Beispiel #1
void AVIDecoder::readStreamName(uint32 size) {
	if (!_lastAddedTrack) {
	} else {
		// Get in the name
		assert(size > 0 && size < 64);
		char buffer[64];
		_fileStream->read(buffer, size);
		if (size & 1)

		// Apply it to the most recently read stream
		AVIVideoTrack *vidTrack = dynamic_cast<AVIVideoTrack *>(_lastAddedTrack);
		AVIAudioTrack *audTrack = dynamic_cast<AVIAudioTrack *>(_lastAddedTrack);
		if (vidTrack)
			vidTrack->getName() = Common::String(buffer);
		else if (audTrack)
			audTrack->getName() = Common::String(buffer);
Beispiel #2
bool AVIDecoder::seekIntern(const Audio::Timestamp &time) {
	// Can't seek beyond the end
	if (time > getDuration())
		return false;

	// Track down our video track (optionally audio too).
	// We only support seeking with one track right now.
	AVIVideoTrack *videoTrack = 0;
	AVIAudioTrack *audioTrack = 0;
	int videoIndex = -1;
	int audioIndex = -1;
	uint trackID = 0;

	for (TrackListIterator it = getTrackListBegin(); it != getTrackListEnd(); it++, trackID++) {
		if ((*it)->getTrackType() == Track::kTrackTypeVideo) {
			if (videoTrack) {
				// Already have one
				// -> Not supported
				return false;

			videoTrack = (AVIVideoTrack *)*it;
			videoIndex = trackID;
		} else if ((*it)->getTrackType() == Track::kTrackTypeAudio) {
			if (audioTrack) {
				// Already have one
				// -> Not supported
				return false;

			audioTrack = (AVIAudioTrack *)*it;
			audioIndex = trackID;

	// Need a video track to go forwards
	// If there isn't a video track, why would anyone be using AVI then?
	if (!videoTrack)
		return false;

	// If we seek directly to the end, just mark the tracks as over
	if (time == getDuration()) {
		videoTrack->setCurFrame(videoTrack->getFrameCount() - 1);

		if (audioTrack)

		return true;

	// Get the frame we should be on at this time
	uint frame = videoTrack->getFrameAtTime(time);

	// Reset any palette, if necessary

	int lastKeyFrame = -1;
	int frameIndex = -1;
	int lastRecord = -1;
	uint curFrame = 0;

	// Go through and figure out where we should be
	// If there's a palette, we need to find the palette too
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < _indexEntries.size(); i++) {
		const OldIndex &index = _indexEntries[i];

		if ( == ID_REC) {
			// Keep track of any records we find
			lastRecord = i;
		} else {
			if (getStreamIndex( != videoIndex)

			uint16 streamType = getStreamType(;

			if (streamType == kStreamTypePaletteChange) {
				// We need to handle any palette change we see since there's no
				// flag to tell if this is a "key" palette.
				// Decode the palette
				_fileStream->seek(_indexEntries[i].offset + 8);
				Common::SeekableReadStream *chunk = 0;

				if (_indexEntries[i].size != 0)
					chunk = _fileStream->readStream(_indexEntries[i].size);

			} else {
				// Check to see if this is a keyframe
				// The first frame has to be a keyframe
				if ((_indexEntries[i].flags & AVIIF_INDEX) || curFrame == 0)
					lastKeyFrame = i;

				// Did we find the target frame?
				if (frame == curFrame) {
					frameIndex = i;


	if (frameIndex < 0) // This shouldn't happen.
		return false;

	if (audioTrack) {
		// We need to find where the start of audio should be.
		// Which is exactly 'initialFrames' audio chunks back from where
		// our found frame is.

		// Recreate the audio stream

		uint framesNeeded = _header.initialFrames;
		uint startAudioChunk = 0;
		int startAudioSearch = (lastRecord < 0) ? (frameIndex - 1) : (lastRecord - 1);

		for (int i = startAudioSearch; i >= 0; i--) {
			if (getStreamIndex(_indexEntries[i].id) != audioIndex)

			assert(getStreamType(_indexEntries[i].id) == kStreamTypeAudio);


			if (framesNeeded == 0) {
				startAudioChunk = i;

		// Now go forward and queue them all
		for (int i = startAudioChunk; i <= startAudioSearch; i++) {
			if (_indexEntries[i].id == ID_REC)

			if (getStreamIndex(_indexEntries[i].id) != audioIndex)

			assert(getStreamType(_indexEntries[i].id) == kStreamTypeAudio);

			_fileStream->seek(_indexEntries[i].offset + 8);
			Common::SeekableReadStream *chunk = _fileStream->readStream(_indexEntries[i].size);

		// Skip any audio to bring us to the right time
		audioTrack->skipAudio(time, videoTrack->getFrameTime(frame));

	// Decode from keyFrame to curFrame - 1
	for (int i = lastKeyFrame; i < frameIndex; i++) {
		if (_indexEntries[i].id == ID_REC)

		if (getStreamIndex(_indexEntries[i].id) != videoIndex)

		uint16 streamType = getStreamType(_indexEntries[i].id);

		// Ignore palettes, they were already handled
		if (streamType == kStreamTypePaletteChange)

		// Frame, hopefully
		_fileStream->seek(_indexEntries[i].offset + 8);
		Common::SeekableReadStream *chunk = 0;

		if (_indexEntries[i].size != 0)
			chunk = _fileStream->readStream(_indexEntries[i].size);


	// Seek to the right spot
	// To the beginning of the last record, or frame if that doesn't exist
	if (lastRecord >= 0)

	videoTrack->setCurFrame((int)frame - 1);

	return true;
Beispiel #3
bool AVIDecoder::seekIntern(const Audio::Timestamp &time) {
	// Can't seek beyond the end
	if (time > getDuration())
		return false;

	// Get our video
	AVIVideoTrack *videoTrack = (AVIVideoTrack *)_videoTracks[0].track;
	uint32 videoIndex = _videoTracks[0].index;

	// If we seek directly to the end, just mark the tracks as over
	if (time == getDuration()) {
		videoTrack->setCurFrame(videoTrack->getFrameCount() - 1);

		for (TrackListIterator it = getTrackListBegin(); it != getTrackListEnd(); it++)
			if ((*it)->getTrackType() == Track::kTrackTypeAudio)
				((AVIAudioTrack *)*it)->resetStream();

		return true;

	// Get the frame we should be on at this time
	uint frame = videoTrack->getFrameAtTime(time);

	// Reset any palette, if necessary

	int lastKeyFrame = -1;
	int frameIndex = -1;
	uint curFrame = 0;

	// Go through and figure out where we should be
	// If there's a palette, we need to find the palette too
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < _indexEntries.size(); i++) {
		const OldIndex &index = _indexEntries[i];

		// We don't care about RECs
		if ( == ID_REC)

		// We're only looking at entries for this track
		if (getStreamIndex( != videoIndex)

		uint16 streamType = getStreamType(;

		if (streamType == kStreamTypePaletteChange) {
			// We need to handle any palette change we see since there's no
			// flag to tell if this is a "key" palette.
			// Decode the palette
			_fileStream->seek(_indexEntries[i].offset + 8);
			Common::SeekableReadStream *chunk = 0;

			if (_indexEntries[i].size != 0)
				chunk = _fileStream->readStream(_indexEntries[i].size);

		} else {
			// Check to see if this is a keyframe
			// The first frame has to be a keyframe
			if ((_indexEntries[i].flags & AVIIF_INDEX) || curFrame == 0)
				lastKeyFrame = i;

			// Did we find the target frame?
			if (frame == curFrame) {
				frameIndex = i;


	if (frameIndex < 0) // This shouldn't happen.
		return false;

	// Update all the audio tracks
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < _audioTracks.size(); i++) {
		AVIAudioTrack *audioTrack = (AVIAudioTrack *)_audioTracks[i].track;

		// Recreate the audio stream

		// Set the chunk index for the track

		uint32 chunksFound = 0;
		for (uint32 j = 0; j < _indexEntries.size(); j++) {
			const OldIndex &index = _indexEntries[j];

			// Continue ignoring RECs
			if ( == ID_REC)

			if (getStreamIndex( == _audioTracks[i].index) {
				if (chunksFound == frame) {
					_fileStream->seek(index.offset + 8);
					Common::SeekableReadStream *audioChunk = _fileStream->readStream(index.size);
					_audioTracks[i].chunkSearchOffset = (j == _indexEntries.size() - 1) ? _movieListEnd : _indexEntries[j + 1].offset;


		// Skip any audio to bring us to the right time
		audioTrack->skipAudio(time, videoTrack->getFrameTime(frame));

	// Decode from keyFrame to curFrame - 1
	for (int i = lastKeyFrame; i < frameIndex; i++) {
		if (_indexEntries[i].id == ID_REC)

		if (getStreamIndex(_indexEntries[i].id) != videoIndex)

		uint16 streamType = getStreamType(_indexEntries[i].id);

		// Ignore palettes, they were already handled
		if (streamType == kStreamTypePaletteChange)

		// Frame, hopefully
		_fileStream->seek(_indexEntries[i].offset + 8);
		Common::SeekableReadStream *chunk = 0;

		if (_indexEntries[i].size != 0)
			chunk = _fileStream->readStream(_indexEntries[i].size);


	// Set the video track's frame
	videoTrack->setCurFrame((int)frame - 1);

	// Set the video track's search offset to the right spot
	_videoTracks[0].chunkSearchOffset = _indexEntries[frameIndex].offset;
	return true;
Beispiel #4
void AVIDecoder::handleStreamHeader(uint32 size) {
	AVIStreamHeader sHeader;
	sHeader.size = size;
	sHeader.streamType = _fileStream->readUint32BE();

	if (sHeader.streamType == ID_MIDS || sHeader.streamType == ID_TXTS)
		error("Unhandled MIDI/Text stream");

	sHeader.streamHandler = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
	sHeader.flags = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
	sHeader.priority = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
	sHeader.language = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
	sHeader.initialFrames = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
	sHeader.scale = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
	sHeader.rate = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
	sHeader.start = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
	sHeader.length = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
	sHeader.bufferSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
	sHeader.quality = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
	sHeader.sampleSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();

	_fileStream->skip(sHeader.size - 48); // Skip over the remainder of the chunk (frame)

	if (_fileStream->readUint32BE() != ID_STRF)
		error("Could not find STRF tag");

	uint32 strfSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
	uint32 startPos = _fileStream->pos();

	if (sHeader.streamType == ID_VIDS) {
		if (_frameRateOverride != 0) {
			sHeader.rate = _frameRateOverride.getNumerator();
			sHeader.scale = _frameRateOverride.getDenominator();

		BitmapInfoHeader bmInfo;
		bmInfo.size = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
		bmInfo.width = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
		bmInfo.height = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
		bmInfo.planes = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
		bmInfo.bitCount = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
		bmInfo.compression = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
		bmInfo.sizeImage = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
		bmInfo.xPelsPerMeter = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
		bmInfo.yPelsPerMeter = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
		bmInfo.clrUsed = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
		bmInfo.clrImportant = _fileStream->readUint32LE();

		if (bmInfo.clrUsed == 0)
			bmInfo.clrUsed = 256;

		byte *initialPalette = 0;

		if (bmInfo.bitCount == 8) {
			initialPalette = new byte[256 * 3];
			memset(initialPalette, 0, 256 * 3);

			byte *palette = initialPalette;
			for (uint32 i = 0; i < bmInfo.clrUsed; i++) {
				palette[i * 3 + 2] = _fileStream->readByte();
				palette[i * 3 + 1] = _fileStream->readByte();
				palette[i * 3] = _fileStream->readByte();

		addTrack(new AVIVideoTrack(_header.totalFrames, sHeader, bmInfo, initialPalette));
	} else if (sHeader.streamType == ID_AUDS) {
		PCMWaveFormat wvInfo;
		wvInfo.tag = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
		wvInfo.channels = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
		wvInfo.samplesPerSec = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
		wvInfo.avgBytesPerSec = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
		wvInfo.blockAlign = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
		wvInfo.size = _fileStream->readUint16LE();

		// AVI seems to treat the sampleSize as including the second
		// channel as well, so divide for our sake.
		if (wvInfo.channels == 2)
			sHeader.sampleSize /= 2;

		AVIAudioTrack *track = createAudioTrack(sHeader, wvInfo);

	// Ensure that we're at the end of the chunk
	_fileStream->seek(startPos + strfSize);