Beispiel #1
/// In the cases where we can statically determine the function that
/// we'll call to, replace an apply of a witness_method with an apply
/// of a function_ref, returning the new apply.
swift::tryDevirtualizeWitnessMethod(ApplySite AI, OptRemark::Emitter *ORE) {
  if (!canDevirtualizeWitnessMethod(AI))
    return ApplySite();

  SILFunction *F;
  SILWitnessTable *WT;

  auto *WMI = cast<WitnessMethodInst>(AI.getCallee());

  std::tie(F, WT) =

  return devirtualizeWitnessMethod(AI, F, WMI->getConformance(), ORE);
Beispiel #2
/// In the cases where we can statically determine the function that
/// we'll call to, replace an apply of a witness_method with an apply
/// of a function_ref, returning the new apply.
DevirtualizationResult swift::tryDevirtualizeWitnessMethod(ApplySite AI) {
  if (!canDevirtualizeWitnessMethod(AI))
    return std::make_pair(nullptr, FullApplySite());

  SILFunction *F;
  SILWitnessTable *WT;

  auto *WMI = cast<WitnessMethodInst>(AI.getCallee());

  std::tie(F, WT) =

  auto Result = devirtualizeWitnessMethod(AI, F, WMI->getConformance());
  return std::make_pair(Result.getInstruction(), Result);
/// Recursively check for conflicts with in-progress accesses at the given
/// apply.
/// Any captured variable accessed by a noescape closure is considered to be
/// accessed at the point that the closure is fully applied. This includes
/// variables captured by address by the noescape closure being applied or by
/// any other noescape closure that is itself passed as an argument to that
/// closure.
/// (1) Use AccessSummaryAnalysis to check each argument for statically
/// enforced accesses nested within the callee.
/// (2) If an applied argument is itself a function type, recursively check for
/// violations on the closure being passed as an argument.
/// (3) Walk up the chain of partial applies to recursively visit all arguments.
/// Note: This handles closures that are called immediately:
///  var i = 7
///  ({ (p: inout Int) in i = 8})(&i) // Overlapping access to 'i'
/// Note: This handles chains of partial applies:
///   pa1 = partial_apply f(c) : $(a, b, c)
///   pa2 = partial_apply pa1(b) : $(a, b)
///   apply pa2(a)
static void checkForViolationAtApply(ApplySite Apply, AccessState &State) {
  // First, check access to variables immediately captured at this apply site.
  checkCaptureAccess(Apply, State);

  // Next, recursively check any noescape closures passed as arguments at this
  // apply site.
  TinyPtrVector<PartialApplyInst *> partialApplies;
  for (SILValue Argument : Apply.getArguments()) {
    auto FnType = getSILFunctionTypeForValue(Argument);
    if (!FnType || !FnType->isNoEscape())

    findClosuresForFunctionValue(Argument, partialApplies);
  // Continue recursively walking up the chain of applies if necessary.
  findClosuresForFunctionValue(Apply.getCallee(), partialApplies);

  for (auto *PAI : partialApplies)
    checkForViolationAtApply(ApplySite(PAI), State);
Beispiel #4
static bool canDevirtualizeWitnessMethod(ApplySite AI) {
  SILFunction *F;
  SILWitnessTable *WT;

  auto *WMI = cast<WitnessMethodInst>(AI.getCallee());

  std::tie(F, WT) =

  if (!F)
    return false;

  if (AI.getFunction()->isSerialized()) {
    // function_ref inside fragile function cannot reference a private or
    // hidden symbol.
    if (!F->hasValidLinkageForFragileRef())
      return false;

  return true;
Beispiel #5
/// In the cases where we can statically determine the function that
/// we'll call to, replace an apply of a witness_method with an apply
/// of a function_ref, returning the new apply.
DevirtualizationResult swift::tryDevirtualizeWitnessMethod(ApplySite AI) {
  SILFunction *F;
  SILWitnessTable *WT;

  auto *WMI = cast<WitnessMethodInst>(AI.getCallee());

  std::tie(F, WT) =

  if (!F)
    return std::make_pair(nullptr, FullApplySite());

  if (AI.getFunction()->isFragile()) {
    // function_ref inside fragile function cannot reference a private or
    // hidden symbol.
    if (!F->hasValidLinkageForFragileRef())
      return std::make_pair(nullptr, FullApplySite());

  auto Result = devirtualizeWitnessMethod(AI, F, WMI->getConformance());
  return std::make_pair(Result.getInstruction(), Result);
Beispiel #6
/// Attempt to devirtualize the given apply if possible, and return a
/// new instruction in that case, or nullptr otherwise.
ApplySite swift::tryDevirtualizeApply(ApplySite AI,
                                      ClassHierarchyAnalysis *CHA,
                                      OptRemark::Emitter *ORE) {
  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "    Trying to devirtualize: "
                          << *AI.getInstruction());

  // Devirtualize apply instructions that call witness_method instructions:
  //   %8 = witness_method $Optional<UInt16>, #LogicValue.boolValue!getter.1
  //   %9 = apply %8<Self = CodeUnit?>(%6#1) : ...
  if (isa<WitnessMethodInst>(AI.getCallee()))
    return tryDevirtualizeWitnessMethod(AI, ORE);

  // TODO: check if we can also de-virtualize partial applies of class methods.
  FullApplySite FAS = FullApplySite::isa(AI.getInstruction());
  if (!FAS)
    return ApplySite();

  /// Optimize a class_method and alloc_ref pair into a direct function
  /// reference:
  /// \code
  /// %XX = alloc_ref $Foo
  /// %YY = class_method %XX : $Foo, #Foo.get!1 : $@convention(method)...
  /// \endcode
  ///  or
  /// %XX = metatype $...
  /// %YY = class_method %XX : ...
  ///  into
  /// %YY = function_ref @...
  if (auto *CMI = dyn_cast<ClassMethodInst>(FAS.getCallee())) {
    auto &M = FAS.getModule();
    auto Instance = stripUpCasts(CMI->getOperand());
    auto ClassType = Instance->getType();
    if (<MetatypeType>())
      ClassType = ClassType.getMetatypeInstanceType(M);

    auto *CD = ClassType.getClassOrBoundGenericClass();

    if (isEffectivelyFinalMethod(FAS, ClassType, CD, CHA))
      return tryDevirtualizeClassMethod(FAS, Instance, ORE,
                                        true /*isEffectivelyFinalMethod*/);

    // Try to check if the exact dynamic type of the instance is statically
    // known.
    if (auto Instance = getInstanceWithExactDynamicType(CMI->getOperand(),
      return tryDevirtualizeClassMethod(FAS, Instance, ORE);

    if (auto ExactTy = getExactDynamicType(CMI->getOperand(), CMI->getModule(),
                                           CHA)) {
      if (ExactTy == CMI->getOperand()->getType())
        return tryDevirtualizeClassMethod(FAS, CMI->getOperand(), ORE);

  if (isa<SuperMethodInst>(FAS.getCallee())) {
    if (FAS.hasSelfArgument()) {
      return tryDevirtualizeClassMethod(FAS, FAS.getSelfArgument(), ORE);

    // It is an invocation of a class method.
    // Last operand is the metatype that should be used for dispatching.
    return tryDevirtualizeClassMethod(FAS, FAS.getArguments().back(), ORE);

  return ApplySite();