Beispiel #1
      /// \brief Compute the explicit Q factor.
      /// Compute the explicit (multivector) "thin" (same number of
      /// columns as the input) representation of the Q factor
      /// computed by factor(), using the implicit representation
      /// returned by factor().
      /// \param Q_in [in] Same as the "A" input of factor()
      /// \param factorOutput [in] Return value of factor() 
      ///   corresponding to Q_in
      /// \param Q_out [out] Explicit "thin" representation of the Q
      ///   factor.  "Explicit" means as a regular matrix (in the same
      ///   multivector storage format as the "A" input of factor()).
      ///   "Thin" (terminology used by Golub and Van Loan) means that
      ///   the dimensions of Q_out are the same as the dimensions of
      ///   the "A" input of factor().
      /// \param contiguousCacheBlocks [in] See the epinonymous
      ///   argument of factor().  In this case, it applies to both
      ///   Q_in and Q_out, which must have the same data layout.
      /// \note Virtual but implemented, because this default
      /// implementation is correct for all multivector_type types,
      /// but not necessarily efficient.  It should be efficient if
      /// fetchNonConstView(Q_out) and fetchConstView(Q_in) do not
      /// require copying (e.g., from GPU memory to CPU memory) the
      /// contents of their respective multivector inputs.
      virtual void 
      explicitQ (const multivector_type& Q_in, 
		 const factor_output_type& factorOutput,
		 multivector_type& Q_out, 
		 const bool contiguousCacheBlocks = false)
	using Teuchos::ArrayRCP;

	// Lazily init the intranode part of TSQR if necessary.
	initNodeTsqr (Q_in);

	local_ordinal_type nrowsLocal, ncols_in, LDQ_in;
	fetchDims (Q_in, nrowsLocal, ncols_in, LDQ_in);
	local_ordinal_type nrowsLocal_out, ncols_out, LDQ_out;
	fetchDims (Q_out, nrowsLocal_out, ncols_out, LDQ_out);

	if (nrowsLocal_out != nrowsLocal)
	    std::ostringstream os;
	    os << "TSQR explicit Q: input Q factor\'s node-local part has a di"
	      "fferent number of rows (" << nrowsLocal << ") than output Q fac"
	      "tor\'s node-local part (" << nrowsLocal_out << ").";
	    throw std::runtime_error (os.str());
	ArrayRCP< const scalar_type > pQin = fetchConstView (Q_in);
	ArrayRCP< scalar_type > pQout = fetchNonConstView (Q_out);
	pTsqr_->explicit_Q (nrowsLocal, 
			    ncols_in, pQin.get(), LDQ_in, 
			    ncols_out, pQout.get(), LDQ_out,
// ********************************************************
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  using namespace std;
  using namespace Teuchos;
  using namespace PHX;
  GlobalMPISession mpi_session(&argc, &argv);

  try {
    RCP<Time> total_time = TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("Total Run Time");
    TimeMonitor tm(*total_time);

    // *********************************************************************
    // Start of MDField Testing
    // *********************************************************************

      typedef MDField<double,Cell,Node>::size_type size_type;

      std::vector<size_type> dims(3);
      dims[0] = 10;
      dims[1] = 4;
      dims[2] = 3;

      RCP<DataLayout> quad_vector = 
	rcp(new MDALayout<Cell,Quadrature,Dim>(dims[0],dims[1],dims[2]));
      int size = quad_vector->size();

      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(size != dims[0]*dims[1]*dims[2], std::runtime_error, 
			 "Size mismatch on MDField!");

      ArrayRCP<double> a_mem = arcp<double>(size);
      ArrayRCP<double> b_mem = arcp<double>(size);

      for (int i=0; i < a_mem.size(); ++i)
	a_mem[i] = static_cast<double>(i);

      for (int i=0; i < b_mem.size(); ++i)
	b_mem[i] = static_cast<double>(i);

      MDField<double,Cell,Point,Dim> a("density",quad_vector);
      MDField<double> b("density",quad_vector);



      // ***********************
      // Shards tests
      // ***********************

      ArrayRCP<double> c_mem = arcp<double>(size);
      ArrayRCP<double> d_mem = arcp<double>(size);

      for (int i=0; i < c_mem.size(); ++i)
	c_mem[i] = static_cast<double>(i);

      for (int i=0; i < d_mem.size(); ++i)
	d_mem[i] = static_cast<double>(i);

      shards::Array<double,shards::NaturalOrder,Cell,Node,Dim> c(c_mem.get(),

      size_type rank = dims.size();

      const ArrayRCP<const shards::ArrayDimTag*> tags = 
	arcp<const shards::ArrayDimTag*>(rank);
      tags[0] = &Cell::tag();
      tags[1] = &Point::tag();
      tags[2] = &Dim::tag();
      shards::Array<double,shards::NaturalOrder> d(d_mem.get(),rank,
      simulated_intrepid_integrate((const shards::Array<double,shards::NaturalOrder>&)(c));    


    // *********************************************************************
    // *********************************************************************
    std::cout << "\nTest passed!\n" << std::endl; 
    // *********************************************************************
    // *********************************************************************

  catch (const std::exception& e) {
    std::cout << "************************************************" << endl;
    std::cout << "************************************************" << endl;
    std::cout << "Exception Caught!" << endl;
    std::cout << "Error message is below\n " << e.what() << endl;
    std::cout << "************************************************" << endl;
  catch (...) {
    std::cout << "************************************************" << endl;
    std::cout << "************************************************" << endl;
    std::cout << "Unknown Exception Caught!" << endl;
    std::cout << "************************************************" << endl;

  return 0;