void DistributedOverlapMatrix<Rank>::SolveOverlapRank(Wavefunction<Rank> &srcPsi, Wavefunction<Rank> &destPsi, int opRank, bool fastAlgo)
//void DistributedOverlapMatrix<Rank>::SolveOverlapRank(Wavefunction<Rank> &psi, int opRank, bool fastAlgo)
	SetupRank(srcPsi, opRank);
	if (fastAlgo)
		//Setup source multivector
		WavefunctionToMultiVector(srcPsi, InputVector(opRank), opRank);

		//Put solution multivector into destination wavefunction
		MultiVectorToWavefunction(destPsi, OutputVector(opRank), opRank);
		//Setup source multivector
		Epetra_MultiVector_Ptr srcVec =  SetupMultivector(srcPsi, opRank);

		//Output multivector (copy of input)
		Epetra_MultiVector_Ptr destVec = Epetra_MultiVector_Ptr(new Epetra_MultiVector(*srcVec));

		//Set up Epetra LinearProblem with overlap for this rank and input/output multivectors
		Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(OverlapMatrices(opRank).get(), destVec.get(), srcVec.get());

		//Initialize Amesos solver and factory
		Amesos_BaseSolver* Solver;
		Amesos Factory;
		std::string SolverType = "Amesos_Superludist";
		Solver = Factory.Create(SolverType, Problem);

		//Check that requested solver exists in Amesos
		if (Solver == 0)
			throw std::runtime_error("Specified Amesos solver not available");

		//Setup the parameter list for the solver
		Teuchos::ParameterList List;
		//List.set("PrintTiming", true);
		//List.set("PrintStatus", true);

		//Factorization and solve

		//Put solution multivector into destination wavefunction
		MultiVectorToWavefunction(destPsi, destVec, opRank);


Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  // initialize an Gallery object
  CrsMatrixGallery Gallery("laplace_2d", Comm, false); // CJ TODO FIXME: change for Epetra64
  Gallery.Set("problem_size", 100); //must be a square number
  // get pointers to the linear problem, containing matrix, LHS and RHS.
  // if you need to access them, you can for example uncomment the following
  // code:
  // Epetra_CrsMatrix* Matrix = Gallery.GetMatrix();
  // Epetra_MultiVector* LHS = Gallery.GetStartingSolution();
  // Epetra_MultiVector* RHS = Gallery.GetRHS();
  // NOTE: StartingSolution and RHS are pointers to Gallery's internally stored
  // vectors. Using StartingSolution and RHS, we can verify the residual
  // after the solution of the linear system. However, users may define as well
  // their own vectors for solution and RHS. 
  Epetra_LinearProblem* Problem = Gallery.GetLinearProblem();

  // initialize Amesos solver:
  // `Solver' is the pointer to the Amesos solver
  // (note the use of the base class Amesos_BaseSolver)
  Amesos_BaseSolver* Solver;
  // Amesos_Factory is the function class used to create the solver.
  // This class contains no data.
  Amesos Amesos_Factory;

  // empty parameter list
  Teuchos::ParameterList List;
  // may also try: "Amesos_Umfpack", "Amesos_Lapack", ...
  string SolverType = "Amesos_Klu";
  Solver = Amesos_Factory.Create(SolverType, *Problem);
  // Amesos_Factory returns 0 is the selected solver is not
  // available
  assert (Solver);

  // start solving

  // verify that residual is really small  
  double residual, diff;


  if( Comm.MyPID() == 0 ) {
    cout << "||b-Ax||_2 = " << residual << endl;
    cout << "||x_exact - x||_2 = " << diff << endl;

  // delete Solver
  delete Solver;
  if (residual > 1e-5)

#ifdef HAVE_MPI

int PartialFactorizationOneStep( const char* AmesosClass,
				 const Epetra_Comm &Comm, 
				 bool transpose, 
				 bool verbose, 
				 Teuchos::ParameterList ParamList, 
				 Epetra_CrsMatrix *& Amat, 
				 double Rcond, 
				 int Steps ) 
  assert( Steps >= 0 && Steps < MaxNumSteps ) ; 

  int iam = Comm.MyPID() ; 
  int errors = 0 ; 

  const Epetra_Map *RangeMap = 
    transpose?&Amat->OperatorDomainMap():&Amat->OperatorRangeMap() ; 
  const Epetra_Map *DomainMap = 
    transpose?&Amat->OperatorRangeMap():&Amat->OperatorDomainMap() ; 

  Epetra_Vector xexact(*DomainMap);
  Epetra_Vector x(*DomainMap);

  Epetra_Vector b(*RangeMap);
  Epetra_Vector bcheck(*RangeMap);

  Epetra_Vector difference(*DomainMap);

  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem;
  Amesos_BaseSolver* Abase ; 
  Amesos Afactory;

  Abase = Afactory.Create( AmesosClass, Problem ) ; 

  std::string AC = AmesosClass ;
  if ( AC == "Amesos_Mumps" ) { 
    ParamList.set( "NoDestroy", true );
   Abase->SetParameters( ParamList ) ; 

  double relresidual = 0 ; 
  if ( Steps > 0 ) {
    //  Phase 1:  Compute b = A' A' A xexact
    Problem.SetOperator( Amat );
    //  We only set transpose if we have to - this allows valgrind to check
    //  that transpose is set to a default value before it is used.
    if ( transpose ) OUR_CHK_ERR( Abase->SetUseTranspose( transpose ) ); 
    //    if (verbose) ParamList.set( "DebugLevel", 1 );
    //    if (verbose) ParamList.set( "OutputLevel", 1 );
    if ( Steps > 1 ) {
      OUR_CHK_ERR( Abase->SetParameters( ParamList ) ); 
      if ( Steps > 2 ) {
	//  Compute cAx = A' xexact
	Amat->Multiply( transpose, xexact, b ) ;  //  b = A x2 = A A' A'' xexact

#if 0 
	std::cout << __FILE__ << "::"  << __LINE__ << "b = " << std::endl ; 
	b.Print( std::cout ) ; 
	std::cout << __FILE__ << "::"  << __LINE__ << "xexact = " << std::endl ; 
	xexact.Print( std::cout ) ; 
	std::cout << __FILE__ << "::"  << __LINE__ << "x = " << std::endl ; 
	x.Print( std::cout ) ; 
	//  Phase 2:  Solve A' A' A x = b 
	//  Solve A sAAx = b 
	Problem.SetLHS( &x );
	Problem.SetRHS( &b );
	OUR_CHK_ERR( Abase->SymbolicFactorization(  ) ); 
	if ( Steps > 2 ) {
	  OUR_CHK_ERR( Abase->SymbolicFactorization(  ) ); 
	  if ( Steps > 3 ) {
	    OUR_CHK_ERR( Abase->NumericFactorization(  ) ); 
	    if ( Steps > 4 ) {
	      OUR_CHK_ERR( Abase->NumericFactorization(  ) ); 
	      if ( Steps > 5 ) {
		OUR_CHK_ERR( Abase->Solve(  ) ); 
		if ( Steps > 6 ) {
		  OUR_CHK_ERR( Abase->Solve(  ) ); 

		  Amat->Multiply( transpose, x, bcheck ) ; //  temp = A" x2
		  double norm_diff ;
		  double norm_one ;
		  difference.Update( 1.0, x, -1.0, xexact, 0.0 ) ;
		  difference.Norm2( &norm_diff ) ; 
		  x.Norm2( &norm_one ) ; 
		  relresidual = norm_diff / norm_one ; 
		  if (iam == 0 ) {
		    if ( relresidual * Rcond > 1e-16 ) {
		      if (verbose) std::cout << __FILE__ << "::"<< __LINE__ 
					<< " norm( x - xexact ) / norm(x) = " 
					<< norm_diff /norm_one << std::endl ; 
		      errors += 1 ; 
 delete Abase;
 return errors;
Beispiel #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  bool verbose = (Comm.MyPID() == 0);
  double TotalResidual = 0.0;

  // Create the Map, defined as a grid, of size nx x ny x nz,
  // subdivided into mx x my x mz cubes, each assigned to a
  // different processor.

  ParameterList GaleriList;
  GaleriList.set("nx", 4);
  GaleriList.set("ny", 4);
  GaleriList.set("nz", 4 * Comm.NumProc());
  GaleriList.set("mx", 1);
  GaleriList.set("my", 1);
  GaleriList.set("mz", Comm.NumProc());
  Epetra_Map* Map = CreateMap("Cartesian3D", Comm, GaleriList);

  // Create a matrix, in this case corresponding to a 3D Laplacian
  // discretized using a classical 7-point stencil. Please refer to
  // the Galeri documentation for an overview of available matrices.
  // NOTE: matrix must be symmetric if DSCPACK is used.

  Epetra_CrsMatrix* Matrix = CreateCrsMatrix("Laplace3D", Map, GaleriList);
  bool transpose = false ;
  bool distribute = false ;
  bool symmetric ;
  Epetra_CrsMatrix *Matrix = 0 ;
  Epetra_Map *Map = 0 ;
  MyCreateCrsMatrix( argv[1], Comm, Map, transpose, distribute, symmetric, Matrix ) ;


  // build vectors, in this case with 1 vector
  Epetra_MultiVector LHS(*Map, 1);
  Epetra_MultiVector RHS(*Map, 1);

  // create a linear problem object
  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(Matrix, &LHS, &RHS);

  // use this list to set up parameters, now it is required
  // to use all the available processes (if supported by the
  // underlying solver). Uncomment the following two lines
  // to let Amesos print out some timing and status information.
  ParameterList List;

  std::vector<std::string> SolverType;
  Comm.Barrier() ;
#if 1
  Epetra_Time Time(Comm);

  // this is the Amesos factory object that will create
  // a specific Amesos solver.
  Amesos Factory;

  // Cycle over all solvers.
  // Only installed solvers will be tested.
  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < SolverType.size() ; ++i)
    // Check whether the solver is available or not
    if (Factory.Query(SolverType[i]))
      // 1.- set exact solution (constant vector)

      // 2.- create corresponding rhs
      Matrix->Multiply(false, LHS, RHS);

      // 3.- randomize solution vector

      // 4.- create the amesos solver object
      Amesos_BaseSolver* Solver = Factory.Create(SolverType[i], Problem);
      assert (Solver != 0);

      Solver->SetUseTranspose( true) ;

      // 5.- factorize and solve

      Comm.Barrier() ;
      if (verbose)
        std::cout << std::endl
             << "Solver " << SolverType[i]
             << ", verbose = " << verbose << std::endl ;
      Comm.Barrier() ;

      if (verbose)
        std::cout << std::endl
             << "Solver " << SolverType[i]
             << ", symbolic factorization time = "
             << Time.ElapsedTime() << std::endl;
      Comm.Barrier() ;

      if (verbose)
        std::cout << "Solver " << SolverType[i]
             << ", numeric factorization time = "
             << Time.ElapsedTime() << std::endl;
      Comm.Barrier() ;

      if (verbose)
        std::cout << "Solver " << SolverType[i]
             << ", solve time = "
             << Time.ElapsedTime() << std::endl;
      Comm.Barrier() ;

      // 6.- compute difference between exact solution and Amesos one
      //     (there are other ways of doing this in Epetra, but let's
      //     keep it simple)
      double d = 0.0, d_tot = 0.0;
      for (int j = 0 ; j< LHS.Map().NumMyElements() ; ++j)
        d += (LHS[0][j] - 1.0) * (LHS[0][j] - 1.0);

      if (verbose)
        std::cout << "Solver " << SolverType[i] << ", ||x - x_exact||_2 = "
             << sqrt(d_tot) << std::endl;

      // 7.- delete the object
      delete Solver;

      TotalResidual += d_tot;

  delete Matrix;
  delete Map;

  if (TotalResidual > 1e-9)

#ifdef HAVE_MPI

} // end of main()
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv, 0);
    Epetra_MpiComm Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    Epetra_SerialComm Comm;
    int nProcs, myPID ;
    Teuchos::ParameterList pLUList ;        // ParaLU parameters
    Teuchos::ParameterList isoList ;        // Isorropia parameters
    string ipFileName = "ShyLU.xml";       // TODO : Accept as i/p

    nProcs = mpiSession.getNProc();
    myPID = Comm.MyPID();

    if (myPID == 0)
        cout <<"Parallel execution: nProcs="<< nProcs << endl;

    // =================== Read input xml file =============================
    Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFile(ipFileName, &pLUList);
    isoList = pLUList.sublist("Isorropia Input");
    // Get matrix market file name
    string MMFileName = Teuchos::getParameter<string>(pLUList, "mm_file");
    string prec_type = Teuchos::getParameter<string>(pLUList, "preconditioner");

    if (myPID == 0)
        cout << "Input :" << endl;
        cout << "ParaLU params " << endl;
        pLUList.print(std::cout, 2, true, true);
        cout << "Matrix market file name: " << MMFileName << endl;

    // ==================== Read input Matrix ==============================
    Epetra_CrsMatrix *A;

    int err = EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToCrsMatrix(MMFileName.c_str(), Comm, A);
    //EpetraExt::MatlabFileToCrsMatrix(MMFileName.c_str(), Comm, A);
    //assert(err != 0);
    cout <<"Done reading the matrix"<< endl;
    int n = A->NumGlobalRows();
    cout <<"n="<< n << endl;

    // Create input vectors
    Epetra_Map vecMap(n, 0, Comm);
    Epetra_MultiVector x(vecMap, 1);
    Epetra_MultiVector b(vecMap, 1, false);
    b.PutScalar(1.0); // TODO : Accept it as input

    // Partition the matrix with hypergraph partitioning and redisstribute
    Isorropia::Epetra::Partitioner *partitioner = new
                            Isorropia::Epetra::Partitioner(A, isoList, false);
    Isorropia::Epetra::Redistributor rd(partitioner);

    Epetra_CrsMatrix *newA;
    Epetra_MultiVector *newX, *newB; 
    rd.redistribute(*A, newA);
    delete A;
    A = newA;

    rd.redistribute(x, newX);
    rd.redistribute(b, newB);

    Epetra_LinearProblem problem(A, newX, newB);

    Amesos Factory;
    char* SolverType = "Amesos_Klu";
    bool IsAvailable = Factory.Query(SolverType);

    Epetra_LinearProblem *LP = new Epetra_LinearProblem();
    Amesos_BaseSolver *Solver = Factory.Create(SolverType, *LP);

  Teuchos::Time ftime("setup time");
    cout << "Numeric Factorization" << endl;
    cout << "Solve done" << endl;

    cout << "Time to setup" << ftime.totalElapsedTime() << endl;

    // compute ||Ax - b||
    double Norm;
    Epetra_MultiVector Ax(vecMap, 1);

    Epetra_MultiVector *newAx; 
    rd.redistribute(Ax, newAx);
    A->Multiply(false, *newX, *newAx);
    newAx->Update(1.0, *newB, -1.0);
    double ANorm = A->NormOne();

    cout << "|Ax-b |/|A| = " << Norm/ANorm << endl;

    delete newAx;
    delete newX;
    delete newB;
    delete A;
    delete partitioner;
Beispiel #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  int NumGlobalRows = 10000; // must be a square for the
                             // matrix generator.
  int NumVectors = 1;        // number of rhs's. Amesos
                             // supports single or
			     // multiple RHS.

  // Initializes an Gallery object.
  // NOTE: this example uses the Trilinos package Galeri
  // to define in an easy way the linear system matrix.
  // The user can easily change the matrix type; consult the 
  // Galeri documentation for mode details.
  // Here the problem has size nx x ny, and the 2D Cartesian
  // grid is divided into mx x my subdomains.
  ParameterList GaleriList;
  GaleriList.set("nx", 100);
  GaleriList.set("ny", 100 * Comm.NumProc());
  GaleriList.set("mx", 1);
  GaleriList.set("my", Comm.NumProc());

  Epetra_Map* Map = CreateMap("Cartesian2D", Comm, GaleriList);
  Epetra_CrsMatrix* Matrix = CreateCrsMatrix("Laplace2D", Map, GaleriList);

  // Creates vectors for right-hand side and solution, and the
  // linear problem container.

  Epetra_Vector LHS(*Map); LHS.PutScalar(0.0); // zero solution
  Epetra_Vector RHS(*Map); RHS.Random();       // random rhs
  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(Matrix, &LHS, &RHS);

  // ===================================================== //
  // B E G I N N I N G   O F  T H E   AM E S O S   P A R T //
  // ===================================================== //

  // Initializes the Amesos solver. This is the base class for
  // Amesos. It is a pure virtual class (hence objects of this
  // class cannot be allocated, and can exist only as pointers 
  // or references).
  Amesos_BaseSolver* Solver;

  // Initializes the Factory. Factory is a function class (a
  // class that contains methods only, no data). Factory
  // will be used to create Amesos_BaseSolver derived objects.
  Amesos Factory;

  Solver = Factory.Create("Klu", Problem);

  // Parameters for all Amesos solvers are set through
  // a call to SetParameters(List). List is a Teuchos
  // parameter list (Amesos requires Teuchos to compile).
  // In most cases, users can proceed without calling
  // SetParameters(). Please refer to the Amesos guide
  // for more details.
  // NOTE: you can skip this call; then the solver will
  // use default parameters.
  // Parameters in the list are set using 
  // List.set("parameter-name", ParameterValue);
  // In this example, we specify that we want more output.
  Teuchos::ParameterList List;
  List.set("PrintTiming", true);
  List.set("PrintStatus", true);
  // Now we are ready to solve. Generally, users will
  // call SymbolicFactorization(), then NumericFactorization(),
  // and finally Solve(). Note that:
  // - the numerical values of the linear system matrix
  //   are *not* required before NumericFactorization();
  // - solution and rhs are *not* required before calling
  //   Solve().
  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0)
    cout << "Starting symbolic factorization..." << endl;
  // you can change the matrix values here
  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0)
    cout << "Starting numeric factorization..." << endl;
  // you can change LHS and RHS here
  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0)
    cout << "Starting solution phase..." << endl;

  // =========================================== //
  // E N D   O F   T H E   A M E S O S   P A R T //
  // =========================================== //

  // delete Solver. MPI calls can occur.
  delete Solver;
  // delete the objects created by Galeri
  delete Matrix;
  delete Map;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI


} // end of main()