Beispiel #1
AColor plLayerTex::EvalColor(ShadeContext& sc)
    if (!sc.doMaps)
        return AColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    AColor color;
    if (sc.GetCache(this, color))
        return color;

    if (gbufID)

    // Evaluate the Bitmap
    if (fBitmapPB->GetInt(kBmpUseBitmap) && fBM)
        plBMSampler mysamp(this, fBM);
        color = fUVGen->EvalUVMap(sc, &mysamp, FALSE);
        // We'd like to pass TRUE and actually filter the image, but that seems to be
        // tripping an odd crash in Max internals. *shrug*

    // Invert color if specified
    if (fBitmapPB->GetInt(kBmpInvertColor))
        color.r = 1.0f - color.r;
        color.g = 1.0f - color.g;
        color.b = 1.0f - color.b;
    // Discard color if specified
    if (fBitmapPB->GetInt(kBmpDiscardColor))
        color.r = color.g = color.b = 1.0f;

    // Invert alpha if specified
    if (fBitmapPB->GetInt(kBmpInvertAlpha))
        color.a = 1.0f - color.a;
    // Discard alpha if specified
    if (fBitmapPB->GetInt(kBmpDiscardAlpha))
        color.a = 1.0f;

    // If RGB output is set to alpha, show RGB as grayscale of the alpha
    if (fBitmapPB->GetInt(kBmpRGBOutput) == 1)
        color = AColor(color.a, color.a, color.a, 1.0f);

    sc.PutCache(this, color);
    return color;
Beispiel #2
void plPassMtl::ShadeWithBackground(ShadeContext &sc, Color background, bool useVtxAlpha /* = true */)
#if 1

    // old
#if 0
    Color lightCol,rescol, diffIllum0;
    RGBA mval;
    Point3 N0,P;
    BOOL bumped = FALSE;
    int i;

    if (gbufID) 
    if (sc.mode == SCMODE_SHADOW) {
        float opac = 0.0;
        for (i=0; i < NumSubTexmaps(); i++)     {
            if (SubTexmapOn(i)) {
                hsMaxLayerBase *hsmLay = (hsMaxLayerBase *)GetSubTexmap(i);
                opac += hsmLay->GetOpacity(t);
        float f = 1.0f - opac;
        sc.out.t = Color(f,f,f);
    N0 = sc.Normal();
    P = sc.P();

    TimeValue t = sc.CurTime();
    Color color(0, 0, 0);
    float alpha = 0.0;

    // Evaluate Base layer
    Texmap *map = fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kPassLayBase);
    if (map && ( map->ClassID() == LAYER_TEX_CLASS_ID 
                || map->ClassID() == STATIC_ENV_LAYER_CLASS_ID ) )
        plLayerTex *layer = (plLayerTex*)map;
        AColor evalColor = layer->EvalColor(sc);

        color = evalColor;
        alpha = evalColor.a;

    // Evaluate Top layer, if it's on
    if (fLayersPB->GetInt(kPassLayTopOn))
        Texmap *map = fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kPassLayTop);
        if (map && ( map->ClassID() == LAYER_TEX_CLASS_ID 
                    || map->ClassID() == STATIC_ENV_LAYER_CLASS_ID 
                    || map->ClassID() == ANGLE_ATTEN_LAYER_CLASS_ID) )
            plPlasmaMAXLayer *layer = (plPlasmaMAXLayer*)map;
            AColor evalColor = layer->EvalColor(sc);

            // Blend layers
            if( !layer->DiscardColor() )
                int blendType = fLayersPB->GetInt(kPassLayBlend);
                switch (blendType)
                case kBlendAdd:
                    color += evalColor * evalColor.a;
                case kBlendAlpha:
                    color = (1.0f - evalColor.a) * color + evalColor.a * evalColor;
                case kBlendMult:
                    color *= evalColor;
                default:    // No blend...
                    color = evalColor;
            if( !layer->DiscardAlpha() )
                int alphaType = fLayersPB->GetInt(kPassLayOutputBlend);
                switch( alphaType )
                case kAlphaMultiply:
                    alpha *= evalColor.a;
                case kAlphaAdd:
                    alpha += evalColor.a;
                case kAlphaDiscard:

#if 1
    AColor black;
    AColor white;

    SIllumParams ip;
    if (fBasicPB->GetInt(kPassBasEmissive))
        // Emissive objects don't get shaded
        ip.diffIllum = fBasicPB->GetColor(kPassBasColorAmb, t) * color;
        ip.specIllum = black;
        // Shading setup

        // Setup the parameters for the shader
        ip.amb = fBasicPB->GetColor(kPassBasColorAmb, t);
        ip.diff = fBasicPB->GetColor(kPassBasColor, t) * color;
        ip.diffIllum = black;
        ip.specIllum = black;
        ip.N = sc.Normal();
        ip.V = sc.V();

        // Specularity
        if (fBasicPB->GetInt(kPassBasUseSpec, t))
            ip.sh_str = 1.f;
            ip.spec = fBasicPB->GetColor( kPassBasSpecColor, t );
            ip.ph_exp = (float)pow(2.0f,float(fBasicPB->GetInt(kPassBasShine, t)) / 10.0f);
            ip.shine = float(fBasicPB->GetInt(kPassBasShine, t)) / 100.0f;
            ip.spec = black;
            ip.sh_str = 0;
            ip.ph_exp = 0;
            ip.shine = 0;
        ip.softThresh = 0;


        // Do the shading
        Shader *myShader = GetShader(SHADER_BLINN);
        myShader->Illum(sc, ip);

        // Override shader parameters
        if (fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvNoShade))
            ip.diffIllum = black;
            ip.specIllum = black;
        if (fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvWhite))
            ip.diffIllum = white;
            ip.specIllum = black;

        ip.diffIllum = ip.amb * sc.ambientLight + ip.diff * ip.diffIllum;

//  AColor returnColor = AColor(opac * ip.diffIllum + ip.specIllum, opac)

    // Get opacity and combine with alpha
    float opac = float(fBasicPB->GetInt(kPassBasOpacity, t)) / 100.0f;
    alpha *= opac;

    float vtxAlpha = 1.0f;
    if (useVtxAlpha && GetOutputBlend() == plPassMtlBase::kBlendAlpha)
        Point3 p;
        GetInterpVtxValue(MAP_ALPHA, sc, p);
        vtxAlpha = p.x;
    alpha *= vtxAlpha;

    // MAX will do the additive/alpha/no blending for us based on what Requirements()
    // we tell it. However, since MAX's formula is bgnd*sc.out.t + sc.out.c,
    // we have to multiply our output color by the alpha.
    // If we ever need a more complicated blending function, you can request the
    // background color via Requirements() (otherwise it's just black) and then do
    // the blending yourself; however, if the transparency isn't set, the shadows
    // will be opaque, so be careful.
    Color outC = ip.diffIllum + ip.specIllum;

    sc.out.c = ( outC * alpha );
    sc.out.t = Color( 1.f - alpha, 1.f - alpha, 1.f - alpha );

Beispiel #3
AColor plStaticEnvLayer::EvalColor(ShadeContext& sc)
    if (!sc.doMaps) 
        return AColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    AColor color;
    if (sc.GetCache(this, color)) 
        return color;

    if (gbufID) 

    // Evaluate the Bitmap

//  Point3  v = sc.VectorTo( sc.V(), REF_OBJECT );//WORLD );
    Point3  v = sc.VectorTo( sc.Normal(), REF_OBJECT );
    float   wx,wy,wz;
    Color   rcol;
    Bitmap  *refmap = NULL;
    Point3  rv;
    Point2  uv;
    int     size;

    wx = (float)fabs( v.x );  
    wy = (float)fabs( v.y );
    wz = (float)fabs( v.z ); 
    if( wx >= wy && wx >= wz )
        if( v.x < 0 )
            refmap = fBitmaps[ kLeftFace ];
            uv = CompUV( -v.y, -v.z,  v.x );
            refmap = fBitmaps[ kRightFace ];
            uv = CompUV( v.y, -v.z, -v.x );
    else if( wy >= wx && wy >= wz ) 
        if( v.y > 0 )
            refmap = fBitmaps[ kBackFace ];
            uv = CompUV( -v.x, -v.z, -v.y );
            refmap = fBitmaps[ kFrontFace ];
            uv = CompUV(  v.x, -v.z,  v.y );
    else if( wz >= wx && wz >= wy ) 
        if( v.z < 0 )
            refmap = fBitmaps[ kBottomFace ];
            uv = CompUV( -v.x, -v.y,  v.z );
            refmap = fBitmaps[ kTopFace ];
            uv = CompUV( -v.x,  v.y, -v.z );

    if( refmap == NULL )
        if( uv.x < 0.0f )
            uv.x = 0.0f; 
        else if( uv.x > 1.0f )
            uv.x = 1.0f;
        if( uv.y < 0.0f )
            uv.y = 0.0f; 
        else if( uv.y > 1.0f )
            uv.y = 1.0f;
        size = refmap->Width();
        int x = (int)( uv.x * (float)( size - 1 ) );
        int y = (int)( ( 1.0f - uv.y ) * (float)( size - 1 ) );

        BMM_Color_64 c;
        refmap->GetLinearPixels( x, y, 1, &c );
        color = AColor( c.r / 65535.f, c.g / 65535.f, c.b / 65535.f, c.a / 65535.f );

    // Invert color if specified
    if( fBitmapPB->GetInt( kBmpInvertColor ) )
        color.r = 1.0f - color.r;
        color.g = 1.0f - color.g;
        color.b = 1.0f - color.b;
    // Discard color if specified
    if( fBitmapPB->GetInt( kBmpDiscardColor ) )
        color.r = color.g = color.b = 1.0f;

    // Invert alpha if specified
    if( fBitmapPB->GetInt( kBmpInvertAlpha ) )
        color.a = 1.0f - color.a;
    // Discard alpha if specified
    if( fBitmapPB->GetInt( kBmpDiscardAlpha ) )
        color.a = 1.0f;

    // If RGB output is set to alpha, show RGB as grayscale of the alpha
    if( fBitmapPB->GetInt( kBmpRGBOutput ) == 1 )
        color = AColor( color.a, color.a, color.a, 1.0f );

    sc.PutCache(this, color); 
    return color;
Beispiel #4
void plParticleMtl::ShadeWithBackground(ShadeContext &sc, Color background)
#if 1
    TimeValue t = sc.CurTime();
    Color color(0, 0, 0);
    float alpha = 0.0;

    // Evaluate Base layer
    Texmap *map = fBasicPB->GetTexmap(kTexmap);
    if (map && map->ClassID() == LAYER_TEX_CLASS_ID)
        plLayerTex *layer = (plLayerTex*)map;
        AColor evalColor = layer->EvalColor(sc);

        color = evalColor;
        alpha = evalColor.a;

#if 1
    AColor black;
    AColor white;

    SIllumParams ip;
    if( fBasicPB->GetInt( kNormal ) == kEmissive )
        // Emissive objects don't get shaded
        ip.diffIllum = fBasicPB->GetColor(kColorAmb, t) * color;
        ip.specIllum = black;
        // Shading setup

        // Setup the parameters for the shader
        ip.amb = black;
        ip.diff = fBasicPB->GetColor(kColor, t) * color;
        ip.spec = white;
        ip.diffIllum = black;
        ip.specIllum = black;
        ip.N = sc.Normal();
        ip.V = sc.V();

        // Specularity
        ip.sh_str = 0;
        ip.ph_exp = 0;
        ip.shine = 0;

        ip.softThresh = 0;

        // Do the shading
        Shader *myShader = GetShader(SHADER_BLINN);
        myShader->Illum(sc, ip);

        ip.diffIllum = ip.amb * sc.ambientLight + ip.diff * ip.diffIllum;

//  AColor returnColor = AColor(opac * ip.diffIllum + ip.specIllum, opac)

    // Get opacity and combine with alpha
    float opac = float(fBasicPB->GetInt(kOpacity, t)) / 100.0f;
    //float opac = 1.0f;
    alpha *= opac;

    // MAX will do the additive/alpha/no blending for us based on what Requirements()
    // we tell it. However, since MAX's formula is bgnd*sc.out.t + sc.out.c,
    // we have to multiply our output color by the alpha.
    // If we ever need a more complicated blending function, you can request the
    // background color via Requirements() (otherwise it's just black) and then do
    // the blending yourself; however, if the transparency isn't set, the shadows
    // will be opaque, so be careful.
    Color outC = ip.diffIllum + ip.specIllum;

    sc.out.c = ( outC * alpha );
    sc.out.t = Color( 1.f - alpha, 1.f - alpha, 1.f - alpha );
