new(ZMQ_PULL);
    assert_x(compressor_output != NULL, "compressor output socket creation failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    rc = zsock_bind(compressor_output, "inproc://compressor-output");
    assert_x(rc==0, "compressor output socket bind failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    // create compressor agents
    zactor_t *compressors[MAX_COMPRESSORS];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_compressors; i++)
        compressors[i] = message_decompressor_new(i);

    // set up event loop
    zloop_t *loop = zloop_new();
    zloop_set_verbose(loop, 0);

    // calculate statistics every 1000 ms
    int timer_id = zloop_timer(loop, 1000, 0, timer_event, NULL);
    assert(timer_id != -1);

    // setup handler for the receiver socket
    publisher_state_t publisher_state = {
        .receiver = zsock_resolve(receiver),
        .publisher = zsock_resolve(publisher),
        .compressor_input = zsock_resolve(compressor_input),
        .compressor_output = zsock_resolve(compressor_output),

    // setup handler for compression results
    rc = zloop_reader(loop, compressor_output, read_zmq_message_and_forward, &publisher_state);
    assert(rc == 0);
    zloop_reader_set_tolerant(loop, compressor_output);

    // setup handdler for messages incoming from the outside or rabbit_listener
    rc = zloop_reader(loop, receiver, read_zmq_message_and_forward, &publisher_state);
    assert(rc == 0);
    zloop_reader_set_tolerant(loop, receiver);

    // initialize clock
    global_time = zclock_time();

    // setup subscriptions
    if (subscriptions == NULL || zlist_size(subscriptions) == 0) {
        if (!quiet)
            printf("[I] subscribing to all log messages\n");
        zsock_set_subscribe(receiver, "");
    } else {
        char *subscription = zlist_first(subscriptions);
        while (subscription) {
            if (!quiet)
                printf("[I] subscribing to %s\n", subscription);
            zsock_set_subscribe(receiver, subscription);
            subscription = zlist_next(subscriptions);
        zsock_set_subscribe(receiver, "heartbeat");

    // run the loop
    if (!zsys_interrupted) {
        if (verbose)
            printf("[I] starting main event loop\n");
        bool should_continue_to_run = getenv("CPUPROFILE") != NULL;
        do {
            rc = zloop_start(loop);
            should_continue_to_run &= errno == EINTR && !zsys_interrupted;
            log_zmq_error(rc, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        } while (should_continue_to_run);
        if (verbose)
            printf("[I] main event zloop terminated with return code %d\n", rc);

    assert(loop == NULL);

    if (!quiet) {
        printf("[I] received %zu messages\n", received_messages_count);
        printf("[I] shutting down\n");

    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_compressors; i++)

    if (!quiet)
        printf("[I] terminated\n");

    return rc;
Beispiel #3
//  Configure the number of I/O threads that ZeroMQ will use. A good
//  rule of thumb is one thread per gigabit of traffic in or out. The
//  default is 1, sufficient for most applications. If the environment
//  variable ZSYS_IO_THREADS is defined, that provides the default.
//  Note that this method is valid only before any socket is created.
void QmlZsysAttached::setIoThreads (size_t ioThreads) {
    zsys_set_io_threads (ioThreads);
Beispiel #4
zsys_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zsys: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    zsys_catch_interrupts ();

    //  Check capabilities without using the return value
    int rc = zsys_has_curve ();

    if (verbose) {
        char *hostname = zsys_hostname ();
        zsys_info ("host name is %s", hostname);
        free (hostname);
        zsys_info ("system limit is %zd ZeroMQ sockets", zsys_socket_limit ());
    zsys_set_io_threads (1);
    zsys_set_max_sockets (0);
    zsys_set_linger (0);
    zsys_set_sndhwm (1000);
    zsys_set_rcvhwm (1000);
    zsys_set_pipehwm (2500);
    assert (zsys_pipehwm () == 2500);

    zsys_set_ipv6 (0);

    rc = zsys_file_delete ("nosuchfile");
    assert (rc == -1);

    bool rc_bool = zsys_file_exists ("nosuchfile");
    assert (rc_bool != true);

    rc = (int) zsys_file_size ("nosuchfile");
    assert (rc == -1);

    time_t when = zsys_file_modified (".");
    assert (when > 0);

    mode_t mode = zsys_file_mode (".");
    assert (S_ISDIR (mode));
    assert (mode & S_IRUSR);
    assert (mode & S_IWUSR);

    zsys_file_mode_private ();
    rc = zsys_dir_create ("%s/%s", ".", ".testsys/subdir");
    assert (rc == 0);
    when = zsys_file_modified ("./.testsys/subdir");
    assert (when > 0);
    assert (!zsys_file_stable ("./.testsys/subdir"));
    rc = zsys_dir_delete ("%s/%s", ".", ".testsys/subdir");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zsys_dir_delete ("%s/%s", ".", ".testsys");
    assert (rc == 0);
    zsys_file_mode_default ();

    int major, minor, patch;
    zsys_version (&major, &minor, &patch);
    assert (major == CZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR);
    assert (minor == CZMQ_VERSION_MINOR);
    assert (patch == CZMQ_VERSION_PATCH);

    char *string = zsys_sprintf ("%s %02x", "Hello", 16);
    assert (streq (string, "Hello 10"));
    free (string);

    char *str64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890,.";
    int num10 = 1234567890;
    string = zsys_sprintf ("%s%s%s%s%d", str64, str64, str64, str64, num10);
    assert (strlen (string) == (4 * 64 + 10));
    free (string);

    //  Test logging system
    zsys_set_logident ("czmq_selftest");
    zsys_set_logsender ("inproc://logging");
    void *logger = zsys_socket (ZMQ_SUB, NULL, 0);
    assert (logger);
    rc = zsocket_connect (logger, "inproc://logging");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zmq_setsockopt (logger, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, "", 0);
    assert (rc == 0);

    if (verbose) {
        zsys_error ("This is an %s message", "error");
        zsys_warning ("This is a %s message", "warning");
        zsys_notice ("This is a %s message", "notice");
        zsys_info ("This is a %s message", "info");
        zsys_debug ("This is a %s message", "debug");
        zsys_set_logident ("hello, world");
        zsys_info ("This is a %s message", "info");
        zsys_debug ("This is a %s message", "debug");

        //  Check that logsender functionality is working
        char *received = zstr_recv (logger);
        assert (received);
        zstr_free (&received);
    zsys_close (logger, NULL, 0);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Beispiel #5
//  Configure the number of I/O threads that ZeroMQ will use. A good
//  rule of thumb is one thread per gigabit of traffic in or out. The
//  default is 1, sufficient for most applications. If the environment
//  variable ZSYS_IO_THREADS is defined, that provides the default.
//  Note that this method is valid only before any socket is created.
void QZsys::setIoThreads (size_t ioThreads)
    zsys_set_io_threads (ioThreads);

Beispiel #6
celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_create(bundle_context_pt context, pubsub_admin_pt *admin) {
	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;

	if (!zsys_has_curve()){
		printf("PSA_ZMQ: zeromq curve unsupported\n");

	*admin = calloc(1, sizeof(**admin));

	if (!*admin) {
		status = CELIX_ENOMEM;

		const char *ip = NULL;
		char *detectedIp = NULL;
		(*admin)->bundle_context= context;
		(*admin)->localPublications = hashMap_create(utils_stringHash, NULL, utils_stringEquals, NULL);
		(*admin)->subscriptions = hashMap_create(utils_stringHash, NULL, utils_stringEquals, NULL);
		(*admin)->pendingSubscriptions = hashMap_create(utils_stringHash, NULL, utils_stringEquals, NULL);
		(*admin)->externalPublications = hashMap_create(utils_stringHash, NULL, utils_stringEquals, NULL);
		(*admin)->topicSubscriptionsPerSerializer = hashMap_create(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		(*admin)->topicPublicationsPerSerializer  = hashMap_create(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

		celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->localPublicationsLock, NULL);
		celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->subscriptionsLock, NULL);
		celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->externalPublicationsLock, NULL);
		celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->serializerListLock, NULL);
		celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->usedSerializersLock, NULL);

		celixThreadMutexAttr_settype(&(*admin)->noSerializerPendingsAttr, CELIX_THREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE);
		celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->noSerializerPendingsLock, &(*admin)->noSerializerPendingsAttr);

		celixThreadMutexAttr_settype(&(*admin)->pendingSubscriptionsAttr, CELIX_THREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE);
		celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->pendingSubscriptionsLock, &(*admin)->pendingSubscriptionsAttr);

		if (logHelper_create(context, &(*admin)->loghelper) == CELIX_SUCCESS) {

		bundleContext_getProperty(context,PSA_IP , &ip);

#ifndef ANDROID
		if (ip == NULL) {
			const char *interface = NULL;

			bundleContext_getProperty(context, PSA_ITF, &interface);
			if (pubsubAdmin_getIpAdress(interface, &detectedIp) != CELIX_SUCCESS) {
				logHelper_log((*admin)->loghelper, OSGI_LOGSERVICE_WARNING, "PSA_ZMQ: Could not retrieve IP adress for interface %s", interface);

			ip = detectedIp;

		if (ip != NULL) {
			logHelper_log((*admin)->loghelper, OSGI_LOGSERVICE_INFO, "PSA_ZMQ: Using %s for service annunciation", ip);
			(*admin)->ipAddress = strdup(ip);
		else {
			logHelper_log((*admin)->loghelper, OSGI_LOGSERVICE_WARNING, "PSA_ZMQ: No IP address for service annunciation set. Using %s", DEFAULT_IP);
			(*admin)->ipAddress = strdup(DEFAULT_IP);

		if (detectedIp != NULL) {

		const char* basePortStr = NULL;
		const char* maxPortStr = NULL;
		char* endptrBase = NULL;
		char* endptrMax = NULL;
		bundleContext_getPropertyWithDefault(context, PSA_ZMQ_BASE_PORT, "PSA_ZMQ_DEFAULT_BASE_PORT", &basePortStr);
		bundleContext_getPropertyWithDefault(context, PSA_ZMQ_MAX_PORT, "PSA_ZMQ_DEFAULT_MAX_PORT", &maxPortStr);
		(*admin)->basePort = strtol(basePortStr, &endptrBase, 10);
		(*admin)->maxPort = strtol(maxPortStr, &endptrMax, 10);
		if (*endptrBase != '\0') {
			(*admin)->basePort = PSA_ZMQ_DEFAULT_BASE_PORT;
		if (*endptrMax != '\0') {
			(*admin)->maxPort = PSA_ZMQ_DEFAULT_MAX_PORT;

		printf("PSA Using base port %u to max port %u\n", (*admin)->basePort, (*admin)->maxPort);

		// Disable Signal Handling by CZMQ
		setenv("ZSYS_SIGHANDLER", "false", true);

		const char *nrZmqThreads = NULL;
		bundleContext_getProperty(context, "PSA_NR_ZMQ_THREADS", &nrZmqThreads);

		if(nrZmqThreads != NULL) {
			char *endPtr = NULL;
			unsigned int nrThreads = strtoul(nrZmqThreads, &endPtr, 10);
			if(endPtr != nrZmqThreads && nrThreads > 0 && nrThreads < 50) {
				logHelper_log((*admin)->loghelper, OSGI_LOGSERVICE_INFO, "PSA_ZMQ: Using %d threads for ZMQ", nrThreads);
				printf("PSA_ZMQ: Using %d threads for ZMQ\n", nrThreads);

		// Setup authenticator
		zactor_t* auth = zactor_new (zauth, NULL);
		zstr_sendx(auth, "VERBOSE", NULL);

		// Load all public keys of subscribers into the application
		// This step is done for authenticating subscribers
		char curve_folder_path[MAX_KEY_FOLDER_PATH_LENGTH];
		char* keys_bundle_dir = pubsub_getKeysBundleDir(context);
		snprintf(curve_folder_path, MAX_KEY_FOLDER_PATH_LENGTH, "%s/META-INF/keys/subscriber/public", keys_bundle_dir);
		zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", curve_folder_path, NULL);

		(*admin)->zmq_auth = auth;


	return status;