char * zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress_1( const char * device )
	int fd ;
	char * path ;
	struct loop_info64 l_info ;

	string_t st = String_1( "/sys/block/",device + 5,"/loop/backing_file",NULL ) ;

	string_t xt = _StringGetFromVirtualFile( &st ) ;

	if( xt == StringVoid ){

		memset( &l_info,'\0',sizeof( struct loop_info64 ) ) ;

		fd = open( device,O_RDONLY ) ;

		ioctl( fd,LOOP_GET_STATUS64,&l_info ) ;

		path = zuluCryptRealPath( ( char * ) l_info.lo_file_name ) ;

		close( fd ) ;

		return path ;
		StringRemoveRight( xt,1 ) ;
		return StringDeleteHandle( &xt ) ;
string_t zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress_2( const char * device )
	int fd ;
	char * path ;
	struct loop_info64 l_info ;

	string_t st = String_1( "/sys/block/",device + 5,"/loop/backing_file",NULL ) ;

	string_t xt = _StringGetFromVirtualFile( &st ) ;

	if( xt == StringVoid ){

		memset( &l_info,'\0',sizeof( struct loop_info64 ) ) ;

		fd = open( device,O_RDONLY ) ;

		ioctl( fd,LOOP_GET_STATUS64,&l_info ) ;

		path = zuluCryptRealPath( ( char * ) l_info.lo_file_name ) ;

		close( fd ) ;

		xt = StringInherit( &path ) ;
		StringRemoveRight( xt,1 ) ;
	 * zuluCryptEncodeMountEntry() is defined in mount_volume.c
	zuluCryptEncodeMountEntry( xt ) ;
	return xt ;
Beispiel #3
static stringList_t _zuluCryptAddMDRAIDVolumes( stringList_t stl )
	DIR * dir = opendir( "/dev/md/" ) ;
	struct dirent * entry ;
	char * e ;
	const char * f ;
	string_t st ;

	if( dir != NULL ){

		while( ( entry = readdir( dir ) ) != NULL ){

			f = entry->d_name ;

			if( !StringAtLeastOneMatch_1( f,".","..","md-device-map",NULL ) ){

				st = String( "/dev/md/" ) ;
				e = zuluCryptRealPath( StringAppend( st,f ) ) ;

				if( e != NULL ){

					StringListRemoveString( stl,e ) ;
					StringFree( e ) ;

				stl = StringListAppendString_1( stl,&st ) ;
		closedir( dir ) ;

	return stl ;
Beispiel #4
char * zuluCryptResolvePath( const char * path )
	char * e ;
	char * f ;

	if( StringsAreEqual( path,"/dev/root" ) ){

		e = _zuluCryptResolveDevRoot() ;

		if( e == NULL ){

			return StringCopy_2( path ) ;
			return e ;
	}else if( StringPrefixEqual( path,"/dev/disk/by-" ) ){
		 * zuluCryptRealPath() is defined in real_path.c
		e = zuluCryptRealPath( path ) ;

		if( e == NULL ){

			return StringCopy_2( path ) ;
			if( StringPrefixEqual( e,"/dev/mapper/" ) ){

				f = _convert_if_path_is_lvm( e ) ;
				StringFree( e ) ;

				return f ;
				return e ;
	}else if( StringPrefixEqual( path,"/dev/mapper/" ) ){

		return _convert_if_path_is_lvm( path ) ;

	}else if( StringPrefixEqual( path,"/dev/md" ) ){

		return zuluCryptResolveMDPath( path ) ;

	}else if( StringPrefixEqual( path,"/dev/dm-" ) ){

		return zuluCryptResolveDMPath( path ) ;

	}else if( StringPrefixEqual( path,"/dev/loop" ) ){
		 * zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress() is defined in create_loop_device.c
		return zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress( path ) ;
		return StringCopy_2( path ) ;
Beispiel #5
 * dm path is a path like "/dev/dm-5".
 * this routine will transform the path to /dev/abc/def if the path is
 * an lvm path or to /dev/mapper/xyz if the volume is any other device manager volume.
char * zuluCryptResolveDMPath( const char * path )
	char * e = zuluCryptRealPath( path ) ;

	char * f = _convert_if_path_is_lvm( e ) ;

	StringFree( e ) ;

	return f ;
char * zuluCryptGetFileNameFromFileDescriptor( int fd )
	char * e ;
	char * c ;

	string_t xt = String( "/proc/self/fd/" ) ;

	e = zuluCryptRealPath( StringAppendInt( xt,fd ) ) ;

	 * zuluCryptResolvePath_4() is defined in resolve_paths.c
	c = zuluCryptResolvePath_4( e ) ;

	StringFree( e ) ;

	StringDelete( &xt ) ;

	return c ;
Beispiel #7
 * raid path can be in format /dev/mdX or /dev/md/X.
 * We prefer the latter and if given the former,convert it to the latter if possible
string_t zuluCryptResolveMDPath_1( const char * path )
	struct dirent * entry ;

	char * e ;

	const char * f = "/dev/md/" ;

	DIR * dir = opendir( f ) ;

	string_t st = String( f ) ;

	if( dir != NULL ){

		while( ( entry = readdir( dir ) ) != NULL ){

			f = entry->d_name ;

			if( !StringAtLeastOneMatch_1( f,".","..",NULL ) ){

				e = zuluCryptRealPath( StringAppendAt( st,8,f ) ) ;

				if( StringsAreEqual( path,e ) ){

					StringFree( e ) ;

					return zuluExit( dir,st ) ;
					StringFree( e ) ;

	StringReplace( st,path ) ;

	return zuluExit( dir,st ) ;
static int open_plain_as_me_1(const struct_opts * opts,const char * mapping_name,uid_t uid,int op )
	 * Below is a form of memory management.All strings are collected in a stringlist object to easily delete them
	 * when the function returns.This allows for the function to have multiple exit points without risks of leaking
	 * memory from manually examining each exit point to make sure all strings are deleted or go with multiple goto
	 * code deleting blocks to take into account different exit points.
	stringList_t stl ;
	string_t * stringArray  = StringListArray( &stl,5 ) ;
	string_t * mapper     = &stringArray[ 0 ] ;
	string_t * passphrase = &stringArray[ 1 ] ;
	string_t * p          = &stringArray[ 2 ] ;
	string_t * dev_st     = &stringArray[ 3 ] ;
	string_t * dev_1      = &stringArray[ 4 ] ;

	size_t len = 0 ;

	const char * source      = opts->key_source ;
	const char * pass        = opts->key ;

	int k = opts->ask_confirmation ;

	const char * cpass = NULL ;

	char * d ;

	const char * device = opts->device ;
	const char * dev = opts->device ;

	int j ;
	int n ;

	const char * cmapper ;

	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/loop" ) ){
		 * zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress() is defined in ../lib/create_loop_device.c
		d = zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress( device ) ;
		*dev_st = StringInherit( &d ) ;
		dev = StringContent( *dev_st ) ;
		*dev_1 = StringCopy( *dev_st ) ;
		device = StringReplaceString( * dev_1,"\\040"," " ) ;

	 * zuluCryptPartitionIsSystemPartition() is defined in ./partition.c
	if( zuluCryptPartitionIsSystemPartition( device,uid ) ){
		if( uid != 0 ){
			return zuluExit( stl,8 ) ;
	 * ZULUCRYPTlongMapperPath and ZULUCRYPTshortMapperPath are in ../constants.h
	 * zuluCryptCreateMapperName() is defined at ../lib/create_mapper_name.c
	*mapper = zuluCryptCreateMapperName( device,mapping_name,uid,ZULUCRYPTshortMapperPath ) ;

	*p = zuluCryptCreateMapperName( device,mapping_name,uid,ZULUCRYPTlongMapperPath ) ;

	j = zuluCryptCheckOpenedMapper( StringContent( *p ) ) ;

	 * zuluCryptPartitionIsMounted() is defined in ../lib/process_mountinfo.c
	n = zuluCryptPartitionIsMounted( dev ) ;

	if( j == 1 ){
		return zuluExit( stl,13 ) ;
	if( n == 1 ){
		return zuluExit( stl,14 ) ;
	if( k == 0 ){
		*passphrase = StringRandomString( 64 ) ;
		cpass = StringContent( *passphrase ) ;
		len = StringLength( *passphrase ) ;
	}else if( source == NULL ){
		printf( gettext( "Enter passphrase: " ) ) ;
		 * ZULUCRYPT_KEY_MAX_SIZE is set in ../constants.h
		switch( StringSilentlyGetFromTerminal_1( passphrase,ZULUCRYPT_KEY_MAX_SIZE ) ){
			case 1 : return zuluExit( stl,16 ) ;
			case 2 : return zuluExit( stl,17 ) ;
		printf( "\n" ) ;
		cpass = StringContent( *passphrase ) ;
		len = StringLength( *passphrase ) ;
		if( strcmp( source,"-p" ) == 0 ){
			*passphrase = String( pass ) ;
			cpass = StringContent( *passphrase ) ;
			len = StringLength( *passphrase ) ;
		}else if( strcmp( source,"-f" ) == 0 ){
			 * zuluCryptGetPassFromFile() is defined at "path_access.c"
			switch( zuluCryptGetPassFromFile( pass,uid,passphrase ) ){
				case 1 : return zuluExit( stl,10 ) ;
				case 2 : return zuluExit( stl,11 ) ;
				case 4 : return zuluExit( stl,12 ) ;
			cpass = StringContent( *passphrase ) ;
			len = StringLength( *passphrase ) ;

	if( zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ){
		 * zuluCryptOpenPlain() is defined in ../lib/open_plain.c
		if( zuluCryptOpenPlain( device,StringContent( *mapper ),"rw",cpass,len ) != 0 ){
			zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;
			return zuluExit( stl,1 ) ;

	zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;

	 * Create a mapper path(usually at /dev/mapper) associated with opened plain mapper above.
	cmapper = StringMultiplePrepend( *mapper,"/",crypt_get_dir(),NULL ) ;

	 *  mapper path is usually a soft link to /dev/dm-X
	 *  resolve the mapper path to its respective /dev/dm-X and set permission on it.
	 * We set permission of /dev/dm-X pointing to the device to "u+rw" because we want notmal user to be able
	 * to write to the device through the mapper.
	 * Useful when a normal user want to delete content of the device by writing random data to it.
	d = zuluCryptRealPath( cmapper ) ;
	if( zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ){
		if( d != NULL ){
			_ignore_result( chown( d,uid,0 ) ) ;
			_ignore_result( chmod( d,S_IRWXU ) ) ;
			StringFree( d ) ;
		zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;
		return zuluExit( stl,1 ) ;

	if( op == 1 ){
		return zuluExit( stl,0 ) ;
		StringListClearDelete( &stl ) ;
		return 0 ;