Beispiel #1
 * saveImageRemote : test remote image
 * @param pName path of the file
void vision::testRemote(){

  //Now you can get the pointer to the video structure.
  ALValue results;

    results = ( camera->call<ALValue>( "getImageRemote", name ) );
  }catch( ALError& e)
    log->error( "vision", "could not call the getImageRemote method of the NaoCam module" );

  if (results.getType()!= ALValue::TypeArray) return;

  const char* dataPointerIn =  static_cast<const char*>(results[6].GetBinary());
  int size = results[6].getSize();

  //You can get some informations of the image.
  int width = (int) results[0];
  int height = (int) results[1];
  int nbLayers = (int) results[2];
  int colorSpace = (int) results[3];
  long long timeStamp = ((long long)(int)results[4])*1000000LL + ((long long)(int)results[5]);

  // now you create an openCV image and you save it in a file.
  IplImage* image = cvCreateImage( cvSize( width, height ), 8, nbLayers );

//  image->imageData = ( char* ) imageIn->getFrame();
  image->imageData = ( char* ) dataPointerIn;

  std::string pName = "aaa";

  //const char* imageName = ( pName + DecToString(results[4]) + ".jpg").c_str();
  const char* imageName = ( pName + "test" + ".jpg").c_str();

printf("imageName %s\n", imageName);
  cvSaveImage( imageName, image );
printf("image saved\n");

  results = ( camera->call<ALValue>( "releaseImage", name ) );
}catch( ALError& e)
  log->error( "vision", "could not call the releaseImage method of the NaoCam module" );

printf("image memory released\n");

//  cvReleaseImage( &image );
printf("image released\n");
printf("testRemote finished\n");
Beispiel #2
struct timespec KImageExtractor::fetchImage(IplImage *img)
    struct timespec rt;//Timestamp
    if (doneSubscribe==false)
        cout<<"KImageExtractor: Warning! fetchImage()  called although GVM Subscription has failed!"<<endl;
        return rt;

#ifdef REMOTE_ON
    //		cout << "Remote method on" << endl;
    //		sleep(1);
    ALValue results;
#ifdef RAW

    results = (c->call<ALValue> ("getDirectRawImageRemote", GVM_name));
    results = (c->call<ALValue> ("getImageRemote", GVM_name));
    if (results.getType() != ALValue::TypeArray && results.getSize() != 7)
        throw ALError("KImageExtractor", "saveImageRemote", "Invalid image returned.");
    //const int size = results[6].getSize();
    // You can get some image information that you may find useful.
    //	const int width = (int) results[0];
    //	const int height = (int) results[1];
    //	const int nbLayers = (int) results[2];
    //	const int colorSpace = (int) results[3];
    //const long long timeStamp = ((long long) (int) results[4]) * 1000000LL + ((long long) (int) results[5]);
    //	const int seconds = (int) (timeStamp / 1000000LL);
    // Set the buffer we received to our IplImage header.
    //fIplImageHeader->imageData = (char*) (results[6].GetBinary());
    //cout << "Size" << size << endl;

    int width = (int) results[0];
    int height = (int) results[1];
    int nChannels = (int) results[2];
    int colorSpace = (int) results[3];

    int size =width*height*nChannels;

    //Fetch TimeStamp;
    rt.tv_sec=(time_t)((int) results[4]);
    rt.tv_nsec=(int)  results[5]*1000L;

    //Change of image data size
    //cout<<img->imageSize<<" "<<size<<endl;
    if (img->imageSize!=size )
        //cout<<img->width<<" "<<img->height<<endl;
        cout<<"KImageExtractor::fetchImage():allocating new imagedata"<<endl;
        //cout<<"Delete old"<<endl;
        //delete img->imageData;
        cvInitImageHeader(img,  cvSize(width,height),IPL_DEPTH_8U, nChannels);
        cout<<" Done"<<endl;

    if (img->imageData != NULL)
        //free( fIplImageHeader->imageData)
        memcpy(img->imageData, (char*) (results[6].GetBinary()), results[6].getSize() * sizeof(unsigned char));
        img->imageData = new char[img->imageSize];
        memcpy(img->imageData, (char*) (results[6].GetBinary()), results[6].getSize() * sizeof(char));
    //cout << "Remote method off" << endl;
    ALImage* imageIn = NULL;
    // Now you can get the pointer to the video structure.
#ifdef RAW
    imageIn = (ALImage*) (c->call<int> ("getDirectRawImage", GVM_name));
    imageIn = (ALImage*) (c->call<int> ("getImageLocal", GVM_name));
    if (!imageIn)
        throw ALError("KImageExtractor", "saveImageLocal", "Invalid image returned.");
    //fLogProxy->info(getName(), imageIn->toString());
    // You can get some image information that you may find useful.
    int width = imageIn->fWidth;
    int height = imageIn->fHeight;
    const int nChannels = imageIn->fNbLayers;
    //		const int colorSpace = imageIn->fColorSpace;
    const long long timeStamp = imageIn->fTimeStamp;
    //		const int seconds = (int) (timeStamp / 1000000LL);
    const int size = width*height*nChannels;
    // Set the buffer we received to our IplImage header.
    //Fetch TimeStamp;
    rt.tv_sec=(time_t) (timeStamp / 1000000LL);
    rt.tv_nsec=(long)  ((timeStamp-rt.tv_sec*1LL)*1000LL);

    //Change of image data size
    if (img->imageSize!=size*sizeof(char) )
        cvInitImageHeader(img,  cvSize(width,height),IPL_DEPTH_8U, nChannels);

    if (img->imageData!=NULL)
        //free( fIplImageHeader->imageData);
        memcpy ( img->imageData, (char*) imageIn->getFrame(), size*sizeof(char) );
        img->imageData = new char[size];
        memcpy ( img->imageData, (char*) imageIn->getFrame(), size*sizeof(char) );
    //fIplImageHeader->imageData = (char*) imageIn->getFrame();
    //saveIplImage(fIplImageHeader, name, pImageFormat, seconds);
    // Now that you're done with the (local) image, you have to release it from the V.I.M.
    c->call<int> ("releaseImage", GVM_name);
    return rt;