    : mList(nullptr)
    , mMaxLayerCount(0)
    , mColorFill(false)
    , mRBSwapSupport(false)
    , mPrepared(false)
    , mHasHWVsync(false)
    , mLock("mozilla.HwcComposer2D.mLock")
    mHal = HwcHALBase::CreateHwcHAL();
    if (!mHal->HasHwc()) {
        LOGD("no hwc support");


    nsIntSize screenSize;

    GonkDisplay::NativeData data = GetGonkDisplay()->GetNativeData(GonkDisplay::DISPLAY_PRIMARY);
    ANativeWindow *win = data.mNativeWindow.get();
    win->query(win, NATIVE_WINDOW_WIDTH, &screenSize.width);
    win->query(win, NATIVE_WINDOW_HEIGHT, &screenSize.height);
    mScreenRect = gfx::IntRect(gfx::IntPoint(0, 0), screenSize);

    mColorFill = mHal->Query(HwcHALBase::QueryType::COLOR_FILL);
    mRBSwapSupport = mHal->Query(HwcHALBase::QueryType::RB_SWAP);
static jint nativeGetHeight(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativeObject) {
    Surface* surface = reinterpret_cast<Surface*>(nativeObject);
    ANativeWindow* anw = static_cast<ANativeWindow*>(surface);
    int value = 0;
    anw->query(anw, NATIVE_WINDOW_HEIGHT, &value);
    return value;
Beispiel #3
    mFramebuffer = nullptr;

    if (sScreenInitialized)

    sScreenOnEvent = new ScreenOnOffEvent(true);
    sScreenOffEvent = new ScreenOnOffEvent(false);

    nsIntSize screenSize;

    ANativeWindow *win = GetGonkDisplay()->GetNativeWindow();

    if (win->query(win, NATIVE_WINDOW_WIDTH, &screenSize.width) ||
        win->query(win, NATIVE_WINDOW_HEIGHT, &screenSize.height)) {
        NS_RUNTIMEABORT("Failed to get native window size, aborting...");
    gScreenBounds = nsIntRect(nsIntPoint(0, 0), screenSize);

    char propValue[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
    property_get("ro.sf.hwrotation", propValue, "0");
    sPhysicalScreenRotation = atoi(propValue) / 90;

    sVirtualBounds = gScreenBounds;

    sScreenInitialized = true;


    // This is a hack to force initialization of the compositor
    // resources, if we're going to use omtc.
    // NB: GetPlatform() will create the gfxPlatform, which wants
    // to know the color depth, which asks our native window.
    // This has to happen after other init has finished.
    if (!ShouldUseOffMainThreadCompositing()) {
        MOZ_CRASH("How can we render apps, then?");
    // Update sUsingHwc whenever layers.composer2d.enabled changes
    Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sUsingHwc, "layers.composer2d.enabled");
HwcComposer2D::Init(hwc_display_t dpy, hwc_surface_t sur, gl::GLContext* aGLContext)

    mHwc = (HwcDevice*)GetGonkDisplay()->GetHWCDevice();
    if (!mHwc) {
        LOGE("Failed to initialize hwc");
        return -1;

    nsIntSize screenSize;

    ANativeWindow *win = GetGonkDisplay()->GetNativeWindow();
    win->query(win, NATIVE_WINDOW_WIDTH, &screenSize.width);
    win->query(win, NATIVE_WINDOW_HEIGHT, &screenSize.height);
    mScreenRect = nsIntRect(nsIntPoint(0, 0), screenSize);

    int supported = 0;

    if (mHwc->query) {
        if (mHwc->query(mHwc, HwcUtils::HWC_COLOR_FILL, &supported) == NO_ERROR) {
            mColorFill = !!supported;
        if (mHwc->query(mHwc, HwcUtils::HWC_FORMAT_RB_SWAP, &supported) == NO_ERROR) {
            mRBSwapSupport = !!supported;
    } else {
        mColorFill = false;
        mRBSwapSupport = false;
    char propValue[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
    property_get("ro.display.colorfill", propValue, "0");
    mColorFill = (atoi(propValue) == 1) ? true : false;
    mRBSwapSupport = true;

    mDpy = dpy;
    mSur = sur;
    mGLContext = aGLContext;

    return 0;
static jboolean nativeIsConsumerRunningBehind(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativeObject) {
    sp<Surface> sur(reinterpret_cast<Surface *>(nativeObject));
    if (!isSurfaceValid(sur)) {
        return JNI_FALSE;
    int value = 0;
    ANativeWindow* anw = static_cast<ANativeWindow*>(sur.get());
    anw->query(anw, NATIVE_WINDOW_CONSUMER_RUNNING_BEHIND, &value);
    return value;
void QEglFSPandaHooks::ensureFramebufferNativeWindowCreated()
    if (mFramebufferNativeWindow.get())
    mFramebufferNativeWindow = new FramebufferNativeWindow();
    framebuffer_device_t const *fbDev = mFramebufferNativeWindow->getDevice();
    if (!fbDev)
        qFatal("Failed to get valid FramebufferNativeWindow, no way to create EGL surfaces");

    ANativeWindow *window = mFramebufferNativeWindow.get();

    window->query(window, NATIVE_WINDOW_FORMAT, &mFramebufferVisualId);
Beispiel #7
int IOMXHWBuffer_GetMinUndequeued( void *window, unsigned int *min_undequeued )
    ANativeWindow *anw = (ANativeWindow *)window;
    status_t err;

#if ANDROID_API >= 11
    err = anw->query( anw, NATIVE_WINDOW_MIN_UNDEQUEUED_BUFFERS, min_undequeued );
    /* set a minimum value of min_undequeued in case query fails */
    if( *min_undequeued == 0 )
        *min_undequeued = 2;

    LOGD( "IOMXHWBuffer_GetMinUndequeued: %p %u", anw, *min_undequeued );

    return 0;
status_t CameraDeviceClient::createStream(const OutputConfiguration &outputConfiguration)

    status_t res;
    if ( (res = checkPid(__FUNCTION__) ) != OK) return res;

    Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock);

    sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> bufferProducer = outputConfiguration.getGraphicBufferProducer();
    if (bufferProducer == NULL) {
        ALOGE("%s: bufferProducer must not be null", __FUNCTION__);
        return BAD_VALUE;
    if (!mDevice.get()) return DEAD_OBJECT;

    // Don't create multiple streams for the same target surface
        ssize_t index = mStreamMap.indexOfKey(IInterface::asBinder(bufferProducer));
        if (index != NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
            ALOGW("%s: Camera %d: Buffer producer already has a stream for it "
                  "(ID %zd)",
                  __FUNCTION__, mCameraId, index);
            return ALREADY_EXISTS;

    // HACK b/10949105
    // Query consumer usage bits to set async operation mode for
    // GLConsumer using controlledByApp parameter.
    bool useAsync = false;
    int32_t consumerUsage;
    if ((res = bufferProducer->query(NATIVE_WINDOW_CONSUMER_USAGE_BITS,
            &consumerUsage)) != OK) {
        ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Failed to query consumer usage", __FUNCTION__,
        return res;
    if (consumerUsage & GraphicBuffer::USAGE_HW_TEXTURE) {
        ALOGW("%s: Camera %d: Forcing asynchronous mode for stream",
                __FUNCTION__, mCameraId);
        useAsync = true;

    int32_t disallowedFlags = GraphicBuffer::USAGE_HW_VIDEO_ENCODER |
    int32_t allowedFlags = GraphicBuffer::USAGE_SW_READ_MASK |
                           GraphicBuffer::USAGE_HW_TEXTURE |
    bool flexibleConsumer = (consumerUsage & disallowedFlags) == 0 &&
            (consumerUsage & allowedFlags) != 0;

    sp<IBinder> binder = IInterface::asBinder(bufferProducer);
    sp<Surface> surface = new Surface(bufferProducer, useAsync);
    ANativeWindow *anw = surface.get();

    int width, height, format;
    android_dataspace dataSpace;

    if ((res = anw->query(anw, NATIVE_WINDOW_WIDTH, &width)) != OK) {
        ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Failed to query Surface width", __FUNCTION__,
        return res;
    if ((res = anw->query(anw, NATIVE_WINDOW_HEIGHT, &height)) != OK) {
        ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Failed to query Surface height", __FUNCTION__,
        return res;
    if ((res = anw->query(anw, NATIVE_WINDOW_FORMAT, &format)) != OK) {
        ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Failed to query Surface format", __FUNCTION__,
        return res;
    if ((res = anw->query(anw, NATIVE_WINDOW_DEFAULT_DATASPACE,
                            reinterpret_cast<int*>(&dataSpace))) != OK) {
        ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Failed to query Surface dataSpace", __FUNCTION__,
        return res;

    // FIXME: remove this override since the default format should be
    //       IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED. b/9487482
    if (format >= HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 &&
        format <= HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888) {
        ALOGW("%s: Camera %d: Overriding format %#x to IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED",
              __FUNCTION__, mCameraId, format);

    // Round dimensions to the nearest dimensions available for this format
    if (flexibleConsumer && !CameraDeviceClient::roundBufferDimensionNearest(width, height,
            format, dataSpace, mDevice->info(), /*out*/&width, /*out*/&height)) {
        ALOGE("%s: No stream configurations with the format %#x defined, failed to create stream.",
                __FUNCTION__, format);
        return BAD_VALUE;

    int streamId = -1;
    res = mDevice->createStream(surface, width, height, format, dataSpace,

    if (res == OK) {
        mStreamMap.add(binder, streamId);

        ALOGV("%s: Camera %d: Successfully created a new stream ID %d",
              __FUNCTION__, mCameraId, streamId);

         * Set the stream transform flags to automatically
         * rotate the camera stream for preview use cases.
        int32_t transform = 0;
        res = getRotationTransformLocked(&transform);

        if (res != OK) {
            // Error logged by getRotationTransformLocked.
            return res;

        res = mDevice->setStreamTransform(streamId, transform);
        if (res != OK) {
            ALOGE("%s: Failed to set stream transform (stream id %d)",
                  __FUNCTION__, streamId);
            return res;

        return streamId;

    return res;