Beispiel #1
ACE_ISO8859_IBM1047::read_string (ACE_InputCDR &in,
                                  ACE_CDR::Char *&x)
  ACE_CDR::ULong len;

  in.read_ulong (len);

  if (len > 0)
      ACE_NEW_RETURN (x,

      if (this->read_char_array (in, x, len))
        return 1;

      delete [] x;

  x = 0;
  return 0;
Beispiel #2
  virtual int svc () {
    const size_t FileReadSize = 8 * 1024;
    ACE_Message_Block mblk (FileReadSize);

    for (;; mblk.crunch ()) {
      // Read as much as will fit in the message block.
      ssize_t bytes_read = logfile_.recv (mblk.wr_ptr (),
      if (bytes_read <= 0)
      mblk.wr_ptr (static_cast<size_t> (bytes_read));

      // We have a bunch of data from the log file. The data is
      // arranged like so:
      //    hostname\0
      //    CDR-encoded log record
      // So, first we scan for the end of the host name, then
      // initialize another ACE_Message_Block aligned for CDR
      // demarshaling and copy the remainder of the block into it. We
      // can't use duplicate() because we need to be sure the data
      // pointer is aligned properly for CDR demarshaling.  If at any
      // point, there's not enough data left in the message block to
      // extract what's needed, crunch the block to move all remaining
      // data to the beginning and read more from the file.
      for (;;) {
        size_t name_len = ACE_OS::strnlen
                             (mblk.rd_ptr (), mblk.length ());
        if (name_len == mblk.length ()) break;

        char *name_p = mblk.rd_ptr ();
        ACE_Message_Block *rec, *head, *temp;
          (head, ACE_Message_Block (name_len, MB_CLIENT), 0);
        head->copy (name_p, name_len);
        mblk.rd_ptr (name_len + 1);   // Skip nul also

        size_t need = mblk.length () + ACE_CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT;
        ACE_NEW_RETURN (rec, ACE_Message_Block (need), 0);
        ACE_CDR::mb_align (rec);
        rec->copy (mblk.rd_ptr (), mblk.length ());

        // Now rec contains the remaining data we've read so far from
        // the file. Create an ACE_InputCDR to start demarshaling the
        // log record, header first to find the length, then the data.
        // Since the ACE_InputCDR constructor increases the reference count
        // on rec, we release it upon return to prevent leaks.
        // The cdr 'read' methods return 0 on failure, 1 on success.
        ACE_InputCDR cdr (rec); rec->release ();
        ACE_CDR::Boolean byte_order;
        if (!cdr.read_boolean (byte_order)) {
          head->release (); rec->release (); break;
        cdr.reset_byte_order (byte_order);

        // Now read the length of the record. From there, we'll know
        // if rec contains the complete record or not.
        ACE_CDR::ULong length;
        if (!cdr.read_ulong (length)) {
          head->release (); mblk.rd_ptr (name_p); break;
        if (length > cdr.length ()) {
          head->release (); mblk.rd_ptr (name_p); break;

        // The complete record is in rec... grab all the fields into
        // separate, chained message blocks.
        ACE_NEW_RETURN (temp,
                        ACE_Message_Block (length, MB_TEXT),
           ACE_Message_Block (2 * sizeof (ACE_CDR::Long),
                              MB_TIME, temp),
           ACE_Message_Block (sizeof (ACE_CDR::Long),
                              MB_PID, temp),
           ACE_Message_Block (sizeof (ACE_CDR::Long),
                              MB_TYPE, temp),
        head->cont (temp);

        // Extract the type
        ACE_CDR::Long *lp;
        lp = reinterpret_cast<ACE_CDR::Long*> (temp->wr_ptr ());
        cdr >> *lp;
        temp->wr_ptr (sizeof (ACE_CDR::Long));
        temp = temp->cont ();

        // Extract the pid
        lp = reinterpret_cast<ACE_CDR::Long*> (temp->wr_ptr ());
        cdr >> *lp;
        temp->wr_ptr (sizeof (ACE_CDR::Long));
        temp = temp->cont ();

        // Extract the timestamp (2 Longs)
        lp = reinterpret_cast<ACE_CDR::Long*> (temp->wr_ptr ());
        cdr >> *lp; ++lp; cdr >> *lp;
        temp->wr_ptr (2 * sizeof (ACE_CDR::Long));
        temp = temp->cont ();

        // Demarshal the length of the message text, then demarshal
        // the text into the block.
        ACE_CDR::ULong text_len;
        cdr >> text_len;
        cdr.read_char_array (temp->wr_ptr (), text_len);
        temp->wr_ptr (text_len);

        // Forward the whole lot to the next module.
        if (put_next (head) == -1) break;

        // Move the file-content block's read pointer up past whatever
        // was just processed. Although the mblk's rd_ptr has not been
        // moved, cdr's has.  Therefore, use its length() to determine
        // how much is left.
        mblk.rd_ptr (mblk.length () - cdr.length ());

    // Now that the file is done, send a block down the stream to tell
    // the other modules to stop.
    ACE_Message_Block *stop;
      (stop, ACE_Message_Block (0, ACE_Message_Block::MB_STOP),
    put_next (stop);
    return 0;