// getDocFromFilename()
//  Passed a filename, it finds the corresponding document pointer
//  Returns true if successful
bool CMDITestDialog::getDocFromFilename(CString csFileName, AcApDocument* &pNewDocument)
    // Iterate over the open documents. We will match the filename if:
    //      The filename specified matches the fully qualified path
    //      name, as returned by AcApDocument::filename()
    //      -or-
    //      The filename specified matches the filename portion of the 
    //      document name

    AcApDocumentIterator* iter = acDocManager->newAcApDocumentIterator();
    AcApDocument* pThisDocument = NULL;
    CString csThisFilename;
    CString csThisFilenameShort;

    csFileName.MakeUpper(); // uppercase comparisons

    while(!iter->done()) {   // Tiptoe through the tulips
        pThisDocument = iter->document();
        csThisFilename = pThisDocument->docTitle();
        csThisFilenameShort = csThisFilename.Right(csThisFilename.GetLength() -
            csThisFilename.ReverseFind('\\') - 1);

        if(csFileName == csThisFilename ||       // Full path match
            csFileName == csThisFilenameShort || // Matches filename only
            csFileName == csThisFilenameShort.Left( // Filename less extension
                          csThisFilenameShort.GetLength() - 4)) 
            pNewDocument = pThisDocument;
            if( iter )
                delete iter;
            return true;

    pNewDocument = NULL;
    if( iter )
        delete iter;
    // no match found 
    return false;
void CMDITestDialog::RebuildListBox()
    m_docListBox.ResetContent(); // start from an empty list box

    // at this moment, get all drawing names and add them to the list box.
    AcApDocumentIterator* iter = acDocManager->newAcApDocumentIterator();
    AcApDocument* pDoc = NULL;
    CString csFilename;

    while(!iter->done()) {   
        pDoc = iter->document();
        if(pDoc) {                     // #### make sure pDoc is not NULL ####
            csFilename = pDoc->docTitle(); 
            m_docListBox.AddString( csFilename );
    if( iter )
        delete iter;
Beispiel #3
// commandStats:  Print out current Session and Cumulative Stats
void initStats()
    cmdr   = new AsdkCommandReactor();
    statFileName[0] = EOS;

    // Define dictionary to delete all its entries when it is deleted.
    sessionStats = initStatDictionary();

    bStatsFileUpdatePending = Adesk::kFalse;

    // Initialize Global struct array

    // Fill array from existing documents
    AcApDocumentIterator* pDocIter = acDocManager->newAcApDocumentIterator();

    for (;!pDocIter->done(); pDocIter->step())
        // add an entry for the document, if some other notification hasn't
        // already done so.

    delete pDocIter;

    // Establish current document, if there is one yet.
    if ((docData.length() > 0) && (acDocManager->curDocument() != NULL))
        curDocGlobals = docData[lookupDoc(acDocManager->curDocument())];
        curDocGlobals.doc = NULL;

    pDocReactor = new AsdkDocReactor;

    resbuf tempRes;
    int i, j;
    // set the statFileName to be <LOGINNAME>.txt
    // remove blanks and tabs from LOGINNAME, so we have a more 
    // reasonable statFileName.
    if (acedGetVar(/*NOXLATE*/"LOGINNAME", &tempRes) != RTNORM) {
        sprintf(abort_msg, "%.*s Command\nStatistics Gatherer\nFailure 1",
                PRODUCTL, getProductName());
    strcpy(statFileName, tempRes.resval.rstring);
    acdbFree (tempRes.resval.rstring) ;
    for (i = 0, j = 0;
         (statFileName[i] != EOS) && (j < LOGINNAME_LENGTH);
         i++) {
        if ((statFileName[i] != ' ') && (statFileName[i] != '\t')) {
            statFileName[j] = statFileName[i];
    statFileName[j] = EOS;
    strcat(statFileName, /*NOXLATE*/".txt");