Status PlatformAndroidRemoteGDBServer::ConnectRemote(Args &args) {

  if (args.GetArgumentCount() != 1)
    return Status(
        "\"platform connect\" takes a single argument: <connect-url>");

  int remote_port;
  llvm::StringRef scheme, host, path;
  const char *url = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0);
  if (!url)
    return Status("URL is null.");
  if (!UriParser::Parse(url, scheme, host, remote_port, path))
    return Status("Invalid URL: %s", url);
  if (host != "localhost")
    m_device_id = host;

  if (scheme == ConnectionFileDescriptor::UNIX_CONNECT_SCHEME)
    m_socket_namespace = AdbClient::UnixSocketNamespaceFileSystem;
  else if (scheme == ConnectionFileDescriptor::UNIX_ABSTRACT_CONNECT_SCHEME)
    m_socket_namespace = AdbClient::UnixSocketNamespaceAbstract;

  std::string connect_url;
  auto error =
      MakeConnectURL(g_remote_platform_pid, (remote_port < 0) ? 0 : remote_port,
                     path, connect_url);

  if (error.Fail())
    return error;

  args.ReplaceArgumentAtIndex(0, connect_url);

  Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM));
  if (log)
    log->Printf("Rewritten platform connect URL: %s", connect_url.c_str());

  error = PlatformRemoteGDBServer::ConnectRemote(args);
  if (error.Fail())

  return error;
PlatformAndroidRemoteGDBServer::ConnectRemote (Args& args)

    if (args.GetArgumentCount() != 1)
        return Error("\"platform connect\" takes a single argument: <connect-url>");

    int remote_port;
    std::string scheme, host, path;
    const char *url = args.GetArgumentAtIndex (0);
    if (!url)
        return Error("URL is null.");
    if (!UriParser::Parse (url, scheme, host, remote_port, path))
        return Error("Invalid URL: %s", url);
    if (scheme == "adb")
        m_device_id = host;

    std::string connect_url;
    auto error = MakeConnectURL (g_remote_platform_pid,
                                 (remote_port < 0) ? 0 : remote_port,
                                 path.c_str (),

    if (error.Fail ())
        return error;

    args.ReplaceArgumentAtIndex (0, connect_url.c_str ());

    Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM));
    if (log)
        log->Printf("Rewritten platform connect URL: %s", connect_url.c_str());

    error = PlatformRemoteGDBServer::ConnectRemote(args);
    if (error.Fail ())
        DeleteForwardPort (g_remote_platform_pid);

    return error;
Beispiel #3
    CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
    Args& args,
    CommandReturnObject &result
    for (size_t i = 0; i < args.GetArgumentCount();  ++i)
        const char *tmp_str = args.GetArgumentAtIndex (i);
        if (tmp_str[0] == '`')  // back-quote
            args.ReplaceArgumentAtIndex (i, interpreter.ProcessEmbeddedScriptCommands (tmp_str));

    Process *process = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetExecutionContext().process;
    if (process == NULL)
        if (GetFlags().IsSet(CommandObject::eFlagProcessMustBeLaunched | CommandObject::eFlagProcessMustBePaused))
            result.AppendError ("Process must exist.");
            result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
            return false;
        StateType state = process->GetState();
        switch (state)
        case eStateAttaching:
        case eStateLaunching:
        case eStateSuspended:
        case eStateCrashed:
        case eStateStopped:
        case eStateDetached:
        case eStateExited:
        case eStateUnloaded:
            if (GetFlags().IsSet(CommandObject::eFlagProcessMustBeLaunched))
                result.AppendError ("Process must be launched.");
                result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
                return false;

        case eStateRunning:
        case eStateStepping:
            if (GetFlags().IsSet(CommandObject::eFlagProcessMustBePaused))
                result.AppendError ("Process is running.  Use 'process interrupt' to pause execution.");
                result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
                return false;
    if (!ParseOptions (interpreter, args, result))
        return false;

    // Call the command-specific version of 'Execute', passing it the already processed arguments.
    return Execute (interpreter, args, result);