Beispiel #1
/// Returns the Apply and WitnessMethod instructions that use the
/// open_existential_addr instructions, or null if at least one of the
/// instructions is missing.
static ApplyWitnessPair getOpenExistentialUsers(OpenExistentialAddrInst *OE) {
  ApplyInst *AI = nullptr;
  WitnessMethodInst *WMI = nullptr;
  ApplyWitnessPair Empty = std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);

  for (auto *UI : getNonDebugUses(OE)) {
    auto *User = UI->getUser();
    if (!isa<WitnessMethodInst>(User) &&
    // Check that we have a single Apply user.
    if (auto *AA = dyn_cast<ApplyInst>(User)) {
      if (AI)
        return Empty;

      AI = AA;

    // Check that we have a single WMI user.
    if (auto *W = dyn_cast<WitnessMethodInst>(User)) {
      if (WMI)
        return Empty;

      WMI = W;

    // Unknown instruction.
    return Empty;

  // Both instructions need to exist.
  if (!WMI || !AI)
    return Empty;

  // Make sure that the WMI and AI match.
  if (AI->getCallee() != WMI)
    return Empty;

  // We have exactly the pattern that we expected.
  return std::make_pair(AI, WMI);
Beispiel #2
ApplyInst *SILGlobalOpt::getHoistedApplyForInitializer(
    ApplyInst *AI, DominanceInfo *DT, SILFunction *InitF, SILFunction *ParentF,
    llvm::DenseMap<SILFunction *, ApplyInst *> &ParentFuncs) {
  auto PFI = ParentFuncs.find(ParentF);
  if (PFI == ParentFuncs.end()) {
    ParentFuncs[ParentF] = AI;

    // It's the first time we found a call to InitF in this function, so we
    // try to hoist it out of any loop.
    return AI;

  // Found a replacement for this init call. Ensure the replacement dominates
  // the original call site.
  ApplyInst *CommonAI = PFI->second;
      cast<FunctionRefInst>(CommonAI->getCallee())->getReferencedFunction() ==
          InitF &&
      "ill-formed global init call");
  SILBasicBlock *DomBB =
      DT->findNearestCommonDominator(AI->getParent(), CommonAI->getParent());

  // We must not move initializers around availability-checks.
  if (isAvailabilityCheckOnDomPath(DomBB, CommonAI->getParent(), DT))
    return nullptr;

  ApplyInst *Result = nullptr;
  if (DomBB != CommonAI->getParent()) {
    placeFuncRef(CommonAI, DT);

    // Try to hoist the existing AI again if we move it to another block,
    // e.g. from a loop exit into the loop.
    Result = CommonAI;

  HasChanged = true;
  return Result;
Beispiel #3
/// Optimize placement of initializer calls given a list of calls to the
/// same initializer. All original initialization points must be dominated by
/// the final initialization calls.
/// The current heuristic hoists all initialization points within a function to
/// a single dominating call in the outer loop preheader.
void SILGlobalOpt::placeInitializers(SILFunction *InitF,
                                     ArrayRef<ApplyInst*> Calls) {
  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "GlobalOpt: calls to "
        << demangle_wrappers::demangleSymbolAsString(InitF->getName())
        << " : " << Calls.size() << "\n");
  // Map each initializer-containing function to its final initializer call.
  llvm::DenseMap<SILFunction*, ApplyInst*> ParentFuncs;
  for (auto *AI : Calls) {
    assert(AI->getNumArguments() == 0 && "ill-formed global init call");
           == InitF && "wrong init call");

    SILFunction *ParentF = AI->getFunction();
    DominanceInfo *DT = DA->get(ParentF);
    auto PFI = ParentFuncs.find(ParentF);
    ApplyInst *HoistAI = nullptr;
    if (PFI != ParentFuncs.end()) {
      // Found a replacement for this init call.
      // Ensure the replacement dominates the original call site.
      ApplyInst *CommonAI = PFI->second;
             ->getReferencedFunction() == InitF &&
             "ill-formed global init call");
      SILBasicBlock *DomBB =
        DT->findNearestCommonDominator(AI->getParent(), CommonAI->getParent());
      // We must not move initializers around availability-checks.
      if (!isAvailabilityCheckOnDomPath(DomBB, CommonAI->getParent(), DT)) {
        if (DomBB != CommonAI->getParent()) {
          placeFuncRef(CommonAI, DT);
          // Try to hoist the existing AI again if we move it to another block,
          // e.g. from a loop exit into the loop.
          HoistAI = CommonAI;
        HasChanged = true;
    } else {
      ParentFuncs[ParentF] = AI;
      // It's the first time we found a call to InitF in this function, so we
      // try to hoist it out of any loop.
      HoistAI = AI;
    if (HoistAI) {
      // Move this call to the outermost loop preheader.
      SILBasicBlock *BB = HoistAI->getParent();
      typedef llvm::DomTreeNodeBase<SILBasicBlock> DomTreeNode;
      DomTreeNode *Node = DT->getNode(BB);
      while (Node) {
        SILBasicBlock *DomParentBB = Node->getBlock();
        if (isAvailabilityCheck(DomParentBB)) {
          DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "  don't hoist above availability check at bb" <<
                DomParentBB->getDebugID() << "\n");
        BB = DomParentBB;
        if (!isInLoop(BB))
        Node = Node->getIDom();
      if (BB == HoistAI->getParent()) {
        // BB is either unreachable or not in a loop.
        DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "  skipping (not in a loop): " << *HoistAI
              << "  in " << HoistAI->getFunction()->getName() << "\n");
      else {
        DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "  hoisting: " << *HoistAI
              << "  in " << HoistAI->getFunction()->getName() << "\n");
        placeFuncRef(HoistAI, DT);
        HasChanged = true;