Beispiel #1
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh basemesh, mesh_T, mesh_phi;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("domain.mesh", &basemesh);

  // Perform initial mesh refinements.
  for (int i=0; i < INIT_GLOB_REF_NUM; i++)
  basemesh.refine_towards_boundary(1, INIT_BDY_REF_NUM);
  // Create a special mesh for each physical field.

  // Enter boundary markers.
  BCTypes bc_types;

  // Enter Dirichlet boudnary values.
  BCValues bc_values;

  // Create H1 spaces with default shapesets.
  H1Space space_T(&mesh_T, &bc_types, &bc_values, P_INIT);
  H1Space space_phi(&mesh_phi, &bc_types, &bc_values, P_INIT);

  Hermes::vector<Space*> spaces(&space_T, &space_phi);
  int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(spaces); 
  // Solutions in the previous time step (converging within the time stepping loop).
  Solution T_prev_time, phi_prev_time;
  Hermes::vector<Solution*> prev_time_solutions(&T_prev_time, &phi_prev_time);
  // Solutions on the coarse and refined meshes in current time step (converging within the Newton's loop).
  Solution T_coarse, phi_coarse, T_fine, phi_fine;
  Hermes::vector<Solution*> coarse_mesh_solutions(&T_coarse, &phi_coarse);
  Hermes::vector<Solution*> fine_mesh_solutions(&T_fine, &phi_fine);
  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  WeakForm wf(2);
  wf.add_matrix_form(0, 0, jac_TT, jac_TT_ord);
  wf.add_matrix_form(0, 1, jac_Tphi, jac_Tphi_ord);
  wf.add_vector_form(0, res_T, res_T_ord, HERMES_ANY, &T_prev_time);
  wf.add_matrix_form(1, 0, jac_phiT, jac_phiT_ord);
  wf.add_matrix_form(1, 1, jac_phiphi, jac_phiphi_ord);
  wf.add_vector_form(1, res_phi, res_phi_ord, HERMES_ANY, &phi_prev_time);

  // Initialize solution views (their titles will be updated in each time step).
  ScalarView view_T("", new WinGeom(460, 0, 450, 350));
  ScalarView view_T_exact("", new WinGeom(0, 0, 450, 350));
  ScalarView view_phi("", new WinGeom(460, 400, 450, 350));
  ScalarView view_phi_exact("", new WinGeom(0, 400, 450, 350));

  // Initialize mesh views (their titles will be updated in each time step).
  OrderView ordview_T_coarse("", new WinGeom(920, 0, 450, 350));
  OrderView ordview_phi_coarse("", new WinGeom(920, 400, 450, 350));
  char title[100]; // Character array to store the title for an actual view and time step.

  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof_est_T, graph_dof_exact_T, graph_cpu_est_T, graph_cpu_exact_T;
  SimpleGraph graph_dof_est_phi, graph_dof_exact_phi, graph_cpu_est_phi, graph_cpu_exact_phi;
  // Exact solutions for error evaluation.
  ExactSolution T_exact_solution(&mesh_T, T_exact);
  ExactSolution phi_exact_solution(&mesh_phi, phi_exact);

  // Initialize refinement selector.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Initialize the nonlinear system.
  bool is_linear = false;
  DiscreteProblem dp(&wf, spaces, is_linear);
  // Set initial conditions.
  T_prev_time.set_exact(&mesh_T, T_exact);
  phi_prev_time.set_exact(&mesh_phi, phi_exact);
  // Newton's loop on the initial coarse meshes.
  info("Solving on coarse meshes.");
  scalar* coeff_vec_coarse = new scalar[Space::get_num_dofs(spaces)];
  OGProjection::project_global(spaces, Hermes::vector<MeshFunction*>((MeshFunction*)&T_prev_time, (MeshFunction*)&phi_prev_time), 
                 coeff_vec_coarse, matrix_solver_coarse);
  // Initialize the discrete problem on coarse mesh.
  DiscreteProblem dp_coarse(&wf, spaces, is_linear);

  // Setup the solvers for the coarse and fine mesh calculations, respectively.
  SparseMatrix* matrix_coarse = create_matrix(matrix_solver_coarse);
  Vector* rhs_coarse = create_vector(matrix_solver_coarse);
  Solver* solver_coarse = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver_coarse, matrix_coarse, rhs_coarse);
  SparseMatrix* matrix_fine = create_matrix(matrix_solver_fine);
  Vector* rhs_fine = create_vector(matrix_solver_fine);
  Solver* solver_fine = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver_fine, matrix_fine, rhs_fine);
  // Perform Newton's iteration.
  info("Newton's solve on the initial coarse meshes.");
  bool verbose = true;
  if (!solve_newton(coeff_vec_coarse, &dp_coarse, solver_coarse, matrix_coarse, rhs_coarse, NEWTON_TOL_COARSE, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, verbose)) 
    error("Newton's iteration failed.");
  // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the actual solutions. 
  Solution::vector_to_solutions(coeff_vec_coarse, spaces, coarse_mesh_solutions);

  delete [] coeff_vec_coarse;
  // Time stepping loop:
  int nstep = (int)(T_FINAL/TAU + 0.5);
  for(int ts = 1; ts <= nstep; ts++)
    // Update global time.
    TIME = ts*TAU;

    // Update time-dependent exact solutions.
    T_exact_solution.update(&mesh_T, T_exact);
    phi_exact_solution.update(&mesh_phi, phi_exact);
    // Show exact solution.;
    sprintf(title, "T (exact), t = %g s", TIME);
    sprintf(title, "phi (exact), t = %g s", TIME);

    // Periodic global derefinement.
    if (ts > 1) {
      if (ts % UNREF_FREQ == 0) {
        info("---- Time step %d - prior to adaptivity:", ts);
        info("Global mesh derefinement.");
        if (SOLVE_ON_COARSE_MESH) {
          // Newton's loop on the globally derefined meshes.
          scalar* coeff_vec_coarse = new scalar[Space::get_num_dofs(spaces)];
          info("Projecting previous fine mesh solution to obtain initial vector for Newton's iteration on globally derefined meshes.");
          OGProjection::project_global(spaces, Hermes::vector<MeshFunction*>((MeshFunction*)&T_fine, (MeshFunction*)&phi_fine), 
                         coeff_vec_coarse, matrix_solver_coarse);

          // Initialize the FE problem.
          DiscreteProblem dp_coarse(&wf, spaces, is_linear);

          // Perform Newton's iteration.
          info("Newton's solve on globally derefined meshes.");
          bool verbose = true;
          if (!solve_newton(coeff_vec_coarse, &dp_coarse, solver_coarse, matrix_coarse, rhs_coarse, NEWTON_TOL_COARSE, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, verbose)) 
            error("Newton's iteration failed.");
          // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the actual solutions. 
          Solution::vector_to_solutions(coeff_vec_coarse, spaces, coarse_mesh_solutions);
          delete [] coeff_vec_coarse;
        else {
        // Projection onto the globally derefined meshes.
          info("Projecting fine mesh solutions from previous time step onto globally derefined meshes.");
          OGProjection::project_global(spaces, fine_mesh_solutions, coarse_mesh_solutions, matrix_solver_coarse); 
      delete T_fine.get_mesh();
      delete phi_fine.get_mesh();

    // Adaptivity loop:
    bool done = false;
    int as = 0;
    do {
      info("---- Time step %d, adaptivity step %d:", ts, as);
      // Visualize intermediate solutions and mesh during adaptivity.;
      sprintf(title, "T (coarse mesh), t = %g s, adapt step %d", TIME, as);
      sprintf(title, "phi (coarse mesh), t = %g s, adapt step %d", TIME, as);
      sprintf(title, "T mesh (coarse), t = %g, adapt step %d", TIME, as);
      sprintf(title, "phi mesh (coarse), t = %g, adapt step %d", TIME, as);

      // Construct globally refined reference mesh
      // and setup reference space.
      Hermes::vector<Space *>* ref_spaces = construct_refined_spaces(spaces, ORDER_INCREASE);

      // Newton's loop on the refined meshes.
      scalar* coeff_vec = new scalar[Space::get_num_dofs(*ref_spaces)];
      if (as == 1) {
        info("Projecting coarse mesh solution to obtain coefficients vector on new fine mesh.");
        OGProjection::project_global(*ref_spaces, Hermes::vector<MeshFunction*>((MeshFunction*)&T_coarse, (MeshFunction*)&phi_coarse), 
                       coeff_vec, matrix_solver_fine);
      } else {
        info("Projecting previous fine mesh solution to obtain coefficients vector on new fine mesh.");
        OGProjection::project_global(*ref_spaces, Hermes::vector<MeshFunction*>((MeshFunction*)&T_fine, (MeshFunction*)&phi_fine), 
                       coeff_vec, matrix_solver_fine);
        // Deallocate the previous fine mesh.
        // FIXME: This is terribly non-transparent. Solution::vector_to_solutions (called few lines below) deletes the solution's mesh 
        // (and makes Solution::own_mesh = false), so phi_fine.get_mesh() actually points to memory originally allocated by phi's ref_space 
        // (which however does not exist any more at this point as it gets deallocated at the end of the loop).
        delete T_fine.get_mesh();
        delete phi_fine.get_mesh();
      // Initialize the FE problem.
      DiscreteProblem dp(&wf, *ref_spaces, is_linear);

      // Perform Newton's iteration.
      info("Newton's solve on fine meshes.");
      bool verbose = true;
      if (!solve_newton(coeff_vec, &dp, solver_fine, matrix_fine, rhs_fine, NEWTON_TOL_FINE, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, verbose)) 
        error("Newton's iteration failed.");
      // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the actual solutions. 
      Solution::vector_to_solutions(coeff_vec, *ref_spaces, fine_mesh_solutions);
      delete [] coeff_vec;
      if (SOLVE_ON_COARSE_MESH) {        
        // Newton's loop on the new coarse meshes.
        scalar* coeff_vec_coarse = new scalar[Space::get_num_dofs(spaces)];
        info("Projecting fine mesh solutions back onto coarse mesh to obtain initial vector for following Newton's iteration.");
        OGProjection::project_global(spaces, Hermes::vector<MeshFunction*>((MeshFunction*)&T_fine, (MeshFunction*)&phi_fine), 
                        coeff_vec_coarse, matrix_solver_coarse);
        // Initialize the FE problem.
        DiscreteProblem dp_coarse(&wf, spaces, is_linear);

        // Perform Newton's iteration.
        info("Newton's solve on coarse meshes.");
        bool verbose = true;
        if (!solve_newton(coeff_vec_coarse, &dp_coarse, solver_coarse, matrix_coarse, rhs_coarse, NEWTON_TOL_COARSE, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, verbose)) 
          error("Newton's iteration failed.");
        // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the actual solutions. 
        Solution::vector_to_solutions(coeff_vec_coarse, spaces, coarse_mesh_solutions);
        delete [] coeff_vec_coarse;
      else {
        // Projection onto the new coarse meshes.
        info("Projecting fine mesh solutions back onto coarse meshes.");
        OGProjection::project_global(spaces, fine_mesh_solutions, coarse_mesh_solutions, matrix_solver_coarse); 

      // Calculate element errors.
      info("Calculating error estimate and exact error."); 
      Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(spaces);

      // Calculate error estimate for each solution component and the total error estimate.
      Hermes::vector<double> err_est_rel;
      double err_est_rel_total = adaptivity->calc_err_est(coarse_mesh_solutions, fine_mesh_solutions, &err_est_rel) * 100;

      // Calculate exact error for each solution component and the total exact error.
      bool solutions_for_adapt = false;
      Hermes::vector<double> err_exact_rel;
      double err_exact_rel_total = adaptivity->calc_err_exact(coarse_mesh_solutions, 
							      Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&T_exact_solution, &phi_exact_solution), 
                                                              &err_exact_rel, solutions_for_adapt) * 100;

      info("T: ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d, err_est: %g %%, err_exact: %g %%", 
            space_T.get_num_dofs(), (*ref_spaces)[0]->get_num_dofs(), err_est_rel[0]*100, err_exact_rel[0]*100);
      info("phi: ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d, err_est: %g %%, err_exact: %g %%", 
            space_phi.get_num_dofs(), (*ref_spaces)[1]->get_num_dofs(), err_est_rel[1]*100, err_exact_rel[1]*100);
            if (ts==1) {
	      // Add entries to DOF convergence graph.
	      graph_dof_exact_T.add_values(space_T.Space::get_num_dofs(), T_err_exact);"conv_dof_exact_T.dat");
	      graph_dof_est_T.add_values(space_T.Space::get_num_dofs(), T_err_est);"conv_dof_est_T.dat");
	      graph_dof_exact_phi.add_values(space_phi.Space::get_num_dofs(), phi_err_exact);"conv_dof_exact_phi.dat");
	      graph_dof_est_phi.add_values(space_phi.Space::get_num_dofs(), phi_err_est);"conv_dof_est_phi.dat");

	      // Add entries to CPU convergence graph.
	      graph_cpu_exact_T.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), T_err_exact);"conv_cpu_exact_T.dat");
	      graph_cpu_est_T.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), T_err_est);"conv_cpu_est_T.dat");
	      graph_cpu_exact_phi.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), phi_err_exact);"conv_cpu_exact_phi.dat");
	      graph_cpu_est_phi.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), phi_err_est);"conv_cpu_est_phi.dat");
      // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
      if (err_est_rel_total < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      else {
        info("Adapting the coarse meshes.");
        done = adaptivity->adapt(Hermes::vector<RefinementSelectors::Selector*> (&selector, &selector), THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);
        if (Space::get_num_dofs(spaces) >= NDOF_STOP) done = true; 
      delete adaptivity;
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ref_spaces->size(); i++)
        delete ref_spaces->at(i); // Mesh dynamically allocated for each space is held by the corresponding reference solution.
      delete ref_spaces;
    while (!done);
    // Visualize final adapted mesh and solutions in current time step.;
    sprintf(title, "T (coarse mesh), t = %g s, final mesh", TIME);
    sprintf(title, "phi (coarse mesh), t = %g s, final mesh", TIME);
    sprintf(title, "T mesh (coarse), t = %g, final mesh", TIME);
    sprintf(title, "phi mesh (coarse), t = %g, final mesh", TIME);

    // Make the fine mesh solution at current time level the previous time level solution in the following time step.
  delete T_fine.get_mesh();
  delete phi_fine.get_mesh();
  delete rhs_coarse;
  delete matrix_coarse;
  delete solver_coarse;
  delete rhs_fine;
  delete matrix_fine;
  delete solver_fine;
  // Wait for all views to be closed.

  return 0;
Beispiel #2
// Main function.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    info("Desired eigenfunction to calculate: %d.", TARGET_EIGENFUNCTION);

    // Load the mesh.
    Mesh mesh;
    H2DReader mloader;
    mloader.load("domain.mesh", &mesh);

    // Perform initial mesh refinements (optional).
    for (int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements();

    // Enter boundary markers.
    BCTypes bc_types;

    // Enter Dirichlet boundary values.
    BCValues bc_values;

    // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
    H1Space space(&mesh, &bc_types, &bc_values, P_INIT);
    int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(&space);

    // Initialize the weak formulation for the left hand side, i.e., H.
    WeakForm wf_S, wf_M;
    wf_S.add_matrix_form(bilinear_form_S, bilinear_form_S_ord);

    // Initialize refinement selector.
    H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

    // Initialize views.
    ScalarView sview("", new WinGeom(0, 0, 440, 350));
    OrderView oview("", new WinGeom(450, 0, 410, 350));

    // DOF convergence graph.
    SimpleGraph graph_dof;

    // Initialize matrices and matrix solver.
    SparseMatrix* matrix_S = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    SparseMatrix* matrix_M = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix_S);

    // Assemble matrices S and M on coarse mesh.
    info("Assembling matrices S and M on coarse mesh.");
    bool is_linear = true;
    DiscreteProblem dp_S(&wf_S, &space, is_linear);
    DiscreteProblem dp_M(&wf_M, &space, is_linear);

    // Write matrix_S in MatrixMarket format.
    write_matrix_mm("mat_S.mtx", matrix_S);

    // Write matrix_M in MatrixMarket format.
    write_matrix_mm("mat_M.mtx", matrix_M);

    // Call Python eigensolver. Solution will be written to "eivecs.dat".
    info("Calling Pysparse.");
    char call_cmd[255];
    sprintf(call_cmd, "python mat_S.mtx mat_M.mtx %g %d %g %d",
    info("Pysparse finished.");

    // Initialize eigenvector.
    double* coeff_vec = new double[ndof];

    // Read solution vectors from file and visualize it.
    double* eigenval =new double[TARGET_EIGENFUNCTION];
    FILE *file = fopen("eivecs.dat", "r");
    char line [64];                  // Maximum line size.
    fgets(line, sizeof line, file);  // ndof
    int n = atoi(line);
    if (n != ndof) error("Mismatched ndof in the eigensolver output file.");
    fgets(line, sizeof line, file);  // Number of eigenvectors in the file.
    int neig = atoi(line);
    if (neig != TARGET_EIGENFUNCTION) error("Mismatched number of eigenvectors in the eigensolver output file.");
    for (int ieig = 0; ieig < neig; ieig++) {
        // Get next eigenvalue from the file
        fgets(line, sizeof line, file);  // eigenval
        eigenval[ieig] = atof(line);
        // Get the corresponding eigenvector.
        for (int i = 0; i < ndof; i++) {
            fgets(line, sizeof line, file);
            coeff_vec[i] = atof(line);
        // Normalize the eigenvector.
        normalize((UMFPackMatrix*)matrix_M, coeff_vec, ndof);

    // Eigenvalue.
    double lambda = eigenval[neig-1];
    info("Eigenvalue on coarse mesh: %g", lambda);
    info("Once more just to check: %g", calc_mass_product((UMFPackMatrix*)matrix_S, coeff_vec, ndof)
         / calc_mass_product((UMFPackMatrix*)matrix_M, coeff_vec, ndof));

    // Convert eigenvector into eigenfunction. After this, the
    // eigenvector on the coarse mesh will not be needed anymore.
    Solution sln;
    Solution::vector_to_solution(coeff_vec, &space, &sln);
    delete [] coeff_vec;

    // Visualize the eigenfunction.
    info("Plotting initial eigenfunction on coarse mesh.");
    char title[100];
    sprintf(title, "Eigenfunction %d on initial mesh", neig);
    sprintf(title, "Initial mesh");

    /*** Begin adaptivity ***/

    // Adaptivity loop:
    Solution ref_sln;
    Space* ref_space = NULL;
    int as = 1;
    bool done = false;
        info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

        // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
        ref_space = construct_refined_space(&space);
        int ndof_ref = Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space);
        info("ndof: %d, ndof_ref: %d", ndof, ndof_ref);

        // Obtain initial approximation on new reference mesh.
        double* coeff_vec_ref = new double[ndof_ref];
        if (as == 1) {
            // Project the coarse mesh eigenfunction to the reference mesh.
            info("Projecting coarse mesh solution to reference mesh.");
            OGProjection::project_global(ref_space, &sln, coeff_vec_ref, matrix_solver);
        else {
            // Project the last reference mesh solution to the reference mesh.
            info("Projecting last reference mesh solution to new reference mesh.");
            OGProjection::project_global(ref_space, &ref_sln, coeff_vec_ref, matrix_solver);
        Solution::vector_to_solution(coeff_vec_ref, ref_space, &ref_sln);

        // Initialize matrices and matrix solver on reference mesh.
        SparseMatrix* matrix_S_ref = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
        SparseMatrix* matrix_M_ref = create_matrix(matrix_solver);

        // Assemble matrices S and M on reference mesh.
        info("Assembling matrices S and M on reference mesh.");
        is_linear = true;
        DiscreteProblem dp_S_ref(&wf_S, ref_space, is_linear);
        DiscreteProblem dp_M_ref(&wf_M, ref_space, is_linear);

        // Calculate eigenvalue corresponding to the new reference solution.
        lambda = calc_mass_product((UMFPackMatrix*)matrix_S_ref, coeff_vec_ref, ndof_ref)
                 / calc_mass_product((UMFPackMatrix*)matrix_M_ref, coeff_vec_ref, ndof_ref);
        info("Initial guess for eigenvalue on reference mesh: %.12f", lambda);

        if (ITERATIVE_METHOD == 1) {
            // Newton's method on the reference mesh.
            if(!solve_newton_eigen(ref_space, (UMFPackMatrix*)matrix_S_ref, (UMFPackMatrix*)matrix_M_ref,
                                   coeff_vec_ref, lambda, matrix_solver, NEWTON_TOL, NEWTON_MAX_ITER))
                error("Newton's method failed.");
        else {
            // Picard's method on the reference mesh.
            if(!solve_picard_eigen(ref_space, (UMFPackMatrix*)matrix_S_ref, (UMFPackMatrix*)matrix_M_ref,
                                   coeff_vec_ref, lambda, matrix_solver, PICARD_TOL, PICARD_MAX_ITER))
                error("Picard's method failed.");
        Solution::vector_to_solution(coeff_vec_ref, ref_space, &ref_sln);

        // Clean up.
        delete matrix_S_ref;
        delete matrix_M_ref;
        delete [] coeff_vec_ref;

        // Project reference solution to coarse mesh for error estimation.
        if (as > 1) {
            // Project reference solution to coarse mesh.
            info("Projecting reference solution to coarse mesh for error calculation.");
            OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver);

            // Visualize the projection.
            info("Plotting projection of reference solution to new coarse mesh.");
            char title[100];
            sprintf(title, "Coarse mesh projection");
            sprintf(title, "Coarse mesh, step %d", as);

            // Wait for keypress.

        // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
        info("Calculating error estimate.");
        Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(&space);
        double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln) * 100;

        // Report results.
        info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d, err_est_rel: %g%%",
             Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space), err_est_rel);

        // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
        graph_dof.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_est_rel);"conv_dof_est.dat");

        // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
        if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
            info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
            done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);

            // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.
            if (done == false)  as++;
        ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(&space);
        if (ndof >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

        // Clean up.
        delete adaptivity;
        //delete ref_space->get_mesh();
        delete ref_space;
    while (done == false);

    // Wait for all views to be closed.
    info("Computation finished.");

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Instantiate a class with global functions.
  Hermes2D hermes2d;

  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("square_quad.mesh", &mesh);

  // Avoid zero ndof situation.
  if (P_INIT == 1) {
    if (is_hp(CAND_LIST)) P_INIT++;
    else mesh.refine_element_id(0, 0);

  // Define exact solution.
  CustomExactSolution exact_sln(&mesh);  

  // Define right side vector.
  CustomRightHandSide rsv;

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  CustomWeakFormPoisson wf(&rsv);

  // Initialize boundary conditions.
  DefaultEssentialBCConst bc_essential(BDY_DIRICHLET, 0.0);
  EssentialBCs bcs(&bc_essential);

  // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
  H1Space space(&mesh, &bcs, P_INIT);

  // Initialize refinement selector.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Initialize views.
  ScalarView sview("Solution", new WinGeom(0, 0, 440, 350));
  OrderView  oview("Polynomial orders", new WinGeom(450, 0, 400, 350));

  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof, graph_cpu, graph_dof_exact, graph_cpu_exact;

  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Adaptivity loop:
  int as = 1;
  bool done = false;
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Space* ref_space = Space::construct_refined_space(&space);

    // Set up the solver, matrix, and rhs according to the solver selection.
    SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);

    // Assemble the reference problem.
    info("Solving on reference mesh.");
    DiscreteProblem* dp = new DiscreteProblem(&wf, ref_space);
    dp->assemble(matrix, rhs);

    // Time measurement.

    // Solve the linear system of the reference problem. If successful, obtain the solution.
    Solution ref_sln;
    if(solver->solve()) Solution::vector_to_solution(solver->get_solution(), ref_space, &ref_sln);
    else error ("Matrix solver failed.\n");

    // Time measurement.

    // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
    Solution sln;
    info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
    OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver);

    // View the coarse mesh solution and polynomial orders.;;

    // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    info("Calculating error estimate and exact error.");
    Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(&space);
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln) * 100;

    // Calculate exact error.   
    double err_exact_rel = hermes2d.calc_rel_error(&sln, &exact_sln, HERMES_H1_NORM) * 100;

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d", Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space));
    info("err_est_rel: %g%%, err_exact_rel: %g%%", err_est_rel, err_exact_rel);

    // Time measurement.

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_est_rel);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel);"conv_cpu_est.dat");
    graph_dof_exact.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_exact_rel);"conv_dof_exact.dat");
    graph_cpu_exact.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_exact_rel);"conv_cpu_exact.dat");

    // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);

      // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.
      if (done == false)  as++;
    if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete solver;
    delete matrix;
    delete rhs;
    delete adaptivity;
    if(done == false) delete ref_space->get_mesh();
    delete ref_space;
    delete dp;

  while (done == false);

  verbose("Total running time: %g s", cpu_time.accumulated());

  // Wait for all views to be closed.
Beispiel #4
int main(int argc, char **args) 
  // Test variable.
  int success_test = 1;

	if (argc < 5) error("Not enough parameters.");

  // Load the mesh.
	Mesh mesh;
	H3DReader mloader;
	if (!mloader.load(args[1], &mesh)) error("Loading mesh file '%s'.", args[1]);
  // Initialize the space according to the
  // command-line parameters passed.
  sscanf(args[2], "%d", &P_INIT_X);
	sscanf(args[3], "%d", &P_INIT_Y);
	sscanf(args[4], "%d", &P_INIT_Z);
	Ord3 order(P_INIT_X, P_INIT_Y, P_INIT_Z);
  H1Space space(&mesh, bc_types, essential_bc_values, order);

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
	WeakForm wf;
	wf.add_matrix_form(bilinear_form<double, scalar>, bilinear_form<Ord, Ord>, HERMES_SYM, HERMES_ANY);
	wf.add_vector_form(linear_form<double, scalar>, linear_form<Ord, Ord>, HERMES_ANY);

	// Time measurement.
	TimePeriod cpu_time;

	// Adaptivity loop.
  int as = 1; 
	bool done = false;
	do {
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
  	Space* ref_space = construct_refined_space(&space, 1);
    out_orders_vtk(ref_space, "space", as);
	  // Initialize the FE problem.
	  bool is_linear = true;
	  DiscreteProblem lp(&wf, ref_space, is_linear);
	  // Set up the solver, matrix, and rhs according to the solver selection.
    SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);

    // Initialize the preconditioner in the case of SOLVER_AZTECOO.
    if (matrix_solver == SOLVER_AZTECOO) 
      ((AztecOOSolver*) solver)->set_solver(iterative_method);
      ((AztecOOSolver*) solver)->set_precond(preconditioner);
      // Using default iteration parameters (see solver/aztecoo.h).

    // Assemble the reference problem.
    info("Assembling on reference mesh (ndof: %d).", Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space));
    lp.assemble(matrix, rhs);

    // Time measurement.

    // Solve the linear system on reference mesh. If successful, obtain the solution.
    info("Solving on reference mesh.");
    Solution ref_sln(ref_space->get_mesh());
    if(solver->solve()) Solution::vector_to_solution(solver->get_solution(), ref_space, &ref_sln);
    else {
		  info("Matrix solver failed.");
		  success_test = 0;
    // Time measurement.

    // Project the reference solution on the coarse mesh.
    Solution sln(space.get_mesh());
    info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
    OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver);

    // Time measurement.

	  // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    info("Calculating error estimate and exact error.");
    Adapt *adaptivity = new Adapt(&space, HERMES_H1_NORM);
    bool solutions_for_adapt = true;
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln, solutions_for_adapt) * 100;

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d.", Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space));
    info("err_est_rel: %g%%.", err_est_rel);

	  // If err_est_rel is too large, adapt the mesh. 
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) {
		  done = true;
      ExactSolution ex_sln(&mesh, exact_solution);
      // Calculate exact error.
      info("Calculating exact error.");
      Adapt *adaptivity = new Adapt(&space, HERMES_H1_NORM);
      bool solutions_for_adapt = false;
      double err_exact = adaptivity->calc_err_exact(&sln, &ex_sln, solutions_for_adapt, HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_ABS);

      if (err_exact > EPS)
		    // Calculated solution is not precise enough.
		    success_test = 0;
    else {
      info("Adapting coarse mesh.");

    // If we reached the maximum allowed number of degrees of freedom, set the return flag to failure.
    if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP)
      done = true;
      success_test = 0;

	  // Clean up.
    delete ref_space->get_mesh();
    delete ref_space;
    delete matrix;
    delete rhs;
    delete solver;
    delete adaptivity;

    // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.
	} while (!done);
  if (success_test) {
    return ERR_SUCCESS;
  else {
    return ERR_FAILURE;
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh, basemesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("square.mesh", &basemesh);

  // Perform initial mesh refinements.
  for(int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) basemesh.refine_all_elements();

  // Enter boundary markers.
  BCTypes bc_types;
  bc_types.add_bc_dirichlet(Hermes::vector<int>(BDY_BOTTOM, BDY_RIGHT, BDY_TOP, BDY_LEFT));

  // Enter Dirichlet boundary values.
  BCValues bc_values;
  bc_values.add_zero(Hermes::vector<int>(BDY_BOTTOM, BDY_RIGHT, BDY_TOP, BDY_LEFT));

  // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
  H1Space space(&mesh, &bc_types, &bc_values, P_INIT);
  int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(&space);

  // Initialize coarse and reference mesh solution.
  Solution sln, ref_sln;

  // Convert initial condition into a Solution.
  Solution sln_prev_time;
  sln_prev_time.set_exact(&mesh, init_cond);

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  WeakForm wf;
  if(TIME_DISCR == 1) {
    wf.add_matrix_form(callback(J_euler), HERMES_NONSYM, HERMES_ANY);
    wf.add_vector_form(callback(F_euler), HERMES_ANY, &sln_prev_time);
  else {
    wf.add_matrix_form(callback(J_cranic), HERMES_NONSYM, HERMES_ANY);
    wf.add_vector_form(callback(F_cranic), HERMES_ANY, &sln_prev_time);

  // Initialize the discrete problem.
  bool is_linear = false;
  DiscreteProblem dp_coarse(&wf, &space, is_linear);

  // Create a refinement selector.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Visualize initial condition.
  char title[100];
  ScalarView view("Initial condition", new WinGeom(0, 0, 450, 350));
  OrderView ordview("Initial mesh", new WinGeom(455, 0, 410, 350));

  // Time stepping loop.
  int num_time_steps = (int)(T_FINAL/TAU + 0.5);
  for(int ts = 1; ts <= num_time_steps; ts++)
    // Periodic global derefinement.
    if (ts > 1 && ts % UNREF_FREQ == 0) 
      info("Global mesh derefinement.");
      if (UNREF_LEVEL == 1) mesh.unrefine_all_elements();
      else mesh.copy(&basemesh);
      ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(&space);

    // The following is done only in the first time step, 
    // when the nonlinear problem was never solved before.
    if (ts == 1) {
      // Set up the solver, matrix, and rhs for the coarse mesh according to the solver selection.
      SparseMatrix* matrix_coarse = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
      Vector* rhs_coarse = create_vector(matrix_solver);
      Solver* solver_coarse = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix_coarse, rhs_coarse);
      scalar* coeff_vec_coarse = new scalar[ndof];

      // Calculate initial coefficient vector for Newton on the coarse mesh.
      info("Projecting initial condition to obtain coefficient vector on coarse mesh.");
      OGProjection::project_global(&space, &sln_prev_time, coeff_vec_coarse, matrix_solver);

      // Newton's loop on the coarse mesh.
      info("Solving on coarse mesh:");
      bool verbose = true;
      if (!solve_newton(coeff_vec_coarse, &dp_coarse, solver_coarse, matrix_coarse, rhs_coarse, 
          NEWTON_TOL_COARSE, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, verbose)) error("Newton's iteration failed.");
      Solution::vector_to_solution(coeff_vec_coarse, &space, &sln);

      // Cleanup after the Newton loop on the coarse mesh.
      delete matrix_coarse;
      delete rhs_coarse;
      delete solver_coarse;
      delete [] coeff_vec_coarse;

    // Adaptivity loop. Note: sln_prev_time must not be changed during spatial adaptivity. 
    bool done = false; int as = 1;
    double err_est;
    do {
      info("Time step %d, adaptivity step %d:", ts, as);

      // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
      Space* ref_space = construct_refined_space(&space);

      // Initialize matrix solver.
      SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
      Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
      Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);
      scalar* coeff_vec = new scalar[Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space)];

      // Initialize discrete problem on reference mesh.
      DiscreteProblem* dp = new DiscreteProblem(&wf, ref_space, is_linear);

      // Calculate initial coefficient vector for Newton on the fine mesh.
      if (ts == 1 && as == 1) {
        info("Projecting coarse mesh solution to obtain coefficient vector on fine mesh.");
        OGProjection::project_global(ref_space, &sln, coeff_vec, matrix_solver);
      else {
        info("Projecting last fine mesh solution to obtain coefficient vector on new fine mesh.");
        OGProjection::project_global(ref_space, &ref_sln, coeff_vec, matrix_solver);

      // Now we can deallocate the previous fine mesh.
      if(as > 1) delete ref_sln.get_mesh();

      // Newton's loop on the fine mesh.
      info("Solving on fine mesh:");
      bool verbose = true;
      if (!solve_newton(coeff_vec, dp, solver, matrix, rhs, 
	  	        NEWTON_TOL_FINE, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, verbose)) error("Newton's iteration failed.");

      // Store the result in ref_sln.
      Solution::vector_to_solution(coeff_vec, ref_space, &ref_sln);

      // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
      info("Projecting fine mesh solution on coarse mesh for error estimation.");
      OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver); 

      // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
      info("Calculating error estimate.");
      Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(&space);
      double err_est_rel_total = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln) * 100;

      // Report results.
      info("ndof: %d, ref_ndof: %d, err_est_rel: %g%%", 
           Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space), err_est_rel_total);

      // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
      if (err_est_rel_total < ERR_STOP) done = true;
        info("Adapting the coarse mesh.");
        done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);

        if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP) 
          done = true;
          // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.
      // Clean up.
      delete solver;
      delete matrix;
      delete rhs;
      delete adaptivity;
      delete ref_space;
      delete dp;
      delete [] coeff_vec;
    while (done == false);

    // Visualize the solution and mesh.
    char title[100];
    sprintf(title, "Solution, time %g", ts*TAU);
    sprintf(title, "Mesh, time %g", ts*TAU);

    // Copy last reference solution into sln_prev_time.

  // Wait for all views to be closed.
  return 0;
Beispiel #6
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Instantiate a class with global functions.
  Hermes2D hermes2d;

  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("../square_quad.mesh", &mesh);

  // Perform initial mesh refinement.
  for (int i=0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements();

  // Set exact solution.
  CustomExactSolution exact(&mesh, EPSILON);

  // Define right-hand side.
  CustomRightHandSide rhs(EPSILON);

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  CustomWeakForm wf(&rhs);
  // Initialize boundary conditions
  DefaultEssentialBCNonConst bc_esssential("Bdy", &exact);
  EssentialBCs bcs(&bc_esssential);

  // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
  H1Space space(&mesh, &bcs, P_INIT);

  // Initialize refinement selector.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof, graph_cpu, graph_dof_exact, graph_cpu_exact;

  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Adaptivity loop:
  int as = 1; bool done = false;
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Space* ref_space = Space::construct_refined_space(&space);
    int ndof_ref = Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space);

    // Initialize matrix solver.
    SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);

    // Initialize reference problem.
    info("Solving on reference mesh.");
    DiscreteProblem dp(&wf, ref_space);

    // Time measurement.

    // Initial coefficient vector for the Newton's method.  
    scalar* coeff_vec = new scalar[ndof_ref];
    memset(coeff_vec, 0, ndof_ref * sizeof(scalar));

    // Perform Newton's iteration.
    if (!hermes2d.solve_newton(coeff_vec, &dp, solver, matrix, rhs)) error("Newton's iteration failed.");

    // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the Solution sln.
    Solution ref_sln;
    Solution::vector_to_solution(coeff_vec, ref_space, &ref_sln);
    delete [] coeff_vec;

    // Time measurement.

    // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
    Solution sln;
    info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
    OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver);

    // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    info("Calculating error estimate and exact error.");
    Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(&space);
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln) * 100;

    // Calculate exact error for each solution component.   
    double err_exact_rel = hermes2d.calc_rel_error(&sln, &exact, HERMES_H1_NORM) * 100;

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d", Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space));
    info("err_est_rel: %g%%, err_exact_rel: %g%%", err_est_rel, err_exact_rel);

    // Time measurement.

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_est_rel);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel);"conv_cpu_est.dat");
    graph_dof_exact.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_exact_rel);"conv_dof_exact.dat");
    graph_cpu_exact.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_exact_rel);"conv_cpu_exact.dat");

    // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);

      // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.
      if (done == false)  as++;
    if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete solver;
    delete matrix;
    delete rhs;
    delete adaptivity;
    if(done == false) delete ref_space->get_mesh();
    delete ref_space;

  while (done == false);

  verbose("Total running time: %g s", cpu_time.accumulated());

  int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(&space);

  int n_dof_allowed = 135;
  printf("n_dof_actual = %d\n", ndof);
  printf("n_dof_allowed = %d\n", n_dof_allowed);
  if (ndof <= n_dof_allowed) {
    return ERR_SUCCESS;
  else {
    return ERR_FAILURE;
Beispiel #7
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Instantiate a class with global functions.
  Hermes2D hermes2d;

  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("domain.mesh", &mesh);
  // Perform initial uniform mesh refinement.
  for (int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements();

  // Set essential boundary conditions.
  DefaultEssentialBCConst bc_essential(Hermes::vector<std::string>("right", "top"), 0.0);
  EssentialBCs bcs(&bc_essential);
  // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
  H1Space space(&mesh, &bcs, P_INIT);

  // Associate element markers (corresponding to physical regions) 
  // with material properties (diffusion coefficient, absorption 
  // cross-section, external sources).
  Hermes::vector<std::string> regions("1", "2", "3", "4", "5");
  Hermes::vector<double> D_map(D_1, D_2, D_3, D_4, D_5);
  Hermes::vector<double> Sigma_a_map(SIGMA_A_1, SIGMA_A_2, SIGMA_A_3, SIGMA_A_4, SIGMA_A_5);
  Hermes::vector<double> Sources_map(Q_EXT_1, 0.0, Q_EXT_3, 0.0, 0.0);
  // Initialize the weak formulation.
    wf(regions, D_map, Sigma_a_map, Sources_map);

  // Initialize coarse and reference mesh solution.
  Solution sln, ref_sln;
  // Initialize refinement selector.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Initialize views.
  ScalarView sview("Solution", new WinGeom(0, 0, 440, 350));
  OrderView  oview("Polynomial orders", new WinGeom(450, 0, 400, 350));
  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs initialization.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof, graph_cpu;
  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Adaptivity loop:
  int as = 1; bool done = false;
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Space* ref_space = Space::construct_refined_space(&space);
    int ndof_ref = Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space);

    // Initialize the FE problem.
    DiscreteProblem dp(&wf, ref_space);

    // Initialize the FE problem.
    SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);

    // Initial coefficient vector for the Newton's method.  
    scalar* coeff_vec = new scalar[ndof_ref];
    memset(coeff_vec, 0, ndof_ref*sizeof(scalar));

    // Perform Newton's iteration on reference emesh.
    info("Solving on reference mesh.");
    if (!hermes2d.solve_newton(coeff_vec, &dp, solver, matrix, rhs)) error("Newton's iteration failed.");

    // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the Solution sln.
    Solution::vector_to_solution(coeff_vec, ref_space, &ref_sln);

    // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
    Solution sln;
    info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
    OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver); 

    // Time measurement.
    // View the coarse mesh solution and polynomial orders.;;

    // Skip visualization time.

    // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    info("Calculating error estimate."); 
    Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(&space);
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln) * 100;

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d, err_est_rel: %g%%", 
      Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space), err_est_rel);

    // Time measurement.

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_est_rel);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel);"conv_cpu_est.dat");

    // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);
      // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.
      if (done == false)  as++;
    if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete [] coeff_vec;
    delete solver;
    delete matrix;
    delete rhs;
    delete adaptivity;
    if(done == false) delete ref_space->get_mesh();
    delete ref_space;
  while (done == false);
  verbose("Total running time: %g s", cpu_time.accumulated());

  // Show the reference solution - the final result.
  sview.set_title("Fine mesh solution");

  // Wait for all views to be closed.
  return 0;
Beispiel #8
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh;
  MeshReaderH2D mloader;
  mloader.load("channel.mesh", &mesh);

  // Perform initial mesh refinements.
  for (int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) 
    mesh.refine_all_elements(0, true);
  // Initialize boundary condition types and spaces with default shapesets.
  L2Space<double> space_rho(&mesh, P_INIT);
  L2Space<double> space_rho_v_x(&mesh, P_INIT);
  L2Space<double> space_rho_v_y(&mesh, P_INIT);
  L2Space<double> space_e(&mesh, P_INIT);

  // Initialize solutions, set initial conditions.
  ConstantSolution<double> sln_rho(&mesh, RHO_INIT);
  ConstantSolution<double> sln_rho_v_x(&mesh, RHO_INIT * V1_INIT);
  ConstantSolution<double> sln_rho_v_y(&mesh, RHO_INIT * V2_INIT);
  ConstantSolution<double> sln_e(&mesh, QuantityCalculator::calc_energy(RHO_INIT, RHO_INIT * V1_INIT, RHO_INIT * V2_INIT, PRESSURE_INIT, KAPPA));

  ConstantSolution<double> prev_rho(&mesh, RHO_INIT);
  ConstantSolution<double> prev_rho_v_x(&mesh, RHO_INIT * V1_INIT);
  ConstantSolution<double> prev_rho_v_y(&mesh, RHO_INIT * V2_INIT);
  ConstantSolution<double> prev_e(&mesh, QuantityCalculator::calc_energy(RHO_INIT, RHO_INIT * V1_INIT, RHO_INIT * V2_INIT, PRESSURE_INIT, KAPPA));

  Solution<double> rsln_rho, rsln_rho_v_x, rsln_rho_v_y, rsln_e;

  // Numerical flux.
  OsherSolomonNumericalFlux num_flux(KAPPA);

  // For saving to the disk.
  Continuity<double> continuity(Continuity<double>::onlyNumber);

  // Initialize weak formulation.
    &prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e);

  // Filters for visualization of Mach number, pressure and entropy.
  MachNumberFilter Mach_number(Hermes::vector<MeshFunction<double>*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e), KAPPA);
  PressureFilter pressure(Hermes::vector<MeshFunction<double>*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e), KAPPA);
  EntropyFilter entropy(Hermes::vector<MeshFunction<double>*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e), KAPPA, RHO_INIT, P_INIT);

  ScalarView pressure_view("Pressure", new WinGeom(0, 0, 600, 300));
  ScalarView Mach_number_view("Mach number", new WinGeom(700, 0, 600, 300));
  ScalarView entropy_production_view("Entropy estimate", new WinGeom(0, 400, 600, 300));

  // Initialize refinement selector.
  L2ProjBasedSelector<double> selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, MAX_P_ORDER);
  selector.set_error_weights(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

  // Set up CFL calculation class.

  // Time stepping loop.
  int iteration = 0; double t = 0;
  for(; t < 5.0; t += time_step)
    info("---- Time step %d, time %3.5f.", iteration++, t);

    // Periodic global derefinements.
    if (iteration > 1 && iteration % UNREF_FREQ == 0 && REFINEMENT_COUNT > 0) 
      info("Global mesh derefinement.");
      space_rho.adjust_element_order(-1, P_INIT);

    // Adaptivity loop:
    int as = 1; 
    int ndofs_prev = 0;
    bool done = false;
      info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

      // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
      int order_increase = 1;

      Hermes::vector<Space<double> *>* ref_spaces = Space<double>::construct_refined_spaces(Hermes::vector<Space<double> *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
        &space_rho_v_y, &space_e), order_increase);

      if(ndofs_prev != 0)
        if(Space<double>::get_num_dofs(*ref_spaces) == ndofs_prev)
          selector.set_error_weights(2.0 * selector.get_error_weight_h(), 1.0, 1.0);
          selector.set_error_weights(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

      ndofs_prev = Space<double>::get_num_dofs(*ref_spaces);

      // Project the previous time level solution onto the new fine mesh.
      info("Projecting the previous time level solution onto the new fine mesh.");
      OGProjection<double>::project_global(*ref_spaces, Hermes::vector<Solution<double>*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e), 
        Hermes::vector<Solution<double>*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e), matrix_solver_type, Hermes::vector<Hermes::Hermes2D::ProjNormType>(), iteration > 1);

      // Report NDOFs.
      info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d.", 
        Space<double>::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<Space<double> *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
        &space_rho_v_y, &space_e)), Space<double>::get_num_dofs(*ref_spaces));

      // Assemble the reference problem.
      info("Solving on reference mesh.");
      DiscreteProblem<double> dp(&wf, *ref_spaces);

      SparseMatrix<double>* matrix = create_matrix<double>(matrix_solver_type);
      Vector<double>* rhs = create_vector<double>(matrix_solver_type);
      LinearSolver<double>* solver = create_linear_solver<double>(matrix_solver_type, matrix, rhs);


    dp.assemble(matrix, rhs);
    // Solve the matrix problem.
    info("Solving the matrix problem.");
          Solution<double>::vector_to_solutions(solver->get_sln_vector(), *ref_spaces, 
          Hermes::vector<Solution<double>*>(&rsln_rho, &rsln_rho_v_x, &rsln_rho_v_y, &rsln_e));
          FluxLimiter flux_limiter(FluxLimiter::Kuzmin, solver->get_sln_vector(), *ref_spaces, true);
          flux_limiter.limit_second_orders_according_to_detector(Hermes::vector<Space<double> *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
            &space_rho_v_y, &space_e));

          flux_limiter.limit_according_to_detector(Hermes::vector<Space<double> *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
            &space_rho_v_y, &space_e));

          flux_limiter.get_limited_solutions(Hermes::vector<Solution<double>*>(&rsln_rho, &rsln_rho_v_x, &rsln_rho_v_y, &rsln_e));
      error ("Matrix solver failed.\n");

      // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
      info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
      OGProjection<double>::project_global(Hermes::vector<Space<double> *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
        &space_rho_v_y, &space_e), Hermes::vector<Solution<double>*>(&rsln_rho, &rsln_rho_v_x, &rsln_rho_v_y, &rsln_e), 
        Hermes::vector<Solution<double>*>(&sln_rho, &sln_rho_v_x, &sln_rho_v_y, &sln_e), matrix_solver_type, 
        Hermes::vector<ProjNormType>(HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM)); 

      // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
      info("Calculating error estimate.");
      Adapt<double>* adaptivity = new Adapt<double>(Hermes::vector<Space<double> *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
        &space_rho_v_y, &space_e), Hermes::vector<ProjNormType>(HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM));
      double err_est_rel_total = adaptivity->calc_err_est(Hermes::vector<Solution<double>*>(&sln_rho, &sln_rho_v_x, &sln_rho_v_y, &sln_e),
        Hermes::vector<Solution<double>*>(&rsln_rho, &rsln_rho_v_x, &rsln_rho_v_y, &rsln_e)) * 100;

      CFL.calculate_semi_implicit(Hermes::vector<Solution<double> *>(&rsln_rho, &rsln_rho_v_x, &rsln_rho_v_y, &rsln_e), (*ref_spaces)[0]->get_mesh(), time_step);

      // Report results.
      info("err_est_rel: %g%%", err_est_rel_total);

      // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
      if (err_est_rel_total < ERR_STOP)
        done = true;
        info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
        done = adaptivity->adapt(Hermes::vector<RefinementSelectors::Selector<double> *>(&selector, &selector, &selector, &selector), 

        if (Space<double>::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<Space<double> *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
          &space_rho_v_y, &space_e)) >= NDOF_STOP) 
          done = true;

      // Clean up.
      delete solver;
      delete matrix;
      delete rhs;
      delete adaptivity;
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ref_spaces->size(); i++)
          delete (*ref_spaces)[i];
    while (done == false);

    // Copy the solutions into the previous time level ones.
    delete rsln_rho.get_mesh();
    rsln_rho.own_mesh = false;
    delete rsln_rho_v_x.get_mesh();
    rsln_rho_v_x.own_mesh = false;
    delete rsln_rho_v_y.get_mesh();
    rsln_rho_v_y.own_mesh = false;
    delete rsln_e.get_mesh();
    rsln_e.own_mesh = false;

    // Visualization and saving on disk.
    if((iteration - 1) % EVERY_NTH_STEP == 0) 
      continuity.add_record((unsigned int)(iteration - 1));

      // Hermes visualization.
        entropy.reinit();, 1);, 1);, 1);

        pressure_view.save_numbered_screenshot("pressure %i.bmp", iteration);
        Mach_number_view.save_numbered_screenshot("Mach no %i.bmp", iteration);
      // Output solution in VTK format.
        Linearizer lin;
        char filename[40];
        sprintf(filename, "Pressure-%i.vtk", iteration - 1);
        lin.save_solution_vtk(&pressure, filename, "Pressure");
        sprintf(filename, "Mach number-%i.vtk", iteration - 1);
        lin.save_solution_vtk(&Mach_number, filename, "MachNumber");
        if((iteration - 1) % (EVERY_NTH_STEP * EVERY_NTH_STEP) == 0) 
          sprintf(filename, "Entropy-%i.vtk", iteration - 1);
          lin.save_solution_vtk(&entropy, filename, "Entropy");


  return 0;
Beispiel #9
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Time measurement
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("lshape3q.mesh", &mesh);    // quadrilaterals
  //mloader.load("lshape3t.mesh", &mesh);  // triangles

  // Perform initial mesh refinemets.
  for (int i=0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++)  mesh.refine_all_elements();

  // Enter boundary markers.
  BCTypes bc_types;
  bc_types.add_bc_dirichlet(Hermes::vector<int>(BDY_1, BDY_6));
  bc_types.add_bc_newton(Hermes::vector<int>(BDY_2, BDY_3, BDY_4, BDY_5));

  // Enter Dirichlet boundary values.
  BCValues bc_values;
  bc_values.add_zero(Hermes::vector<int>(BDY_1, BDY_6));

  // Create an Hcurl space with default shapeset.
  HcurlSpace space(&mesh, &bc_types, &bc_values, P_INIT);

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  WeakForm wf;
  wf.add_matrix_form(callback(bilinear_form), HERMES_SYM);
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(linear_form_surf, linear_form_surf_ord);

  // Initialize coarse and reference mesh solutions.
  Solution sln, ref_sln;

  // Initialize exact solution.
  ExactSolution sln_exact(&mesh, exact);

  // Initialize refinement selector.
  HcurlProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Initialize views.
  VectorView v_view("Solution (magnitude)", new WinGeom(0, 0, 460, 350));
  v_view.set_min_max_range(0, 1.5);
  OrderView  o_view("Polynomial orders", new WinGeom(470, 0, 400, 350));
  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof_est, graph_cpu_est, 
              graph_dof_exact, graph_cpu_exact;
  // Adaptivity loop:
  int as = 1; 
  bool done = false;
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Space* ref_space = construct_refined_space(&space);
    // Initialize matrix solver.
    SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);

    // Assemble the reference problem.
    info("Solving on reference mesh.");
    bool is_linear = true;
    DiscreteProblem* dp = new DiscreteProblem(&wf, ref_space, is_linear);
    dp->assemble(matrix, rhs);

    // Time measurement.
    // Solve the linear system of the reference problem. If successful, obtain the solution.
    if(solver->solve()) Solution::vector_to_solution(solver->get_solution(), ref_space, &ref_sln);
    else error ("Matrix solver failed.\n");

    // Time measurement.

    // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
    info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
    OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver); 
    // View the coarse mesh solution and polynomial orders.;;

    // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    info("Calculating error estimate and exact error."); 
    Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(&space);
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln) * 100;

    // Calculate exact error,
    bool solutions_for_adapt = false;
    double err_exact_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_exact(&sln, &sln_exact, solutions_for_adapt) * 100;

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d", 
      Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space));
    info("err_est_rel: %g%%, err_exact_rel: %g%%", err_est_rel, err_exact_rel);

    // Time measurement.

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof_est.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_est_rel);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu_est.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel);"conv_cpu_est.dat");
    graph_dof_exact.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_exact_rel);"conv_dof_exact.dat");
    graph_cpu_exact.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_exact_rel);"conv_cpu_exact.dat");

    // If err_est_rel too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);
      // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.
      if (done == false)  as++;
    if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete solver;
    delete matrix;
    delete rhs;
    delete adaptivity;
    if(done == false) delete ref_space->get_mesh();
    delete ref_space;
    delete dp;
  while (done == false);
  verbose("Total running time: %g s", cpu_time.accumulated());

  // Show the reference solution - the final result.
  v_view.set_title("Fine mesh solution (magnitude)");;
  // Wait for all views to be closed.
  return 0;
Beispiel #10
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh, basemesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("domain.mesh", &basemesh);

  // Perform initial mesh refinements.
  for(int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements();
  mesh.refine_towards_boundary(3, INIT_REF_NUM_BDY);

  // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
  H1Space space(&mesh, bc_types, essential_bc_values, P_INIT);
  int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(&space);
  info("ndof = %d.", ndof);

  // Create a selector which will select optimal candidate.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Solutions for the time stepping and the Newton's method.
  Solution sln, ref_sln, sln_prev_time;
  // Adapt mesh to represent initial condition with given accuracy.
  info("Mesh adaptivity to an exact function:");

  int as = 1; bool done = false;
    // Setup space for the reference solution.
    Space *rspace = construct_refined_space(&space);

    // Assign the function f() to the fine mesh.
    ref_sln.set_exact(rspace->get_mesh(), init_cond);

    // Project the function f() on the coarse mesh.
    OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln_prev_time, matrix_solver);

    // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    Adapt adaptivity(&space, HERMES_H1_NORM);
    bool solutions_for_adapt = true;
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity.calc_err_est(&sln_prev_time, &ref_sln, solutions_for_adapt, HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_REL | HERMES_ELEMENT_ERROR_REL) * 100;

    info("Step %d, ndof %d, proj_error %g%%", as, Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_est_rel);

    // If err_est_rel too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
    else {
      double to_be_processed = 0;
      done = adaptivity.adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY, to_be_processed);

      if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

  while (done == false);
  // Project the initial condition on the FE space
  // to obtain initial coefficient vector for the Newton's method.
  info("Projecting initial condition to obtain coefficient vector for Newton on coarse mesh.");
  scalar* coeff_vec_coarse = new scalar[Space::get_num_dofs(&space)];
  OGProjection::project_global(&space, init_cond, coeff_vec_coarse, matrix_solver);
  OGProjection::project_global(&space, &sln_prev_time, &sln, matrix_solver);

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  WeakForm wf;
  if (TIME_INTEGRATION == 1) {
    wf.add_matrix_form(jac_form_vol_euler, jac_form_vol_ord, HERMES_UNSYM, HERMES_ANY, 
    wf.add_matrix_form_surf(jac_form_surf_1_euler, jac_form_surf_1_ord, BDY_1);
    wf.add_matrix_form_surf(jac_form_surf_4_euler, jac_form_surf_4_ord, BDY_4);
    wf.add_matrix_form_surf(jac_form_surf_6_euler, jac_form_surf_6_ord, BDY_6);
    wf.add_vector_form(res_form_vol_euler, res_form_vol_ord, HERMES_ANY, 
    wf.add_vector_form_surf(res_form_surf_1_euler, res_form_surf_1_ord, BDY_1); 
    wf.add_vector_form_surf(res_form_surf_4_euler, res_form_surf_4_ord, BDY_4);
    wf.add_vector_form_surf(res_form_surf_6_euler, res_form_surf_6_ord, BDY_6);
  else {
    wf.add_matrix_form(jac_form_vol_cranic, jac_form_vol_ord, HERMES_UNSYM, HERMES_ANY, 
    wf.add_matrix_form_surf(jac_form_surf_1_cranic, jac_form_surf_1_ord, BDY_1);
    wf.add_matrix_form_surf(jac_form_surf_4_cranic, jac_form_surf_4_ord, BDY_4);
    wf.add_matrix_form_surf(jac_form_surf_6_cranic, jac_form_surf_6_ord, BDY_6); 
    wf.add_vector_form(res_form_vol_cranic, res_form_vol_ord, HERMES_ANY, 
    wf.add_vector_form_surf(res_form_surf_1_cranic, res_form_surf_1_ord, BDY_1, 
    wf.add_vector_form_surf(res_form_surf_4_cranic, res_form_surf_4_ord, BDY_4, 
    wf.add_vector_form_surf(res_form_surf_6_cranic, res_form_surf_6_ord, BDY_6, 

  // Error estimate and discrete problem size as a function of physical time.
  SimpleGraph graph_time_err_est, graph_time_err_exact, graph_time_dof, graph_time_cpu;

  // Time stepping loop.
  int num_time_steps = (int)(T_FINAL/TAU + 0.5);
  for(int ts = 1; ts <= num_time_steps; ts++)
    // Time measurement.

    // Updating current time.
    TIME = ts*TAU;
    info("---- Time step %d:", ts);

    // Periodic global derefinements.
    if (ts > 1 && ts % UNREF_FREQ == 0) {
      info("Global mesh derefinement.");

      // Project fine mesh solution on the globally derefined mesh.
      info("Projecting fine mesh solution on globally derefined mesh.");
      OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver);

    // Adaptivity loop (in space):
    bool done = false;
    int as = 1;
      info("---- Time step %d, adaptivity step %d:", ts, as);

      // Construct globally refined reference mesh
      // and setup reference space.
      Space* ref_space = construct_refined_space(&space);

      scalar* coeff_vec = new scalar[Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space)];
      // Calculate initial coefficient vector for Newton on the fine mesh.
      if (as == 1 && ts == 1) {
        info("Projecting coarse mesh solution to obtain initial vector on new fine mesh.");
        OGProjection::project_global(ref_space, &sln, coeff_vec, matrix_solver);
      else {
        info("Projecting previous fine mesh solution to obtain initial vector on new fine mesh.");
        OGProjection::project_global(ref_space, &ref_sln, coeff_vec, matrix_solver);

      // Initialize the FE problem.
      bool is_linear = false;
      DiscreteProblem dp(&wf, ref_space, is_linear);

      // Set up the solver, matrix, and rhs according to the solver selection.
      SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
      Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
      Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);

      // Perform Newton's iteration.
      int it = 1;
      while (1)
        // Obtain the number of degrees of freedom.
        int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space);

        // Assemble the Jacobian matrix and residual vector.
        dp.assemble(coeff_vec, matrix, rhs, false);

        // Multiply the residual vector with -1 since the matrix 
        // equation reads J(Y^n) \deltaY^{n+1} = -F(Y^n).
        for (int i = 0; i < ndof; i++) rhs->set(i, -rhs->get(i));
        // Calculate the l2-norm of residual vector.
        double res_l2_norm = get_l2_norm(rhs);

        // Info for user.
        info("---- Newton iter %d, ndof %d, res. l2 norm %g", it, Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space), res_l2_norm);

        // If l2 norm of the residual vector is within tolerance, or the maximum number 
        // of iteration has been reached, then quit.
        if (res_l2_norm < NEWTON_TOL_FINE || it > NEWTON_MAX_ITER) break;

        // Solve the linear system.
          error ("Matrix solver failed.\n");

        // Add \deltaY^{n+1} to Y^n.
        for (int i = 0; i < ndof; i++) coeff_vec[i] += solver->get_solution()[i];
        if (it >= NEWTON_MAX_ITER)
          error ("Newton method did not converge.");

      // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the actual solutions. 
      Solution::vector_to_solutions(coeff_vec, ref_space, &ref_sln);

      // Project the fine mesh solution on the coarse mesh.
      info("Projecting fine mesh solution on coarse mesh for error calculation.");
      OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver);

      // Calculate element errors.
      info("Calculating error estimate."); 
      Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(&space, HERMES_H1_NORM);
      bool solutions_for_adapt = true;
      // Calculate error estimate wrt. fine mesh solution.
      double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln, solutions_for_adapt, HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_REL | HERMES_ELEMENT_ERROR_ABS) * 100;

      // Report results.
      info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d, space_err_est_rel: %g%%", 
        Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space), err_est_rel);

      // Add entries to convergence graphs.
      graph_time_err_est.add_values(ts*TAU, err_est_rel);"time_error_est.dat");
      graph_time_dof.add_values(ts*TAU, Space::get_num_dofs(&space));"time_dof.dat");
      graph_time_cpu.add_values(ts*TAU, cpu_time.accumulated());"time_cpu.dat");

      // If space_err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
      if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      else {
        info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
        done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);
        if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP) {
          done = true;

      // Cleanup.
      delete [] coeff_vec;
      delete solver;
      delete matrix;
      delete rhs;
      delete adaptivity;
      delete ref_space->get_mesh();
      delete ref_space;
    while (!done);

    // Copy new time level solution into sln_prev_time.

  info("Coordinate ( 2,  -2.0) value = %lf", sln_prev_time.get_pt_value( 2,  -2.0));
  info("Coordinate ( 2,  -4.0) value = %lf", sln_prev_time.get_pt_value( 2,  -4.0));
  info("Coordinate ( 6,  -2.0) value = %lf", sln_prev_time.get_pt_value( 6,  -2.0));
  info("Coordinate ( 6,  -4.0) value = %lf", sln_prev_time.get_pt_value( 6,  -4.0));
  info("Coordinate ( 4,  -3.0) value = %lf", sln_prev_time.get_pt_value( 4,  -3.0));

#define ERROR_SUCCESS                                0
#define ERROR_FAILURE                               -1
  double coor_x[5] = {2.0, 2.0, 6.0, 6.0, 4.0};
  double coor_y[5] = {-2.0, -4.0, -2.0, -4.0, -3.0};
  double value[5] = {-4.821844, -2.462673, -4.000754, -1.705534, -3.257146};
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    if ((value[i] - sln_prev_time.get_pt_value(coor_x[i], coor_y[i])) < 1E-6)
      return ERROR_FAILURE;
Beispiel #11
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh;
  MeshReaderH2D mloader;
  mloader.load("domain.mesh", &mesh);

  // Perform initial mesh refinements.
  for (int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements();

  // Initialize boundary conditions.
  Hermes::Hermes2D::DefaultEssentialBCConst<std::complex<double> > bc_essential("Dirichlet", std::complex<double>(0.0, 0.0));
  EssentialBCs<std::complex<double> > bcs(&bc_essential);

  // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
  H1Space<std::complex<double> > space(&mesh, &bcs, P_INIT);
  int ndof = space.get_num_dofs();
  info("ndof = %d", ndof);

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  CustomWeakForm wf("Air", MU_0, "Iron", MU_IRON, GAMMA_IRON,
    "Wire", MU_0, std::complex<double>(J_EXT, 0.0), OMEGA);

  // Initialize coarse and reference mesh solution.
  Solution<std::complex<double> > sln, ref_sln;

  // Initialize refinement selector.
  H1ProjBasedSelector<std::complex<double> > selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Initialize views.
  Views::VectorView sview("Solution", new Views::WinGeom(0, 0, 600, 350));
  Views::OrderView oview("Polynomial orders", new Views::WinGeom(610, 0, 520, 350));

  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs initialization.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof, graph_cpu;

  Space<std::complex<double> >* ref_space = Space<std::complex<double> >::construct_refined_space(&space);

  DiscreteProblem<std::complex<double> > dp(&wf, ref_space);

  // Perform Newton's iteration and translate the resulting coefficient vector into a Solution.
  Hermes::Hermes2D::NewtonSolver<std::complex<double> > newton(&dp, matrix_solver_type);

  // Adaptivity loop:
  int as = 1; bool done = false;
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    ref_space = Space<std::complex<double> >::construct_refined_space(&space);
    int ndof_ref = ref_space->get_num_dofs();

    // Initialize reference problem.
    info("Solving on reference mesh.");

    // Time measurement.

    // Initial coefficient vector for the Newton's method.
    std::complex<double>* coeff_vec = new std::complex<double>[ndof_ref];
    memset(coeff_vec, 0, ndof_ref * sizeof(std::complex<double>));

    // Perform Newton's iteration and translate the resulting coefficient vector into a Solution.
    // For iterative solver.
    if (matrix_solver_type == SOLVER_AZTECOO)
    catch(Hermes::Exceptions::Exception e)
      error("Newton's iteration failed.");
    Hermes::Hermes2D::Solution<std::complex<double> >::vector_to_solution(newton.get_sln_vector(), ref_space, &ref_sln);

    // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
    info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
    OGProjection<std::complex<double> >::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver_type);

    // View the coarse mesh solution and polynomial orders.
    RealFilter real_filter(&sln);, &real_filter);;

    // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    info("Calculating error estimate.");
    Adapt<std::complex<double> >* adaptivity = new Adapt<std::complex<double> >(&space);
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln) * 100;

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d, err_est_rel: %g%%",
      space.get_num_dofs(), ref_space->get_num_dofs(), err_est_rel);

    // Time measurement.

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof.add_values(space.get_num_dofs(), err_est_rel);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel);"conv_cpu_est.dat");

    // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);
    if (space.get_num_dofs() >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete [] coeff_vec;
    delete adaptivity;

    // Increase counter.
  while (done == false);

  verbose("Total running time: %g s", cpu_time.accumulated());

  // Show the reference solution - the final result.
  sview.set_title("Fine mesh solution");

  RealFilter real_filter(&ref_sln);;

  // Wait for all views to be closed.
  return 0;
Beispiel #12
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Instantiate a class with global functions.
  Hermes2D hermes2d;

  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("square_quad.mesh", &mesh);

  // Perform initial mesh refinement.
  for (int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements();

  // Set exact solution.
  CustomExactSolution exact(&mesh, K, alpha);

  // Define custom function f.
  CustomFunction f(K, alpha);

  // Initialize boundary conditions
  DefaultEssentialBCNonConst bc_essential("Bdy_dirichlet_rest", &exact);
  EssentialBCs bcs(&bc_essential);

  // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
  H1Space space(&mesh, &bcs, P_INIT);

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  HermesFunction lambda(1.0);
  WeakFormsH1::DefaultWeakFormPoisson wf(HERMES_ANY, &lambda, &f);

  // Initialize refinement selector.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Initialize views.
  ScalarView sview("Solution", new WinGeom(0, 0, 440, 350));
  OrderView  oview("Polynomial orders", new WinGeom(450, 0, 420, 350));

  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof, graph_cpu, graph_dof_exact, graph_cpu_exact;

  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Adaptivity loop:
  int as = 1; bool done = false;
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Space* ref_space = Space::construct_refined_space(&space);
    int ndof_ref = Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space);

    // Initialize matrix solver.
    SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);

    // Initialize reference problem.
    info("Solving on reference mesh.");
    DiscreteProblem dp(&wf, ref_space);

    // Time measurement.

    // Initial coefficient vector for the Newton's method.  
    scalar* coeff_vec = new scalar[ndof_ref];
    memset(coeff_vec, 0, ndof_ref * sizeof(scalar));

    // Perform Newton's iteration.
    if (!hermes2d.solve_newton(coeff_vec, &dp, solver, matrix, rhs)) error("Newton's iteration failed.");

    // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the Solution sln.
    Solution ref_sln;
    Solution::vector_to_solution(coeff_vec, ref_space, &ref_sln);

    // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
    Solution sln;
    info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
    OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver);

    // View the coarse mesh solution and polynomial orders.;;

    // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    info("Calculating error estimate and exact error.");
    Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(&space);
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln) * 100;

    // Calculate exact error.
    double err_exact_rel = hermes2d.calc_rel_error(&sln, &exact, HERMES_H1_NORM) * 100;

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d",
      Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space));
    info("err_est_rel: %g%%, err_exact_rel: %g%%", err_est_rel, err_exact_rel);

    // Time measurement.

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_est_rel);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel);"conv_cpu_est.dat");
    graph_dof_exact.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_exact_rel);"conv_dof_exact.dat");
    graph_cpu_exact.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_exact_rel);"conv_cpu_exact.dat");

    // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);

      // Increase the counter of adaptivity steps.
      if (done == false)  as++;
    if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete [] coeff_vec;
    delete solver;
    delete matrix;
    delete rhs;
    delete adaptivity;
    if(done == false) delete ref_space->get_mesh();
    delete ref_space;
  while (done == false);

  verbose("Total running time: %g s", cpu_time.accumulated());

  // Wait for all views to be closed.
  return 0;
Beispiel #13
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh u_mesh, v_mesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("crack.mesh", &u_mesh);

  // Perform initial uniform mesh refinement.
  for (int i=0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) u_mesh.refine_all_elements();

  // Create initial mesh for the vertical displacement component.
  // This also initializes the multimesh hp-FEM.

  // Create H1 spaces with default shapesets.
  H1Space u_space(&u_mesh, bc_types_xy, essential_bc_values, P_INIT);
  H1Space v_space(MULTI ? &v_mesh : &u_mesh, bc_types_xy, essential_bc_values, P_INIT);

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  WeakForm wf(2);
  wf.add_matrix_form(0, 0, callback(bilinear_form_0_0), HERMES_SYM);
  wf.add_matrix_form(0, 1, callback(bilinear_form_0_1), HERMES_SYM);
  wf.add_matrix_form(1, 1, callback(bilinear_form_1_1), HERMES_SYM);
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(1, linear_form_surf_1, linear_form_surf_1_ord, BDY_TOP);

  // Initialize coarse and reference mesh solutions.
  Solution u_sln, v_sln, u_ref_sln, v_ref_sln;

  // Initialize refinement selector.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof_est, graph_cpu_est;
  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Adaptivity loop:
  int as = 1; 
  bool done = false;
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Tuple<Space *>* ref_spaces = construct_refined_spaces(Tuple<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space));

    // Assemble the reference problem.
    info("Solving on reference mesh.");
    bool is_linear = true;
    DiscreteProblem* dp = new DiscreteProblem(&wf, *ref_spaces, is_linear);
    SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);
    dp->assemble(matrix, rhs);

    // Time measurement.
    // Solve the linear system of the reference problem. If successful, obtain the solutions.
    if(solver->solve()) Solution::vector_to_solutions(solver->get_solution(), *ref_spaces, 
                                                      Tuple<Solution *>(&u_ref_sln, &v_ref_sln));
    else error ("Matrix solver failed.\n");
    // Time measurement.

    // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
    info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
    OGProjection::project_global(Tuple<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space), Tuple<Solution *>(&u_ref_sln, &v_ref_sln), 
                   Tuple<Solution *>(&u_sln, &v_sln), matrix_solver); 

    // Calculate element errors.
    info("Calculating error estimate and exact error."); 
    Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(Tuple<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space), Tuple<ProjNormType>(HERMES_H1_NORM, HERMES_H1_NORM));
    adaptivity->set_error_form(0, 0, bilinear_form_0_0<scalar, scalar>, bilinear_form_0_0<Ord, Ord>);
    adaptivity->set_error_form(0, 1, bilinear_form_0_1<scalar, scalar>, bilinear_form_0_1<Ord, Ord>);
    adaptivity->set_error_form(1, 0, bilinear_form_1_0<scalar, scalar>, bilinear_form_1_0<Ord, Ord>);
    adaptivity->set_error_form(1, 1, bilinear_form_1_1<scalar, scalar>, bilinear_form_1_1<Ord, Ord>);
    // Calculate error estimate for each solution component and the total error estimate.
    Tuple<double> err_est_rel;
    bool solutions_for_adapt = true;
    double err_est_rel_total = adaptivity->calc_err_est(Tuple<Solution *>(&u_sln, &v_sln), Tuple<Solution *>(&u_ref_sln, &v_ref_sln), solutions_for_adapt, 
                               HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_REL | HERMES_ELEMENT_ERROR_ABS, &err_est_rel) * 100;
    // Time measurement.

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse[0]: %d, ndof_fine[0]: %d, err_est_rel[0]: %g%%", 
         u_space.Space::get_num_dofs(), (*ref_spaces)[0]->Space::get_num_dofs(), err_est_rel[0]*100);
    info("ndof_coarse[1]: %d, ndof_fine[1]: %d, err_est_rel[1]: %g%%",
         v_space.Space::get_num_dofs(), (*ref_spaces)[1]->Space::get_num_dofs(), err_est_rel[1]*100);
    info("ndof_coarse_total: %d, ndof_fine_total: %d, err_est_rel_total: %g%%",
         Space::get_num_dofs(Tuple<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space)), Space::get_num_dofs(*ref_spaces), err_est_rel_total);

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof_est.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(Tuple<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space)), err_est_rel_total);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu_est.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel_total);"conv_cpu_est.dat");

    // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel_total < ERR_STOP) 
      done = true;
      info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(Tuple<RefinementSelectors::Selector *>(&selector, &selector), 
    if (Space::get_num_dofs(Tuple<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space)) >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete solver;
    delete matrix;
    delete rhs;
    delete adaptivity;
    if(done == false)
      for(int i = 0; i < ref_spaces->size(); i++)
        delete (*ref_spaces)[i]->get_mesh();
    delete ref_spaces;
    delete dp;
    // Increase counter.
  while (done == false);

  verbose("Total running time: %g s", cpu_time.accumulated());

  int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(Tuple<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space));

  int ndof_allowed = 920;
  printf("ndof actual = %d\n", ndof);
  printf("ndof allowed = %d\n", ndof_allowed);
  if (ndof <= ndof_allowed) {      // ndofs was 908 at the time this test was created
    return ERR_SUCCESS;
  else {
    return ERR_FAILURE;
Beispiel #14
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Choose a Butcher's table or define your own.
  ButcherTable bt(butcher_table_type);
  if (bt.is_explicit()) info("Using a %d-stage explicit R-K method.", bt.get_size());
  if (bt.is_diagonally_implicit()) info("Using a %d-stage diagonally implicit R-K method.", bt.get_size());
  if (bt.is_fully_implicit()) info("Using a %d-stage fully implicit R-K method.", bt.get_size());

  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh, basemesh;
  MeshReaderH2D mloader;
  mloader.load("square.mesh", &basemesh);

  // Initial mesh refinements.
  for(int i = 0; i < INIT_GLOB_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements();
  mesh.refine_towards_boundary("Top", INIT_REF_NUM_BDY);

  // Initialize boundary conditions.
  CustomEssentialBCNonConst bc_essential(Hermes::vector<std::string>("Bottom", "Right", "Top", "Left"));
  EssentialBCs<double> bcs(&bc_essential);

  // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
  H1Space<double> space(&mesh, &bcs, P_INIT);
  int ndof_coarse = Space<double>::get_num_dofs(&space);
  info("ndof_coarse = %d.", ndof_coarse);

  // Initial condition vector is the zero vector. This is why we
  // use the H_OFFSET. 
  double* coeff_vec = new double[ndof_coarse];
  memset(coeff_vec, 0, ndof_coarse*sizeof(double));

  // Convert initial condition into a Solution.
  Solution<double> h_time_prev, h_time_new;
  Solution<double>::vector_to_solution(coeff_vec, &space, &h_time_prev);
  delete [] coeff_vec;

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  CustomWeakFormRichardsRK wf;

  // Initialize the FE problem.
  DiscreteProblem<double> dp(&wf, &space);

  // Create a refinement selector.
  H1ProjBasedSelector<double> selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Visualize initial condition.
  char title[100];
  ScalarView view("Initial condition", new WinGeom(0, 0, 440, 350));
  OrderView ordview("Initial mesh", new WinGeom(445, 0, 440, 350));;;

  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs initialization.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof, graph_cpu;
  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;
  // Time stepping loop.
  double current_time = 0; int ts = 1;
    // Periodic global derefinement.
    if (ts > 1 && ts % UNREF_FREQ == 0) 
      info("Global mesh derefinement.");
      switch (UNREF_METHOD) {
        case 1: mesh.copy(&basemesh);
        case 2: mesh.unrefine_all_elements();
        case 3: mesh.unrefine_all_elements();
                space.adjust_element_order(-1, -1, P_INIT, P_INIT);
        default: error("Wrong global derefinement method.");

      ndof_coarse = Space<double>::get_num_dofs(&space);

    // Spatial adaptivity loop. Note: h_time_prev must not be changed 
    // during spatial adaptivity. 
    bool done = false; int as = 1;
    double err_est;
    do {
      info("Time step %d, adaptivity step %d:", ts, as);

      // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
      Space<double>* ref_space = Space<double>::construct_refined_space(&space);
      int ndof_ref = Space<double>::get_num_dofs(ref_space);

      // Initialize discrete problem on reference mesh.
      DiscreteProblem<double> dp(&wf, ref_space);

      // Time measurement.

      // Initialize Runge-Kutta time stepping.
      RungeKutta<double> runge_kutta(&dp, &bt, matrix_solver_type);

      // Perform one Runge-Kutta time step according to the selected Butcher's table.
      info("Runge-Kutta time step (t = %g s, tau = %g s, stages: %d).",
           current_time, time_step, bt.get_size());
    bool freeze_jacobian = false;
    bool block_diagonal_jacobian = false;
      bool verbose = true;
      double damping_coeff = 1.0;
      double max_allowed_residual_norm = 1e10;

        runge_kutta.rk_time_step_newton(current_time, time_step, &h_time_prev, 
          &h_time_new, freeze_jacobian, block_diagonal_jacobian, verbose,
          NEWTON_TOL, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, damping_coeff, max_allowed_residual_norm);
      catch(Exceptions::Exception& e)
        error("Runge-Kutta time step failed");

      // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
      Solution<double> sln_coarse;
      info("Projecting fine mesh solution on coarse mesh for error estimation.");
      OGProjection<double>::project_global(&space, &h_time_new, &sln_coarse, matrix_solver_type); 

      // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
      info("Calculating error estimate.");
      Adapt<double>* adaptivity = new Adapt<double>(&space);
      double err_est_rel_total = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln_coarse, &h_time_new) * 100;

      // Report results.
      info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_ref: %d, err_est_rel: %g%%", 
           Space<double>::get_num_dofs(&space), Space<double>::get_num_dofs(ref_space), err_est_rel_total);

      // Time measurement.

      // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
      if (err_est_rel_total < ERR_STOP) done = true;
        info("Adapting the coarse mesh.");
        done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);

        if (Space<double>::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP) 
          done = true;
          // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.
      // Clean up.
      delete adaptivity;
        delete h_time_new.get_space();
        delete h_time_new.get_mesh();
    while (done == false);

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof.add_values(current_time, Space<double>::get_num_dofs(&space));"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu.add_values(current_time, cpu_time.accumulated());"conv_cpu_est.dat");

    // Visualize the solution and mesh.
    char title[100];
    sprintf(title, "Solution, time %g", current_time);
    sprintf(title, "Mesh, time %g", current_time);

    // Copy last reference solution into h_time_prev.
    delete h_time_new.get_mesh();

    // Increase current time and counter of time steps.
    current_time += time_step;
  while (current_time < T_FINAL);

  // Wait for all views to be closed.
  return 0;
Beispiel #15
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  // Define nonlinear thermal conductivity lambda(u) via a cubic spline.
  // Step 1: Fill the x values and use lambda_macro(u) = 1 + u^4 for the y values.
  #define lambda_macro(x) (1 + std::pow(x, 4))
  Hermes::vector<double> lambda_pts(-2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0);
  Hermes::vector<double> lambda_val;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lambda_pts.size(); i++) lambda_val.push_back(lambda_macro(lambda_pts[i]));
  // Step 2: Create the cubic spline (and plot it for visual control). 
  double bc_left = 0.0;
  double bc_right = 0.0;
  bool first_der_left = false;
  bool first_der_right = false;
  bool extrapolate_der_left = true;
  bool extrapolate_der_right = true;
  CubicSpline lambda(lambda_pts, lambda_val, bc_left, bc_right, first_der_left, first_der_right,
                     extrapolate_der_left, extrapolate_der_right);
  info("Saving cubic spline into a Pylab file spline.dat.");
  // The interval of definition of the spline will be 
  // extended by "interval_extension" on both sides.
  double interval_extension = 3.0; 
  lambda.plot("spline.dat", interval_extension);

  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh;
  MeshReaderH2D mloader;
  mloader.load("square.mesh", &mesh);

  // Perform initial mesh refinements.
  for(int i = 0; i < INIT_GLOB_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements();
  mesh.refine_towards_boundary("Bdy", INIT_BDY_REF_NUM);

  // Initialize boundary conditions.
  CustomEssentialBCNonConst bc_essential("Bdy");
  EssentialBCs<double> bcs(&bc_essential);

  // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
  H1Space<double> space(&mesh, &bcs, P_INIT);

  // Initialize the weak formulation
  Hermes2DFunction<double> f(-heat_src);
  WeakFormsH1::DefaultWeakFormPoisson<double> wf(HERMES_ANY, &lambda, &f);

  // Initialize the FE problem.
  DiscreteProblem<double> dp_coarse(&wf, &space);

  // Create a selector which will select optimal candidate.
  H1ProjBasedSelector<double> selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Initialize coarse and reference mesh solution.
  Solution<double> sln, ref_sln;

  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Initialize views.
  ScalarView sview("Solution", new WinGeom(0, 0, 440, 350));
  OrderView oview("Mesh", new WinGeom(450, 0, 400, 350));

  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof_est, graph_cpu_est;

  // Project the initial condition on the FE space to obtain initial
  // coefficient vector for the Newton's method.
  info("Projecting initial condition to obtain initial vector on the coarse mesh.");
  double* coeff_vec_coarse = new double[space.get_num_dofs()];
  InitialSolutionHeatTransfer init_sln(&mesh);
  OGProjection<double>::project_global(&space, &init_sln, coeff_vec_coarse, matrix_solver);

  // Initialize Newton solver on coarse mesh.
  info("Solving on coarse mesh:");
  bool verbose = true;
  NewtonSolver<double> newton_coarse(&dp_coarse, matrix_solver);

  // Perform initial Newton's iteration on coarse mesh, to obtain 
  // good initial guess for the Newton's method on the fine mesh.
    newton_coarse.solve(coeff_vec_coarse, NEWTON_TOL_COARSE, NEWTON_MAX_ITER);
  catch(Hermes::Exceptions::Exception e)
    error("Newton's iteration failed.");

  // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the Solution<double> sln.
  Solution<double>::vector_to_solution(newton_coarse.get_sln_vector(), &space, &sln);

  // Cleanup after the Newton loop on the coarse mesh.
  delete [] coeff_vec_coarse;

  // Adaptivity loop.
  int as = 1; bool done = false;
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Space<double>* ref_space = Space<double>::construct_refined_space(&space);

    // Initialize discrete problem on the reference mesh.
    DiscreteProblem<double> dp(&wf, ref_space);

    // Calculate initial coefficient vector on the reference mesh.
    double* coeff_vec = new double[ref_space->get_num_dofs()];
    if (as == 1)
      // In the first step, project the coarse mesh solution.
      info("Projecting coarse mesh solution to obtain initial vector on new fine mesh.");
      OGProjection<double>::project_global(ref_space, &sln, coeff_vec, matrix_solver);
      // In all other steps, project the previous fine mesh solution.
      info("Projecting previous fine mesh solution to obtain initial vector on new fine mesh.");
      OGProjection<double>::project_global(ref_space, &ref_sln, coeff_vec, matrix_solver);
      delete ref_sln.get_space();
      delete ref_sln.get_mesh();

    // Initialize Newton solver on fine mesh.
    info("Solving on fine mesh:");
    bool verbose = true;
    NewtonSolver<double> newton(&dp, matrix_solver);

    // Perform Newton's iteration.
      newton.solve(coeff_vec, NEWTON_TOL_FINE, NEWTON_MAX_ITER);
    catch(Hermes::Exceptions::Exception e)
      error("Newton's iteration failed.");

    // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the Solution<double> ref_sln.
    Solution<double>::vector_to_solution(newton.get_sln_vector(), ref_space, &ref_sln);

    // Project the fine mesh solution on the coarse mesh.
    info("Projecting reference solution on new coarse mesh for error calculation.");
    OGProjection<double>::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver);

    // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    info("Calculating error estimate.");
    Adapt<double>* adaptivity = new Adapt<double>(&space);
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln) * 100;

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d, err_est_rel: %g%%",
      Space<double>::get_num_dofs(&space), Space<double>::get_num_dofs(ref_space), err_est_rel);

    // Time measurement.

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof_est.add_values(Space<double>::get_num_dofs(&space), err_est_rel);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu_est.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel);"conv_cpu_est.dat");

    // View the coarse mesh solution.;;

    // If err_est_rel too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      info("Adapting the coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);

      if (Space<double>::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP)
        done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete [] coeff_vec;
    delete adaptivity;

  while (done == false);

  verbose("Total running time: %g s", cpu_time.accumulated());

  // Show the reference solution - the final result.
  sview.set_title("Fine mesh solution");

  // Wait for keyboard or mouse input.
  return 0;
Beispiel #16
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;
  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("domain.mesh", &mesh);

  // Perform initial mesh refinements.

  // Enter boundary markers.
  BCTypes bc_types;

  // Enter Dirichlet boundary values.
  BCValues bc_values;
  bc_values.add_function(BDY_HORIZONTAL, essential_bc_values);

  // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
  H1Space space(&mesh, &bc_types, &bc_values, P_INIT);

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  WeakForm wf;
  wf.add_matrix_form(bilinear_form, bilinear_form_ord, HERMES_SYM);
  wf.add_vector_form(linear_form, linear_form_ord);
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(linear_form_surf, linear_form_surf_ord, BDY_VERTICAL);

  // Initialize coarse and reference mesh solution.
  Solution sln, ref_sln;

  // Initialize refinement selector. 
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);
  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs initialization.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof, graph_cpu;

  // Adaptivity loop:
  int as = 1; 
  bool done = false;
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Space* ref_space = construct_refined_space(&space);

    // Assemble the reference problem.
    info("Solving on reference mesh.");
    bool is_linear = true;
    DiscreteProblem* dp = new DiscreteProblem(&wf, ref_space, is_linear);
    SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);
    dp->assemble(matrix, rhs);

    // Time measurement.
    // Solve the linear system of the reference problem. If successful, obtain the solution.
    if(solver->solve()) Solution::vector_to_solution(solver->get_solution(), ref_space, &ref_sln);
    else error ("Matrix solver failed.\n");
    // Time measurement.

    // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
    info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
    OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver); 

    // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    info("Calculating error estimate."); 
    Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(&space);
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln) * 100;

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d, err_est_rel: %g%%", 
      Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space), err_est_rel);

    // Time measurement.

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_est_rel);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel);"conv_cpu_est.dat");

    // If err_est_rel too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);
    if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete solver;
    delete matrix;
    delete rhs;
    delete adaptivity;
    if (done == false)
      delete ref_space->get_mesh();
    delete ref_space;
    delete dp;
    // Increase counter.
  while (done == false);
  verbose("Total running time: %g s", cpu_time.accumulated());

  int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(&space);

  printf("ndof allowed = %d\n", 430);
  printf("ndof actual = %d\n", ndof);
  if (ndof < 430) {      // ndofs was 414 at the time this test was created
    return ERR_SUCCESS;
  else {
    return ERR_FAILURE;
Beispiel #17
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  info("Desired number of eigenvalues: %d.", NUMBER_OF_EIGENVALUES);

  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("domain.mesh", &mesh);

  // Perform initial mesh refinements (optional).
  for (int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements();

  // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
  H1Space space(&mesh, bc_types, essential_bc_values, P_INIT);

  // Initialize the weak formulation for the left hand side i.e. H 
  WeakForm wf_left, wf_right;

  // Initialize refinement selector.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof_est, graph_cpu_est;

  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Adaptivity loop:
  int as = 1;
  bool done = false;
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);
    info("Solving on reference mesh.");

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Space* ref_space = construct_refined_space(&space);
    int ref_ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space);
    info("ref_ndof: %d.", ref_ndof);

    // Initialize matrices and matrix solver on referenc emesh.
    SparseMatrix* matrix_left = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    SparseMatrix* matrix_right = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Vector* eivec = create_vector(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix_left, eivec);

    // Assemble the matrices on reference mesh.
    bool is_linear = true;
    DiscreteProblem* dp_left = new DiscreteProblem(&wf_left, ref_space, is_linear);
    dp_left->assemble(matrix_left, eivec);
    DiscreteProblem* dp_right = new DiscreteProblem(&wf_right, ref_space, is_linear);
    dp_right->assemble(matrix_right, eivec);

    // Time measurement.

    // Write matrix_left in MatrixMarket format.
    write_matrix_mm("mat_left.mtx", matrix_left);

    // Write matrix_left in MatrixMarket format.
    write_matrix_mm("mat_right.mtx", matrix_right);

    // Time measurement.

    // Calling Python eigensolver. Solution will be written to "eivecs.dat".
    char call_cmd[255];
    sprintf(call_cmd, "python mat_left.mtx mat_right.mtx %g %d %g %d", 

    // Initializing solution vector, solution and ScalarView.
    double* ref_coeff_vec = new double[ref_ndof];

    // Reading solution vectors from file and visualizing.
    FILE *file = fopen("eivecs.dat", "r");
    char line [64];                  // Maximum line size.
    fgets(line, sizeof line, file);  // ref_ndof
    int n = atoi(line);            
    if (n != ref_ndof) error("Mismatched ndof in the eigensolver output file.");  
    fgets(line, sizeof line, file);  // Number of eigenvectors in the file.
    int neig = atoi(line);
    if (neig != NUMBER_OF_EIGENVALUES) error("Mismatched number of eigenvectors in the eigensolver output file.");  
    for (int ieig = 0; ieig < NUMBER_OF_EIGENVALUES; ieig++) {
      // Get next eigenvector from the file.
      for (int i = 0; i < ref_ndof; i++) {  
        fgets(line, sizeof line, file);
        ref_coeff_vec[i] = atof(line);

      // Convert coefficient vector into a Solution.
      Solution::vector_to_solution(ref_coeff_vec, ref_space, &(ref_sln[ieig]));

      // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
      info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
      OGProjection::project_global(&space, &(ref_sln[ieig]), &(sln[ieig]), matrix_solver);
    delete [] ref_coeff_vec;

    // FIXME: Below, the adaptivity is done for the last eigenvector only,
    // this needs to be changed to take into account all eigenvectors.

    // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    info("Calculating error estimate and exact error.");
    Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(&space, HERMES_H1_NORM);
    bool solutions_for_adapt = true;
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&(sln[NUMBER_OF_EIGENVALUES-1]), 
                         &(ref_sln[NUMBER_OF_EIGENVALUES-1]), solutions_for_adapt, 
                         HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_REL | HERMES_ELEMENT_ERROR_REL) * 100;

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d, err_est_rel: %g%%", 
         Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space), err_est_rel);

    // Time measurement.

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof_est.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_est_rel);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu_est.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel);"conv_cpu_est.dat");

    // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);

      // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.
      if (done == false)  as++;
    if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete solver;
    delete matrix_left;
    delete matrix_right;
    delete eivec;
    delete adaptivity;
    if(done == false) delete ref_space->get_mesh();
    delete ref_space;
    delete dp_left;
    delete dp_right;
  while (done == false);

  // Wait for test functions.
Beispiel #18
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {

  // Initialize the library's global functions.
  Hermes2D hermes2D;

  // Load the mesh file.
  Mesh C_mesh, phi_mesh, u1_mesh, u2_mesh, basemesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("small.mesh", &basemesh);

  Mesh basemesh_electrochem;  // Base mesh to hold C and phi
  Mesh basemesh_deformation;  // Base mesh for deformation displacements u1 and u2


  basemesh_electrochem.refine_towards_boundary(BDY_BOT, REF_INIT - 1);

  for (int i = 0; i < REF_INIT - 1; i++) {
    basemesh_deformation.refine_all_elements(1); //horizontal
    basemesh_deformation.refine_all_elements(2); //vertical


  basemesh.refine_towards_boundary(BDY_BOT, REF_INIT);
  basemesh.refine_towards_boundary(BDY_SIDE_FIXED, REF_INIT);
  basemesh.refine_towards_boundary(BDY_SIDE_FREE, REF_INIT - 1);

  // Enter Dirichlet and Neumann boundary markers for Poisson.
  DefaultEssentialBCConst bc_phi_voltage(BDY_TOP, VOLTAGE);
  DefaultEssentialBCConst bc_phi_zero(BDY_BOT, 0.0);
  EssentialBCs bcs_phi(Hermes::vector<EssentialBC*>(&bc_phi_voltage, &bc_phi_zero));

  DefaultEssentialBCConst bc_u1(BDY_SIDE_FIXED, 0.0);
  EssentialBCs bcs_u1(&bc_u1);

  DefaultEssentialBCConst bc_u2(BDY_SIDE_FIXED, 0.0);
  EssentialBCs bcs_u2(&bc_u2);

  // Spaces for concentration and the voltage.
  H1Space C_space(&C_mesh, P_INIT);
  H1Space phi_space(MULTIMESH ? &phi_mesh : &C_mesh, &bcs_phi, P_INIT);
  H1Space u1_space(MULTIMESH ? &u1_mesh : &C_mesh, &bcs_u1, P_INIT);
  H1Space u2_space(MULTIMESH ? &u2_mesh : &C_mesh, &bcs_u2, P_INIT);

  int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<Space*>(&C_space, &phi_space, &u1_space, &u2_space));

  Solution C_sln, C_ref_sln;
  Solution phi_sln, phi_ref_sln; 
  Solution u1_sln, u1_ref_sln;
  Solution u2_sln, u2_ref_sln;

  // Assign initial condition to mesh.
  InitialSolutionConcentration C_prev_time(&C_mesh, C0);
  InitialSolutionVoltage phi_prev_time(MULTIMESH ? &phi_mesh : &C_mesh);
  InitialSolutionU1 u1_prev_time(MULTIMESH ? &u1_mesh : &C_mesh);
  InitialSolutionU2 u2_prev_time(MULTIMESH ? &u2_mesh : &C_mesh);

  // The weak form for 2 equations.
  CustomWeakFormNernstPlanckEuler wf(TAU, C0, lin_force_coup, mech_lambda, mech_mu, K, L, D, &C_prev_time);
  // Add the bilinear and linear forms.
  if (TIME_DISCR == 2)
	  error("Crank-Nicholson forms are not implemented yet");

  // Project the initial condition on the FE space to obtain initial
  // coefficient vector for the Newton's method.
  info("Projecting initial condition to obtain initial vector for the Newton's method.");
  scalar* coeff_vec_coarse = new scalar[ndof];
  OGProjection::project_global(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&C_space, &phi_space, &u1_space, &u2_space),
                               Hermes::vector<MeshFunction *>(&C_prev_time, &phi_prev_time, &u1_prev_time, &u2_prev_time),
                               coeff_vec_coarse, matrix_solver);

  // Initialize the FE problem.
  bool is_linear = false;
  DiscreteProblem dp_coarse(&wf, Hermes::vector<Space *>(&C_space, &phi_space, &u1_space, &u2_space), is_linear);

  // Set up the solver, matrix, and rhs for the coarse mesh according to the solver selection.
  SparseMatrix* matrix_coarse = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
  Vector* rhs_coarse = create_vector(matrix_solver);
  Solver* solver_coarse = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix_coarse, rhs_coarse);

  // Create a selector which will select optimal candidate.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Visualization windows.
  char title[1000];
  ScalarView Cview("Concentration [mol/m3]", new WinGeom(0, 0, 400, 300));
  ScalarView phiview("Voltage [V]", new WinGeom(10, 0, 400, 300));
  ScalarView u1view("X displacement [m]", new WinGeom(320, 0, 600, 400));
  ScalarView u2view("Y displacement [m]", new WinGeom(830, 0, 600, 400));
  OrderView Cordview("C order", new WinGeom(0, 470, 400, 300));
  OrderView phiordview("Phi order", new WinGeom(10, 470, 400, 300));
  OrderView u1ordview("u1 order", new WinGeom(320, 470, 600, 400));
  OrderView u2ordview("u2 order", new WinGeom(830, 470, 600, 400));

  // Visualize the solution.
  ScalarView deformationview("Von Mises stress [Pa]", new WinGeom(1240, 0, 300, 300));;;;;;;;;

  // Newton's loop on the coarse mesh.
  info("Solving on coarse mesh:");
  bool verbose = true;
  if (!hermes2D.solve_newton(coeff_vec_coarse, &dp_coarse, solver_coarse, matrix_coarse, rhs_coarse, 
      NEWTON_TOL_COARSE, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, verbose)) error("Newton's iteration failed.");

  // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the Solution sln.
  Solution::vector_to_solutions(coeff_vec_coarse, Hermes::vector<Space *>(&C_space, &phi_space, &u1_space, &u2_space),
                                Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&C_sln, &phi_sln, &u1_sln, &u2_sln));;;;;

  // Cleanup after the Newton loop on the coarse mesh.
  delete matrix_coarse;
  delete rhs_coarse;
  delete solver_coarse;
  delete[] coeff_vec_coarse;
  // Time stepping loop.
  PidTimestepController pid(T_FINAL, true, INIT_TAU);
  TAU = pid.timestep;
  info("Starting time iteration with the step %g", *TAU);

  do {
    // Periodic global derefinements.
    if (pid.get_timestep_number() > 1 && pid.get_timestep_number() % UNREF_FREQ == 0) {
      info("Global mesh derefinement.");

      if (MULTIMESH) {


      // Project on globally derefined mesh.
      //info("Projecting previous fine mesh solution on derefined mesh.");
      //OGProjection::project_global(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&C, &phi), Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&C_ref_sln, &phi_ref_sln), 
       //                            Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&C_sln, &phi_sln));

    // Adaptivity loop. Note: C_prev_time and Phi_prev_time must not be changed during spatial adaptivity.
    bool done = false; int as = 1;
    double err_est;
    do {
      info("Time step %d, adaptivity step %d:", pid.get_timestep_number(), as);

      // Construct globally refined reference mesh
      // and setup reference space.
      Hermes::vector<Space *>* ref_spaces = Space::construct_refined_spaces(
          Hermes::vector<Space *>(&C_space, &phi_space, &u1_space, &u2_space));

      scalar* coeff_vec = new scalar[Space::get_num_dofs(*ref_spaces)];
      DiscreteProblem dp(&wf, *ref_spaces, is_linear);
      SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
      Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
      Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);

      // Calculate initial coefficient vector for Newton on the fine mesh.
      if (as == 1 && pid.get_timestep_number() == 1) {
        info("Projecting coarse mesh solution to obtain coefficient vector on new fine mesh.");
        OGProjection::project_global(*ref_spaces, Hermes::vector<MeshFunction *>(&C_sln, &phi_sln, &u1_sln, &u2_sln),
                                     coeff_vec, matrix_solver);
      else {
        info("Projecting previous fine mesh solution to obtain coefficient vector on new fine mesh.");
            Hermes::vector<MeshFunction *>(&C_ref_sln, &phi_ref_sln, &u1_ref_sln, &u2_ref_sln),
            coeff_vec, matrix_solver);
      if (as > 1) {
        // Now deallocate the previous mesh
        info("Delallocating the previous mesh");
        delete C_ref_sln.get_mesh();
        delete phi_ref_sln.get_mesh();
        delete u1_ref_sln.get_mesh();
        delete u2_ref_sln.get_mesh();

      // Newton's loop on the fine mesh.
      info("Solving on fine mesh:");
      if (!hermes2D.solve_newton(coeff_vec, &dp, solver, matrix, rhs, 
	  	      NEWTON_TOL_FINE, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, verbose)) error("Newton's iteration failed.");

      // Store the result in ref_sln.
      Solution::vector_to_solutions(coeff_vec, *ref_spaces, 
                                    Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&C_ref_sln, &phi_ref_sln, &u1_ref_sln, &u2_ref_sln));
      // Projecting reference solution onto the coarse mesh
      info("Projecting fine mesh solution on coarse mesh.");
      OGProjection::project_global(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&C_space, &phi_space, &u1_space, &u2_space),
                                   Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&C_ref_sln, &phi_ref_sln, &u1_ref_sln, &u2_ref_sln),
                                   Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&C_sln, &phi_sln, &u1_sln, &u2_sln),

      // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
      info("Calculating error estimate.");
      Adapt adaptivity (Hermes::vector<Space *>(&C_space, &phi_space, &u1_space, &u2_space));
      Hermes::vector<double> err_est_rel;
      double err_est_rel_total = adaptivity.calc_err_est(Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&C_sln, &phi_sln, &u1_sln, &u2_sln),
                                 Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&C_ref_sln, &phi_ref_sln, &u1_ref_sln, &u2_ref_sln),
                                 &err_est_rel) * 100;

      // Report results.
      info("ndof_coarse[0]: %d, ndof_fine[0]: %d",
           C_space.get_num_dofs(), (*ref_spaces)[0]->get_num_dofs());
      info("err_est_rel[0]: %g%%", err_est_rel[0]*100);
      info("ndof_coarse[1]: %d, ndof_fine[1]: %d",
           phi_space.get_num_dofs(), (*ref_spaces)[1]->get_num_dofs());
      info("err_est_rel[1]: %g%%", err_est_rel[1]*100);
      info("ndof_coarse[2]: %d, ndof_fine[2]: %d",
           u1_space.get_num_dofs(), (*ref_spaces)[2]->get_num_dofs());
      info("err_est_rel[2]: %g%%", err_est_rel[3]*100);
      info("ndof_coarse[3]: %d, ndof_fine[3]: %d",
            u2_space.get_num_dofs(), (*ref_spaces)[3]->get_num_dofs());
      info("err_est_rel[3]: %g%%", err_est_rel[3]*100);

      // Report results.
      info("ndof_coarse_total: %d, ndof_fine_total: %d, err_est_rel: %g%%", 
           Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&C_space, &phi_space, &u1_space, &u2_space)),
                               Space::get_num_dofs(*ref_spaces), err_est_rel_total);

      // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
      if (err_est_rel_total < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      else {
        info("Adapting the coarse mesh.");
        done = adaptivity.adapt(Hermes::vector<RefinementSelectors::Selector *>(&selector, &selector, &selector, &selector),

        if (Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&C_space, &phi_space, &u1_space, &u2_space)) >= NDOF_STOP)
          done = true;
          // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.

      // Visualize the solution and mesh.
      info("Visualization procedures: C");
      char title[100];
      sprintf(title, "Solution[C], time step# %d, step size %g, time %g",
          pid.get_timestep_number(), *TAU, pid.get_time());
      sprintf(title, "Mesh[C], time step# %d, step size %g, time %g",
          pid.get_timestep_number(), *TAU, pid.get_time());
      info("Visualization procedures: phi");
      sprintf(title, "Solution[phi], time step# %d, step size %g, time %g",
          pid.get_timestep_number(), *TAU, pid.get_time());
      sprintf(title, "Mesh[phi], time step# %d, step size %g, time %g",
          pid.get_timestep_number(), *TAU, pid.get_time());

      info("Visualization procedures: u1");
      sprintf(title, "Solution[u1], time step# %d, step size %g, time %g",
          pid.get_timestep_number(), *TAU, pid.get_time());
      sprintf(title, "Mesh[u1], time step# %d, step size %g, time %g",
          pid.get_timestep_number(), *TAU, pid.get_time());

       info("Visualization procedures: u2");
       sprintf(title, "Solution[u2], time step# %d, step size %g, time %g",
           pid.get_timestep_number(), *TAU, pid.get_time());
       sprintf(title, "Mesh[u2], time step# %d, step size %g, time %g",
           pid.get_timestep_number(), *TAU, pid.get_time());

       info("Von Mises filter");
       VonMisesFilter stress(Hermes::vector<MeshFunction *>(&u1_prev_time, &u2_prev_time), mech_lambda, mech_mu);
       deformationview.show_mesh(false);, HERMES_EPS_HIGH, H2D_FN_VAL_0, &u1_prev_time, &u2_prev_time, 1.5e10);

      // Clean up.
      delete solver;
      delete matrix;
      delete rhs;
      delete ref_spaces;
      delete[] coeff_vec;
    while (done == false);

    pid.end_step(Hermes::vector<Solution*> (&C_ref_sln, &phi_ref_sln, &u1_ref_sln, &u2_ref_sln),
        Hermes::vector<Solution*> (&C_prev_time, &phi_prev_time, &u1_prev_time, &u2_prev_time));
    // TODO! Time step reduction when necessary.

    // Copy last reference solution into sln_prev_time.

  } while (pid.has_next());

  // Wait for all views to be closed.
  return 0;
Beispiel #19
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh u_mesh, v_mesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("elasticity.mesh", &u_mesh);

  // Create initial mesh (master mesh).

  // Perform initial mesh refinements.
  for (int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) u_mesh.refine_all_elements();
  for (int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) v_mesh.refine_all_elements();

  // Enter boundary markers.
  BCTypes bc_types;

  // Enter Dirichlet boundary values.
  BCValues bc_values_u, bc_values_v;
  bc_values_u.add_function(BDY_DIRICHLET, essential_bc_values_u);
  bc_values_v.add_function(BDY_DIRICHLET, essential_bc_values_v);

  // Create H1 spaces with default shapeset for both displacement components.
  H1Space u_space(&u_mesh, &bc_types, &bc_values_u, P_INIT_U);
  H1Space v_space(&v_mesh, &bc_types, &bc_values_v, P_INIT_V);

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  WeakForm wf(2);
  wf.add_matrix_form(0, 0, callback(bilinear_form_0_0), HERMES_SYM);
  wf.add_matrix_form(0, 1, callback(bilinear_form_0_1), HERMES_SYM);
  wf.add_matrix_form(1, 1, callback(bilinear_form_1_1), HERMES_SYM);
  //wf.add_vector_form(0, linear_form_u, linear_form_0_ord, HERMES_SYM);
  //wf.add_vector_form(1, linear_form_v, linear_form_1_ord, HERMES_SYM);

  Solution u_sln, v_sln, u_ref_sln, v_ref_sln;

  // Initialize exact solutions.
  ExactSolution u_exact(&u_mesh, u_fndd);
  ExactSolution v_exact(&v_mesh, v_fndd);

  // Initialize refinement selector.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Initialize views.
  ScalarView s_view_u("Solution for u", new WinGeom(0, 0, 440, 350));
  OrderView  o_view_u("Mesh for u", new WinGeom(450, 0, 420, 350));

  ScalarView s_view_v("Solution for v", new WinGeom(880, 0, 440, 350));
  OrderView  o_view_v("Mesh for v", new WinGeom(1330, 0, 420, 350));

  ScalarView sview_u_exact("", new WinGeom(550, 0, 500, 400));
  ScalarView sview_v_exact("", new WinGeom(550, 500, 500, 400));
  char title[100];

  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof_est, graph_cpu_est, graph_dof_exact, graph_cpu_exact;

  // Adaptivity loop:
  int as = 1; 
  bool done = false;
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Hermes::vector<Space *>* ref_spaces = construct_refined_spaces(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space));

    // Initialize matrix solver.
    SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);

    // Assemble the reference problem.
    info("Solving on reference mesh.");
    bool is_linear = true;
    DiscreteProblem* dp = new DiscreteProblem(&wf, *ref_spaces, is_linear);
    dp->assemble(matrix, rhs);

    // Time measurement.

    // Solve the linear system of the reference problem. If successful, obtain the solution.
    if(solver->solve()) Solution::vector_to_solutions(solver->get_solution(), *ref_spaces,
                                                      Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&u_ref_sln, &v_ref_sln));
    else error ("Matrix solver failed.\n");

    // Time measurement.

    // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
    info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
    OGProjection::project_global(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space), 
                                 Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&u_ref_sln, &v_ref_sln), 
                                 Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&u_sln, &v_sln), matrix_solver); 
    // View the coarse mesh solution and polynomial orders.;;;;

    // Exact solution for comparison with computational results.
    u_exact.update(&u_mesh, u_fndd);
    v_exact.update(&v_mesh, v_fndd);

    // Show exact solution.;
    sprintf(title, "Exact solution for u.");
    sprintf(title, "Exact solution for v.");

    // Calculate element errors.
    info("Calculating error estimate and exact error."); 
    Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space));
    // Calculate error estimate for each solution component and the total error estimate.
    Hermes::vector<double> err_est_rel;
    double err_est_rel_total = adaptivity->calc_err_est(Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&u_sln, &v_sln), 
                               Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&u_ref_sln, &v_ref_sln), &err_est_rel) * 100;

    // Calculate exact error for each solution component and the total exact error.
    Hermes::vector<double> err_exact_rel;
    bool solutions_for_adapt = false;
    double err_exact_rel_total = adaptivity->calc_err_exact(Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&u_sln, &v_sln), 
                                 Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&u_exact, &v_exact), 
                                 &err_exact_rel, solutions_for_adapt) * 100;

    // Time measurement.

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse[u]: %d, ndof_fine[u]: %d",
         u_space.Space::get_num_dofs(), Space::get_num_dofs((*ref_spaces)[0]));

    info("err_est_rel[u]: %g%%, err_exact_rel[u]: %g%%", err_est_rel[0]*100, err_exact_rel[0]*100);

    info("ndof_coarse[v]: %d, ndof_fine[v]: %d",
         v_space.Space::get_num_dofs(), Space::get_num_dofs((*ref_spaces)[1]));

    info("err_est_rel[v]: %g%%, err_exact_rel[v]: %g%%", err_est_rel[1]*100, err_exact_rel[1]*100);

    info("ndof_coarse_total: %d, ndof_fine_total: %d",
         Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space)), Space::get_num_dofs(*ref_spaces));

    info("err_est_rel_total: %g%%, err_est_exact_total: %g%%", err_est_rel_total, err_exact_rel_total);

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof_est.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space)), err_est_rel_total);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu_est.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel_total);"conv_cpu_est.dat");
    graph_dof_exact.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space)), err_exact_rel_total);"conv_dof_exact.dat");
    graph_cpu_exact.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_exact_rel_total);"conv_cpu_exact.dat");

    // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel_total < ERR_STOP) 
      done = true;
      info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(Hermes::vector<RefinementSelectors::Selector *>(&selector, &selector), 
                               THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);
    if (Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space)) >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete solver;
    delete matrix;
    delete rhs;
    delete adaptivity;
    if(done == false)
      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ref_spaces->size(); i++)
        delete (*ref_spaces)[i]->get_mesh();
    delete ref_spaces;
    // Increase counter.
  while (done == false);

  verbose("Total running time: %g s", cpu_time.accumulated());

  // Wait for all views to be closed.
  return 0;
Beispiel #20
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("../domain.mesh", &mesh);

  // Initialize boundary conditions.
  DefaultEssentialBCConst essential_bc(BDY_BOTTOM, 0.0);
  EssentialBCs bcs(&essential_bc);

  // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
  H1Space space(&mesh, &bcs, P_INIT);

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  CustomWeakForm wf(A_SE, A_NE, A_SW, A_NW, RHS);
  // Initialize refinement selector.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof, graph_cpu;

  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Adaptivity loop:
  int as = 1;
  bool done = false;
  do {
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Space* ref_space = Space::construct_refined_space(&space);

    // Assemble the reference problem.
    info("Solving on reference mesh.");
    bool is_linear = true;
    DiscreteProblem* dp = new DiscreteProblem(&wf, ref_space, is_linear);
    SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);
    dp->assemble(matrix, rhs);

    // Time measurement.

    // Solve the linear system of the reference problem. If successful, obtain the solution.
    Solution ref_sln;
    if(solver->solve()) Solution::vector_to_solution(solver->get_solution(), ref_space, &ref_sln);
    else error ("Matrix solver failed.\n");

    // Time measurement.

    // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
    Solution sln;
    info("Projecting reference solution on the coarse mesh.");
    OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver);

    // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    info("Calculating error estimate.");
    Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(&space);
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln) * 100;

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d, err_est_rel: %g%%", 
         Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space), err_est_rel);

    // Time measurement.

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_est_rel);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel);"conv_cpu_est.dat");

    // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);

      // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.
      if (done == false)  as++;
    if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete solver;
    delete matrix;
    delete rhs;
    delete adaptivity;
    if(done == false) delete ref_space->get_mesh();
    delete ref_space;
    delete dp;

  while (done == false);

  verbose("Total running time: %g s", cpu_time.accumulated());
  int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(&space);

  printf("ndof allowed = %d\n", 210);
  printf("ndof actual = %d\n", ndof);
  if (ndof < 210) {      // ndofs was 208 at the time this test was created
    return ERR_SUCCESS;
  else {
    return ERR_FAILURE;

Beispiel #21
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh u_mesh, v_mesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("bracket.mesh", &u_mesh);

  // Initial mesh refinements.

  // Create initial mesh for the vertical displacement component.
  // This also initializes the multimesh hp-FEM.

  // Create H1 spaces with default shapesets.
  H1Space u_space(&u_mesh, bc_types, essential_bc_values, P_INIT);
  H1Space v_space(MULTI ? &v_mesh : &u_mesh, bc_types, essential_bc_values, P_INIT);

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  WeakForm wf(2);
  wf.add_matrix_form(0, 0, callback(bilinear_form_0_0), HERMES_SYM);  // note that only one symmetric part is
  wf.add_matrix_form(0, 1, callback(bilinear_form_0_1), HERMES_SYM);  // added in the case of symmetric bilinear
  wf.add_matrix_form(1, 1, callback(bilinear_form_1_1), HERMES_SYM);  // forms
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(1, linear_form_surf_1, linear_form_surf_1_ord, BDY_TOP);

  // Initialize coarse and reference mesh solutions.
  Solution u_sln, v_sln, u_ref_sln, v_ref_sln;

  // Initialize refinement selector.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Initialize views.
  ScalarView s_view_0("Solution[0]", new WinGeom(0, 0, 400, 300));
  ScalarView s_view_1("Solution[1]", new WinGeom(780, 0, 400, 300));
  OrderView  o_view_0("Mesh[0]", new WinGeom(410, 0, 360, 300));
  OrderView  o_view_1("Mesh[1]", new WinGeom(1190, 0, 400, 300));

  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof_est, graph_cpu_est;

  // Adaptivity loop:
  int as = 1; 
  bool done = false;
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Tuple<Space *>* ref_spaces = construct_refined_spaces(Tuple<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space));

    // Assemble the reference problem.
    info("Solving on reference mesh.");
    bool is_linear = true;
    DiscreteProblem* dp = new DiscreteProblem(&wf, *ref_spaces, is_linear);
    SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);
    dp->assemble(matrix, rhs);

    // Time measurement.
    // Solve the linear system of the reference problem. If successful, obtain the solutions.
    if(solver->solve()) Solution::vector_to_solutions(solver->get_solution(), *ref_spaces, 
                                            Tuple<Solution *>(&u_ref_sln, &v_ref_sln));
    else error ("Matrix solver failed.\n");
    // Time measurement.

    // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
    info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
    OGProjection::project_global(Tuple<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space), Tuple<Solution *>(&u_ref_sln, &v_ref_sln), 
                   Tuple<Solution *>(&u_sln, &v_sln), matrix_solver); 
    // View the coarse mesh solution and polynomial orders.;;;;

    // Skip visualization time.

    // Calculate element errors.
    info("Calculating error estimate and exact error."); 
    Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(Tuple<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space), Tuple<ProjNormType>(HERMES_H1_NORM, HERMES_H1_NORM));
    adaptivity->set_error_form(0, 0, bilinear_form_0_0<scalar, scalar>, bilinear_form_0_0<Ord, Ord>);
    adaptivity->set_error_form(0, 1, bilinear_form_0_1<scalar, scalar>, bilinear_form_0_1<Ord, Ord>);
    adaptivity->set_error_form(1, 0, bilinear_form_1_0<scalar, scalar>, bilinear_form_1_0<Ord, Ord>);
    adaptivity->set_error_form(1, 1, bilinear_form_1_1<scalar, scalar>, bilinear_form_1_1<Ord, Ord>);

    // Calculate error estimate for each solution component and the total error estimate.
    Tuple<double> err_est_rel;
    bool solutions_for_adapt = true;
    double err_est_rel_total = adaptivity->calc_err_est(Tuple<Solution *>(&u_sln, &v_sln), Tuple<Solution *>(&u_ref_sln, &v_ref_sln), solutions_for_adapt, 
                               HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_REL | HERMES_ELEMENT_ERROR_ABS, &err_est_rel) * 100;

    // Time measurement.

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse[0]: %d, ndof_fine[0]: %d, err_est_rel[0]: %g%%", 
         u_space.Space::get_num_dofs(), Space::get_num_dofs((*ref_spaces)[0]), err_est_rel[0]*100);
    info("ndof_coarse[1]: %d, ndof_fine[1]: %d, err_est_rel[1]: %g%%",
         v_space.Space::get_num_dofs(), Space::get_num_dofs((*ref_spaces)[1]), err_est_rel[1]*100);
    info("ndof_coarse_total: %d, ndof_fine_total: %d, err_est_rel_total: %g%%",
         Space::get_num_dofs(Tuple<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space)), Space::get_num_dofs(*ref_spaces), err_est_rel_total);

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof_est.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(Tuple<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space)), err_est_rel_total);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu_est.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel_total);"conv_cpu_est.dat");

    // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel_total < ERR_STOP) 
      done = true;
      info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(Tuple<RefinementSelectors::Selector *>(&selector, &selector), 
                               THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);
    if (Space::get_num_dofs(Tuple<Space *>(&u_space, &v_space)) >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete solver;
    delete matrix;
    delete rhs;
    delete adaptivity;
    if(done == false)
      for(int i = 0; i < ref_spaces->size(); i++)
        delete (*ref_spaces)[i]->get_mesh();
    delete ref_spaces;
    delete dp;
    // Increase counter.
  while (done == false);

  verbose("Total running time: %g s", cpu_time.accumulated());

  // Show the reference solution - the final result.
  s_view_0.set_title("Fine mesh Solution[0]");;
  s_view_1.set_title("Fine mesh Solution[1]");;

  // Wait for all views to be closed.
  return 0;
Beispiel #22
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  if (ALIGN_MESH) mloader.load("../oven_load_circle.mesh", &mesh);
  else mloader.load("../oven_load_square.mesh", &mesh);
  // Perform initial mesh refinemets.
  for (int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++)  mesh.refine_all_elements();

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  CustomWeakForm wf(e_0, mu_0, mu_r, kappa, omega, J, ALIGN_MESH);

  // Initialize boundary conditions
  DefaultEssentialBCConst bc_essential(BDY_PERFECT_CONDUCTOR, std::complex<double>(0.0, 0.0));
  EssentialBCs bcs(&bc_essential);

  // Create an Hcurl space with default shapeset.
  HcurlSpace space(&mesh, &bcs, P_INIT);
  int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(&space);
  info("ndof = %d", ndof);

  // Initialize coarse and reference mesh solution.
  Solution sln, ref_sln;

  // Initialize refinements selector.
  HcurlProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs initialization.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof, graph_cpu;
  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Adaptivity loop:
  int as = 1; 
  bool done = false;
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Space* ref_space = Space::construct_refined_space(&space);

    // Initialize matrix solver.
    SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);

    // Assemble the reference problem.
    info("Solving on reference mesh.");
    bool is_linear = true;
    DiscreteProblem* dp = new DiscreteProblem(&wf, ref_space, is_linear);
    dp->assemble(matrix, rhs);

    // Time measurement.
    // Solve the linear system of the reference problem. 
    // If successful, obtain the solution.
    if(solver->solve()) Solution::vector_to_solution(solver->get_solution(), ref_space, &ref_sln);
    else error ("Matrix solver failed.\n");

    // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
    info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
    OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver); 

    // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    info("Calculating error estimate."); 
    Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(&space);
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln) * 100;

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d, err_est_rel: %g%%", 
      Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space), err_est_rel);

    // Time measurement.

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_est_rel);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel);"conv_cpu_est.dat");

    // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);
      // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.
      if (done == false)  as++;
    if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete solver;
    delete matrix;
    delete rhs;
    delete adaptivity;
    if(done == false) delete ref_space->get_mesh();
    delete ref_space;
    delete dp;
  while (done == false);
  ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(&space);

  int n_dof_allowed = 1230;
  printf("n_dof_actual = %d\n", ndof); // was 1218 at the time this test was last revisited
  printf("n_dof_allowed = %d\n", n_dof_allowed);
  if (ndof <= n_dof_allowed) {
    return ERR_SUCCESS;
  else {
    return ERR_FAILURE;
Beispiel #23
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh, basemesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("square.mesh", &basemesh);

  // Perform initial mesh refinements.
  for(int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) basemesh.refine_all_elements();

  // Enter boundary markers.
  BCTypes bc_types;
  bc_types.add_bc_dirichlet(Hermes::Tuple<int>(BDY_BOTTOM, BDY_RIGHT, BDY_TOP, BDY_LEFT));

  // Enter Dirichlet boundary values.
  BCValues bc_values;
  bc_values.add_zero(Hermes::Tuple<int>(BDY_BOTTOM, BDY_RIGHT, BDY_TOP, BDY_LEFT));

  // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
  H1Space space(&mesh, &bc_types, &bc_values, P_INIT);
  int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(&space);

  // Initialize coarse and reference mesh solution.
  Solution sln, ref_sln;

  // Convert initial condition into a Solution.
  Solution sln_prev_time;
  sln_prev_time.set_exact(&mesh, init_cond);

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  WeakForm wf;
  if(TIME_DISCR == 1) {
    wf.add_matrix_form(callback(J_euler), HERMES_UNSYM, HERMES_ANY);
    wf.add_vector_form(callback(F_euler), HERMES_ANY, &sln_prev_time);
  else {
    wf.add_matrix_form(callback(J_cranic), HERMES_UNSYM, HERMES_ANY);
    wf.add_vector_form(callback(F_cranic), HERMES_ANY, &sln_prev_time);

  // Initialize the FE problem.
  bool is_linear = false;
  DiscreteProblem dp_coarse(&wf, &space, is_linear);

  // Set up the solver, matrix, and rhs for the coarse mesh according to the solver selection.
  SparseMatrix* matrix_coarse = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
  Vector* rhs_coarse = create_vector(matrix_solver);
  Solver* solver_coarse = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix_coarse, rhs_coarse);

  // Create a selector which will select optimal candidate.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Project the initial condition on the FE space to obtain initial
  // coefficient vector for the Newton's method.
  info("Projecting initial condition to obtain initial vector for the Newton's method.");
  scalar* coeff_vec_coarse = new scalar[ndof];
  OGProjection::project_global(&space, &sln_prev_time, coeff_vec_coarse, matrix_solver);

  Solution init_proj;
  Solution::vector_to_solution(coeff_vec_coarse, &space, &init_proj);

  // Newton's loop on the coarse mesh.
  info("Solving on coarse mesh:");
  bool verbose = true;
  if (!solve_newton(coeff_vec_coarse, &dp_coarse, solver_coarse, matrix_coarse, rhs_coarse, 
      NEWTON_TOL_COARSE, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, verbose)) error("Newton's iteration failed.");

  // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the Solution sln.
  Solution::vector_to_solution(coeff_vec_coarse, &space, &sln);

  // Cleanup after the Newton loop on the coarse mesh.
  delete matrix_coarse;
  delete rhs_coarse;
  delete solver_coarse;
  delete [] coeff_vec_coarse;
  // Time stepping loop.
  int num_time_steps = (int)(T_FINAL/TAU + 0.5);
  for(int ts = 1; ts <= num_time_steps; ts++)
    // Periodic global derefinements.
    if (ts > 1 && ts % UNREF_FREQ == 0) 
      info("Global mesh derefinement.");

      // Project on globally derefined mesh.
      info("Projecting previous fine mesh solution on derefined mesh.");
      OGProjection::project_global(&space, &sln_prev_time, &sln);

    // Adaptivity loop:
    bool done = false; int as = 1;
    double err_est;
    do {
      info("Time step %d, adaptivity step %d:", ts, as);

      // Construct globally refined reference mesh
      // and setup reference space.
      Space* ref_space = construct_refined_space(&space);

      scalar* coeff_vec = new scalar[Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space)];
      DiscreteProblem* dp = new DiscreteProblem(&wf, ref_space, is_linear);
      SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
      Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
      Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);

      // Calculate initial coefficient vector for Newton on the fine mesh.
      if (as == 1) {
        info("Projecting coarse mesh solution to obtain coefficient vector on new fine mesh.");
        OGProjection::project_global(ref_space, &sln, coeff_vec, matrix_solver);
      else {
        info("Projecting previous fine mesh solution to obtain coefficient vector on new fine mesh.");
        OGProjection::project_global(ref_space, &ref_sln, coeff_vec, matrix_solver);

      // Now we can deallocate the previous fine mesh.
      if(as > 1) delete ref_sln.get_mesh();

      // Newton's loop on the fine mesh.
      info("Solving on fine mesh:");
      if (!solve_newton(coeff_vec, dp, solver, matrix, rhs, 
	  	        NEWTON_TOL_FINE, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, verbose)) error("Newton's iteration failed.");

      // Store the result in ref_sln.
      Solution::vector_to_solution(coeff_vec, ref_space, &ref_sln);

      // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
      info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
      OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver); 

      // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
      info("Calculating error estimate.");
      Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(&space, HERMES_H1_NORM);
      bool solutions_for_adapt = true;
      double err_est_rel_total = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln, solutions_for_adapt, 
                                 HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_REL | HERMES_ELEMENT_ERROR_REL) * 100;

      // Report results.
      info("ndof: %d, ref_ndof: %d, err_est_rel: %g%%", 
           Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space), err_est_rel_total);

      // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
      if (err_est_rel_total < ERR_STOP) done = true;
        info("Adapting the coarse mesh.");
        done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);

        if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP) 
          done = true;
          // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.
      // Clean up.
      delete solver;
      delete matrix;
      delete rhs;
      delete adaptivity;
      delete ref_space;
      delete dp;
      delete [] coeff_vec;
    while (done == false);

    // Copy last reference solution into sln_prev_time.

  AbsFilter mag2(&sln);
  int success = 1;
  double eps = 1e-5;
  double val = std::abs(mag2.get_pt_value(0.1, 0.1));
  info("Coordinate ( 0.1, 0.1) xvel value = %lf", val);
  if (fabs(val - (0.65773)) > eps) {
    printf("Coordinate ( 0.1, 0.1) xvel value = %lf\n", val);
    success = 0;

  val = std::abs(mag2.get_pt_value(0.1, -0.1));
  info("Coordinate ( 0.1, -0.1) xvel value = %lf", val);
  if (fabs(val - (0.65773)) > eps) {
    printf("Coordinate ( 0.1, -0.1) xvel value = %lf\n", val);
    success = 0;

  val = std::abs(mag2.get_pt_value(0.2, 0.1));
  info("Coordinate ( 0.2, 0.1) xvel value = %lf", val);
  if (fabs(val - (0.39062)) > eps) {
    printf("Coordinate ( 0.2, 0.1) xvel value = %lf\n", val);
    success = 0;

  if (success == 1) {
    return ERR_SUCCESS;
  else {
    return ERR_FAILURE;
Beispiel #24
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh;
  MeshReaderH2D mloader;
  if (ALIGN_MESH) 
    mloader.load("oven_load_circle.mesh", &mesh);
    mloader.load("oven_load_square.mesh", &mesh);

  // Perform initial mesh refinemets.
  for (int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements();

  // Initialize boundary conditions
  DefaultEssentialBCConst<std::complex<double> > bc_essential(BDY_PERFECT_CONDUCTOR, std::complex<double>(0.0, 0.0));

  EssentialBCs<std::complex<double> > bcs(&bc_essential);

  // Create an Hcurl space with default shapeset.
  HcurlSpace<std::complex<double> > space(&mesh, &bcs, P_INIT);
  int ndof = space.get_num_dofs();
  Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("ndof = %d", ndof);

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  CustomWeakForm wf(e_0, mu_0, mu_r, kappa, omega, J, ALIGN_MESH, &mesh, BDY_CURRENT);

  // Initialize coarse and reference mesh solution.
  Solution<std::complex<double> > sln, ref_sln;

  // Initialize refinements selector.
  HcurlProjBasedSelector<std::complex<double> > selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Initialize views.
  ScalarView eview("Electric field", new WinGeom(0, 0, 580, 400));
  OrderView  oview("Polynomial orders", new WinGeom(590, 0, 550, 400));
  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs initialization.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof, graph_cpu;
  // Time measurement.
  Hermes::Mixins::TimeMeasurable cpu_time;

  // Adaptivity loop:
  int as = 1; bool done = false;
    Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Mesh::ReferenceMeshCreator refMeshCreator(&mesh);
    Mesh* ref_mesh = refMeshCreator.create_ref_mesh();

    Space<std::complex<double> >::ReferenceSpaceCreator refSpaceCreator(&space, ref_mesh);
    Space<std::complex<double> >* ref_space = refSpaceCreator.create_ref_space();
    int ndof_ref = Space<std::complex<double> >::get_num_dofs(ref_space);

    // Initialize reference problem.
    Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("Solving on reference mesh.");
    DiscreteProblem<std::complex<double> > dp(&wf, ref_space);

    // Time measurement.

    // Perform Newton's iteration.
    Hermes::Hermes2D::NewtonSolver<std::complex<double> > newton(&dp);
    catch(Hermes::Exceptions::Exception e)
      throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception("Newton's iteration failed.");
    // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the Solution<std::complex<double> > sln.
    Hermes::Hermes2D::Solution<std::complex<double> >::vector_to_solution(newton.get_sln_vector(), ref_space, &ref_sln);
    // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
    Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
    OGProjection<std::complex<double> > ogProjection; ogProjection.project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln); 
    // View the coarse mesh solution and polynomial orders.
    RealFilter real(&sln);
    MagFilter<double> magn(&real);
    ValFilter limited_magn(&magn, 0.0, 4e3);
    char title[100];
    sprintf(title, "Electric field, adaptivity step %d", as);
    //eview.set_min_max_range(0.0, 4e3);;
    sprintf(title, "Polynomial orders, adaptivity step %d", as);

    // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("Calculating error estimate."); 
    Adapt<std::complex<double> >* adaptivity = new Adapt<std::complex<double> >(&space);

    // Set custom error form and calculate error estimate.
    CustomErrorForm cef(kappa);
    adaptivity->set_error_form(0, 0, &cef);
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln) * 100;

    // Report results.
    Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d, err_est_rel: %g%%", 
      Space<std::complex<double> >::get_num_dofs(&space), 
      Space<std::complex<double> >::get_num_dofs(ref_space), err_est_rel);

    // Time measurement.

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof.add_values(Space<std::complex<double> >::get_num_dofs(&space), err_est_rel);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel);"conv_cpu_est.dat");

    // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);
    if (space.get_num_dofs() >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

    delete adaptivity;
      delete ref_space->get_mesh();
      delete ref_space;
    // Increase counter.
  while (done == false);
  Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("Total running time: %g s", cpu_time.accumulated());

  RealFilter ref_real(&sln);
  MagFilter<double> ref_magn(&ref_real);
  ValFilter ref_limited_magn(&ref_magn, 0.0, 4e3);
  eview.set_title("Fine mesh solution - magnitude");;

  // Output solution in VTK format.
  Linearizer lin;
  bool mode_3D = true;
  lin.save_solution_vtk(&ref_limited_magn, "sln.vtk", "Magnitude of E", mode_3D);
  Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("Solution in VTK format saved to file %s.", "sln.vtk");

  // Wait for all views to be closed.
  return 0;
Beispiel #25
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh basemesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("domain.mesh", &basemesh);

  // Initialize the meshes.
  Mesh mesh_flow, mesh_concentration;

  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM_CONCENTRATION; i++)

  mesh_concentration.refine_towards_boundary(BDY_DIRICHLET_CONCENTRATION, INIT_REF_NUM_CONCENTRATION_BDY);
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM_FLOW; i++)

  // Initialize boundary condition types and spaces with default shapesets.
  // For the concentration.
  EssentialBCs bcs_concentration;

  bcs_concentration.add_boundary_condition(new DefaultEssentialBCConst(BDY_DIRICHLET_CONCENTRATION, CONCENTRATION_EXT));
  L2Space space_rho(&mesh_flow, P_INIT_FLOW);
  L2Space space_rho_v_x(&mesh_flow, P_INIT_FLOW);
  L2Space space_rho_v_y(&mesh_flow, P_INIT_FLOW);
  L2Space space_e(&mesh_flow, P_INIT_FLOW);
  // Space for concentration.
  H1Space space_c(&mesh_concentration, &bcs_concentration, P_INIT_CONCENTRATION);

  int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<Space*>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, &space_rho_v_y, &space_e, &space_c));
  info("ndof: %d", ndof);

  // Initialize solutions, set initial conditions.
  InitialSolutionEulerDensity sln_rho(&mesh_flow, RHO_EXT);
  InitialSolutionEulerDensityVelX sln_rho_v_x(&mesh_flow, RHO_EXT * V1_EXT);
  InitialSolutionEulerDensityVelY sln_rho_v_y(&mesh_flow, RHO_EXT * V2_EXT);
  InitialSolutionEulerDensityEnergy sln_e(&mesh_flow, QuantityCalculator::calc_energy(RHO_EXT, RHO_EXT * V1_EXT, RHO_EXT * V2_EXT, P_EXT, KAPPA));
  InitialSolutionConcentration sln_c(&mesh_concentration, 0.0);

  InitialSolutionEulerDensity prev_rho(&mesh_flow, RHO_EXT);
  InitialSolutionEulerDensityVelX prev_rho_v_x(&mesh_flow, RHO_EXT * V1_EXT);
  InitialSolutionEulerDensityVelY prev_rho_v_y(&mesh_flow, RHO_EXT * V2_EXT);
  InitialSolutionEulerDensityEnergy prev_e(&mesh_flow, QuantityCalculator::calc_energy(RHO_EXT, RHO_EXT * V1_EXT, RHO_EXT * V2_EXT, P_EXT, KAPPA));
  InitialSolutionConcentration prev_c(&mesh_concentration, 0.0);

  Solution rsln_rho, rsln_rho_v_x, rsln_rho_v_y, rsln_e, rsln_c;

  // Numerical flux.
  OsherSolomonNumericalFlux num_flux(KAPPA);

  // Initialize weak formulation.
  EulerEquationsWeakFormImplicitCoupled wf(&num_flux, KAPPA, RHO_EXT, V1_EXT, V2_EXT, P_EXT, BDY_SOLID_WALL,
    BDY_INLET, BDY_OUTLET, BDY_NATURAL_CONCENTRATION, &prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e, &prev_c, PRECONDITIONING, EPSILON);

  // Filters for visualization of Mach number, pressure and entropy.
  MachNumberFilter Mach_number(Hermes::vector<MeshFunction*>(&sln_rho, &sln_rho_v_x, &sln_rho_v_y, &sln_e), KAPPA);
  PressureFilter pressure(Hermes::vector<MeshFunction*>(&sln_rho, &sln_rho_v_x, &sln_rho_v_y, &sln_e), KAPPA);
  EntropyFilter entropy(Hermes::vector<MeshFunction*>(&sln_rho, &sln_rho_v_x, &sln_rho_v_y, &sln_e), KAPPA, RHO_EXT, P_EXT);

  ScalarView pressure_view("Pressure", new WinGeom(0, 0, 600, 300));
  ScalarView Mach_number_view("Mach number", new WinGeom(700, 0, 600, 300));
  ScalarView entropy_production_view("Entropy estimate", new WinGeom(0, 400, 600, 300));

  ScalarView s5("Concentration", new WinGeom(700, 400, 600, 300));
  ScalarView s1("1", new WinGeom(0, 0, 600, 300));
  ScalarView s2("2", new WinGeom(700, 0, 600, 300));
  ScalarView s3("3", new WinGeom(0, 400, 600, 300));
  ScalarView s4("4", new WinGeom(700, 400, 600, 300));
  ScalarView s5("Concentration", new WinGeom(350, 200, 600, 300));

  // Initialize refinement selector.
  L2ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Select preconditioner.
  RCP<Precond> pc = rcp(new IfpackPrecond("point-relax"));

  int iteration = 0; double t = 0;
  for(t = 0.0; t < 3.0; t += time_step) {
    info("---- Time step %d, time %3.5f.", iteration++, t);

    // Periodic global derefinements.
    if (iteration > 1 && iteration % UNREF_FREQ == 0 && REFINEMENT_COUNT > 0) {
      info("Global mesh derefinement.");
      space_rho.adjust_element_order(-1, P_INIT_FLOW);
      space_rho_v_x.adjust_element_order(-1, P_INIT_FLOW);
      space_rho_v_y.adjust_element_order(-1, P_INIT_FLOW);
      space_e.adjust_element_order(-1, P_INIT_FLOW);

      space_c.adjust_element_order(-1, P_INIT_CONCENTRATION);

    // Adaptivity loop:
    int as = 1; 
    bool done = false;
    do {
      info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

      // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
      int order_increase = 0;
      Hermes::vector<Space *>* ref_spaces = Space::construct_refined_spaces(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
      &space_rho_v_y, &space_e, &space_c), order_increase);

      // Report NDOFs.
      info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d.", 
        Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
        &space_rho_v_y, &space_e, &space_c)), Space::get_num_dofs(*ref_spaces));

      // Very imporant, set the meshes for the flow as the same.

      // Project the previous time level solution onto the new fine mesh
      // in order to obtain initial vector for NOX. 
      info("Projecting initial solution on the FE mesh.");
      scalar* coeff_vec = new scalar[Space::get_num_dofs(*ref_spaces)];
      OGProjection::project_global(*ref_spaces, Hermes::vector<MeshFunction *>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e, &prev_c), coeff_vec);

      // Initialize the FE problem.
      bool is_linear = false;
      DiscreteProblem dp(&wf, *ref_spaces, is_linear);
      // Initialize NOX solver.
      NoxSolver solver(&dp, NOX_MESSAGE_TYPE, "GMRES", "Newton", NOX_LINEAR_TOLERANCE, "None", 0, 0, 1, NOX_NONLINEAR_TOLERANCE);

      info("Assembling by DiscreteProblem, solving by NOX.");
      if (solver.solve())
        Solution::vector_to_solutions(solver.get_solution(), *ref_spaces, 
          Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&rsln_rho, &rsln_rho_v_x, &rsln_rho_v_y, &rsln_e, &rsln_c));
        error("NOX failed.");
      info("Number of nonlin iterations: %d (norm of residual: %g)", 
        solver.get_num_iters(), solver.get_residual());
      info("Total number of iterations in linsolver: %d (achieved tolerance in the last step: %g)", 
        solver.get_num_lin_iters(), solver.get_achieved_tol());
        Hermes::vector<Space*> flow_spaces((*ref_spaces)[0], (*ref_spaces)[1], (*ref_spaces)[2], (*ref_spaces)[3]);
        scalar* flow_solution_vector = new scalar[Space::get_num_dofs(flow_spaces)];

        OGProjection::project_global(flow_spaces, Hermes::vector<MeshFunction *>(&rsln_rho, &rsln_rho_v_x, &rsln_rho_v_y, &rsln_e), flow_solution_vector);

        DiscontinuityDetector discontinuity_detector(flow_spaces, Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&rsln_rho, &rsln_rho_v_x, &rsln_rho_v_y, &rsln_e));

        std::set<int> discontinuous_elements = discontinuity_detector.get_discontinuous_element_ids(DISCONTINUITY_DETECTOR_PARAM);

        FluxLimiter flux_limiter(flow_solution_vector, flow_spaces, Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&rsln_rho, &rsln_rho_v_x, &rsln_rho_v_y, &rsln_e));


      // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
      info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
      OGProjection::project_global(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
      &space_rho_v_y, &space_e, &space_c), Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&rsln_rho, &rsln_rho_v_x, &rsln_rho_v_y, &rsln_e, &rsln_c), 
                     Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&sln_rho, &sln_rho_v_x, &sln_rho_v_y, &sln_e, &sln_c), matrix_solver, 
                     Hermes::vector<ProjNormType>(HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_H1_NORM)); 

      // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
      info("Calculating error estimate.");
      Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
      &space_rho_v_y, &space_e, &space_c), Hermes::vector<ProjNormType>(HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_H1_NORM));
      double err_est_rel_total = adaptivity->calc_err_est(Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&sln_rho, &sln_rho_v_x, &sln_rho_v_y, &sln_e, &sln_c),
							  Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&rsln_rho, &rsln_rho_v_x, &rsln_rho_v_y, &rsln_e, &rsln_c)) * 100;

      // Report results.
      info("err_est_rel: %g%%", err_est_rel_total);

      // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
      if (err_est_rel_total < ERR_STOP) 
        done = true;
      else {
        info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
        done = adaptivity->adapt(Hermes::vector<RefinementSelectors::Selector *>(&selector, &selector, &selector, &selector, &selector), 
                                 THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);

        if (Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
          &space_rho_v_y, &space_e, &space_c)) >= NDOF_STOP) 
          done = true;
          // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.

      // Save orders.
      Orderizer ord;
      char filename[40];
      sprintf(filename, "Flow-mesh-%i-%i.vtk", iteration - 1, as - 1);
      ord.save_orders_vtk((*ref_spaces)[0], filename);
      sprintf(filename, "Concentration-mesh-%i-%i.vtk", iteration - 1, as - 1);
      ord.save_orders_vtk((*ref_spaces)[4], filename);
      // Clean up.
      delete adaptivity;
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ref_spaces->size(); i++)
          delete (*ref_spaces)[i]->get_mesh();

      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ref_spaces->size(); i++)
        delete (*ref_spaces)[i];
    while (done == false);

    // Copy the solutions into previous time level ones.

    // Visualization.
    if((iteration - 1) % EVERY_NTH_STEP == 0) {
      // Hermes visualization.
      // Output solution in VTK format.
        Linearizer lin;
        char filename[40];
        sprintf(filename, "pressure-%i.vtk", iteration - 1);
        lin.save_solution_vtk(&pressure, filename, "Pressure", false);
        sprintf(filename, "pressure-3D-%i.vtk", iteration - 1);
        lin.save_solution_vtk(&pressure, filename, "Pressure", true);
        sprintf(filename, "Mach number-%i.vtk", iteration - 1);
        lin.save_solution_vtk(&Mach_number, filename, "MachNumber", false);
        sprintf(filename, "Mach number-3D-%i.vtk", iteration - 1);
        lin.save_solution_vtk(&Mach_number, filename, "MachNumber", true);
        sprintf(filename, "Concentration-%i.vtk", iteration - 1);
        lin.save_solution_vtk(&prev_c, filename, "Concentration", true);
        sprintf(filename, "Concentration-3D-%i.vtk", iteration - 1);
        lin.save_solution_vtk(&prev_c, filename, "Concentration", true);


  return 0;
Beispiel #26
int main(int argc, char **args) 
  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh;
  H3DReader mesh_loader;
  mesh_loader.load("fichera-corner.mesh3d", &mesh);

  // Perform initial mesh refinement.
  for (int i=0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements(H3D_H3D_H3D_REFT_HEX_XYZ);

  // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
  H1Space space(&mesh, bc_types, essential_bc_values, Ord3(P_INIT_X, P_INIT_Y, P_INIT_Z));

  // Initialize weak formulation.
  WeakForm wf;
  wf.add_matrix_form(bilinear_form<double, double>, bilinear_form<Ord, Ord>, HERMES_SYM, HERMES_ANY);
  wf.add_vector_form(linear_form<double, double>, linear_form<Ord, Ord>, HERMES_ANY);

  // Set exact solution.
  ExactSolution exact(&mesh, fndd);

  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof_est, graph_cpu_est, graph_dof_exact, graph_cpu_exact;

  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Initialize the solver in the case of SOLVER_PETSC or SOLVER_MUMPS.
  initialize_solution_environment(matrix_solver, argc, args);

  // Adaptivity loop. 
  int as = 1; 
  bool done = false;
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Space* ref_space = construct_refined_space(&space,1 , H3D_H3D_H3D_REFT_HEX_XYZ);

    // Initialize discrete problem.
    bool is_linear = true;
    DiscreteProblem dp(&wf, ref_space, is_linear);

    // Set up the solver, matrix, and rhs according to the solver selection.
    SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);
    // Initialize the preconditioner in the case of SOLVER_AZTECOO.
    if (matrix_solver == SOLVER_AZTECOO) 
      ((AztecOOSolver*) solver)->set_solver(iterative_method);
      ((AztecOOSolver*) solver)->set_precond(preconditioner);
      // Using default iteration parameters (see solver/aztecoo.h).
    // Assemble the reference problem.
    info("Assembling on reference mesh (ndof: %d).", Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space));
    dp.assemble(matrix, rhs);

    // Time measurement.

    // Solve the linear system on reference mesh. If successful, obtain the solution.
    info("Solving on reference mesh.");
    Solution ref_sln(ref_space->get_mesh());
    if(solver->solve()) Solution::vector_to_solution(solver->get_solution(), ref_space, &ref_sln);
    else error ("Matrix solver failed.\n");

    // Time measurement.

    // Project the reference solution on the coarse mesh.
    Solution sln(space.get_mesh());
    info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
    OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver);

    // Time measurement.

    // Output solution and mesh with polynomial orders.
    if (solution_output) 
      out_fn_vtk(&sln, "sln", as);
      out_orders_vtk(&space, "order", as);

    // Skip the visualization time.

    // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    info("Calculating error estimate and exact error.");
    Adapt *adaptivity = new Adapt(&space, HERMES_H1_NORM);
    bool solutions_for_adapt = true;
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln, solutions_for_adapt) * 100;

    // Calculate exact error.
    solutions_for_adapt = false;
    double err_exact_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_exact(&sln, &exact, solutions_for_adapt) * 100;

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d.", Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space));
    info("err_est_rel: %g%%, err_exact_rel: %g%%.", err_est_rel, err_exact_rel);

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof_est.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_est_rel);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu_est.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel);"conv_cpu_est.dat");
    graph_dof_exact.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_exact_rel);"conv_dof_exact.dat");
    graph_cpu_exact.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_exact_rel);"conv_cpu_exact.dat");

    // If err_est_rel is too large, adapt the mesh. 
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
    if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete ref_space->get_mesh();
    delete ref_space;
    delete matrix;
    delete rhs;
    delete solver;
    delete adaptivity;

    // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.
  } while (!done);

  // Properly terminate the solver in the case of SOLVER_PETSC or SOLVER_MUMPS.

  return 1;
Beispiel #27
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("square.mesh", &mesh);

  // Perform initial mesh refinement.
  for (int i=0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements();
  mesh.refine_towards_boundary(BDY_DIRICHLET, INIT_REF_NUM_BDY);

  // Enter boundary markers.
  BCTypes bc_types;

  // Enter Dirichlet boudnary values.
  BCValues bc_values;

  // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
  H1Space space(&mesh, &bc_types, &bc_values, P_INIT);

  // Initialize the weak formulation.
  WeakForm wf;
  wf.add_matrix_form(callback(bilinear_form), HERMES_SYM);
  wf.add_vector_form(linear_form, linear_form_ord);

  // Initialize refinement selector.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Set exact solution.
  ExactSolution exact(&mesh, sol_exact);

  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof, graph_cpu, graph_dof_exact, graph_cpu_exact;

  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Adaptivity loop:
  int as = 1;
  bool done = false;
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Space* ref_space = construct_refined_space(&space);

    // Assemble the reference problem.
    info("Solving on reference mesh.");
    bool is_linear = true;
    DiscreteProblem* dp = new DiscreteProblem(&wf, ref_space, is_linear);
    SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);
    dp->assemble(matrix, rhs);

    // Time measurement.

    // Solve the linear system of the reference problem. If successful, obtain the solution.
    Solution ref_sln;
    if(solver->solve()) Solution::vector_to_solution(solver->get_solution(), ref_space, &ref_sln);
    else error ("Matrix solver failed.\n");

    // Time measurement.

    // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
    Solution sln;
    info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
    OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver);

    // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    info("Calculating error estimate and exact error.");
    Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(&space, HERMES_H1_NORM);
    bool solutions_for_adapt = true;
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln, solutions_for_adapt, HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_REL | HERMES_ELEMENT_ERROR_REL) * 100;

    // Calculate exact error,
    solutions_for_adapt = false;
    double err_exact_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_exact(&sln, &exact, solutions_for_adapt, HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_REL | HERMES_ELEMENT_ERROR_REL) * 100;

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d", Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space));
    info("err_est_rel: %g%%, err_exact_rel: %g%%", err_est_rel, err_exact_rel);

    // Time measurement.

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_est_rel);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel);"conv_cpu_est.dat");
    graph_dof_exact.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_exact_rel);"conv_dof_exact.dat");
    graph_cpu_exact.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_exact_rel);"conv_cpu_exact.dat");

    // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);

      // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.
      if (done == false)  as++;
    if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP) done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete solver;
    delete matrix;
    delete rhs;
    delete adaptivity;
    if(done == false) delete ref_space->get_mesh();
    delete ref_space;
    delete dp;

  while (done == false);

  verbose("Total running time: %g s", cpu_time.accumulated());

  int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(&space);

  int n_dof_allowed = 550;
  printf("n_dof_actual = %d\n", ndof);
  printf("n_dof_allowed = %d\n", n_dof_allowed);
  if (ndof <= n_dof_allowed) {
    return ERR_SUCCESS;
  else {
    return ERR_FAILURE;
Beispiel #28
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh, basemesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("GAMM-channel.mesh", &basemesh);

  // Perform initial mesh refinements.
  for (int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) basemesh.refine_all_elements();
  basemesh.refine_by_criterion(criterion, 4);

  // Enter boundary markers.
  BCTypes bc_types;
  bc_types.add_bc_neumann(Hermes::Tuple<int>(BDY_SOLID_WALL, BDY_INLET_OUTLET));

  // Create L2 spaces with default shapesets.
  L2Space space_rho(&mesh, &bc_types, P_INIT);
  L2Space space_rho_v_x(&mesh, &bc_types, P_INIT);
  L2Space space_rho_v_y(&mesh, &bc_types, P_INIT);
  L2Space space_e(&mesh, &bc_types, P_INIT);

  // Initialize solutions, set initial conditions.
  Solution sln_rho, sln_rho_v_x, sln_rho_v_y, sln_e, prev_rho, prev_rho_v_x, prev_rho_v_y, prev_e;
  Solution rsln_rho, rsln_rho_v_x, rsln_rho_v_y, rsln_e;
  sln_rho.set_exact(&mesh, ic_density);
  sln_rho_v_x.set_exact(&mesh, ic_density_vel_x);
  sln_rho_v_y.set_exact(&mesh, ic_density_vel_y);
  sln_e.set_exact(&mesh, ic_energy);
  prev_rho.set_exact(&mesh, ic_density);
  prev_rho_v_x.set_exact(&mesh, ic_density_vel_x);
  prev_rho_v_y.set_exact(&mesh, ic_density_vel_y);
  prev_e.set_exact(&mesh, ic_energy);

  // Initialize weak formulation.
  WeakForm wf(4);

  // Bilinear forms coming from time discretization by explicit Euler's method.

  // Volumetric linear forms.
  // Linear forms coming from the linearization by taking the Eulerian fluxes' Jacobian matrices from the previous time step.
  // First flux.
  wf.add_vector_form(0,callback(linear_form_0_1), HERMES_ANY, Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho_v_x));
  wf.add_vector_form(1, callback(linear_form_1_0_first_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y));
  wf.add_vector_form(1, callback(linear_form_1_1_first_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y));
  wf.add_vector_form(1, callback(linear_form_1_2_first_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y));
  wf.add_vector_form(1, callback(linear_form_1_3_first_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form(2, callback(linear_form_2_0_first_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y));
  wf.add_vector_form(2, callback(linear_form_2_1_first_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y));
  wf.add_vector_form(2, callback(linear_form_2_2_first_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y));
  wf.add_vector_form(2, callback(linear_form_2_3_first_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form(3, callback(linear_form_3_0_first_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form(3, callback(linear_form_3_1_first_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form(3, callback(linear_form_3_2_first_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form(3, callback(linear_form_3_3_first_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  // Second flux.
  wf.add_vector_form(0,callback(linear_form_0_2),HERMES_ANY, Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho_v_y));
  wf.add_vector_form(1, callback(linear_form_1_0_second_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y));
  wf.add_vector_form(1, callback(linear_form_1_1_second_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y));
  wf.add_vector_form(1, callback(linear_form_1_2_second_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y));
  wf.add_vector_form(1, callback(linear_form_1_3_second_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form(2, callback(linear_form_2_0_second_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y));
  wf.add_vector_form(2, callback(linear_form_2_1_second_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y));
  wf.add_vector_form(2, callback(linear_form_2_2_second_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y));
  wf.add_vector_form(2, callback(linear_form_2_3_second_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form(3, callback(linear_form_3_0_second_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form(3, callback(linear_form_3_1_second_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form(3, callback(linear_form_3_2_second_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form(3, callback(linear_form_3_3_second_flux), HERMES_ANY, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));

  // Volumetric linear forms coming from the time discretization.
  wf.add_vector_form(0, linear_form_vector, linear_form_order, HERMES_ANY, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form(1, linear_form_vector, linear_form_order, HERMES_ANY, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form(2, linear_form_vector, linear_form_order, HERMES_ANY, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form(3, linear_form_vector, linear_form_order, HERMES_ANY, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form(0,linear_form, linear_form_order, HERMES_ANY, &prev_rho);
  wf.add_vector_form(1,linear_form, linear_form_order, HERMES_ANY, &prev_rho_v_x);
  wf.add_vector_form(2,linear_form, linear_form_order, HERMES_ANY, &prev_rho_v_y);
  wf.add_vector_form(3,linear_form, linear_form_order, HERMES_ANY, &prev_e);

  // Surface linear forms - inner edges coming from the DG formulation.
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(0, linear_form_interface_vector, linear_form_order, H2D_DG_INNER_EDGE, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(1, linear_form_interface_vector, linear_form_order, H2D_DG_INNER_EDGE, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(2, linear_form_interface_vector, linear_form_order, H2D_DG_INNER_EDGE, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(3, linear_form_interface_vector, linear_form_order, H2D_DG_INNER_EDGE, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(0, linear_form_interface_0, linear_form_order, H2D_DG_INNER_EDGE, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(1, linear_form_interface_1, linear_form_order, H2D_DG_INNER_EDGE, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(2, linear_form_interface_2, linear_form_order, H2D_DG_INNER_EDGE, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(3, linear_form_interface_3, linear_form_order, H2D_DG_INNER_EDGE, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));

  // Surface linear forms - inlet / outlet edges.
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(0, bdy_flux_inlet_outlet_comp_vector, linear_form_order, BDY_INLET_OUTLET, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(1, bdy_flux_inlet_outlet_comp_vector, linear_form_order, BDY_INLET_OUTLET, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(2, bdy_flux_inlet_outlet_comp_vector, linear_form_order, BDY_INLET_OUTLET, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(3, bdy_flux_inlet_outlet_comp_vector, linear_form_order, BDY_INLET_OUTLET, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(0, bdy_flux_inlet_outlet_comp_0, linear_form_order, BDY_INLET_OUTLET, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(1, bdy_flux_inlet_outlet_comp_1, linear_form_order, BDY_INLET_OUTLET, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(2, bdy_flux_inlet_outlet_comp_2, linear_form_order, BDY_INLET_OUTLET, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(3, bdy_flux_inlet_outlet_comp_3, linear_form_order, BDY_INLET_OUTLET, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));

  // Surface linear forms - Solid wall edges.
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(0, bdy_flux_solid_wall_comp_vector, linear_form_order, BDY_SOLID_WALL, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(1, bdy_flux_solid_wall_comp_vector, linear_form_order, BDY_SOLID_WALL, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(2, bdy_flux_solid_wall_comp_vector, linear_form_order, BDY_SOLID_WALL, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(3, bdy_flux_solid_wall_comp_vector, linear_form_order, BDY_SOLID_WALL, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(0, bdy_flux_solid_wall_comp_0, linear_form_order, BDY_SOLID_WALL, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(1, bdy_flux_solid_wall_comp_1, linear_form_order, BDY_SOLID_WALL, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(2, bdy_flux_solid_wall_comp_2, linear_form_order, BDY_SOLID_WALL, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));
  wf.add_vector_form_surf(3, bdy_flux_solid_wall_comp_3, linear_form_order, BDY_SOLID_WALL, 
                          Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e));

  // Filters for visualization of pressure and the two components of velocity.
  SimpleFilter pressure(calc_pressure_func, Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&sln_rho, &sln_rho_v_x, &sln_rho_v_y, &sln_e));
  SimpleFilter u(calc_u_func, Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&sln_rho, &sln_rho_v_x, &sln_rho_v_y, &sln_e));
  SimpleFilter w(calc_w_func, Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&sln_rho, &sln_rho_v_x, &sln_rho_v_y, &sln_e));

  // Initialize refinement selector.
  L2ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Disable weighting of refinement candidates.
  selector.set_error_weights(1, 1, 1);

  //VectorView vview("Velocity", new WinGeom(0, 0, 600, 300));
  //ScalarView sview("Pressure", new WinGeom(700, 0, 600, 300));

  ScalarView s1("w1", new WinGeom(0, 0, 620, 300));
  ScalarView s2("w2", new WinGeom(625, 0, 600, 300));
  ScalarView s3("w3", new WinGeom(0, 350, 620, 300));
  ScalarView s4("w4", new WinGeom(625, 350, 600, 300));

  // Iteration number.
  int iteration = 0;
  // For calculation of the time derivative of the norm of the solution approximation.
  // Not used yet in the adaptive version.
  double difference;
  double *difference_values = new double[Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
      &space_rho_v_y, &space_e))];
  double *last_values = new double[Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
      &space_rho_v_y, &space_e))];
  for(int i = 0; i < Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
      &space_rho_v_y, &space_e)); i++)
      last_values[i] = 0.;
  // Output of the approximate time derivative.
  // Not used yet in the adaptive version.
  std::ofstream time_der_out("time_der");
  for(t = 0.0; t < 10; t += TAU)
    info("---- Time step %d, time %3.5f.", iteration, t);


    // Periodic global derefinements.
    if (iteration > 1 && iteration % UNREF_FREQ == 0 && REFINEMENT_COUNT > 0) {
      info("Global mesh derefinement.");

    // Adaptivity loop:
    int as = 1; 
    bool done = false;
      info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

      // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
      // Global polynomial order increase = 0;
      int order_increase = 0;
      Hermes::Tuple<Space *>* ref_spaces = construct_refined_spaces(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
      &space_rho_v_y, &space_e), order_increase);

      // Project the previous time level solution onto the new fine mesh.
      info("Projecting the previous time level solution onto the new fine mesh.");
      OGProjection::project_global(*ref_spaces, Hermes::Tuple<Solution *>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e), 
                     Hermes::Tuple<Solution *>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e), matrix_solver); 

      if(as > 1) {
        delete rsln_rho.get_mesh();
        delete rsln_rho_v_x.get_mesh();
        delete rsln_rho_v_y.get_mesh();
        delete rsln_e.get_mesh();

      // Assemble the reference problem.
      info("Solving on reference mesh.");
      bool is_linear = true;
      DiscreteProblem* dp = new DiscreteProblem(&wf, *ref_spaces, is_linear);
      SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
      Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
      Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);

      // The FE problem is in fact a FV problem.
      dp->assemble(matrix, rhs);

      // Solve the linear system of the reference problem. If successful, obtain the solutions.
      if(solver->solve()) Solution::vector_to_solutions(solver->get_solution(), *ref_spaces, 
                                              Hermes::Tuple<Solution *>(&rsln_rho, &rsln_rho_v_x, &rsln_rho_v_y, &rsln_e));
      else error ("Matrix solver failed.\n");

      // Project the fine mesh solution onto the coarse mesh.
      info("Projecting reference solution on coarse mesh.");
      OGProjection::project_global(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
      &space_rho_v_y, &space_e), Hermes::Tuple<Solution *>(&rsln_rho, &rsln_rho_v_x, &rsln_rho_v_y, &rsln_e), 
                     Hermes::Tuple<Solution *>(&sln_rho, &sln_rho_v_x, &sln_rho_v_y, &sln_e), matrix_solver, 
                     Hermes::Tuple<ProjNormType>(HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM)); 

      // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
      info("Calculating error estimate.");
      Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
      &space_rho_v_y, &space_e), Hermes::Tuple<ProjNormType>(HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM));
      // Error components.
      Hermes::Tuple<double> *error_components = new Hermes::Tuple<double>(4);
      double err_est_rel_total = adaptivity->calc_err_est(Hermes::Tuple<Solution *>(&sln_rho, &sln_rho_v_x, &sln_rho_v_y, &sln_e),
							  Hermes::Tuple<Solution *>(&rsln_rho, &rsln_rho_v_x, &rsln_rho_v_y, &rsln_e), 
                                                          error_components, HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_REL | HERMES_ELEMENT_ERROR_ABS) * 100;

      // Report results.
      info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d, err_est_rel: %g%%", 
        Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
        &space_rho_v_y, &space_e)), Space::get_num_dofs(*ref_spaces), err_est_rel_total);

      // Determine the time step.
      double *solution_vector = new double[Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
      &space_rho_v_y, &space_e))];
      OGProjection::project_global(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
      &space_rho_v_y, &space_e), Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction *>(&sln_rho, &sln_rho_v_x, &sln_rho_v_y, &sln_e), solution_vector, matrix_solver, 
      Hermes::Tuple<ProjNormType>(HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM, HERMES_L2_NORM));
      double min_condition = 0;
      Element *e;
      for (int _id = 0, _max = mesh.get_max_element_id(); _id < _max; _id++) \
            if (((e) = mesh.get_element_fast(_id))->used) \
              if ((e)->active)
        AsmList al;
        space_rho.get_element_assembly_list(e, &al);
        double rho = solution_vector[al.dof[0]];
        space_rho_v_x.get_element_assembly_list(e, &al);
        double v1 = solution_vector[al.dof[0]] / rho;
        space_rho_v_y.get_element_assembly_list(e, &al);
        double v2 = solution_vector[al.dof[0]] / rho;
        space_e.get_element_assembly_list(e, &al);
        double energy = solution_vector[al.dof[0]];
        double condition = e->get_area() / (std::sqrt(v1*v1 + v2*v2) + calc_sound_speed(rho, rho*v1, rho*v2, energy));
        if(condition < min_condition || min_condition == 0.)
          min_condition = condition;
      if(TAU > min_condition)
        TAU = min_condition;
      if(TAU < min_condition * 0.9)
        TAU = min_condition;

      delete [] solution_vector;

      // Visualization.;;;;

      // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
      if (err_est_rel_total < ERR_STOP && (*error_components)[1] * 100 < ERR_STOP_VEL_X) 
        done = true;
        info("Adapting coarse mesh.");
        done = adaptivity->adapt(Hermes::Tuple<RefinementSelectors::Selector *>(&selector, &selector, &selector, &selector), 
                                 THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);

        if (Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, 
          &space_rho_v_y, &space_e)) >= NDOF_STOP) 
          done = true;
          // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.

      // We have to empty the cache of NeighborSearch class instances.

// If used, we need to clean the vector valued form caches.

      // Clean up.
      delete solver;
      delete matrix;
      delete rhs;
      delete adaptivity;
      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ref_spaces->size(); i++)
        delete (*ref_spaces)[i];
      delete dp;
    while (done == false);

    // Debugging.
    std::ofstream out("matrix");
    for(int i = 0; i < matrix->get_size(); i++)
      for(int j = 0; j < matrix->get_size(); j++)
        if(std::abs(matrix->get(i,j)) != 0)
          out << '(' << i << ',' << j << ')' << ':' << matrix->get(i,j) << std::endl;
      for(int j = 0; j < matrix->get_size(); j++)
        if(std::abs(rhs->get(j)) != 0)
          out << '(' << j << ')' << ':' << rhs->get(j) << std::endl;
      for(int j = 0; j < matrix->get_size(); j++)
        out << '(' << j << ')' << ':' << solver->get_solution()[j] << std::endl;

    // Copy the solutions into the previous time level ones.

    delete rsln_rho.get_mesh(); 
    delete rsln_rho_v_x.get_mesh(); 
    delete rsln_rho_v_y.get_mesh();
    delete rsln_e.get_mesh(); 

    // Visualization.
  return 0;
Beispiel #29
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {

  // Load the mesh file.
  Mesh Cmesh, phimesh, basemesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("small.mesh", &basemesh);
  // When nonadaptive solution, refine the mesh.
  basemesh.refine_towards_boundary(BYD_TOP, REF_INIT);
  basemesh.refine_towards_boundary(BYD_BOT, REF_INIT - 1);

  // Enter Neumann boundary markers for Nernst-Planck.
  BCTypes C_bc_types;
  C_bc_types.add_bc_neumann(Hermes::Tuple<int>(BYD_SIDE, BYD_TOP, BYD_BOT));

  // Enter Dirichlet and Neumann boundary markers for Poisson.
  BCTypes phi_bc_types;
  phi_bc_types.add_bc_dirichlet(Hermes::Tuple<int>(BYD_TOP, BYD_BOT));

  // Enter Dirichlet boundary values.
  BCValues phi_bc_values;
  phi_bc_values.add_const(BYD_TOP, VOLTAGE);

  BCValues C_bc_values;
  C_bc_values.add_zero(Hermes::Tuple<int>(BYD_SIDE, BYD_TOP, BYD_BOT));

  // Spaces for concentration and the voltage.
  H1Space C(&Cmesh, &C_bc_types, &C_bc_values, P_INIT);
  H1Space phi(MULTIMESH ? &phimesh : &Cmesh, &phi_bc_types, &phi_bc_values, P_INIT);
  int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::Tuple<Space*>(&C, &phi));

  Solution C_sln, C_ref_sln;
  Solution phi_sln, phi_ref_sln; 

  // Assign initial condition to mesh.
  Solution C_prev_time(&Cmesh, concentration_ic);
  Solution phi_prev_time(MULTIMESH ? &phimesh : &Cmesh, voltage_ic);

  // The weak form for 2 equations.
  WeakForm wf(2);
  // Add the bilinear and linear forms.
  if (TIME_DISCR == 1) {  // Implicit Euler.
  wf.add_matrix_form(0, 0, callback(J_euler_DFcDYc), HERMES_UNSYM, HERMES_ANY, &phi_prev_time);
  wf.add_matrix_form(0, 1, callback(J_euler_DFcDYphi), HERMES_UNSYM, HERMES_ANY, &C_prev_time);
  wf.add_matrix_form(1, 0, callback(J_euler_DFphiDYc), HERMES_UNSYM);
  wf.add_matrix_form(1, 1, callback(J_euler_DFphiDYphi), HERMES_UNSYM);
  wf.add_vector_form(0, callback(Fc_euler), HERMES_ANY, Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&C_prev_time, &phi_prev_time));
  wf.add_vector_form(1, callback(Fphi_euler), HERMES_ANY, Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&C_prev_time, &phi_prev_time));
  } else {
    wf.add_matrix_form(0, 0, callback(J_cranic_DFcDYc), HERMES_UNSYM, HERMES_ANY, Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&phi_prev_time));
    wf.add_matrix_form(0, 1, callback(J_cranic_DFcDYphi), HERMES_UNSYM, HERMES_ANY, Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&C_prev_time));
    wf.add_matrix_form(1, 0, callback(J_cranic_DFphiDYc), HERMES_UNSYM);
    wf.add_matrix_form(1, 1, callback(J_cranic_DFphiDYphi), HERMES_UNSYM);
    wf.add_vector_form(0, callback(Fc_cranic), HERMES_ANY, Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&C_prev_time, &phi_prev_time));
    wf.add_vector_form(1, callback(Fphi_cranic), HERMES_ANY);

  // Project the initial condition on the FE space to obtain initial
  // coefficient vector for the Newton's method.
  info("Projecting initial condition to obtain initial vector for the Newton's method.");
  scalar* coeff_vec_coarse = new scalar[ndof];
  OGProjection::project_global(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&C, &phi), Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction *>(&C_prev_time, &phi_prev_time), coeff_vec_coarse, matrix_solver);

  // Initialize the FE problem.
  bool is_linear = false;
  DiscreteProblem dp_coarse(&wf, Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&C, &phi), is_linear);

  // Set up the solver, matrix, and rhs for the coarse mesh according to the solver selection.
  SparseMatrix* matrix_coarse = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
  Vector* rhs_coarse = create_vector(matrix_solver);
  Solver* solver_coarse = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix_coarse, rhs_coarse);

  // Create a selector which will select optimal candidate.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Visualization windows.
  char title[1000];
  ScalarView Cview("Concentration [mol/m3]", new WinGeom(0, 0, 800, 800));
  ScalarView phiview("Voltage [V]", new WinGeom(650, 0, 600, 600));
  OrderView Cordview("C order", new WinGeom(0, 300, 600, 600));
  OrderView phiordview("Phi order", new WinGeom(600, 300, 600, 600));;;;;

  // Newton's loop on the coarse mesh.
  info("Solving on coarse mesh:");
  bool verbose = true;
  if (!solve_newton(coeff_vec_coarse, &dp_coarse, solver_coarse, matrix_coarse, rhs_coarse, 
      NEWTON_TOL_COARSE, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, verbose)) error("Newton's iteration failed.");

  // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the Solution sln.
  Solution::vector_to_solutions(coeff_vec_coarse, Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&C, &phi), Hermes::Tuple<Solution *>(&C_sln, &phi_sln));;;

  // Cleanup after the Newton loop on the coarse mesh.
  delete matrix_coarse;
  delete rhs_coarse;
  delete solver_coarse;
  delete[] coeff_vec_coarse;
  // Time stepping loop.
  int num_time_steps = (int)(T_FINAL/TAU + 0.5);
  for(int ts = 1; ts <= num_time_steps; ts++)
    // Periodic global derefinements.
    if (ts > 1 && ts % UNREF_FREQ == 0) 
      info("Global mesh derefinement.");
      if (MULTIMESH)

      // Project on globally derefined mesh.
      //info("Projecting previous fine mesh solution on derefined mesh.");
      //OGProjection::project_global(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&C, &phi), Hermes::Tuple<Solution *>(&C_ref_sln, &phi_ref_sln), 
       //                            Hermes::Tuple<Solution *>(&C_sln, &phi_sln));

    // Adaptivity loop:
    bool done = false; int as = 1;
    double err_est;
    do {
      info("Time step %d, adaptivity step %d:", ts, as);

      // Construct globally refined reference mesh
      // and setup reference space.
      Hermes::Tuple<Space *>* ref_spaces = construct_refined_spaces(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&C, &phi));

      scalar* coeff_vec = new scalar[Space::get_num_dofs(*ref_spaces)];
      DiscreteProblem* dp = new DiscreteProblem(&wf, *ref_spaces, is_linear);
      SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
      Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
      Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);

      // Calculate initial coefficient vector for Newton on the fine mesh.
      if (as == 1) {
        info("Projecting coarse mesh solution to obtain coefficient vector on new fine mesh.");
        OGProjection::project_global(*ref_spaces, Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction *>(&C_sln, &phi_sln), coeff_vec, matrix_solver);
      else {
        info("Projecting previous fine mesh solution to obtain coefficient vector on new fine mesh.");
        OGProjection::project_global(*ref_spaces, Hermes::Tuple<MeshFunction *>(&C_ref_sln, &phi_ref_sln), coeff_vec, matrix_solver);
        // Now deallocate the previous mesh
        info("Delallocating the previous mesh");
        delete C_ref_sln.get_mesh();
        delete phi_ref_sln.get_mesh();

      // Newton's loop on the fine mesh.
      info("Solving on fine mesh:");
      if (!solve_newton(coeff_vec, dp, solver, matrix, rhs, 
	  	      NEWTON_TOL_FINE, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, verbose)) error("Newton's iteration failed.");

      // Store the result in ref_sln.
      Solution::vector_to_solutions(coeff_vec, *ref_spaces, Hermes::Tuple<Solution *>(&C_ref_sln, &phi_ref_sln));
      // Projecting reference solution onto the coarse mesh
      info("Projecting fine mesh solution on coarse mesh.");
      OGProjection::project_global(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&C, &phi), Hermes::Tuple<Solution *>(&C_ref_sln, &phi_ref_sln), Hermes::Tuple<Solution *>(&C_sln, &phi_sln),

      // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
      info("Calculating error estimate.");
      Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&C, &phi), Hermes::Tuple<ProjNormType>(HERMES_H1_NORM, HERMES_H1_NORM));
      bool solutions_for_adapt = true;
      Hermes::Tuple<double> err_est_rel;
      double err_est_rel_total = adaptivity->calc_err_est(Hermes::Tuple<Solution *>(&C_sln, &phi_sln), 
                                 Hermes::Tuple<Solution *>(&C_ref_sln, &phi_ref_sln), solutions_for_adapt, 
                                 HERMES_TOTAL_ERROR_REL | HERMES_ELEMENT_ERROR_REL, &err_est_rel) * 100;

      // Report results.
      info("ndof_coarse[0]: %d, ndof_fine[0]: %d",
           C.get_num_dofs(), (*ref_spaces)[0]->get_num_dofs());
      info("err_est_rel[0]: %g%%", err_est_rel[0]*100);
      info("ndof_coarse[1]: %d, ndof_fine[1]: %d",
           phi.get_num_dofs(), (*ref_spaces)[1]->get_num_dofs());
      info("err_est_rel[1]: %g%%", err_est_rel[1]*100);
      // Report results.
      info("ndof_coarse_total: %d, ndof_fine_total: %d, err_est_rel: %g%%", 
           Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&C, &phi)), Space::get_num_dofs(*ref_spaces), err_est_rel_total);

      // If err_est too large, adapt the mesh.
      if (err_est_rel_total < ERR_STOP) done = true;
        info("Adapting the coarse mesh.");
        done = adaptivity->adapt(Hermes::Tuple<RefinementSelectors::Selector *>(&selector, &selector),

        if (Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::Tuple<Space *>(&C, &phi)) >= NDOF_STOP) 
          done = true;
          // Increase the counter of performed adaptivity steps.

      // Visualize the solution and mesh.
      info("Visualization procedures: C");
      char title[100];
      sprintf(title, "Solution[C], time level %d", ts);
      sprintf(title, "Mesh[C], time level %d", ts);
      info("Visualization procedures: phi");
      sprintf(title, "Solution[phi], time level %d", ts);
      sprintf(title, "Mesh[phi], time level %d", ts);

      // Clean up.
      info("delete solver");
      delete solver;
      info("delete matrix");
      delete matrix;
      info("delete rhs");
      delete rhs;
      info("delete adaptivity");
      delete adaptivity;
      info("delete[] ref_spaces");
      delete ref_spaces;
      info("delete dp");
      delete dp;
      info("delete[] coeff_vec");
      delete[] coeff_vec;
    while (done == false);

    // Copy last reference solution into sln_prev_time.

  // Wait for all views to be closed.
  return 0;
Beispiel #30
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Instantiate a class with global functions.
  Hermes2D hermes2d;

  // Define nonlinear thermal conductivity lambda(u) via a cubic spline.
  // Step 1: Fill the x values and use lambda(u) = 1 + u^4 for the y values.
  #define lambda(x) (1 + pow(x, 4))
  Hermes::vector<double> lambda_pts(-2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0);
  Hermes::vector<double> lambda_val;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lambda_pts.size(); i++) lambda_val.push_back(lambda(lambda_pts[i]));
  // Step 2: Create the cubic spline (and plot it for visual control). 
  double bc_left = 0.0;
  double bc_right = 0.0;
  bool first_der_left = false;
  bool first_der_right = false;
  bool extrapolate_der_left = true;
  bool extrapolate_der_right = true;
  CubicSpline spline_coeff(lambda_pts, lambda_val, bc_left, bc_right, first_der_left, first_der_right,
                           extrapolate_der_left, extrapolate_der_right);
  info("Saving cubic spline into a Pylab file spline.dat.");
  double interval_extension = 3.0; // The interval of definition of the spline will be 
                                   // extended by "interval_extension" on both sides.
  spline_coeff.plot("spline.dat", interval_extension);

  // Load the mesh.
  Mesh mesh;
  H2DReader mloader;
  mloader.load("square.mesh", &mesh);

  // Perform initial mesh refinements.
  for(int i = 0; i < INIT_GLOB_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements();
  mesh.refine_towards_boundary("Bdy", INIT_BDY_REF_NUM);

  // Initialize boundary conditions.
  CustomEssentialBCNonConst bc_essential("Bdy");
  EssentialBCs bcs(&bc_essential);

  // Create an H1 space with default shapeset.
  H1Space space(&mesh, &bcs, P_INIT);

  // Initialize the weak formulation
  ConstFunctionXY heat_src(HEAT_SRC);
  double const_coeff = 1.0;
  DefaultWeakFormPoisson wf(&heat_src, HERMES_ANY, const_coeff, &spline_coeff);

  // Initialize the FE problem.
  DiscreteProblem dp_coarse(&wf, &space);

  // Set up the solver, matrix, and rhs for the coarse mesh according to the solver selection.
  SparseMatrix* matrix_coarse = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
  Vector* rhs_coarse = create_vector(matrix_solver);
  Solver* solver_coarse = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix_coarse, rhs_coarse);

  // Create a selector which will select optimal candidate.
  H1ProjBasedSelector selector(CAND_LIST, CONV_EXP, H2DRS_DEFAULT_ORDER);

  // Initialize coarse and reference mesh solution.
  Solution sln, ref_sln;

  // Time measurement.
  TimePeriod cpu_time;

  // Initialize views.
  ScalarView sview("Solution", new WinGeom(0, 0, 440, 350));
  OrderView oview("Mesh", new WinGeom(450, 0, 400, 350));

  // DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
  SimpleGraph graph_dof_est, graph_cpu_est;

  // Project the initial condition on the FE space to obtain initial
  // coefficient vector for the Newton's method.
  info("Projecting initial condition to obtain initial vector on the coarse mesh.");
  scalar* coeff_vec_coarse = new scalar[Space::get_num_dofs(&space)] ;
  InitialSolutionHeatTransfer init_sln(&mesh);
  OGProjection::project_global(&space, &init_sln, coeff_vec_coarse, matrix_solver);

  // Newton's loop on the coarse mesh. This is needed to obtain a good
  // starting point for the Newton's method on the reference mesh.
  info("Solving on coarse mesh:");
  bool verbose = true;
  bool jacobian_changed = true;
  if (!hermes2d.solve_newton(coeff_vec_coarse, &dp_coarse, solver_coarse, matrix_coarse, rhs_coarse,
      jacobian_changed, NEWTON_TOL_COARSE, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, verbose)) error("Newton's iteration failed.");

  // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the Solution sln.
  Solution::vector_to_solution(coeff_vec_coarse, &space, &sln);

  // Cleanup after the Newton loop on the coarse mesh.
  delete matrix_coarse;
  delete rhs_coarse;
  delete solver_coarse;
  delete [] coeff_vec_coarse;

  // Adaptivity loop:
  int as = 1; bool done = false;
    info("---- Adaptivity step %d:", as);

    // Construct globally refined reference mesh and setup reference space.
    Space* ref_space = Space::construct_refined_space(&space);

    // Initialize discrete problem on the reference mesh.
    DiscreteProblem dp(&wf, ref_space);

    // Initialize matrix solver.
    SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver);
    Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver);
    Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs);

    // Calculate initial coefficient vector on the reference mesh.
    scalar* coeff_vec = new scalar[Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space)];
    if (as == 1)
      // In the first step, project the coarse mesh solution.
      info("Projecting coarse mesh solution to obtain initial vector on new fine mesh.");
      OGProjection::project_global(ref_space, &sln, coeff_vec, matrix_solver);
      // In all other steps, project the previous fine mesh solution.
      info("Projecting previous fine mesh solution to obtain initial vector on new fine mesh.");
      OGProjection::project_global(ref_space, &ref_sln, coeff_vec, matrix_solver);

    // Now we can deallocate the previous fine mesh.
    if(as > 1) delete ref_sln.get_mesh();

    // Newton's loop on the fine mesh.
    info("Solving on fine mesh:");
    if (!hermes2d.solve_newton(coeff_vec, &dp, solver, matrix, rhs,
        jacobian_changed, NEWTON_TOL_FINE, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, verbose)) error("Newton's iteration failed.");

    // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the Solution ref_sln.
    Solution::vector_to_solution(coeff_vec, ref_space, &ref_sln);

    // Project the fine mesh solution on the coarse mesh.
    if (as > 1) {
      info("Projecting reference solution on new coarse mesh for error calculation.");
      OGProjection::project_global(&space, &ref_sln, &sln, matrix_solver);

    // Calculate element errors and total error estimate.
    info("Calculating error estimate.");
    Adapt* adaptivity = new Adapt(&space);
    double err_est_rel = adaptivity->calc_err_est(&sln, &ref_sln) * 100;

    // Report results.
    info("ndof_coarse: %d, ndof_fine: %d, err_est_rel: %g%%",
      Space::get_num_dofs(&space), Space::get_num_dofs(ref_space), err_est_rel);

    // Time measurement.

    // Add entry to DOF and CPU convergence graphs.
    graph_dof_est.add_values(Space::get_num_dofs(&space), err_est_rel);"conv_dof_est.dat");
    graph_cpu_est.add_values(cpu_time.accumulated(), err_est_rel);"conv_cpu_est.dat");

    // View the coarse mesh solution.;;

    // If err_est_rel too large, adapt the mesh.
    if (err_est_rel < ERR_STOP) done = true;
      info("Adapting the coarse mesh.");
      done = adaptivity->adapt(&selector, THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, MESH_REGULARITY);

      if (Space::get_num_dofs(&space) >= NDOF_STOP)
        done = true;

    // Clean up.
    delete [] coeff_vec;
    delete solver;
    delete matrix;
    delete rhs;
    delete adaptivity;
    delete ref_space;

  while (done == false);

  verbose("Total running time: %g s", cpu_time.accumulated());

  // Show the reference solution - the final result.
  sview.set_title("Fine mesh solution");

  // Wait for keyboard or mouse input.
  return 0;