ArticulatedModel::Instruction::Identifier::Identifier(const Any& a) { switch (a.type()) { case Any::NUMBER: id = ID(iRound(a.number())); a.verify(id >= 0, "Illegal ID"); break; case Any::STRING: name = a.string(); break; case Any::ARRAY: a.verifySize(0); if ( == "root") { *this = root(); } else if ( == "all") { *this = all(); } else { a.verify(false, "Illegal function call: " +; } break; default: a.verify(false, "Expected a name, integer ID, root(), or all()"); } }
Matrix4::Matrix4(const Any& any) { any.verifyName("Matrix4"); any.verifyType(Any::ARRAY); const std::string& name = toLower(; if (name == "matrix4") { any.verifySize(16); for (int r = 0; r < 4; ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c) { elt[r][c] = any[r * 4 + c]; } } } else if (name == "matrix4::scale") { if (any.size() == 1) { *this = scale(any[0].number()); } else if (any.size() == 3) { *this = scale(any[0], any[1], any[2]); } else { any.verify(false, "Matrix4::scale() takes either 1 or 3 arguments"); } } else if (name == "matrix4::translation") { if (any.size() == 3) { *this = translation(any[0], any[1], any[2]); } else { any.verify(false, "Matrix4::translation() takes either 1 or 3 arguments"); } } else { any.verify(false, "Expected Matrix4 constructor"); } }
PhysicsFrame::PhysicsFrame(const Any& a) { const std::string& n = toLower(; *this = PhysicsFrame(); if (beginsWith(n, "vector3")) { *this = PhysicsFrame(Vector3(a)); } else if (beginsWith(n, "matrix3")) { *this = PhysicsFrame(Matrix3(a)); } else if (beginsWith(n, "cframe") || beginsWith(n, "coordinateframe")) { *this = PhysicsFrame(CoordinateFrame(a)); } else if (beginsWith(n, "pframe") || beginsWith(n, "physicsframe")) { if (a.type() == Any::ARRAY) { a.verifySize(2); rotation = a[0]; translation = a[1]; } else { for (Any::AnyTable::Iterator it = a.table().begin(); it.hasMore(); ++it) { const std::string& n = toLower(it->key); if (n == "translation") { translation = it->value; } else if (n == "rotation") { rotation = it->value; } else { a.verify(false, "Illegal table key: " + it->key); } } } } }
Sampler::Sampler(const Any& any) { *this = Sampler::defaults(); any.verifyNameBeginsWith("Sampler"); if (any.type() == Any::TABLE) { AnyTableReader r(any); r.getIfPresent("maxAnisotropy", maxAnisotropy); r.getIfPresent("maxMipMap", maxMipMap); r.getIfPresent("minMipMap", minMipMap); r.getIfPresent("mipBias", mipBias); r.getIfPresent("xWrapMode", xWrapMode); if (! r.getIfPresent("yWrapMode", yWrapMode)) { yWrapMode = xWrapMode; } r.getIfPresent("depthReadMode", depthReadMode); r.getIfPresent("interpolateMode", interpolateMode); r.verifyDone(); } else { any.verifySize(0); const String& n =; if (n == "Sampler::defaults") { // Done! } else if (n == "Sampler::buffer") { *this = Sampler::buffer(); } else if (n == "Sampler::cubeMap") { *this = Sampler::cubeMap(); } else if (n == "Sampler::shadow") { *this = Sampler::shadow(); } else if (n == "Sampler::video") { *this = Sampler::video(); } else { any.verify(false, "Unrecognized name for Sampler constructor or factory method."); } } }
ParticleSystemModel::Emitter::Specification::Specification(const Any& a) { a.verifyNameBeginsWith("ParticleSystemModel::Emitter"); *this = Specification(); AnyTableReader r(a); r.getIfPresent("location", location); r.getIfPresent("noisePower", noisePower); r.getIfPresent("initialDensity", initialDensity); r.getIfPresent("rateCurve", rateCurve); r.getIfPresent("coverageFadeInTime", coverageFadeInTime); r.getIfPresent("coverageFadeOutTime", coverageFadeOutTime); r.getIfPresent("particleLifetimeMean", particleLifetimeMean); r.getIfPresent("particleLifetimeVariance", particleLifetimeVariance); r.getIfPresent("angularVelocityMean", angularVelocityMean); r.getIfPresent("angularVelocityVariance", angularVelocityVariance); r.getIfPresent("material", material); r.getIfPresent("radiusMean", radiusMean); r.getIfPresent("radiusVariance", radiusVariance); r.getIfPresent("particleMassDensity", particleMassDensity); r.getIfPresent("dragCoefficient", dragCoefficient); shapeType = Shape::Type::NONE; Any shape; if (r.getIfPresent("shape", shape)) { if (shape.nameBeginsWith("ArticulatedModel") || (shape.type() == Any::STRING)) { shapeType = Shape::Type::MESH; } else { shapeType = Shape::Type(toUpper(; } switch (shapeType) { case Shape::Type::BOX: box = Box(shape); break; case Shape::Type::CYLINDER: cylinder = Cylinder(shape); break; case Shape::Type::SPHERE: sphere = Sphere(shape); break; case Shape::Type::MESH: mesh = shape; break; default: shape.verify(false, "Shape must be a Box, Cylinder, Sphere, or ArticulatedModel specification"); } } r.getIfPresent("velocityDirectionMean", velocityDirectionMean); r.getIfPresent("velocityConeAngleDegrees", velocityConeAngleDegrees); r.getIfPresent("velocityMagnitudeMean", velocityMagnitudeMean); r.getIfPresent("velocityMagnitudeVariance", velocityMagnitudeVariance); r.verifyDone(); }
/** \param any Must either Rect2D::xywh(#, #, #, #) or Rect2D::xyxy(#, #, #, #)*/ Rect2D::Rect2D(const Any& any) { any.verifyName("Rect2D"); any.verifyType(Any::ARRAY); any.verifySize(4); if (toUpper( == "RECT2D::XYWH") { *this = Rect2D::xywh(any[0], any[1], any[2], any[3]); } else { any.verifyName("Rect2D::xyxy"); *this = Rect2D::xyxy(any[0], any[1], any[2], any[3]); } }
Matrix4::Matrix4(const Any& any) { any.verifyNameBeginsWith("Matrix4", "CFrame", "CoordinateFrame"); any.verifyType(Any::ARRAY); const std::string& name =; if (name == "Matrix4") { any.verifySize(16); for (int r = 0; r < 4; ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c) { elt[r][c] = any[r * 4 + c]; } } } else if (name == "Matrix4::scale") { if (any.size() == 1) { *this = scale(any[0].floatValue()); } else if (any.size() == 3) { *this = scale(any[0], any[1], any[2]); } else { any.verify(false, "Matrix4::scale() takes either 1 or 3 arguments"); } } else if (name == "Matrix4::rollDegrees") { any.verifySize(1); *this = rollDegrees(any[0].floatValue()); } else if (name == "Matrix4::yawDegrees") { any.verifySize(1); *this = yawDegrees(any[0].floatValue()); } else if (name == "Matrix4::pitchDegrees") { any.verifySize(1); *this = pitchDegrees(any[0].floatValue()); } else if (name == "Matrix4::translation") { if (any.size() == 3) { *this = translation(any[0], any[1], any[2]); } else { any.verify(false, "Matrix4::translation() requires 3 arguments"); } } else if (name == "Matrix4::diagonal") { any.verifySize(4); *this = diagonal(any[0], any[1], any[2], any[3]); } else if (name == "Matrix4::identity") { *this = identity(); } else if (beginsWith(name, "CFrame") || beginsWith(name, "CoordinateFrame")) { *this = CFrame(any); } else { any.verify(false, "Expected Matrix4 constructor"); } }
Texture::Preprocess::Preprocess(const Any& any) { *this = Preprocess::defaults(); any.verifyNameBeginsWith("Texture::Preprocess"); if (any.type() == Any::TABLE) { for (Any::AnyTable::Iterator it = any.table().begin(); it.isValid(); ++it) { const String& key = it->key; if (key == "modulate") { modulate = Color4(it->value); } else if (key == "gammaAdjust") { gammaAdjust = it->value; } else if (key == "scaleFactor") { scaleFactor = it->value; } else if (key == "computeMinMaxMean") { computeMinMaxMean = it->value; } else if (key == "computeNormalMap") { computeNormalMap = it->value; } else if (key == "convertToPremultipliedAlpha") { convertToPremultipliedAlpha = it->value; } else if (key == "bumpMapPreprocess") { bumpMapPreprocess = it->value; } else { any.verify(false, "Illegal key: " + it->key); } } } else { const String& n =; if (n == "Texture::Preprocess::defaults") { any.verifySize(0); } else if (n == "Texture::Preprocess::gamma") { any.verifySize(1); *this = Texture::Preprocess::gamma(any[0]); } else if (n == "Texture::preprocess::none") { any.verifySize(0); *this = Texture::Preprocess::none(); } else if (n == "Texture::Preprocess::quake") { any.verifySize(0); *this = Texture::Preprocess::quake(); } else if (n == "Texture::Preprocess::normalMap") { any.verifySize(0); *this = Texture::Preprocess::normalMap(); } else { any.verify(false, "Unrecognized name for Texture::Preprocess constructor or factory method."); } } }
CoordinateFrame::CoordinateFrame(const Any& any) { *this = CFrame(); const std::string& n = toUpper(; if (beginsWith(n, "VECTOR3")) { translation = any; } else if (beginsWith(n, "MATRIX3")) { rotation = any; } else if ((n == "CFRAME") || (n == "COORDINATEFRAME")) { any.verifyType(Any::TABLE, Any::ARRAY); if (any.type() == Any::ARRAY) { any.verifySize(2); rotation = any[0]; translation = any[1]; } else { for (Any::AnyTable::Iterator it = any.table().begin(); it.hasMore(); ++it) { const std::string& n = toLower(it->key); if (n == "translation") { translation = Vector3(it->value); } else if (n == "rotation") { rotation = Matrix3(it->value); } else { any.verify(false, "Illegal table key: " + it->key); } } } } else if (beginsWith(n, "PHYSICSFRAME") || beginsWith(n, "PFRAME")) { *this = PhysicsFrame(any); } else { any.verifyName("CFrame::fromXYZYPRDegrees", "CoordinateFrame::fromXYZYPRDegrees"); any.verifyType(Any::ARRAY); any.verifySize(3, 6); int s = any.size(); *this = fromXYZYPRDegrees(any[0], any[1], any[2], (s > 3) ? any[3].number() : 0.0f, (s > 4) ? any[4].number() : 0.0f, (s > 5) ? any[5].number() : 0.0f); } }
CoordinateFrame::CoordinateFrame(const Any& any) { *this = CFrame(); const String& n = toUpper(; if (beginsWith(n, "VECTOR3") || beginsWith(n, "POINT3")) { translation = Point3(any); } else if (beginsWith(n, "MATRIX3")) { rotation = Matrix3(any); } else if (beginsWith(n, "MATRIX4")) { *this = Matrix4(any).approxCoordinateFrame(); } else if ((n == "CFRAME") || (n == "COORDINATEFRAME")) { any.verifyType(Any::TABLE, Any::ARRAY); if (any.type() == Any::ARRAY) { any.verifySize(2); rotation = any[0]; translation = any[1]; } else { AnyTableReader r(any); r.getIfPresent("translation", translation); r.getIfPresent("rotation", rotation); r.verifyDone(); } } else if (beginsWith(n, "PHYSICSFRAME") || beginsWith(n, "PFRAME")) { *this = PhysicsFrame(any); // } else if (beginsWith(n, "UPRIGHTFRAME") || beginsWith(n, "UFRAME")) { // *this = UprightFrame(any); } else { any.verifyName("CFrame::fromXYZYPRDegrees", "CoordinateFrame::fromXYZYPRDegrees"); any.verifyType(Any::ARRAY); any.verifySize(3, 6); int s = any.size(); *this = fromXYZYPRDegrees(any[0], any[1], any[2], (s > 3) ? (float)any[3].number() : 0.0f, (s > 4) ? (float)any[4].number() : 0.0f, (s > 5) ? (float)any[5].number() : 0.0f); } }
shared_ptr<Model> Scene::createModel(const Any& v, const std::string& name) { shared_ptr<Model> m; v.verify(! m_modelTable.containsKey(name), "A model named '" + name + "' already exists in this scene."); if ((v.type() == Any::STRING) || v.nameBeginsWith("ArticulatedModel")) { m = ArticulatedModel::create(v, name); } else if (v.nameBeginsWith("MD2Model")) { m = MD2Model::create(v, name); } else if (v.nameBeginsWith("MD3Model")) { m = MD3Model::create(v, name); } else if (v.nameBeginsWith("HeightfieldModel")) { m = HeightfieldModel::create(v, name); } if (isNull(m)) { v.verify(false, "Unrecognized model type: " +; } m_modelTable.set(name, m); return m; }
shared_ptr<Entity::Track> Entity::Track::create(Entity* entity, Scene* scene, const Any& a, const VariableTable& variableTable) { if (a.type() == Any::STRING) { // This must be an id const shared_ptr<Entity::Track>& c = variableTable[a.string()]; if (isNull(c)) { a.verify(false, ""); } return c; } if ((beginsWith(, "PhysicsFrameSpline")) || (beginsWith(, "PFrameSpline")) || (beginsWith(, "Point3")) || (beginsWith(, "Vector3")) || (beginsWith(, "Matrix3")) || (beginsWith(, "Matrix4")) || (beginsWith(, "CFrame")) || (beginsWith(, "PFrame")) || (beginsWith(, "UprightSpline")) || (beginsWith(, "CoordinateFrame")) || (beginsWith(, "PhysicsFrame"))) { return Entity::SplineTrack::create(a); } else if ( == "entity") { // Name of an Entity const std::string& targetName = a[0].string(); alwaysAssertM(notNull(scene) && notNull(entity), "entity() Track requires non-NULL Scene and Entity"); debugAssert(targetName != ""); scene->setOrder(entity->name(), targetName); return shared_ptr<Entity::Track>(new TrackEntityTrack(targetName, scene)); } else if ( == "transform") { return shared_ptr<Entity::Track> (new TransformTrack(create(entity, scene, a[0], variableTable), create(entity, scene, a[1], variableTable))); } else if ( == "follow") { a.verify(false, "follow Tracks are unimplemented"); return shared_ptr<Entity::Track>(); // return shared_ptr<Entity::Track>(new TransformTrack(create(a[0]), create(a[1]))); } else if ( == "orbit") { return shared_ptr<Entity::Track>(new OrbitTrack(a[0], a[1])); } else if ( == "combine") { return shared_ptr<Entity::Track> (new CombineTrack(create(entity, scene, a[0], variableTable), create(entity, scene, a[1], variableTable))); } else if ( == "lookAt") { return shared_ptr<Entity::Track> (new LookAtTrack(create(entity, scene, a[0], variableTable), create(entity, scene, a[1], variableTable), (a.size() > 2) ? Vector3(a[2]) : Vector3::unitY())); } else if ( == "timeShift") { shared_ptr<Track> p = create(entity, scene, a[0], variableTable); a.verify(notNull(dynamic_pointer_cast<SplineTrack>(p)) || notNull(dynamic_pointer_cast<OrbitTrack>(p)), "timeShift() requires a PhysicsFrameSpline or orbit"); return shared_ptr<Entity::Track>(new TimeShiftTrack(p, a[1].number())); } else if ( == "with") { // Create a new variable table and recurse VariableTable extendedTable(&variableTable); const Any& vars = a[0]; for (Table<std::string, Any>::Iterator it = vars.table().begin(); it.isValid(); ++it) { // Note that if Any allowed iteration through its table in definition order, then // we could implement Scheme LET* instead of LET here. extendedTable.set(it->key, create(entity, scene, it->value, variableTable)); } return create(entity, scene, a[1], extendedTable); } else { // Some failure a.verify(false, "Unrecognized Entity::Track type"); return shared_ptr<Entity::Track>(); } }
ArticulatedModel::Instruction::Instruction(const Any& any) { any.verifyType(Any::ARRAY); source = any; part = Identifier(); mesh = Identifier(); arg = Any(); const std::string& instructionName =; if (instructionName == "scale") { type = SCALE; any.verifySize(1); arg = any[0]; } else if (instructionName == "moveCenterToOrigin") { type = MOVE_CENTER_TO_ORIGIN; any.verifySize(0); } else if (instructionName == "moveBaseToOrigin") { type = MOVE_BASE_TO_ORIGIN; any.verifySize(0); } else if (instructionName == "setCFrame") { type = SET_CFRAME; any.verifySize(2); part = any[0]; arg = any[1]; } else if (instructionName == "transformCFrame") { type = TRANSFORM_CFRAME; any.verifySize(2); part = any[0]; arg = any[1]; } else if (instructionName == "transformGeometry") { type = TRANSFORM_GEOMETRY; any.verifySize(2); part = any[0]; arg = any[1]; } else if (instructionName == "deleteMesh") { type = DELETE_MESH; any.verifySize(2); part = any[0]; mesh = any[1]; } else if (instructionName == "deletePart") { type = DELETE_PART; any.verifySize(1); part = any[0]; } else if (instructionName == "setMaterial") { type = SET_MATERIAL; any.verifySize(3); part = any[0]; mesh = any[1]; arg = any[2]; } else if (instructionName == "setTwoSided") { type = SET_TWO_SIDED; any.verifySize(3); part = any[0]; mesh = any[1]; arg = any[2]; } else if (instructionName == "mergeAll") { type = MERGE_ALL; any.verifySize(0); } else if (instructionName == "renamePart") { type = RENAME_PART; any.verifySize(2); part = any[0]; arg = any[1]; } else if (instructionName == "renameMesh") { type = RENAME_MESH; any.verifySize(3); part = any[0]; mesh = any[1]; arg = any[2]; } else if (instructionName == "add") { type = ADD; mesh = Identifier::none(); if (any.size() == 2) { any.verifySize(2); part = any[0]; arg = any[1]; } else { any.verifySize(1); part = Identifier::none(); arg = any[0]; } } else { any.verify(false, std::string("Unknown instruction: \"") + instructionName + "\""); } }
GLight::GLight(const Any& any) { any.verifyName("GLight"); if (any.type() == Any::TABLE) { *this = GLight(); Vector3 spotTarget; bool hasSpotTarget = false; for (Any::AnyTable::Iterator it = any.table().begin(); it.hasMore(); ++it) { const std::string& key = toLower(it->key); if (key == "position") { position = it->value; } else if (key == "rightdirection") { rightDirection = it->value; } else if (key == "spotdirection") { spotDirection = Vector3(it->value).directionOrZero(); } else if (key == "spottarget") { spotTarget = it->value; hasSpotTarget = true; } else if (key == "spotcutoff") { spotCutoff = it->value.number(); } else if (key == "spotsquare") { spotSquare = it->value.boolean(); } else if (key == "attenuation") { attenuation[0] = it->value[0].number(); attenuation[1] = it->value[1].number(); attenuation[2] = it->value[2].number(); } else if (key == "color") { color = it->value; } else if (key == "enabled") { enabled = it->value.boolean(); } else if (key == "specular") { specular = it->value.boolean(); } else if (key == "diffuse") { diffuse = it->value.boolean(); } else { any.verify(false, "Illegal key: " + it->key); } } if (hasSpotTarget) { spotDirection = (spotTarget -; } } else if (toLower( == "glight::directional") { *this = directional(any[0], any[1], (any.size() > 2) ? any[2] : Any(true), (any.size() > 3) ? any[3] : Any(true)); } else if (toLower( == "glight::point") { *this = point(any[0], any[1], (any.size() > 2) ? any[2] : Any(1), (any.size() > 3) ? any[3] : Any(0), (any.size() > 4) ? any[4] : Any(0.5f), (any.size() > 5) ? any[5] : Any(true), (any.size() > 6) ? any[6] : Any(true)); } else if (toLower( == "glight::spot") { *this = spot(any[0], any[1], any[2], any[3], (any.size() > 4) ? any[4] : Any(1), (any.size() > 5) ? any[5] : Any(0), (any.size() > 6) ? any[6] : Any(0), (any.size() > 7) ? any[7] : Any(true), (any.size() > 8) ? any[8] : Any(true)); } else { any.verify(false, "Unrecognized name"); } }
Scene::Ref Scene::create(const std::string& scene, GCamera& camera) { if (scene == "") { return NULL; } Scene::Ref s = new Scene(); const std::string* f = filenameTable().getPointer(scene); if (f == NULL) { throw "No scene with name '" + scene + "' found in (" + stringJoin(filenameTable().getKeys(), ", ") + ")"; } const std::string& filename = *f; Any any; any.load(filename); // Load the lighting s->m_lighting = Lighting::create(any.get("lighting", Lighting::Specification())); // Load the models Any models = any["models"]; typedef ReferenceCountedPointer<ReferenceCountedObject> ModelRef; Table< std::string, ModelRef > modelTable; for (Any::AnyTable::Iterator it = models.table().begin(); it.hasMore(); ++it) { ModelRef m; Any v = it->value; if (v.nameBeginsWith("ArticulatedModel")) { m = ArticulatedModel::create(v); } else if (v.nameBeginsWith("MD2Model")) { m = MD2Model::create(v); } else if (v.nameBeginsWith("MD3Model")) { m = MD3Model::create(v); } else { debugAssertM(false, "Unrecognized model type: " +; } modelTable.set(it->key, m); } // Instance the models Any entities = any["entities"]; for (Table<std::string, Any>::Iterator it = entities.table().begin(); it.hasMore(); ++it) { const std::string& name = it->key; const Any& modelArgs = it->value; modelArgs.verifyType(Any::ARRAY); const ModelRef* model = modelTable.getPointer(; modelArgs.verify((model != NULL), "Can't instantiate undefined model named " + + "."); PhysicsFrameSpline frameSpline; ArticulatedModel::PoseSpline poseSpline; if (modelArgs.size() >= 1) { frameSpline = modelArgs[0]; if (modelArgs.size() >= 2) { // Poses poseSpline = modelArgs[1]; } } ArticulatedModel::Ref artModel = model->downcast<ArticulatedModel>(); MD2Model::Ref md2Model = model->downcast<MD2Model>(); MD3Model::Ref md3Model = model->downcast<MD3Model>(); if (artModel.notNull()) { s->m_entityArray.append(Entity::create(name, frameSpline, artModel, poseSpline)); } else if (md2Model.notNull()) { s->m_entityArray.append(Entity::create(name, frameSpline, md2Model)); } else if (md3Model.notNull()) { s->m_entityArray.append(Entity::create(name, frameSpline, md3Model)); } } // Load the camera camera = any["camera"]; if (any.containsKey("skybox")) { Any sky = any["skyBox"]; s->m_skyBoxConstant = sky.get("constant", 1.0f); if (sky.containsKey("texture")) { s->m_skyBoxTexture = Texture::create(sky["texture"]); } } else { s->m_skyBoxTexture = s->m_lighting->environmentMapTexture; s->m_skyBoxConstant = s->m_lighting->environmentMapConstant; } // Default to using the skybox as an environment map if none is specified. if (s->m_skyBoxTexture.notNull() && s->m_lighting->environmentMapTexture.isNull()) { s->m_lighting->environmentMapTexture = s->m_skyBoxTexture; s->m_lighting->environmentMapConstant = s->m_skyBoxConstant; } return s; }