Beispiel #1
void MovzxIRBuilder::regMem(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicElement   *se;
  std::stringstream expr, op1;
  uint32_t          readSize = this->operands[1].getSize();
  uint64_t          mem      = this->operands[1].getValue();
  uint64_t          reg      = this->operands[0].getValue();
  uint64_t          regSize  = this->operands[0].getSize();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  op1 << ap.buildSymbolicMemOperand(mem, readSize);

  /* Final expr */
  expr << smt2lib::zx(op1.str(), (regSize * REG_SIZE) - (readSize * REG_SIZE));

  /* Create the symbolic element */
  se = ap.createRegSE(inst, expr, reg, regSize);

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.assignmentSpreadTaintRegMem(se, reg, mem, readSize);
Beispiel #2
void MovzxIRBuilder::regMem(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicExpression *se;
  smt2lib::smtAstAbstractNode *expr, *op1;
  auto memSize = this->operands[1].getMem().getSize();
  auto mem = this->operands[1].getMem().getAddress();
  auto reg = this->operands[0].getReg().getTritonRegId();
  auto regSize = this->operands[0].getReg().getSize();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  op1 = ap.buildSymbolicMemOperand(mem, memSize);

  /* Final expr */
  expr = smt2lib::zx((regSize * REG_SIZE) - (memSize * REG_SIZE), op1);

  /* Create the symbolic expression */
  se = ap.createRegSE(inst, expr, reg, regSize);

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.assignmentSpreadTaintRegMem(se, reg, mem, memSize);
Beispiel #3
void RcrIRBuilder::memImm(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicExpression *se1, *se2;
  smt2lib::smtAstAbstractNode *expr, *op1, *op2, *cf, *res;
  uint32 writeSize = this->operands[0].getSize();
  uint64 mem       = this->operands[0].getValue();
  uint64 imm       = this->operands[1].getValue();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  cf = ap.buildSymbolicFlagOperand(ID_CF);
  op1 = ap.buildSymbolicMemOperand(mem, writeSize);
   * Note that SMT2-LIB doesn't support expression as rotate's value.
   * The op2 must be the concretization's value.
  op2 = smt2lib::decimal(imm);

  /* Rcl expression */
  expr = smt2lib::bvror(
            smt2lib::concat(cf, op1)

  /* Temporary extended expression */
  se1 = ap.createSE(inst, expr, "Temporary Extended Expression");

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.assignmentSpreadTaintExprMem(se1, mem, writeSize);

  /* Result expression */
  res = smt2lib::extract((writeSize * REG_SIZE) - 1, 0, expr);

  /* Create the symbolic expression */
  se2 = ap.createMemSE(inst, res, mem, writeSize);

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.aluSpreadTaintMemMem(se2, mem, mem, writeSize);

  /* Add the symbolic flags expression to the current inst */
  EflagsBuilder::cfRcl(inst, se1, ap, writeSize, op2); /* Same as RCL */
  EflagsBuilder::ofRor(inst, se2, ap, writeSize, op2); /* Same as ROR */
Beispiel #4
void AndnpsIRBuilder::regMem(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicElement   *se;
  std::stringstream expr, op1, op2;
  uint32            readSize = this->operands[1].getSize();
  uint64            mem      = this->operands[1].getValue();
  uint64            reg      = this->operands[0].getValue();
  uint32            regSize  = this->operands[0].getSize();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  op1 << ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(reg, regSize);
  op2 << ap.buildSymbolicMemOperand(mem, readSize);

  // Final expr
  expr << smt2lib::bvand(smt2lib::bvnot(op1.str()), op2.str());

  /* Create the symbolic element */
  se = ap.createRegSE(inst, expr, reg, regSize);

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, reg, mem, readSize);
Beispiel #5
void AndnpsIRBuilder::regMem(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicExpression *se;
  smt2lib::smtAstAbstractNode *expr, *op1, *op2;
  auto reg = this->operands[0].getReg();
  auto regSize = this->operands[0].getReg().getSize();
  auto mem = this->operands[1].getMem();
  auto memSize = this->operands[1].getMem().getSize();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  op1 = ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(reg, regSize);
  op2 = ap.buildSymbolicMemOperand(mem, memSize);

  // Final expr
  expr = smt2lib::bvand(smt2lib::bvnot(op1), op2);

  /* Create the symbolic expression */
  se = ap.createRegSE(inst, expr, reg, regSize);

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, reg, mem, memSize);
void MovhpsIRBuilder::memReg(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicElement   *se;
  std::stringstream expr, op1, op2;
  uint32            writeSize = this->operands[0].getSize();
  uint64            mem       = this->operands[0].getValue();
  uint64            reg       = this->operands[1].getValue();
  uint64            regSize   = this->operands[1].getSize();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  op1 << ap.buildSymbolicMemOperand(mem, writeSize);
  op2 << ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(reg, regSize);

  expr << smt2lib::extract(127, 64, op2.str());

  /* Create the symbolic element */
  se = ap.createMemSE(inst, expr, mem, writeSize);

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.assignmentSpreadTaintMemReg(se, mem, reg, writeSize);

Beispiel #7
void RetIRBuilder::mem(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicElement   *se;
  std::stringstream expr, op1;
  uint64_t          memSrc    = this->operands[0].getValue(); // The dst memory read
  uint32_t          readSize  = this->operands[0].getSize();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  op1 << ap.buildSymbolicMemOperand(memSrc, readSize);

  /* Finale expr */
  expr << op1.str();

  /* Create the symbolic element */
  se = ap.createRegSE(inst, expr, ID_RIP, REG_SIZE, "RIP");

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.assignmentSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_RIP, memSrc, readSize);

  /* Create the SMT semantic side effect */
  alignStack(inst, ap);
Beispiel #8
void RclIRBuilder::memReg(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicExpression *se1, *se2;
  smt2lib::smtAstAbstractNode *expr, *op1, *op2, *cf, *res;
  auto memSize = this->operands[0].getMem().getSize();
  auto mem = this->operands[0].getMem();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  cf = ap.buildSymbolicFlagOperand(ID_TMP_CF);
  op1 = ap.buildSymbolicMemOperand(mem, memSize);
   * Note that SMT2-LIB doesn't support expression as rotate's value.
   * The op2 must be the concretization's value.
  op2 = smt2lib::decimal(ap.getRegisterValue(ID_TMP_RCX) & 0xff); /* 0xff -> There is only CL available */

  /* Rcl expression */
  expr = smt2lib::bvrol(
            smt2lib::concat(cf, op1)

  /* Temporary extended expression */
  se1 = ap.createSE(inst, expr, "Temporary Extended Expression");

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.assignmentSpreadTaintExprMem(se1, mem, memSize);

  /* Result expression */
  res = smt2lib::extract((memSize * REG_SIZE) - 1, 0, expr);

  /* Create the symbolic expression */
  se2 = ap.createMemSE(inst, res, mem, memSize);

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.aluSpreadTaintMemMem(se2, mem, mem, memSize);

  /* Add the symbolic flags expression to the current inst */
  EflagsBuilder::cfRcl(inst, se1, ap, memSize, op2);
  EflagsBuilder::ofRol(inst, se2, ap, memSize, op2); /* Same as ROL */
Beispiel #9
void MovlpdIRBuilder::regMem(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicExpression *se;
  smt2lib::smtAstAbstractNode *expr, *op1, *op2;
  auto memSize = this->operands[1].getMem().getSize();
  auto mem = this->operands[1].getMem().getAddress();
  auto reg = this->operands[0].getReg().getTritonRegId();
  auto regSize = this->operands[0].getReg().getSize();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  op1 = ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(reg, regSize);
  op2 = ap.buildSymbolicMemOperand(mem, memSize);

  expr = smt2lib::concat(
            smt2lib::extract(127, 64, op1), /* Destination[64..127] unchanged */
            smt2lib::extract(63, 0, op2)    /* Destination[0..63] = Source */

  /* Create the symbolic expression */
  se = ap.createRegSE(inst, expr, reg, regSize);

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.assignmentSpreadTaintRegMem(se, reg, mem, memSize);
Beispiel #10
void MovhpdIRBuilder::regMem(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicElement   *se;
  std::stringstream expr, op1, op2;
  uint32            readSize = this->operands[1].getSize();
  uint64            mem      = this->operands[1].getValue();
  uint64            reg      = this->operands[0].getValue();
  uint64            regSize  = this->operands[0].getSize();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  op1 << ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(reg, regSize);
  op2 << ap.buildSymbolicMemOperand(mem, readSize);

  expr << smt2lib::concat(
            smt2lib::extract(63, 0, op2.str()), /* Destination[64..127] = Source */
            smt2lib::extract(63, 0, op1.str())  /* Destination[0..63] unchanged */

  /* Create the symbolic element */
  se = ap.createRegSE(inst, expr, reg, regSize);

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.assignmentSpreadTaintRegMem(se, reg, mem, readSize);
Beispiel #11
void ImulIRBuilder::regMem(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicExpression *se;
  smt2lib::smtAstAbstractNode *expr, *op1, *op2, *op3;
  uint64 imm = 0;
  auto reg1 = this->operands[0].getReg();
  auto regSize1 = this->operands[0].getReg().getSize();
  auto mem2 = this->operands[1].getMem();
  auto memSize2 = this->operands[1].getMem().getSize();

  if (this->operands[2].getType() == IRBuilderOperand::IMM)
    imm = this->operands[2].getImm().getValue();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  op1 = ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(reg1, regSize1);
  op2 = ap.buildSymbolicMemOperand(mem2, memSize2);
  op3 = smt2lib::bv(imm, memSize2 * REG_SIZE);

  /* Case 1 */
  if (this->operands[0].isReadOnly()) {

    /* Expr */
    expr = smt2lib::bvmul(
             smt2lib::sx(memSize2 * REG_SIZE, op2),
             smt2lib::sx(regSize1 * REG_SIZE, op1)

    switch (regSize1) {

      case BYTE_SIZE:
        /* RAX */
        se = ap.createRegSE(inst, smt2lib::extract(WORD_SIZE_BIT - 1, 0, expr), ID_TMP_RAX, WORD_SIZE);
        ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_TMP_RAX, mem2, memSize2);

      case WORD_SIZE:
        /* RDX */
        se = ap.createRegSE(inst, smt2lib::extract(DWORD_SIZE_BIT - 1, WORD_SIZE_BIT, expr), ID_TMP_RDX, WORD_SIZE);
        ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_TMP_RDX, mem2, memSize2);
        /* RAX */
        se = ap.createRegSE(inst, smt2lib::extract(WORD_SIZE_BIT - 1, 0, expr), ID_TMP_RAX, WORD_SIZE);
        ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_TMP_RAX, mem2, memSize2);

      case DWORD_SIZE:
        /* RDX */
        se = ap.createRegSE(inst, smt2lib::extract(QWORD_SIZE_BIT - 1, DWORD_SIZE_BIT, expr), ID_TMP_RDX, DWORD_SIZE);
        ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_TMP_RDX, mem2, memSize2);
        /* RAX */
        se = ap.createRegSE(inst, smt2lib::extract(DWORD_SIZE_BIT - 1, 0, expr), ID_TMP_RAX, DWORD_SIZE);
        ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_TMP_RAX, mem2, memSize2);

      case QWORD_SIZE:
        /* RDX */
        se = ap.createRegSE(inst, smt2lib::extract(DQWORD_SIZE_BIT - 1, QWORD_SIZE_BIT, expr), ID_TMP_RDX, QWORD_SIZE);
        ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_TMP_RDX, mem2, memSize2);
        /* RAX */
        se = ap.createRegSE(inst, smt2lib::extract(QWORD_SIZE_BIT - 1, 0, expr), ID_TMP_RAX, QWORD_SIZE);
        ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_TMP_RAX, mem2, memSize2);

        throw std::runtime_error("ImulIRBuilder::reg - Invalid operand size");


  /* Case 2 */
  else if (this->operands[0].isReadAndWrite()) {
    /* Expr */
    expr = smt2lib::bvmul(
             smt2lib::sx(regSize1 * REG_SIZE, op1),
             smt2lib::sx(memSize2 * REG_SIZE, op2)

    /* Create the symbolic expression */
    se = ap.createRegSE(inst, smt2lib::extract((regSize1 * REG_SIZE) - 1, 0, expr), reg1, regSize1);

    /* Apply the taint */
    ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, reg1, mem2, memSize2);

  /* Case 3 */
  else if (this->operands[0].isWriteOnly()) {
    /* Expr */
    expr = smt2lib::bvmul(
             smt2lib::sx(memSize2 * REG_SIZE, op2),
             smt2lib::sx(memSize2 * REG_SIZE, op3)

    /* Create the symbolic expression */
    se = ap.createRegSE(inst, smt2lib::extract((regSize1 * REG_SIZE) - 1, 0, expr), reg1, regSize1);

    /* Apply the taint */
    ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, reg1, mem2, memSize2);

  else {
    throw std::runtime_error("ImulIRBuilder::regReg - Invalid operand");

  /* Add the symbolic flags expression to the current inst */
  EflagsBuilder::cfImul(inst, se, ap, regSize1, expr);
  EflagsBuilder::ofImul(inst, se, ap, regSize1, expr);
  EflagsBuilder::sf(inst, se, ap, regSize1);
void IdivIRBuilder::mem(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicElement   *se;
  std::stringstream expr, result, dividend, divisor, mod;
  uint64            mem       = this->operands[0].getValue();
  uint32            memSize   = this->operands[0].getSize();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  divisor << ap.buildSymbolicMemOperand(mem, memSize);

  switch (memSize) {

    case BYTE_SIZE:
      /* AX */
      dividend << ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(ID_RAX, WORD_SIZE);
      /* res = AX / Source */
      result << smt2lib::bvsdiv(dividend.str(), smt2lib::sx(divisor.str(), BYTE_SIZE_BIT));
      /* mod = AX % Source */
      mod << smt2lib::bvsrem(dividend.str(), smt2lib::sx(divisor.str(), BYTE_SIZE_BIT));
      /* AH = mod */
      /* AL = res */
      expr << smt2lib::concat(
                smt2lib::extract(7, 0, mod.str()),   /* AH = mod */
                smt2lib::extract(7, 0, result.str()) /* AL = res */
      /* Create the symbolic element */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, expr, ID_RAX, WORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_RAX, mem, memSize);

    case WORD_SIZE:
      /* DX:AX */
      dividend << smt2lib::concat(ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(ID_RDX, WORD_SIZE), ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(ID_RAX, WORD_SIZE));
      /* res = DX:AX / Source */
      result << smt2lib::extract(15, 0, smt2lib::bvsdiv(dividend.str(), smt2lib::sx(divisor.str(), WORD_SIZE_BIT)));
      /* mod = DX:AX % Source */
      mod << smt2lib::extract(15, 0, smt2lib::bvsrem(dividend.str(), smt2lib::sx(divisor.str(), WORD_SIZE_BIT)));
      /* Create the symbolic element for AX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, result, ID_RAX, WORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint for AX */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_RAX, mem, memSize);
      /* Create the symbolic element for DX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, mod, ID_RDX, WORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint for DX */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_RDX, mem, memSize);

    case DWORD_SIZE:
      /* EDX:EAX */
      dividend << smt2lib::concat(ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(ID_RDX, DWORD_SIZE), ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(ID_RAX, DWORD_SIZE));
      /* res = EDX:EAX / Source */
      result << smt2lib::extract(31, 0, smt2lib::bvsdiv(dividend.str(), smt2lib::sx(divisor.str(), DWORD_SIZE_BIT)));
      /* mod = EDX:EAX % Source */
      mod << smt2lib::extract(31, 0, smt2lib::bvsrem(dividend.str(), smt2lib::sx(divisor.str(), DWORD_SIZE_BIT)));
      /* Create the symbolic element for EAX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, result, ID_RAX, DWORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint for EAX */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_RAX, mem, memSize);
      /* Create the symbolic element for EDX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, mod, ID_RDX, DWORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint for EDX */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_RDX, mem, memSize);

    case QWORD_SIZE:
      /* RDX:RAX */
      dividend << smt2lib::concat(ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(ID_RDX, QWORD_SIZE), ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(ID_RDX, QWORD_SIZE));
      /* res = RDX:RAX / Source */
      result << smt2lib::extract(63, 0, smt2lib::bvsdiv(dividend.str(), smt2lib::sx(divisor.str(), QWORD_SIZE_BIT)));
      /* mod = RDX:RAX % Source */
      mod << smt2lib::extract(63, 0, smt2lib::bvsrem(dividend.str(), smt2lib::sx(divisor.str(), QWORD_SIZE_BIT)));
      /* Create the symbolic element for RAX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, result, ID_RAX, QWORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint for RAX */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_RAX, mem, memSize);
      /* Create the symbolic element for RDX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, mod, ID_RDX, QWORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint for RDX */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_RDX, mem, memSize);
Beispiel #13
void DivIRBuilder::mem(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicExpression *se;
  smt2lib::smtAstAbstractNode *expr, *result, *dividend, *divisor, *mod;
  auto mem = this->operands[0].getMem().getAddress();
  auto memSize = this->operands[0].getMem().getSize();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  divisor = ap.buildSymbolicMemOperand(mem, memSize);

  switch (memSize) {

    case BYTE_SIZE:
      /* AX */
      dividend = ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(ID_RAX, WORD_SIZE);
      /* res = AX / Source */
      result = smt2lib::bvudiv(dividend, smt2lib::zx(BYTE_SIZE_BIT, divisor));
      /* mod = AX % Source */
      mod = smt2lib::bvurem(dividend, smt2lib::zx(BYTE_SIZE_BIT, divisor));
      /* AH = mod */
      /* AL = res */
      expr = smt2lib::concat(
                smt2lib::extract(7, 0, mod),   /* AH = mod */
                smt2lib::extract(7, 0, result) /* AL = res */
      /* Create the symbolic expression */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, expr, ID_RAX, WORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_RAX, mem, memSize);

    case WORD_SIZE:
      /* DX:AX */
      dividend = smt2lib::concat(ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(ID_RDX, WORD_SIZE), ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(ID_RAX, WORD_SIZE));
      /* res = DX:AX / Source */
      result = smt2lib::extract(15, 0, smt2lib::bvudiv(dividend, smt2lib::zx(WORD_SIZE_BIT, divisor)));
      /* mod = DX:AX % Source */
      mod = smt2lib::extract(15, 0, smt2lib::bvurem(dividend, smt2lib::zx(WORD_SIZE_BIT, divisor)));
      /* Create the symbolic expression for AX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, result, ID_RAX, WORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint for AX */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_RAX, mem, memSize);
      /* Create the symbolic expression for DX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, mod, ID_RDX, WORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint for DX */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_RDX, mem, memSize);

    case DWORD_SIZE:
      /* EDX:EAX */
      dividend = smt2lib::concat(ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(ID_RDX, DWORD_SIZE), ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(ID_RAX, DWORD_SIZE));
      /* res = EDX:EAX / Source */
      result = smt2lib::extract(31, 0, smt2lib::bvudiv(dividend, smt2lib::zx(DWORD_SIZE_BIT, divisor)));
      /* mod = EDX:EAX % Source */
      mod = smt2lib::extract(31, 0, smt2lib::bvurem(dividend, smt2lib::zx(DWORD_SIZE_BIT, divisor)));
      /* Create the symbolic expression for EAX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, result, ID_RAX, DWORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint for EAX */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_RAX, mem, memSize);
      /* Create the symbolic expression for EDX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, mod, ID_RDX, DWORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint for EDX */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_RDX, mem, memSize);

    case QWORD_SIZE:
      /* RDX:RAX */
      dividend = smt2lib::concat(ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(ID_RDX, QWORD_SIZE), ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(ID_RAX, QWORD_SIZE));
      /* res = RDX:RAX / Source */
      result = smt2lib::extract(63, 0, smt2lib::bvudiv(dividend, smt2lib::zx(QWORD_SIZE_BIT, divisor)));
      /* mod = RDX:RAX % Source */
      mod = smt2lib::extract(63, 0, smt2lib::bvurem(dividend, smt2lib::zx(QWORD_SIZE_BIT, divisor)));
      /* Create the symbolic expression for RAX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, result, ID_RAX, QWORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint for RAX */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_RAX, mem, memSize);
      /* Create the symbolic expression for RDX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, mod, ID_RDX, QWORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint for RDX */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_RDX, mem, memSize);
Beispiel #14
void MulIRBuilder::mem(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicExpression *se;
  smt2lib::smtAstAbstractNode *expr, *op1, *op2, *rax, *rdx;
  auto mem = this->operands[0].getMem();
  auto memSize = this->operands[0].getMem().getSize();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  op1 = ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(ID_TMP_RAX, memSize);
  op2 = ap.buildSymbolicMemOperand(mem, memSize);

  switch (memSize) {

    /* AX = AL * r/m8 */
    case BYTE_SIZE:
      /* Final expr */
      expr = smt2lib::bvmul(
                smt2lib::zx(BYTE_SIZE_BIT, op1),
                smt2lib::zx(BYTE_SIZE_BIT, op2)
      /* Create the symbolic expression */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, expr, ID_TMP_RAX, WORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_TMP_RAX, mem, memSize);
      /* Add the symbolic flags expression to the current inst */
      rax = smt2lib::extract((WORD_SIZE_BIT - 1), BYTE_SIZE_BIT, expr);
      EflagsBuilder::cfMul(inst, se, ap, memSize, rax);
      EflagsBuilder::ofMul(inst, se, ap, memSize, rax);

    /* DX:AX = AX * r/m16 */
    case WORD_SIZE:
      /* Final expr */
      expr = smt2lib::bvmul(
                smt2lib::zx(WORD_SIZE_BIT, op1),
                smt2lib::zx(WORD_SIZE_BIT, op2)
      rax = smt2lib::extract((WORD_SIZE_BIT - 1), 0, expr);
      rdx = smt2lib::extract((DWORD_SIZE_BIT - 1), WORD_SIZE_BIT, expr);
      /* Create the symbolic expression for AX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, rax, ID_TMP_RAX, WORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_TMP_RAX, mem, memSize);
      /* Create the symbolic expression for DX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, rdx, ID_TMP_RDX, WORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_TMP_RDX, mem, memSize);
      /* Add the symbolic flags expression to the current inst */
      EflagsBuilder::cfMul(inst, se, ap, memSize, rdx);
      EflagsBuilder::ofMul(inst, se, ap, memSize, rdx);

    /* EDX:EAX = EAX * r/m32 */
    case DWORD_SIZE:
      /* Final expr */
      expr = smt2lib::bvmul(
                smt2lib::zx(DWORD_SIZE_BIT, op1),
                smt2lib::zx(DWORD_SIZE_BIT, op2)
      rax = smt2lib::extract((DWORD_SIZE_BIT - 1), 0, expr);
      rdx = smt2lib::extract((QWORD_SIZE_BIT - 1), DWORD_SIZE_BIT, expr);
      /* Create the symbolic expression for EAX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, rax, ID_TMP_RAX, DWORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_TMP_RAX, mem, memSize);
      /* Create the symbolic expression for EDX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, rdx, ID_TMP_RDX, DWORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_TMP_RDX, mem, memSize);
      /* Add the symbolic flags expression to the current inst */
      EflagsBuilder::cfMul(inst, se, ap, memSize, rdx);
      EflagsBuilder::ofMul(inst, se, ap, memSize, rdx);

    /* RDX:RAX = RAX * r/m64 */
    case QWORD_SIZE:
      /* Final expr */
      expr = smt2lib::bvmul(
                smt2lib::zx(QWORD_SIZE_BIT, op1),
                smt2lib::zx(QWORD_SIZE_BIT, op2)
      rax = smt2lib::extract((QWORD_SIZE_BIT - 1), 0, expr);
      rdx = smt2lib::extract((DQWORD_SIZE_BIT - 1), QWORD_SIZE_BIT, expr);
      /* Create the symbolic expression for RAX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, rax, ID_TMP_RAX, QWORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_TMP_RAX, mem, memSize);
      /* Create the symbolic expression for RDX */
      se = ap.createRegSE(inst, rdx, ID_TMP_RDX, QWORD_SIZE);
      /* Apply the taint */
      ap.aluSpreadTaintRegMem(se, ID_TMP_RDX, mem, memSize);
      /* Add the symbolic flags expression to the current inst */
      EflagsBuilder::cfMul(inst, se, ap, memSize, rdx);
      EflagsBuilder::ofMul(inst, se, ap, memSize, rdx);

