void visitEqNeqCase(AstNodeBiop* nodep) {
	UINFO(4," N/EQCASE->EQ "<<nodep<<endl);
	V3Const::constifyEdit(nodep->lhsp());  // lhsp may change
	V3Const::constifyEdit(nodep->rhsp());  // rhsp may change
	if (nodep->lhsp()->castConst() && nodep->rhsp()->castConst()) {
	    // Both sides are constant, node can be constant
	    V3Const::constifyEdit(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	} else {
	    AstNode* lhsp = nodep->lhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	    AstNode* rhsp = nodep->rhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	    AstNode* newp;
	    // If we got ==1'bx it can never be true (but 1'bx==1'bx can be!)
	    if (((lhsp->castConst() && lhsp->castConst()->num().isFourState())
		 || (rhsp->castConst() && rhsp->castConst()->num().isFourState()))) {
		V3Number num (nodep->fileline(), 1, (nodep->castEqCase()?0:1));
		newp = new AstConst (nodep->fileline(), num);
		lhsp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(lhsp);
		rhsp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(rhsp);
	    } else {
		if (nodep->castEqCase())
		newp = new AstEq (nodep->fileline(), lhsp, rhsp);
		else newp = new AstNeq (nodep->fileline(), lhsp, rhsp);
	    nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	    // Iterate tree now that we may have gotten rid of Xs
    virtual void visit(AstGenCase* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	UINFO(9,"  GENCASE "<<nodep<<endl);
	AstNode* keepp = NULL;
	V3Width::widthParamsEdit(nodep);  // Param typed widthing will NOT recurse the body,
					  // don't trigger errors yet.
	V3Const::constifyParamsEdit(nodep->exprp());  // exprp may change
	AstConst* exprp = nodep->exprp()->castConst();
	// Constify
	for (AstCaseItem* itemp = nodep->itemsp(); itemp; itemp=itemp->nextp()->castCaseItem()) {
	    for (AstNode* ep = itemp->condsp(); ep; ) {
		AstNode* nextp = ep->nextp(); //May edit list
		V3Const::constifyParamsEdit(ep); ep=NULL; // ep may change
		// cppcheck-suppress redundantAssignment
		ep = nextp;
	// Item match
	for (AstCaseItem* itemp = nodep->itemsp(); itemp; itemp=itemp->nextp()->castCaseItem()) {
	    if (!itemp->isDefault()) {
		for (AstNode* ep = itemp->condsp(); ep; ep=ep->nextp()) {
		    if (AstConst* ccondp = ep->castConst()) {
			V3Number match (nodep->fileline(), 1);
			match.opEq(ccondp->num(), exprp->num());
			if (!keepp && match.isNeqZero()) {
			    keepp = itemp->bodysp();
		    } else {
			itemp->v3error("Generate Case item does not evaluate to constant");
	// Else default match
	for (AstCaseItem* itemp = nodep->itemsp(); itemp; itemp=itemp->nextp()->castCaseItem()) {
	    if (itemp->isDefault()) {
		if (!keepp) keepp=itemp->bodysp();
	// Replace
	if (keepp) {
	else nodep->unlinkFrBack();
	nodep->deleteTree(); nodep=NULL;
    void visitEqNeqWild(AstNodeBiop* nodep) {
	UINFO(4," N/EQWILD->EQ "<<nodep<<endl);
	V3Const::constifyEdit(nodep->lhsp());  // lhsp may change
	V3Const::constifyEdit(nodep->rhsp());  // rhsp may change
	if (nodep->lhsp()->castConst() && nodep->rhsp()->castConst()) {
	    // Both sides are constant, node can be constant
	    V3Const::constifyEdit(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	} else {
	    AstNode* lhsp = nodep->lhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	    AstNode* rhsp = nodep->rhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	    AstNode* newp;
	    if (!rhsp->castConst()) {
		nodep->v3error("Unsupported: RHS of ==? or !=? must be constant to be synthesizable");  // Says spec.
		// Replace with anything that won't cause more errors
		newp = new AstEq (nodep->fileline(), lhsp, rhsp);
	    } else {
		// X or Z's become mask, ala case statements.
		V3Number nummask  (rhsp->fileline(), rhsp->width());
		V3Number numval   (rhsp->fileline(), rhsp->width());
		numval.opBitsOne  (rhsp->castConst()->num());
		AstNode* and1p = new AstAnd(nodep->fileline(), lhsp,
					    new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), nummask));
		AstNode* and2p = new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), numval);
		if (nodep->castEqWild())
		    newp  = new AstEq  (nodep->fileline(), and1p, and2p);
		else newp = new AstNeq (nodep->fileline(), and1p, and2p);
		rhsp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(rhsp);
	    nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	    // Iterate tree now that we may have gotten rid of the compare
Beispiel #4
    virtual void visit(AstCell* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	if (nodep->modp()->user1()) {  // Marked with inline request
	    UINFO(5," Inline CELL   "<<nodep<<endl);
	    UINFO(5,"   To MOD      "<<m_modp<<endl);

	    // Before cloning simplify pin assignments
	    // Better off before, as if module has multiple instantiations
	    // we'll save work, and we can't call pinReconnectSimple in
	    // this loop as it clone()s itself.
	    for (AstPin* pinp = nodep->pinsp(); pinp; pinp=pinp->nextp()->castPin()) {
		if (!pinp->exprp()) continue;
		V3Inst::pinReconnectSimple(pinp, nodep, m_modp, false);

	    // Clone original module
	    if (debug()>=9) { nodep->dumpTree(cout,"inlcell:"); }
	    //if (debug()>=9) { nodep->modp()->dumpTree(cout,"oldmod:"); }
	    AstNodeModule* newmodp = nodep->modp()->cloneTree(false);
	    if (debug()>=9) { newmodp->dumpTree(cout,"newmod:"); }
	    // Clear var markings and find cell cross references
	    { InlineCollectVisitor(nodep->modp()); }  // {} to destroy visitor immediately
	    // Create data for dotted variable resolution
	    AstCellInline* inlinep = new AstCellInline(nodep->fileline(),
						       nodep->name(), nodep->modp()->origName());
	    m_modp->addInlinesp(inlinep);  // Must be parsed before any AstCells
	    // Create assignments to the pins
	    for (AstPin* pinp = nodep->pinsp(); pinp; pinp=pinp->nextp()->castPin()) {
		if (!pinp->exprp()) continue;
		UINFO(6,"     Pin change from "<<pinp->modVarp()<<endl);
		// Make new signal; even though we'll optimize the interconnect, we
		// need an alias to trace correctly.  If tracing is disabled, we'll
		// delete it in later optimizations.
		AstVar* pinOldVarp = pinp->modVarp();
		AstVar* pinNewVarp = pinOldVarp->clonep()->castVar();

		AstNode* connectRefp = pinp->exprp();
		if (!connectRefp->castConst() && !connectRefp->castVarRef()) {
		    pinp->v3fatalSrc("Unknown interconnect type; pinReconnectSimple should have cleared up\n");
		if (pinNewVarp->isOutOnly() && connectRefp->castConst()) {
		    pinp->v3error("Output port is connected to a constant pin, electrical short");

		// Propagate any attributes across the interconnect
		if (connectRefp->castVarRef()) {

		// One to one interconnect won't make a temporary variable.
		// This prevents creating a lot of extra wires for clock signals.
		// It will become a tracing alias.
		UINFO(6,"One-to-one "<<connectRefp<<endl);
		UINFO(6,"       -to "<<pinNewVarp<<endl);
		// Public output inside the cell must go via an assign rather than alias
		// Else the public logic will set the alias, loosing the value to be propagated up
		// (InOnly isn't a problem as the AssignAlias will create the assignment for us)
		pinNewVarp->user3(pinNewVarp->isSigUserRWPublic() && pinNewVarp->isOutOnly());
	    // Cleanup var names, etc, to not conflict
	    { InlineRelinkVisitor(newmodp, m_modp, nodep); }
	    // Move statements to top module
	    if (debug()>=9) { newmodp->dumpTree(cout,"fixmod:"); }
	    AstNode* stmtsp = newmodp->stmtsp();
	    if (stmtsp) stmtsp->unlinkFrBackWithNext();
	    if (stmtsp) m_modp->addStmtp(stmtsp);
	    // Remove the cell
	    newmodp->deleteTree(); newmodp=NULL; // Clear any leftover ports, etc
	    pushDeletep(nodep); nodep = NULL;
	    if (debug()>=9) { m_modp->dumpTree(cout,"donemod:"); }
    virtual void visit(AstSenItem* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	// Remove bit selects, and bark if it's not a simple variable
	if (nodep->isClocked()) {
	    // If it's not a simple variable wrap in a temporary
	    // This is a bit unfortunate as we haven't done width resolution
	    // and any width errors will look a bit odd, but it works.
	    AstNode* sensp = nodep->sensp();
	    if (sensp
		&& !sensp->castNodeVarRef()
		&& !sensp->castConst()) {
		// Make a new temp wire
		string newvarname = "__Vsenitemexpr"+cvtToStr(++m_senitemCvtNum);
		AstVar* newvarp = new AstVar (sensp->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, newvarname,
					      VFlagLogicPacked(), 1);
		// We can't just add under the module, because we may be inside a generate, begin, etc.
		// We know a SenItem should be under a SenTree/Always etc, we we'll just hunt upwards
		AstNode* addwherep = nodep;  // Add to this element's next
		while (addwherep->castSenItem()
		       || addwherep->castSenTree()) {
		    addwherep = addwherep->backp();
		if (!addwherep->castAlways()) {  // Assertion perhaps?
		    sensp->v3error("Unsupported: Non-single-bit pos/negedge clock statement under some complicated block");
		    addwherep = m_modp;

		sensp->replaceWith(new AstVarRef (sensp->fileline(), newvarp, false));
		AstAssignW* assignp = new AstAssignW
		     new AstVarRef(sensp->fileline(), newvarp, true),
	} else {  // Old V1995 sensitivity list; we'll probably mostly ignore
	    bool did=1;
	    while (did) {
		if (AstNodeSel* selp = nodep->sensp()->castNodeSel()) {
		    AstNode* fromp = selp->fromp()->unlinkFrBack();
		    selp->replaceWith(fromp); selp->deleteTree(); selp=NULL;
		// NodeSel doesn't include AstSel....
		if (AstSel* selp = nodep->sensp()->castSel()) {
		    AstNode* fromp = selp->fromp()->unlinkFrBack();
		    selp->replaceWith(fromp); selp->deleteTree(); selp=NULL;
		if (AstNodePreSel* selp = nodep->sensp()->castNodePreSel()) {
		    AstNode* fromp = selp->lhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
		    selp->replaceWith(fromp); selp->deleteTree(); selp=NULL;
	if (!nodep->sensp()->castNodeVarRef()
	    && !nodep->sensp()->castEnumItemRef()) {  // V3Const will cleanup
	    if (debug()) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-tree: ");
	    nodep->v3error("Unsupported: Complex statement in sensitivity list");
Beispiel #6
    void replaceCaseComplicated(AstCase* nodep) {
	// CASEx(cexpr,ITEM(icond1,istmts1),ITEM(icond2,istmts2),ITEM(default,istmts3))
	// ->  IF((cexpr==icond1),istmts1,
	//		         IF((EQ (AND MASK cexpr) (AND MASK icond1)
	//				,istmts2, istmts3
	AstNode* cexprp = nodep->exprp()->unlinkFrBack();
	// We'll do this in two stages.  First stage, convert the conditions to
	// the appropriate IF AND terms.
	if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"    _comp_IN:   ");
	bool hadDefault = false;
	for (AstCaseItem* itemp = nodep->itemsp(); itemp; itemp=itemp->nextp()->castCaseItem()) {
	    if (!itemp->condsp()) {
		// Default clause.  Just make true, we'll optimize it away later
		itemp->condsp(new AstConst(itemp->fileline(), AstConst::LogicTrue()));
		hadDefault = true;
	    } else {
		// Expressioned clause
		AstNode* icondNextp = NULL;
		AstNode* ifexprp = NULL;	// If expression to test
		for (AstNode* icondp = itemp->condsp(); icondp!=NULL; icondp=icondNextp) {
		    icondNextp = icondp->nextp();

		    AstNode* condp = NULL;  // Default is to use and1p/and2p
		    AstConst* iconstp = icondp->castConst();
		    if (iconstp && neverItem(nodep, iconstp)) {
			// X in casez can't ever be executed
			icondp->deleteTree(); icondp=NULL; iconstp=NULL;
			// For simplicity, make expression that is not equal, and let later
			// optimizations remove it
			condp = new AstConst(itemp->fileline(), AstConst::LogicFalse());
		    } else if (AstInsideRange* irangep = icondp->castInsideRange()) {
			// Similar logic in V3Width::visit(AstInside)
			AstNode* ap = AstGte::newTyped(itemp->fileline(),
			AstNode* bp = AstLte::newTyped(itemp->fileline(),
			condp = new AstAnd(itemp->fileline(), ap, bp);
		    } else if (iconstp && iconstp->num().isFourState()
			       && (nodep->casex() || nodep->casez() || nodep->caseInside())) {
			V3Number nummask (itemp->fileline(), iconstp->width());
			V3Number numval  (itemp->fileline(), iconstp->width());
			AstNode* and1p = new AstAnd(itemp->fileline(), cexprp->cloneTree(false),
						    new AstConst(itemp->fileline(), nummask));
			AstNode* and2p = new AstAnd(itemp->fileline(),
						    new AstConst(itemp->fileline(), numval),
						    new AstConst(itemp->fileline(), nummask));
			icondp->deleteTree(); icondp=NULL; iconstp=NULL;
			condp = AstEq::newTyped(itemp->fileline(), and1p, and2p);
		    } else {
			// Not a caseX mask, we can simply build CASEEQ(cexpr icond)
			AstNode* and1p = cexprp->cloneTree(false);
			AstNode* and2p = icondp;
			condp = AstEq::newTyped(itemp->fileline(), and1p, and2p);
		    if (!ifexprp) {
			ifexprp = condp;
		    } else {
			ifexprp = new AstLogOr(itemp->fileline(), ifexprp, condp);
		// Replace expression in tree
	cexprp->deleteTree(); cexprp=NULL;
	if (!hadDefault) {
	    // If there was no default, add a empty one, this greatly simplifies below code
	    // and constant propagation will just eliminate it for us later.
	    nodep->addItemsp(new AstCaseItem(nodep->fileline(),
					     new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), AstConst::LogicTrue()),
	if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"    _comp_COND: ");
	// Now build the IF statement tree
	// The tree can be quite huge.  Pull ever group of 8 out, and make a OR tree.
	// This reduces the depth for the bottom elements, at the cost of some of the top elements.
	// If we ever have profiling data, we should pull out the most common item from here and
	// instead make it the first IF branch.
	int depth = 0;
	AstNode* grouprootp = NULL;
	AstIf* groupnextp = NULL;
	AstIf* itemnextp = NULL;
	for (AstCaseItem* itemp = nodep->itemsp(); itemp; itemp=itemp->nextp()->castCaseItem()) {
	    AstNode* istmtsp = itemp->bodysp();   // Maybe null -- no action.
	    if (istmtsp) istmtsp->unlinkFrBackWithNext();
	    // Expressioned clause
	    AstNode* ifexprp = itemp->condsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	    {   // Prepare for next group
		if (++depth > CASE_ENCODER_GROUP_DEPTH) depth = 1;
		if (depth == 1) {  // First group or starting new group
		    itemnextp = NULL;
		    AstIf* newp = new AstIf(itemp->fileline(), ifexprp->cloneTree(true), NULL, NULL);
		    if (groupnextp) groupnextp->addElsesp(newp);
		    else grouprootp = newp;
		    groupnextp = newp;
		} else { // Continue group, modify if condition to OR in this new condition
		    AstNode* condp = groupnextp->condp()->unlinkFrBack();
		    groupnextp->condp(new AstOr(ifexprp->fileline(),
	    {   // Make the new lower IF and attach in the tree
		AstNode* itemexprp = ifexprp;  ifexprp=NULL;
		if (depth == (CASE_ENCODER_GROUP_DEPTH)) { // End of group - can skip the condition
		    itemexprp->deleteTree(); itemexprp=NULL;
		    itemexprp = new AstConst(itemp->fileline(), AstConst::LogicTrue());
		AstIf* newp = new AstIf(itemp->fileline(), itemexprp, istmtsp, NULL);
		if (itemnextp) itemnextp->addElsesp(newp);
		else groupnextp->addIfsp(newp);  // First in a new group
		itemnextp = newp;
	if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"    _comp_TREE: ");
	// Handle any assertions
	replaceCaseParallel(nodep, false);
	// Replace the CASE... with IF...
	if (debug()>=9) grouprootp->dumpTree(cout,"     _new: ");
	if (grouprootp) nodep->replaceWith(grouprootp);
	else nodep->unlinkFrBack();
	nodep->deleteTree(); nodep=NULL;
Beispiel #7
    bool isCaseTreeFast(AstCase* nodep) {
	int width = 0;
	bool opaque = false;
	m_caseItems = 0;
	m_caseNoOverlapsAllCovered = true;
	for (AstCaseItem* itemp = nodep->itemsp(); itemp; itemp=itemp->nextp()->castCaseItem()) {
	    for (AstNode* icondp = itemp->condsp(); icondp!=NULL; icondp=icondp->nextp()) {
		if (icondp->width() > width) width = icondp->width();
		if (icondp->isDouble()) opaque = true;
		if (!icondp->castConst()) width = CASE_BARF;  // Can't parse; not a constant
	m_caseWidth = width;
	if (width==0 || width > CASE_OVERLAP_WIDTH || opaque) {
	    m_caseNoOverlapsAllCovered = false;
	    return false;	// Too wide for analysis
	UINFO(8,"Simple case statement: "<<nodep<<endl);
	// Zero list of items for each value
	for (uint32_t i=0; i<(1UL<<m_caseWidth); i++) m_valueItem[i] = NULL;
	// Now pick up the values for each assignment
	// We can cheat and use uint32_t's because we only support narrow case's
	bool bitched = false;
	for (AstCaseItem* itemp = nodep->itemsp(); itemp; itemp=itemp->nextp()->castCaseItem()) {
	    for (AstNode* icondp = itemp->condsp(); icondp!=NULL; icondp=icondp->nextp()) {
		//if (debug()>=9) icondp->dumpTree(cout," caseitem: ");
		AstConst* iconstp = icondp->castConst();
		if (!iconstp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("above 'can't parse' should have caught this\n");
		if (neverItem(nodep, iconstp)) {
		    // X in casez can't ever be executed
		} else {
		    V3Number nummask (itemp->fileline(), iconstp->width());
		    uint32_t mask = nummask.toUInt();
		    V3Number numval  (itemp->fileline(), iconstp->width());
		    uint32_t val  = numval.toUInt();
		    for (uint32_t i=0; i<(1UL<<m_caseWidth); i++) {
			if ((i & mask) == val) {
			    if (!m_valueItem[i]) {
				m_valueItem[i] = itemp;
			    } else if (!itemp->ignoreOverlap() && !bitched) {
				itemp->v3warn(CASEOVERLAP,"Case values overlap (example pattern 0x"<<hex<<i<<")");
				bitched = true;
				m_caseNoOverlapsAllCovered = false;
	    // Defaults were moved to last in the caseitem list by V3LinkDot
	    if (itemp->isDefault()) {  // Case statement's default... Fill the table
		for (uint32_t i=0; i<(1UL<<m_caseWidth); i++) {
		    if (!m_valueItem[i]) m_valueItem[i] = itemp;
	for (uint32_t i=0; i<(1UL<<m_caseWidth); i++) {
	    if (!m_valueItem[i]) {
		nodep->v3warn(CASEINCOMPLETE,"Case values incompletely covered (example pattern 0x"<<hex<<i<<")");
		m_caseNoOverlapsAllCovered = false;
		return false;
	if (m_caseItems <= 3) return false;	// Not worth simplifing
	// Convert valueItem from AstCaseItem* to the expression
	// Not done earlier, as we may now have a NULL because it's just a ";" NOP branch
	for (uint32_t i=0; i<(1UL<<m_caseWidth); i++) {
	    m_valueItem[i] = m_valueItem[i]->castCaseItem()->bodysp();
	return true;  // All is fine
    virtual void visit(AstArraySel* nodep) {
	if (!nodep->user1SetOnce()) {
	    if (debug()==9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-in: ");
	    // Guard against reading/writing past end of arrays
	    AstNode* basefromp = AstArraySel::baseFromp(nodep->fromp());
	    bool lvalue = false;
	    if (AstNodeVarRef* varrefp = basefromp->castNodeVarRef()) {
		lvalue = varrefp->lvalue();
	    } else if (basefromp->castConst()) {
		// If it's a PARAMETER[bit], then basefromp may be a constant instead of a varrefp
	    } else {
		nodep->v3fatalSrc("No VarRef or Const under ArraySel");
	    // Find range of dtype we are selecting from
	    int declElements = -1;
	    AstNodeDType* dtypep = nodep->fromp()->dtypep()->skipRefp();
	    if (!dtypep) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Select of non-selectable type");
	    if (AstNodeArrayDType* adtypep = dtypep->castNodeArrayDType()) {
		declElements = adtypep->elementsConst();
	    } else {
		nodep->v3error("Select from non-array "<<dtypep->prettyTypeName());
	    if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"arraysel_old: ");
	    V3Number widthnum (nodep->fileline(), nodep->bitp()->width(), declElements-1);

	    // See if the condition is constant true
	    AstNode* condp = new AstGte (nodep->fileline(),
					 new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), widthnum),
	    // Note below has null backp(); the Edit function knows how to deal with that.
	    condp = V3Const::constifyEdit(condp);
	    if (condp->isOne()) {
		// We don't need to add a conditional; we know the existing expression is ok
	    else if (!lvalue
		     && !nodep->backp()->castArraySel()) {	// Too complicated and slow if mid-multidimension
		// ARRAYSEL(...) -> COND(LT(bit<maxbit), ARRAYSEL(...), {width{1'bx}})
		AstNRelinker replaceHandle;
		V3Number xnum (nodep->fileline(), nodep->width());
		if (nodep->isString()) {
		    xnum = V3Number(V3Number::String(), nodep->fileline(), "");
		} else {
		AstNode* newp = new AstCondBound (nodep->fileline(),
						  new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), xnum));
		if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"        _new: ");
		// Link in conditional, can blow away temp xor
		// Added X's, tristate them too
	    else if (!lvalue) {  // Mid-multidimension read, just use zero
		// ARRAYSEL(...) -> ARRAYSEL(COND(LT(bit<maxbit), bit, 0))
		AstNRelinker replaceHandle;
		AstNode* bitp = nodep->bitp()->unlinkFrBack(&replaceHandle);
		V3Number zeronum (nodep->fileline(), bitp->width(), 0);
		AstNode* newp = new AstCondBound (bitp->fileline(),
						  new AstConst(bitp->fileline(), zeronum));
		// Added X's, tristate them too
		if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"        _new: ");
	    else {  // lvalue
		replaceBoundLvalue(nodep, condp);
Beispiel #9
    void replaceSelPlusMinus(AstNodePreSel* nodep) {
	// Select of a range specified with +: or -:, i.e. "array[2+:3], [2-:3]"
	// This select style has a lsb and width
	UINFO(6,"SELPLUS/MINUS "<<nodep<<endl);
	// Below 2 lines may change nodep->widthp()
	if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"--SELPM0: ");
	V3Const::constifyParamsEdit(nodep->thsp()); // May relink pointed to node
	checkConstantOrReplace(nodep->thsp(), "Width of :+ or :- bit extract isn't a constant");
	if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"--SELPM3: ");
	// Now replace it with an AstSel
	AstNode* fromp = nodep->lhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	AstNode* rhsp  = nodep->rhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	AstNode* widthp = nodep->thsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	int width = widthp->castConst()->toSInt();
	if (width > (1<<28)) nodep->v3error("Width of :+ or :- is huge; vector of over 1billion bits: "<<widthp->prettyName());
	if (width<0) nodep->v3error("Width of :+ or :- is < 0: "<<widthp->prettyName());
	FromData fromdata = fromDataForArray(nodep, fromp, width!=1);
	AstNodeDType* ddtypep = fromdata.m_dtypep;
	VNumRange fromRange = fromdata.m_fromRange;
	if (ddtypep->castBasicDType()
	    || ddtypep->castPackArrayDType()
	    || (ddtypep->castNodeClassDType()
		&& ddtypep->castNodeClassDType()->packedUnsup())) {
	    int elwidth = 1;
	    AstNode* newwidthp = widthp;
	    if (AstPackArrayDType* adtypep = ddtypep->castPackArrayDType()) {
		elwidth = adtypep->width() / fromRange.elements();
		newwidthp = new AstConst (nodep->fileline(),AstConst::Unsized32(), width * elwidth);
	    AstNode* newlsbp = NULL;
	    if (nodep->castSelPlus()) {
		if (fromRange.littleEndian()) {
		    // SELPLUS(from,lsb,width) -> SEL(from, (vector_msb-width+1)-sel, width)
		    newlsbp = newSubNeg((fromRange.hi()-width+1), rhsp);
		} else {
		    // SELPLUS(from,lsb,width) -> SEL(from, lsb-vector_lsb, width)
		    newlsbp = newSubNeg(rhsp, fromRange.lo());
	    } else if (nodep->castSelMinus()) {
		if (fromRange.littleEndian()) {
		    // SELMINUS(from,msb,width) -> SEL(from, msb-[bit])
		    newlsbp = newSubNeg(fromRange.hi(), rhsp);
		} else {
		    // SELMINUS(from,msb,width) -> SEL(from, msb-(width-1)-lsb#)
		    newlsbp = newSubNeg(rhsp, fromRange.lo()+(width-1));
	    } else {
		nodep->v3fatalSrc("Bad Case");
	    if (elwidth != 1) newlsbp = new AstMul (nodep->fileline(), newlsbp,
						    new AstConst (nodep->fileline(), elwidth));
	    AstSel* newp = new AstSel (nodep->fileline(),
				       fromp, newlsbp, newwidthp);
	    UINFO(6,"   new "<<newp<<endl);
	    if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"--SELNEW: ");
	    nodep->replaceWith(newp); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	else {  // NULL=bad extract, or unknown node type
	    nodep->v3error("Illegal +: or -: select; type already selected, or bad dimension: type is "
	    // How to recover?  We'll strip a dimension.
	    nodep->replaceWith(fromp); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	// delete whataver we didn't use in reconstruction
	if (!fromp->backp()) { pushDeletep(fromp); VL_DANGLING(fromp); }
	if (!rhsp->backp()) { pushDeletep(rhsp); VL_DANGLING(rhsp); }
	if (!widthp->backp()) { pushDeletep(widthp); VL_DANGLING(widthp); }
Beispiel #10
    virtual void visit(AstSelExtract* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	// Select of a range specified part of an array, i.e. "array[2:3]"
	// SELEXTRACT(from,msb,lsb) -> SEL(from, lsb, 1+msb-lsb)
	// This select style has a (msb or lsb) and width
	UINFO(6,"SELEXTRACT "<<nodep<<endl);
	//if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"--SELEX0: ");
	// Below 2 lines may change nodep->widthp()
	V3Const::constifyParamsEdit(nodep->lsbp()); // May relink pointed to node
	V3Const::constifyParamsEdit(nodep->msbp()); // May relink pointed to node
	//if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"--SELEX3: ");
	checkConstantOrReplace(nodep->lsbp(), "First value of [a:b] isn't a constant, maybe you want +: or -:");
	checkConstantOrReplace(nodep->msbp(), "Second value of [a:b] isn't a constant, maybe you want +: or -:");
	AstNode* fromp = nodep->lhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	AstNode* msbp = nodep->rhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	AstNode* lsbp = nodep->thsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	vlsint32_t msb = msbp->castConst()->toSInt();
	vlsint32_t lsb = lsbp->castConst()->toSInt();
	FromData fromdata = fromDataForArray(nodep, fromp, false);
	AstNodeDType* ddtypep = fromdata.m_dtypep;
	VNumRange fromRange = fromdata.m_fromRange;
	if (ddtypep->castUnpackArrayDType()) {
	    // Slice extraction
	    if (fromRange.elements() == (msb-lsb+1)
		&& fromRange.lo() == lsb) { // Extracting whole of original array
		nodep->replaceWith(fromp); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	    } else {
		// TODO when unpacked arrays fully supported probably need new data type here
		AstArraySel* newp = new AstArraySel (nodep->fileline(), fromp, lsbp);
		newp->length((msb - lsb) + 1);
		nodep->replaceWith(newp); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	else if (AstPackArrayDType* adtypep = ddtypep->castPackArrayDType()) {
	    // SELEXTRACT(array, msb, lsb) -> SEL(array, lsb*width-of-subindex, width-of-subindex*(msb-lsb))
	    if (!fromRange.elements() || (adtypep->width() % fromRange.elements())!=0)
		adtypep->v3fatalSrc("Array extraction with width miscomputed "
	    int elwidth = adtypep->width() / fromRange.elements();
	    AstSel* newp = new AstSel (nodep->fileline(),
				       new AstConst(nodep->fileline(),AstConst::Unsized32(),lsb*elwidth),
				       new AstConst(nodep->fileline(),AstConst::Unsized32(),(msb-lsb+1)*elwidth));
	    newp->dtypeFrom(sliceDType(adtypep, msb, lsb));
	    //if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"--EXTBTn: ");
	    if (newp->widthMin()!=(int)newp->widthConst()) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Width mismatch");
	    nodep->replaceWith(newp); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	else if (ddtypep->castBasicDType()) {
	    if (fromRange.littleEndian()) {
		// Below code assumes big bit endian; just works out if we swap
		int x = msb; msb = lsb; lsb = x;
	    if (lsb > msb) {
		nodep->v3error("["<<msb<<":"<<lsb<<"] Range extract has backward bit ordering, perhaps you wanted ["<<lsb<<":"<<msb<<"]");
		int x = msb; msb = lsb; lsb = x;
	    AstNode* widthp = new AstConst (msbp->fileline(), AstConst::Unsized32(), // Unsized so width from user
					    msb +1-lsb);
	    AstSel* newp = new AstSel (nodep->fileline(),
				       newSubLsbOf(lsbp, fromRange),
	    UINFO(6,"   new "<<newp<<endl);
	    //if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"--SELEXnew: ");
	    nodep->replaceWith(newp); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	else if (ddtypep->castNodeClassDType()) {
	    // Classes aren't little endian
	    if (lsb > msb) {
		nodep->v3error("["<<msb<<":"<<lsb<<"] Range extract has backward bit ordering, perhaps you wanted ["<<lsb<<":"<<msb<<"]");
		int x = msb; msb = lsb; lsb = x;
	    AstNode* widthp = new AstConst (msbp->fileline(), AstConst::Unsized32(), // Unsized so width from user
					    msb +1-lsb);
	    AstSel* newp = new AstSel (nodep->fileline(),
				       newSubLsbOf(lsbp, fromRange),
	    UINFO(6,"   new "<<newp<<endl);
	    //if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"--SELEXnew: ");
	    nodep->replaceWith(newp); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	else {  // NULL=bad extract, or unknown node type
	    nodep->v3error("Illegal range select; type already selected, or bad dimension: type is "
	    UINFO(1,"    Related ddtype: "<<ddtypep<<endl);
	    // How to recover?  We'll strip a dimension.
	    nodep->replaceWith(fromp); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
	// delete whataver we didn't use in reconstruction
	if (!fromp->backp()) { pushDeletep(fromp); VL_DANGLING(fromp); }
	if (!msbp->backp()) { pushDeletep(msbp); VL_DANGLING(msbp); }
	if (!lsbp->backp()) { pushDeletep(lsbp); VL_DANGLING(lsbp); }
Beispiel #11
    AstNode* createDlyArray(AstAssignDly* nodep, AstNode* lhsp) {
	// Create delayed assignment
	// See top of this file for transformation
	// Return the new LHS for the assignment, Null = unlink
	// Find selects
	AstNode* newlhsp = NULL;	// NULL = unlink old assign
	AstSel*  bitselp = NULL;
	AstArraySel*  arrayselp = NULL;
	if (lhsp->castSel()) {
	    bitselp = lhsp->castSel();
	    arrayselp = bitselp->fromp()->castArraySel();
	} else {
	    arrayselp = lhsp->castArraySel();
	if (!arrayselp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("No arraysel under bitsel?");
	if (arrayselp->length()!=1) nodep->v3fatalSrc("ArraySel with length!=1 should have been removed in V3Slice");

	UINFO(4,"AssignDlyArray: "<<nodep<<endl);
	//=== Dimensions: __Vdlyvdim__
	deque<AstNode*> dimvalp;		// Assignment value for each dimension of assignment
	AstNode* dimselp=arrayselp;
	for (; dimselp->castArraySel(); dimselp=dimselp->castArraySel()->fromp()) {
	    AstNode* valp = dimselp->castArraySel()->bitp()->unlinkFrBack();
	AstVarRef* varrefp = dimselp->castVarRef();
	if (!varrefp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("No var underneath arraysels\n");
	if (!varrefp->varScopep()) varrefp->v3fatalSrc("Var didn't get varscoped in V3Scope.cpp\n");
	AstVar* oldvarp = varrefp->varp();
	int modVecNum = oldvarp->user4();  oldvarp->user4(modVecNum+1);
	deque<AstNode*> dimreadps;		// Read value for each dimension of assignment
	for (unsigned dimension=0; dimension<dimvalp.size(); dimension++) {
	    AstNode* dimp = dimvalp[dimension];
	    if (dimp->castConst()) { // bit = const, can just use it
	    } else {
		string bitvarname = (string("__Vdlyvdim")+cvtToStr(dimension)
		AstVarScope* bitvscp = createVarSc(varrefp->varScopep(), bitvarname, dimp->width());
		AstAssign* bitassignp
		    = new AstAssign (nodep->fileline(),
				     new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), bitvscp, true),
		dimreadps.push_front(new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), bitvscp, false));
	//=== Bitselect: __Vdlyvlsb__
	AstNode* bitreadp=NULL;  // Code to read Vdlyvlsb
	if (bitselp) {
	    AstNode* lsbvaluep = bitselp->lsbp()->unlinkFrBack();
	    if (bitselp->fromp()->castConst()) {// vlsb = constant, can just push constant into where we use it
		bitreadp = lsbvaluep;
	    } else {
		string bitvarname = (string("__Vdlyvlsb__")+oldvarp->shortName()+"__v"+cvtToStr(modVecNum));
		AstVarScope* bitvscp = createVarSc(varrefp->varScopep(), bitvarname, lsbvaluep->width());
		AstAssign* bitassignp = new AstAssign (nodep->fileline(),
						       new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), bitvscp, true),
		bitreadp = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), bitvscp, false);
	//=== Value: __Vdlyvval__
	AstNode* valreadp;	// Code to read Vdlyvval
	if (nodep->rhsp()->castConst()) {	// vval = constant, can just push constant into where we use it
	    valreadp = nodep->rhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	} else {
	    string valvarname = (string("__Vdlyvval__")+oldvarp->shortName()+"__v"+cvtToStr(modVecNum));
	    AstVarScope* valvscp = createVarSc(varrefp->varScopep(), valvarname, nodep->rhsp()->width());
	    newlhsp = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), valvscp, true);
	    valreadp = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), valvscp, false);
	//=== Setting/not setting boolean: __Vdlyvset__
	AstVarScope* setvscp;
	AstAssignPre* setinitp = NULL;

	if (nodep->user3p()) {
	    // Simplistic optimization.  If the previous statement in same scope was also a =>,
	    // then we told this nodep->user3 we can use its Vdlyvset rather than making a new one.
	    // This is good for code like:
	    //    for (i=0; i<5; i++)  vector[i] <= something;
	    setvscp = nodep->user3p()->castNode()->castVarScope();
	} else {  // Create new one
	    string setvarname = (string("__Vdlyvset__")+oldvarp->shortName()+"__v"+cvtToStr(modVecNum));
	    setvscp = createVarSc(varrefp->varScopep(), setvarname, 1);
	    setinitp = new AstAssignPre (nodep->fileline(),
					 new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), setvscp, true),
					 new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), 0));
	    AstAssign* setassignp
		= new AstAssign (nodep->fileline(),
				 new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), setvscp, true),
				 new AstConst(nodep->fileline(),
	if (m_nextDlyp) {  // Tell next assigndly it can share the variable
	// Create ALWAYSPOST for delayed variable
	// We add all logic to the same block if it's for the same memory
	// This insures that multiple assignments to the same memory will result
	// in correctly ordered code - the last assignment must be last.
	// It also has the nice side effect of assisting cache locality.
	AstNode* selectsp = varrefp;
	for (int dimension=int(dimreadps.size())-1; dimension>=0; --dimension) {
	    selectsp = new AstArraySel(nodep->fileline(), selectsp, dimreadps[dimension]);
	if (bitselp) {
	    selectsp = new AstSel(nodep->fileline(), selectsp, bitreadp,
	// Build "IF (changeit) ...
	UINFO(9,"   For "<<setvscp<<endl);
	UINFO(9,"     & "<<varrefp<<endl);
	AstAlwaysPost* finalp = varrefp->varScopep()->user4p()->castNode()->castAlwaysPost();
	if (finalp) {
	    AstActive* oldactivep = finalp->user2p()->castNode()->castActive();
	    checkActivePost(varrefp, oldactivep);
	    if (setinitp) oldactivep->addStmtsp(setinitp);
	} else { // first time we've dealt with this memory
	    finalp = new AstAlwaysPost(nodep->fileline(), NULL/*sens*/, NULL/*body*/);
	    UINFO(9,"     Created "<<finalp<<endl);
	    AstActive* newactp = createActivePost(varrefp);
	    if (setinitp) newactp->addStmtsp(setinitp);
	AstIf* postLogicp;
	if (finalp->user3p()->castNode() == setvscp) {
	    // Optimize as above; if sharing Vdlyvset *ON SAME VARIABLE*,
	    // we can share the IF statement too
	    postLogicp = finalp->user4p()->castNode()->castIf();
	    if (!postLogicp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Delayed assignment misoptimized; prev var found w/o associated IF");
	} else {
	    postLogicp = new AstIf (nodep->fileline(),
				    new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), setvscp, false),
	    UINFO(9,"     Created "<<postLogicp<<endl);
	    finalp->user3p(setvscp);	// Remember IF's vset variable
	    finalp->user4p(postLogicp);	// and the associated IF, as we may be able to reuse it
	postLogicp->addIfsp(new AstAssign(nodep->fileline(), selectsp, valreadp));
	return newlhsp;
Beispiel #12
    virtual void visit(AstArraySel* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	if (!nodep->user1Inc()) {
	    if (debug()==9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-in: ");
	    // Guard against reading/writing past end of arrays
	    AstNode* basefromp = AstArraySel::baseFromp(nodep->fromp());
	    int dimension      = AstArraySel::dimension(nodep->fromp());
	    int maxmsb = 0;
	    bool lvalue = false;
	    if (AstNodeVarRef* varrefp = basefromp->castNodeVarRef()) {
		AstArrayDType* adtypep = varrefp->varp()->dtypep()->dtypeDimensionp(dimension)->castArrayDType();
		if (!adtypep) nodep->v3fatalSrc("ArraySel to type without array at same depth");
		lvalue = varrefp->lvalue();
		maxmsb = adtypep->elementsConst()-1;
	    } else if (AstConst* lhconstp = basefromp->castConst()) {
		// If it's a PARAMETER[bit], then basefromp may be a constant instead of a varrefp
		maxmsb = lhconstp->width();
	    } else {
		nodep->v3fatalSrc("No VarRef or Const under ArraySel\n");
	    if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"arraysel_old: ");
	    V3Number widthnum (nodep->fileline(), nodep->bitp()->width(), maxmsb);

	    // See if the condition is constant true
	    AstNode* condp = new AstLte (nodep->fileline(),
					 new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), widthnum));
	    // Note below has null backp(); the Edit function knows how to deal with that.
	    condp = V3Const::constifyEdit(condp);
	    if (condp->isOne()) {
		// We don't need to add a conditional; we know the existing expression is ok
	    else if (!lvalue
		&& !nodep->backp()->castArraySel()) {	// Too complicated and slow if mid-multidimension
		// ARRAYSEL(...) -> COND(LT(bit<maxbit), ARRAYSEL(...), {width{1'bx}})
		AstNRelinker replaceHandle;
		V3Number xnum (nodep->fileline(), nodep->width());
		AstNode* newp = new AstCondBound (nodep->fileline(),
						  new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), xnum));
		if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"        _new: ");
		// Link in conditional, can blow away temp xor
		// Added X's, tristate them too
	    else if (!lvalue) {  // Mid-multidimension read, just use zero
		// ARRAYSEL(...) -> ARRAYSEL(COND(LT(bit<maxbit), bit, 0))
		AstNRelinker replaceHandle;
		AstNode* bitp = nodep->bitp()->unlinkFrBack(&replaceHandle);
		V3Number zeronum (nodep->fileline(), bitp->width(), 0);
		AstNode* newp = new AstCondBound (bitp->fileline(),
						  new AstConst(bitp->fileline(), zeronum));
		// Added X's, tristate them too
		if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"        _new: ");
	    else {  // lvalue
		replaceBoundLvalue(nodep, condp);