Beispiel #1
/// Meotoda odpowiada za w³aœciwe wyszukiwanie danych opini, metoda przyjmuje znaczniki pocz¹tkowe oraz koñcowe,
/// pomiêdzy którymi znajduj¹ siê po¿¹dane teksty.
AnsiString __fastcall ParsujDane::ZnajdzTekstOpini(AnsiString &ATextOpini, AnsiString AZnacznikPocz, AnsiString AZnacznikKoniec, bool ATnij)
	AnsiString txt;
	int pozycjaZnacznik, start, koniec;
	pozycjaZnacznik = ATextOpini.Pos(AZnacznikPocz);
	if (pozycjaZnacznik == 0) return "";
	while (true)
		txt += ATextOpini[pozycjaZnacznik];
		if (ATnij) { if (txt.Pos(AZnacznikPocz) > 0) { txt = txt.Delete(1, AZnacznikPocz.Length()); } }
		if (txt.Pos(AZnacznikKoniec) > 0) break;
	if (!ATnij)
		start = AZnacznikPocz.Length() + 1;
		koniec = txt.Length() - AZnacznikPocz.Length() - AZnacznikKoniec.Length();
		start = 1;
		koniec = txt.Length() - AZnacznikKoniec.Length();
	txt = txt.SubString(start, koniec);
	txt.TrimLeft(); txt.TrimRight();
	return txt;
Beispiel #2
/// Metoda odpowiedzialna za usunieciê przekazanych znaczników z przekazanego tekstu,
/// metoda umo¿liwia umieszczenie znacznika konca lini w zamian za przyjmowany znacznik
void __fastcall ParsujDane::UsunZnacznik(AnsiString &AText, AnsiString AZnacznik, bool AWstawENDL)
	int pozycjaZnacznik, i;
	i = 0;
	while (true)
		pozycjaZnacznik = AText.Pos(AZnacznik);
		if (AZnacznik == ' ')
			if (AText.Pos(' ') > 1) break;
		if (pozycjaZnacznik > 0) AText.Delete(pozycjaZnacznik, AZnacznik.Length());
		if (pozycjaZnacznik > 0 && AWstawENDL) AText.Insert("<ENDL>",pozycjaZnacznik);
		if (pozycjaZnacznik == 0) break;
	AText.TrimLeft(); AText.TrimRight();
Beispiel #3
   // get the value of a parameter
   bool MimeField::GetParameter(const char* pszAttr, AnsiString& strValue) const
      strValue = "";

      bool encodedParameter = false;

      vector<AnsiString> parameters = StringParser::SplitString(AnsiString(m_strValue), ";");

      for (unsigned int i = 1; i < parameters.size(); i++)
         AnsiString value = parameters[i];

         // Locate end of parameter name.
         int nameEndPos = 0;
         for (nameEndPos = 0; nameEndPos < value.GetLength(); nameEndPos++)
            char c = value[nameEndPos];

            if (c == ' ' || c == '*' || c == '=')

         // If we haven't found any value for this parameter, bail out.
         if (nameEndPos == 0 && strValue.IsEmpty())
            return false;

         AnsiString parameterName = value.Mid(0, nameEndPos);

         if (parameterName.CompareNoCase(pszAttr) != 0)

         // Locate start of parameter value.
         int valuePos = 0;
         for (valuePos = nameEndPos; valuePos < value.GetLength(); valuePos++)
            char c = value[valuePos];

            if (c == '=')

         // We want the char before = NOT char after param name
         // to detect encoding per RFC 2231 4.1
         char characterBeforeEquals = value[valuePos - 1];

         if (characterBeforeEquals == '*')
            encodedParameter = true;

         // Skip past the equal sign.

         // Locate the start of the actual value. May be enclosed with quotes.
         // For instance, this is perfectly valid 
         // Content-Type: text/plain; charset = "iso-8859-1"
         for (; valuePos < value.GetLength(); valuePos++)
            char c = value[valuePos];

            if (c == ' ' || c == '"')

         // Locate the end of the value. The value may contain
         // pretty much any character, including space.
         int valueEndPos = valuePos;
         for (; valueEndPos < value.GetLength(); valueEndPos++)
            char c = value[valueEndPos];

            if (c == ';' || c == '"')

         int valueLength = valueEndPos - valuePos;

         value = value.Mid(valuePos, valueLength);

         // If the value is
         //    Content-Type: text/plain; charset = "iso-8859-1"  
         // it needs to be trimmed.


      if (strValue.IsEmpty())
         return false;

      (2)   MIME headers, like the RFC 822 headers they often
      appear in, are limited to 7bit US-ASCII, and the
      encoded-word mechanisms of RFC 2047 are not available
      to parameter values.  This makes it impossible to have
      parameter values in character sets other than US-ASCII
      without specifying some sort of private per-parameter

      Input: ISO-8859-1''%E9%2E%70%6E%67
      Output: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E9=2Epng?=

      if (encodedParameter)
         MimeParameterRFC2184Decoder decoder;


      return true;
   ClamAVVirusScanner::Scan(const String &hostName, int primaryPort, const String &sFilename)
      LOG_DEBUG("Connecting to ClamAV virus scanner...");

      int streamPort = 0;

      TimeoutCalculator calculator;

      SynchronousConnection commandConnection(calculator.Calculate(IniFileSettings::Instance()->GetClamMinTimeout(), IniFileSettings::Instance()->GetClamMaxTimeout()));
      if (!commandConnection.Connect(hostName, primaryPort))
         return VirusScanningResult(_T("ClamAVVirusScanner::Scan"), 
            Formatter::Format("Unable to connect to ClamAV server at {0}:{1}.", hostName, primaryPort));

      if (!commandConnection.Write("STREAM\r\n"))
         return VirusScanningResult("ClamAVVirusScanner::Scan", "Unable to write STREAM command.");

      AnsiString readData;
      if (!commandConnection.ReadUntil("\n", readData))
         return VirusScanningResult("ClamAVVirusScanner::Scan", "Unable to read STREAM command response.");

      if (!readData.StartsWith("PORT"))
         return VirusScanningResult("ClamAVVirusScanner::Scan", Formatter::Format("Protocol error. Unexpected response: {0}.", readData));

      // Determine port.
      std::string portString = readData.Mid(5);
      if (!StringParser::TryParseInt(portString, streamPort))
         return VirusScanningResult("ClamAVVirusScanner::Scan", Formatter::Format("Protocol error. Unexpected response: {0} (Unable to parse port).", readData));

      LOG_DEBUG("Connecting to ClamAV stream port...");
      SynchronousConnection streamConnection(15);
      if (!streamConnection.Connect(hostName, streamPort))
         return VirusScanningResult("ClamAVVirusScanner::Scan", Formatter::Format("Unable to connect to ClamAV stream port at {0}:{1}.", hostName, streamPort));

      // Send the file on the stream socket.
      File oFile;
      if (!oFile.Open(sFilename, File::OTReadOnly))
         String sErrorMsg = Formatter::Format("Could not send file {0} via socket since it does not exist.", sFilename);
         return VirusScanningResult("ClamAVVirusScanner::Scan", sErrorMsg);

      const int STREAM_BLOCK_SIZE = 4096;
      const int maxIterations = 100000;
      for (int i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++)
         std::shared_ptr<ByteBuffer> pBuf = oFile.ReadChunk(STREAM_BLOCK_SIZE);

         if (!pBuf)

         // Send the request.
         if (!streamConnection.Write(*pBuf))
            return VirusScanningResult("ClamAVVirusScanner::Scan", "Unable to write data to stream port.");


      if (!commandConnection.ReadUntil("\n", readData))
         return VirusScanningResult("ClamAVVirusScanner::Scan", "Unable to read response (after streaming).");


      // Parse the response and see if a virus was reported.
         const regex expression("^stream.*: (.*) FOUND$"); 
         cmatch what; 
         if(regex_match(readData.c_str(), what, expression)) 
            LOG_DEBUG("Virus detected: " + what[1]);
            return VirusScanningResult(VirusScanningResult::VirusFound, String(what[1]));
            LOG_DEBUG("No virus detected: " + readData);
            return VirusScanningResult(VirusScanningResult::NoVirusFound, Formatter::Format("Result: {0}", readData));
      catch (std::runtime_error &) // regex_match will throw runtime_error if regexp is too complex.
         return VirusScanningResult("ClamAVVirusScanner::Scan", "Unable to parse regular expression.");
