INT_PTR CALLBACK EditorProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { AEffect* effect; switch(msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG : { SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,GWLP_USERDATA,lParam); effect = (AEffect*)lParam; SetWindowText (hwnd, L"VST Editor"); SetTimer (hwnd, 1, 20, 0); if(effect) { effect->dispatcher (effect, effEditOpen, 0, 0, hwnd, 0); ERect* eRect = 0; effect->dispatcher (effect, effEditGetRect, 0, 0, &eRect, 0); if(eRect) { int width = eRect->right - eRect->left; int height = eRect->bottom - eRect->top; if(width < 50) width = 50; if(height < 50) height = 50; RECT wRect; SetRect (&wRect, 0, 0, width, height); AdjustWindowRectEx (&wRect, GetWindowLong (hwnd, GWL_STYLE), FALSE, GetWindowLong (hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE)); width = wRect.right - wRect.left; height = wRect.bottom -; SetWindowPos (hwnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, width, height, SWP_NOMOVE); } } } break; case WM_TIMER : effect = (AEffect*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,GWLP_USERDATA); if(effect) effect->dispatcher (effect, effEditIdle, 0, 0, 0, 0); break; case WM_CLOSE : { effect = (AEffect*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,GWLP_USERDATA); KillTimer (hwnd, 1); if(effect) { effect->dispatcher (effect, effEditClose, 0, 0, 0, 0); } EndDialog (hwnd, IDOK); } break; } return 0; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { if (!checkPlatform ()) { printf ("Platform verification failed! Please check your Compiler Settings!\n"); return -1; } const char* fileName = "again.dll"; //const char* fileName = "adelay.dll"; //const char* fileName = "surrounddelay.dll"; //const char* fileName = "vstxsynth.dll"; //const char* fileName = "drawtest.dll"; if (argc > 1) fileName = argv[1]; printf ("HOST> Load library...\n"); PluginLoader loader; if (!loader.loadLibrary (fileName)) { printf ("Failed to load VST Plugin library!\n"); return -1; } PluginEntryProc mainEntry = loader.getMainEntry (); if (!mainEntry) { printf ("VST Plugin main entry not found!\n"); return -1; } printf ("HOST> Create effect...\n"); AEffect* effect = mainEntry (HostCallback); if (!effect) { printf ("Failed to create effect instance!\n"); return -1; } printf ("HOST> Init sequence...\n"); effect->dispatcher (effect, effOpen, 0, 0, 0, 0); effect->dispatcher (effect, effSetSampleRate, 0, 0, 0, kSampleRate); effect->dispatcher (effect, effSetBlockSize, 0, kBlockSize, 0, 0); checkEffectProperties (effect); checkEffectProcessing (effect); checkEffectEditor (effect); printf ("HOST> Close effect...\n"); effect->dispatcher (effect, effClose, 0, 0, 0, 0); return 0; }
static void set_effect_value(struct SoundPlugin *plugin, int64_t time, int effect_num, float value, enum ValueFormat value_format, FX_when when){ Data *data = (Data*)plugin->data; #if 1 // juce::VSTPluginInstance::setParameter obtains the vst lock. That should not be necessary (Radium ensures that we are alone here), plus that it causes glitches in sound. // So instead, we call the vst setParameter function directly: AEffect *aeffect = (AEffect*)data->audio_instance->getPlatformSpecificData(); aeffect->setParameter(aeffect, effect_num, value); #else // This causes glitches, especially when doing heavy operations such as opening the gui: data->audio_instance->setParameter(effect_num, value); #endif }
void VstSynthIF::write(int level, Xml& xml) const { //--------------------------------------------- // dump current state of synth //--------------------------------------------- int len = 0; const unsigned char* p; AEffect* plugin = _fst->plugin; int params = plugin->numParams; for (int i = 0; i < params; ++i) { xml.doubleTag(level, "param", plugin->getParameter(plugin, i)); } }
static int fst_can_midi( FST *fst ) { AEffect *plugin = fst->plugin; int vst_version = plugin->dispatcher (plugin, effGetVstVersion, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f); if (vst_version >= 2) { /* should we send it VST events (i.e. MIDI) */ if ((plugin->flags & effFlagsIsSynth) || (plugin->dispatcher (plugin, effCanDo, 0, 0,(void*) "receiveVstEvents", 0.0f) > 0)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
bool VstSynthIF::putEvent(const MidiPlayEvent& ev) { if (midiOutputTrace) ev.dump(); AEffect* plugin = _fst->plugin; static struct VstEvents events; static struct VstMidiEvent event; events.numEvents = 1; events.reserved = 0;[0] = (VstEvent*)(&event); event.type = kVstMidiType; event.byteSize = 24; event.deltaFrames = 0; event.flags = 0; event.detune = 0; event.noteLength = 0; event.noteOffset = 0; event.reserved1 = 0; event.reserved2 = 0; event.noteOffVelocity = 0; switch (ev.type()) { case ME_PITCHBEND: { int a = ev.dataA() + 8192; int b = a >> 7; event.midiData[0] = (ev.type() | & 0xff; event.midiData[1] = a & 0x7f; event.midiData[2] = b & 0x7f; event.midiData[3] = 0; } break; case ME_CONTROLLER: case ME_NOTEON: default: event.midiData[0] = (ev.type() | & 0xff; event.midiData[1] = ev.dataA() & 0xff; event.midiData[2] = ev.dataB() & 0xff; event.midiData[3] = 0; break; } int rv = plugin->dispatcher(plugin, effProcessEvents, 0, 0, &events, 0.0f); return false; }
iMPEvent VstSynthIF::getData(MidiPort* mp, MPEventList* el, iMPEvent i, unsigned pos, int ports, unsigned n, float** buffer) { AEffect* plugin = _fst->plugin; for (; i != el->end(); ++i) { if (mp) mp->sendEvent(*i); else { if (putEvent(*i)) break; } } if (plugin->flags & effFlagsCanReplacing) { plugin->processReplacing(plugin, 0, buffer, n); } else { plugin->process(plugin, 0, buffer, n); } return el->end(); }
static FSTInfo *fst_info_from_plugin( FST *fst ) { FSTInfo *info = (FSTInfo *) malloc( sizeof( FSTInfo ) ); AEffect *plugin; int i; if( ! fst ) { fst_error( "fst is NULL\n" ); return NULL; } if( ! info ) return NULL; plugin = fst->plugin; info->name = strdup(fst->handle->name ); info->UniqueID = plugin->uniqueID; info->Category = strdup( "None" ); // FIXME: info->numInputs = plugin->numInputs; info->numOutputs = plugin->numOutputs; info->numParams = plugin->numParams; info->wantMidi = fst_can_midi( fst ); info->hasEditor = plugin->flags & effFlagsHasEditor ? TRUE : FALSE; info->canProcessReplacing = plugin->flags & effFlagsCanReplacing ? TRUE : FALSE; info->ParamNames = (char **) malloc( sizeof( char * ) * info->numParams ); info->ParamLabels = (char **) malloc( sizeof( char * ) * info->numParams ); for( i=0; i<info->numParams; i++ ) { char name[20]; char label[9]; plugin->dispatcher (plugin, effGetParamName, i, 0, name, 0); plugin->dispatcher (plugin, effGetParamLabel, i, 0, label, 0); info->ParamNames[i] = strdup( name ); info->ParamLabels[i] = strdup( label ); } return info; }
void* VstSynth::instantiate() { ++_instances; QString n; n.setNum(_instances); QString instanceName = baseName() + "-" + n; doSetuid(); QByteArray ba = info.filePath().toLatin1(); const char* path = ba.constData(); fstHandle = fst_load(path); if (fstHandle == 0) { printf("Synth::instantiate: cannot load vst plugin %s\n", path); undoSetuid(); return 0; } FST* fst = fst_instantiate(fstHandle, vstHostCallback, 0); if (fst == 0) { printf("Synth::instantiate:: cannot instantiate plugin %s\n", path); undoSetuid(); return 0; } AEffect* plugin = fst->plugin; plugin->dispatcher (plugin, effMainsChanged, 0, 1, 0, 0.0f); /* set program to zero */ plugin->dispatcher (plugin, effSetProgram, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f); if (fst_run_editor(fst)) { printf("Synth::instantiate: cannot create gui"); undoSetuid(); return 0; } undoSetuid(); return fst; }
static void set_plugin_type_data(AudioPluginInstance *audio_instance, SoundPluginType *plugin_type){ TypeData *type_data = (struct TypeData*)plugin_type->data; if (audio_instance->hasEditor()==false) { plugin_type->show_gui = NULL; plugin_type->hide_gui = NULL; } plugin_type->num_inputs = audio_instance->getNumInputChannels(); plugin_type->num_outputs = audio_instance->getNumOutputChannels(); plugin_type->plugin_takes_care_of_savable_values = true; const char *wrapper_info = ""; if (type_data->wrapper_type == AudioProcessor::wrapperType_VST) { AEffect *aeffect = (AEffect*)audio_instance->getPlatformSpecificData(); { char vendor[1024] = {0}; aeffect->dispatcher(aeffect, effGetVendorString, 0, 0, vendor, 0.0f); char product[1024] = {0}; aeffect->dispatcher(aeffect, effGetProductString, 0, 0, product, 0.0f); if(strlen(vendor)>0 || strlen(product)>0) wrapper_info = talloc_format("Vendor: %s\nProduct: %s\n",vendor,product); } } plugin_type->info = strdup(talloc_format("%sAccepts MIDI: %s\nProduces MIDI: %s\n",wrapper_info, audio_instance->acceptsMidi()?"Yes":"No", audio_instance->producesMidi()?"Yes":"No")); plugin_type->is_instrument = audio_instance->acceptsMidi(); // doesn't seem like this field ("is_instrument") is ever read... plugin_type->num_effects = audio_instance->getNumParameters(); type_data->effect_names = (const char**)calloc(sizeof(char*),plugin_type->num_effects); for(int i = 0 ; i < plugin_type->num_effects ; i++) type_data->effect_names[i] = strdup(audio_instance->getParameterName(i).toRawUTF8()); }
void UStatsManager::EffectFinished(FString key) { if (!effectsMap.Contains(key) || !IsValid(owningCharacter)) return; AEffect* effect = (*effectsMap.Find(key)); if (!IsValid(effect)) return; owningCharacter->GetWorldTimerManager().ClearTimer(effect->effectTimer); if (owningCharacter->HasAuthority()) { int32 ind = 0; for (TEnumAsByte<EStat> eStat : effect->stats) { bonusStats[(int32)eStat.GetValue()] -= effect->amounts[ind]; ind++; } } if (IsValid(effect->currentEmitter)) { effect->currentEmitter->DeactivateSystem(); effect->currentEmitter->DestroyComponent(); } effectsMap.Remove(key); effectsList.Remove(effect); effect->SetLifeSpan(0.05f); if (IsValid(owningCharacter) && (owningCharacter->GetWorld()->GetNetMode() == NM_Standalone || owningCharacter->GetWorld()->GetNetMode() == NM_ListenServer)) owningCharacter->EffectsUpdated(); }
void UStatsManager::OnRepUpdateEffects() { //check for removed effects for (auto it = effectsMap.CreateIterator(); it; ++it) { AEffect* hashEffect = it.Value(); if (!IsValid(hashEffect)) continue; bool bFoundEffect = false; for (int32 i = 0; i < effectsList.Num(); i++) { bFoundEffect = effectsList[i]->GetName() == hashEffect->GetName(); if (bFoundEffect) break; } if (!bFoundEffect) { if (IsValid(hashEffect->currentEmitter)) { hashEffect->currentEmitter->DeactivateSystem(); hashEffect->currentEmitter->DestroyComponent(); } hashEffect->Destroy(true); effectsMap.Remove(it.Key()); } } //add new effects for (int32 i = 0; i < effectsList.Num(); i++) { AEffect* eff = effectsList[i]; if (!IsValid(eff)) continue; if (!effectsMap.Contains(eff->GetName())) { if (IsValid(eff->effectParticle)) eff->currentEmitter = UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAttached(eff->effectParticle, owningCharacter->GetRootComponent()); effectsMap.Add(eff->GetName(), eff); } } if (IsValid(owningCharacter)) owningCharacter->EffectsUpdated(); }
static void loadPluginLib(QFileInfo* fi, const PluginType t) { if (debugMsg) qWarning("looking up %s", fi->filePath().toAscii().constData()); void* handle = lib_open(fi->filePath().toAscii().constData()); if (handle == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "dlopen(%s) failed: %s\n", fi->filePath().toAscii().constData(), dlerror()); return; } if (t == PLUGIN_LADSPA) { LADSPA_Descriptor_Function ladspa = (LADSPA_Descriptor_Function) lib_symbol(handle, "ladspa_descriptor"); if (!ladspa) { const char *txt = dlerror(); if (txt) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find ladspa_descriptor() function in plugin " "library file \"%s\": %s.\n" "Are you sure this is a LADSPA plugin file?\n", fi->filePath().toAscii().constData(), txt); } lib_close(handle); return; } const LADSPA_Descriptor* descr; for (int i = 0;; ++i) { descr = ladspa(i); if (descr == NULL) break; // Make sure it doesn't already exist. if (plugins.find(fi->completeBaseName(), QString(descr->Label)) != 0) continue; #ifdef PLUGIN_DEBUGIN fprintf(stderr, "loadPluginLib: ladspa effect name:%s inPlaceBroken:%d\n", descr->Name, LADSPA_IS_INPLACE_BROKEN(descr->Properties)); #endif plugins.add(PLUGIN_LADSPA, fi->absoluteFilePath(), QString(descr->Label), descr); } } else if (t == PLUGIN_VST) { VST_Function vstfn = (VST_Function) lib_symbol(handle, "VSTPluginMain"); if (! vstfn) { vstfn = (VST_Function) lib_symbol(handle, "main"); #ifdef TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON if (! vstfn) vstfn = (VST_Function)lib_symbol(lib_handle, "main_macho"); #endif } if (! vstfn) { const char *txt = dlerror(); if (txt) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find vst entry function in plugin " "library file \"%s\": %s.\n" "Are you sure this is a VST plugin file?\n", fi->filePath().toAscii().constData(), txt); } lib_close(handle); return; } AEffect* effect = vstfn(VstHostCallback); if (effect && (effect->flags & effFlagsCanReplacing) > 0) { QString PluginLabel = fi->baseName(); char buf_str[255] = { 0 }; effect->dispatcher(effect, effOpen, 0, 0, 0, 0.0f); effect->dispatcher(effect, effGetProductString, 0, 0, buf_str, 0.0f); if (buf_str[0] != 0) PluginLabel = QString(buf_str); // Make sure it doesn't already exist. if (plugins.find(fi->completeBaseName(), QString(PluginLabel)) == 0) { plugins.add(PLUGIN_VST, fi->absoluteFilePath(), PluginLabel, effect); } effect->dispatcher(effect, effClose, 0, 0, 0, 0.0f); } } lib_close(handle); }
void CVST2KSPIModule::DoScanDirectory(const std::string& sPathName) { // Scan the system for plug-ins CAutoDelete<IFileSearch> pFileSearch(IFileSearch::Create()); pFileSearch->Init(sPathName.c_str()); tchar pszName[256]; tbool bDirectory; while (pFileSearch->GetNext(pszName, bDirectory)) { std::string sPlugInPath = sPathName; std::string sName(pszName); #ifdef WIN32 if (bDirectory) { #else // WIN32 std::string sEnding = sName.substr(sName.size() - 4); if (sEnding != ".vst" && sEnding != ".VST" && sName.size() > 4) { #endif sPlugInPath += sName; sPlugInPath += ":"; DoScanDirectory(sPlugInPath); continue; } std::string sPathName = sPlugInPath + sName; #ifdef WIN32 // Load the plug-in to get info { HMODULE hDLL; std::string sEnding = sName.substr(sName.size() - 4); if (sEnding != ".dll" && sEnding != ".DLL" && sEnding != ".Dll" && sName.size() > 4) { continue; } // Load plug-in std::string s2 = sPathName; ModifyPathName(s2); hDLL = LoadLibrary(s2.c_str()); if (hDLL == NULL) { continue; } VSTMainFunc mainFunc = (VSTMainFunc)(void*)GetProcAddress(hDLL, "VSTPluginMain"); // VSTMainFunc mainFunc = (VSTMainFunc)CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(BundleRef, CFSTR("main") ); if (mainFunc == NULL) { continue; } AEffect* pEffect = NULL; try { pEffect = mainFunc(audioMasterCallbackModule); // Note: Call setSampleRate and setBlockSize also (part of initialization sequence). pEffect->dispatcher(pEffect, effOpen, 0, 0, 0, 0.0); // We don't really need the name now, but we want to just try something to see if it crashes. Would be better to get some info about VST version and required host VST version. char pszProductName[1042]; pEffect->dispatcher(pEffect, effGetEffectName, 0, 0, pszProductName, 0.0); } catch(...) { // Plug-in crashed // CFBundleUnloadExecutable(BundleRef); // CFRelease(BundleRef); continue; } // Effect appears ok, put it in list msEffectPathNames.push_back(sPathName); // Unload it pEffect->dispatcher(pEffect, effClose, 0, 0, 0, 0.0); // CFBundleUnloadExecutable(BundleRef); // CFRelease(BundleRef); } #else // WIN32 // Load the plug-in to get info { CFBundleRef BundleRef; // Make a CFURLRef from the CFString representation of the bundle's path. tchar pszPathName[1024]; strcpy(pszPathName, sPathName.c_str()); ToUnix(pszPathName); CFURLRef bundleURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath( kCFAllocatorDefault, __CFStringMakeConstantString(pszPathName), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true ); if ( !bundleURL ) continue; // Make a bundle instance using the URLRef. BundleRef = CFBundleCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, bundleURL ); // We don't need the URL anymore CFRelease( bundleURL ); if ( !BundleRef ) { continue; } if ( !CFBundleLoadExecutable( BundleRef ) ) { CFRelease( BundleRef ); BundleRef = NULL; continue; } VSTMainFunc mainFunc = (VSTMainFunc)CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(BundleRef, CFSTR("VSTPluginMain") ); // VSTMainFunc mainFunc = (VSTMainFunc)CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(BundleRef, CFSTR("main") ); if (mainFunc == NULL) { continue; } AEffect* pEffect = NULL; try { pEffect = mainFunc(audioMasterCallbackModule); // Note: Call setSampleRate and setBlockSize also (part of initialization sequence). pEffect->dispatcher(pEffect, effOpen, 0, 0, 0, 0.0); // We don't really need the name now, but we want to just try something to see if it crashes. Would be better to get some info about VST version and required host VST version. char pszProductName[1042]; pEffect->dispatcher(pEffect, effGetEffectName, 0, 0, pszProductName, 0.0); } catch(...) { // Plug-in crashed // CFBundleUnloadExecutable(BundleRef); // CFRelease(BundleRef); continue; } // Effect appears ok, put it in list msEffectPathNames.push_back(sPathName); // Unload it pEffect->dispatcher(pEffect, effClose, 0, 0, 0, 0.0); // CFBundleUnloadExecutable(BundleRef); // CFRelease(BundleRef); } #endif // WIN32 / else } } void CVST2KSPIModule::Init() { /* short sVolRef; long lDirID; tchar pszPlugInPath[1024]; ::FindFolder(kOnSystemDisk, kVolumeRootFolderType, kDontCreateFolder, &sVolRef, &lDirID); PathNameFromDirID(lDirID, sVolRef, (char*)pszPlugInPath); std::string sPlugInPath(pszPlugInPath); sPlugInPath += std::string("Library:Audio:Plug-Ins:VST:");*/ // Note: This is hardcoded, and needs to change #ifdef WIN32 std::string sPlugInPath(":C:VSTPlugIns:"); DoScanDirectory(sPlugInPath); #else // WIN32 // std::string sPlugInPath(":Macintosh HD:Library:Audio:Plug-Ins:VST:"); tchar pszPath[1024]; IFile::GetSystemDirectory(IFile::SystemDirLibrary, pszPath); strcat(pszPath, "Audio:Plug-Ins:VST:"); std::string sPlugInPath(pszPath); DoScanDirectory(sPlugInPath); IFile::GetSystemDirectory(IFile::SystemDirUser, pszPath); strcat(pszPath, "Library:Audio:Plug-Ins:VST:"); sPlugInPath = std::string(pszPath); DoScanDirectory(sPlugInPath); #endif // WIN32 / else }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pascal void idleTimerProc (EventLoopTimerRef inTimer, void *inUserData) { AEffect* effect = (AEffect*)inUserData; effect->dispatcher (effect, effEditIdle, 0, 0, 0, 0); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT_PTR CALLBACK EditorProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { AEffect* effect = theEffect; switch(msg) { //----------------------- case WM_INITDIALOG : { SetWindowText (hwnd, "VST Editor"); SetTimer (hwnd, 1, 20, 0); if (effect) { printf ("HOST> Open editor...\n"); effect->dispatcher (effect, effEditOpen, 0, 0, hwnd, 0); printf ("HOST> Get editor rect..\n"); ERect* eRect = 0; effect->dispatcher (effect, effEditGetRect, 0, 0, &eRect, 0); if (eRect) { int width = eRect->right - eRect->left; int height = eRect->bottom - eRect->top; if (width < 100) width = 100; if (height < 100) height = 100; RECT wRect; SetRect (&wRect, 0, 0, width, height); AdjustWindowRectEx (&wRect, GetWindowLong (hwnd, GWL_STYLE), FALSE, GetWindowLong (hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE)); width = wRect.right - wRect.left; height = wRect.bottom -; SetWindowPos (hwnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, width, height, SWP_NOMOVE); } } } break; //----------------------- case WM_TIMER : if (effect) effect->dispatcher (effect, effEditIdle, 0, 0, 0, 0); break; //----------------------- case WM_CLOSE : { KillTimer (hwnd, 1); printf ("HOST> Close editor..\n"); if (effect) effect->dispatcher (effect, effEditClose, 0, 0, 0, 0); EndDialog (hwnd, IDOK); } break; } return 0; }
// // FUNCTION: WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) // // PURPOSE: Processes messages for the main window. // // WM_PAINT - Paint the main window // WM_DESTROY - post a quit message and return // // LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc; switch (message) { case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); break; //----------------------- case WM_CREATE : { SetWindowText (hWnd, "VST Editor"); CREATESTRUCT* createStruct = (CREATESTRUCT*)lParam; Plugin* plugin = static_cast<Plugin*>(createStruct->lpCreateParams); AEffect* effect = plugin->GetVstEffect(); if (effect) { windowPluginMap[hWnd] = plugin; printf ("HOST> Open editor...\n"); effect->dispatcher (effect, effEditOpen, 0, 0, hWnd, 0); printf ("HOST> Get editor rect..\n"); ERect* eRect = 0; effect->dispatcher (effect, effEditGetRect, 0, 0, &eRect, 0); if (eRect) { int width = eRect->right - eRect->left; int height = eRect->bottom - eRect->top; if (width < 100) width = 100; if (height < 100) height = 100; RECT wRect; SetRect (&wRect, 0, 0, width, height); AdjustWindowRectEx (&wRect, GetWindowLong (hWnd, GWL_STYLE), FALSE, GetWindowLong (hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE)); width = wRect.right - wRect.left; height = wRect.bottom -; SetWindowPos (hWnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, width, height, SWP_NOMOVE); } } } break; //----------------------- /*case WM_TIMER : if (effect) effect->dispatcher (effect, effEditIdle, 0, 0, 0, 0); break;*/ //----------------------- case WM_CLOSE : { Plugin* plugin = windowPluginMap[hWnd]; AEffect* effect = plugin->GetVstEffect(); printf ("HOST> Close editor..\n"); if (effect) effect->dispatcher (effect, effEditClose, 0, 0, 0, 0); DestroyWindow(hWnd); } break; default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); break; } return 0; }
int jack_initialize (jack_client_t *client, const char *string){ struct Data *data; AEffect *effect; snd_seq_t *seq; int lokke; char pluginname[500]; char *seqname; bool dontconnectjackports=false; sprintf(pluginname,"%s",string); seqname=&pluginname[0]; if(strstr(string,":")){ seqname=strstr(pluginname,":")+1; strstr(pluginname,":")[0]=0; if(strstr(seqname,":")){ strstr(seqname,":")[0]=0; dontconnectjackports=true; } } printf("plugname: %s, seqname: %s, dontconnect: %s\n",pluginname,seqname,dontconnectjackports==true?"true":"false"); //printf("rate: %f, blocksize: %d\n",(float)jack_get_sample_rate(client),jack_get_buffer_size(client)); /***************************** VST Init *****************************/ effect=VSTLIB_new(pluginname); if(effect==NULL) return 1; effect->dispatcher (effect, effOpen, 0, 0, NULL, 0); effect->dispatcher( effect, effSetSampleRate, 0,0,NULL,(float)jack_get_sample_rate(client)); effect->dispatcher(effect, effSetBlockSize, 0, jack_get_buffer_size(client), NULL, 0); effect->dispatcher(effect, effMainsChanged, 0, 1, NULL, 0); effect->dispatcher (effect, effEditOpen, 0, 0, NULL, 0); /***************************** MIDI init *****************************/ seq=create_alsa_seq(seqname,true); if(seq==NULL){ VSTLIB_delete(effect); return 2; } data=calloc(1,sizeof(struct Data)); data->seq=seq; data->client=client; data->effect=effect; data->toquit=false; pthread_create(&data->midithread,NULL,midireceiver,data); { struct sched_param rt_param={0}; int err; rt_param.sched_priority = 1; // This is not an important thread. err=pthread_setschedparam(data->midithread,SCHED_FIFO, &rt_param); if(err){ fprintf(stderr,"Could not set realtime priority for midi thread.\n"); } } /***************************** Jack init *****************************/ jack_set_process_callback(client,process,data); jack_set_buffer_size_callback(client,buffersizecallback,data); data->num_inputs=data->effect->numInputs; data->num_outputs=data->effect->numOutputs; data->input_ports=calloc(sizeof(jack_port_t*),data->num_inputs); data->output_ports=calloc(sizeof(jack_port_t*),data->num_outputs); for(lokke=0;lokke<data->num_inputs;lokke++){ char temp[500]; sprintf(temp,"in%d",lokke); data->input_ports[lokke]=jack_port_register(client,temp, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsInput, 0); } for(lokke=0;lokke<data->num_outputs;lokke++){ char temp[500]; sprintf(temp,"out%d",lokke); data->output_ports[lokke]=jack_port_register(client,temp, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsOutput, 0); } jack_activate (client); if(dontconnectjackports==false){ for(lokke=0;lokke<data->num_inputs;lokke++){ char temp[500]; sprintf(temp,"alsa_pcm:capture_%d",lokke+1); jack_connect(client,temp,jack_port_name(data->input_ports[lokke])); } for(lokke=0;lokke<data->num_outputs;lokke++){ char temp[500]; sprintf(temp,"alsa_pcm:playback_%d",lokke+1); jack_connect(client,jack_port_name(data->output_ports[lokke]),temp); } } return 0; }
// Add a plugin to the list of known plugins. VSTPluginLib *CVstPluginManager::AddPlugin(const mpt::PathString &dllPath, bool fromCache, const bool checkFileExistence, std::wstring *const errStr) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { const mpt::PathString fileName = dllPath.GetFileName(); if(checkFileExistence && (PathFileExistsW(dllPath.AsNative().c_str()) == FALSE)) { if(errStr) { *errStr += L"\nUnable to find "; *errStr += dllPath.ToWide(); } } // Check if this is already a known plugin. for(const_iterator dupePlug = begin(); dupePlug != end(); dupePlug++) { if(!dllPath.CompareNoCase(dllPath, (**dupePlug).dllPath)) return *dupePlug; } // Look if the plugin info is stored in the PluginCache if(fromCache) { SettingsContainer & cacheFile = theApp.GetPluginCache(); const std::string IDs = cacheFile.Read<std::string>(cacheSectionW, fileName.ToWide(), ""); if(IDs.length() >= 16) { // Get path from cache file mpt::PathString realPath = cacheFile.Read<mpt::PathString>(cacheSection, IDs, MPT_PATHSTRING("")); realPath = theApp.RelativePathToAbsolute(realPath); if(!realPath.empty() && !dllPath.CompareNoCase(realPath, dllPath)) { VSTPluginLib *plug = new (std::nothrow) VSTPluginLib(dllPath, fileName); if(plug == nullptr) { return nullptr; } pluginList.push_back(plug); // Extract plugin IDs for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { VstInt32 n = IDs[i] - '0'; if (n > 9) n = IDs[i] + 10 - 'A'; n &= 0x0f; if (i < 8) { plug->pluginId1 = (plug->pluginId1 << 4) | n; } else { plug->pluginId2 = (plug->pluginId2 << 4) | n; } } const std::string flagKey = IDs + ".Flags"; plug->DecodeCacheFlags(cacheFile.Read<int32>(cacheSection, flagKey, 0)); #ifdef VST_LOG Log("Plugin \"%s\" found in PluginCache\n", plug->libraryName.ToLocale().c_str()); #endif // VST_LOG return plug; } else { #ifdef VST_LOG Log("Plugin \"%s\" mismatch in PluginCache: \"%s\" [%s]=\"%s\"\n", s, dllPath, (LPCTSTR)IDs, (LPCTSTR)strFullPath); #endif // VST_LOG } } } // If this key contains a file name on program launch, a plugin previously crashed OpenMPT. theApp.GetSettings().Write<mpt::PathString>("VST Plugins", "FailedPlugin", dllPath); AEffect *pEffect; HINSTANCE hLib; bool validPlug = false; VSTPluginLib *plug = new (std::nothrow) VSTPluginLib(dllPath, fileName); if(plug == nullptr) { return nullptr; } try { pEffect = LoadPlugin(dllPath, hLib); if(pEffect != nullptr && pEffect->magic == kEffectMagic && pEffect->dispatcher != nullptr) { pEffect->dispatcher(pEffect, effOpen, 0, 0, 0, 0); plug->pluginId1 = pEffect->magic; plug->pluginId2 = pEffect->uniqueID; GetPluginInformation(pEffect, *plug); #ifdef VST_LOG int nver = pEffect->dispatcher(pEffect, effGetVstVersion, 0,0, nullptr, 0); if (!nver) nver = pEffect->version; Log("%-20s: v%d.0, %d in, %d out, %2d programs, %2d params, flags=0x%04X realQ=%d offQ=%d\n", plug->libraryName.ToLocale().c_str(), nver, pEffect->numInputs, pEffect->numOutputs, pEffect->numPrograms, pEffect->numParams, pEffect->flags, pEffect->realQualities, pEffect->offQualities); #endif // VST_LOG pEffect->dispatcher(pEffect, effClose, 0, 0, 0, 0); validPlug = true; } FreeLibrary(hLib); } catch(...) { CVstPluginManager::ReportPlugException(mpt::String::PrintW(L"Exception while trying to load plugin \"%1\"!\n", plug->libraryName)); } // Now it should be safe to assume that this plugin loaded properly. :) theApp.GetSettings().Remove("VST Plugins", "FailedPlugin"); // If OK, write the information in PluginCache if(validPlug) { pluginList.push_back(plug); WriteToCache(*plug); } else { delete plug; } return (validPlug ? plug : nullptr); }