Beispiel #1
void UUnrealEdEngine::ConvertMatinees()
	FVector StartLocation= FVector::ZeroVector;
	UWorld* World = GWorld;
	if( World )
		ULevel* Level = World->GetCurrentLevel();
		if( !Level )
			Level = World->PersistentLevel;
		for( TObjectIterator<UInterpData> It; It; ++It )
			UInterpData* InterpData = *It;
			if( InterpData->IsIn( Level ) ) 
				// We dont care about renaming references or adding redirectors.  References to this will be old seqact_interps
				GEditor->RenameObject( InterpData, Level->GetOutermost(), *InterpData->GetName() );

				AMatineeActor* MatineeActor = Level->OwningWorld->SpawnActor<AMatineeActor>(StartLocation, FRotator::ZeroRotator);
				StartLocation.Y += 50;
				MatineeActor->MatineeData = InterpData;
				UProperty* MatineeDataProp = NULL;
				for( UProperty* Property = MatineeActor->GetClass()->PropertyLink; Property != NULL; Property = Property->PropertyLinkNext )
					if( Property->GetName() == TEXT("MatineeData") )
						MatineeDataProp = Property;

				FPropertyChangedEvent PropertyChangedEvent( MatineeDataProp ); 
				MatineeActor->PostEditChangeProperty( PropertyChangedEvent );
